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*** EDITED - 11th Dec - Finished part 2 ***

Hey everyone,

I know I was thinking about maybe making chapter 126 a three-parter, but I quite like the way part 2 ended. Upon further reflection, I think I'll just make the next release chapter 127 instead.

Due to my dental woes, I haven't been able to finish the second half of this chapter yet. There were a number of recent comments suggesting that I just release what I've written so far and finish the rest off in the next few days... so I've decided to do that. The first half, which I just handed over to my editors, is 16.5k words long. I'll add in the rest as soon as it's finished, aiming for a total of 30k words.

You'll only be charged once for the chapter as usual. 

Apologies for the delay!








Thank you, Tefler!


woot woot!! New Chapter!!


No need to apologize tefler, take care and grateful for this new chapter, thank you

Who Me

Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!


Thank you Tefler! Hope you feel better!


Thank you!

Old Cruiser

Thanks Tefler!!


Good luck with your teeth! Thank you!


Thanks Tef and no worries about the delay. Health and family first. Look after yourself and hope your dental woes are diminishing

Bp Hlpt



Pfft, good you needed to get paid Christmas is next month

CJ Mora

When are you going to release books 5 and 6 on Kindle? It makes the perfect Christmas gift! Paperbacks for the discerning holiday shoppers, of course!


Grab a tissue, you are going to need it.


delicious chapter start, so good! my condolences on the molar, been there. best wishes on recovery.


@Tefler, Does releasing half of the chapter before the entire thing is finished ever prevent changes/adjustments you think you want to make earlier in the chapter? Or maybe you've got a storyline already planned out so reworking to that amount shouldn't be necessary?

Jim lynch

Ohh the plot thickens.


It doesn't make much difference to be honest. I rarely make huge changes to a chapter, so that kind of problem doesn't tend to crop up. There's only been a few exceptions I think: 1) The editors asked me to add a scene with Mikaboshi... but I can't remember why now. It was a good suggestion whatever the reason. 2) The patrons didn't like the original fight between John and the Kintark Emperor. I made quite a few tweaks that made the fight a bit longer and took out the part with Larn'kelnar interfering. 3) I added lots of extra PoV scenes in the chapter 100 Battle of Terra, showing Melkadian's reactions to various events in the fleet combat.

Hinterlands Man

It's Christmas, I wouldn't dock you a month's pay for only producing half a chapter. Hope the teeth aren't bothering you anymore.


Uh, Tefler? Post time is 12:04am, December 1... That's not the sort of 'whoops' I fear it is, is it?


what a great first half.... thank you for the read


I think the actual cut off time for month end is something like 8am here (which is midnight Pacific Standard Time).


Thanks, Tefler, this chapter is looking fantastic, with the plot taking some interesting turns. At this rate it seems there’s a lot to go until things are resolved somehow.


Great first half .. a couple of word issues ... 'diving' instead of 'dividing' etc. But one thing confuses me. When they are reviewing the VI, at one stage Dana says "It gets worse". Which implies that before going to John, Irillith showed Dana the complete VI first. That seems a bit out of character for Irillith. Maybe its just me that found that a little ..... jarring.


Thanks, I fixed the diving typo. Yeah, Dana saw the VI before John. Irillith went to check on Little One at 8:00 pm and at that point, John had only been asleep for a couple of hours, so they didn't want to wake him. Dana, Rachel, and Irillith were all very close to Faye... so I figured Irillith would share it with them.


'Areothers' and 'ensuite' both need a space (I looked it up, and catgirl and homeworld apparently need spaces too. I'm not too sure). Drydock needs either a space or a hyphen, and I'm not positive "Glurkkk" is the proper spelling... rly, I don't think I've seen you use an onomatopeia that blatant since "Shluck, shluck, shluck!" in chapter two :-D


but it one way -> but in one way


Sometimes, the dictionary and grammar rules are wrong... usually in fiction. As long as it flows and doesn’t distract from the story, does it really matter? Dialog that follows the proper rules, tends to come across as stilted and formal, almost as if it we’re spoken by upper-crust snooty British butlers. Real people rarely follow the rules, especially in their speech patterns.


Thanks my good man, gives me good reason to be in side out of the 34°C heat.


Stupid cliffhanger


Tef, one odd word choice (I am assuming all of the typos have been mentioned already) is *You know what I mean,* he said, ignoring her attempt at brevity. Considering Alyssa just told a joke to lighten the mood, I think the word you meant to use was "levity" instead of "brevity".


