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Hey everyone!

Here are the two previous releases combined into one. I'm currently waiting for one of my editors to get back to me with his feedback, but I doubt there will be any major changes. 

I'm still thinking about making this chapter a three-parter (as it focuses on one particular subplot). It won't make any real difference to you guys, it'll mainly just affect the final wordcount of chapter 126 when I release it on the free sites.

As I mentioned in the previous post, you haven't been charged for this combined version. :-)







Thank you Tefler! 👍


Thanks Tefler. Is the same, but combined, or there are enough changes to reread it?


Thanks Tef.


Most of the edits were simple typos and minor fixes. I made a mistake with the Quad -> Penta shaping, but I'm pretty sure that update was fixed in the updated release of 126.2. I'll update the individual entries just to be sure, then you guys can reread them separately if you want.


Thanks...Charge me for two chapters.


Thank You!


cheers mr


Thank you.


Since Alyssa was able to free Jessica from Rahn's control, do you think it would be possible for her to free Rahn or any other Progenitor from Xar'aziuth control?


Awesome, now my afternoon break time will be well spent.


Thank you, Tefler!


all four corner -> all four corners


Well, as if I needed an excuse to reread!


Gracias Tefler


Hmm... I thought I'd fixed that one already. I've recombined both parts which should hopefully be the latest version of both.


FYI I was charged 11/01


Thank you for your excellent work


You were charged for the 126 part 2. This one is the combination of part 1 and part 2. At the end of the month you will not see a charge for this current release. BUT HOPEFULLY you will have 2 other charges. 1 for 126 part 3 and then another for 127!!! GO Tefler Go!!!


Thank you Tef. Hope all is well with the family

Author W

Thanks Tefler!

GDay (FMS)

Thank you Tef, we really appreciate your dedication to your craft. Hope that all is well with the family and the new addition is settling well into home life.


I wonder if Sarinia's message went to Irillith and Tashana? I don't think that Kali told her about they being part of the Invictus crew.


So, what is the particular sub-plot he’s referring to? Seems like there’s more than one.


1 1/3 chapters in November Tefler? Rock on Sir!! Is it true that on December 14th you will be releasing the first of the "Twelve Chapters of Christmas"? LOL


Rahn can simply wormhole his way to wherever the Invictus stops.

Author W

Amazing end! 😍


I was just thinking about the golden glow of the Invictus, what if Dana were to try fixing the server the same way, might that fix Faye?

thomas rodrian

@David McKavanagh Your right but since the server is part of the ship Sparks already fixed it.


If John does acquire what is left of the Larathyran race, what do you think he will do with them? Leave them in place? Bring them back under the shroud? If they are brought back into this galaxy, where would he settle them? Somewhere in Maliri space? Somewhere in the space the Terrans aquired from the Kintark? Maybe a soon to be evacuated planet from the Brimorians? Perhaps Kythshara?


The untamed wastes seem ready for an empire


That's a good question Paul. If John, or John and Rahn can eliminate Xar’aziuth and free the progenitors from his enslavement, and if that puts an end to their genocidal ways, the Larathyrans might be able to stay where they are with some help and guidance. More to your point though, I'm guessing that if John went in and claimed the Larathyrans that the instant "hate, fight, kill" reaction between thralls of a different color would be negated regarding the Maliri and they could live anywhere including with the Maliri. John will have to fix the 20/1gender birth imbalance for the Larathyrans just like he's doing with the Maliri wherever they settle. I can't recall if it was ever mentioned if the Brimorian planets where mostly or totally oceanic, but there are colonizable worlds in the Calopian Shoals. That might also provide a place for the Abandoned.

Hinterlands Man

Seems to me if Helene can get on the astral plane, she can directly counter the dread and despair that xar’aziuth’s fallen progenitors use as a weapon. Not only can she boost everyone’s spirits but she can preemptively unlock John’s anger and the ultimate potential that has so often come about when overwhelmed with vengeful rage. Helene has never used her powers to irritate, Always to soothe, but without her talents they are an armada without picket defenses.


