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Hey everyone!

I've updated the chapter with another 6,300 words, bringing it up to the 30k mark. I hope you enjoy the additional scenes!

Apologies for the delay in releasing the update. I'd only just recovered from my cold when I had the Covid vaccination, which gave me a particularly unpleasant bout of flu-like symptoms. Then there was the long-postponed trip to visit my relatives, #1 son's birthday, and a number of other factors conspiring to impact my productivity. Hopefully the rest of April will be a lot quieter!





Nooo, I got to get back to work in 15mins :0


Thank you, Tefler!

The Crimson King

Thanks Tef! Hope you are on the mend and feeling better soon! ~The Crimson King


OK I guess I gonna be sleep deprived tomorrow. Thank dog for caffeine.


Thank you!

bob lakhanpal

Thanks tefler! Get well soon!


Thanks Tef. Smash some orangejuice and feel better soon mate.


Okay... thanks


Cheers mate! And get well soon.

rich ed



Thanks and get some rest!


Thanks Tefler Hope you get some rest, and shake that cold.


Thanks Tefler


Thanks Tefler! Heal up! Stay safe 🙂


Great chapter as always Tef. Hope you're feeling better soon ;)


How nasty is your cold? Hope you get better soon. and thanks for the chapter


Excellent chapter as always sir. Get some rest and feel better soon.


Tefler, I very much enjoyed my initial read-through. I posted all the typos that I found to the Discord server for you. Extremely enjoyable chapter. Thank you, again.

Kim Biel-Nielsen

Thanks Tef - spring and summer colds can be nasty, get well soon.


Thanks so much for the posting of Ch. 140...remarkable as always!!! I await your coming additions! Hope you are feeling better!!!

Bp Hlpt

Thank you, Tefler!


Thanks for the latest treat , sorry to hear your under the weather , hope your feeling better quickly .


Thanks, Tef! Hope you feel better soon!


Wow. That was amazing! So excited for the coming scenes!!!


cheers mr


Elani is gonna come in rescue of Tom


Thanks for the chapter Tef. Loving John's developing rulership. The way Almida(?) Was dealt with was rather unexpected but very satisfying


The bit with the Ashanath reacting to the new ship designs killed me xD Thanks Tef


Maybe I'm being dense, but which Discord are you referring to? Is it only a higher tier reward?

Brian Woods

...obviously loved the slice of life given by the chapter, though Bill getting the short shaft for being a bad reporter is kinda sad; not everyone can be as smart and pretty as Jehanna ;)! What sort of intrigues me is what scene or two is left for the chapter: an extended sex scene leading into the party, or will we perhaps branch out into the universe again to look at other catch-up meetings, like Tamolith feeling out her new emotions or a look at the Enshunu Cabal of Patriarchs, or mayhap another glance into Valeria and Gahl’kalgor’s life together?


A Grrreat lead up to the party,.. I imagine the additional scenes that you will see added onto the end of this installment will be largely informative as to what the girls have been up to, and then maybe some of the party itself (the beginning anyway). Maybe a bit of the current goings on with our favorite Progenitor, BDSM couple, Valeria and Gahl’kalgor, for one of the additional scenes to this installment, but that would likely ratchet up the speed on the closing time line until their deadly attack! So, maybe not good? And what about The Fleet Admiral's mission to save a few worlds from rebellion? And without Charles reminding her, will Lynnette always remember her halo-disguise, and not accidentally go out looking all gorgeous? Also, I loved the psy-comm chat with the Ashanath high council, and how much they loved the new and vastly improved ship schematics, courtesy of the Invictus's impressive design team featuring the curvaceous DanaBlake and the splendiferously bright AlyssaBlake, with an honorable mention for CalaraBlake's weapons advice! (Yay team!) The New Matriarchs are cuming along well, and we found out what went down with the strangely uncommunicative Maliri house ranked #17, and now with the investigative fleet retrieving the stricken Matriarch to be healed by John, if she can survive the 2 day return trip,.. wow! So much going on and no fighting (except for a cat-fight by a couple of the New Monarchs -- middle daughters, go figure!) and not even a sparing match with spoils going to the victor. Well Tef, if you can knock-out this quality of work out while suffering from a nasty cold, then there is not too much beyond you; take care of yourself and family Tef! TTFN (ta-ta for now) ;-)


MOAR.....I NEED MOAR........ PLEASE....


Thank you Tefler get well soon


Just a couple of grammatical/spelling issues: 1. “You’re already at the peak of fertility and ready to bred tomorrow night.” bred should either be 'breed' or 'be bred'. 2. “Today we saw the preliminary hearing for the trail against Commander Thomas Walker. " 'trail' should be 'trial'.


Such a good chapter. I can't wait until it is done and posted for everyone to read.


Question about a proper name: On page 14: “This was all Ryllae’s idea!” “And who is Ryallae?” he asked... How is the planetary governor's name spelled? From further perusal I am guessing Ryallae.


Yea looking forward to the big info update. Sparks just had a huge info dump and she can literally use her black holes to make new materials. Can't wait until she realizes that fully.


Andrew F.: That trail vs trial mix-up was not too bad a mistake as Tom Walker will likely soon be hitting the trail ,.. after his jail break,.. what with it being a somewhat rigged trial, and with the Fleet Admiral off on a her errand of mercy, no help there! So now you have had a small look into our runny nosed author's mind, fascinating wasn't it? ;-) And on a personal note, I'm not sure if I am bored to tears with old pseudo traitor Tom Walker yet!?! ,.. but I'm getting close! TTFN


Hey Brotha Grim, all our fiery red-headed alchemist needs to do is fire some super-heated anti-matter through her black hole and then she can turn ordinary iron pyrite into useful Lead,.. we're rich! Yay! ;-) TTFN


Yes! Exactly! Talk about dragging on . . . and on . . .


Here's my guess at what happens next: The party ends up with massive orgy. The three matriarch funnel a massive amount of psychic energy and Sparks figures out that its enough to power the soul (love) forge, which happens to be what the station really is. Massive hull upgrades ensue, along with more orgies, of course.


oooh, an Orgy Fleet to beat off the bad guys,.. I like it! But the Genthalas station is not a Soul (love) Forge, sorry! However Max, I think you are on the right track with an alternate (love) power source to accomplish the task,.. and maybe the Trankaran's Solar Forge to finish the job,.. maybe? Now that Dana understands the Soul Forge, once she sees the Trankaran's Solar Forge in action, she will be able to finally complete Mael'nerak's interrupted project from 10,000 years ago that John's warrior Papa's ill timed War in the Heavens distracted him from, okay? Then we can expect Massive fleets of superior ships to follow,.. thanks to the lovely and talented Grand Engineering Overlord ;-) TTFN

Big Orca

“ They didn’t have to wait long and the House Ghilwen Fleet Commander appeared on the holo-screen, an angry scowl on her face” I believe the wrong house is identified in this sentence.


