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Hey everyone!

I've handed over the first half to my editors and I'm currently working on the second half of chapter 139. I'm currently aiming to release the new chapter at the end of this month.

I hope you're all well,

Best wishes,




Love you


I legit just came on here to reread 138 and he comes with this nice🙂. Hope you are taking care of yourself too Tefler.


Thanks for the update. Looking forward to it!

Ryan Smith

Thank God I could use the good news right now. It's also good distraction. (Cracks his knuckles and starts pounding F5)


Wishing.love and blessings, good health to all. Thank you for the update


Thanks for the update.


Love you tefler

GDay (FMS)

Thank you for the update Tef, hoping that you and yours are all well.


Thanks for the update!


Thanks for the update, Tef. I hope you are also all keeping well and great news on the status of 139!


Thank you, Tefler, for the update. Best wishes to you and the family.


<*checks the oil level, timing, operating pressure, and alignment on F5 key, wipes it down and re-polishes the wear surface, touches up the logo*>


Thanks for the update, I am glad your well enough and motivated enough! looking forward to and end of month gift! Have a great one :)


join all your faithful in acknowledging the near arrival of our latest and greatest. Also all the best to you Tefler and your family. I shiver in antic...ipation


tef your the best


Appreciate the update. Must be a good chapter. Hope all is well with you and yours.


He Lives!!!! Thanks for the update Tef! Keep knocking the cricket...ball...out of the....cricket...pitch?? IDK your a good analogy for a good athlete ok?


Praise B'aenthalas it's not a leap year!

Michael Glowacki

Thanks for the update tefler.....cant wait


After yesterday's result in the third Inda V England Test, it's not kind to remind Tef about the circket...

Jim lynch

Thanks tefler I’ve got something to look forward to now.


Always worth the wait.

martin Silsby

If we could have it by the 31st, that would be great!


It's astounding Time is fleeting Madness takes its toll But listen closely Not for very much longer I've got to keep control I remember doing the Time Warp Drinking those moments when The blackness would hit me And the void would be calling Let's do the Time Warp again Let's do the Time Warp again


Only 2 8 days this month so 48 hours or less to go.


Yeah! Someone that can both count and owns a calendar, a real live human being, without the far left liberal, skulls full of mush nonsense attached. Congrats, fellow 'real' person ;-)

sweaty bastard

Tef, I have been here since the beginning and I am still anxiously waiting for the next chapter! Damn good job man.


It’s a 9, and the next one is a ten, so we know how this works. No rush.


byddaf yn ei gredu pan fyddaf yn ei weld


Yeah had a big lunch myself too this afternoon... still burping.. but with totally different sounds.. like *BURRRRRRrrrrrp*


Glad to hear it Tef. No pressure after such an epic saga now a minefield of potential plot holes approaches the 140th chapter! Don't worry, just tell us a story!


Today is my Birthday, Love the Fact that over the years the Chapter Release has been a Highlight of my Birthdays!!! Looking forward to 10 More Birthday Celebrations with this Great WORK and all successors! Thank You Very Much!!


Don’t forget to support Tefler as a Patron to gain access to the new chapter and Happy Birthday!


I see a number of folks posting here who aren’t supporting Tefler as patrons according to their profiles. I’m just curious as to why they’re in such a hurry for Tefler to post if they won’t be able to read the new chapter? Am I missing something?


you can set it in your profile, if you want others to see to who you are giving money. The default is that no one can see, who you are giving money to.


Thank you, Max. I've been on here for so long, I think that that may have been added after I started and I never noticed it.


But I've noticed right after a drop, the number of patrons falls by about 5-10 %. We are at 4325 as I write this post. By tomorrow (fingers crossed), that number will be around 4000.

Kim Biel-Nielsen

It’s because each month a number of patrons will find that they must update credit card information - so the number drops and slowly rises again.




It's March here. Which time zone is Patreon observing?


I thought perhaps they might be trying to game the system somehow in order to get it for free. Using a stolen card number etc.


I believe they are Pacific Standard Time making it 15:36, 28 Feb 2021

Who Me

Patreon is based in San Fransisco, CA - PST

Jim lynch

Ohhh any time now tefler as it’s now 1st March lol

thomas rodrian

If you have not done so already today, you need to read Chapter 138 again. You've been warned


I just had a flashback to AOL free trial periods that came with every free CD-ROM. My sister's ex-boyfriend got free internet through AOL for a couple years by just grabbing a new CD-ROM because they were everywhere. But I don't think Patreon can be gamed like that.


Are you saying that because you've seen 139 or just because we can expect 139 to drop anytime now?

thomas rodrian

One of the mods posted that the chapter would be delayed at least a day. I decided to post the opposite.


I wonder if Tefler forgot that Cmdr Walker is about to be executed?

Big Dude

Regarding Walker, I can see Lynette contacting Alyssa to help her find out the truth before they head back to beat down the Enclave and discover the comms beacon and Walker having Brimorian DNA modifications as well. This will further infuriate John. Then when they find out about Cephna, ooooooh boy, the fireworks will happen.


the ex-commander Walker will be a jail-break soon,.. mark my words!! ;-} And besides, Walker will need lots of help (from our heroes) to clear his name,.. and also since he needs a new girlfriend now, do you think that John (or his beautiful blonde XO) will invite him to join the Invictus crew after he gets cleared of all charges? Dana could build him one heck of a fighter!! ( also invite Leprechaun and Binary, and they could form their own fighter squadron with a few Maliri fighter vets-- let's all think of a kick ass Squadron name for them, like the Blue Banshees maybe?) Let's all think outside of the Harem! They could be like the Red Shirts on Star Trek (TOS) and beam down to get killed off,.. it's a thought. TTFN


,.. and Deep Lord Athgiloi needs to be deep fried, and get Cephna away from his nasty bottom feeding rear-end, all while his weak hulled war-fleets are torn to little bite-sized bits, thank you very much!!! TTFN


Tefler hasn't even tagged on the couple more scenes of his that he said that he will soon add to this installment, and I am already Jones'n for TSM #140,.. and then having Dana build John a super 'Invictus' Battleship/Dreadnought designed to scare the living crap out of those misanthropic Progenitors, Hoo-rah!! TTFN

Big Dude

The Invictus would need another upgrade in size to house the Maliri and those three. Add another 250 to 500 meters with more power cores. Tim the Tool man POWER!


Wait.....what? Do you really think John would willing ask another male to come live with HIS girls? He may have shed the evil coils of his Progenitor ancestry but not to that extreme. Most especially not for someone that he doesn't know from the next bum on the street.


hmmm,.. the Battleship or Dreadnought Invictus, with it's own squadron of high tech/awesome fighters! You just gotta love it! TTFN


,.. And ex-commander Tom Walker has been in quite a number of Tefler's TSM chapters, as the noose slowly closes around his neck. So he is not just any 'next bum' coming down the space lanes. And why can't the girls have another cock or three onboard? Give John a break! Some young energetic Harem Helpers! ( Plus then you've got some warm bodies that you can kill off should the story wag that way,..) TTFN


me to wonder how much longer that chapter will take???


at least he ain't dead LOL!


I'm happy to support you, perhaps shorter chapters will make it easier to deliver. I admire your work and want to support you. You also need to have a work scheduls that matches your, and your families needs.