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*** EDITED - 10th Jan - fixed some minor typos. ***

Hey everyone,

Happy New Year!

It's late so I won't leave a long message. I just hope you enjoy the latest chapter!

It's 28.5k words, so I might add in another couple of scenes to end it in a good place.





Happy New Year!


Thanks Tefler




Happy new year!

Jedi Khan

Thanks Tefler. I was just getting worried, thinking that you might have been facing internet issues.


Happy New Year Tef!


Just made it on the east coast. Happy new year Tefler.


Happy New Year!


Happy new years. Thanks Tefler. Imma get stuck in this


happy new year! keep everyone safe and healthy. thank you for your dedication to your fans.


I wish me a merry Xmas and a very happy new year!!! Thanks Tefler and to all a good new year


Happy new year! Thanks for the chapter.


Thank you Tefler!!!!


Happy new year!


Happy New Year! To you and your family!



rich ed

super excited. happy new year tefler. trust you and yours are well


Thanks Tefler! Wishing you and yours a happy, healthy and productive New Year!


Thank you, Tefler! Have a safe, happy, healthy and prosperous New Year!


Bringing in the new years the right type of way lol


Happy new year and thanks Tefler


Thanks, Tef, and best wishes for 2021!


Thank you Sir. Best way to start a New Year 👌


Cheers Mr,happy new year fella!


Thank you. Hope you have a wonderful 2021, and please stay well!


*You’re so much more relaxed about using you psychic abilities,* she noted ‘you psychic’ s/b ‘your psychic’


until we can built up our fleets ‘built up’ s/b ‘build up’


Really good read...as expected...awesome again!!!!! Looking forward to whatever you are going to add!!!!


Very much enjoyed the new chapter. I too am looking forward to your next update, as always.


I know more is coming but damnit it ended too soon. And so many cliffhangers in this one....


Happy new year


Happy new year! May 2021 treat us better.


Oh boy!

Bp Hlpt

Thank You Tefler! And Happy New Year!


thank you and have a happy and safe new year


Great. Have a good and inspirational New Year.

Jim lynch

Bloody fantastic tefler now when is part 2 due no rush lol.


This Chapter felt like coming home... and a welcome homecoming it was indeed.


If you want the final version, just wait for ebooks. You are not a publisher, you are not a client, you are not even a customer. You are making a voluntary contribution in return for seeing draft chapters early, and being part of a community who supports Tefler’s writing. You are a patron. And, whilst I’m not an expert in mental health, my take on Tefler’s recent writers block period is that Patreon should be a place for fans, not for bitching. You could have made every point in your above post in a constructive way, rather than framing it as a complaint.

The Crimson King

Happy New Year Tef. I realise this is probably unwelcome advice, but I’m going to give it anyway. For quite a while now we’ve been getting “half before the Patreon deadline (in a fair few cases, *RIGHT* before the deadline), the other half usually in the first half of the following month”. The result of this is the perpetuation of the cycle: the chapter isn’t finished, so you publish what you’ve got by the deadline and finish it in the next month, thereby pushing back starting the next chapter, which then isn’t finished, and so on. A couple months ago, this came to a head with your writers block, and a number of people on here expressed frustration at the cycle. I’m not quite at the point of fed up as some seemed to be, but certainly reaching “frustrated” at it, as frankly it increasingly feels like we are paying for a rush job to make sure our payments keep coming. As such, I feel I should recommend an alteration to your publishing schedule: perhaps you ought to consider publishing complete chapters in the first half of the month. This way you will still be paid monthly, without the pressure to meet the Patreon deadline, and we will be getting a full, polished chapter for our patronage. While the final product may not change, the nature of the relationship would. A change which would, I feel, benefit all involved. Others are welcome to disagree with me, and I’m sure they will, but I felt it was time I expressed my own thoughts on the matter.


Tefler, Ignore the complainers! You just keep doing what you’re doing! The process has worked for several years now. Don’t fix what isn’t broken. People, Tefler is a writer, a creator who is masterfully creating a fantastic world and journey. This can’t be done on a schedule or timeline. Just sit back, enjoy the ride.


Your suggestion is a valid one, which I have thought of, and I'm sure there have been others who have posted it before. But maybe to give another perspective rather than disagreeing with you. Some people do work better under pressure of a deadline, of course ideally to finish it by the deadline, but at least there is a mark to work towards to. At least this month we got 28.5k words, compared to half previously, so maybe he is catching back up, and hopefully to 2 a month, which we did get once last year. And it was also other Patreons here, who were telling him to post whatever he had, so that he could get paid. Ultimately, you are only paying once per chapter regardless of when it is posted. Can't blame Tefler for choosing an option that many others want, even if it is not what you want. Maybe it may help those feeling frustrated, to just check in on the 15th of the month, to get the complete, edited and fact-checked versions. And even if he does not add any scenes in, he does at times make edits after it is posted (eg. the question of restoring Sakura's virginity in the previous chapter). So we still have to check twice to get the final version. I quite like the fact that now at the end of the month, I know that there will be something to read, compared to having to guess when the next chapter will be complete.