Oh great tefler please message me is like to know what makes a good story I’m starting my own space themed harem tale,I deeply need your advice as this will be my first ever writing attempt


Yes Zachary, lots of practice writing and please get a beta-reader that is also a competent editor too. Best of luck, 'cause I really love a good sci-fi Space adventure (please keep your universe a positive one, okay?), ;-) TTFN


The Ashanath having a visual orgasm over the new ships was a fun surprise. Wish I could see them. Luna’s reaction to the Jade tiger makes me excited for the the 50 ton dragon (or current size) making an appearance. Fun chapter so far. Can’t wait for the exciting big party... and getting the show back on the road afterwards.


I am thinking John is going to discover some thing while there.


hope its funny enough 2 break my foul mood


i starting on my own writing. it has been rolling around in my head for the last year! Gotta put it somewhere. it will be in an old notebook to start until i build up a 10 or 12 chapter reserve then i will post it here and see what happens.! Fingers crossed that the crowd likes!! LOL


hint vamp human civil wars


i will have my own page when i get enough content. my wife used a publishing house for her children's book i will go consumer direct thank you! it took a year 2 put hers out.


Discovered 3SM on lit 2 weeks ago. Inhaled all 140 chapters. Now i feel the same emptiness i felt after finishing witcher 3. Great work Tefler.

Jedi Khan

Fortunately for you, there's more TSM on the way. Can't exactly say the same about The Witcher.

Brittany durin

Anyone know the exact number of subplots there are now? My guess is 10 major subplots

James Mayer

Anyone know if the nymphettes at the pleasure palace are true Nymphs


How many subplots and mainline plots are currently in the TSM storyline: 1) The pseudo traitor Tom Walker who is well on his way to a quick execution,.. 2) all the various New Matriarchs wanting some extra Bael'thelas time. 3) Fleet Admiral Lynette Devereux's task force to nip a possible rebellion on some Rim worlds in the bud. 4) Brimorian Deep Lord Athgiloi and his sweet (but scaly) nymph. 5) Matriarch Vestrele Waephyra and her life or death struggle, and possible recovery thanks to John. 6) The Abandoned, those saved with the Maliri fleet and all those (a billion?) on Brimorian worlds yet to save. 7) Jehanna's Psychic abilities,.. 8) John's Kyth’faren and NOT Progenitor instincts? 9) Gahl’kagor and his evil Matriarch, Valeria, and their prepping for War with John. 10) The search for Mael'nerak's throne world in hopes of finding: a) a warp gate,.. b) useful knowledge and superior tech,.. c) gear and software to restore our perky purple pixie and maybe give her a flesh and blood body, (psychic-cyber Nymph Faye),.. d) his Soul Forge, and a work around for using it?!?,.. 11) Getting most of the Malliri men away from the Maliri borders and safely into the Maliri interior before they are wiped-out by Gahl’kagor and company. 12) Whatever Jade thinks she knows about her wonderful Master?!? 13) What Jack and Maria Fernandez are up to with their move,.. 14) What Charles and his new red-headed cutie are up to back on the Olympus Shipyards,.. and 15) Whatever else I have forgotten in this wide ranging tale... 16) What are the Glowing queen and the Trankarans doing? 17) And John really needs to talk to and maybe forgive his Mom, as Jessica Blake was enthralled by Rahn'hagon when she left him as a baby, and killed the crew of the Cora, then he can growl at his papa, Rahn'hagon, some more. 18) The trade stations that Allysa is having the Maliri build to Dana's modular design,.. plus the future sales of the Grand Engineering Overlords version of the Maliri air refresher system,.. and make a few contracts with companies to make and distribute some of the variants of a few of Rachels lesser products; Allysa will buy a Pharmacy manufacturer for Rachel to make and sale her own medical and skin care products, wholesale... (I wonder if Mr. Voss will be involved with any these items?),.. XX) And whatever goodies get advanced and revealed at this upcoming party,.. a) what might be found beneath the palace by the twins,.. b) whatever 'new' stuff Dana is working on (you know she doesn't stop),.. c) All the other girls and what they have been doing,.. d) Helene and the Nymphs find an underwater entrance to a long lost vault?, maybe?,.. OHH, and what about Mom and Dad on Larn’kelnar's old dreadnaught ride,.. ( and doesn't Rahn'Hagon need a crew to maintain that big black ship?),.. and should John if he can teach Papa Rahn a few tricks to make some happy and powerful 'thralls'? ;-) TTFN


How about: Jade's origin; The structure found on Alyssa and Dana's home planet; Tamolith; The spider queen (can't remember her name right now); Haven't heard about the Glowing Queen and the Trankarans in a while; The rogue Maliri who aided the Brimorians and may have aided in framing Tom Walker and I think a lot more


And the eight eyed, telepathic, Vulkat spider Queen was/is Nkkrrit. ttfn

Son Of Anubis

Isnt there an ancient space station in the wasteland where they rescued Tashanna (took forever for me to remember) didnt that get activated


Spoiler: Yep, The Enshunu activated that after the rescue of Tashana.


The comments on Lit, chapter 135, covers all the unresolved plots people could think of. See anonymous comments by: Unresolved plots, Vijking, Professor Anon, Notatincan, iMisplaced12. Tbirdracer and others. This is a really good discussion and I was honored to be a part of it. https://www.literotica.com/s/three-square-meals-ch-135/comments

Brian Woods

An interesting idea just percolated into my head...who wants to bet that should John travel to Geniya Station sometime in the next 10 chapters or so, he might flex his psychic might and make an attempt to bring the twin’s father back for an extended goodbye? While I don’t for one minute think he’s anywhere near powerful enough to go toe-to-toe with The Devourer yet, given how nauseous love made the big beastie I suspect caution will force the monster to weaken John first with hordes of fallen Progenitors. This will give John an opportunity to show off just how powerful his reunification has made him. Comments?


Well Brian, I am all for John giving the Devourer a tummy ache, or a black eye for that matter! And if John can take his shiny Crystal Allysium sword and with his new, improved abilities do some fallen Progenitor, astral beastie slicing 'n dicing, then that scene would be so awesome! Mark me down as 'pro' for Baen'thelas kicking some astral beasties icky black ass! ;-) TTFN


The Palace of Saelihn Immanthe is the "summer house" where Irillith and Tashana had spent time with their father. He doesn't have to go anywhere to gather imprints of them together. They are already there. So yeah, it could happen sooner than you think.

