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Hey everyone,

I'm still working on the latest chapter, but I won't be finished by the end of this month (so stop wearing out your F5 keys!). I'll let you know when I have a release date in mind.

I hope you're all keeping well and not finding the pandemic and the ensuing lockdowns too much of a hardship.

Best wishes,




I've tried re-downloading the app...but its only showing up to chapter 139 smh...I only missed a couple months...theres more chapters on lit then what it's showing on here...how do I get it to refresh??

CJ Mora

Thanks for the update, Tefler! Stay safe!

rich ed

excite balls


My poor F5 button will never be the same, thanks Tef.


Thx, looking forward to the next chapter! Keep up the amazing work


Yes, thanks for the update. Good to hear from you.


We on the Discord were betting/guessing release dates... we all got it wrong lol


That key died out ages ago. I'm not a doctor, what do I need patience for?


Thanks for keeping us up to date! 🙂

Big Dude

U B Safe sir. Just make it more exciting, more action packed, and more compelling with the extra time. If you make the chapter longer, well we'll accept that too. Cheers!

Big Dude

Oh, BTW, how are the crumb snatchers doing Tef? if they were like my two, the fun never ends at this stage of life. Enjoy 🤗


Hey tef might I suggest antimatter tech or dark matter tech to show up in story?


Who knows what souls are made of - dark matter is a possibility! :D And antimatter cannon or missile payloads would be .... horrific.


Damn well that sucks :/


Thanks for reaching out Tef. Hope you and your family are safe.


Thank you. Stay safe yourself too. Don't stress yourself out either.


Be safe Tefla🙏🙏🙏


Thank you for keeping us informed, Tefler. I hope that you’ve had a bit of downtime this month to spend with family and that the increasing issues with the pandemic have not been too detrimental for all of you. Be safe, be well, be happy. We’ll be here when you’re ready for us to see what you’ve done.


Thank you for the update Tef, We all hope you are well and taking good care of yourself during the latest lockdown. We are all waiting like kids the night before our birthdays to see what joy you bring us in the form of a new chapter. :) Be well and please do remember to harken to the deadlines you love so much! ;)


Thanks for the update, pandemic life is okay not my favorite thing but I'm managing

Nathaniel Wolf

Silly Telfer, like any of us have F5 keys anymore. Those died years ago. God, its been over five years since TSM was first posted in on Lit.


Hey Tefler, thanks for the update. Hope you and yours are well. I for one am perfectly fine with you posting some of chapter 139 tonight and the rest in February so you still get some Patreon income from January. You do it however you want to though. Take care!


Hi Tef. Thanks for letting us know about 139. I look forward this next chapter whenever you decide it is ready for release and I hope you and your family are also fine and holding up well in spite of the virus restrictions.


Am I the only one that feels that Telfers current writing is more an afterthought than a passion?


I may have to grin and bare it, awaiting the latest TSM to spring forth from M. Tefler's talented and mighty fingers,.. but I console myself with an somewhat similar and totally awesome sci-fi space/harem adventure from writer C. H. Darkstrider: Project Prometheus (currently at chapter 33). Another TSM in the making (and he hasn't killed off his shipboard AI -- oh I really miss the spritely Faye, sigh), so you might check him out while waiting for TSM chapter 139. And Project Prometheus (chapter 1 thru 26) is available on Literotica, with the most recent 5 or 6 chapters on Patreon, just like some other authors do. Give it a chance, and if your at all like me, I really didn't want to find yet another wonderful author to follow,.. oh well! TTFN


I'll check this out. Heinlein was a master. I think it in Requiem they mentioned he followed other struggling SF writers and would send then a check to help further their careers. They were never even aware Heinlein even new they exsisted and were eternally grateful. They offered to pay him back and he said pay it forward , brought a tear to my eye. Thanks for all the comments about Heinlein-an interesting discussion. I am aware there are no straight lines in space and that in feasible long distant travel will need to b space launched. We all saw the moon landing I wonder if I'll be around for the Mars landing?


