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*** EDITED (12th July) - completed chapter. To find the new sections, search for the # symbol (there should be two!) ***

Hi everyone,

A number of patrons suggested posting the first half of Chapter 134 before the end of the month and adding to it as I write the rest. Sorry again for the delay on this one. Hopefully it shouldn't take me too long to complete the chapter, as I've got the second half plotted out already.





You are the best. Wishing your family well.


Stay strong brother, best wishes for your father's speedy recovery


Wishing you and your family the best


Family first, always. This at least helps us support you as our support is tied to the updates.


Thank you! and Best wishes on your father's recovery


cheers mr

Not Telling

wish the family well

Not Telling

Thank you, was getting worried there would be no post on my birth month.


Remember who always comes first. Best wishes to your family!


Thank you


Thank you for the first half and apologies are appreciated but not necessary. Take only the time you can devote to writing and take care of family first.

bob lakhanpal

Thanks....hope your father is doing well now


Perfect idea! Thank you for the post. 😊


THANK YOU. TEFLER YOU ARE THE MAN. sorry to hear about your father. Hope goes well


Thank you sir


Wishing you and your father the very best. I'm looking forward to reading this half a chapter to save me from my dreadful night shift


Thank you, Tefler! Best wishes for your father, yourself and your entire family.



The Crimson King

Thanks Tef! Take care of yourself and your family.


Family 1st. I merely request you keep us updated. Work as you can.. Most of us will understand that real life happens. Thanks for the partial. Prayers for those needing them.


Oops lol

Big Dude

Tefler, take care of daddy. Mine died the next month after meeting his latest set of grandsons, my sons. Take care of him as you don't get a do over!


Damn, that was awesome! Thank you for that.

Donald J Stubblefield

Gaaaa, I'm so tempted to read this, part of me says NO wait for the rest.....mmmm wonder which side will win

Pana Napoleon

I thank you for this, but please don't stress it and take care of your family. Prayers are with you and your father. I know what your going through and being there for him is what matters

SP Rupert

Thanks for dropping this! Also - take care of your family. Also - I wouldn't mind if you dropped the next portion as a separate post either. I wouldn;t mind paying for the second half separately!


Thanks Tefler and I hope everything works out with your father. I have some idea of what you feel like as my wife is a cancer survivor. She had it in 2001. My best advice is to keep your hope up.


Thank you Tefler, we understand and support you in this. Do for you and your family and we will be here regardless. Hope for brighter skies!


Keeping you and your family in my prayers sir. focus on family. the story will be there when you get back to it. You can never replace family. Yes, there will be readers wondering what is going on. but life throws us curveballs, it when you rock it out of the park that makes the difference... hugs and prayers

GDay (FMS)

We fully understand Tefler and appreciate that you have released the first half. I wish you all the best for the health of your family, they will always come first.

Kim Biel-Nielsen

Thaks - that was a surprise. Take care. ❤️


Amazing. Another battle that leaves the reader speechless. Well done.


Do what you do. Also, HOLY SH*T that's a good chapter!


Omg. This is so good!!!


Great first half can't wait for the next part


Great 1st half...just makes you want more to see what happens next! Thanks Tef for posting this!

Idaho Spud56

I am kinda interested in how the battle turned out. Thanks.


Best wishes to your family Tefler, and a fantastic first half! Make sure to take whatever time you need for your family. ♥️


I was just getting into it when it ended.....so sad


Don’t worry about the chapter, hope your family is doing good

Bp Hlpt

Thanks, Tefler!

Jedi Khan

Hope all goes well with your father Tefler. We thank you for taking our money so you can continue to pay the bills, especially those that help keep you and your family healthy. As for the chapter, might I request that instead of endlessly updating this post with the chapter as your write it, that you wait until you're done and then post the complete chapter? It got a little difficult to track the changes when you did that for 133, so waiting until you're done would be optimal.


“The LORD bless you and keep you; The LORD make His face shine upon you, And be gracious to you; The LORD lift up His countenance upon you, And give you peace.”


Trying this again. First time posting above. Lost everything twice. TEF As I sit here having just finished your latest and thinking about your situation, let me share the following. Today my son came back from the hospital after his 30th major heart checkup. He’s almost 15 years old. At 6 months during a routine checkup he was diagnosed with multiple heart issues. A week later they took his life in their hands to put him on heart meds NOT designed for newborns in the hopes of keeping him alive until they could find him a new heart. A year later during his final heart transplant consultation a random heart surgeon waiting for a patient to wake up in recovery picked up my son’s file and took 2 hours going through every scan and test performed over the past year. He walked into the room with my wife and I waiting for final confirm knowing we would be waiting for a heart or waiting for him to die to tell us he could operate without a transplant. 13 years, 2 surgeries, and a pacemaker later and today my son is still with us chugging along. There are those that will say there is no God, there are those that wonder and those that know. I was asked once why I believe and I said simply I’ve lived my life, that’s all I need. Any other surgeon picking up my son’s file that day would have signed off on it but a surgeon, one of 2 or three in the country at that time that could do the impossible picked it up and took one more look. That is a God-incident. I will be praying for you and yours.


Thanks for the chapter tefler. And I gotta tell you your half a chapter is massive 😂. This is like 5 times the size of a normal chapter from anything else I read


Epic battle Tefler! That was a great read. Just waiting for the curveball to get thrown into the fight before the Brimorians are summarily dispatched. Maybe the new progenitor shows up and wrecks everyone's day, or the girls exhaust their psychic power? The twins seem to be in a bit of danger for that. Thanks for the post Tefler a half chapter of yours is better than a full chapter from so many other authors.


thank you Tefler. Appreciate your circumstances and second and third all the msgs of support. A good chapter with the usual finish on a high with me well and truly invested in the need to have the rest of the story....

