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Hey everyone!

Unfortunately, this month has been a bit of a disaster. It all started out so well with the Sarinia scenes I added to chapter 126.2, but then I cracked a tooth while out for dinner with the wife. :-(

I had to have the cracked molar pulled and a wisdom tooth extracted, which left me looking like a chipmunk and in a lot of pain for a couple of weeks. I've written another 15k since then, but it'll probably be a few more days until I can finish the rest.

Apologies for the delay.




Cracked teeth suck, i broke one on a meat pie once :(


Post it, then update so you get paid


Life happens. Waiting with just a few fingers holding the cliff.


My comment would be to post what you have by end of day to give you cash flow. It will give you income from Patreon for November. Add the rest of the chapter as a free update when it’s completed.


No good deed goes unpunished. :) Post a mega chapter and next month struggle through pain and suffering to get a chapter written.


Thanks for the update! Sorry to hear about the accident, hope you feel better soonest!!


Agree post it and get paid


Don't worry. Life happens. Hope you feel better soon.


To be fair, long breaks (and real life giving you gears) between chapters often mean more twisted twists and more dramatic drama in the next several chapters. It balances.


It's all good man


Having the teeth extracted was surprisingly painless (yay general anaesthetic!) but the wound got infected which was totally gross. Oozing pus... blargh.... Fortunately, the antibiotics cleared it up and I'm okay now. :-)


Take care, Tef, and make sure that infection is properly got rid of! Do everything they say, and maybe more.... Been there, done that, got the T-shirt – the sooner you’re well clear of it the better🥴. Hope everything else is okay, both with your good lady wife mini Tef and Tef Junior 😀


No worries Tef, health before wealth.


Life happens and health first. no worries


Thanks for the update, hope you recover quickly.


The family is all good thanks! Mini-Tef is piling on the pounds and has doubled in weight since he was born. Tef Junior seems to always be going to birthday parties, so he's quite happy too. :-)

morris ridgeway

No need for an apology. Life happens. Get better, please.


No worries about the delay, just take the time you need to feel better.

Dave Barrack

I agree with what a few people have suggested. Wrap the current scene and end it with "OW MY TOOTH" and post what you have.


The health and well being of you and your family always comes first. After saying that I should say thanks for the update and do what you need to do to get better, without losing site of the keyboard, of course. LOL LOL


On a side note, my wife keeps "hounding" me with "Is Faye back yet.?" I agree with others here for you to to keep yourcash flow rolling. If you need to post, do so as I think all of us will stand with you! My wife says maybe its karma and Faye together.


Ow my tooth, end it with that and I wouldn't care if you even finished the chapter lol


Been there, done that. Hurt like hell. Just take it slow.


Came to see what many already have... post what you’ve got and get paid this month.


I agree, post what you have and get paid this month. You need the money for the family.


Yep, been there, done that, got the crown to show for it! Hope your full recovery is swift and painless.


Hey Tef, it alright, you take care of yourself. We can hold out for a few more days no problem!


Be well soon !

thomas rodrian

Hope your better soon. Thanks


Thanks for the update. Hope your dental trauma heals rapidly. Take all the time you need. Do you know what the best time to go to the dentist is? Tooth hurty.

Bp Hlpt

Thanks for the update and I hope you feel better soon.


Thanks for the update , we tend to fear the worse when we don't hear from you . Sorry for you dental problems , they can make life unbearable . Hope your feeling better soon .


Get well soon

James Hârn

Take care of yourself, Tef!


Hope you feel better. Take it easy I’ve been there, not fun at all. :(


health first - we can wait.


But as others have said, post what you have and get paid.


Thanks for the update. Hope you feel better soon. Hope the new baby is settling in.


So sorry to hear. I hope you are feeling better soon.


Get well! ❤️

Ken Moreau

As they say every time I get on an airplane: "Put your oxygen mask on first, and then help others". Glad to see you have your priorities straight, and good luck to you and your family.


As someone who has shattered a bunch of teeth, hope it all gets worked out and your pain lessened

Richard Robinson

Ouch had a wisdom tooth out myself and it's horrible. Get well soon

Dennis Palsson

how do we know he's telling the tooth? lol (edit) ok I feel bad about that pun


I recently had three out. It was actually not that bad of experience. Not major swelling or major pain. But I did not go the sedation route. I just got Frozen. So no funny videos.

Big Dude

Discord kinda dull too.


Hope John is giving Lilyana some upgrade. Would be a waste of a load for nothing more than long hair and prep for a future lay. Would be nice to have another free thinking military strategy genius on the front lines.