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Hey everyone!

I've just updated this chapter with an additional 6k words.

I hope you enjoy the added scenes,




Awesome, thank you!




thank you for your hard work and giving us an amazing story to read.


Thanks Tefler!


I guess I'm going to work sleep deprived tomorrow.


Yay. Thank you


I'm so excited!!!!


Thank you, Mr. Tefler! Always a pleasure to get another Chapter in this exciting story.


Thank you, Tefler!


cheers mr


Thanks Tefler. Just made my month! Cheers!


YES SIRRRR! Thanks Tefler imma dive into this.

bob lakhanpal

Great! It’s finally here

Vizth Hal

This honestly just fixed an otherwise shitty day. Thankyou


OMG, Yah-hoo!!! Tef tied in a few dangling loose strings,.. but then he added in another whole ball of yarn, dang-me if John's Maliri Matriarch isn't determined to have him impregnate each and every one of the new Matriarchs as more storylines are preparing to come together. So more please,.. loved it!!! TTFN

Bp Hlpt

Many thanks, Tefler!


Can you please tag it when all the final scenes are in :)


I loved it

Kim Biel-Nielsen

Yes yes - looking at the hole in the keyboard - where the F5 key used to be.


Thank you sir, good stuff as usual. Cheers!


I am in awe; John isn't the only one that has become whole, and this chapter shows your true skill Tefler. thank you so much, but that last line, ARGHHHHHHHHH


By God this chapter was amazing. Your writing gets better and better. You are without doubt one of the best author's I've ever read and probably ever will. Regardless of what others say please take your time with this and don't burn out. I want to see the end so bad and would cry if I was deprived of such. Thanks for all your effort Tefler.


Tefler, I very much enjoyed this chapter and I loved the last line in it (so far). Thank you very much! I posted a bunch of typos to the Discord server so as not to crowd this area, but they were all fairly minor, IMO. Great work as always.


Absolutely amazing as always. I never get tired of reading this story.


Thank you Tefler!


Best chapter so far, damnit have to wait for the rest, gahhhh, also, spot on description of golf.


If you’ve never seen it you should look up Robin Williams on golf


Seen it, love it,. Also spot on


Super chapter. Lots of story and character development. Creative resolutions to matriarch issues. Brought the loss of eight Brimorian fleets finally home for them. The reveal on the temple arena. All of it enjoyable - I was grinning through the whole story. There is a confidence and maturity around the sexual aspects of the story... for John, Tefler, and perhaps for us readers at this point.


Page 54: John says "I wasn't expect any" I don't know if this version you have put out is still being reviewed by editors, in addition to you adding more scenes, but thought it would be helpful to point that one error out. I was too captivated by this brilliant continuation of your brilliant series to notice anything else! >w< Thanks Tef!


Thanks for the chapter! Please show us the other duel spectated by the Maliri from either Luna or an audience member P.O.W. Pretty please? And take your time to write, we care for you :)


Well worth the wait. It flowed so quickly. I could have easily spend the rest of the day reading if there had been more. looking forward to the next chapter.


You know its good / bad when it is 1:30 am and you say to yourself , erm... I did not quite get that last bit so I guess I need to sleep and read it in the AM :) Conversely, this morning when re-reading I was sad for a moment when it was done as I thought how short it felt.... Hrms... to long to finish when sleep deprived... to short because it flows so well you do not want it to end... Tefler --- you win :) Thanks for another great chapter and I do hope that Jade is around a certain deep Lord on soon .... (queue 3 stage laugh) :)


Another triumph Master Tefler!!! So many fascinating personal stories too!!!

Michael Glowacki

Another great chapter tefler, keep up the great work


Good chapter. I'm wondering if they executed Cmdr Walker yet?


I reread it and have to say your skill is consummate. You have gotten much better with the sex scene and they don't feel quite as...detached as before. Idk if it was intentional (with you idk sometimes😂) but the sex scenes didn't feel as necessary and could've easily been replaced(though I concede sex is the best way to express growing relationships and emotions). They have grown to be more integral and full of small nuances. I really appreciate the realistic relationships and dynamics you have in place between side/main characters(the dynamics in general are out of normal values in the first place at any rate). I'm excited to see John either develop or unlock a new swordsmanship. Jade is also oh so mysterious nowadays seemingly like she knows something that no one else does(or maybe feel something as she relies on instinct more). I also really love the scenes of him helping the girls or other ppl in general it wonderful to see these different sides of ppl bloom. I hope Walker is ok though. I'd hate for him to executed for a scumbag like Mason. Again thanks for your hard work and the time and effort you put into this story. Take care of yourself first and foremost though.


I will second that last comment. Normally I skim over the sex and some romance scenes, but this time I read them all the way through even if I sped through the sex. Very good touch on the relationship in this chapter and I am so pleased with the way you're portraying the characters. Would love to see more of my favourite Sakura. :D


really liked that one . 2 thumbs up.


No need to round it upto 30k word count, story seems fine as it is to me. Thank you.

Big Dude

Regarding Walker, I can see Lynette contacting Alyssa to help her find out the truth before they head back to beat down the Enclave and discover the comms beacon and Walker having Brimorian DNA modifications as well. This will further infuriate John. Then when they find out about Cephna, ooooooh boy, the fireworks will happen.


Thank you for yet another thoroughly enjoyable chapter.


Its the situation with the outer Rim that has me most intrigued. Who is going to go too far, and will the Fleet Admiral's visit backfire horribly?