With dear Kamella Harris on the Biden team, Nasa has already had delays (i.e. the moonlander) and with the U. S.'s economy already going down the toilet, I wouldn't hold my breath, sorry :-(


TY keep safe

Robert Hibbs

This is meant to be taken as a positive post -- Although I am happy to reward Tefler each month with a contribution, I am glad to see that the push for income is not overriding the need for quality. When he delivers a chapter at the last moment of the month, I admit it makes me kind of wonder how much the month end deadline influences the quality of the story. With his post this month, I have no question about the quality of his next chapter. My compliments!

thomas rodrian

Thank you, Tefler. I’d rather you take the time to produce something you feel is complete than see something that does not meet your standards.


I really appreciate the update. Almost everyone I know in the UK has found this third lockdown pretty brutal, so if it has been hard to concentrate on writing, I am not surprised. I hope inspiration and opportunity to complete the chapter will come in the next couple of weeks, and very much look forward to reading it (hopefully in slightly better times for us all).


thank you for letting us know, your story is worth the wait and the quality of work and word count is matched by none. thank you for all you do for your readers. have a great week and new year.

Robert Hibbs

All the desktops and laptops have keyboards with F5 keys. Granted, there are not as many as there was 5 years ago, but there are still a bunch


If you scrolll down to the post under this, you will see the date is 1 jan.. Its the only thing ive payed for this month.

Bp Hlpt

Thanks for letting us know, Tefler. I hope you and your family stay safe as well.


This is nice to know. I hope that you able to keep the lights on. Not getting paid can be rough. Be well!


Thank you for keeping up to date and we also hope that the pandemic does not affect your life and work too much.


Yep, I started reading his stories to, after a recommendation from here previously. I enjoy all 3 stories.

Philip Lemon

Be well Tef. I would welcome multiple “shorter” chapters per month. IFF that would work with your writing style.


I wonder if tsm will ever be available in ebook format,that would be way cool also antimatter micro generator maybe 10 of em aboard the invictus for power and maybe antimatter cannons oh yes

Bp Hlpt

Your wish is granted! (regarding eBooks) See here - https://www.amazon.com/John-Blake-Chronicles-Square-Unclaimed-ebook/dp/B076668Z2T - There have been 4 books released so far, covering the first 37 chapters of TSM. The eBook versions include even more updates than have been released on either Literotica or Stories Online. Unfortunately, it will probably be awhile before Tefler takes the time to release further eBook chapters.


Thx Tefler for telling us not to use the F5 key this month... Mine is worn down so far.. it says F4.1 now LOL ... Now it can 'grow' back to F5


It's always stressful but encouraging to have the same problem Charles Dikens had.


I bet you never expected to have a writing assignment that would entail so many words which are graded by so many, but just be true to your characters and your story and enjoy what you are doing.

Bp Hlpt

Your wish is granted! (regarding eBooks) See the next post below.

Big Dude

Wrong location. I was only charged for two authors for February and Tefler was NOT one of them. Peace out ladies and gentlemen!


I never had an issue paying for this experience. I consider it a small price to enjoy watching this story grow. With being stuck at home, Tefler gives me a monthly outlet.


Just upgraded my patronage. We all have episodes of feeling stuck. And we all wish we could lay low for a bit and not to have to worry about bills n stuff. Just keep up the good work and know we all appreciate it!


Well tsm is available on Amazon but for kindle only not my iPad huge let down :,-( well now I feel dumb I downloaded the iOS app yay


Every free story site is full of stories where the writer got stuck and lost the desire to finish the story. I am pretty sure Tef has the plot mapped out (also uncommon for a lot of hobby writers) and is probably stuck on the how and not the what. I have dabbled in writing in the past and know that stuck feeling well.


Thanks for the update Tef. Unfortunately, your warning comes too late for me. And damn you, I am on my fifth F5 key.

Doug Hendrickson

You know there's a Kindle app for iOS, right? https://apps.apple.com/us/app/amazon-kindle/id302584613


Same here in Canada. You realise that a pint at the pub or coffee with friends means more than you thought.


May they rest in pieces.


