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Hey everyone!

To save you wearing out your F5 keys, I wanted to give you an update on the latest chapter. Unfortunately, a number of real life issues have come up this month, including my father being diagnosed with lymphoma.He's been able to schedule quick treatment, so is just out of hospital after the first round of chemo. He feels fine now, but I've heard it gets much worse as the treatment continues...

I've written the first half of the chapter and will get the rest finished asap. Apologies for the delay.




Never apologize for taking care of family!


Get better soon!


Take your time boss, family first


Take care tef. Were all rooting for the best for you and the loved ones

Hendrix Morton

Hey... Take care of the family... That's what is important!! Praying for him, and you all...


Damn... Not gonna lie it is hard. I hope he pulls through.

Not Telling

Hope everything turns out ok man. Prayers will be sent.


Praying for your family


Yeah, as Anthony just said.

Brandon Yarberry

Best wishes for your family. I’m more than happy to wait for quality content produced while you’re in a good headspace, than just trying to spit something out merely to post something.


You take care of your rl family. We will survive, although withdrawals from TSM suck. Might start from the beginning...again.


Hope everything will be ok for you and your family Tef. Best wishes to your father, especially.

CJ Mora

Sorry to hear about your father, Tefler. I hope he responds well to the treatment. I'll keep him in my prayers for an effective treatment and a speedy recovery.


Out of all the possible "excuses" for a delay, I think a family member with lymphoma pretty well tops the list. Priorities are priorities, and I am pretty sure that our collective reading enjoyment will tolerate being taken down a few rungs in importance. You will have more important things on your mind for the time being.


Family first.


My sincerest best wishes to your father, I am sure we of your adoring fans will insist on the health an well being of your family. *hugs*


For cash flow reasons I’d suggest posting what you have by June 30th to trigger a Patreon chapter payment for June


While I miss the chapter updates, family first. Always.


You need to take care of your family first always, but especially during this period of uncertainty with this tragic COVID virus, our best to you and your family


Family first. TSM will still be here. Keep us updated and we'll keep praying for your family.

GDay (FMS)

Family always comes first mate, I wish your father a speedy recovery with only minor setbacks from the chemo. We only have our parents for a limited time, so make the most of that time with them.....

Crichton Vas’Moya

Hey at least now i have a reason to go back and binge reread the series no worries i can wait


Don't worry about writing family come first


Health Is vital especially at the moment. Looking forward to the next chapter but any delay is perfectly understandable.


Prayers for your father!


Sorry to hear about your father, prayers for his health.


Fuck cancer! Depending on the type of lymphoma there have been some good breakthroughs the past few years. If he is doing CHOP then yes, the first treatment is usually fine but the second treatment is a bit rougher... at least until they adjust things. They tend to go in 'strong' and then dial back as needed depending on the reaction. Take care of yourself and the family.

Who Me

Family and Parents are more important than a story - even one as good as this one - He is in our Prayers


Thoughts and prayers for your Dad. Best wishes.


I just finished chemo for lymphoma and am in remission. These days most types of lymphoma are treatable and even curable. Good luck to your father and your family.


Prayers for you and your father. I hope he gets better soon.


Yeah prayers for your family, we can wait.


As everyone else has been posting, Family First. Our best wishes for you, your family and your father for him beating this and all of you being happy and hale.

Steve Raulerson

Best wishes and prayers for a complete and speedy recovery for your Dad.


Absolutely, family first. Hope your father's chemo is effective and uneventful. And I'll echo a previous comment that, as far as I'm concerned, posting the first half for cash flow would be just fine.

Pat White

Family first. Hope your father come through all this. I will be praying for you and your family.


Hugs to the family. Hopefully everything works out well.


as always, family 1st !!!!!


Much love to your family! Take care!

Kyle Oathout

Cancer is terrible. The treatment is worse. Take care of your family and we'll see you on the otherside. If he has a favorite food, feed it to him before the nausea and lack of taste kick in.


My father died for cancer. Love helps. I'm really close to you!


No worries about us. Thank you for the update. Hope he recovers well. Please stay safe. We aren't going anywhere.

travis btmb

No problem do what's best for you and your family


Balance Time for your Family with what you need income wise and we are happy to get what you push through to us!


I lost my little sister, as a relative who went through this, be understanding of his pain and his moods, they might be sharp, let that slide of your back and be as caring as possible. Perhaps give him a paper copy of your work...


Family first as John would say. We all know how to be patient and don't want to rush art.


Family always comes first. Your family will be in my prayers. Personally, I would be willing to pay twice for the chapter if you released half at a time to help in the little way I can.