Brian Woods

All the best for your family in these troubled times, Tefler. As others have said, our thoughts and prayers are with you. I will also reiterate what others have said as well, for payment purposes we all are likely more than willing to take a first half and second half on an excellent chapter such as this, if only to help donate to your situation. Take great care of the time you have, short or long, so as not to regret a single moment. Peace be to you, sir.


Xxcellent opening salvo oh Dark Overlord!!


On Page 32 you said... She tracked the closest destroyer with the two turreted Tachyon Cannons, but those weapons were still a long way from firing range. I read this as the Brimorian weapon so would that be a Partial Cannons?


The Valkyrie's primary guns are four Tachyon Lances, but It also has two turreted Tachyon Cannons, one mounted on each shoulder. They were originally Pulse Cannons and intended to take out fighters, but since the guns have been upgraded, they're powerful enough to punch through destroyer armour without any problem. They can fire out to Terran Beam Laser range (roughly the same as a Brimorian Particle Beam) which is only half the maximum range of the new Tachyon Lances.


I was planning to add the end of the Battle of Kinta, then add the second half as a complete section when it's finished.


Good stuff as usual. Particularly enjoyed the banter with Jehanna, both with John's approval and the back-and-forth with Alyssa as they teamed up. Turning her line back on her was particularly sweet, I thought.


Family comes first. I have no problem with waiting for good writing. I'm adding you and yours to my prayers.


Why don’t you post the rest of the battle as part 2 and the rest of what you had planned for this chapter as 135.

Deryck Stevenson

Hi good luck with your Dad, to let you know I am 68/69 in December I was diagnosed in January with lymphoma mainly in spinal fluid on way to brain fluid also secondaries one in left testicle that removed within thirty six hours, one tumour very close to heart, so far had four treatments out of six. I hate lumbar punctures, they are so painful and such an uncomfortable position to sit in for twenty minutes whilst they put chemotherapy fluid in, plus everyone worse that the one before. Other than that not all that bad six hours intravenous and then a highly concentrated injection into stomach. Had second MRI scan last Friday and doctor really happy gone from spine, no more Lumbar punctures and gone from close to heart. My doctor really happy with results. Still got two more chemotherapy treatments to go. So it is not impossible to beat it. Next twelve months a bit nervous, so far all good. Again good luck with your Dad, tell him needs to put moisturizer on skin especially face but rest of body too, chemotherapy really dries skin out. Best regards Deryck


Tefler, My dad's also going through treatment at this time for prostrate cancer, so I understand the confusion, pain, frustration, and teetering optimism/pessimism that can haunt your thoughts. It sounds like spirits are high and outlooks are hopeful, which is a strong foundation when such things threaten to overwhelm. It's not much, but I'll keep your father in my prayers this month. Great dads are a wonderful thing, as you know and hopefully John will experience in a few months (and hopefully make amends with his own!). Thanks again for all you do!


I don't really know what I can say that would be helpful or comforting right now.....so, I hope your father makes a full recovery soon. Take care and good luck!!!!


I wish your father and you the best of luck. My Dad beat prostate cancer but it took surgery, radiation and some chemo to do so. Very difficult time for our family but a good lesson in keep trying.

Michael carney

Hi, complete stranger but just a note on my family experience. My brother had prostate cancer plus the family heart conditions and type 1 diabetes. His oncologist was the only one in Australia advising patients to drink green tea. He went to an appointment to assess when to operate but could not find any cancer. It did come back 5 years later and he died at 74. But everyone is different, it may do some good or not.


Take it from an ex-nurse that has been through a few hard fought battles... Attitude and support are as important, if not more so, than medical treatment. It sounds like you and your father have both. Prayes and best wishes to your father, your family, and yourself.

Jim lynch

Loved it tefler please hurry with part two I hope John sails to brimor to blow up every bromorian fleet and then find jade another missed sister.


The Brimor trip will have to wait . Back to Genthalis I believe , face PJ & the new Matriarch's , settle Sarinia , Kali & ease her guilt & knock her up .& might even get news about GK & that doesn't include reconnecting with Jessica & Rahn ..Also there is the trip to Kythshara ..busy busy


I finally got a chance to read the chapter and a heartfelt thank you Tef and I hope your father and the rest of the Tefler clan are doing well. And I think everyone here will echo my gratitude, the quality of this first part, and the good wishes for your father's treatment. I have 35 pages on my text reader (9 pt font). We are very spoiled when another excellent chapter is given and you feel that you must justify giving us so few pages of amazingly engaging writing for the small amount we pay each month and then vow not to charge us for part 2 as a separate chapter (as you always do but really should not). We are both very spoiled and very grateful.


Yeah, there are other serialised stories where you might get this amount over a month. The only authors that meet Tef's output are the ones that go away for a half a year, write/edit a complete short novel, and just post it in installments.


tefler, you could put your dad in the story and he would become immortal in print, maybe an admiral in high command, just an idea to honour your dad, i would have been honoured for my son to do something like this for me.


Damn you Tef for writting so well. I was just going to read just 4 subchapters but I find myself on page 18 thinking 'Noooo I have to stop or ot will be done too soon'. Such easy compelling reading. Hard to to stop. Huge thanks Tef for putting out a half chapter.


Maybe Tefler needs to know how more of us feel. Without flooding his email. Especially those who have never posted here. Just click on the heart and like it. I would be all for him posting the rest of the battle as part two 134 and posting his intended second half as 135. He needs to take care of his family and trying to get out the rest of the battle then the second half then 135 all in this month without adding stress to his life is asking way too much from him for what he gives to us each month for less than a cup of coffee. Please like this so Tefler will know we are behind him at this time of his life.


Tefler, I join in others saying you could release the rest of the chapter as chapter 135. Be well!