Ironically then, it is done according to a schedule and timeline: the one dictated by the Patreon payment system.


There are reasons that you do not ignore complaints and criticisms. Sometimes they are legitimate and can lead to betterment or enlightenment. No one is right 100 percent of the time. To ignore them closes your mind and your ability to reason rationally. There is a difference between constructive criticism and mean spirited attack. Besides everyone is entitled to their opinions, even me. .


Just started reading and found a small error to fix when you update the chapter. John remembered that he had an alternative solution to hand. Should be John remembered that he had an alternative solution at hand. Still reading though. And finished, took a break but here is one more thing I found... defending Maliri territory until we can built up our fleets should be defending Maliri territory until we can build up our fleets

Big Dude

End it in a good place? Can you say cliffhanger?


I love this it feel like a homecoming. And to give my own viewpoint on the matter I'm fine with the way he publishes. Of course it leaves me craving the finish but tefler rarely disappoints(actually he's never disappointed me save for when he had the writer's block and dropped off the grid without a word while we're were hoping he was fine) . I work better under pressure myself so I can appreciate the motivation this method can present


Loved it. Happy New Year and thanks.


Crap. Here goes. Ill read the chapter knowing that its a cliffhanger.

CJ Mora

Great chapter, Tefler. I liked the direction John is moving in, with the "problem" matriarchs. Happy new year! Wishing you a happy, healthy, and prosperous year in 2021!!!

CJ Mora

I agree. Creativity comes in bursts which cannot always conform to schedules. People still get a whole chapter every month (the unpaid half from the previous month plus the paid half from the current month), so they're really not missing out. I think they're just blowing off steam. I am completely fine with what Tefler is doing, versus the alternative (a monthly flat rate, which really does suck because you pay every month, but might get nothing or low productivity if the writer needs some mental space for a couple weeks). Tefler - please publish these as real paperback/Kindle books again, so folks who think like that will appreciate getting the stories as a monthly trickle again, or they can just wait for the books to come out.

Author W

Hello Tefler, while I do enjoy your work a lot, I have to agree with the other people that have been commenting. I do not enjoy getting half finished chapters. Mostly because it messes with how I prefer to consume things from Patreon. I want to get a mail when something is ready for me to consume and I don't have the time to sit and spam F5 like I see many people doing. So for me at least I don't want to come back every few days and see if it's done yet so I can start reading. For me, a chapter that is not finished is not something I'm going to start reading in fear of missing something being added at a later date. So It's totally pointless for me to get something that is 90% done. Better then to wait a few days and finish it and then post it. Like @The Crimson King said above, it's not something that's going to stop me from continue to support you, BUT every time this happens (and it's been like this a lot 2020) it ticks me of a bit. I hope you take this as constructive criticism and not like I'm bashing. Like I said, you do amazing work and I support you! Happy New Year!


Thank you for updated chapter. Really enjoyed reading them both.


Thanks for the chapter - would I have been disappointed if the last update didn't arrive? - NO!. But it did add value. For the peeps that want a complete story to be presented let them haunt Literotica, amazon and the like. Go and excise patience in those places temporarily located elsewhere than patreon. Save your 'money' and wait away from the majority of us excited to press F5 and those of us who tongue in cheek pretend we can't wait. Only another 20 chapters apparently so let make the last ones on patreon one of anticipation and excitement not agitation. At the end of the day I'm happy so no need for change for me.

Bp Hlpt

A quick edit to the final scene: That would’ve have explained her desperation to rescue... - You don't need the [have] since you already have the ['ve]. :)

The Crimson King

Thanks very much! You’ve summed up my thoughts better than I ever could have :-) I too hope that Tef takes this as constructive and not negativity for negativity’s sake, because the *final* product really is excellent.

Author W

I think everyone have a right too their opinion, it’s not constructive to say: keep your money and get lost. We want to support this aswell. We are also big fans. Either way, more importantly where did you hear that there is only 20 chapters left? 😦

David Shmilowitz

Is this the final version or are there still more scenes to be added?


That should be it. The only changes I make now will be typos etc. :)


Another...extremely well done!!!!!!!