Truly sorry to hear the news. I too have to go for regular infusions, though my condition is different. I hope he gets better soon. Make your family your first priority. For your fans, at least the true fans, they will understand. My thoughts go with you.


Heart goes out to you Tef! Thanks for the update, but honestly don't worry about us; family comes first.


Sending positive vibes your way, tefler


Thoughts and prayers with you and your family. Wishing him a speedy recovery.


Brother IRL always takes precedence and family should always come first ... we your legion of faithful fans wait for every release with baited breath ... we can hold our collective curiosities at bay whilst you tend to the important matters of family ... drop in from time to time to let is know how you are doing and we will abide our time wishing the continued health and welfare of your family


Agree with all of the above. Family first! Post whatever you have by tomorrow. We understand and will gladly pay for an incomplete chapter.


My thoughts and prayers go with you Tef, your father and your family!!!


If your into the holistic medicine stuff... I own a CBD processing company and would love to donate a few tincture bottles if your in the continental U.S.


Take care of what's important first. Our prayers to you and your family.


Standing offer!

James Hârn

I'm very sorry to hear that, Tef. Best wishes to you and yours.


Take care of your father and yourself , we can wait until 'you are ready to work on TSM, we know it will be here when it ready.

Bp Hlpt

Our thoughts and prayers are with you Tefler.


Sorry To hear Tef will keep him in my prayers

Horny Rhino

Family First Tefler, we can wait...


I hope your father improves. Family first, us second.


Hey Teff, I think we all agree your Dad is way more important than anything else. Just let us know if there's anything we can do to help.

Author W

I sincerely hope your father gets better soon. Cancer really sucks... Don’t stress with the next chapter. We’ll still be here when you’re ready.


Sorry to hear about your dad. I really hope he gets thru this. Family definitely comes first. I lost my dad to cancer about 5 years ago and since then I've never once regretted time spent with him. However, I still regret missing his last birthday in order to finish a work project.


Good luck and family first. Post what you can so you can get paid, we will be here supporting as usual.


I'm really sorry to hear that Tefler. I wish you strength for you and your family..


I understand, my mother had 3 strokes last year so believe me I understand. Take the time you need bud, we will be waiting


All the best to your dad! Sending strength his way!

Chioke Nelson

As a survivor of leukemia myself, I hope things get better.


Best of luck to your father!!!


Best wishes to your dad, hope the treatments get him through it!


I think we were all afraid it was something like that. Hence all the comment streams drying up and nobody asking when it was coming. Really sorry about your Dad, I hope he comes through the tough months ahead succesfully. Look after yourself as well.


Wishing you and your father the best!

Big D Daddy O

All the best to your dad and the rest of your family. Take all the time you need. And give extra hugs from all of us here.


Despite my addiction...family comes first. I hope your father has an easy and swift recovery.


Best wishes Tefler, we all love our dads. We only have one.


Sorry to hear about your father , my prayers go out to him & your family . Hope things go smoothly with his treatment . As much as I want to see what happens next , your family comes first . It's doublely hard to be caught in the 'middle ' little ones to raise & your elders to care for & look out for , especially with Covid 19 stalking the vulnerable . Be sure to get your rest & care for yourself too .


Best wishes for your pops, Tef!


NEVER apologize for putting family first. Hope all goes well with your father.


I wish your father a complete recovery Tefler! Don’t worry about the story. We can entertain ourselves while you help take care of him. We will just troll Jedi and Rus a couple thousand more times. 😈

Idaho Spud56

Thanks for the update and best wishes to your father.


Take care of the one who made you. A fantasy world made of pixels can wait. Without him there's no you and without you we have nothing. Take care of your progenitor.


Family first, hope your fathers treatment goes well.


Thanks for the update. Take your time with this, family is important. We’ll still be here.


Prayers and best wishes. Thanks for the update.

morris ridgeway

Strength to you and your father.

John Doe

Strength and prayers to you and yours Tef. You are a good man, and good shall happen to you. Take your time to heal and recover.


Tefler, Family is the main thing in our lives in moments like this. Spend whatever time you can with your Father NOW!!!! The BIG "C" is a heck of a fighter to beat. Like the old saying" Hope for the best BUT plan for the worst". Do not worry about us readers.


Thanks for the update. The wife spent the last part of 2019 & the first part of 2020 getting thru 6 months of chemo for her lymphoma - it was a tough time, but thankfully it turned out really well. You have my sincere, and best wishes for your father giving a 100% ass kicking to the cancer. Don't worry about taking more time - you'll be done when you're done, and in the long term, you'll never regret spending time with your father.