When John used the power of love on one of the mist monsters, he caused a major disruption. That love is stronger now, as is his ability to project it. With Helene to magnify it's effect, it could be an awesome weapon.


When Gahl’kalgor switched targets, where do you think he is planning to attack?


Might be into the Shroud, i.e Maliri, and co. Or the leftovers of Larn to take that space for himself. Could explain why John brings those folk along if he does.


Rahn's trall's were red and Gahl’kalgor thrall's are red too. Do you think Gahl’kalgor took over Rahn's territory after he disappeared?


Tefler seems to like color themes a lot and pays a lot of attention to them so you are most likely right, very nicely spotted


What do you think that thrall's hair color being white signifies? Mael'nerak Maliri were and Larn’kelnar's Matriarch Ailanthia changed color shortly before she was killed. Does it have a correlation to not being under Xar'aziuth influence anymore? All of John's thrall's have had white hair from the beginning. Larn had been with multiple thralls while he had been under the shroud for a year but their hair didn't turn white. Or perhaps it signifies the Progenitor actually cares for them? I am leaning towards that he actually caring for their thralls is the reason. That is why all of John's thralls hair turned white after their brief contact with him.


I could be wrong, but didn't the pictographs on Ashana all show Mael'nerak's thralls with white hair? If so, that might answer the question. Did it happen before or after Mael's rejection of Xar and conversion to "good" progenitor.


Yes but do we know when Mael started caring for the Maliri instead of using them? Is that the trigger? Rahn and Larn had been under the shroud for a while. We dont' know how long for Rahn before his final confrontation with Mael but Larn had been here for a year and none of his thralls changed until Ailanthia when he actually started caring for her. All his thralls hair color didin't change, only hers so I dont think it would be his breaking Xar's influence alone.

Jedi Khan

It was about two or three years, I believe, before Mael confronted Rahn.


Tef, you stated that this is clearing a particular subplot, I'm guessing either The Guide or the Council of Matriarchs, or perhaps the Parents, or gaining another Matriarch in the Larnarens or Faye's return, or Mael's throne world, or..... You know I'm just gonna leave it until the next release cuz you seem to have a lot of subplots to finish out so I'm just gonna leave it and not speculate on what you could be closing out.


The Sarina subplot

Big Dude

I hope the arc it is with Rahn and Jessica. Rahn will notice that the Invictus has accelerated to Warp 10 (Captain we've maxed out the warp engines) Warp 1 = Speed of Light Warp 2 = 8X Speed of Light Warp 3 = 27X Speed of Light Warp 4 = 64X Speed of Light ... Warp 10 = 1000X Speed of Light Hence his eyes will bug out and realize John has done something unnatural (to him) again! John will arrive at the Kirrix dreadnought and Rahn shows up then. John and Rahn have the obligatory conversation, Jessica and Alyssa meet again. Some Kirrix azz is slaughtered and Trankarans are returned to their home world.


Then, using the wormhole, they jump both ships to Kintark space and help them defeat the Brimorian invasion, then off to Olympus to sort out the goings on there, then off to Genthalas to give the Invictus another refit while Rahn can help out John when he visits Kythshara then ... Should keep Tef occupied for a few chapters.


Reading 126 when I came across the section dealing with the robots grieving about their loss and John grieving about his loss brought a tear to my eye about my loss, my wife of 40 years passed in May, your understanding shows you must have suffered a loss as no one can really understand losing a loved one who has been part of your life for many, many years and the grief you feel because of the loss. Thank you for expressing it so well. The chapter is great and cannot wait for the continuation.

Big Dude

Will the Raptor get a 20X Crystal Alyssium replate for additional protection or will it get progenitor shield protection? What about the Valkyrie? How will they protect it? Now that Tashana can go super nova; how will Dana create weaponry to support 12,000+ degree heat? Imagine a super-heated black hole generation weapon? Will the eternity crystals be used for the new black hole weapon? Fire black holes into the enemy ship formation!