How ungrateful. The man has a bunch of stuff going on in his life and told us all that this chapter was only half done


I know this is late but I have bee otherwise occupied for the last three weeks and just finished 126 (part 2) and 127 (part 1) tonight. Sorry to hear about your dental woes Tef. From a writer that I also respect that had and included tooth ailments in his characters: Vladmir Nabokov. From "Pnin" ...His tongue, a fat sleek seal, used to flop and slide so happily among the familiar rocks, checking the contours of a battered but still secure kingdom, plunging from cave to cove, climbing this jag, nuzzling that notch, finding a shred of sweet seaweed in the same old cleft; but now not a landmark remained, and all there existed was a great dark wound, a terra incognita of gums which dread and disgust forbade one to investigate... I forget where I read it, but I remember one writer commenting that a toothache felt like the worst out of tune orchestra. Screeching violins and pounding tympani.


how many more sobs and tears can you drag from those of us grieving for Faye.... Good chapter (even if you call it a half of one) and definitely keeping the interest up.


It sounded good, I'll have to read it to see what nuances I missed.


Dental woes suck! I hope it all gets better for you soon!

Jedi Khan

Tefler is currently focused on finishing the story first before continuing on the ebooks, so it's going to be awhile before they'll be available as Xmas gifts.

Jedi Khan

Darn it John! Why'd you have to raise the "shit happens" flag with that last statement?


For a few moments I was actually cheering when Faye showed up......but nooooo...........the author poured ice water down my back and kicks me in the ghoulies.... But Faye shall rise again!!!!!!


I never thought of slaughter as a solution to the royal daughters v mad momma problem.... Well done..... All hands clapping (I identify as Drakkar)


Hang on. Earlier in the chapter, when Edraele is talking to John, she mentions that the Baelora sisters were the first to come to Genthalas. If that is the case, then how are the various families murdering all the Matriarchs? Was Sarinia happy to wait until all the young-uns' made their way to Genthalas by ship before launching her own plan to kill her mother? And if so, some 11 ships arrive at Genthalas, and Edraele is blissfully unaware that they all contain the matriarchal daughters? Somebody from Traffic Control has some 'splainin to do!


A few chapters ago, Edraele dismissed the Council of Matriarchs and told them to go and resolve House business because John wasn't going to be back for a couple of weeks. The Matriarchs all returned to their homeworlds, except Gaenna, who was making deals with Edraele to restore her youth. Sarinia came to Genthalas to find out what was going on, murdered her mother, then sent out a message to all the noble daughters on their homeworlds. After all the fighting, the survivors are travelling to Genthalas to see Edraele. It's actually in chapter 116: “I don’t have a precise date, I’m afraid,” Edraele admitted with a mournful frown. “He’s eager to return to us as soon as possible but he has pressing business to attend to first. I’m well aware that you’ve been away from home for weeks now, so it might be prudent to return to your homeworlds in the interim to deal with House business. I will inform you of the date he’ll be arriving at Genthalas as soon as he lets me know.”


it's only a solution if he sees it through and executes all the murdering neo-matriarchs publically and violently... as a reminder what you have coming for you if you try to assassinate .... even if you are a (neo)matriarch. everything else will be seen as a reward for their actions and will just further cement the old ways as a viable way to get ahead ....

Who Me

Why did half of this chapter have to deal with the matriarchs? Need to get back to the fantastic space battles and upgrading the Invictus and the victory celebrations! Still, good stuff. PLEASE keep going!


Nice Chapter so far! I like the new Faye developments. I'm not sure though why the only solutions to the Maliri problem are psychopathic daughter Matriarchs or dividing up the Houses. Once the daughters are detained and it is revealed to their Houses what they have done, Edraele can declare a state of emergency in each of those Houses, appoint loyal governors, call elections,... or all of the above!


Great first half...you never cease to amaze me with the\ the plot twists and surprises! Better health to you and thanks again for this dynamic delight of a story!!!