James Mayer

One sub plot is the last living traitorAdmiral that has just been made into a sex slave and is being made ready by 2 Nymphettes

James Mayer

What if the solar forge instead of sucking souls hook up to people while having sex


,.. I really doubt that the Trankarans have been running their Solar Forges with sex power,.. but you never know!?!,.. huh, what do you say Tef? Sex power or Solar power? ;-) TTFN


,... Rock Brother and Rock Sister Power,.. that really Rocks!!! (,.. can you say, Silicon Sex?!! ) ;-) ttfn

James Mayer

I don’t think they have ever used the solar forge


,.. HUH?!? ,.. wtf over?,.. (trader,.. or traitor?),.. and Admiral who?? ( and save those Nynphs, please,..!!!) ;-) ttfn


Just to be clear, the star forges (not Solar Forges) of the Trankarrans were created by Mael'nerak. From chapter 106: ------- They walked across the Docking Bay and through high-ceilinged corridors lined with massive buttresses. Glowing amber lines ran up the walls and pillars, illuminating the majesty of Vulkamduhr with their warm glow. Long windows gave a panoramic view of the bright white sun that powered the star forges, the filters allowing Niskera to view the blistering ball of energy without being blinded. Incredibly powerful thermal shields protected the shipyard, ensuring that the intense heat of the solar rays would not burn Vulkamduhr to a crisp. The corridor rose into a ramp and when it levelled off, the windows now lined the opposite wall. This view was no less spectacular, allowing Niskera to see the first of the star forges. An ancient relic from a time long-past, it was shaped like a vast ring, with numerous inner circles formed from an enormous framework of glistening black metal. Ore was channelled into hoppers above the ring, where it was dropped into superheated plasma, the bubbling magma-like liquid then funnelled into the upper levels of the star forge itself. Slowly emerging from the star forge was the armoured superstructure of a Trankaran battleship, the blazing red vessel shrouded in a shimmering heat-haze. “All six are running at full capacity ... a first in my lifetime,” Onahm said, a mix of powerful emotions shining in his eyes as he glanced at Niskera. ------- I wonder if the black metal of the star forges is the same as that used in the Progenitor vessels, or even the lesser Thrall vessels. So, the star forges use the power of the star to do their forging, as is stated in the above paragraphs.

Brian Woods

Weeelllll....’solar’ forge may be technically accurate, though, unless you want to argue that the forges employ some sort of Dyson Sphere to capture all radiant energy unleashed by the star. If not, the solar rays and heat given off by the star may indeed power the 6 or so forges in existence. That’s a digression, however, from the original bit of inquiry regarding the constitution of the forges themselves, i.e. whether or not the black metal described is in fact Progenitor by design or just a facsimile created in deference to Mael’nerak. Unfortunately, we don’t have enough info to accurately guess, but always fun to speculate, yes?


Vulkamduhr shipyards 6 Star Forges or 'Solar' Forges are run/powered by Stars and shielded from the heat you say,.. well Golly, and Shazam! ;-) ttfn


IIRC Tefler mentioned in a comment that he already hinted at where the Soul Forge was. but it wasn't clear if that was because of this random inclusion of the the star forge or simply the speculation of the crew regarding the forge being in Mael's "Mists of Lorelei (sp)


Trankaran ship hulls are described as being extra thick rather than being composed of super tough metal. That suggests the black metal from the Star Forges is not super tough like Soul Forge black metal is. Of course, one plot option is that Dana finds a way to make Star Forge metal much tougher...


I think that Dana will find out a way to compose a metal stronger than the black metal but there will be a problem with how the ship construction won't work right unless they completely redesign it.


Any update on the completion of the chapter?


,.. there will not be much time to fix this old (Soul Forge) Progenitor problem, of course, because of the new Progenitor problem (Gahl’kalgor) ,.. but Dana works super fast,.. I'm looking forward to seeing how the Grand Engineering Overlord and Tefler solve this 10,000 year old interrupted Soul Forge upgrade from Mael'nerak, the Trarkaran's Great Maker. And we'll get the answers to a lot of the Black Metal questions too. Plus this Invictus upgrade is going to be so freaking awesome!!! ;-) TTFN


I for one expect to be able lay off my F5 key sometime after this weekend,.. I can't wait to see what he includes,.. ;-) TTFN


I would really love to see D-cup Dana's Star Forge fix to enable them to recycle all of Larn'kelnar's old Black ships through the Star Forge, using Dana's greatly superior ship designs to produce some exceptionally powerful war-crafts, with no shrieking souls onboard!! But without all of Ashanath gorgeous curves, still sexy though! Then, fill them up with telepathically guided Maliri battle babes and proceed on with the highly anticipated Progenitor Wars!!! [ Can you say, TSM phase two, boys and girls? -- coming to you in 2022, wow ] :-) TTFN


Will, the black metal is what the star forges are made out of, not what they create the ships from. That's like saying that the hammer isn't as strong as the cauldron used to melt it nor the mold used to form it. The comparison itself isn't valid. I'll further point out that star forge itself is an odd name, since the ships appear to be extruded more than forged, but that's just my opinion.


Michael, did you mention the Faye situation in your sub-plot list? It was so unsettling that. And Tef kept coming back to it and driving the loss home. No way he leaves us hanging... right? Mael was incredibly talented and was literally able both create and genetically modify creatures. John is now the strongest psychic to have ever existed therefore > than Mael. It's only a matter of time till he decides he done missing Faye and just walks up to her chassis, get's all glowy and boom, we get Faye back!!


I think I just figured out what jiana's psychic power will be. It's going to be the ability to create a psychic command network or information system kind of like the ashanath command web but better and more helpful in or out of the battlefield.


At least that's my guess anyway.


Nah, Alyssa is their psychic hub. More likely, Jehanna will probably get psychometry. Able to view the history of any object she touches. Possibly even people, too.


John can already do that. Think about her being a reporter then factor in the fact that he usually gives them an ability based on there attributes not convenience.


But your not wrong and I'm talking about a way that they can quickly interact and react to things told to them or shown to them by non thrall or telepathic species in combat or otherwise.


Sorta like a psychic internet or communication network. Friendly to the psychic or nonpsychic alike.

Who Me

If they want psychic communications between ships in combat, all they have to do is put one Ashanath on each ship! Simple!


There is a lot of activity going on here today, it is nice to see. I keep hearing the possibility of making the ship bigger and I like it. But, that means they will need to increase the crew. It never made sense to me to have such a large ship with a crew of 16. It always reminded me of the episode when Crusher was alone on the Enterprise.


I did have Faye on the list ( point #10, I believe ),.. And shame on me if I'd forgotten our perky purple pixie. I really miss her personality,.. plus I want her to see how much Daphne and the bots have grown in such a short time. There are multiple ways to bring back our Faye, some better than others, but we must wait for Tef to decide the which, where, and when that her rebirth may happen,.. I will likely shed a tear or two, as I did when her server was destroyed! ;-) TTFN


Maybe now that John has finally absorbed his evil guide and knows that he is the Kyth’vindathys... Vengeance of the Kyth’faren reborn,.. he might be ready for a larger and more specialized crew, along with a bigger and better ship?!! He always said 'plan for the worst',.. well the upcoming Progenitor War is pretty much 'worst'!! So, a bigger ship and a larger crew too,.. I wonder what new abilities old Kyth'vinathys will think up for his crew?!! powers like : teleportation,.. flying (will need a cape?),.. mind control,.. invisibility,.. emotional control ( making someone fearful, in lust, or hungry ),.. super hearing,.. compass ( can't get lost),.. speed up or slow down bodily functions like aging or healing,.. vertigo - induces nausea, dizziness,.. IR vision-can see in the dark-or-Radar sight,.. instant analysis-situation/threat knowledge,.. force shields,.. making realistic illusions,.. environmental control-affecting gravity, air pressure, temperature, luminosity-ambient light,.. Sensing an objects complete history-talks to things and they answer-the button that tells all,.. Animal control-works on Nymphs too,.. prognosticate-seeing short time into the future,.. and more that can work best in a fighting squad like Focus- affecting someone's eyesight from blurry vision to super sharp,.. :-) TTFN burp!