I wish he would just post what he has and edit it when he’s finished up the rest like usual


How about giving jahenna shadow powers


Zachary, why would John give Jehanna shadow powers? Almost without exception, the powers given to each girl are uniquely suited for her, based on her existing personality - Alyssa being the exception - and skills. What in Jehanna would you think would point at her being a shadowy kind of girl? I'm sure that Tefler has or will give this considerable thought, but personally, I wouldn't be surprised if she got a power that would be much more useful to her in her own role(s) and choices. Gifts of communication, understanding, perception and persuasion, for example, would be quite suitable for an investigative journalist and spokesperson such as herself, no? As we've seen, not all psychic gifts need to be used in combat, and even when they are, that need not be their primary application.


Michael, with you mentioning invisibility, that made me think with the ship upgrade getting ready to begin, if not already started Dana should design a stealth mode for the ship and their their personal armour.


I truly believe this is the #1 best/coolest plot story on the web to date bravo tefler


Not sure if you realized this, but the stealthy/subtle approach never goes well for them. As a matter of fact, if any of them mentions stealthy, you can be assured they will be faced with a total shit show.


I suggest that Jehannna’s special power should be the ability to conduct a 60 Minutes type Sandbag “Gotcha” Interview on anyone, say a Progenitor, with light, cameras and pointed questions, that so rattles said Progenitor Interviewee that he flees the scene embarrassed and humiliated.


Thought jehanna would get some sort of upgrade to be able to understand and communicate with all forms of life or something like that


Really fiendin for some tsm

Big Dude

I say Jehanna gets a similar upgrade like Captain Fernandez where she knows what interview questions to ask before the person answers because she knows their response already. The interviewed subjject can't implement subterfuge during the interview. Call it "Interview Prescience". Her first interviewee could be the Maliri woman who hacked all the message buoys to implicate Tom Walker in the Brimorian Callopian Shores fiasco. She magically gets captured in some interesting Tefler scheme we never saw coming! The Dude's four farthings!


i think they should upgrade the sensors to psy sensors to find (BLACK METAL) dana already figured out the psy com system i think she could use that to make psy sensors to find (BLACK METAL) through a progenator stealth system


From my perspective only, that feels like too much overlap with Alyssa's abilities. I think I would rather see Jehanna with stellar investigative reporting skills such as the ability to connect dots that others don't immediately see and an intuitive sense of where to look. This could also include the ability to charm people to reveal things to her rather than actual telepathic abilities.


I have been thinking what Jehanna power will be and I am drawing a blank. I need a creative person to provide a top five list.


I'll give it a shot. Here are a couple. I don't expect Tefler to use any of these, so why not? :-) 1) Insight - every event that takes place causes an effect. Using psychic insight, Jehanna can piece the ripples of those effects together to perceive what took place in the past. The more recent, or the more significant, the actions, the easier the insight is to achieve. Limitation - Jehanna needs to be at least in some proximity to the ripples from the event. Huge events would have huge ripples, minor events, might not be perceivable at all at a distance. Bonus: This will allow Jehanna to work with Tashana in her work, too, and doesn't burden her with pain that Alyssa feels from all the psychic energies that she can sense. 2) Communicator - Jehanna can speak in such a fashion as to ensure that all those listening can hear and understand her, and she gains the ability to understand all those communicating around her. This is done, in part, by psychically differentiating all the possible options and feeling which ones were actually meant, and includes some minor telepathic abilities. Bonus: Codes are merely different forms of communication, so all codes would be completely transparent to Jehanna. She could also work with Irillith and Tashana translating codes and ancient languages.


I can see the insight being very useful. But, now you have have me questioning with the communicator how is Every species speaking English 🤔


its been centuries since humans left tera plenty of time for all the races to learn plus maliri love human tv thats how tashana and irillith learned


Fair enough, back to drinking


Jehannna should be The Information Minister. so any powers dealing with communication and the ability to deliver information truthfully and concisely would be appropriate. Also she could have mad logistical skills (planning. implementing, ect.) different from Rachel's.

Ryan Smith

Nope she should be a illusionist.


Jehanna has other talents other than reporter skills. She seems quite adept with weapons and squad tactics. Possibly, her role could be similar to Calara's except she would be a land based legend. I could see her coordinating the Trankaran, Maliri and Terran marines in an assault on some thrall army while Calara deals with the spacecraft warfare.


