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*** EDITED (4th November) - I added another 7k words to finish the chapter! ***

Hey everyone!

I'll keep this short because it's late and I know you guys are waiting for the next chapter!

Here are the next 30k words for chapter 126, which makes up the second half of this double-sized chapter. There are still a couple more scenes I want to write, which should add another 2k words or so to the overall chapter length. I'll finish those off tomorrow and add them on to the end.

Once I've done an editing pass of both chapter sections, I'll combine them together in another post for the complete 60k+ word chapter (for free obviously!).

Anyway, I hope you enjoy it!




Wooo hoooo




Yeah boy!!!!


Huzzah! Now go get sleep


Thanks Tefler. get some sleep.


Love it!


Thanks Ted. Hope the family is doing well


Yay. Who needs sleep?

Who Me

Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!


Awesome, thanks!




cheers mr


Thank you!


Whoo new chapter!!!😁😁


Thank you, Tefler!


thank you

rich ed



Damn. It will be hard, but I'm going to wait for the extra scenes.


Timing is perfect!




Thank you for the new work.


for the severest cases us an intravenous rehydration solution -> for the severest cases use an intravenous rehydration solution


You know that it is good writing when people act as if they are going into withdrawals when they have to wait for the next installment! Thanks for this... I can't say that I am in story withdrawal, but I know and enjoy creative writing.

Ken Moreau

No spoilers, but Tefler, you need to be both totally proud and thoroughly ashamed of yourself. "It must be a robot thing" is applause and groan-worthy at the same time. Very, very well done... :-)

Bp Hlpt

Thanks, Tef!


Actually swiped 5 times when I reached the end....till I saw the word count at the bottom and was like dam....now I gotta go to bed to get up in 3 hours:-/ Amazing job as always!


Hate you Tefler, hit the end of the chapter and couldn't scroll any more. Amazing job as always, there were a few mistakes I saw, nothing too jarring for a read but I didn't think to write them down, but as always people will probably beat me to posting them for you. The crew does seem to get pulled in so many directions. I want them to be able to make a plan and go with it. Also love the Larnaren(?) part as well I hope they become part of John's group.


Great work tef now just have to wait till next chapter but must say wod be interesting if we end up getting a new young matriarch

Jedi Khan

Very nice Tefler. I'm liking the path Rachel's research is going. Fits very nicely with a theory I had come up with a long while ago as to how Faye can become a real girl. Looking forward to the final scenes you're going to add, as well as all future chapters.


The Terran girls led her over to the walk-in-wardrobe [walk-in wardobe] “John’s acts [John acts] differently when we do it that way,” Calara said with a wistful smile. “This is the final act of submission that lets John know you’re ready to bear his children,” Jade murmured, her fingers reaching out to caress Helene’s toned stomach. “... just like all of us.” ["Just like all of us."]


Spotted a couple of things, A huge grin broke out on her face. “Wait, I haven’t finished! Stephanie from Oceanus was gorgeous... That should be Felicity, turns out Stephanie was the hostess at the Infinity nightclub on Gravitus in chapter 19. There's also a normal/telepathic speech mismatch. *I’m afraid there’s no new development on the ringleaders behind the assassination attempts,” the Fleet Admiral replied.


Tefler, great chapter! I found some suggested edits for Chapter 126, part 2, and some may have been mentioned by others already; however, they are as follows: Page 3: “I never really appreciated just how much hanging around there is before these kind(s) of sessions.”; Page 6: John paused, letting her get adjust(ed) to the massive penetration. “Does that hurt?”; Page 47: The long(-)range sensors would be totally insane...; Page 48: (L)osing John would be horrific enough, but to be the one who was forced to kill him?; Page 51: “Well the energy lattice and the capacitors will still work,” Dana said with a(n) optimistic smile.; Page 55: “What bone( )headedness are you referring to in particular?”; Page 60: “As much as I want to blame my guide for deliberately wrecked(ing) that meeting with my father,; Page 70: “This system(s) must be compatible with the Kirrix, because Nkkrrit traded tech with them.”; As always, if you disagree, I completely understand. Good luck with Chapter 127. Thank you and Cheers!


Was thinking the same thing, not only get Faye back but her wish to be a "real girl" is granted.


I was happy to see the Larathyran part as well. I hope that they eventually make their way to John's Protectorate. With all the depopulated planets in the Maliri space, they could probably relocate the population to Valaden or some other planet as they are only 25% populated and be closer for John to protect. Taking over more area would be impossible as he can't stop putting out fires in his own galaxy at the moment.