Thanks for the feedback on the latest chapter everyone. Regarding only posting chapters when they're completed... I've been adding new scenes to chapters for years now! When I released chapter 138 it was 28,500 words and now it's increased to 29,950 words, which was already a substantial word count for a release. I always give you the second half of a chapter in a "rough" state, where the editors haven't even seen it yet. I ran a poll years ago and patrons actually requested this format so they could read the chapter as soon as I finished writing it (hot off the keyboard). When I wrote chapter 100, I added at least 6 new scenes based on patron feedback and dramatically changed the John vs Baledranax fight to make it more dramatic. I love getting creative feedback from you guys and think it adds a lot to the story when I can incorporate your ideas. I think it would be a real shame if I felt obligated to fully complete a chapter in isolation, release it on patreon, then just start working on the next chapter. Back when I started on Patreon, my stated goal was to release chapters that were 25k-30k words. I have met that self-imposed target for 79 of the last 80 chapters, and not only met it, but greatly exceeded 30k words on dozens of occasions. Chapter 136 was an anomaly because it was MUCH harder to write than any of the previous chapters, which I explained at length in a previous post. I could go back to the original 25k wordcount and only release chapters when they're completed, but that would be worse value for money for you guys! Writing is a creative endeavour and not like a regular job. I have to be in the right frame of mind to write, which is especially difficult when we're in trying times such as the Covid lockdown. I've always performed better with time pressures in place and some of my best work has been done when I'm up against the clock. Towards the end of the month, I can also say to my wife "I need three days of uninterrupted free time to finish this chapter" which I can't reasonably do under normal circumstances. Those concerted efforts allow me to fully immerse myself in the characters and the story arcs without day-to-day interruptions, massively ramping up my productivity. Saying that I'm "rushing" a release to finish it in time, implies that I'm sacrificing quality, when that just isn't the case at all. At the end of the day, I greatly appreciate patron support and I don't want anybody to feel like they aren't getting good value for money in being my patron. You still get access to the chapters months before they go on the free sites and you're able to contribute to the story in ways that the non-patrons cannot. I'll be interested in hearing your comments as to what chapter release format you'd prefer. Tefler


I won't presume to speak for anyone else. I'm excited to get whatever you have, whenever you want to release it. I appreciate the fact that you are willing to share in the creative process, both through early releases and your discussions relating to these "early" releases on Discord. Thank You

Author W

First of all, thanks for addressing this. After hearing your thoughts on this I’m willing to change my opinion on this. I will probably still not read until all scenes are done in fear of missing any content but I see the value it gives you to receive feedback before it’s done. I would be interested if there would be a way for you to add some easy to search for delimiters where new content start and stop? Thanks for all the good work!


I really appreciate the format you are (and have been) using to issue the chapters and would prefer that you continue in the same manner. This gives me the benefit of enjoying the story as it evolves and I also really enjoy your interaction with those of us who frequent the Discord site, which I consider very unique. I like you writing style and your creative talent and imagination continually amaze me. Thanks!


In the end of the chapter - The Malari attack the transport, and it explained as "A blue skin, that is not going to hurt them" BUT the Malari are always hiding their features!

Who Me

Download the chapter again. The ending has been changed. The Fleet Master has told them to remove their helmets and treat the Abandoned like honored guests.


This chapter resolved many smaller outstanding issues. We know the Brimorians are finished and Tef didn’t bother dramatizing the battle with techniques like intricate fleet details, descriptive Brimorian jaw-dropping, or introducing much unexpected peril. The point of the battle was to clarify the fate of the Abandoned. Same with the new Matriarchs which was largely dealt with a meeting that told them nothing new (for us) and the standard Jade tentacle procedure. There is new clarity on what the immediate objectives are for most of the major players, but Clara’s Malari defense plan and the urgency to capture Larn’s thrall fleet were already well established. Same for the Fleet Admiral’s visit to the Outer Rim - just a quick check in with nothing new from our perspective. Seems like some exciting tiny tidbits could have been thrown in this chapter. Shaping something 50 times (and still not reaching John’s limit), creating a sense of peril by describing how powerful black metal weapons really are, or finding a locked vault door in the basement of the ‘summer castle’ that had not been open in 10,000 years would have fun teases. A quick check in with the major players and some housekeeping was appropriate. But this chapter is probably intended to be the calm note from which Tef will gradually build upon until the final dramatic crescendo of the entire epic story..

Bp Hlpt

Tefler, You had been in the habit of adding the term "FINAL" to the post when a chapter had reached that state. (Ignoring the fact that there still might be a rare update for typos, and the chapter really isn't ever final until the eBook is published, and there might still be updates due to typos even them. :) ) ANYWAY, I don't think you have marked chapters "Final" for a while. Is there some reason, or you just haven't gotten around to it?


After reading Tefler's response to some comments that have been made I agree with his statement ( please read his response yourself). I appreciate that he took the time to answer these comments. I will go with the 28K to 30K chapters that he has been posting and make the decision whether to delay reading till final scenes are added in a day or so not. I could not wait this time so I will simply read the updated chapter now. Tefler, thank you for TSM's, I really look forward to it each month.