"Faye!" he exclaimed (trying not to make it sound like "Magrathea!") with a cheerful chuckle after seeing John claim that he didn't have time. I liked... well, not 'liked' liked but it was interesting to see the other side of the story and some of the consequences. Some of it was seriously harsh and the Maliri and their seriously harsh post-Thrall society were pretty much how I'd pictured them, especially the Matriarchs, their daughters, and the amount of time it would have taken to basically rewire all of their personalities to Maria 2.0 specs instead of psychotic space elves! Is anyone going to tell the Fernandez family what John has done? "Of course Edraele, Irillith, and Tashana are wonderful people now that they're basically clones of you/your wife/your mom!" I kind of wonder what degenerated Progenitor/Thrall tech the neural whips are descended from and the original versions must have been horrifying if they were even slightly soul-powered. (shudder)


Really! Only half a chapter when the Massacre of the Matriarchs and the Maliri deserve at least a full chapter! (two thumbs up)


I'll patiently wait for the complete chapter.... mostly patient number. :p


We're all rooting for you Tef!


Amazing chapter, or partial in this case, as per usual. I like the intrigue that threads through many of the story segments that deal with the Maliri and how it ties back into their societal changes since Mael'Nerak's days. Keep it up, Tefler, and I hope the tooth thing gets better. I thought the days of all Brits having bad teeth was behind you ;P

Hinterlands Man

I posted a new version of Faye with longer hair and translucent wings in the community section here. Ya’ll check it out! Had me for a second there with that VI, but it loooks like just another curveball. Loving this chapter so far though. Ways to punish a murderous bitch Maliri who would also be the most pliant submissive? The mind runs wild with a dozen or more things our white knight would never do!


Bummer. I only see your first picture from November 29th. :(


Why would they hold elections? The Maliri aren't a democracy, never have been. Suddenly introducing democracy to them is likely to just cause more upheaval and confusion.


Absolutely loved the first part of this chapter Tefler. If your writing is this impressive while going through a root canal can't wait to see what it's like when you're healed. John's interactions with the Maliri are a highlight of the series. They are the biggest connection to his progenitor legacy besides his deadbeat dad, and the storylines revolving around them are intense and captivating. Loved Irillith freely admitting she would've killed Edraele if she were in the other princess' places, and John realizing how little he understands the Maliri. Can't wait for John and Sirinia to meet.


I wonder how the new nymphs are gonna react to the clothing required rule when Calara’s dad and big bro are on board....


MM , They could just shape shift into sexless versions of themselves, problem solved!!


I thought only Edraele's personality was made based off of Maria. The twins just had their emotional wounds healed. "They are who they would have been had they not been raised in the fucked up Maliri society"


With the loss of Faye, Calara needs to start training Marika, Leylira, Betrixa and Neysa on how to fly the Invictus and the Raptor and fire the Invictus guns the way Faye did unless Little One and the other Collective members want to take over those duties.


They mentioned putting them to work at those positions last chapter.....so I guess that’s something that’s gonna be going on in the background for the foreseeable future. But I agree that the collective will be on its way to manning the guns before too long.


Come to think of it, another ticking time bomb in the wings....Lynette and John might wanna consider evicting all genetically modified Kintark out of the new conquests. Exiling them all to Kinta would transfer a huge potential headache onto the big red scaly beotch.


I don't know whether this has been mentioned: So the daughters of a matriarch are not allowed to have childeren on their own? I mean if a daughter is already 100 years old, I can imagine that she has had some adventures with a male and probably could have gotten pregnant....


That might get brought up at the war crimes trials and/or included in the fine print of the peace treaty so John and the Lionesses don't have to deal with it. There is still the Kintark's genocide plan for all Terrans that hasn't seen the light of day.


You are right, the daughters have had relations with border males but there has been no mention of children from them. Perhaps they are forbade from having them until they achieve the position of Matriarch or perhaps Tefler didn't want or make the grisly ascension process to include executing children as well. I don't think they have mentioned what happens to any surviving siblings after a Matriarch is killed and the next in line takes over. Are they kicked out of the palace, stay in the periphery or removed as threats?


What does everyone think will happen to Sarinia or be an appropriate punishment?


This first part was really impressive, tightly packed series of events that were thought out and explained masterfully.


i'd imprison her and split her house between its neighbors, anything else "other then death" would be rewarding her. she started a wave of killings and to not punish her would just tell the others what they can get away with. I feel for Kali though she is gonna be upset that Sarinia used her :(


I do wonder about the final house Matriarch, did she survive because her daughter's already knew everything and are working together in a way John would approve of to better her house?