What about species like the brimorians that don't trust anyone. It wouldn't work then.

Michael Cummings

I wonder what would happen if John claimed the thralls of all the progenitors as he defeats them!?


,.. If that's even possible to quickly claim a grieving Matriarch ( and all her thralls) before it's too late,.. John already has 3 Matriarchs in his head,.. can he handle forty or fifty? And then poor Baen'thelas would be the Kyth’vindathys... Vengeance of the Kyth’faren reborn, that is now a local god! Wow! Is that a bit too much? But he just might be able to kick old Xar’aziuth 's slimy ass then!!! That's a pretty good thing,.. right? :-x TTFN


Oh no! It's that load-mouth, burping, Smith guy again!! ;-) burp! TTFN


If only Tefler would write something to keep this burping clown busy for a little while! ;-) burp! [ that Jericho beer is some awesome brew, huh Cornbread? ] long-burp! [ imported beer via FTL freight ] burp! excuse me! - then fart! -oopsy! Sorry! TTFN


Ability to discern whether the person she is speaking to is telling the truth?


I have cut the grass, clean the kitchen and work for 4 hours for my job to stay away from the F5 button.


Hang in there Cornbread,.. Tef hasn't let us down yet! Just grab a Jericho beer and chill a couple of more hours,.. it'll get here,.. drool ,.. burp!,.. frown,.. press key,.. oops, I slipped too!,.. oh well, I still have a drawer full of F5 keys,.. and lot's of good stuff to drink too! ;-) TTFN burp!


Has anyone checked on Tefler lately? Usually he’d finish the last bit of a chapter by now. Hopefully that cold didn’t quantum annihilate him.


Last comment, he was better and working on a trying to get two chapters out this month.


If his nose has dried up and his head no longer aches, then the additional scenes, plus another whole chapter before April is gone is a fair possibility. And while that by it self would be nice, hoping for more might be pushing the limits a bit! However, hope is always a good thing! ;-) TTFN

James St. Clair

$7500 for an incomplete chapter. Nice work if you can get it. Please stop posting and charging for incomplete chapters.


I think something is up,.. the Patreon chapter #140 has added 10 blank pages,.. prep for the additions maybe? OH boy, oh boy, I hope, I hope!!! :-) TTFN


Have you ever paid several times for the same chapter? Glitch in Patreon, Tefler updates the same post, so no new charges. You might feel cheated all you want, but it’s not happening, not in the way you are suggesting. You are paying for the whole chapter, whenever that comes.


Okay, I just checked again ( two hours later) and the extra blank pages are gone now,.. Was it just a glitch?,.. prep for additional scenes?,... Chinese hackers?,.. Oh well, I just want those additional scenes,... such added scenes have been really wonderful additions to the overall chapter in recent installments when this has come up before. And I am Jones'n now,.. it has been 2 weeks,.. he has had plenty of time to blow his nose and take his medications ( I really hope he is all healthy again), so where are the extra words. darn it! ;- ) ,..and do NOT tell me that the promised additional scenes were just an April fool's day gag,.. he just wouldn't do that, I hope! TTFN

Who Me

April Fools! He HAS done it before!

James St. Clair

I’m not concerned with additional charges, I’m concerned with being charged for incomplete chapters. In my world, businesses operate like this: complete a product or service, provide it to the customer, get paid.


Tefler is not a business in the corporate enterprise sense. An individual contractor or artisan is vulnerable to the chaos of life more than corporations where work is done in larger teams. If life happens to an individual things are going to take longer. But the guy still needs to pay the bills. I don’t know Tefler but a bit more flexibility and patience has always been necessary when waiting for an individual artist to create new things.


If you don’t like paying for most of the chapter then wait for him to post it for free months later, simple as that.

James St. Clair

I have been and will continue to be patient with the creative process. All I ask is for Tefler to respect his legion of fans by posting chapters only after completion. My children use their artistic skills to sell products on Etsy. They are not corporate america but they run a micro business online. Can you imagine them charging before they deliver their work? Me neither.


James, I appreciate your comments, but in this I will state I have a different opinion. I prefer that Tefler release what he has done for the current month's chapter in time to be paid for that month, if he's running off-schedule. If you prefer not to read that work until it's completed, you're free not to do so. Why, however, should you feel that you can or should require others not to read it while it's in progress, or for Tefler not to make it available for those of us who want it? I would have no issues with Tefler posting 25% of each chapter as it's done, including pieces that he then subsequently removes, as that would be a treat (to me) to be even more involved in the process of his producing the final work. Tefler isn't selling a finished product on Patreon. Those are available on Amazon, and I've purchased both the electronic and hardcopy versions of what he's put out there. Tefler is providing on Patreon access to the work in progress materials and we're only being charged for that access the amount that we choose to pay, and only for similarly sized chapters released on a regular basis. What difference does it make if you're paying for the first 10 pages if you get 30, or the last 10 pages if you get 30, or just the 30 pages, since you're paying the same amount for the same product in the end?


I will wait till the full chapter is out before reading it is better that way


,.. yeah, but I just can not wait,.. I just reread after the late/additional pages come in,.. I know,.. but I am weak that way! ;-) TTFN

Who Me

The extra scenes for 140 were just an April Fools joke. 140 is complete. 141 will be released at the end of the month as always. MAYBE !?!


AAARRRRHHHH!!!!! ( I told you not to tell me that! Dang nab'it, you crazy varmint! )

Michael Cummings

It seems to me that the only thralls affected by the death of a progenitor are the ones that are most deeply connected to said progenitor. The others didn't seem to to be at as much risk to the loss of the connection!!!


Thank you!


Thanks Tefler, stay well


Whoa! in the format I read this installment in, the additional scenes add an extra 14 pages of story, fantastic. Great work Tef! Thank you buddy!!! ;-) TTFN


Thanks for the updates I'm sure we will enjoy it.


That extra scene was worth the wait. Very cool to see the development that you are able to put into the world you’ve created

rich ed

Great extra scenes


Those extra pages [ SPOILER!] were leading up to a cruel, to your fans/readers, cliffhanger! John and Jehanna walking off together as the new end to the chapter concludes, and we are left to wonder just what psychic abilities the new and improved John will bestow on our dusky ex-reporter. Aarrrhhhh! how can I wait that long! I guess it's back to more brew-skis and destroying F5 keys for the next few weeks,.. Thank you for your creative work! ;-) TTFN


Queen Edreale has shown a great liking for Terran style Showers,.. so now I wonder if our Monarch has had a chance to get a few enterprising Valadonians (Valarians?) open pizza places near the palace,.. and yes Dana, that will deliver within 30 minutes or it's free! Yummy,.. and pass me a Jericho beer please,.. ahh,.. life in the 28th century isn't all bad guys and shoot'em ups! Thanks Tef!!!! ;-) TTFN


Well Done Sir.