Tefler...an old cliche says it best for me..."DON'T MESS WITH SUCCESS!!!!" Your creative work product speaks for itself! Thank you!!!!


To directly answer Tefler's request for info: Hot of the press but not a hot mess :) I use https://www.diffchecker.com/ to compare so any changes are easily appreciated!


My thoughts on bringing back our Faye: 1) You just have to! 2) Possibly Faye did create a copy of herself for Lynette, just in case she finally asked, and tucked it away in some odd storage space (and who would find it - Dana, Irillith, Daphne, or Delta-bot?) 3) Another possibility might be that Karn (the stupid Progenitor that John killed) managed to sneak a stealth drone / cyber hacking spy gizmo onto Invictus, recorded all of Faye, among other things of interest, and later Rahn (John's dear old daddy) finds this file aboard his dark ship (needs a name) and when he realizes what a gift this info would mean to his son, he uses it as a peace offering. 4) Some unique Tefler story line that is finely crafted and is totally unexpected. My money is on number four. And - PS: has Jessica Blake made Rahn clean up that ship and take out the trash,.. I mean really,.. all those dried up/drained Thralls all over the place, yuck! TTFN


Also, I don't think that John and the girls had been back to Maliri space since Alyssa got her pointy ears (ch 107/108). I'd like to see a scene in chapter 139 where Alyssa brushes back her hair and the pretty blue girls notice her shapely ears. Edreale and perhaps the young Matriarchs would be in the know, but did Edreale remember to let Luna in on it?


its possible that in order to recreate faye, they'd need all the memories of all the crew members and also potentially need the information from all the cleaning robots


“Father’s aren’t important in raising a child!” s/b (since it’s neither possessive nor a contraction) “Fathers aren’t important in raising a child!”


when her Nova Lancers had recharged s/b when her Nova Lances had recharged


I am rereading 3SM and have noticed you used ovipositors for hivelords. But if they have an ovipositor wouldn't they be Hiveladies then? Only female insects and fish have ovipositors as far as I've heard. Edit: now that I think about it Lord is technically gender neutral.


omg the grammar nazis are here!!!


Tefler actually asks people to point out typos and logical errors for him to correct -- polishing his writing.

Jedi Khan

Keep in mind, the Kirrix are alien bugs. The rules as we know of them on Earth do not necessarily apply to them. As it is in story, the Queens produce the eggs while the Hive Lords implant the eggs in the hosts. In between there is some method of transferring the eggs from the Queens to the Lords, which Tefler has declined to elaborate on.


Also while I'm here I think Faye's revival will be handled one of a few different ways. 1 they will bring her back as her AI form and when Rachel learns how to create a body and transfer Faye. 2) Transfer Faye into a body and wake her up then. 3) which I highly doubt but just for completeness, Faye will live as a AI by choice.


I've just noticed the Deep Lord suffered a temporary demotion, “Put me through to Shoal Master Kaelotegh immediately!” the Deep Lord demanded. “I want a status update on the siege of Kinta; he should have captured the Imperial homeworld by now.” Moichnea hesitated, his gills trembling with anxiety. “We’re unable to reach him, Shoal Master. Our last communication was with Shoal-Commander Olbhugh from fleet Ungumoth five hours ago.... Which is of course nothing compared to the demotion he doesn't yet realise he's facing!


Deep Lord What’s His Name has opened a big ole’ can of whoop-ass.


Hi Tefler, it been a long time since I talked with you. Hope you and your family are well and stay so. I believe I found a typo in this sentence (“Fleet Admiral on deck,” the security chief declared, rising from his (should be her?) seat to give her a rigid salute.) Thanks for another great chapter, stay safe my friend and a long and prosperous life. \ /

Bp Hlpt

I guess it depends on whether the security chief is male or female. The "his" should be referring to the seat of the security chief, not the seat of the Fleet Admiral. If the Aphrodite was a Maliri vessel we could safely assume the security chief is female, but it's Terran. I'm afraid I can't remember if the gender of the security chief has been specified.


Lawrence, your comment reminded me of an old cartoon. I actually found the clip on Youtube. "Allow me to introduce myself. My name is Mud." Here's the clip: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Vl1uFDiDoQc I don't think the Deep Lord's situation is too dissimilar, actually. :-)


finally became a patron and read 135-138 in 1 day i love this story I cant wait for the next chapter


Great chapter! Glad that the Maliri are finally able to take the initiative and rescue some of the Abandoned.

thomas rodrian

Not sure they took the initiative since they were ordered to rescue them. But I agree it was a good job


Did the same thing a couple weeks ago. Wished I would have done it sooner.


I just had a terrible thing happen! I caught up... Good job Tef!

Who Me

Thank you for the update on Jan.10th - apreciate that!