PLRus--Founding member of the TSM F5 club.

Black holes are huge gravity wells due to super dense material in the center that creates the gravity greater than any Sun...to the point it overcomes the speed of light. Dana is creating that gravity well from psychic energy alone. Which means she is creating very small, super dense matter for a short time and then dispersing that matter back into normal mass at will. That is why her psychic ability fits so well with her mass manipulation abilities. Since she can project those gravity wells ahead of a fleet formation to pull them out of hyperwarp...even to the point it literally sucks in ships that get too close, there is no reason she cannot launch said black holes out into a fleet formation...the question is how many can she form, how large can she form them, and how long can she maintain them.


if she can direct its course, 1 black hole should be more than enough... think of it as a game at the pinball machine .... :evilgrin:


Hey Tef, 127 is needed badly we go to nerd battles!!!


Right, you know it is getting close to the end of the month when people start discussions about formula that effect a fictional world lol. While I'm not dying for the next chapter, would love to hear from Tef about how L Fe is going for him

PLRus--Founding member of the TSM F5 club.

By the way guys: we have these types of discussion on a regular basis (about once a week at least) over on the TSM discord channel. If you are interested in joining, it is for free. Also, I am a mod there and if you contact me I can get you access to the Patreon only sections where these discussions occur since they are usually part of spoilers that are not available or visible to Non-Patrons. Here is the URL: https://discord.gg/PtZt8Xw If you decide to join, just go there and ask for Rus, Taco, Cignal or Nchalada (Nchy). We can help you through the process.

Big Dude

In the black hole discussion on Ken Moreau got close to my original post. It devolved into a scientific discussion when I was discussing a new weapon. It's not about the black hole. It's about using black holes as a targetable weapon. Add Tashana's ability to create 12,000+ degree heat, put that into a black hole, put that into a crystal alyssium shell, fire it out of the singularity driver and no Brimorian shield will stop it. Why? When the shell hits it shield it will explode on impact opening the super heated black hole and see you lata; everything around that space disappears. Fire that a few times and voila! Immediate enemy ship depletion.

Ken Moreau

I am delighted at both Tefler's skill at creating worlds which generate discussions like this, and at the enthusiasm of fans which participate in discussions like this. Kudos all around. Having said that, let me nitpick Big Dude's idea. :^) 1) The crystal Alyssium container might hold in the heat, but it is transparent to the gravitational effects of the black hole/gravitational locus/whatever. Any effects of that will constantly affect everything around the missile, like the missile itself, any other missiles in the bay, anyone walking near the missile, etc. See both Dana's attacks on the Kirrix fleet and the thralls in the armoury, which had wide area affects. The area of effect was smaller when Dana made Helene's jewel. So the choice is a large area of effect (which would damage the missile and potentially the Invictus), or a small area of effect (which would make an ineffective weapon). 2) We've seen that once Dana creates the black hole/gravitational locus/whatever that it takes no energy to maintain, but that's not true of Tashana's fire. Having a bunch of these in the missile bay would be a constant drain on her energy. 3) Why would the crystal Alyssium crack on hitting the shields? They can re-shape it enough times to punch through shields without breaking, so shaping it just enough times to break on hitting a Brimorian shield would be tricky at best. Just my thoughts. I look forward to Big Dude's rebuttal... :-)

thomas rodrian

A few days ago, I saw a post listing possible scenarios Telfer might include in the next installment. It seemed like a good list but one I noticed missing was John resolving the guide issue. The reason this seemed like an important omission to me was the matriarch discussion after Hade learned John planned to train Sakura how to kill him. In another post, someone said Tefler would start a sequel with different characters as soon as he finished this arc. I don’t know if Tefler is close to the arc end, but I wonder if John’s demise is imminent, like in part 3. I really hope not because too many unresolved issues exist.


If John can settle things with his Rahn, do you think that he would be a better option to kill John if his guide wins rather than putting that burden on Sakura?


Has Tef been seen at all this month? Just wanting to see if he is okay.