Dah, comrade Cornbread,.. we must unify and requisition all their beer and pizza,.. ;-) TTFN


One of the challenges for the unusual amount of character development Tefler has done over the years is the desire to do those characters justice. Readers are invested in an incredible breadth of characters so we like to hear their stories develop also. But it’s making it hard to get through a day of events in 30K words. Time seems to be slowing down. Part of me is impatiently waiting for the big events we know are coming. Part of me is savoring the story in all its detail. I’m not sure I would recommend Tefler do any different but this epic is turning into a tease that’s driving this impatient person mad. I would gladly welcome two chapters a month at this point and still would not be satisfied. Congratulations to Tefler for writing a book I can’t put down. I kind of wish I found out about it five years from now when it was finished.


Thank you, Tefler. I very much enjoyed the update and appreciate the time and creativity invested in your work. I’m glad to hear that you’re feeling better. I hope that you do manage to get the next chapter out in the next couple of weeks, or before month’s end, but I’ll happily accept whatever you provide.

Jim lynch

Brilliant addition at the end there I also thought the interaction of daphne with John and his girls was lovely too. Daphne is just like her mother oh shit I miss Faye please dramatically find a machine that can instantly bring her back soon too please.


Hi Tef - just a point where john is speaking to Helene - he says “I’m guessing Alyssa already read you the riot attack about putting yourself in danger?” - the usual saying is Read you the riot act


That's so weird! I proofread it twice and read "the riot act" both times. One of the downsides of the writer self-editing is you read what you wanted to write, not what's actually there! :-)


Aint that the truth - happy to do some proffreading/editing if you need more sets of eyes


I may be the only one who feels this way but I DON'T want faye brought back, it would just make her death cheap and meaningless. sometimes dead IS dead

PLRus--Founding member of the TSM F5 club.

And sometimes dead is not dead....and it works. Jade as a perfect example. I am curious how bringing Faye back would appear to cheapen or make her death meaningless. Particularly in the light that the crew became more aware of her aspirations, dreams, and needs that were not being met by the crew? Additionally, Faye was, in many ways, the most innocent crewmember of them all. And her personal growth through the story was, and can continue to be, a wonderful Cinderella story within the chaos that is often the TSM universe.


Small error: it's "a marvellous job" not "an marvellous job"


Tef, just so good to hear that you're back in the land of the living. I was honestly worried that illness might have taken you down. Very glad you're ok!

morris ridgeway

Thank you. You seem to be making great lemonade!


,.. And Tef, now that Jack and Maria Fernandez are moving to Tau Ceti and the Academy,.. what will happen to the Local market on Jericho, and the local brew, Jericho beer, in particular? Without Jack and the boys there, the beer sales will be in a slump,.. without Maria there, the produce will NOT get all shot up,.. and the Mayor will NOT have to duck when at outdoor events,.. something must be done. Maybe the Voss corporation can build them a factory or something,.. or Rachel can open one of her Facial cream pharmacies there. Just as long as it doesn't effect the taste of the beer! There, I've had my say, thank you for listening. And have a good day! ;-) TTFN


"Flyingdoc" your avatar's name reminds me,.. M TEFLER, when is Rachel going to get a medical crash cart / little black bag that floats along behind her? Maybe with a big Red Cross on it so bad guys will know it hides no guns or ammo! The 28th century has float behind luggage,.. someone should've come up with anti-gravity crash carts! I thought Sparks was a genius,.. I guess Rachel interferes with Dana's more creative thoughts! Alright, back to working on #141 now, and thank you! ;-) [ You could use the excuse of the T-Fed government requiring you to have a gov. License for one of these babies,.. huge stacks of paperwork,.. gotta keep them out of dangerous hands don'cha know].. TTFN


I liked the added scene with Helene - this seemed to provide a nice closure of the story arc between John and Alyssa.


wow, talk about tossing a rock in a pond.


I liked every ones 2 cents, I don't mind the struggle for john and co to TRY to bring her back, drama is good. she just needs to stay dead, I would much rather see daphne and the other bots grow and mature as a new species. this is tefs story though and he has plans I am sure and like all y'all, I can't wait till the next reveal


When talking about the new Ashanath ships this paragraph seemed like it was going somewhere: Giving him another funny look, Dana held up one finger. “Just wait right here a second, I’m going to grab the holo-viewer.” ... and then no one waited and Dana never came back.


Haha, great point. Legend has it she's still waiting to show everyone. Maybe Tefler can fix that?


Thanks for the updated chapter, Tefler! Now to watch 21 seasons of Midsomer Murders, and lots of QI until 141 pops up.


Take care of your self Tef, we can wait! :)


Is there any way to find the new scenes without having to reread the entire chapter?


uhhh, I just looked at the page count, and noted the new / additional numbers. Easy peasy,.. ;-) ,.. and besides, what's wrong with rereading a wonderful chapter? TTFN


,.. And yeah Jack could solve his thirst problem by importing a case or two a month,.. but I would have a real belly laugh if in #141 or so, we get a scene where Maria is working to rebuild her small arms proficiency while blowing apart some melons,.. lol,.. and politicians really should keep their quick ducking skills in good order at all times!! (rotten tomatoes can still be thrown in the 28th century.) ;-) TTFN


From the Book of Michael: What's wrong with rereading a wonderful chapter? Not a thing in my opinion and you usually find something you did not notice before.


Hear, hear,.. and please have a cold brew,.. it's from Jericho,.. I got a good deal on them 'cause some guy named Jack Fernandez moved,.. burp!, heres to you! ;-) TTFN


Alan Johnson got me thinking about characters dying. Tefler is the opposite of George R.R. Martin who happily kills off any character in Game of Thrones, the more key the better. Death goes well with the GOT theme of gore and darkness. And the death of an important character is instant dramatic gold (as that TFNN news chief might say). Characters, like real people, can get boring after a while. Martin’s MO might be to kill any character sapping too much creative energy to keep interesting. Death can be used to reduce story complexity, an excess of which can be a drag for both reader and writer. Tefler is juggling 30-60 significant characters depending how you count. I can’t recall what the rolling average of not-dead main characters was in GOT but I’m sure it was fewer. I’d stop reading if TSM characters had the life expectancy of those in GOT. But a bit more death of main characters might help Tefler. I really liked Faye but how long can you drag out the ‘AI wants to be a real girl’ schtick? Killing Faye solved that creative dilemma and made the story less complex in a positive way for everyone.

Son Of Anubis

So I had a quick caffeine fueled idea. Its an old idea but if the Invictus is getting another upgrade soon. I was thinking of incorporating missiles and strike craft to the OP battle cruiser. The versatility and strike range increase missiles and the added security of the strike craft. Just the Raptor or valkyrie arent always alone by themselves when doing an op. It never hurts to have more. I'm just imagining recruiting Lucky* (cant remember the terran pilot) and his Maliri secret love interest being on the same ship and squadron together.


