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Hey everyone!

I've completed the chapter and added the final scenes to the previous post, but I thought I'd  post it fresh here to avoid confusion. (You haven't been charged for this post).

It was an interesting challenge to incorporate the patron choice for Tamolith's fate into this chapter. There were a wide range of opinions on the subject, so I hope I ended up satisfying most people! 

I'll get stuck into chapter 135 now and the long-awaited confrontation with John's Guide. The plan is to have it completed before the end of the month and I'll give you a status update when I'm half-way through.







Thanks Tef you made my day!


sweet, thanks


Thanks Tef


Always great news to hear. Looking forward to how the new narrative threads work out. Thanks for all your work Tefler!


Can’t wait till the big confrontation with the guide. Keep up the good work


Awesome, thanks!


Happy Birthday to me, happy birthday to me, new chapter from Tefler, Happy Birthday to me...


Thank you, Tefler! Best to you and your family, and I hope that your father is doing as well as he possibly can.


While Rachel's curiosity outburst over John was a bit surprising, having Tamolith join as a dragoness isn't out of character for the crew. This is the group who have systematically created links with the galactic powers. Edraele, Niskera, Lynette (and threatening to replace the admiralty with secret Lionesses), and now Tamolith are connected. The Ashanath are fully on board and would never seek to go against John. Only the Enshunu, Brimorians, and Drakkar are not under John's lordship at this time. (Drakkar are somewhat placated, Enshunu are finding Achonin tech, and the Brimorians are due for a reckoning) All that... and the readers appreciate 1. Sexy dragon girls (Okay, we love the harem aspect and the idea of a new unique girl is great!) and 2. Redemption (Many times the story veers into a very black/white morality because of how many of the Lionesses, Alyssa and Sakura mostly, have understood the universe to be. So for John to put his hand out with undue mercy is... cool. It's an underutilized concept in a universe so filled to the brim with magnitudes of cruelty and constant war. But when it does show up it does have important ramifications.


very sweet thank you


Ouch, I my faux spidey sense is telling me a certain Matriarch is going to cause no end of trouble...... I hope the Malari Matriarchs will be OK...............

James Hârn

Betrixa was amazingly hot in her segment... she has wonderfully dirty pillow talk.


The reason I appreciate this move is because my favorite character is only here because of John's mercy. Of all the girls, Irillith is the one most undeserving of John's love and gifts. She was vain, deceitful, arrogant, manipulative, and resentful. She is also the only girl on the Invictus who John did not choose to join, as she forcefully took his... gift. For all intents and purposes, Irillith doesn't deserve John, let alone his love for her. If we were looking at it from Alyssa's perspective, she'd most likely be clawing her eyes out for the terrible things she's done. And yet she's a part of the crew, basking in John's love and in turn righting wrongs. One of my favorite moments in the story was when she sent money to Mikaboshi's victims, and how much care, love, and hope she poured into those individualized letters. She was given another chance, and because of that the story was changed for the better. A little mercy can work some wonders in this dark universe. Let's see how John's newest act of kindness works out...


The one lesson of this story is that if you are going to be a sociopathic leader of a galactic civilization, you should better be female.


Mmmm. Fuck yesss.. Been looking forward to this.


Naaah, still don't like the Tamolith storyline in this chapter. That said over the years this story has been written I have read more than one comment that Tefler ( in order to be a better writer-- Bull Shit!! ) needs to kill off a main character. If he ever decides to do that Tamolith would be my vote.

Brandon Yarberry

I think he pulled off the recruitment in a very well done manner. Tamolith wasn’t going to reform on her own, and John wouldn’t have been able to abandon the Kintark people to such a fate. And it lets him be helpful, merciful, and compassionate all in one.


"How many Brimorians got passed you?" past?


I thought flight mode deactivated the shields on the Paragon suits? Did I miss when they got upgraded?


I thought Tamoliths children all dying was very sad (but obviously there was no other way to achieve the desired outcome) am reeeeeally hoping that nothing happens to Kali that would be as bad as Faye... (yes still remember her... maintain the rage...)


killing the kids, harsh. Bringing Tamolith into the fold will be interesting. I picture her become something like Alexstraza from warcraft in her humanoid form.

James Mayer

Does this mean John will end up making a Brimorian Queen


Tefler already did that with Helene one of The Abandoned, the inheritors of the once great Brimorian race.