Big Dude

Ladies and Gentlemen, here is Big Dude's rebuttal. 1. In my original post I suggested we should think out of the box. I suggested this new weapon would shock Rahn like his shock when he went into the weapons area. 2. Why can't Dana create another weapon with new and devastating effect? Just because? 3. With all of the arguments placed forth on this blog over the years that TSM stretches some well known laws of physics, why can't Dana create expanding black holes encapsulating Tashana's fire sprites inside of crystal alyssium shells? Then, those "shells" are fired at the enemy. When the shell explodes the fire consumes the ships as they enter the black hole. Then, those "shells" fired at the enemy explode when they hit the shields. Rahn has no idea how this happens.


I just re-read ch 124-126 again. The way I read I don't really pickup some details until the 2nd time through. I just noticed the Brimorians talking about the Kirrix not picking up their payment. Is that what the Brimorians are doing with the older Abandoned? Is that the price of the Kirrix leaving them be? If it is, John and Alyssa are going to be beyond pissed when they find out.

thomas rodrian

Yes, fish-boy has been culling the abandoned but we don't know the reason. Could why you suggested though.

thomas rodrian

Maybe it would be emotionally. Might be better for succession too. Who takes over after John is dead? Pops might be a good choice.

Hinterlands Man

In memorial of Faye and in the hopes she can be restored, I commissioned a portrait of her and posted it to the community section.


Hey Hinterlands Man the art work you commissioned of Faye was beautiful. When I saw it I said " Holy Crap ". Thank you for that. Everyone should take a look at it!!!

Who Me

One complaint about Faye's picture - she had hair down to the middle of her back - not shoulder length


Anything from Tef?

Jedi Khan

Nothing yet. We expect the next segment by the end of the month, as usual, or else Tefler doesn't get paid.


Re-read the last couple of chapters.....and I’m now convinced Faye is (for lack of a better word) alive and the ship itself, the robots and her server farm contain her....it might still take a trip to Kythshara to re-integrate her, but I’m thinking we’ll see her back soon.


One more thought......it looks like Jade herself might just reveal her origin story as she is recovering more of her past every time her sisters seem to advance. I had been thinking either they had to make another run to the Underworld station or confront the Enshunu to find Jades origin story or that Jades past would be revealed when John fully absorbed his guide.

thomas rodrian

I’m glad you brought this up. I think you’re on the right track. Faye seems to be slowly reemerging and I suspect her integration was what she wanted to discuss with John – she wanted to tell him, she saw herself as the ship rather than the cyborg.


From what I can surmise, I don’t think John’s story arc is anywhere near an end......there are far to many loose ends that John has to tie up or the story loses cohesion. I don’t see him dying anytime soon. Besides, none of the crew is preggers yet.


Why does John have to die...all this talk of it? He seems unique n that even the astral monster who killed him seemed shocked that John altered time so he did not die. Rahn says he spent a long time and a lot of research to create John to fight the other progenitors, so just how powerful is he?

Hinterlands Man

When all is said and done, John will have the ability to one-shot other progenitors with his eldritch blade. They are already testing it. If he can penetrate shields and issue a lethal strike, it should work. Larn imbued this in John, along with his guide.. If progenitor wars are wars of attrition, then a decapitation strike would be the only way to make short work of so many entrenched adversaries, as Larn expected.


I don't recall the chapter, but John once commented that his sword was hungry for power. That's not the hallmark of a tool, no matter how advanced. I suspect that the Progenitor-killing abilities are inherent in the sword itself, which John has yet to unlock.