Kind of a Woman at Arms, Master Chief type, I am on board. She could be similar to Sakura in being able to solo missions.


Like a sapper perhaps: stealth missions rather than "stealth" missions.


I'm Chris Hansen, with Dateline NBC. Why don't you take a seat?


Or she would be the one to see through mis-information, and be the key to see through and solve the Shanryl - Tom Walker set up

Brian Woods

You know, it surprises me that so many people think Jehanna is next in line for the Psychic Girls Club, when we have already been told that John’s gonna spend the next few weeks almost exclusively boning and feeding beautiful blue-skinned Maliri women. My personal thoughts are the assassins being more likely to get powered up, likely with some combination of strength, teleportation, astral summoning, or shadow powers to aid in protecting his fledgling ‘empire’. Thoughts? Comments? Rebukes? Pitchforks?


In the final few pages of chapter 137, John tells Jehanna that if she becomes expert on the assault rife within/by 48 hours, then the next step would be the giving her psychic abilities. And I was trying to think of powers to compliment an investigative reporter, like invisibility and super hearing,.. but also she could be an awesome lioness with her own kick-ass fighting powers,.. can anyone (outside of Tefler) think of any combination of good reporter powers and combat abilities? I bet John will get a big smooch from his inquisitive lioness for whatever psychic goody package he (really Tefler) comes up with for her. -- Also invisibility and super senses (includes super hearing) would make pretty neat Maliri assassin / bodyguard powers, but I'd like to see them get something more like individual body mass control, i.e. lighter-less dense and can phase through walls and things, and heavier-more dense and can swat a tank into the next county if so inclined. TTFN


Was rereading and saw this. "If they had succeeded in crushing the Terran forces, the Kintark would now be the largest empire in the quadrant," Kaelotegh said quietly, studying the exposed territory. "The tides of war can be cruel and unforgiving... as they will soon learn at great cost." -Ch 126 pg 2 . I found this funny considering his fate


@Brian Woods. You did it: Teleportation, she can generate warp portals. We have the current issue of getting to the abandon ships and they are about to look for the warp-gate. BUT, if she can create portals...... problem solved. Oh, and yes on the Pitchforks.


Getting in on the Jehanna power suggestions, and staying with the reporter theme, give her a charm power. When she turns on her charm no one can lie to her.


I think Jehanna already has those charm powers.


Not going to lie, I am dying for the next chapter. That said, I am glad that Tef gave us this update. No matter how much I want it to be other wise, so thank you Tef, I eagerly await the next chapter in your epic saga


No worries, Boss. *hugs*


I have a question about something above where it was said every time John gives another some of his powers...it weakens him. I do not recall Tefler ever saying that through the characters (unless I missed it somewhere!) John has given Alyssa incredible telepathic power and yet he destroyed millions of Kirrax with his own. Sakura has super speed and so does he! He made Tashana's fire power much greater...he created a fire sprite to show Helene his "magic!" He may not wield all the powers as well as the Lionesses do, especially those needing practice, but he still has them.

thomas rodrian

It is implied John loses a portion of ability each time he empowers a Lioness, but Tefler has never given details on what happens. IMO, John gives something, but receives more than he gives. So, when John gave Sakura super speed, John’s top speed or duration is minimally reduced, but the power he receives from Sakura to empower other psychic abilities more than makes up for his loss, e.g., John’s super speed might be decreased by 0.000000000000000000000001%, but Sakura gives him 100000000000000000000000% more love power.

Big Dude

I think you are thinking of old John Blake before he evolved. I think he has exponentially grown now he and hid guide are one. One thing I think his evolution will be how fast he imparts new psychic abilities to his ladies. Since the Maliri were "conceived" as a thrall species it should be easier and faster now. I bet three days of feedings (Three Square Meals) and we have Super Jehanna. TSM days again and were have Super Super Jehanna. Then John realizes he can upgrade them all to Super sized powers with just a little more Three Square Meals everyone.