Dana couldn’t help laughing at that. “Yeah, amazing what three square meals will do for a girl...” Chapter 115, as they say on Cinemasins "Roll credits" 😁


Reading the entire story over. (Why I'm I hearing theme to Gilligan's isle?)


That last submittal was great, good battle scene and the depiction of Tamoliths grief and then her agreement to join John's harem. Should make for intresting possibilies as the war with the projenators loom ahead. Keep up the great work and the very long story thaat will never end, I hope!


I am puzzled as to why John and Rachel are so sure he can impregnate Tamolith. So far we know he is fertile with all the Thrall races and with the Progenitor constructs of the Rockmen and (I may be wrong) the Nymphs. The Kintark are a naturally evolved race. It is far from obvious that John will be able to impregnate them. It would be rather less likely than his being able to impregnate fish (Terran ones, not the Brimorians).


I thought it wasnt that John could impregnate Tamolith so much as Rachel can reverse engineer the gene splicing that created the dragons in the first place. Maybe I looked at it wrong though.


THANK YOU tefler hopes and prayers for your dad's health


Wont lie i was expecting john to use his giant form to get head from tamolith. But then again her teeth are probably an issue

thomas rodrian

I can’t imagine him complaining about teeth chomping on his junk when he can regrow a new trouser snake. If John pops a new tallywacker, the Lionesses might even celebrate his knob sucking more baby batter out of the ball bag. Of course, maybe you’re right, he doesn’t have the ballocks and dangly-bits to get off with a growler like Tamolith. Maybe in the next chapter we will see who wears the knickers on Invictus. Maybe John is too worried about the naughty bits, maybe John is not ready to shag a real dragon, or maybe he wants to snog before getting stuffed. Regardless, Tamolith needs a real man pronto; if she is not up the duff soon, the Kintark Empire might go up in smoke. John Thomas


These are thoughts to the upcoming chapters....... I think Edrael will be so furious at Sarinia that she is going to reject her as Matriarch. She will eventually trust her upon Alyssa who will in turn reject her because of the undiscovered Psychic bloodline created by Maenarech. The only probable solution is Irillith who is more powerful as a parallel Psychic: I think this newly Psychic power is creating organic hatred among enemies. Mael was able to use it to reduce the armies of Renagon because they are in Millions. This particular power is directly opposite to Helene and after Kali saga, John will have no choice but to banish Sarinia to the Invictus under the watch of Irillith.


The Baeloran family posses this hatred psychy and that is why Edreal has been finding it difficult to control Sarinia's mother


It was a weapon and John was able to repress it as a progenitor but how they are going to deal with Sarinia on the invictus is what I don't know


Please don't ask me that Edreal can not reject a thrall. Remember John gave them the Will


This will be the first time Edreal will be exercising that Will


Also, Alyssa will be the one to discover this Psychic manace. You know she likes to probe


My mind tells me we will be witnessing an enemy on the invictus since Irillith and unfortunately Shinatobe. Alyssa is not a thrall race and also a converted Kaftanerian. So she is capable of kicking her a**. Sarinia is valuable for upcoming war against other Progens


Honestly, I really don't know Sarinia's goal. I agree with Edreal for been suspicious. Is she picking that resonance of Psychic power? What will Sarinia gain by reaching out to Kali after Edreal's warning against manipulation? Maybe her powers will be awaken after she sets eyes on John and mistakenly see Alyssa and Edreal as rivals rightly predicted by Edreal in the past chapter. Only Tefla can answer to these questions. Well done Tefla, you are a master of intrigue. I doff my hat.


Lol. Sarinia sound to me like a character from horror movie. Anywhere she enter becomes gory and bloodletting.


The Terran girls are protected Psychically by Alyssa. The Valaden Queen, her Twin daughters and the white haired Maliri are psychically immune. The Nymphs are batteries and nothing can touch them. Anyone outside these groups are dead if she wills.


On a completely separate note... just read a post on Facebook about the name for Terry Prachett fans. Where Dr Who fans are called Whovians and J.K.Rowlins fans are called muggles; what would the name for a Tefler fan be? Might I suggest Teflons? 😁


Romantic space perverts


But like in a good way


I honestly think Sarinia is just power hungry. If she had a psychic bloodline she would be able to resist him a bit. But maybe she is close ;more psychically receptive somehow.