It's a nice thought, but Tefler still needs to pay his bills, which means finishing this chapter and releasing another one before the end of the month.


I agree with Blackstaff. We've already had a "bonus extra" with Chapter 133 and I would be more than happy paying for this first half of Chapter 134 as a full chapter and then the remaining half or Chapter 134 and the first half of Chapter 135 as another full chapter. Maybe when Mr. Tefler's personal challenges have been taken care of and and he has the time he can throw in the odd extra-long chapte if he still feels obligated.


Thank you very much Mr. Tefler for another fantastic installment in this epic saga. I have no problem accepting this first half of Chapter 134 as a full chapter. Very best wishes to your father for a speedy recovery and also best wishes to you and the rest of your family as well. Family comes first!

thomas rodrian

Tefler, I agree with the posts asking you to stop here on 134. Make what you have plotted out for part two as chapter 135.


Hey everyone, I've just added another 5.5k words to the chapter. To find the new sections, search for the # symbol to go to where they start. I've decided to merge the end of chapter 133 to the beginning of chapter 134 so that this entire chapter is devoted to the Battle of Kinta. I'm going to push John's confrontation with the guide into chapter 135 so I don't have to try and cram it into the end. *** WARNING *** I haven't finished the chapter yet, so it ends somewhat abruptly. You might want to wait for another day or two for me to wrap up the aftermath of the Battle of Kinta, but I thought I'd update the chapter so that those who don't want to wait can get stuck right in. :-)


Thank you! It is ALWAYS a pleasure to read what you have written!!!!!


I'm fairly new to Patreon though I've been loving this story on Literotica for a long time. If it's seriously only one post a month and this is the quantity we get, I'm really considering boosting my pledge. When I set up, I had allocated 10 bucks in case there were a ton of little posts to buy. Keep on rocking Tefler and good luck with your dad!

rich ed

Such a sad ending. Amazing how you can pull at our heart strings with your writing. And as always another champion chapter.


I think it's high time Johnny boy organized a Fish Fry, if you know what I mean.


and I thought the earlier version was good!!!! The new version of part 1 flows well, was exciting, sad, funny, dramatic...... another very satisfied customer.


I hope a speedy recovery to your father TEF


I only joined less than 3 weeks ago. So glad I did. Thanks Tefler and wish your Dad all the best, from Australia. Cheers.


Wow, brutal!

Brian Woods

Good show, Sir Tefler! By the way, I’m sure I’m not alone in wondering WHY you didn’t do the Battle for Kinta in a single chapter to start with. Not to nitpick the excellence of both chapters 133 and 134 with regards to the writing, but every time you have done a big space battle like this you tended to incorporate the right into a single set, i.e. with the Terra fight, the Ashana fight, the Battle of Kalgron for the Trankaran’s, the Maliri Civil War, etc. It kind of made sense that the Kinta fight over their planet would have been one long chapter, starting from when the fishmen arrived in-system. Be that as it may, I suppose this means the Maliri meetings and whatever is gonna happen with Sarinia and the other Matriarchs before John arrives will be the cliffhanger that leads into 136. Can’t wait to see what happens!


Ah Tefler, excellent as usual. And more to come! Love it. Thanks. It would be great to see the kintark out from under the 'dragons-' control and actually showndome individual thinking. That last semi chapter showed real personality of the regular kintark. The dragons have deformed their culture and perspective on the galaxy


Yeah, I'm inclined to agree about the Kintark being better off not being controlled by dragons... especially when they hold the regular Kintark in contempt. Glad you liked the chapter so far! :)


Thanks for this unexpected supplement only three days after you released the "first half". Really enjoyed it and what a surprise regarding Tamolith and her whelps. Fantastic!


I really like seeing the manuscript evolve like this, particularly when new perspectives are added which heighten the drama. I also liked the fact that the battle was so completely one-sided on all fronts. It might have been tempting to add a moment of jeopardy for the crew (as in some earlier battles) or a mistake through overconfidence, but this approach sets up better the contrast with the upcoming progenitor war, where I am sure there will be genuine danger despite how much more powerful the crew and ships have become. On a lighter note it was good to see the law of conservation of momentum making a rare appearance.


Is it just me or does this story gets better and better every chapter?


I'm amazed that you are able to put out chapters with all you've got going on, I just want to say: Thank you!




Tef hope your father makes it through, So doesn't tamolith losing her children make the whole secret lioness thing a moot point now why make her e


A lioness if jher only reason for living was her children

thomas rodrian

Tefler, just a word of warning. It is 4 July tomorrow, our celebration of independence from some wankers eons ago. Most in the US will be too busy burning meat over fake charcoal, drinking too many Buds, and chasing rug rats, to notice much more than an empty beer stein. If you don’t get much feedback as we celebrate, please take a moment to relax with your family while we suffer through the obligatory hangover. Have a great weekend and hope you join us celebrating wanker independence.