Thank you for the update fixing most of the typos, Tefler! I hope that you're doing well.


"The fleet is now prepped and we’ll be making the jump to *hyper-space* in four minutes, as soon as we reach the outskirts of Alpha Centauri and are clear of any gravity wells." Should be Hyper-Warp?


Wouldn't either be correct since once you make Hyper-Warp you are in Hyper-Space?

Brian Woods

So...is no one going to discuss what the Kirrix are going to do when they show up with a Dreadnaught, one or more Queens, a huge fleet of ships to protect the last flagship of their arsenal, the means to trade for hundreds of thousands or perhaps millions of breeding slaves...and nobody shows up on the Brimorian side? Seems like the insectoids will be pissed to high heavens for being stood up, and with a diminished fleet vs the final mighty arm of the Kirrix the fishmen will be easy pickings for expansion and ‘recruitment’. What say you :)?


Question(s): What has been written about Kirrix and water? Are they like the Starship Trooper 'bugs" and can survive in almost any environment? I do not remember reading anything.


I think they are more like the Starship Troopers based on Robert A. Heinlein's 1959 novel and not the Starship Troopers based on 1997 American military science fiction action film directed by Paul Verhoeven and written by Edward Neumeier, Two totally different kinds of aliens, one is primitive the other very technically advanced, The only commonality is linked intelligence.

rich ed

What is the link to discord. Mine disappeared on me


when is ch 139 coming i need more tsm thank you for all your hard work

Jim lynch

I know how you feel I’m getting jittery I need my fix it’s a shame you can’t main line it in faster lol.

Bp Hlpt

Thanks for catching the last several chapters up to the "FINAL" stage, Tefler. Have a great weekend!


can you please work with an artist to make a picture of a maliri ship as well as larns ship


I always think of malari ships looking a bit like the minbari ships from Babylon 5, and Larn’s dread naught a like a star wars star destroyer but that’s just me.


I asked Tefler this once, his reply was the Malari are similar to the Protoss ships from the game Starcraft.


As a vivid Starcraft player this is how Ive always looked at them in my mind, makes so much sense!


Ch135 is up on Literotica....hopefully that means Ch 139 will be dropped here soon!

Ryan Smith

F5? f5? Elbow F5 Nose F5 Toe F5 Forehead F4F5F6F7 Fffffffffff5


My apologies if this has already been commented on but I noticed this while have a read through: The Brimorian shields were actually stronger than those on the Maliri vessels, but the blue laser beams struck considerably harder. Is this correct about the shields? The Maliri fleet was updated with Brimorian shield generators requisitioned after the Battle of Terra and those made for them by the Trankarans, in addition, with their shield modulators wouldn't they actually be stronger than the standard Brimorian ones?


That's actually a reasonable question. Thank you for asking it.


This was brought up before, and Tefler replied that the shield generators that were requisitioned at the Battle of Terra were those given to the Kintark by the Brimorians, and those made in Trankaran, both were the standard Brimorian shields. What John kept for himself was the Advanced Brimorian shields which were what the Brimorians were using for their own ships. The Brimorians wouldn't give the best shields to the Kintark.


Dana gave the Maliri better shield tech since then. I don't remember if this fleet was still waiting for upgrades though.


its been over 3 weeks since ch 138 where is ch 139 man i need my tsm fix please

John P

I'm just really curious how Niskera will react when she finds out John is the son of Ran'hagon the Despoiler - and that he's still alive.


As of the last rebinding, when John shared his love to all bound to him, her knowledge of how he feels about her and her people will only continue to grow. As for Ran'hagon that will depend on John's relationship with his father more than likely.


Oh man... don't peak too early. I wouldn't be expecting a new chapter before the 29th, particularly since Tef hasn't posted a status update. I know it's not the news you'd like to hear but ...


Question: How can the story be ending , it seems to me we have years of things to explore? If Tefler is getting tried, might I suggest a collaboration of writers.

Ryan Smith

I would say the story is at least 80% finished. The known universe has been spanked, except for the squids and the dark one. I think that we have at least one more refit of the ship. I think the only way to end this without prolonged battle, that John doesn't want is too take out the thing that made the Progenitors. So the check list right now is explore hidden area, take the derelict fleet, Dana pimps their ride once more and take out the boss. Oh somewhere in there is a mini quest to stomp the squids.