TSM CORRECTIONS Chapter 134 Feeling a sense of dread, Libtegh had to ask, “What are you/your orders?” Zorlin could guess what that/they were planning and shook his head

Dai Stiho

After a solid 3 weeks of binging the story on Literotica, I was starting to go into withdrawals before finding you here. Chapters 131-134 have been like a nice little hit of sugar before having to go keto for a bit. Thanks for a great story! Keep going!


More Elon Musk-like, so I would suggest: Teflerati


I don't want to come off as being rude after this last chapter just was posted I have a bad case of Veruca Salt coming on because I want the next chapter now. But in all honesty I don't want to rush Tefler. Also hope your dad's getting better.


Hope your father is doing OK Tefler, I wish I could do more than just wish him good luck!


I wonder if the real strength that John has is not that he is bread to be a propagator killer, rather he is doing something that seems to be an anathema to the rest of them and that is he has many different matriarch’s from different species. It seems like all the propagators we have seen have only used one species to dominate then build a soul forge. I wonder how much of a bigger player a Tamolith is going to be, (next matriarch?) Thanks for the updated chapter! hope you and your family are doing well in these weird times!


Most posts concerning the new team member is her appearance?? I’m more interested in has John just made dragon males extinct like male Nymphs? If things follow procedures, She & John’s offsprings? Females - Dragons Males - Progenators


Going to be interesting to see her transformation...but will the kintark serve a female looking Tamolith. It's seems until now they only follow the strongest and largest dragonkind.


Could Alyssa be a Kyth’faren and not a Progenitor. although that may be splitting here since I think the progenitors are just evil Kyth’faren if I understand the backstory of the evil demigod.


I think she is a female Kyth'faren though I kind of wonder if John is just a male version of the Kyth'faren not a Progenitor; they seem to be just influenced by Xar'aziuth who they sell their souls too.


I wonder if the next chapter will cover the execution of Tom.


I have a question about Ailita and the timeline of the story. When all of the girls were accounted for just before the battle of Kinta there was no mention of Ailita. It seems like it has been more than 14 hours since Ailita's rescue from Arjun Khatri. Is she still taking a nap?


That's jut one of many threads I'm really curious to know, what about the Malari hackers that framed him, what about Tom's friend who lied to him, what about the other "hitman" progenitor on the way, will John's mother contribute in any way to helping him defeat his inner guide, sooo many questions....... and only 30000 words per installment...... but I agree with another earlier comment (I forget by who but whoever you are thank you for pointing it out) that while I was on the side tht didn't want to see Tamolith added to the network....it was handled well.......


It will be intresting, though I also wonder where Mace is right now? and if they will bring in that with the whole Brimorian cleanup which May or may not happen with the race to the warpgate


Being upgraded by john she wont be the largest but she will definitely be the strongest

rich ed

Or Rill hacks the fish boys data and finds out that a Tfed officer was framed

Brian Woods

I have to agree, given that there are NO female progenitors and likely no way for one to exist using Xar’Aziuth’s DNA information, his subconscious perhaps filled in the blanks and created a Kyth’faren. Unfortunately for him, John being male means biologically he kinda has to be Xar’s descendant, making him full blooded Progenitor. It is his application of his bloodline’s powers that make him different, not the bloodline itself.


Oh he's getting a Brimorian cruiser. Most likely has a harebrained scheme to attack the Invictus. To which I would say I think the flood lights alone on the Invictus who probably wreck that ship. 😱