You forgot to include shooting pyrotechnics that each other


Nice additions


Wanted to say a few things about the lasted chapter, or at least what has been published so far. First Tefler, well done. Nice as usual. Chapter is well written and a worthy contribution to the epic story that you have created. With that said, and comparing against the previous chapters. I do not believe it is your finest work, in my humble opinion. I would never begin to believe I am in a position to tell a artist how to do something that I know dam well I am incapable of doing myself. However I do wish to express the points in which I feel my......how to say this......my expectations, were let down. Perhaps that is not the most accurate description, but it is what I can come up with at the moment. Therefore two points of the story that I have issues with, one can see for them selves if they are major or minor points. For me it is one of each, and one of the very very rare occasions that I can recall where Tefler has not followed through from a previous well established point. The first and most obvious, is The Malari fleets From the combined young matriarch houses. What are these fleets going to do now, just turn around and go home now that the battle is over. Now before everyone starts replying saying the Malari fleets could not arrive in time, I know. I read chapter 132 as well, more than once. But so what. Discussions surrounding the details of sending the Malari fleets had taken up a significant word count leading up to this. And then to simple make the entire campaign irrelevant all of a sudden was for me, personally a huge let down. I was looking forward to see the Malari in action, to see how the upgraded fleets fared in there first outing. To see the different houses work together not only amongst themselves, but also with a foreign empire the Kintark. This could have been a monumental occurrence, defining the relationship between Malari and Kintark for generations. Instead, the John swoops in, I the nick of time and saves the day inyet again..yawn. How many times have we seen the exact same thing time and time again. Personally, I felt an Opportunity for something fresh and different was missed. I am well aware, John needed to be present for the finally with Timolith. That greats, wouldn’t have it any other way. There is no reason at all, that the Malari fleets could have arrived in time to engage the Brimorian fleets thanks to Calara’s delaying tactics. And John and the girls ha doe the ground envision. This would have completed the story arch. The second point that I felt went unaddressed, applies to Ilirith and her hacking the Brimorian vessels. Unless I am mistaken, this battle is only the second time Ilirith has had an opportunity to hack Brimorian technology. And the first since she “felt” the dark presence that was watching her. As I recall, Ilirith was very unnerved and shacken from the first experience. I know she has gained quit a bit of mastery of her powers since that encounter. But I was hoping for an expansion of this story arch,,,,whatever that next segment may be. Please do not take this post as a criticism that I did not enjoy the first half of chapter 134, I did. Tefler your writing style and skill is truly amazing to behold. In this one case I was left a bit unsatisfied. I eagerly await the remaking portion of the chapter and cannot wait to see the direction the story evolves


It is normal. If your expectations are too often exceeded, then then you will raise your expectations. I don't know if you would agree, but I see your complaint as being at the same level of annoyance as getting too much cinnamon on top, and not enough vanilla flavouring in your cappuccino.


Nice to see somebody complain about a chapter that hasn't even been fully completed or edited. The Malari fleets would never have made it since they were days but week or so away. I believe that you have forgotten that the Invictus has engines have been heavily upgraded. And the dark presence that you were talking about could be dark pool watching her through the Brimorian network but since the beacons were destroyed nobody can watch her. Also in the middle of the panic of your entire fleet being systematically destroyed you may not be paying attention to your internal ship systems especially if seconds before you thought you were winning.


One thing for consideration regarding the Maliri and Kintark...someone is going to need to help the Kintark get re-established and protected at first... a great time for bonding!


Also, in Ch. 98, the following occurred with Irillith hacking the Brimorian flagship, not archives: "Meanwhile, deep within the network, another uninvited presence stirred within the Brimorian Cyber-Realm, detecting a faint tremor caused by Irillith’s newly-inserted code. This program was ancient, predating the Brimorian engineers who had built this network by several millennia. The six-legged, jet-black intruder drifted to the data streams and impaled one of the passing hunter-killers with a razor-sharp limb, making the Brimorian security program flicker and convulse as its code was rapidly rewritten. Set loose once again, the hijacked program set off in the data stream, swimming innocuously in the currents just like its hapless peers. It circled around the network, homing in on the new intruder, and carefully observing Irillith as it drifted past. Once it was beyond detection range, it thrashed with furious swishes of its tail, racing around the network until it was in range once again. There it slowed, cruising at a languid pace past the Maliri hacker where it renewed its surveillance, then repeated the same cycle again. Irillith felt a shiver run up her spine and she glanced around carefully, checking to make sure one of the security programs hadn’t detected her. She was running a tap on the network’s alarm subroutine, so if the Brimorians should detect her, she’d be able to bolt to safety from the Cyber-realm. That tap remained undisturbed, so she mentally shrugged and figured that she was just being paranoid."


Hi Tefler, first, here is hoping that your father recovers completely from the lymphoma. Thank you very much for your dedication to your craft and for putting out such compelling reading while dealing with the stuff that is happening in your life.


I apologize if you take exception to my comments Mr Smith. However I have forgotten nothing in regards to this story. I am as well aware of the Invictus upgrades as anyone. And the Malari fleets are not weeks away, they are days, even less since the delaying campaign. And that is the whole point I am trying to make. Tefler once again setup a scenario where John was the only one who was able to arrive in the nick of time....yet again. We have seen this play out time and time again throughout the story. As talented of a writer as Tefler is, I feel he is cabals of much more diversity in his writing than to fall back on the same old standard of the hero saves the day. In my humble opinion, I would prefer to see Tefler show a broader range and allow some of the other characters to take on a larger role. Tefler ability to create such amazing in depth detailed characters is what truly sets his writing apart from so many other mediocre authors. Use some of the other characters that so much time has been spent on. I suppose an argument could be made to the point, that John/Tefler went the direction he did in order to save the Malari from danger. That point is at least consistent with Johns established character and doctrine. If that is ones argument, I would say John or the crew made no mention of keeping the Malari safe and out of harms way during the events leading up to this engagement. So that could not be a influencing factor.


Thank you for fact checking that event Arrow. I was recalling the event from memory, but was certain Irillith had hacked the Brimorian flagship. Not a main data archive. I have no idea, what the dark presence was or will turn out to be. I just find it unusual there has been no reference to it in this chapter as of yet. Hopefully Tefler will include this event in the remaining portion of the chapter


I agree. This may play out similarly to the bonding between the Maliri and the Trankarans/Maliri and the Ashanath. There are still a number of Kintark worlds that need to liberated from the Brimorians and that will give the Kintark and Maliri used to working with each other. To my mind, the common theme seems to be getting the other empires whom John has befriended/saved working cohesively with the Maliri so that when the big fights of the Progenitor war happen, they can fight together as one.