Q: will Walker end up being the Tefler 'jumped the shark', or will we all be like, wow, I didn't see that coming?!! And get Cephna away from that self important fish-stick soon, okay? Loving the story, thank you! TTFN

Brian Woods

So many unexpected twists and turns, I’m starting to feel like the possessed in a horror movie with how my head is spinning :)! First of all, interesting development on punishing Sarinia; can’t say I was expecting another personality rewrite, especially combining the sisters like that. Intriguing, and quite unique, well done! Secondly, I see you took a page from the beloved Starcraft franchise to answer the possible future for the Outer Rim. If I read you right, it would appear the Rim, with the inclusion of Port Heracles and it’s resources, will become a Confederacy of sorts to govern themselves, leaving the Core to colonize the new worlds in Kintark space and expand their new colonial strategies regarding infrastructure and support. Sounds like a UED versus the Terran Confederacy/Dominion from the aforementioned series, should be fun to watch. Third, that same development ties into the newly afraid Athgiloi, as in order to suppress dissident and subversive behavior in his Enclave he will need an easy enemy to overpower, and a freshly minted spacefaring group should be a good target for conquest, save for the fact Alyssa promised them assistance in case of trouble. Woe to they who attempt to cross the mighty Baen’thelas! Finally, your final scene with John, Luna, and Jade seems to suggest interesting undertones of memories returning and other secrets to be uncovered soon, as others have mentioned before. Can’t wait to see what’s around the bend!


I actually don't agree with the punishment for Sarinia, I don't feel like that change was in keeping with her wishes. I don't want to spoil anything so I'm gonna stop with that, I just don't feel like that was what she wanted.


Okay, I forgot this until I began my reread; were the Malirian fleet not supposed to save the Brimorian troop transports to move the Abandoned, so why would Edraele have them destroy the pre sale, of the senior Abandoned for trade to the Kirrix, Brimorian transports ( capacity of 100,00 at 10,000 merfolk per ship and 10 ships ), unless these crafts were just plain too disgusting for people transportation ( darn evil amphibious bullies ). I want the T-fed fleet Admiral to send a huge ass assault fleet into Brimorion space to wipe out the other half of their fleets, bomb them back to a lower tech society, and evacuate the Abandoned to the Callopian (sp?) shoals worlds. And any Brimorians that want to live in a growing society can come teach the Abandoned (or help in other ways as the Merfolk develop into a mature and self-governing society themselves). TTFN


It's a good point and one I considered as I wrote this scene. Lilyana's fleet is over on the far side of Brimorian Space along the border with the Kirrix, which is several days flight time from Genthalas station. Edraele has ordered her fleet to return home as quickly as possible, so they transferred the prisoners and destroyed the transports to keep them out of Brimorian hands. If they took the Brimorian transports, the Maliri fleet would have to fly at 1/3 of the speed so that they could keep up.


I would love it if Helene was the one who senses Walkers innocent outrage at being found guilty/sentenced for all those murders and *she's* the one who triggers Alyssa to investigate, and/or Irilith to look at the faked up financial transactions... Or even the renegade Maliri hacker/captain who did it gets caught and figures talking about what happened might be a way to save her skin... So many ways it could be broken open!


Here is an idea I had. The party is actually a surprise birthday party for Dana. When they sing happy birthday, Dana gets a memory from her past. This will prompt John to read her mind and find suppress memories. Which will show her past and that she has a brother, Walker. They do a search and discover Walker current situation and intervene. Which will send them back to Brimorian space and to Cephna What do you think 🤔


I can see why there is more time between chapters than before. This has gone from a hobby to an artistic masterpiece. I am honored you share the story with us, thank you.

Martin Edmonds

Faye :'( Wheres is Faye, Forget the wars, let them kill eachother while John goes to find Faye <3


So I had a thought. Faye kept seeing something and was going to tell John about right before the attack. What if what she was seeing was the scans that Larn was doing on the Invictus? Why couldn't she have jumped to Larn's ship in a last ditch effort to save herself? What if she has been slowly infiltrating and taking over some of the ship that now is home to Johns parents just waiting for John and the girls to be close enough for her to jump back home?


Good point. Faye may have been able to detect signs of Larn's tracking device, but I think/hope that Faye will return through another method, and as an organic woman to boot. Hmmm, that would be quite the mind-f__k, one moment digital, then a very messy (though a much desired state of being) organic, with all the requirements that has.


I'm not sure about the punishment either. On the other hand, why should a punishment be in keeping with the wishes of the punished?


I suspect that Walker will be a jail break,.. ;-) ,.. but I like the birthday party theme idea :-))


Hear, hear, find Mael'neraks techno stash and restore our lovely purple pixie ASAP!!! Or possibly find a recording (Larn's spy tech) of all of the Invectus's electronics (including a full copy of Faye) from the night before the ship was cut in two, to be found on John's papa's hand-me-down dreadnought (see Sparky's Wife below ); and get John back with his momma too! :-/ TTFN

Justin Webb

I think fey won't be returning for some time, simply because they have to much to do. Find Mael'neraks throne world, activate the the wormhole gate, locate Larn'calenars marooned fleets( also probably be good idea to take and mine as much of the black metal element as possible, maybe even build a base so john has a second point to launch attacks from.), prepare defenses for Marli territory as well as Ashanti and Trancaren space. And then train all the Marli to use the new equipment. Lastly figure out how to use the soul forge without killing and sucking the life from them. After all that then fey should make a aperence.


I think it might be a way to create another layer of government responsible for administration in a smaller area. Like the Maliri houses. The Maliri have many thousands of years experience running a stellar empire compared to earth. Luce might get to be the first head of house. (I vote for House Texas as house name).


With all of the swooning Maliri everywhere John goes, maybe he should consider changing his name to "Frankie?" But, I guess they don't wear bobby sox.


It'll be interesting to see how the federation handles the resistance . Coming soon . But I am also wondering how the mending of Sirinia develops .


hope you are over writers block


Another great chapter. Thank you!

David Shmilowitz

It's been a week, is this the final version now or are there still more scenes to be added?