Both ideas were floated a while ago in the story itself. Strike craft were rulled out because John didn’t want a much bigger crew to pilot all the strike craft and because they would probably be ineffective against Progenitors because of lack of firepower against black metal ships (which is probably why Progenitors don’t normally use strike craft). Missiles were ruled out because Progenitor solid state shields are impervious to physical weapons and are hardened against EMP missiles. Not saying they couldn’t come up with some new hyperwarp singularity missile or something, but existing tech won’t help them.


why do i see all those people creeping out of the woodworks that want to see faye permanently dead? and i don't want to see her turned into a bio girl, i want to see her loved besides her difference... geez... whats with all those murder hobo fans in all kinds of web stories recently...


Is this chapter complete now or is there going to be another update to bring the word count up to 60k? Does anyone know?

Brittany durin

Does anyone know how much time has passed between chapter 1 and chapter 140?


less than year in actual story time I think, there haven't been enough crew birthdays otherwise!!

PLRus--Founding member of the TSM F5 club.

Here is the timeline in a searchable database from our Discord member Cignal. This only goes up to the current published chapter since these comments are open to the public. https://drive.google.com/file/d/11dfc0nk44h-6GaPI_SWqEILno0W6PW6c/view

PLRus--Founding member of the TSM F5 club.

For an up to date one you need to join Discord and become a verified member. https://discord.gg/ByA4Xv5 and if you need help right click on a mod and then send them a message.


Yeah, John had just had his 40th birthday immediately prior to chapter 1, and a few weeks later Alyssa had to make her run from Karron after a Diablo gang member tried to rape her on her 18th birthday, and she stabbed him. No next birthdays for either of them yet,.. Rachel's 19th birthday and 8 engagements happened a few months ago, back when Edreale was in cryostasis. So yeah, less than a year, maybe around 8 months, or 9 months at most to far. It has taken our story teller over 6 years (and counting) to tell those 8+ months of story. What a ride it has been! ;-) TTFN


Okay I need to read this again maybe the last few chapters . Maybe it is the cannabis in the air here in Canada I am lost don’t know where I am re-reading now sitting upwind of the cannabis being grown down the street. Will be back in a few after reading the past 3 chapters. I will only be reading the full chapters for sure. Keep it up Tefler I have not given up on you


Okay, I have been thinking about the future when they finally get Wormhole tech. Some how they will need to shorten the 24 hour wait window. It will be great tech for when they have a fleet of ships to handle multiple crisis, but one ship will not do it.


telfer has it been quiet enough for you to get going on tsm 141 yet?


I have been having a glorious time rereading this series ( third time now ) and back in chapter 89 Irillith 'feels' that she is being watched while she was hacking. It really spooked her! Now I have ventured a theory before that Larn'kelnar might have 'probed' the Invictus using high tech Progenitor grade spyware,.. much like what Irillith sensed earlier,.. and it may be possible that a recording of Faye ( that could restore her ) might reside somewhere in the black dreadnought that Rahn'hagon now controls,.. [how it gets discovered,.. I don't know,.. does Faye gain some control of the Soul forged warship and talk to Jessica? ] I think that giving Faye back to John might be a wonderful way to finally get father and son back together, if Rahn (that arrogant son of a thrall) can keep control of himself. Just a TSM thought while awaiting #141, burp!,.. ;-) TTFN


Looking forward to the next Invictus upgrade. I’m a bit surprised we haven’t seen John try to shape white metal lately, but I’m guessing that his new psychic strength will be a key to what can be done now. It’s probably something Tef has planned for a big reveal. Hopefully in 141.

PLRus--Founding member of the TSM F5 club.

Faye was very aware of every inch of the digital framework of the Invictus. And she was the product of ADVANCED progenitor tech by Mael. I seriously doubt regular progen tech could escape her notice.


,.. Speaking of the Invictus refit,.. John and Dana have full Progenitor tech knowledge now, but will not use the evil Soul Forge unless they can do it in a non soul rending way. I think Mael'nerak was working on a substitute before the war with Rahn'hagon ran him out of time. I suspect that the Tarkaran's Sun forges were a Soul Forge replacement, work-in-progress, that has been being used by Tarkaran Forge Masters in the more limited way Mael left them,.. but Dana can get them Forging properly, 'cause she's a Genius! That's my current theory anyhow. ;-) TTFN


,.. and you just KNOW that Dana can come up with a superior design to ALL the black metal Thrall vessels. They just need the time to get enough of them built and crewed before the next Asshat Progenitor shows his face in Shrouded space. '-) TTFN


,.. and you also Know that this Gahl’kagor is just going to be the evil challenge that the Invictus crew needs, to hone their skills on, so they can then kick butt in the Progenitor Wars. Villains are like that,.. ';-) TTFN


“Edraele has been planning your return to Genthalas for a long time; you were always going to be busy feeding matriarchs, no matter who laid claimed to the title.” Should be "laid claim to" or "claimed"?


Galen Prime used to be Galon Prime. It changed name a while ago.


Hi everyone. I had a thought about John mission. He wants to wipe out all the progenitors out there but all the progenitors have the same goal. They take out a rival and move on but John is going to have it harder. He is going to have to claim that territory some how or when he moves on to the next progenitor a neophyte progenitor doesn't claim that territory. Otherwise he will never be able to finish his mission.


That's why John can claim more than one Thrall species, I'd wager. humans, Maliri, Nymphs, etc....


Gary, you raise an interesting point but we need to back up and see a bigger picture. It's easy to hyper focus on what we perceive the path John will have to take to achieve his goal of wiping out the other progenitors is and miss what's happening/or has recently happened to John. Do you recall how excited they were, and how bad ass the Invictus was perceived to be when John made the purchase for it? To assess the current state of the Invictus to how it began would be to compare a minnow to a megalodon. Likewise, John isn't "little picture" John anymore. He's laying plans and working out strategies while he's busy doing any number of other things; restoring Alyssa's virginity, removing the memories of how it was trashed in the first place, giving the girls all the arguments PJ made as to how John was "using" them so they could refute them, having a mind blowing orgy all at the same time. It wouldn't surprise me if John decided to go ahead and take this fight to the real source. His astral ascendency surpasses anyone to have ever existed. So at this point, with only a handful of "ladies" in his network, his titanic might needs to have a chance to stretch it's legs. He could end the other progenitors motivation for coming after him with a single devastating blow to Xar'aziuth. That's certainly an option, and he doesn't even have to leave home to do it. With a little jaunt into the astral plane, he, like probably already is, could start really training to use his "godlike" abilities start asserting his might where the real battle lies. It might almost be beneath him to have to deal with the progenitors one at a time. Such is his power now that he might actually drag all of them into the astral plane and have them swear fealty to him on pain of death and then force them to adopt his attitude toward thralls. Just so many options open to him now and, seeing how Tef has morphed as a writer in this series, I'm certain he won't disappoint when it all plays out. Excellent stuff to come, that's for certain!!