Brian Woods

So, finally getting time to sit down and repost my comment that seems to have disappeared when I attempted to edit it, here goes: First of all, well done Tefler. Combining the end of 133 with this chapter made the flow of battle much easier to follow and built up excellent levels of tension that moved the fight nicely from end to end; good show! Knowing what was to come, that last bit of interaction between Tamolith and her brood, Zulkayr especially, really tugged at the heartstrings hardcore. I might have thought you would throw in a psychic echo or two detailing the final stand, but perhaps the execution would have been too over the top to detail. Onto my main point of slight disappointment, it seems we can clearly see the end of my speculations: while the recruitment of the Dragoness was quite respectably done, the details have laid my thoughts and hopes to rest. For Jade to have produced enough excess material to fill Tamolith’s stomach, because she herself cannot create John’s male spend, it makes sense that she would shapeshift the extra stuff out of her own powers. This likely indicates that, much like the Hulk when he grows bigger and stronger by pulling energy from an alternate dimension where he stores the gamma radiation, so too Jade and probably John draw material from the Astral Realm to increase their mass. Ergo, the body that is formed is not a true genetic representation of themselves, but rather an Astral copy, rendering it not real for biological purposes. Therefore, even an increase in size for John’s stuff will not increase overall potency, as the extra mass is not actually his: rather, while it might affect someone of a larger size in similar fashion to a smaller girl, the smaller girl would need to consume everything to achieve the normal effect. Unfortunate, as this shelves my ideas on rapid recruitment, but c’est la vie! This would have been overpowering, so I can understand the reluctance to indulge. As a final note, it seems Sarinia, as others have mentioned, is in the process of signing her own death certificate. By further involving Kali in her schemes to appeal to Baen’thelas, she risks even more ire from his wrath. Though, I won’t lie, there is a part of me looking forward to Edraele flexing her psychic muscles to fend off what might be a coup de’tat against her status as Maliri Queen. Looking forward to the coming chapters!


I actually think their bodies genetically are the same just altered form. Though I agree with the potency thing I would like to point out that it would allow John to link with a lot more girl pre-battle considering they don't need much to make an active link. Additionally, I think Sarinia is trying to overthrow Edraele to show off cunning and ability which is gonna fail far beyond her wildest dreams. Edraele is smarter and more cunning now than her previous self she's practically dancing in her palm


I think that Kali is going to be kidnapped by Sarinia. So that she can set up Edraele to die but trying that on a telepath and telekinetic is very foolish. We have not seen this version of Edraele being as mad as Alyssa. I wonder how much effort it takes to clean little blue girl chunks out of the carpet.

Brian Woods

Yeah, I tend to agree, Smith, and like I said I want to see some psychic might from Edraele’s hands, given that so far we haven’t actually seen WHAT she can do power-wise yet :O.


Edraele has already had many years of practice with her telepathy and her telekinesis. Ril had only a nodding acquaintance with her pyrokinesis and only after a few weeks of training is phenomenally powerful. I think somebody is about to get a mindwipe.

Brian Woods

Yes, but remember...the only things Edraele has actually done with her powers until now has been energy transfers to John, telepathy to John, his Matriarchs, and her network, the original mindwipes to the assassins that killed the Young Matriarch’s families which she said was incomplete and unrefined compared to John’s abilities, and a bit of telekinesis in catching Kali while they were distracted. There hasn’t been an exerted ostentatious display of her years of experience to prove her powers yet, and fighting off a coup would be perfect as an opportunity.


Just checking. How's your dad doing Tefler? Hope his treatments are going well.


Okay I'm starting to think I'm a little bit obsessed with this story. Last night i dreamed about matriarch volleyball. Sarinia as the ball.


To quote the grey's "Glorious globes and spheres".


I doubt any Maliri hacker could compare to Rill before she was enhanced. Enhanced, there doesn't seem to be a military computer firewall that can stop her. And she grew up with Maliri tech. So unless the Maliri traders in illegal bio-tech got their hands on something new, their defences are toast.


"I have read more than one comment that Tefler ( in order to be a better writer-- Bull Shit!! ) needs to kill off a main character." Agree. Although up until this point I wouldn't think of her as a main character, but more as a major support character. I think those that think killing off a main character, wouldn't be satisfied or consider Tamolith as a main character. IMO they are looking for one of the crew.


On a technical note, when John activated external lighting that wouldn't necessarily give away his position. Active night vision devices have built-in IR emitters, so unless the species in question can see in the IR spectrum, he would still be concealed.


I also wonder...if tamolith does turn "human" at least human sizes wouldn't the create mating problems with the enhance males Rachel said she could engineer...and would her new children be like her or as her original children...maybe after the change she will forgo the idea of children with her own kind and rather went johns children as all his other girls do.

Jedi Khan

That's the general idea, John being the one to provide her children and heirs to the Kintark throne. Rachel is confident that she could recreate the research used to create dragons like Tamolith, but according to Tamolith, they'd take centuries to mature and she doesn't want to wait that long.