What does everyone think would be better? 1. If John intervenes to stop the Brimorian invasion of the Kintark Empire 2. If the Maliri intervenes to stop the Brimorian invasion of the Kintark Empire


While John is ready to die to prevent his Guide from taking control of his body, this does not mean that Tefler has set this up as an absolute. Athena is Alyssa's guide and lives a life separate from her progenitor counterpart. Tefler has spent a lot of time setting up a subplane realm within the Astral Plane. I feel certain that Tefler does not intend for Athena to spend eternity alone in her castle. I can't guess at the outcome of the coming fight - too many loose plot threads, but the latest Maliri crisis coming as it does on the heels of John's existential crisis seems too convenient for there not to be a connection.

thomas rodrian

Tefler has foreshadowed John’s death for many chapters: discussions with Alyssa alone and with other Lionesses, discussions with Edraele, and rumination. All open threads can be closed by his replacement, or one of the Lionesses. I agree John does not want Athena living alone, and he has discussed that with her several times. However, I don’t see any connection between the guide and Athena. I also agree there is a connection between the Maliri’s current crises and other events, but I don’t think there is a connection with his fight with the guide. As John gets closer to the fight with the guide, he has done everything possible to stay out of Maliri space, I think he is subconsciously trying to ensure their safety.


Here’s a thought about Johns sword.....I’m thinking that it’s imperative that John’s sword MUST be the weapon used to dispatch a progen. If all the progens have sold their souls to Xar Xar Binks then when they die, Xar Xar knows everything they know as they join him in the Astral. If they die by the sword they are nullified and can’t join Xar Xar......so Xar is still in the dark as to what’s twisting his testes. He knows John exists, but nothing about him, ie Johns origins or info on the area under the shroud.


Hoping for an update here soon.


I like that idea, though I don't think they would volunteer to sacrifice themselves just to escape Xar.


New thought that came up when reading ch 126 again. When Rachel is taking about cloning as a possible solution for cancer treatments, she mentions that the clone would be made from their own DNA. We all think this will be the method that Faye will get to become real, so who's DNA should be used? Should it be one of the girls or would that be to confusing? Should it be a stranger and if so what race?


Isn't there a cybernetic species we have encountered that is able to connect to computer systems?


Here is a wild theory. When they finally find the forge, they find the chamber that new races were created in, it use it to create a body for Faye.


I think we're forgetting. The Nymphs are silicon based life forms and can be bred by John.


I'm not sure that the Nymphs are silicon based. Tef hasn't written anything that indicates they're silicon. As far as we know, they don't have blood, just tissue of some sort.


The Nymphs ain’t silicon, the Trankarans are. From way back, soon after Rachel joined, Rachel determined that the nymphs are a soup of stem cells that can assume shape and morphology as required.....in so many words


Is the "T" silent in Tsarra as it is in Tsar?


So what does everyone think is going to happen in the next chapter? The Kirrix fleet is obviously going to suffer some losses and have a generally bad day but what else does everyone think/guess will happen?


The Lionesses help John with his PJ problem by locking John in his Paragon Armor, then tossing him out the airlock while they move the Invictus a discrete distance away so he can't do an 'Alien Queen' maneuver and crawl up one of the engine exhaust bells. If John wins then they let him come back inside; PJ wins and they take turns using him for target practice to align the ship's guns. I can't even guess about the Kirrix after Alyssa politely 'splained to the Queens how it's going to be and that she would not be pleased if they ignored her.


Any thing on discord? Only 3 days left until the end of the month, come on Tef give is something, is there going to be a release or not, that is really all we need at the moment


Based on huge hints and descriptions of artifacts in previous chapters the soul forge in in trankaran space, it’s what the tracks are using to build their ships....while the warp gate is at Kythshara hidden within the “thralls crap their pants here’ psych field. Remember that they would still have to create some sort of digital to bio interface but I agree....Dana and Irillith were the most worried about that aspect.


For those of us on the western shores of the Atlantic Pond, HAPPY THANKSGIVING!* *Canadian or Mexican resident may consider themselves exclyded if they wish...or not, whichever.


*excluded, residentS. ...dang fingers again

Big Dude

Happy Thanksgiving to all friends of TSM


Happy Thanksgiving to all who read TSM no matter where you live Have a Great Day!!!


Happy Thanksgiving to all from northern California!


New thought after a wonderful Thanksgiving meal. Jehanna is destined to be joining the Invictus crew shortly. What special psychic abilities do you think she will get?