My best wishes, prayers and energy to your father. Keep the faith and know you have a universe supporting you!

Big Dude

The Big Dude is praying for your father Tefler.

The Crimson King

Thanks for the update Tef. We are here to support you, and if you need some time, we can wait. It’s not the end of the world. Take care of yourself and your family. Thoughts and Prayers from the Crimson King.


It's fine even if you took your time for other reasons it would've been fine since you never give us crap chapters. You take time to research and refine you idea when making a chapter which is far preferable to on time work that is bad


Sorry to hear about your dads diagnosis Tefler. I hope remission comes quickly for him. Take all the time you need. We can wait.


Take your time our thoughts are with you and your family!!


Oh shit man that's hard. If you need to set up a gofundme or post a partial chapter or something. This is your livelyhood and as long as you let people know it's coming I bet most would be alright with a chapters donation worth just to help a author we like.


Sorry to hear that take your time can always wait.


You know that we enjoy your stories. Waiting just gives us a reason to review past chapters. I truly hope that you and you family make it through this with strong spirits.


Thanks for the update Tef, and best wishes for IRL issues. Family first, and I think your fans can say your a part of our families. Focus on things happening first, we can wait <3

PLRus--Founding member of the TSM F5 club.

My heart goes out to you, Tefler. Scary times. Been there, done that. Will be praying for you and yours. Take the time to be 'present' with your dad, hear his fears, be there for him. And, should you want to talk privately with someone who has been through all of this several times over, give me a holler over on Discord......Rus is my user name there.


Best wishes for a good recovery Tefler. Family is most important. I agree with many others. Drop the half before the cut off and get us the rest as you can.


I wish you strength Tefler, be well


Always family first. We will wait. Best wishes for his recovery


Peace Balance Transcend


Sorry to hear of this bad news. Going to hospital is not good especially at this time in the UK. May I wish your family the best and hope that things will all work out for the best.


Family 1st mate! As others have said drop the 1st half so you can get paid we don't mind waiting for the second half


Take care of your father, the book will come in time.


Best wishes to your dad for a speedy recovery!

Jose Bueno

Went through a Lymphoma myself back in 2013. Six very heavy chemos later I was cancer free. I thought the chemos were going to kill me, by the sixth. I hope your father gets well soon.


Sorry to hear the news about your father and best wishes for successful treatment and his rapid recovery!

Chris Forbes

Thank you for the update. Sorry to hear about your dad.


Take care of your dad first, we'll be pulling for him. I've been through it. Around the 3rd or 4th week is when it gets tough. I hope it was caught early. Tell him, get well from all of us!!!!

thomas rodrian

Thanks for letting us know what is happening. Take care


Hey Tef - mate look after yourself and your family first. Agree you should drop whatever's ready so you can be paid, we'll all be here when you're ready to go again. Hope everything works out OK for your Dad and you and the family.


Where is the Angel of Terra when you need her? Good bless. Prayers for a speedy recovery. Look after yourself and your family, and be there for your dad. We'll all be here for you. Don't know where you are based, but I'm in the UK (Surrey). Just let us know if there is anything we can do.


Family comes first. You get that sorted and be there for them.


I have been rereading from the start of story, not sure if anyone has brought this up before but wasn't Faye's core memory saved on the hacking deck when they built nexus server.


Yes that is true but each time she didn't have any of the memories or personal experiences. It would be like Faye but they would have to start off at square one. The one potato stage.

Jedi Khan

Her personality is stored on the hacking deck, but not her memories or the code that would allow the crew to rebuild her. Faye wiped that code out long ago when she needed more space. The crew is basically missing the operating system that Faye would run on. They can make the hardware easily enough. They have her memories and her personality. But without the operating system, the code for her personality is just a whole lot of unreadable code while the memories are just a bunch of pictures and videos. Irillith needs to figure out how to build the operating system from scratch. It's like having to write the code to Windows 41 while only being familiar with DOS.


Jedi Khan, that is a very good analogy. but they have Daphne, She's running on Windows 41.2345 made by Faye, why not copy the OS from Daphne to Faye? Or at least allow the resident hacker to figure out what Faye did to Daphne's OS, which would be a lot easier then starting from scratch.

Hinterlands Man

Sending prayers. Great chapter, always fun watching Blake’s enemies on a roller coaster to doom. This chapter had a very dark side though, the way that the girls were depicted echoed the ancient Ashanath progenitor archives. You also duly pointed your finger at the changing alliances. Was there a little foreshadowing going on? Will someone decide to orbitally bombard the Brimorians and wipe them out, now when they are war criminals without a fleet? Hard to imagine otherwise.