,.. pointy eared, blue, bobby sox wearing, and swooning fan babes,.. now there is an image for our protective Baen'thelas to aspire to. He did it his way!! ;-) TTFN


,.. don't over-use that F5 key, it is an innocent, and Telfer will deliver, eventually. ;-) TTFN


,.. but Faye would really be a huge help in doing all those other things,.. John needs his purple pixie back and most assuredly Tefler has something(s) up his sleeve,.. just say'n l-) TTFN


I'm glad he skipped the 1/2 chapter long sex scene. I spend more time skipping the sex scene than reading. Since were down to one chapter a month, I think it would be good to stay on the story not the repetitive sex. Good chapter over all


Way back in the day, One of the jokes was that men read the Playboy magazine for the thought provocative articles, and the lovely pictures of scantily clad ladies had little bearing on their purchasing of the publication. It is somewhat the opposite on this Patron driven / Literotic story site, you are supposed to be here for the graphicly depicted sex scenes, but in this case (M. Tefler's) it is the compelling story line with sex as a fun sub point of interest. There are other authors of note on this site that are lovely story tellers, with a good bit of 'adult' sex blended in for seasoning. Thank gawd, and only in America could this combination have been conceived and executed for worldwide use. We do live in quite interesting times. But Tef's 28th century is the place to be! TTFN


Great Story Line, I enjoyed the read!


meh, can't wait. downloaded this one. Please do some sort of notice that will push update to my inbox so I'll know if you change it like you said you were gonna?


,.. pant, pant, drool,.. hit poor little defenseless F5 key again,.. pant, pant etc. TTFN


If John or the Maliri can provide some significant protection that could cover the defecting colony worlds and also the Abandoned where they are relocated to [on the watery Callopean (sp?) shoals worlds, maybe?], then they could just be good neighbors, and trading partners with the T-Feds. Some older / dated Maliri war-crafts, not needed when the Invictus and the cute blue babes bring back Larn'kelnar's lost fleets. TTFN


Damn i love that last line.


Just noticed that in Chapter 125, the Larathyran girl starts out being called "Auralei" but towards the end of the scene her name morphs into "Aurelia" multiple times. I hope she joins the crew when they requisition the Larathyran ships!


Very compelling story . But the erotica needs to stay . He has reduced it by too much . If you don't like erotica . Don't read it .


The story is great the way he writes it. If you think the erotica is reduced too much, go find a story with the sex you want or write your own. You should follow your own advice, if you don't like the way it is being done, Don't read it!


I am not sure that bringing Faye to a real biological body is happening anytime soon, they have Little one and others that would also crave the ability to no longer be a wooden boy as well. Don't get me wrong, I can see if this does happen we see another instance of a rogue AI... Why can't I deepthroat John's cock like Faye does? If I can't drink his man juice then no one will, and the AI goes crazy and starts killing all organic life. :D


Daphne is happy with who/what she is, the Boys and Cleaning Bots all enjoy what they are doing as their Prime Directive. Heck, even Daphne liked to clean :) Faye cut her teeth watching hours of video, and learned the many ways love can be expressed on the ship. Faye's desire to be a real girl came from her formative weeks watching those video logs. It's unlikely that any of the other AIs on the ship will desire to be organic. But what happens if Faye returns as an organic? She would only have one avatar, and would no longer be able to do lots of ships functions all at the same time, which is where the Nymphs come in. They have taken over many of the ship's functions that were handled quite adroitly by Faye, allowing her to be a singly focused organic. But Mudd, How could Faye return as an organic? In Chapter 125 (I think) Rachel told John that he could regenerate an entire body from a single cell, but that the mind would be empty. If you have a method to take Daphne's logs (digital memories) and convert them into organic memories, which Irilith and Alyssa might be able to do jointly, fill in the emotional pathways of the memories and then fill in a personality (anyone remember John doing this before?), and you get a living, breathing, organic Faye.


Indeed If you dont like less Erotica, dont read it.


Yes I like more . I like more reading . I like Tefler . Enough to be a Patreon patron .


,.. Pant, pant, huff, puff, drool,.. hit that dang F5 key again,.. squint, look, frown,.. pant pant, drool, (so tired,..),.. hit F5 key again,.. rinse and repeat until we next hear from John and the girls,.. squint, pant, drool, press key,.. etc,.. TTFN


You are so right that the story is Grreat as it is ,.. but that doesn't mean that we are not allowed to state our honest opinions, good or bad. ( so Khris, stop being a hater,.. and try to replace that skull full of corrupted mush,.. ) TTFN

David Shmilowitz

I'm running out of spare F5 keys, hopefully the chapter gets updated to the final version soon.


My best guess is that the chapter will be updated and the next chapter will be released sometime within the next three weeks… but that's just a guess on my part and not meant as an attempt to influence or pressure anyone else in any manner whatsoever.


Has this chapter been updated as of yet? Was holding out reading it

Bp Hlpt

It's been updated once, AFAIK. I don't know if any further updates, or corrections, are planned, or will become required, or not. I would go ahead and read it now. If any updates or corrections are made, you would then have the wonderful gift of getting to read it again. Any extra downloads you make do not cost you anything. You are charged the same whether you download the chapter 100 times or not at all.


,.. More of the pant, pant, huff, puff, drool,.. hit that dang F5 key again,.. squint, look, frown,.. pant pant, drool, (so tired,..),.. hit F5 key again,.. rinse and repeat until we next hear from John and the girls,.. squint, pant, drool, press key,.. etc,.. (replacing the F5 key as needed) TTFN


Thanks for more!


YEA!!! the updates are in!!!! over a dozen extra pages, hoo-ray!!! (replacing worn F5 key,.. again) TTFN [ 03/12/2021 - PST - PM ]


Thanks for the feedback everyone! It was interesting reading the comments regarding the erotica being reduced too much. I've been skipping quite a few bedroom scenes recently, in particular those with the Maliri matriarchs, because I was worried it would get repetitive. It's quite a tricky balancing act, but I definitely don't intend to strip out all the erotic scenes in the future.


Awesome updates


01:20 in the morning... Who needs sleep when there's new TSM content?