Big Dude

Just had another thought in my insomnia... Super sizing Dr. Rachel causes her to figure out how to make John's cum in mass quantities.. This allows him to increase and improve his network when the Maliri ladies find out there is this special potion that clears up your physical imperfection FREE. All the Maliri women sign up and they get that coveted white hair. John then can take on 60 progenitors at once. He then takes the Earth and their colonies. Then the Abandoned with Helene as his 4th Matriarch. Well, whatever order Tefler wants to happen.

Big Dude

I hate auto correction. I fixed most of my typos but Patreon will delete your entry if too many corrections.


and they all lived happily ever after????


Flyingdoc, don't forget he has a sequel lined out

Big Dude

Well, the sequel will be him and his brood taking on Xar directly. Imagine he has male and female Progenitors in action helping him. He's the Secretary of Defense with Alyssa as his 5-Star general with his Invictus crew as his 4 star adjutants. He has Progenitor Children with varied skill sets led by his ladies mastering in that skill. Imagine Dana leading a team of gravity warping Progenitors or Tashana leading a team of fire generating Progenitors. Remember Progenitors have the full skill set but these are specialized people whose master power is one that John directs. Thoughts?

thomas rodrian

BD, I think John is already there. Regardless of the woman’s size, regardless of how many women, regard of the species, John produces enough sperm to give her a big belly.


I could see him wrapping up the first book with Mael'nerak's throneworld and then launching into book two with the theme of the progenitor war.


He mentioned that it'll have different characters but John and the girls showing up every now and again


I could see John and the crew becoming the new bad guys just by having to be so hard for so long and it's up to a daughter of John and Alyssa that was left behind to go and find her mother and father and bring them back from the brink.

Big Dude

Grimlaken, how remiss of me; you are right!


Any news yet about a new chapter?


Anticipation, speculations, and rewarding revelations in this next chapter (#139), oh boy, oh boy,.. F5 keys are mourned, due to way over use. -- What techno and historical goodies will our sexy heroes and heroines uncover? -- Will uber-nasty Gahl'kalgor finally get his fleet into the shrouded portion of the galaxy, and will his Matriarch (Valeria ) finally figure out what a complete a**hole her master really is? -- And most importantly. what new recipes will Baen'thelas learn from his Maliri Monarchs? And will he breakdown and teach them French Toast? -- Stay tuned, same bat time, same bat channel,.. (Tef you are sorely missed ol'buddy!). TTFN


The 'strange' thing for me is that it was my brother that was born on Valentines Day,.. I was a June baby. My parents should have named him Michael,.. but brother David has been a minister in Canada for years now. ( No tattooed ladies yet). but I Grok.


How about adding some antimatter grenades or implosion grenades


Well, I have counted 6 references to Heinlein's 'Stranger in a Strange Land' in that post. Can anyone do better?


Why no antimatter missiles, like Dana's singularity blackholes.


And missiles cannt penetrate hardshields


Any updates on our beloved series???


Yes. About two weeks ago (to the day), Tefler wrote an update. He said: ---- I'm still working on the latest chapter, but I won't be finished by the end of this month (so stop wearing out your F5 keys!). I'll let you know when I have a release date in mind. ---- So, since we haven't heard anything since, he doesn't yet have a release date in mind. In the meantime, people have been posting (not so) crazy and/or (not so) strange theories as to what they think might happen next, what they'd like to have happen, what they think has happened, and other miscellaneous topics. In other words, everything is normal and we can resume (im)patiently waiting for Tefler to be ready to release a new chapter, or at least an update. Personally, I expect (and hope) that we will hear from him before the end of the month, if only just to keep us from worrying about him and his family while the pandemic continues.

Who Me

Don't look for anything until the end of the month.


Why doesn’t he post what he has so far then update it later when he’s done :/

Big Dude

Zachary Hoover, many people have asked this but Tefler is Tefler and he is what he is... a great author that does what he wants.


I agree with who me, end of the month.


remember when folks were telling tef he needed a buffer of work so if he was writerblocked he could still post in a timely fashion? well this is what I think is going on. by not posting for a month he builds up a buffer. be careful what you wish for, you might just get it.


I really like the positive spin you put on this delay, good job! Brilliant! TTFN


Personally,I think he's been editing book5 before writing 139.I agree with the end of the month though.