2 survived, they killed there daughters during the attempt


I was just wondering why Edraele could not just call Athgiloi again and say "I just signed a treaty with the Kintark. Withdrawal your forces from their territory or I will send fleets to destroy them and then come and visit Sequathis after and invite the Terrans along for some revenge." He saw the size of Genthalas and all the fleets in the background from her earlier call so he knows she has the firepower to back up her threat.


My thought was they just needed to send a few fleets over the Brim border and threaten to go fishing unless they back off.....


I did not realize the other matriarchs went back to their home worlds, when did that happened? Why was Geanna the only matriarch left one Genthalas?


I think she was sticking around, waiting on John and Co. to return.


What are the chances that Irillith will be able you use the date code structure of Faye’s VI construct. As a template to make progress on reassembling Faye’s code and bring her back. I don’t believe it can be a full road map. But can something be gained?


The Maliri seem to already be quite familiar with VIs. They are probably closer to the type of AI we have today. A language engine and a logic tree, while complex, are a far cry from a self-aware AI.


My thought were more along the line, the VI is something Faye made herself as a model of herself. So it makes sense the pattern of the code would be very similar. Use that in combination with the original code from the hacking deck. And you have to somewhere beyond step 1.


They will just find a new hacking deck on Kythsara and use it to restore Faye


Hi just wondering has there been any eta posts for the second half

Malcolm Rickarby

We have learnt a lot about Sarinia. Her meticulous planning,her administrative skills as well as her being totally obsessed with John. I think she would be the best candidate for providing the leadership to the Larathyrans who have been left in disarray. John would need to claim them first and get her there but it would close a couple of loose ends.


Great first half! Can’t wait for more! (So what else is new. LOL)


I have to admit, now that we know Tef is trying to wrap up TSM, I’m dreading it coming to an end. I don’t want it to end!!! Anyone know if Tef has said anything about how many chapters to the final?

thomas rodrian

@jammus1 I don’t think he has said anything here, but I always assume whatever he publishes next is the last one/


Tef, we’re just happy with what you give us man. Take care of you and your family!


Yup. You guessed it. Blake wakes up in the Fool's Gold with Alyssa sweating from a crazy dream. He checks the date and immediately contacts the TFN Corvette Griffin, warning them that they are to avoid the suspected Pirate Trap represented by a distress call that will be broadcast in the next several minutes. This sets up the sequel where we get to start the whole story over again.


Yeah that would be a kick in the pants. I'd still read it though, but then im a TSM addict, so go for it Tef..

Who Me

Since I've all ready read it through 5 times I guess once more wouldn't hurt! Let's Do It!

Big Dude

Hey Mr. Tefler, How is your mouth doing? I know about a chipped and crack molar. I had a new bridge installed and they had to do work on the strut molars after 34 years. Painful!


So, I did some math. Military Terran engines can go 16 times the speed of light, and standard military hyperdrives go 5548 times the speed of light with Alyssa hyper tunneling.


cp where did you get your numbers from? In Chp 42, after they rescued the kidnapped victims, they headed to Port Cadmus which was 64.37 parsecs away, and Alyssa said it would take 3 hours. Working out the math, they would be travelling at 600,000 x the speed of light, or 184 billion km/s, this was using the Ashanath FTL


Have the patron/earnings numbers disappeared for everyone? Has anyone figured out a way to view them? Patreon seems to be making some changes to their page layout (they also hid the tiers on a separate page). I really don't like these changes.


Yep, they have. However, no worries. Try this: https://graphtreon.com/creator/user?u=3814558 Cheers. Tim


You guys are assuming Telfler is actually staying consistent with his pseudoscience.


There are a lot of things he hasn't been consistent with. Faye could have easily had a holographic body that could be interacted with if John could clash swords with a hologram, even if they would have had to remake all the projectors I don't see why they wouldn't.


Please. We're a week into December. End my suffering.

thomas rodrian

@Jeff, I hope everyone is anxiously waiting fo our next installment but there something you may not know about dentistry. Repairing a broken tooth may take numerous office visits over a month or more. When a tooth breaks off or has decay, an endodontist may need to perform a root canal, place pins, build an orthodontic structure, and then finally add a crown. Getting from going out to dinner to full recovery may entail many office visits, each of which can reduce mere mortals to blubbering idiots due to pain and analgesics. IMO, asking Tefler to continue the chapter without a clear mind is equivalent to giving cars keys to a drunk. Something bad will happen in both situations.


You sure expanded a lot onto what Tefler did Not say he had done.... And yes I just had 3 molers worked on. But thanks for the passive aggressive way of attacking my light hearted statement.