This is a very compelling chapter for many reasons. But what strikes me most strongly is that the entire Brimorian invasion -- both the fleet and the grounds troops -- was no more than an annoyance and a distraction. If we need any evidence how far John and the girls have evolved, it's right here.


It seems my earlier assumption that Alyssa was doing only a surface scan has either been debunked or it is being shown that she has made the decision to go deeper to establish true guilt. Huzzah :D


TEFLER...One suggested change...on page 37 of Part 1 - Ch. 134. you have High Prelate Zorlin telling Shoal Master Kaelotegh "By facing jussstice for your crimesss againssst my people, you may yet ssspare the livesss of your men.”...Since neither are "men"...perhaps crew, troops or comrades which you use two sentences later?


The word men doesnt mean humans, in this context it is the militarily term used to describe troops. Assuming Terran translation or assimilation of the language by the dragons it would be a perfectly good use of the word.


Just a little bit I noticed. Irillith did not hack the Flagship in this chapter. She was hacking battleships. So the ancient presence that was in the Flagship was probably not in the battleships.

dakota downey

I'm surprised I think this is the first time iv ever heard them needing to get into jumpsuits be4 battle


I raised the question on Discord about the Retribution From The Depths being the Flagship near Brimor that Irillith hacked and was told by several that the Home fleet Flagship was a different vessel and still at Brimor. It was never identified by name, so who knows.


It has been mentioned before ...both putting them on and taking them off...not sure which chapters now.


@Dakota Downey. because you CAN wear it with ANY clothes doesnt meant its optimal to do so. Not that I remember any mention of jumpsuit beforehands, in my mind it makes all the sence in the world to have one underneath.


@Tefler how big are tomoliths spawn? I'm trying to picture their size compared to a tree?


As info, just two examples getting dressed in jump suits on page 9 - Ch. 108....."The rest of the girls were already wearing jumpsuits in preparation for equipping their body armour, so they took the express grav-tubes down to the Combat Bridge." "Quickly finishing their shower, they dried off then headed into the walk-in-wardrobe to get dressed. Calara and Alyssa wore matching jumpsuits, the snug fit of the outfits emphasising their curves. John paused as he dressed and watched them from behind, marvelling at the comprehensive job the Change had done on the girls. Aside from hair colour, they looked identical from the rear, toned limbs and delectable figures an exact match."


I hate to say this but why does this series feel a little bit like Dragon Ball Z. Ship upgrade bad guy barely beat bad guy. Super ship upgrade bad guy smash bad guy. Very very difficult bad guy barely beat super duper ship upgrade.


I see why Larn found it more interesting to inspire plots to encourage the empires to destroy each other. They present so little challenge that destroying them himself was beneath him. The Invictness’s crew destroys their opponents with such ease there’s no drama. More sideshows, perhaps an excuse to recruit a new lioness. Who cares if the Kintarch become a new ally, their tech levelled is so far beneath the thrall fleets, their aid is not more helpful than having a toddler bring his bathtub toys to bulk up the navy. Hopefully it will soon be time to move on to the main event., it’ll be interesting to know if the reason one of the Maliri worlds has stopped communicating is because the next Progen has arrived and blew it up. Validate used very similar language when Rahn first showed up in Mael’s space and blew up a world as a calling card.

Philip Lemon

Welcome LordAzune to the amazing world of TSM. I upped my pledge when I noticed that we “usually” get ONE large chapter a month. So I UPPED my pledge and set an upper LIMIT for the number of chapters I paid each month. I felt that pledging more for individual chapters was a fair exchange. Glad you joined us on Patreon.


well, acutally, they care... because if they do not become a new ally, or if the brimmorians are left to cause trouble, people they care about might be in peril if they leave the galaxy for abit..... and actually, there are people enjoying a story that isn'T constantly living on the edge.... a perma Edgelord isn't that fun to follow after you burn out on constant action... also, that leads to the typical power inflation you see in a lot of hairbrained superpower comics... they miss their pacing early on, and half a year later they constantly have to use galaxy destroying weapons to even get a raise out of their readers and the story takes a dive, as the action is just focusing from one live or death moment to the next... do not overfeed the action addicts (same as do not overfeed the sexaddicts). Use everything in moderation or the whole thing burns out faster than you can say "when will we get faye back" :P


It's a hero's journey. It's a concept that's been around a hell of a lot longer than DBZ or even anime for that matter.


Just finished the additions. All I can think about is the part of the Matrix where she's saying "not like this. Don't do it like this." Wow. Thanks for what you write.

Chris Forbes

I think perhaps the point of saving the Kintark is not that it is strategic but because it is the right thing to do. John has struggled with two things for the entirety of the series. The first thing is trying not to become a heartless tyrant like his parentage would suggest. The second the annoyance of elevators.


Praise the Grand Overlord of Engineering, for she grants us salvation from the tyranny of elevators.


I’d agree Chris. However, while saving the Kintark from total subjugation is the right thing to do, I’m not convinced saving the Kintark royal family is. Tamolith is a monster, both physically and morally. The royal family has been a cancer on the Kintark both socially and politically. Now that her family is dead as well as anyone she could mate with, this would be the perfect time to replace the Kintark leadership by restoring the former political system. It was referenced back in the chapter wherein John and the girls rescued Calara’s brother from the sulfur mines.....John has a short conversation with a former Kintark senator that had been enslaved along with the rest of a government dismantled by the royals. LONG LIVE THE KINTARK REPUBLIC!!!


I'm really looking forward to Tefler writing about this personal tragedy. Really wonderful framing in how in the end, the young emperor died to protect his family. The setup and payoff was moving and heartfelt. Well done. May Tamolith find a new family to tie herself to in this storm.