I checked today hoping for a new chapter valentine. Sadly, no such valentine was waiting for me. Be safe Tefler. We miss you!

Ryan Smith

Oh mighty f5 key help Tefler with clarity, inspiration and good health.


Happy Belated (yet still early) Birthday Sakura! 14.02.2684


so there will not be any chapter this month?


That remains to be seen for Feb. What’s certain is that there will no chapter in January.


Because everyone complains that he is just putting in a chapter for the money, and they are wrong, they complain about everything!


😭😭😭😭 need my fix


So Tefler when can we your paying customers expect the next chapter???


Junkie 😊. Sorry I was not referring to you specifically as I think all of us here are. 🤣


Seeing you only pay when each chapter is released, "when is done" is ok with me, as its always a quality product when it is released!


Honestly at this point I’m just going to go with, nothing new till the end of the month. And stop worrying about it.


Sounds like a plan!


Sometimes an author has to do what an author has to do... We, the readers just have to wait.... DANG.. thats just harsh.. and hard to do😒


I would put in a support case into patreon. I checked my receipt and I wasn't charged for last month.

Big Dude

I was thinking... Maybe Tefler is looking for some ideas and sifting those submitted for Jehanna, new Dana inspired weaponry and Maliri improvements.


There is a P.T. Barnum quote: Always leave them wanting more. Tefler most certainly does this well. To the rabid, we will feast when he feeds us and not until.


I don't care what he is doing, this has been "One Hell of a Journey", and I am loving it!


I always thought it would be cool if John starting to get younger after he defeated his guide. Not all at once but slowly over time and I don’t want him to just become like 18 lol but 27-29 but without him noticing. Everyone went through a transition period after “absorbing” his power and it would be interesting if John did too now that he has “absorbed” the remainder of his knowledge and power.

thomas rodrian

It is possible for him to regenerate and look younger. The biggest problem would be self proception. We have at least two mental pictures of ourselves: at our self defined prime and what we think we see in a mirror. If his body does not match either of these images, cognitive dissonance occurs.


Is anyone else also thinking, February is only 28 days, so the next episode may be 2 or 3 days closer?

Ryan Smith

The words the wise ones "we are not worthy"


I can wait for the sci-fi - meanwhile we have sci-fact: Perseverance has landed on Mars, which is pretty awesome.


We have previously sent wheeled vehicles to both the moon and Mars, and now a drone sized helicopter to help survey a dry lake bed on the planet Mars, techno progress yeah! TTFN


For those looking for something to read while Tefler furiously pecks away at his keyboard (almost wrote typewriter, shows how old I am!), here's a couple of non-harem series that have been recommended on this page in the loong past: The Kurtherian Gambit series by Michael Anderle is not what it seems in the first few chapters, and the cursing makes a sailor look like a kindergardener. The Star Force series by Aer-Ki Jyr is an epoch spanning space opera ( 120K years so far) in the most classic sense. Over 182 books so far and still going.. Both series can be read for "free" with Kindle Plus


sign I recall when I was happy to received a nearly almost finished chapter every month and there were many others who wanted to wait an only received finished. Sorry the later sucks. Yes I will be happy to recieve whatever we get when it arrives but this extra waiting.......


Dude. Don’t pressure the creator. Cant have him pulling a rothfuss on us.


the MD cooper Aeon 14 series is a good read on kindle too


To practice on whilst you are waiting. It always makes me nervous how the call it a Doctor's or Dental Practice... I don't want them practising on me, thank you 🥴🥶🥵 (PS. yes I do realise that those are patients, as opposed to patience. Just a play on words)


T'was the night before chapter release and all through the house, nothing was stirring except the sound of F5 being clicked...😁


may i point out to any interested people that the lensman series by e.e. smith is on www.scifistories.com and it may not have hundreds of books in it but is very well written for a series nearly 90 years old. i can only hope that TSM and assorted future sequel books will be looked at as fondly. good luck and happy reading !