Did any of her predecessors daughters / consorts survive the Brimorian onslaught?


What if Tamolith has shape shifter in her genetics and can shape shift after John feeds her a couple of meals.


I think I'll probably have something to do with her pheromones that she produces.


I don't think there were any. I am pretty sure Tamolith said that Baledralax was the first and killed all of the genetic engineers. So the "royal" line started with this first set of Baledralax, his consort that Tamolith killed (I forget the name), Tamolith's consort that John killed at the sulfur mine, and Tamolith. So a clutch of 4 eggs like Tamolith's 6 (I think).


To summarize jade feeding tamolith john's cum and tamolith getting a belly bulge and the talk about tamolith shape shifting and talk about tamolith having child with john: *insert meme* I'm disgusted but Go on.


Chapter 131 was just posted on SOL. So there is some movement on the Tefler front.

thomas rodrian

Yup, one of his thralls decided to tease John Q. Public about our awesomeness. Watch the member stats and wait for noob comments

thomas rodrian

How can the idea of interspecies procreation disgust you? The story has a non-human boinking several shapeshifters, numerous Maliri, a Trankaran, a politician, and a few humans. Adding another species into the mix seems normal now. Tefler left vanilla behind ages ago.


it will be interesting to see if Tamolith can shed enuff mass through the change process to become thrall sized or if something else will occurr.........

Big Dude

It seems my comment about how Alyssa grew to become a matriarch was obliterated from Patreon too. Really Sad!


I have been having random issues with that off and on for the last week. 🤔

thomas rodrian

I expect her to physically match the Lionesses, but a Thrall 2.0 would make things interesting. If we start with a BBW or THICC bitch made for sucking you dry, and then eat some lunch with you. This would add a lot of class to the Invictus. Image a THICC bitch strutting off the ship twirling a Tachyon rifle while saying, “Alright bitches, time to die!” Oh, T2.0 should have an East London accent.


I find Patreon seems to take umbrage with repeatedly editing a post. I think the best way of adding a lengthy well-reasoned comment is to type it into notepad first, then just copy/paste it into Patreon. I did look through all my recent notification emails, but I'm afraid I couldn't find the text for your comment.


Hello Tefler....how is you family and father doing...know our thought and prayers are with you

Martin Edmonds

You and Sir Winston give me a reason to wake up everyday. Love this story and love re-reading it many a time


Sir Winston's Churchill the former prime minister of Britain? I mean I know he was a writer but then he write historical things. I guess he was a good writer cuz he did get a Nobel prize.

Big Dude

I hope to read this afternoon he's sent the first half of the epic mind battle to his editors.


Mr. Tefler we don't know how the system automatically shorten our messages with selected things only. I don't know if this message will come to display. Result -we have stopped writing views and criticism both good and bad. Njoy.


Sadly Tefler lives in Britain I believe and his time zone is vastly different than anyone living in North America, Hawaii or Australia for that matter. So if the editors go through extremely quickly it will most likely not be posted for another day or so.


Awesome chapter, but damn you and cliffhangers lol. Thanks again for another chapter looking forward to the rest.


Don't worry in the next few days the next chapter will be posted


It's coming it's coming it's coming (rocking back & forth in darkened corner)


Whisper’s ‘ it’s ok it will be here soon’ over and over........

Big Dude

There hasn't been the five day warning. I hope we don't get a half a chapter this time.

Big Dude

Telfer, are you going to have someone re-render your master space picture with a white Invictus being 250 meters (metres for some folk) longer?

Big Dude

My original comment about Alyssa being a matriarch and responding to previous comments was something like this: John Blake was abandoned by his mother Jessica. Due to this abandonment, John was instilled with human values from his restauranteur grandparents. John didn't know about his progenitor heritage, but knew he was somewhat different because of his pointy ears and his quad. he also knew women responded to him strangely when his spunk was drunk. He was a warrior among warriors. He was appalled by the civilian slaughter of Buckingham's predecessor on that planet. While at Karran Alyssa Marant stowed away onto John's ship to escape Karran. When John explained to Alyssa he wanted her as a girlfriend he mentioned that his spunk caused women to enter a funk. She wasn't being groomed to be a matriarch by John. That happened behind the scenes as he didn't know or understand his heritage until Bad Edraele released PJ. So in short order Alyssa becoming what she is I think is because of Edraele, not something John originally came up with. He had no interaction with Rahn, only knew of Mael'Nerak and progenitors later on. My four farthings.