Unfortunately, light hearted, without benefit of facial expression and voice tone, can come across badly. Lighten ur mood, dude :)


Already forgotten. Though I am punishing myself by holding out for the full chapter before reading. :)


Sadly the excuses wear thin... summer, heat, vacation, babies, teeth.... I note we’ve paid for the chapter. And my moods fine thanks.


I tried scrolling back through the comments to check for a update on the second half....did I miss something? Any word??


8 days into the month is getting a little far from the end of last month, I am starting to regret telling Tef to release it, it taking this long and all


Honestly, I suspect that Tefler will *try* to release the second half this month (at no additional charge) and at least another paid release (whether a full chapter or just a first half, I wouldn't care to guess). That being said, however, I see no purpose in posting any comments regarding when such will take place, since I'll be happy if Tefler continues to write and release. I want him to have time to recover from a painful event. I want him to have time to spend with his family. I want him to have time to enjoy the holiday season with friends and family. After all, these are some of the reasons why Tefler decided to become self-employed and leave his 'normal' job in the first place. Heck, if Tefler chooses to take a month off, that's his call, not our's, and he doesn't owe us anything if he chooses to do so. We only pay for what he delivers. Having said this, yes, I too eagerly look forward to getting the next part of the ongoing story. I'm just willing to wait in a relatively patient state.


The part chapter release may have been a misjudgement, and in my opinion many patrons would much prefer to have an app indicating the number of words written so far on the next chapter than occasional apologies for delays! I also think that TSM has become harder to write since Chapter 121, as the mysteries of John's heritage have largely been revealed, and now we have to see how they play out. I think Tefler has been doing a great job so far, but it isn't easy.

Jedi Khan

The release of the first part of the chapter was encouraged so Tefler could have a paycheck for the month of November. If he hadn't released what he had and waited for the complete chapter, he would missed the deadline and gone a full month without a pay. Considering he has a newborn, his dental issues, and a family to support, he probably would have regretted the lost income.


While I sit here grooming my navel lint and melting into the sofa after a bong, it occurs to me......Mael’ might still be alive. Reason being, Mael’ created the Shroud that surrounds that galactic sector and the “thralls crap themselves” shroud around Kythshara. If there is a psychic element in their nature, wouldn’t Mael still need to be up and about?..... That’s my brain fart for the day.


you mean, he staged his death as to be left alone? hmm.. nice theory ;)

Ricardo Miguel Pereira da Silva

Eshuno arc? Post TSM? Will they use the new matriarch debacle and strike Genthalas? If i remember the underworld was wastly biger than its maliri counterpart was it not?


But the time the first TSM book wraps up there will not be a Matriach debacle. And they would not dare attack a progentior. We can tell this by them going into hiding after seeing video of John and the girls in action in the Battle of Terra.


I'm just wrapping up the tail end of the chapter. I should be finished with the second half of chapter 127 tomorrow.


While waiting - does anyone know how to find the drawings of the girls - including the 2 drawings of Fey? I had seen them before but the site seems to have changed?


wooohooo !!!!! happy holiday season all.....


Waiting for the full chapter before I dive in. Eta? Whoops nvm just saw tefs post.


I'm really surprised at how quiet it has been in here all morning. If I wasn't at work I would check in on discord. I bet it is bouncing.


Right, I feel the same way Cody


Thanks Tefler!




I added another 13.5k to the chapter in part 2. Tomorrow morning, I'll add another thousand words or so to finish off the battle. :-)


cheers mr


Thanks Tef you’re awesome!!

Old Cruiser

Thanks for part two Tefler


When the chapter is completely finished, I'll merge both halves together and create a new post for convenience.


Thank you, Tefler!


then span around -> then spun around


embraced the worried teenagers -> embraced the worried teenager (singular, not plural)

GDay (FMS)

Thank you Tefler, your craft is greatly appreciated.


tefler, YOU DA MAN !!!!!!!!!!!!


Thank you Tefler, been looking forward to this all week


Thanks Tefler


uh everyone! The second half is up!

Big Dude

Thanks Chief. Will we see 128 12/31?

rich ed

woop woop. thanks Tefler


When the Invictus has destroyed -> When the Invictus had destroyed


Nice work, Tefler! I look forward to reading the rest! ;-)


Thank you! it's getting crunchy again, Love it!