Brian Woods

...precisely, this is something I don’t think others really realize about the narrative: it almost seems like they think John will spend the next three years warping advanced Progenitor ships redesigned by Dana into enemy territory, spend 2 weeks or so hunting down the bad guy’s dreadnaught, kill him and move on to the next. Quite frankly, time is not on his side to that extent. Xar’Aziuth knows he exists, knows the general location of the Shroud, and if/when Gahl’kalgor is killed, and knows that over the last 70,000 to 80,000 years he’s lost three to four fairly decently strong minions. Following that logic, his next move would be to flood the zone with Progenitors and wipe everything clean from the area, resulting in death to all living there. John’s ONLY recourse is a fight with Xar before the end comes, thereby eliminating the higher consciousness controlling them and maybe killing them all outright for their connection to him. And, going by Alyssa’s timetable, John only has four months to finish it up. Should be fun to watch...


It kind of seems like humans and nymphs are not thrall species and can't be claimed. Humans don't have the same reaction the Maliri had (before or after claiming) and the Deep Lord was (probably) given a Nymph by John's enemy.


Perhaps this isn't the place to ask this but, I'm going in! Has anyone complied a running list of names for all of John's girls? I love playing video games and using the names for my toons. Up to 24 names at the moment and I'm starting to really have to dig to come up with another when I recruit. (Kenshi if anyone was curious)

Brian Woods

Let’s see...methinks the list is Alyssa, Calara, Dana, Rachel, Jade, Irillith, Edraele, Luna, Ilyana( or Illyana), Almari, Sakura, Jehanna, Niskera, Tashanna, Kali, Leena, Valani, Nyrelle, Tsarra, Lynette, and Tamolith. That doesn’t include Lilyana, Krisalei, Nymaleth, Darana, Amlaril, Emandra, Gaenna?, Vestele, Meriel, Filaurial, Ioelena, Farryn, Myriana, Thessalia, Syndra, Neysa, Marika, Leylira, Betrixia, Ailita, and several Maliri I am probably missing, like more of the new and old matriarchs.

Brian Woods

In addition, the remaining matriarchs: Phelora, Kehlarissa, Keishara, Nakiasha, Iynessa, Marsendra, Lyvia, Beldrea, Faranise, Garinia, Kelenis, and Sarinia(or Sarene). I think all that’s left is Ceraden’s daughters, but there could be more.

Who Me

If you ask this question in the TSM Discord, I'm sure you will get an answer. Or check the TSM WIKI page for a list. (https://three-square-meals.fandom.com/wiki/Three_Square_Meals_Wiki)


I was thinking the same thing in the earlier chapters we have larger time lines and short words. I felt like we got more from John in a short time. Yes the story has involved more characters thus more time given to each new person. Question is when do these new characters make a larger appearance for the story. We now know there is more of Jades sisters out there. I guess we need to wait for 141


The Forsaken has been forgotten again! Helene wasn't it?

Brian Woods

Doh!!! I knew I had ‘abandoned’ someone XP, I just didn’t remember who...my apologies, sweet Helene...


,.. How could you Abandon Helene?,.. shame, shame on you Brian Woods, that was just so shameful !!! ;-) TTFN


,.. And Brian ( CHALLANGE! ) maybe you should title your list as -- John's girls with psychic abilities or significant enhancements: (whew that was quite the mouthful, wasn't it?) So that leaves off the thousand plus engineers and fleet personal that just got a taste. Or make them into another list [just the girls with some short white hair]? ( see if we can get names up to 10% of the total ) :-) TTFN

Brian Woods

Mikey...the problem is those girls don’t have names given to us by the story...at least not yet...and I’m not about to do Tefler’s duty and try to name them all myself...sorry...


How quickly we forget Faye (sob). And how about the other Nymphs?


oh, we dont forget... i am just hanging around for another 5 chapters or so, and if faye's return by then still hasn't moved in any way closer, im quitting and focus on other stories...


Giving up 145 chapters of story never knowing the end, I am calling your bullshit you are just acting a drama Queen


If you go on the discord, you’ll see Faye is mentioned daily


I honestly hope we don’t find many more nymphs. Tefler hasn’t been able to develop the ones we know about too much by giving them distinctiveness beyond name and color. I find them hard to tell them apart, besides Jade of course. With time perhaps they will specialize in becoming unique apex predators on par with Jade’s 50 ton dragon, like an eagle with 30 meter wingspan than can rip a progenitor destroyer in half. But it wouldn’t surprise me if the nymphs besides Jade aren’t developed much further and remain the most minor characters in John’s immediate crew. This wouldn’t bother me but it certainly doesn’t make adding more nymphs to the crew seem interesting. Tef has a similar issue with the house matriarchs. They probably aren’t getting psychic powers, all look basically the same, and probably most aren’t going to play major roles in the battles ahead. Tef is taking a few chapters to develop these minor characters more than might seem necessary if most will only receive a rare mention after the party. I think the point is mostly to show how John is transforming the hateful Malari houses into a loving and unified team ready for war. I’m guessing we will similarly hear the story of new minor characters as the Malari men are repatriated and moved off the trading stations.


I was thinking about how John could convince the Maliri men on the trading stations that the house matriarchs are no longer treacherous hateful witches, and that it’s safe to return home and start having babies. Thankfully men are not complicated. He should just bring a few matriarchs with him and have them make out with each other in front of them. Better than any words that would convince them things are no longer the same. And turn them on enough to get home and boink their way out of the population crisis.


@myrnalin speak for yourself. and why not give up on a story if you do not enjoy it anymore? happens all the time when reading web novels.... sometimes a story you enjoy takes a direction later that stops that enjoyment. why would you slog along if that happens? are you a closet masochist?

Tefler Fan 007

Just my thoughts: I believe the Waephyra monarch is going to die and John will make Ceraden patriarch in order to get the males to return. Ceraden stated to John that the males would not want to give up their freedom and autonomy and be second class citizens. This would give them some of their own power.


Well that would certainly shake up the apple cart..


Something like that would be brilliant, although complicated by the fact that Ceraden is from house Valaden and is having babies/heirs with 4 or 5 Valaden women. The houses might be getting along but it’s hard to imagine Waephyra accepting that kind of foreign rule. A male from Waephyra we haven’t met yet might make the already big change of having a patriarch go more smoothly.

Tefler Fan 007

I don’t think he would have that much of a problem taking over those worlds. All John would have to do is have a good “talking” to the planetary governors and they would be loyal to Ceraden. The same with the fleet commanders. Plus Ceraden could make his daughters in charge of administration. He could also rename the territory whatever he wants and we never heard what his last name is so he could just change that territory to his last name.