Big Dude

It's much shorter than the original thought I had.


Alyssa becoming a matriarch was most likely instinctual then directed by john, remember she was hearing john inner voice, then Calara's emotions followed by Dana, way before they got to malari space. PJ broke the connection the Alyssa but john had "protected" his girls so PJ couldnt use them like he wanted. Edraele was to be PJ's matriarch not johns. Obviously something went sideways with the rule book.


So I've noticed that my comments that are posted in the patron app are not shown on the patron website and vice versa. Very odd.


Maybe this will make it easier for John to restore the Vulkat


time for F5?


I have a spare keyboard already and set for the F5 Marathon.


I would be happy with a partial chapter release which is not some last minute thing. I dislike how the patreon dynamic drives the creative process.


I have an eye appointment tomorrow where they will dilate my eyes, so I am probably the only person hoping the next chapter does not come out tomorrow. :D


Hi Tefler, do you have any thoughts on making this series as a separate non-sexual version also? I know the 3 meals and all that stuff is central to the plot but just wondering if it can be tweaked. I am on my second reading from the start and I find the larger story so much engrossing that I skip the sexual content alltogether. Its just that the larger story arc is so much fun... different worlds, species, politics, betrayal so on so forth.. all this feels like an amalgamation of video game mass effect and the expanse series.


It's interesting that you say this... I have been wondering this for a long time... mainly because I believe that by it being an X rated novel Tefler is missing out on a huge market that would love this story... Seems a difficult ask though as the core of the storyline is intrinsically tied...


There is a big market for erotic fiction....an even better market for erotic Sci-fi...


You know I was hoping to read new chapter on the beach here in Rovinj but f.. it. Just can't wait to see how end with his guide.

thomas rodrian

I’m looking forward to ending the guide, but I doubt it will happen in 135. The end of 134 tells us John has a crisis in Maliri space to resolve as soon as he gets home. Tefler has also suggested an impending Progenitor attack, which might delay several things. If we’re lucky, we could see that fight by end of 137, but I expect more delays.


Hope your father is doing OK.


Ground Control to Author Tef Ground Control to Author Tef We want TSM 'cause it really is the best Ground Control to Author Tef Commencing countdown, month's almost gone. Check with your editors and may God's love be with you. This is Ground Control to Author Tef You've really wrote the best And the fanboys want to know when we'll get there Now it's time to post the chapter if you dare This is Author Tef to Ground Control I'm writing thirty k That's not as easy as you might say And the world looks very different today For here I am, sitting in the Invictus Far above the world You all might be blue But I still have writing to do Though I'm past 20,000 words I'll need more time to write And with all thats happening it'll have to be alright Tell Mrs. Tef I love her very much She knows Ground Control to Author Tef F5 is dead, there's something wrong Can you hear me, Author Tef? Can you hear me, Author Tef? Can you hear me, Author Tef? Can you- For here I am, sitting in the Invictus Far above the world You all might be blue But I still have writing to do


Sits at his desk with three extra keyboards practicing his F5 taps. Tongue tap check, elbow tap check, nose tap check, followed by the ever more important keg tap. 😁


July has 31 days last I checked, at least in the Patreon universe.


Lol dam I am just drinking more rum tonight SO I can sleep lol


Waiting is the hardest part


I'm not sure Tefler appreciates how much he is doing a valuable service to us during this crisis by providing such wonderful intrigue, writing and entertainment. While the situation in the UK (where Tefler lives) is somewhat stable at the moment, there are many uncertainties there, and still more in other places. I am sure that following this fascinating space opera is a wonderful escape for many people, including myself.


hey Tef, you really need to see this


well crap, anyway...

Heinz Molck

15 hours - and running....


Tap tap tap


I think the chat here is just FUBAR now. I liked a post, then added more comments only to find I had liked a different post. Saw something similar when I added more comments. Then I refreshed everything and it did it again. Not that it matters, I am here for Tefler writing and that is spot on after John put the bugs in their place ;)


I think Irilith mistook (?) Patreon for a hostile agent, hacked its systems and turned it on itself.