Personally, I was hoping to skim past most of the Matriarchs. Unless you need address a specific personality trait. Ooh, had a thought... A scene with the girls attempting sex on a Maliri shower? Could be interesting, funny, and potentially an epic failure lol


For those interested, I just ran it through DiffChecker.com and the only changes apart from spelling or word choice are at the end. So, if you've read the original release you just need to read the last 15 pages.


Ahhh, a tasty little snack, but over with so quickly! And now it's a half month, or so, until TSM # 140, I can scarcely wait!!! ( oh my poor F5 key,.. but I am so happy that I got my TSM fix today!) TTFN


Oh John, so dedicated to improving the Protectorate by helping the New Matriarchs,.. such a nice Bean'thelas he is!!! ( and sexy new warships for the Grays) I can't wait for the party!! TTFN

David Shmilowitz

Is this the final version update, or are there still more scenes to be added?


,.. now you/we all must await TSM # 140, and the party! We hopefully will see it by the end of March, less than 3 weeks, yea!! and now I go stand on my head in the corner,.. me and my big mouth for saying that a 19 to 20 day wait is easy as standing on your head,.. oopsy! TTFN


I cannot open the file with MS Word. I gives me an error. First time in 139 chapters. The original Chapter 139 gave me no problems.


The file seems to be corrupted. I have tried several different ways to repair it without success.


It reads so quick. it just flows. bring on chapter 140


I had just read the chapter for the 4th time. Then you posted that. I'm looking forward to him developing his own sword style. I would like to see him use his rune affinity more too. That being destruction. But we likely won't see that until the fights come


Maybe try re-downloading - it game me no trouble on my phone


Nice! That ended the chapter so much better 🙂

James Mayer

Now that they are at Genthalas he really needs to work his way from top to bottom. Matriarchs, fleet commander, planetary governor all of the leadership needs 3 helpings on the same day.


Thanks Tefler that was fun. Edraele has the right strategy for John to meet the matriarchs, and it was good to see him healing the wounds caused by Maliri society. I just wonder what epiphany Jade had when she said she knew who he was now? In my opinion there's no such thing as too many displays of swordsmanship in the story. Don't worry about repetition, it is the key after all.

Dominic Janning

I've been re-reading this book. It really gets annoying how much people Apologize. It seems every other paragraph John apologize to some, then them right back, them him again for worrying, then them again for making him worry. I love this story!!! Just gets old.

thomas rodrian

I agree John needs to establish better leadership over the women, but with thousands of planets it would take him years to just give these women 3SM.


word couldn't open it for me?


Tefler has done it again with the addition of the 6000 words to Ch. 139. It fleshes out and adds to an already impressive chapter in this mesmerizing and addictive saga!!! Thanks!


How many pairs of Matriarchs are left after Marsendra Helewynn and Lyvia Amarille? I didn't do an exact count, but I am under the impression that there are 2 more pairs after that. John is Jade's absolute love of her life. She is completely smitten with him. But we must remember that she is thousands of years old and he is only 40. John may actually be fufilling a long forgotten ancient prophecy that she now remembers. At the end of 136 Tefler wrote, "His senses overloaded, John felt himself floating in a Zen-like state, his mind teetering on the edge of oblivion. In the billions of years the galaxy had existed, his astronomical psychic ascendency was unprecedented."

James Mayer

Question. Thralls have a bad reaction to other thralls but do they have the same reaction to unclaimed seed races if not and since John breaks all rules by having more than one Matriarch can he claim that race by making one of them into a Matriarch. If this is possible and all rules are out the window and say Sakura sneaks aboard an assassinates a Progenitor without any other deaths can he the claim that race by claiming that Matriarch.


The only problem I can see with this, the black bond the other Progenitors have. If John isn't there to immediately take over one of the other thralls, how many would commit suicide and how soon? Another thing to consider, remember what happened when one of John's own "thralls" saw another Progenitor, she immediately attacked without even thinking about it.

Who Me

139 is finalized!


Yay! but you have gone from 2-3 chapters a month to once a month... need them chapters faster!:D


,.. pretty please, with sugar on top!!?! More please,.. (,.. holds out an empty bowl,... ) ;-) TTFN

Son Of Anubis

Get that ship cleavage! Grey's love cleavage.

Bp Hlpt

Actually, unless I'm mistaken, Chapter 137 is the last one that has been officially marked "Final".


can't wait to see the reaction...

Brian Woods

Something tells me the little Grey boys and girls will leap to defend their own curves most splendidly...;)

Brian Woods

So, I’ve been pondering this for awhile, and I think Tefler has given us enough hints to basically guess what John’s new swordsmanship style will be. Follow me here, cause the point might be a little hard to get behind. Given his runic affinity for Destruction, his Eldritch Focus (using Larn’s scepter as evidence) being a ancient sword, and his general use of widespread applications of power like lightning storms and strength enhanced blows and telekinetic blasts, methinks his ‘technique’ in battle should be Shock And Awe, also known as Rapid Dominance, which is defined as an overwhelming use of force against multiple strategic targets in rapid succession, so as to demoralize an opponent and remove their will to fight. While Progenitors are, on the whole, confident to the point of arrogance and pridefulness, and likely immune to bouts of surrender, if John were to hit someone hard enough and fast enough, he could cause them to panic and make potentially lethal mistakes in the heat of battle, leading to his ultimate victory. It would call for complete situational awareness of his environment, and possibly the ability to attack from multiple directions at once for disorientating purposes, but just imagine the fun such a style would be to write. Thoughts?


Define "Prophecy "... if the Kythfaren's designed a "Progenitor Killer" prototype into the Caches, then John is just the result of a Self-Fulfilling Prophecy (given almost infinite time, of course).