And I loved E.E.(Doc) Smith's Skylark series also,.. and minus the harems, it reminds me some of TSM. It was an awesome read for me back in the 1970's, it also holds up well, Doc Smith was a pretty capable man / writer (much knowledge he had); he helped Bob Heinlein find and fix up a quality used car that got the Heinlein's through the war years of WWII when new automobiles were no longer produced in leu of tanks and jeeps. TTFN


Anyone got recommended stories for me to read while I wait? Would appreciated it.


If you log into Discord, there is a channel (#reading-recommendations) that has more than you need. https://discord.gg/EQVHx5kp


One story that was inspired by TSM is Project Prometheus by C H Darkstrider. It is most definitely a space opera with an erotica element and, while not quite as well-written as TSM, it is still a good read with a galaxy-spanning theme. For a more general read I cannot recommend Stranger in a Strange Land by Robert A Heinlein highly enough. This is a book that I now have on Kindle as I have quite literally worn out at least 3 paperbacks of this book. Make your choice and happy reading.


Project Prometheus is a very good story, I am currently waiting for both chapters to drop. I would get my torches, but I needed the firewood last week.


Following recommendations here a few months ago, I tried Project Prometheus, and it looked quite promising - building up to a Invictus-like crew. But then half of the team got separated on the planet surface, and I lost patience. Should I persevere?

Jim lynch

Come on tefler give us mere mortals a clue as to when about you might drop chapter 139 please. I’m not too proud to beg too buddy.

Jim lynch

People if your bored there’s a story on stories online.net called A stupid boy. By g younger I’ve bought I think it’s 11 books of it now and I’m eagerly awaiting the next instalment.

Horny Rhino

I have a feeling this is going to be the culmination of most of the loose threads before John starts the war with the progenetors.

fay cannon

Ring World by Larry Niven is amazing. I read it maybe 40 years ago and now my son told me there is a whole series.


I wonder if "this month" was actually referring to February since it was basically already a new month on the 31st...


He'll probably have it out by the last day of Feb. And just start on ch.140 and edit 139. Makes the most sense to me


Two things: First, I hope Tefler is ok! Second, Project Prometheus is pretty good, although as stated above, the writing is not as good as that of Tefler. Also, saying that it's 'inspired' by Three Square Meals is selling the similarities short. I'd say a good bit of the subplots are very nearly 'copied' from TSM and were I Tefler (God I wish I had 1/10th of his talent), I might be a little pissed. Just my 2 cents.


The original Star Wars trilogy by Timothy Zahn are very good. Worth a read for anyone liking space opera. A more serious writer for space is also Jack McDevitt. He has two sets of series, different styles but both quite good. I personally prefer the Alex Benedict series but give the Engines of God a try as well. If you like the aspect of the fights and battles, and don't mind fantasy, I found Dies the Fire series by SM Stirling to contain a lot of great battles and strategy. Asimov's Foundation series is a classic. First 3 books. you can skip the rest.

Who Me

Don't forget the Honor Harrington series by David Weber - good giant space battles


Elizabeth Moon Heris Serrano books are good


Bigtddybr on literotica also has a great series to tide us over ... All that Glitters is a great series


Haven't read that, but enjoyed the Safehold books a lot.


If we're talking Weber, I enjoyed his Dahak saga (Empire From the Ashes) and Apocalypse Troll.

Mark Adkins

Anime Harem, by FortySixtyFour. It's on Literotica, but like Tefler, he posts more often on Patreon. Sometimes there are echos of TSM in the story.


Mark is Anime Harem similar to Anime Trope System by Alvin Atwar?


Any confirmation for chapter at the end of the month?


pls any news tef


I do not expect anything until the 28th at 3 am pst, if then.


Starting to get a little worried here about ole'Tef. Hope he's allright and nothing happened to him. It's almost two months now without any news of him. I don't remember that happening before. Wish u all the best Master Tef!


He’s fine. It seems like he is trying to work through writers block at the moment. He’s also got young kids so that’s pretty draining as well


The same thing happened at the end if last year when he took a 2 month break


Any news on tefler ?


odd I normally get updates when people post. To answer your question I am working on chapters for both Heather and dragon knight right now. I hope to have one up in the next 2 days.


Will book 5 in john blacke be out on amazon? Or if its finnish where can i buy it?