@Kensyi, how do you see the communication skills helping the team and their mission? Perhaps being able to understand any language?


Kinda, or to read any language kinda thing, like right now Rachel is the comms officer for the Invictus


Happy Thanksgiving, and I calculated Invictus' Warp speed for you.

Jedi Khan

How about something like how she managed to get into the head of those goons who tried to interrogate her before John came to the rescue? The ability to subtly influence public opinion? Make her seem more trustworthy to others?


@Jedi Khan, I could see mind control as being useful against guards on a covert mission. Or how about anyone talks to her has to tell the truth? That could be useful. For example have Athgoiloi confess to his crimes to the whole Brimorian Race?


I know that Alyssa can already read the thoughts of anyone, but if Jehanna could compel whoever she is interviewing, to answer her questions honestly and fully, it would make for interesting news reports. Although I think she would quickly run out of people willing to let her interview them.


tick tock the mouse is charging up the clock......


Jehanna was reluctant to join the crew cuz she would be separated from her parents and family. I’m thinking......We ain’t heard if Jehanna’s family was attacked as was Calara’s.....if her parents were killed in the attack, she would now have no reason not to join the crew. As far as what powers John will give her.....I’m thinking she could incapacitate enemies via multiple orgasms....other than that I got nothing


if Tef dos'nt release a chapter this month, i say ,good for you, enjoy your family . i will double my next withdraw


we may get two next month


he he didn't want to sound pathetic and say are we there yet...... or start moaning about payments and promises etc as some sometimes do. Happy whenever the next exciting instalment arrives....


Maybe making crap TV shows great.......She could fix Dr Who and Batwoman


@Beowulf, She would have a very short career if all her interviewee's had to tell the truth. I would love to have her interview all the politicians in the world and ask them "What do you really think about your constituents" and "Have you ever done anything criminal". Then release them all at the same time to the public.


@Mudbutt McMerkin, I believe Tefler said in a post on Patreon that Jehanna's parents were not targeted but he didn't include them in the story.


Jenna was a secret Lioness so no reason for her parents to be targeted 🎯


Actually, Jehanna was well known for promulgating the ‘myth’ of the Lion and, in many respects, handled his public relations by means of her interviews with him, which she presented in very favorable fashion, as well as any news items that she reported about him and the way in which she reported them. She was NOT looked upon favorably by the High Command during the tail end of the previous regime. There might well be those who would seek vengeance upon her for her own actions.


Jehanna was already targeted, people closely associated her with John.


yup she was a secondary target during the attack on Olympus, from memory it even mentioned in the storyline


They need a public relations expert to write the John's biography. Can you imagine the hit rate? She may even translate it appropriately into other languages and include videos. Like Homer and the Odyssey, it will be an intergalactic legend.


I didn't know about Tef saying that they were not targets, cuz I was thinking that would give her the freedom to go with the Invictus, I really wanted her to go with them in the first place cuz that was where she should have been. But I'm glad that she was there to save Henry


I dont think that being near her parents matters anymore. She has a physical and mental need to be with John and the girls. She was with him to many times and has nobody she loves like Lynette.


Do you think Jade's Dragon form now is larger that Baledranax was at the Battle of Terra? His was described as being 200 ft and her transformation in Ch. 126 when she was giving John a ride back to the Invictus sounded very large but didn't really give dimensions.


Those close to John were targeted , Charles & Jehanna , Lynette & the other HC Admirals were targets for a different reason ., the only family targeted was Calara's because they couldn't get to her .


The clue to her size is when she bit Larn’kelnar. No way can she be that big now. I would guess about 40 feet. Any larger and she would have bitten him in half, not just tear out an arm.


Ive posted this on literotica but since I'm a new patreon support (long time fan), im posting it here as well.


One way he could get get more men to return to home world, would be to offer them a ride on the most powerful ship in the Galaxy a meet and greet with the Lion then have a party with about a hundred of the ladies from home to show then that things have changed at home