Big Dude

Hello Tefler. I hope your father is dealing with the chemo successfully. He and your family are in our prayers. When will the next installment be available. Going on vacation Thursday (USA PDT) and internet availability may be spotty at times. Thanks for now in advance of course - The Dude


Bravo, the Tamolith storyline with her children is so moving. Almost like watching a young Faye and then loss. However I feel that the verdict is still out on Faye.


Gotta have hope for Faye!!!


Dan said "Technically, John could breed Tamolith... via a certain green dragon that can grow an appendage and inseminate Tammy for him."


he doesn't need to do that.


he can just supersize himself and do it the old fashioned way, have jade join in and you would have the galaxy's greatest threeway


Okay I'm re-reading the story and I'm starting to think that the nymphs are super weapon. I mean how many progenitors give up a weapon and say here you go here's a nice planet do what you will.


I think the nymphs were meant to be similar to the broodmothers and watch over and guide a progenitors seed. But they may not even be a progenitor creation seeing as Jade has Achonin runes on her heart. Maybe they're were an Achonin soldiers?

Brian Woods

So...I have a theory regarding the Nymphs and what they actually are, or rather were meant to be: judging all the info we have been given to date, the Nymphs, or Lenarran’s as Mael’nerak made them into, are an alternative Thrall/Seed race. Consider the following points: they can take on the appearance of a Master’s ideal mate, i.e. a similar form to the Maliri or Laranthyran’s, immediately and without excessive changes to their biology, they are physiologically tougher and stronger than their Thrall counterparts, for unless they either run out of psychic energy or their crystal hearts are damaged they don’t seem to die, and as Alyssa mentioned to John once they are pretty much psychic batteries, capable of producing far more energy than every girl except Alyssa, as evidenced when John almost died when he took power from all three of his Matriarchs against the Kirrix. They are also very attuned to telepathy, which would make them good Matriarchs for a Progenitor. The only thing standing in their way are the two rules guiding their behavior: no weapons, and no armor. But, I theorize that there is a fundamental flaw inherent to their design regarding combat, and Mael fixed it using those rules. Remember when Larn scanned Celphna, the Nymph in Brimorian space belonging to Athgiloi? He mentions ‘such an elegant solution’ when musing on how she had lived so long, suggesting an alteration to their base creation, probably made by Mael to keep them from falling apart. Thoughts?


I think one thing is obvious , the 'freed' Nymphs under John's love & care are much different than the Nymphs set free by Mael . If Mael had known the depths of their power capacity & ability to become such powerful Warriors , he would have gone back & collected them , when Rahn attacked , to use against him , instead of going to the trouble of creating the Drakkar . Just what they origins are an unknown , outside of the fact they came from another galaxy ( the comment that they were unable to reproduce with any species except a Progenitor "in this galaxy " .) They are a created/modified species , but not in the way Mael created his other sub races (Trankarans,Ashantah & Humans) but he did modify them when he released them , maybe how his 'fingerprints' got on their DNA . I have believed their 'purpose' was the same as John used Jade with the engineers , for recruitment ...as you said an elegant solution .


So I tried to download the chapter, but it brought me to a page with an error message. {"errors":[{"code":902,"code_name":"AttachmentNotFound","detail":"Attachment with id 5908404 was not found.","id":"02603a13-592d-4f1e-b225-000e22b89bb0","status":"404","title":"Attachment was not found."}]}. EDIT: it's working now ! :)


All the way back in chapter 38 Alyssa and John with the power of love was starting to change black evil metal into white. Cue the music. That's The power of Love

Brian Woods

Huey Lewis was a secret Progenitor, who we all know trod the path John now finds himself on ;P


Anyone heard from Tef? Normally he is pretty quick at wrapping these chapters up if they cross over the month boundary. Not a complaint just hoping everything is ok with him and his dad. Thanks


Dad and mom first, him II, book third


Fourth or fifth of his children


Hope all is well Tefler. We are having our own covid scare with my wife's parents and us. Be well and may your family find peace and joy!


Though Arrowglass' extract does refer to an infection presence, it said it was six legged. If it were Vulcat (basically an arachnid race) would they not have made it 8 legged? Were as progenitors tend to do things in sixes.


Hope you are staying safe in all of this craziness. A former coworker of mine died last week of complications from covid. he was my age and had underlying conditions with a 12 year old son and a wife. Absolutely heartbreaking. In the US.


Don't forget that apart from John, progenitors do not give psychic gifts to their thralls (other than telepathy to their matriarch to control their network of thralls)


I agree Brash, always thought the nymphs were Achion in origin and just something that Mel found a use for, whatever that was. When he no longer needed them he freed. Them


Chapter 67, She gave Faye’s server a thoughtful glance, and tidied away that thought for later when she had some spare time. Where did she put that hackingdeck. Since it's data was not overwriten just lost as short-term memory. Also Faye expanded her information over to the permanent memory on the hacking deck. Fingers crossed. 🤔

Jedi Khan

The hacking deck was put in a display case that Faye kept in her room on the Officer's Deck. It only had her personality on it, not the code to run or boot her up. That code has been lost.


A multi-planet vast civilization of Maliri what if they find another Halo deck. There must have been more made.


Not gonna lie tefler. You have me like a drug addict at this point. This story is so addictive that just to see a bit more I come back 2 and 3 times a day to see if you posted anything related to it again. I hope this isn't taken as a trying to rush you I don't care about the pace as much as the god-tier quality you put out and wanted to let you know that


We all hope that your dad is doing well.


Hey can anyone do a workup on how much more powerful the Invictus battle cruiser is now than it was when it was just an assault cruiser.


The wait is palpable. Any word on if tef has done his final addition to 134? I'm waiting to read it when it's done.