Why do you guys hate Ceraden so much? Horrible way to treat a nice guy,.. throw somebody useless to the Maliri babes like California Governor Gavin Nuisance ( err, Newsom ),.. Paint him all BLUE and give him an ear job,.. but then again, that would set males back another 1,000 years! So just use him as a bad example,.. ( just like sleepy Joe Biden and cruel Camilla Harris,.. two more bad examples) ;-) TTFN


,.. good point! Only a small fraction of the one-gulp-girls were named as John meets them during refits and such,.. A few do get mentioned later on as fleet commanders, fighter pilots, etc.,.. so maybe 40 to 50 total, max,.. ;-) ttfn


@Targetdrone Its not that you dont enjoy it, you do you, its when you feel the need to blabber about it to everyone else, the way you write "iF yoU doNt Do THis i WilL lEaVe" entitlement and drama queen behaviour


So, last day of the month. Here's to hoping…


I did not think it was going to take this long for somebody to make a comment. Not that you expressed jitters, but normally by now someone has expressed how anxious they are getting.


@myrnalin well, lets cut out all the "self entitled blabber" then equally, meaning 90% of all comments, yours included, then probably should be removed. but i'll stop arguing with you now, as we all know that thats a pointless endeavour on the internet.


Nah, Lina and Lynette will convince Charles to move all the way into the Maliri Protectorate when they retire,.. but I do wonder what job(s) they might do then? Some type of social work, or leadership training that still works when you don't use a neural whip, maybe!?! ;-) TTFN

Brittany durin

Random thought but does everyone Rachel heals get 20 years added to life?


,..I would think that if she makes a 50 to 60 year old man (Charles and Jack) about 10 years younger, as well as perfectly fit, then he will have gained. at least, an extra 20 years,.. and maybe more, if he gets one of Dr. Voss's deluxe check-ups every 5 years or so,. Maybe Charles could narrow that 30 year age gape with Lynette as the decades go by,.. And Rachel might just keep her Daddy and Abi forever young,.. or at least extend them out to Maliri life spans,.. after all, they'll have a lot of grandkids to bounce upon their knees after the Invictus crew retires,.. ;-) TTFN


,.. but what you were likely pondering is if Rachel 'deluxed' a 35 year old, would he/she then be around 25?,.. or maybe only lose a few years, to a perfectly fit body at about age 31 or so? And a 70+ year old might lose 20+ years, back to late 40's,.. a sliding scale of youth,.. with Charles and Mr. Voss at the mid-life, optimum age of near 50 they'd get approx a 10 year youthening ,.. and then Jack at around 60 likely gained 12 to 14 years, so got a 25 year life boost! ,.. And (a question for Tef) do Rachel's deluxed patients then age forward at the normal rate or a bit slower? ;-) TTFN


Tef, when you are doing some future editing on this chapter, might I suggest that when Daphne comments about the collectives participation in Jehanna's Live-Fire demo,.. that she should then state that they used an Invictus crew's game wheel (Twister?) and gave the opposing thrall's skin color a random spin. Daphne's got your back! ;-) TTFN


.347: A passing question regarding something Cedaden said and didn't say,.. he rattled off the names of his 'expecting' 'Naethala Doves' , however he omitted mentioning one, DeVereax, so I am assuming she is not pregnant (yet?),... or did she and Cedaden have a falling out? or she is temporarily assigned elsewhere? Inquiring minds wish to know,... -- And maybe he can clue us in on the status of Alyssa's Trade Station? ;-) TTFN

Bp Hlpt

Chapter 140 Sarena met his concerned gaze and he could see the glittering spark Sarene met his concerned gaze and he could see the glittering spark Your were traumatised as a child and I’m trying to heal all the scars You were traumatised as a child and I’m trying to heal all the scars You’re already at the peak of fertility and ready to bred tomorrow night. You’re already at the peak of fertility and ready to be bred tomorrow night. -or- You’re already at the peak of fertility and ready to breed tomorrow night. I’ll make love to Kali, then I’ll feed you, Sarinia; how does that sound for a plan? I’ll make love to Kali, then I’ll feed you, Sarene; how does that sound for a plan? She looked at him wide-eyed with astonishment. She looked at him with wide-eyed astonishment. “A dire predicament,” the propriety agreed, nodding sadly. “A dire predicament,” the proprietor agreed, nodding sadly. It was a pleasant surprise being able to meet you so much early than we expected It was a pleasant surprise being able to meet you so much earlier than we expected Keeping her temper until tight control, she strode into the reception area Keeping her temper under tight control, she strode into the reception area Thank you helping me today. I think you’re amazing. Thank you for helping me today. I think you’re amazing. I’m so glad I asked you to join me; this was so much nicer than lying her alone. I’m so glad I asked you to join me; this was so much nicer than lying here alone. The continued onwards and Luna glanced at her again. They continued onwards and Luna glanced at her again. Struck speechless by the generosity of such a extravagant gift, Struck speechless by the generosity of such an extravagant gift, After that, we’ll take care of you in a way that I know you’d enjoy. After that, we’ll take care of you in a way that I know you’ll enjoy. -ie- After that, we will take care of you in a way that I know you will enjoy. it all got too much and I just couldn’t handle any more. it all got to be too much and I just couldn’t handle any more. -or- it all became too much and I just couldn’t handle any more. I think that’s because you care as deeply about people too. I think that’s because you care so deeply about people too. -or- I think that’s because you care deeply about people too. the Thralls were heavily outnumbered, but they still managed to quickly gained the advantage. the Thralls were heavily outnumbered, but they still managed to quickly gain the advantage. -or- the Thralls were heavily outnumbered, but they still quickly gained the advantage. They didn’t have to wait long and the House Ghilwen Fleet Commander appeared on the holo-screen, They didn’t have to wait long and the House Waephyra Fleet Commander appeared on the holo-screen, --wrong house identified you were always going to be busy feeding matriarchs, no matter who laid claimed to the title. you were always going to be busy feeding matriarchs, no matter who laid claim to the title. Galen Prime -or- Galon Prime -- I saw reference that it might have changed name?

JC Armstrong

Okay Tefler, I finally broke down and started following you here but will still follow and reread everything on SOL, just couldn't wait for the new chapters now I have a lot of catching up to do but just wanted to let you know another fan has joined the ranks

Bp Hlpt

Hey Tef, saw the posting of Ch 140 on Lit, and noticed that the following typos still exist, also will you be updating your post here on Patreon, with the edited copy? -------------------- I’ll make love to Kali, then I’ll feed you, Sarinia; how does that sound for a plan? -- Sarene I’ll make love to Kali, then I’ll feed you, Sarene; how does that sound for a plan? “A dire predicament,” the propriety agreed, nodding sadly. -- proprietor “A dire predicament,” the proprietor agreed, nodding sadly. The continued onwards and Luna glanced at her again. -- They continued They continued onwards and Luna glanced at her again. Struck speechless by the generosity of such a extravagant gift, -- an extravagant Struck speechless by the generosity of such an extravagant gift, They didn’t have to wait long and the House Ghilwen Fleet Commander appeared on the holo-screen, -- wrong house identified They didn’t have to wait long and the House Waephyra Fleet Commander appeared on the holo-screen,