Sometime soon in the relatively near (epic) story timeline I would love to see you upgrade Lynette to the psychic girls club with telepathy and TK, at just a bit stronger strength than that of the Grays (to start with anyway), and then have her import a few dozen Ashanath to provide Etherium (sp?) decking to T-Fed ships at Olympus station. The Aluminium based alloy would be significantly lighter than the current Titanium used in the fleet, thus shaving tons from the space vehicles mass and making a huge difference in the ships acceleration and delta Vee. And then you could get the Grays to help the Fleet Admiral to develop and train her new abilities, and then Charles would have a work crew to begin to phase out a weaker titanium armour in favor of something several times stronger, when folded over a few times. (the ships would be lighter still!) What-cha-think huh? PS: Admiral Lina's psychic ability should be to get Dana's "shooting firebolts from her eyes" power and maybe x-ray vision too.(Red-headed babes rock!) PPS: since the T-Fed officers (Admirals at least) wear gunbelts as a standard part of their uniform, I suggest Dana gift Charles and his girls with Force field gunbelts with Lazer pistols that look like the standard fleet hand guns, if our sweet Engineering Overlord has a spare minute or two. TTFN.

thomas rodrian

Under most circumstances I’d agree with you, but Tefler has the uncanny knack of creating a new arc out of thin air. He has enough dangling threads to create several new arcs, so it will not surprise me if he is less the 10% done. Discordites track a list of open issues they believe should be resolved someday. Tefler might decide to never address these issues or declare the open list fait accompli through numerous writing techniques like reflection, surprise, circling back. Some writes can close over 50 open issues in a summary chapter by saying, ‘and everyone lived happily ever after’. I doubt Tefler would do this to us. When asked, Tefler always says there is 20 more chapter, but he has been saying that for the last 100 chapters. Regardless, none of us know his plans and sometimes it sounds like Tefler’s plans evolve almost every day. Makes sense; no plans should be static.


Also, since Allyssa's the ships XO, the the other Karron girl should be the Invictus's SEO,.. that could be either for Supreme Engineering Overlord, or for Sweet Engineering Overlord, Take your pick,.. ( do I have way too much time on my hands to think of this stuff? ) TTFN again


Two minor points: 1) This "story" has become an epic and I am ok with that. I hope it never ends. 2) This is good money for him and this helps him to be able to take care of his family. Another good thing. Keep up the great work Tefler.


Hi Tefler, I wanted to start off by saying keep up the great work as always. However, I do think that it is maybe worth revising the patreon subscription model. While I definitely enjoy the current method and getting a chapter a month, it seems like it isn't quite working for you. More often than not you're pushed to the last minute and sometimes release chapters that still need a few extra scenes. I think the current method has worked up until now but with the endgame of the story approaching and more threads to weave together coherently, it is taking longer for you to complete each chapter. That is understandable which is why I suggest considering a change. At the start of the story, you could largely write what you wanted without consequence while now you have the wider implications to consider and how it fits in to the ending. For each chapter, you’ve created a self-imposed word count of 30k, and it’s frankly astonishing that you’re able to churn that out every month. However, it might be worth cutting the chapter length back, so it is easier to manage and release. You could keep up the same pace but be more consistent in releasing chapters, thus ensuring payment every month while still being happy with the quality. A second option and maybe more drastic would be to change to a subscription model where you charge patreons every month regardless of the number of chapters you create. This would remove the deadlines and may make it easier to write, as it is on your own time and not something you feel pressured into doing. Ultimately, what you choose is up to you, but I wished to make you aware of the possibilities. I am not writing this out of impatience, but out of concern for you and this story. I am heavily invested in it and would like to help ensure it gets complete to a standard you are happy with. I know from experience that deadlines can mean you do not get to complete everything the exact way you wish. I would hate if you were to look back and be unhappy with how the chapters are turning out, simply because you had an artificial, self-imposed deadline which caused you to rush or put out incomplete chapters in your eyes. It would be a great shame if you started looking at writing as a chore or losing your inspiration for the story. It is remarkable what you have achieved so far, and I don’t want you to burn out so close to the end, especially in these hard times. Of course I could be completely wrong in how you are feeling towards writing and for some people the deadlines keep them honest and ensure they get the appropriate work done. Just maybe have a think about what you feel you are getting out of this and if you’re happy with the current situation. That, above all, is what is most important.


I am disappointed that no one has commented of my main idea of replacing Titanium deck plates with much lighter Etherium to boost T-Fed spacecrafts acceleration and directional changes. And get a few more customers into the Fifty Shades of Gray eatery with the addition of a few dozen Ashanath to work the Etherium for Olympus space station. TTFN


I share many of your concerns and views. However, when last pressed about this, Tefler said he found deadlines helpful, both to motivate him, and to help with domestic negotiations about time spent writing. Alas Tefler does not live in his fantasy world of hero dominance any more than the rest of us. Real life is hard, which is one reason we value fantasy so much, and this story in particular.


I have personally known 5 individuals who gave up their traditional day job to create on Patreon. Only two of those individuals succeeded and are making regular money. The differentiating factor seems to be that those who succeeded recognised that this was going to be their new JOB! Its not some hobby that allows them to do occasional work from home.....its what pays the bills, week in and week out. If you are ever considering doing this for a living, you need to consider your spouses attitude to this new career as well. Would your spouse insist that to take time off from your current job to do the weekly shopping, or mind the kids, or do the laundry?