As per the topic message, he’s only posted the first half (+) of Chapter 134. His time with his family is taking precedence at this time as it should, so please just be patient during this time.

thomas rodrian

Rather than give numbers based on size, lethality, or some other silly arbitrary notion, I’ll use an analogy. In my back yard, I have two wheelbarrows. The oldest wheelbarrow has a flat tire and one axel has a broken bracket. I can use the wheelbarrow to do simple tasks, if I am willing to work very hard. I can use it to transfer coconut coir in the backyard, but nothing much heavier. Now if a friend in Pape'ete offers to sell coconut coil, and I need to take everything, then obviously my wheelbarrow is not going to do the job. A handymax ship could carry the coil, but it is also 200 meters long and carries 50000 DWT. Differences, not very many actually. Both carry what you have, to where you want it. Other than that fact, your stuck in silly statistics.


We all know what happens when it Creator rushes we get Drakkar.


better to learn to be patient, just find something else to do and let him just do his thing, overdoing the pressure is what can cause writers block. I for one am excited to get the rest of the chapter as anyone but not at the expense of tefler having trouble writing, let the story flow...if you have ideas then i am sure that tefler can take them into consideration...

thomas rodrian

@David, I agree with your advice to give Tefler time, and I think most of us have great ideas we would love to see in 3SM. Unfortunately, some of our ideas are so great they would destroy the story. Resolving the tension between Papa Rahn and John too soon might destroy John learning more about the astral plane, runes, his guide, or numerous other strings in the story. Some people are anxious about the blue babes waiting for him in Maliri space, but what should Tefler resolve first? Civil war, making babies, retrieving Larn’kelnar’s ships, exploring Maliri space looking for Uncle M’s hideout, creating new technology, building a new Invictus, etc. I am not sure what to expect next, but sometimes it is fun speculating.


Tefler was on Discord about 4:20pm saying... "My dad's doing okay, but a bit down after the chemo. I'm just working on wrapping up the last 1000 words for the chapter, so I hope I should have it finished in a couple of hours." Not sure if that means posting by then, but he has shown himself!


4:20 is your local time in the Tefler time zone thats 00:19hrs BST.


I've begun to think that a couple of hours generally means sometime before I go to bed ;~)


So true...but looks like maybe tomorrow now! I understand he sometimes gets his best done in the early morning hours with no interruptions and it is now 5:30am in London.


You know he said he was finishing the chapter he never said it was edited yet.🤪


He normally posts the 2nd half at the same time he sends it to his editors


I might be wrong, but I seem to recall reading chapters on Sundays when not posted at the end of the month.


What do you like to have for a beverage when reading a chapter? If you say a milkshake you might be a sick puppy.


but i like milkshakes... there are some great ones out there... milk, vodka, kahlua.... shake, enjoy :P


I regretfully mourn the loss of my F5 button it put up a good fight but after smashing the poor button millions of times in the last hour its spring can no longer handle the metal fatigue.


I have just updated the post with the completed version of chapter 134. The final version is 32.5k words. I chopped the last 5k words from chapter 133 and made that the introduction to this chapter, which now keeps all of the Battle of Kinta into a single chapter.


In reference to some of the above comments, I have never known Tefler complain about writer's block, although editors have noted that the chapters are much harder to write now that there are so many open issues in play. Instead, delays have always been attributed to RL issues from dental problems to the really serious issue now with Tefler's father. I wish Tefler and his family well in this difficult time.... and now Tefler has posted!


thank you for your hard work even with all the family issues going on... hugs to all Mr. Tefler


Tamolith cried out, "Please… I can take this pain! Just kill me and end it now!" Seems odd. Perhaps: Tamolith cried out, "Please… I can't take this pain! Just kill me and end it now!" OR Tamolith cried out, "Please… I cannot take this pain! Just kill me and end it now!" ----- Tamolith’s not a good a leader, John. ----> Tamolith’s not a good leader, John. ----- An excellent chapter, Tefler! Very well done!


Thank you for getting the completed version of 134 posted today. I really appreciate all the effort you put in to this amazing story.


and the world goes silent as everyone rushes to read the chapter...that is a good sigh @tefler


As I said on Discord, the end product of Ch. 134 was well worth the wait! Tefler just keeps writing such good stuff! I can think of lots of words, but I like "stuff!" :D


Found this: Clearing his throat, the Shoal-Commander tried again. “Perhaps we should SENT scouts into the asteroid field? It would be the ideal location for an ambush. The Kintark could have concealed more warships inside the cover of the belt.” Perhaps the 'sent' should be 'send?' Thanks for the excellent chapter.


Another good chapter. Needs an edit pass through though.


Damn! Did not see THAT coming! Another epic chapter.

Bp Hlpt

The title of this series of posts now needs to be changed, removing -- (first half)


I still say Option 2 would have been better for Tamolith!

Jeremy Patrick

Yikes... if something happens to Kali there will be hell to pay


Thanks for the chapter Tefler. I hope your dad is doing well. The was very satisfying and yeah we always wondered what would happen if a nonhumanoid underwent the change and here we are.


Tefler, thanks for the fix and this should tide me over for a while. The passage that made me laugh during all of the carnage and sadness: ...Trust me... never try to force fuck an angry shapeshifter!” He winced at that hideous bit of imagery, then smiled as he relaxed. “Good advice.”

Big Dude

Tefler, I hope poppa is surviving the treatment regimen. I hope your mother and siblings are doing okay watching your progenitor deal with the poison that chemotherapy really is. Now I wanted to congratulate you on the best sentence you've ever written in this series so far: "“It usually takes more than one stroke,” Alyssa observed, her lips twitching into a coy smile. “Nobody could accuse John of having a hair trigger.”" I laughed so hard I started coughing! Thank you for still having levity during this difficult family moment. Kudos to you Tefler. May God bless you father in his time of need. --- Big Dude


Thanks Tef. We can imagine how difficult it must be for you and your family. Hope your father recovers soon.