James Mayer

Before Faye dies she keeps seeing things on the internal cams or sensor sort of like Irillith. She also has glitches is it possible that since she isn’t organic John might be changing her in a different way and just doesn’t know it. I was wondering if maybe she was becoming the ship’s AI instead of just an AI. Because her server was destroyed she is trapped until she finishes her change


,.. and that's some Deadly Cleavage, what with Dana's much improved weapons and armor, and better shields too! The little gray guys will be some exceptional bad ass's in their new curvy warships!!! TTFN


,.. along those same lines James, I was thinking that what she might have been picking up on was Larn's ( now Daddy dearest, Rahn's ) dreadnaught spying on the Invectus right before the Soul-Forged Warship did the 'ol slice and dice ( well no dicing ) on John's sweet ride. Just maybe, there could be a record of Faye from only hours before her server was vaped, and that if found, could be used to restore our positive purple pixie to the universe. Wouldn't that be nice!??!!! TTFN


What does Jade know? This sentence has been bugging me this entire time, from the first publishing of this chapter, what does she know? Does she know what he is? Is he more than a Progenitor? Does she know the style he fights with? Someone else mentioned a 'shock and awe' style which I agree with since it was mentioned during the final fight with his guide. His sword seemed to be in more than one location at the same time. I am sure she knows his true name (right after John defeating his guide), but what else could she know that we don't? Ugh, this is killing me. Also, when are we going to leave the space station, head for the nebula and find the lost home world of the last Progenitor to rule the Malari? Soon I hope, for this part of the story needs to be flushed out before John's story ends. Thank you Tefler for drawing us all into this world. I enjoy it very much.


I can see the black metal that freaks Alyssa out so badly will need to be conquered first. I already know that John banging a woman on it can change it to white, but unless he plans on making the rounds of the entire soul forge, I expect that he will be able to use his connections with his woman to spread out the effect and turn more of the soul forge and any other large ship far faster. I am not sure that it will be up to Sparks to come up with a new method / metal, unless she can get her hand on a piece of the converted bed he destroyed already.

James Mayer

I wonder if John can break a Matriarchs bond on another Progenitor before killing him if Alissa puts a shield over her brain cutting her off first.


As far as the black metal goes... Helen can project positive energy to beings, I would like to see her power grow to be able to project that "power" towards an enemy progenitor ship and neutralize it's strength... Opinions???


John has said that he does not want to use Helene's talent as a weapon. He wants to keep her pure so that her psyche is not contaminated with the knowledge that she has intentionally killed someone. We saw what happened in the bedroom when she changed the black metal to white, it fell apart. That would be what would happen to a progenitor ship as well with all aboard evacuated into space. Therefore, I don't see John using her that way.


Steve C. .. true, but she is aware that her contribution to John's eldritch power DOES in fact contribute to his ability for mas distruction... I do see your point, I don't see John doing that...


I have been pondering something, and that is what if John and company can find a 'good' use for the SOUL FORGE, (if they can find one ready made,.. ) they need to have one without the horrid taking of thrall life ( that really sucks! ), Some which-way Dana, John or Alyssa ( or Helene for all I care ) finds a way to use the forge to make 'superior' war ships for the Maliri, (you know, faster. stronger, and more powerful ); possibly channeling John's superior and more powerful, raw and voluminous psychic power instead of rending thralls souls for it's creative powers; also, if they can they must generate the better ships at a rapid enough rate to be useful in their situation? ,.. and I still wonder about our big rocky buddies (Trankarans) SUN Forge,.. could they take examples of the 'superior' crafts to the Rock-Brothers and Sisters and then replicate those ships multiple times using their Sun Forge? maybe something along those lines? TTFN


If only the Invictus crew had the aid a purple A.I. to help solve some of their problems, yeah, if only,.. ( like: there's no need to fear, Mega Faye is here! ) TTFN

Big Dude

I was thinking. I know very scary. Anyway I suggested a few days ago the Invictus gets a size upgrade. While the Maliri are modifying it the find a big missing piece of the Mael'Nerak server and with the new Grand Engineering Overlord microscopic metallurgical eye, the server gets repaired and Faye returns. Thoughts?


It would be lovely if a missing piece would be found and the server made whole again, I just don't think it is going to happen before the Mael'Nerak world is found. I agree that Fae needs to be booted back up, we just have to wait a little while longer is all.


Nope! Would be fatal to Alyssa. ??? Why???

David Shmilowitz

So, I'm curious. Its been about 3 weeks since the chapter released and its still not the final version. Can you give us a update tefler, on when we can expect the final version for this chapter?


I only tend to add the "final version" tag once I've completed all my edits, which by that point is just a couple of typos and grammar mistakes. I don't plan on adding any additional scenes to the current version.

David Shmilowitz

great thanks. maybe it would be a good idea to have an "all scenes added" tag for people like me who wait to read until all the scenes in a chapter are done?


i look forward to 140 and beyond, and i was wondering what advice you have for a future creator on this site?


Tefler has been successful with Patreon because of his writing. Rule #1 of Patreon is produce good content. He's also been prolific -- that helps a lot. If you don't already know, that's a grind. It helps to bank episodes, chapters or art before launching. Then, when you need some downtime, you have content to cover the gap. The reward levels and group goals really do work. You can maximize your revenue by putting some effort into them (but don't forget the priority of Rule#1). Create a reward level or two higher than you think people will want. You will be surprised what your fans are prepared to do. It also makes your lower tiers seem more reasonable. When setting a group goal, try to make your commitment to what happens if you achieve it something the group will value -- like an author saying they will regularly commission artwork. Finally, don't forget to have a good plan about how your free content works vs. your paid content. Your free content is how you build an audience. I can say much more on this topic, but I'll leave it there for now.


,.. press F5 Key again,.. pause, blink, drool, frown,.. pause , press F5 again, pause, blink,.. rub eyes,.. drool some more, wipe chin, frown,.. endlessly repeat,.. looking for the holiest of grails, TSM #140,.. drooling again,.. frown, blink, press F5 key,.. where oh where has my TSM gone, oh where, oh where can it be,.. looping in an endless cycle again,.. l-< TTFN

Who Me

Not for another 6 days, children!


so Tefler just posted to SOL


It's like you lot are playing Tefler whack a mole for info LOL.