It's also a tricky time to be a writer. Pre-pandemic you might have had the house to yourself all day but now you are a sharing it with a spouse working from home and kids doing remote learning.


When Tefler went for full time writing leaving his uninteresting job there was some goal discussions and at that time this 30k idea with month-end deadline came as there was many a writer who due to writer's block, having too much time to spare and writing on other projects, neglected the basic story. The point is he is maintaining that targets but despite his status cannot move it to next level 1.5 chapter per month. Now writer's cannot continue a great novel like TSM uniformly day by day. Sometimes it flows more and sometimes there is blockage, lethargy and family compulsions. For this reason I personally think he should move ahead creating as much as he can and keeping at least 4 chapter in hand of his editors so that whatever happens his writings churn out in time unlike after the chapter "Assymilation of guide". After reading last 2 chapters I am sure he is still not out of block yet. It is my 2pence and I am sure 90% of you will disagree. But hope Tefler will read and do something.

PLRus--Founding member of the TSM F5 club.

Let's just ignore that you only pay for production....let's ignore that Tefler is one of the MOST PROLIFIC writers on the net.....let's ignore the quality of the material....yeah...I am impatient and I want to be satisfied....GET TO IT! sheesh.


I am happy with what ever we get! So many stories that have just stopped halfway through at pivotal points (In all forms of Lit....books, literotica, etc) What ever the Great Tef can crank out is AOK....


Growing old enough to be considered an "adult"... There is nothing we can do about that. "Growing up"... Is a completely "at will" decision, and as a 45 year old man, I flat refuse to "grow up"! You can't make me!!! 🤪


The rule is currently - "I may be getting older, but I refuse to grow up." Which goes hand-in-hand with - "If I have not grown up by 50, I don't have to."

Ken Moreau

I'm more of a "When I was a kid, I would ... Oh, wait, I still do that" kind of guy... :-)


My take is that it is totally cool to be yourself as an adult, but placing expectations on others to conform to your world view is not. And that's one of the main reasons why life is hard.


Something to remember...creativity moves at it's own pace...often "feast or famine"...and unlike many jobs/vocations/even callings...it doesn't always flow forever onward! John's chronicle remains addictive and fascinating because Tefler doesn't just pump it out! I have said it before that the quality of TSM continues to be worth the wait!


I mainly made my comment because of the fact he is slipping deadlines. It's not the delay of the chapter I care about, I've long since moved on from eagerly f5ing everyday and the release is not on my mind until I get the email saying it is released. What I do worry about is if Tefler is only delivering 25k of 30k for example, then he clearly does not have sufficient time to write the whole chapter, let alone revise it. I understand writing is not a linear process where x hours means y progess. But if he is rushing to put out the chapter so it meets the word count, maybe he isn't having enough time to sufficiently think about each scene/paragraph. If the chapters were 20k for example, then he could write it all out, have time to send it to his editors, look back over scenes and decide if they play out the way he wants. Then move on and start 5k or 10k of the next chapter before the end of the month. By constantly racing the clock against deadlines, there is no time to go back and consider past scenes or chapters. You finish and focus forward onto the next deadline that is now rushing to meet you


just looking for an update ...


Here is MY observation: At the beginning of the month we have received the latest chapter and are very happy. The comments are positive and everybody are getting along. But, as we get to the end of the month. The comments get a little negative as we are waiting for Tefler to release the chapter. We all need a positive release to hold us over till the next chapter. I recommend Jim Beam Vanilla but it is up to you .


Bird Dog blackberry whiskey/Sprite is also a refreshing attitude adjuster, but that's just my humble opinion.


Just got back from a few months break, and I really have to say 136-138 have been incredibly refreshing to read. It's honestly been really neat to see John and the girls let that collective breath out that they've been holding in for the last untold amount of chapters. Tefler wrote it himself: so much has happened in that past month upon the Invictus to the point of absurdity. Anyone would be decimated by the amount of strife, suffering, and high stakes (except for Zen John! Really loving his more sure, confident self. And I appreciate that that confidence was in who he was all along.) So to see them exhale, to see them begin to rebuild, grow, and set things right is really cool. That John can use words and mercy as deftly as his sword has been really cool to read. How he deftly maneuvered around Sarinia's manipulations and forced her to confront her own broken reflection. How he forced the Matriarchs to see their own fallibility and shortsightedness, yet offer them a way out, a new path to walk down... it's honestly been a joy to read. The Oceanus chapters were some of my favorites just because it let us focus on the growth, relationships, and life outside death for these heroes. Yes, camaraderie is forged on the battlefield, but is that the glue that holds them together? Really looking forward to rebuilding of the Invictus, John setting things right amongst the Maliri (and perhaps adding a few more heirs in the mix? :3), the girls honing their skills (Excited for Jehana's journey), and relationships to grow. Don't be too quick to throw in a wrench in this "quiet" moment Tefler, I really enjoy your writing when you let them live and not simply survive. Oh, and letting Alyssa have her virginity back was really touching. Bravo! /End Ted Talk