I don't like the Tamolith storyline at all. In chapter 105 after she kills the empress Tefler writes about the" half dozen fearful eyes " and her vengeance against the emperor is not finished. It is not stated but it is implied that she killed the " children " of the emperor. In a later chapter there is the mention of consorts for her son. I assume these are 2 female children she let live to be used as breeders for her son. There has been no other mention of another source of any other females who would grow to dragon size for her son to mate with. So John now is rewarding a child killer because of political reasons. I sympathize with her dead children not with her. Tamolith should have been killed off or some other idea used. For those who will claim she did not kill the children, where are the other 4? The Brimorians were punished for killing children but not Tamolith. For me there is no satisfactory Tamolith storyline as this moves forward. There is in fiction always a way for someone else to run the government. So for those who have not figured my opinion out Tamolith should have been killed off instead of being rewarded by John.


Interesting development to say the least! John has graduated from helping wounded little birds to helping wounded gigantic birds.


No, John is rewarding her because people overwhelmingly voted for that option. :S


It is obvious that people voting for something ( which I never saw a request from Tefler for a vote ) in this case has not helped at all. Tamolith's actions in the story as in chapter 105 , the implied killing of the children should not be rewarded. It goes against the beliefs of these characters and the story itself. I know that Tefler can write some kind of excuse into the story or change the implied killing of the children to it not happening but for me that doesn't change the fact that if the Tamolith storyline in this chapter was from readers voting it was a mistake. Whatever changes Tefler makes going forward does not change the fact that as of this chapter he has John rewarding a child killer.


The vote request was here on Patreon and the dialog box precedes the Status Update (Chapter 134), below.


I don't think she was killing children. The invading army most definitely did and is quoted as such. She did kill a lot of palace functionaries.


Oh I forgot she killed the previous empresses kids save the 2 girls.


I have to agree the killing of children was on the Bimorians. The killing of non Draconian functionaries is a different story. Ehhh there is the story of royal genetic succession. I see what they are talking about. The killing of children in the lines of royalty is not uncommon. I think the more henious act is the mass slaughter of civilian children and adults more than the targeted slaughter of royalty children. Right or wrong.


In response to comments about Tamolith killing children. In my previous comment I stated she did so in chapter 105 not in this chapter. If you will read my comments again you will see I stated it was chapter 105. I did not say she killed children in this chapter.


I scrolled down through the chapter updates but did not see where Tefler asked for a vote. Regardless, I feel the Tamolith storyline was a mistake. As I said before Tefler can write something that changes the story going forward but this chapter for me is disappointing. Also there is no need for John to feel any guilt or remorse for changing personalities going forward because of this chapter. I know people will disagree with me but not everyone will. Now John can just do whatever is the most expedient without all the soul searching and guilt. This chapter makes me feel they ignored justice for political reasons.


He posted the vote on June 4 and as to Tamolith killing children“Alas, we have suffered a tragedy here at the Imperial Palace on Kinta. Upon hearing of her mate’s untimely death, Empress Vilandrith was driven mad with grief. She slaughtered all of Baledranax’s male heirs then ripped off her own head ... a most unpleasant business.” Tefler stated heirs not children and with a long-lived race of dragons they could have been many decades old.


Just a couple minor points that mean a lot to some of us: As a 77 year-old U.S. Marine (for life) and brother to all U.K. Royal Marines, when speaking of Marines, the word should begin with an upper-case M. Also, Marines are never referred to as "soldiers." Soldiers serve in an Army, Marines serve in a Corps. "Once a Marine, Always a Marine," no matter whether under the Globe and Laurel or the Eagle, Globe and Anchor! Thanks for your huge undertaking, giving me and many others great entertainment for so long! Keep up the good work!


Mr Smith, the female "consorts" of Tamoliths son did not seem any older in the story than her own. These were the surviving females from the empress. Tamolith was extremely grief stricken over the death of her own children so regardless of age she still killed children.


Does the fact that Alyssa felt Tamolith in her mind mean that Tamolith is bonded to her rather than Jade?


Oh darn. That ending. It feels like someone is digging her grave deeper and deeper *facepalm* I hope that nothing will happen to Khali!!

Florida Reader

I think the main point to consider is that Eldraele was an evil, vicious woman -- was John's rewiring justified? Tamolith is not going to remain Tamolith. John is going to "overwrite' her at some point. Whether she will come to be given the "gift of guilt' and retain memory of her prior evil acts is what remains to be seen.

Bp Hlpt

@Michael Cail, I can't figure out how you missed the vote about Tamolith, see here - https://www.patreon.com/posts/decide-tamoliths-37880519


I don't either but according to a comment response it was in June. It doesn't matter because I would have voted against this outcome regardless but thank you for your response.


I think John subconsciously assigns them. He doesn't see Tamolith as a Nymph just one of his regular girls. That's why Niskera is bonded to Alyssa too. He could probably make both matriarchs when he sees fit


The longer it takes the Invictus to return to Maliri space, the more chance there is for Sarinia Baelora to dig herself into her own grave and seal what could be a horrific fate. In earlier chapters she appeared to be showing a little contrition to Matriarch Edraele Valaden, but this latest vignette with her interaction with Khali just shows how manipulative and self-centred she still is. If anything, I would imagine her ultimate goal to be to replace Edraele completely as she has failed to totally comprehend John and his nature. If anything, I know that John would balk at an execution, either quietly or in public, so I can see Sarinia being exiled, her House disbanded, and her Protectorate possessions being shared out amongst the other Houses. Her execution by John or one of his girls would only occur if Sarinia did any serious harm to Khali.


23:40 31/7 in the UK. Morning coffee at GMT +8 waiting for 135. F5 F5 F5 F5


or Sakura could fufill her high priestess of Justice role!