,.. I wonder if TSM #140 is nearing the end of the TSM portion of John's tale? Are we closing in on the "Progenitors and yucky dream monsters get destroyed" portion of the saga? Who knows, maybe that pseudo traitor Tom Walker could play a role, maybe?!! Or the Maliri babes go on a kick-ass rampage through the various Progenitor fleets?!! Yummy, can't wait! l-) TTFN


,.. Yeah, but it's so much FUN! ,.. and we are saving the tickets to trade in for a prize before we go home,.. ;-) TTFN


,.. oh yea, Thomas Walker, seeker of Truth, Justice and the Terran-Federation Way,.. ;-) TTFN

Brian Woods

Soooo.....to while away the hours (93 or so until the end of the month) I thought it might be a good time to start speculating on the Invictus upgrades to come. Likely over the next 5 chapters or so, Dana will find a way to produce a black metal equivalent, albeit not one capable of being quickly made enmasse. Therefore, at the very least, many Progenitor level weapons and tech become reproducible for the ship. These include, but are not limited to Quantum Flux Cannons, Quantum Disintegrators, Quantum Annihilators, and Wormhole Generators. Not to mention near impenetrable plating for the ship. So then, what does the Invictus look like after the upgrades? Your thoughts...


Well Brian, the new and improved, and lemony fresh Invictus should still be a smaller, tighter ship than the big, black hulled, Progenitor dreadnaughts,.. but I do expect it to be enlarged again, greater than it's Battle cruiser size of 750m, up to 1000m to 1200m. And bristling with all the awesome weapons that you mentioned, and maybe a few new auxiliary vessels, like that over powered destroyer that Dana's been just itching to build. More 'blue crew' as they will need some assault troops,.. assassins from the various houses, maybe? ( the ship's XO, Alyssa, may have to have her way,.. sorry John ) Oh, and will the Trankarans Sun Forge be used to mass produce some superior, Dana war-craft, to provide support to the Kyth’vindathys... Vengeance of the Kyth’faren reborn? (Awesome, a bit of a mouthful, but just awesome!). They may not really need all of those floating, lost ships of Larn's after all. And then after the shiny and new hardware ( and getting our Faye reborn ), then comes all of the fun/boring war planning with Calara. watch out bad guys! TTFN


,.. and looking back at my long winded comments to Brian's challenge tonight, I do hope it helps some of you to tolerate the agony of waiting for the 'real' TSM from the 28th century story master, M. Tefler! Nighty-night folks, as the sun rises in the East. TTFN ( ta ta for now) ;-)


,.. Oh, and give, sell or subtlety pass onto our luscious T-Fed Fleet Admiral the specs for Dana's Quantum cannon, or at least the new and improved Heavy cannons that Dana incorporated into the Ashanath's curvy new ships designs, and maybe her version of the Maliri Pulse Laser cannon too, in the Invictus crew's next upgrade to the Terran-Federation's fleet. Who needs a military R&D dept. when you've got Dana! And for heaven's sake, do some significant upgrade to the T-Fed's reliance on Titanium Armor plating as well. Maybe an agreement with our little grey friends for some Etherium. ( with Dana's improved psi-device the Greys could make Aluminum based armor for ships hulls that would be 4 to 5 times Titanium's strength ). Or bring on some version of Dana's Invictium that the human's could use without the psychonic factors. Even a twice folded (by humble machinery I guess) and her Invictium would be double to triple their current Titanium strength. Now just get the Trankaran's to provide plenty of the raw materials cheap enough,.. so, John the white Lion Space Trader of the Federation, with his oh so sexy Lionesses, traders to the stars,.. TTFN


Side bar, your Honor: Our creative story teller, Tefler, has shown the Invictus's DECK/FLOOR plating to be Titanium ( although he said it was Steel when Dana dropped John's first sword and it took a divot out of the old Armory floor - Dana's Engineering Bay). Some corrupt Admiral(s) in High Command must have gotten rich off of Titanium miners kickbacks when regular old steel or aluminum decking would be cheaper and the aluminum would be much (mucho tons lighter per ship) lighter for the ship to move/accelerate, saving fuel, and improved maneuvering speed in battle situations. Maybe have Lynnette discover the prior graft and discuss it with Charles, about when the decking materials changes to the T-Fed ships were made, maybe over breakfast? Just saying. ; - ) TTFN


Well, my long comments have given all you TSM addicts something new to read and to comment on yourselves, so either thank me or tell me to bugger off,.. less than 70 hours to go,.. thank you very much! ; - ) TTFN


I just wanna see antimatter tech or dark matter tech or nanotechnology


Have you read C.H. Darkstrider's Prometheus series,.. nano tech body armor and birth control too? Story is along similar lines as TSM,.. Not a harem tale, but one Alpha male and a ship load of sexy babes,.. so similar enough,.. it is well written,.. (,.. and the Alpha male likes to cook meals for his ladies,.. sound familiar?) TTFN


Peeking from behind the couch (reminiscent of a meerkat) to see if anything has changed. Hitting the Patreon snooze button again.