Tbh, I usually start checking for updates about the 15th of the month. I check once a day just before I go to sleep. I would love if he could push to get it out fully before the end of the month so that I can read it, but I will take what I get. I enjoy the story. I miss Faye a lot. I want them to get a breather before they have to go all out with this next baddie. I want to see how this i going to go with maliri space, and the Matriarchs, I really am looking forward to the date with Luna. And the return of the forces to Gen'thalas


I am waiting for the Brimorans to discover their fleets have been trashed.......lol


Yeah considering they lost like 7 or 8 fleets in kintark territory, and another one on kirrix border. That’s got to hurt.


I’m just waiting for antimatter technology lol


Really love your comment: in particular, I thought the Sarinia scene was a masterpiece.


Anybody have in thoughts on todays attempts to go to Mars? They say its a one way trip and it will take a year. Heinlein, physisist and author says we can do it in 3 days accelrating at the rate of one G. so why a year and one way?


We don't have the fuel capability to go 1G the whole way with the way we know how to do things now. Would take a massive ship. As for one way, because we don't yet have the ability to generate the fuel that we would need at the other end.


according to Heinlein we do have the fuel capabilities to do 1/10 of a G and it would take a couple weeks.

Ryan Smith

I would like to point out that he was not a physicist but a aeronautical engineer and he was best known for his works of fiction. Sadly do to his chronically poor health he only earned the naval equivalent Bachelor of Arts degree in Engineering. He did attend graduate school for physics and math but he became sick.


now f5ing every 5 min


It’s probably gonna be tomorrow!


Hit f5, nothing showed. Heading for the pitch fork in the shed.


I'm just grateful for what we get, when we get it. The creative process isn't always a smooth one, and Lord knows that Tefler has been going thru other crap (as have we all) during these times. I'd rather he take his time and give us a good product, as we've been getting, then rush something over the finish line last minute. That said, I'm anxiously awaiting our next installment as well. :)


I wasn't expecting anything today, but I'm hopeful for tomorrow based upon the history of postings over the past couple of years. Still, we'll have to simply wait and see.


All that glitters.


Is that the final version of the chapter? There is no final tag/text on it.

Bp Hlpt

I doubt it. It's usually a month or three after initial release, about the same time that the chapter gets released to the free sites, that the chapter is considered final.

Big Dude

For those who care, I was only charged for two people and Tefler was NOT one of them. Peace out!


Another question I have involves the Trankarn Sun Forge and whether it might solve John and Dana's need to replace the extremely strong Black Metal created in the horrible Soul Forge with something able to replace or even exceed this dread device. I know Tefler plots many chapters ahead, and he leaves some clues (and red herrings) along the way. Is the Sun Forge a powerful device that is a long (as monthly chapters go) lost tidbit of information that will prove vitally important to the Invictus crew? Maybe? TTFN


I’m jonesin’ for some TSM, BIG TIME.


One question… what does the word Anuan reference, as in: “Engage destroyer Anuan,” she said with a grim frown, highlighting her target. “We need to distract them until the shuttles can withdraw.”


ahh,.. Anuan is the NAME of that destroyer,.. duh (sorry, that was uncalled for, but it was NOT written poorly or incorrectly,..) TTFN


Michael, how would she know that that was the name of the Brimorian destroyer, then? That’s literally the first time that a non-friendly vessel has been identified by name by an opposing force in Tefler’s writing in a combat situation. Please note that I never said nor meant to imply anything negative about the writing, but since it’s a unique circumstance, if that’s the case, then I thought it worth inquiring about. Also, please note that you’re assuming that that’s the name of the vessel, but that’s not necessarily true, either, hence, again, my question.


Evan, The transponder ID codes showing on her tactical computer screen would clearly show the vessels name along with a few other tidbits of info. And Tef has repeatedly remarked on various transponder codes as part of other story lines,.. A story editor might suggest that Tefler add in a line about her glancing at the tactical display prior issuing that order, maybe. TTFN


Evan, you're wrong there. In the battle for Kinta, the Brimorian leader ordered an attack on the Kintark flagship by name. Re-reading Chapter 100, I noticed that it also happened in the Battle for Terra, immediately after the Invictus cleaned all the ships from attacking Olympus.

Bp Hlpt

Chapter 138 With Falihna’s heir apparent reduce to smouldering ashes, With Falihna’s heir apparent reduced to smouldering ashes,