It ends sort of abruptly, with the three asterisks you use as a scene separator. It's probably just meant to be a cliffhanger, but I thought I'd mention it in case there's a scene missing.

rich ed

Does anyone have a sinking sensation that the Progenitor is going to show up mid battle?


Great chapter! Though I have to admit, the one major plot right now that I'm desperate to see progress on is Rahn'hagon and Jessica and how they're inevitable next meeting plays out. I really want to see Jessica and John make up and start building a proper mother-son bond. But at this point, I think the only thing that will bring John around is if something drastic happens. Like Rahn gives Jessica an ultimatum, choose him or John. And to his utter shock and heartbreak, she chooses John over him. Oh my fuck, I really hope this is what you've got in mind Tef, but I'll be happy with any resolution you come up with. I just need it now! But I'm a patient man, I can wait.


edit: Your two teams be at opposite -> Your two teams will be at opposite


A couple of normal/telepathic speech mismatches for you: From part 1 *Can you return to Maliri Space as quickly as possible? The ... rebellion; I think that might have encouraged her to instigate this bloodbath to get your attention.” From part 2 “Nah, I’m not quite finished,” she replied, shaking her head. *Why don’t you power up the engines and try taking off?”

rich ed

Also while Jade is waiting on the ship she should put the stealth field up again just to be on the safe side


Great, I just fixed them both. I'll combine the two parts together and upload the edited version! :)


This question is for Tefler but anyone chime in as well. When John is fixing the Raptor, this statement got me to thinking... "he first concentrated on replacing the missing titanium superstructure, which the thralls had destroyed when they opened fire on the Raptor’s cockpit. " How were the thralls able to damage the Raptor? It was Runed and even Larn was not able to harm it so how were thrall weapons able to damage the Raptor when it was immune to laser fire?


"Terrans like stories that kill off the heroes" ...NO! We don't!


I feel like the last couple chapters have had so much filler in them. Don't get me wrong there's a need for calm quiet scenes/ intrigue, but so many scenes have done little to progress the story.


What I am expect to happen in part three that Tefler plans for later today... From Ch. 127 part 2 Upon touching the ancient sword, he could immediately sense the great capacity for violence lying untapped within the blade. Progenitor runes etched into its surface called to him, hungering for the Eldritch power that would bring them blazing to life. For a fleeting moment, John thought he might have sensed something else... a strange flicker from the Kyth’faren relic... almost like recognition. I'm kind of expecting John's anger combined with the sword awakening to do something unexpected and monumental? Perhaps like a wish for all Kirrix to die. Including the infested Trankarans?


I added another 2k words to part 2 and uploaded the new version, but it isn't quite finished yet. I'll complete the final scene and post that sometime this evening. :-)


Oh, I don't know how I messed that one up! Thanks for letting me know. It should be fixed now. :-)


I *think* it was because it was internal damage caused when the front was blown out by Larn's Thralls so the titanium was vulnerable but not the runed hull itself.


Maybe all the Kirrix on the ship or the fleet but genocide is bad and against the law unless you're Picard trying not to freak out a dancing Dowd that wiped out the Husnock with his mind.


There, done at last! The finished chapter is 33k, so it got a bit bigger than I planned (which always seems to be the way!). I'll do some editing then combine the two halves and publish it as a new post for your reading convenience.


Just in time for dinner 😁

Ken Moreau

Minor edits in the version downloaded at 6:45PM Eastern time: - Page 3, "then span around" should be "spun" - Page 6, "around at the the replacement" duplicate word "the" - Page 9, "orange glow of the Retro-thrusters" the "R" should not be capitalized (it isn't anywhere else) - Page 22, "two-kilometre superheavy carrier" did you intend "super heavy"?

rich ed

That was an epic last few pages. What next for our intrepid Progenitor?


I knew or I should say, I thought John was going to go to the Astral Plain and do something extraordinary...... way to go Mr. Tefler.... what a chapter

rich ed

Maybe the next chapter is him taking on his guide finally. He has Sakura and Alyssa with him, well Alyssa in spirit form.


thanks Tef


What an INCREDIBLE ending to this chapter...PURE TEFLER...!!!


Its just dawned on me, we have the great set of super intellegant people, and nowhere in the last 127 chapters does it talk about music. I am amazed !!!!!! Clever multifacited people are normally also super musicians. This group of people should be able to create super music to relax to, as a group or individually, the range they should be able to create should be magical. When do we get the first TSM music track?