What would be kinda cool if when John faces off against big bad boss progenitor and somehow harnesses the rage and power from all those innocents slain by every progenitor ever they (lend John their strength) and he lances this a$$ big time lol just a cool thought and I do remember John with time Manipulation in the astral why hasn’t he harness this power yet or maybe give it to jahenna


,.. or used time shifting to go back in time to save Faye,.. seeing him in two places was what she delayed telling him about that last time,.. TTFN

James Mayer

What if Jehanna had the power to to direct connect to any system without using communication beacons


James,.. do you mean like Irillith's super cyber astral telepath powers?!! ,.. been there, done that! ;-) ,.. oh, I get it, no hardware involved at all. Like totally wireless! With no long distance charges ever! Wow! She could reach out and touch somebody! TTFN


I would take a guess that Tef ( and John ) might gift Jehanna with some type of a 'get to bottom of the story' power(s), like a lie detector or compulsively telling the truth powers (telepathy based?). Although some kind of super spy ability would be rather cool too, like invisibility, or super hearing ( through walls and such ), or even walking through walls like a ghost. : - 0 TTFN

James Mayer

I was thinking how many times they couldn’t contact anyone in the core worlds until they hit the beacons. It would b nice to never worry that and contact anyone from anywhere


Oh, but being out of contact and on their own adds drama to the story,.. don't take an authors tools from him! TTFN


,.. and pressing the F5 key again,.. pause,.. drool,.. wipe chin,.. frown,.. look down at F5 key,.. ponder waiting for TSM or getting out and having a life,.. and pressing the F5 key again,.. Cornbread, where are you?,.. pause,.. drool some more,.. then wipe chin again,.. then press F5 key again,.. endlessly looping,.. l-( ,.. where oh where has my TSM gone, oh where oh where can my Invictus be,.. delirious--must press F5 again,.. ;-) we are in the home stretch now people, hang in there! TTFN


ROTFLMAO..... It is going to be ok. I am heading out to the barn for the pitch-forks and torches. I will get the rest of the mob and a few beers to get ready.


New chapter up on Literotica that is a good sign.


,.. whack that mole!!!,.. press F5 key,.. frown,.. look at calender,.. one more day, yay!,.. wipe drool off of chin,.. press F 5 key,.. I wonder how Cornbread is doing?,.. frown, pause,.. I wonder how Tefler is doing?!!,.. drool,.. frown,.. wipe,.. press F5 key gently,.. so it will last another day,.. endless looping,.. oh look, the sun came up,.. squint,.. frown,.. wipe chin again,.. have a breakfast beer,.. sing about the Invictus again,.. where oh where,.. press F5 key,.. delirious visions of Progenitors running scared, running wild, running amok,.. wipe high and low,.. frown, sigh,.. press key,.. endlessly looping,.. l-) TTFN


We may have to get used to a chapter once in 2 months. That may be the new norm


I think it's probably just short term or temporary. Long term it would be a big financial hit for Tef (the diaper fund and all). But Tef is the type of writer that will not give us a 5$ intallment and charge us 10$.

thomas rodrian

Just wondering how people are getting ready for chapter 140. Are you reviewing past chapters, reading at least the last chapter, or reading chapter based on what you expect to see in 140? I’ve read a few chapters already and by tomorrow night I’ll be through 139 again. For those who have not started getting ready for chapter 140, you might want to get moving. Not only will it be great, the best 3SM minds expect it to address several open issues. Some of them expect Shanryl to make an appearance but I think Athgiloi might take a backseat for another chapter or two, Tefler already introduced fish food in 139.


I've been updating my version of the TSM timeline started by DarkStoryMaker. I'm up to the start of Chapter 131 now, finding plenty of interesting plot points which are still to be resolved!


Before I joined Patreon and was just a Literotica lurker, i would re-read all chapters every time I finished the latest one. I have re-read them so many times I find myself quoting them on occasion. As always, I am looking forward to the next.

Who Me

Only 27 more hours until F5 time!

Who Me

On the TSM Discord Mr.Cignal as ALL the timeline updated from Mael's time up to Chapter 136


OMG Get home from work, login to the website and there is Drool and F5's all over the place. Plus, all the beer is gone, who is responsible for this mess?


we thank you Tefler your hard


work lifts us all


PS any thougt about selling signed books on line remeber I'm first in line for in person


That phrase is still a bit delicate in some places because of "arbeit macht frei".


,.. oopsy,.. wipe chin,.. frown,.. where did all the beer go?,.. press F5 key,.. where oh where has Tefler gone,.. cough, cough!,.. Cornbread, is that you, did you bring any more beer?,.. squint,.. drool some more,.. press F5 key most gently,.. maybe it needs to last another 30 days,.. ahh, shoot!,.. spilled my beer,.. ;-) TTFN


I am re-reading all of TSM for the 4th or 5th time now, I'm currently at 1st major Maliri, refit of John's ride,.. still an awesome tale! I might need to go slow if I need to make the next 90 chapters last until the end of April now,.. !?! Where is the latest note that Tef has submitted 1/2 to 3/4 of the chapter already and is trying hard to finish the chapter by end of the month,..? Did his editor(s) eat chapter #140, and not share it with the dog?,.. :-) TTFN


I don't think he will until he has finished the polishing until the end. But maybe in the future he could sign your 1st edition books?


The 18 hour countdown begins now.


I’m getting antsy for 140. Hope Tefler is doing ok. This must be getting harder.


Sorry to say, but Tefler could get by with only 2 installments every 3 months, so 8 or 9 per year. He only turned in 9 last year,.. just saying,.. l-( He could then still keep the works quality high, and take care of his family okay,.. Best of fortune to us all! TTFN ( ,.. come on #140,.. yes, I am getting antsy too David!,.. )


Save that precious F5 key! Tefler hasn't even told us that his editors have seen any of the new chapter yet. ---- Screw it! ---- F5, F5...

Justin Webb

I hope we get a new chapter today, I need my TSM fix!!


about now we usually get the notice, "Finishing my final read through, will post something shortly" or the dreaded - "Not Going to Happen Tonight" so we can save f5 keys and the fingers that press them around the world. May the 4 winds be at your back on this Great Day!!!!


On the 26th, Tefler said on Discord that he was 'aiming' to have 140 done by the end of the month.


OK. I am back with beer and pizza for the waiting party. Any word from our Leader?