The good news is that I'm expecting a post from Tefler sometime in the next 589 minutes. The not so good news is that I don't know what kind of post it will be, but I wish him and his family the best, and I hope that all is going as well as it possibly can for them.


For those who need the exercise, at 10 per minute, or one every 6 seconds, that's approximately 5850 taps on the F5 key at this point. :-)


Still waiting for the next chapter, so I happened upon this while I was waiting. https://youtu.be/GHzEJ6ESRY8 I’m concerned.


That's only one court ruling, it could always be overturned or dismissed or even altered.


I've been rereading and I don't know how I missed it the first time that Tom Walker has the same eyes as Dana!


no srsly? I missed that too. Now that entire thread makes a lot more sense.


23:40 31/7 in the UK. Morning coffee at GMT +8 waiting for 135. F5 F5 F5 F5


Guy, remember that Tefler posts per PT, not GMT, because that's what Patreon uses.


Please you all are slaves to the f5 key , and need to learn patience. It's sad you beg and plead and refresh . Breathe deep go for a walk and chill out . Ok it's been 32 seconds where is my damn chapter my finger tip is sore


Sadly, communication is not Tefler's forte. I suspect that the best to expect is a post at 2:30-3am BST (1-1.5 hours from now) with perhaps a partial chapter.


I think he has till midnight Pacific Standard Time (PST). Patreon is based in San Francisco USA. For those that miss the BST meaning, it stands for British Summer Time. The British equivalent of daylight savings time here in the states.


I disagree. TSM is all about Tefler's communicating his world to us! And personally, I think that he does that extraordinarily well! :-)


I agree, but we are using two different meanings to the nature of communication.


Thanks for link. Interesting and developing situation. Was surprised that 72 people each put in $250 to get to this point.


Something Walker's "dad" said in one of the recent chapters leaves the possibility that Anna is also from the same experiment, but that one hasnt been developed nearly as much as the Walker-tubebaby thread.


I'm a guitarist. My left hand has fingertip calluses and is unusually strong. That said, constantly replacing keyboards is a pain and Amazon has no bulk discounts.


i do hope all is well with Tefler , i will gladly pony up even if it is after the arbitrary deadline . family is the most important thing , not a clock .


I hear patreon is having some legal issues with banning people. Might want to check out subscribestar.


Not that I know of. I mentioned it here because of recent events. There was a certain legal order requiring them to pay legal fees of complainants of subscribers who had their Patrons banned from the platform. The courts may rule in favor of the complainants and could negatively impact the entire platform. Even if they do not win a favorable ruling if enough complainants sue, the legal fees alone could spell trouble for the platform.


Why do I get the impression that Tamoliths brood was killed off just so she could join the Harem? Just as I was starting to like those feisty dragons. Damn...


I had a few options in mind for Tamolith and could have quite happily used any of them to conclude her story. Out of the four options that I gave the patrons to decide her fate, only the one where she escaped with no consequences would have let the dragonlings survive unscathed. The second option would have seen her whelps killed off by the Brimorians, but Rachel would've restarted the research program to create more of them after Tamolith redeemed herself (no more murdering civilians!). You guys chose option 3, where Tamolith joined up. If her whelps survived, she wouldn't have had the motivation to join John. In option 4, Tamolith would've been severely injured trying to protect her dragonlings and be forced to watch them gunned down in front of her eyes. Driven mad with grief, John would have put her out of her misery.

steve angel

Tefler, I am in awe of your abilities. Like everyone else I always want more. but I could not imagine anyone producing more quality material then you do! I am please that you continue to produce this wonderful story. don't worry about those who complain about timing. they would complain if you wrote 3 chapters a month. and you do since other writers have 8k word chapters! thank you!!!!! and have a wonderful year!!! PS. ask Patreon to add a donate button. I think you would be surprised at how much you would get extra each month.

Bp Hlpt

Chapter 134 “Where in the depths is he?!” the Shoal Master raged, grinding in his teeth in fury “Where in the depths is he?!” the Shoal Master raged, grinding his teeth in fury After watching the Nymph rest on the flagstones floor, After watching the Nymph rest on the flagstone floor, -or- After watching the Nymph rest on the floor's flagstones, Tamolith’s pupil dilated in surprise as her tastebuds Tamolith’s pupils dilated in surprise as her tastebuds -- needs to match [then those amber orbs glazed over]