,.. Yay, Cornbread is back with BEER! and pizza too,.. burp!,.. drool,.. frown,.. smile,.. good 'ol Cornbread!,.. pressing F5 button gently so it lasts,.. come on TSM #140,.. looping,.. soon, it must be soon,.. and pass me a cold one, please,.. ,.. and a slice(,..what!?!??) ,.. ANCHOVIES! and green peppers too, you really didn't want to share, huh? ;-) ,.. frown,.. groan,.. pick off smelly pieces,.. yuchy,.. sip beer,.. come on #140! burp,.. some party,.. hey!, you got any chips or pretzels?,.. anything salty?,.. but NOT anchovies!!! TTFN


Unfortunately, I picked up a nasty cold from my son now he's returned to school, which has wrecked my productivity at the end of the month. I'm at about 22.5k words into chapter 140 at the moment, so I'll work on it a bit longer tonight then release it before going to bed. I'll wrap up the final scenes over the next few days.


It's OK. Have a slice of pizza and a can of beer before you go back to your computer 🖥


Putting a cold pack on my F5 key. It was starting to smoke a bit


He shrugged it off in a couple of days and is perfectly fine now. It's just me suffering at the moment. :)


I hope you feel better soon, Tefler! Thank you for the update. We’ll happily read the first part and eagerly await the next.


,..ahh,.. the joys of parenthood,.. Just wait for all the revenge you can have on John when the Kyth’vindathys... Vengeance of the Kyth’faren reborn has a ton of babies with all his ladies when he is done destroying all the evil. socially stunted, and mysogynistic Progenitors and their even more evil extra-dimensional boss! The first few dozen young rug rats will open his eyes a bit,.. poor Baen'thelas,.. the changer of diapers, reborn! : - P TTFN ( please consider writing such a loving and eye-opening additional epilogue chapter at TSM's end,.. Quite some few of your fans would love it!) ttfn


,.. and Doctor Cornbread's sound medical advice on treating a cold with pizza and beer is not to be questioned! You be good to yourself Tef, many folks out here in F5 key smashing land care about you buddy! ;-) TTFN


,.. Hey Cornbread, are there any more brew-skis left? and no, I don't want any more of your Anchovy contaminated, fishy smelling, Pizza,.. so I'd appreciate it if you'd keep it to yourself,.. please! :-0 TTFN


And on that diaper crammed epilogue Tef,.. you'd need to bring robot mommy Faye back before then so that she can argue with John over his wanting Dana and Irillith to make a small fleet of Daphne-babysitter 'bots to help out with his seismic population boom! ;-) TTFN


Hey, an approximately 25K to 30k word range chapter #140, (after Tef adds in a few more promised scenes anyway,..), this is not too shabby. especially when our runny nosed author has a nasty cold! That's novella sized,.. We should count ourselves damned lucky! -- Now,.. do I devour everything that comes in over the internet tonight, or do I wait a few days to get the whole enchilada? Ah, who am I kidding, I'll inhale tonight's partial installment, and wreck another F5 key awaiting the additional scenes over the next few days,.. oh well, at least I have a plan,.. burp!,.. pass me another cold one please! ;- ) And do NOT tell me that the expected additional scenes to TSM #140 were just an April Fools day gag! Tefler would not do that to me, damn it! :-0 TTFN


Tefler please check for corona as some strains symptoms are often common with flu at first. Better safe than sorry.


Yum!,.. those Jericho beers sure are tasty!!!,.. the ads say that it is the clean, clear mountain waters,.. I don't know about that, but they sure are good, burp!,.. drool,.. press key,.. look for extra scenes,.. frown,.. wipe chin,.. sip a little more beer,.. take bite of BBQ chicken pizza,... umm, more yummy,.. looping endlessly,.. ahh,.. life in the 28th century! Thank you Tef!!! ;-) TTFN


Note to Tefler... I find it really annoying to wait a month for a full chapter.. (guess everybody has withdrawing symptoms after finishing each chapter) ...... As you are unable to get two chapters out a month as you would prefer and keep wishing .... (for what ever unfortunate reason)................ I noticed my unease has been reduced considerably now you got this chapter spread two weeks apart. ... i think i prefer reading half a chapter every two weeks than waiting for a complete chapter a whole month..... UNLESS you can produce two or three chapters a month .. (what am i wishing for ?? ..LOL)


That's 'withdrawal symptoms' Robster, 'withdrawing symptoms' would be like when John is pulling out of one of his girls, and they'd rather he stayed in. Although that incorrect phrasing could possibly be a fit for your sentence, but with a funnier meaning. However, now it is not just Tefler that the word Natzi's are picking on! 'nuff said,.. ;-) TTFN


I am wondering if the new additions are at the end of the story are scattered throughout the story.


rofl, the average chapter is 30k for TSM usually once a month. On some occasions, we get additional chapters. where most writers on Lit and other outlets are lucky to post a chapter every 2 to 3 months. When they do they are on average 10k to 18k in length. Having said that I will take what I get whenever I can get it from Tefler. He has more than proven his writing skills with me.


Me too. Maybe the additions should be in a different color in the Word doc?


Some writer use 3••• to show the changes and others use ~~~ I will have to figure this out.


Well, the last few times I have noticed that the additional scenes were just a continuation, picking up on the very next line,.. so no paragraphs that you need to dig out. Are you relieved? ;-) TTFN


Ah, so Tef uses *** to denote when he's changing perspective.. Switching who the main focus is on I mean. So if we switch from a scene where John is the POV over to Tom Walker for instance, that would be a ***. If we're moving through time or reliving a memory, then it's ~~~. He doesn't go back and add content to a chapter unless he's specifically said he's not done and then he only adds on to the end of the chapter.

Bp Hlpt

Chapter 139 She asked that I arrive at her quarters for eight. She asked that I arrive at her quarters at eight. -- "for" might be "British" usage, but I couldn't find a reference for it but even if it was true, it honestly doesn’t matter but even if it were true, it honestly doesn’t matter then sighed with a relief as it reached twelve o’clock then sighed with relief as it reached twelve o’clock clasping her hand and give it a comforting squeeze. clasping her hand and giving it a comforting squeeze. Leave all the arrangements with me. Leave all the arrangements to me.