When John's parents finally meet back up with him, I'm wondering who will bring up Alyssa modification of Jessica? She knows Rahn tried to break her mind shield and he knows she is the one that put it there. Perhaps neither will say anything for fear that John or Jessica will be upset. My money is Alyssa will have to come clean as Jessica's radical personally shift will be noticed by John and he would become suspicious of Jessica change and not believe its real unless Alyssa comes clean. I doubt Jessica will be unhappy about being back in control of herself.


Thank you for telling me about those. They should all be fixed now in the latest version. :)

thomas rodrian

I suspect he already knows. Question for him though, does it matter since he cannot do anything about the situation.


I’m looking forwards to organic Faye 😁


The scene with Auralei in the nursery on Larnorin got me to wondering if the baby was Larn’kelnar progenitor son or just a male Larathyran. He kind of had the disposition of a male progenitor by peeing on her and laughing about it. But what would John do with young adolescent male progenitors? At what age do they sell their souls to Xar'aziuth? Are they redeemable in brought under the shroud and raised in a loving environment? I can’t see John wiping out children even if they are male progenitors but he has vowed to kill them all before they can harm future generations. What do you guys think?

Heinz Molck

This is just another Thrall-society - like the Maliri - with normal male y female population - not progenitors


John just needs to prevent these young progenitors from having BJs.


Nothing new at the end,. Did I miss the additional scenes?


I'm still working on them, but I'll call it a night for now. The final scene is the entire point of the double-sized chapter, so I don't want to rush it. :-)

Jedi Khan

Take your time, Tefler. As much as we would love to, we know you can't rush greatness.


Great chapter, Mahalo nui loa!


wow, this is a amazing chapter. You covered so much in the story and closed a few cliffhangers and set up the path for further development in others. Can't wait for the additional story to get updated.... this is one amazing story.


Is this the updated file?


Bastards and your spoilers , I'm trying to be patient and wait till he has it all up . Lol now I might have to read it then wait and re read it


So Good! I've been rereading from the beginning and it's amazing how far the story has progressed. You are a Master Wizard Tefler.


Great chapter Tef! On a separate point, I just went to buy the e-books and Amazon said I couldn't buy them cos I'm in Australia. This was for the 4 book pack. Is that something you can fix?


I managed to buy them all individually a few months ago. I'm in Australia.


Work Order request for Environmental Systems.


Minor edit, "fully tummy" => "full tummy" in the Alyssa regrets section


There's a continuity error, Tefler. Alyssa didn't develop Warp Tunneling. It's been acknowledged as part of Terran military SOP several times, and at least I understood Alyssa having learned it as part of her Navigator First Class course. The Lizardmen were able to set up a trap for Buckingham's fleet because they knew that they would likely be slingshotting around Alpha Leonis (IIRC) on the way back to Dragon March


Unless it was Alyssa's thesis work (and I understood that course to be one ending with a vocational exam, not a science degree), and the Terran military being exceptionally fast in updating the training of every Navigator in the fleet...


I'm holding off on readying the next installment till the last two scenes are added.... crossing fingers that's soon.

Jedi Khan

Back when Alyssa was first learning the warp tunneling trick, it was reportedly just a theory, not in actual use. Alyssa put it into use and subsequently used it in all future course plotting, even those that she provided to others.


While the exam was vocational, Alyssa's studies included science up to and including theoretical.


I've written 3.5k more words so far, but not quite finished. I'll update it tomorrow as soon as I can! :)


loving the story, still get a lump in my throat when reminded of faye and got teary in this chapter with her


Love what the Node Collective did for Faye and John


Faye will be back damnit if John has to create her in a new shell he will. Though I think pulling that off would also Creep John right the fuck out. Lol.


Just finished reading ch. 120 and that by far has been the most difficult chapter to read so far in this entire series. Faye 'dying' is the worst thing that has happened. Even some of other terrible stuff that has gone on isn't near as bad. Bring her back.


I still think the collective will be the key to bringing back Fayes memories.


Are you rereading? Or is this your first time through? So don't spoil anything.


Rachel's cloning discovery along with the collectives memories is what is needed to make Faye a real girl not just bring her back and I am pretty sure that was what she wanted anyway.


No, there is still one missing piece. They need to learn how to load the personality and memories into the brain. That will complete what will be necessary for that story arc. That, combined with John’s ability to modify and customize the body to Faye’s precise specifications. She shouldn’t look like the others in terms of body configuration.


As well as figuring out how to let her still be a part of the Node Collective


Anybody else wondering what triggered little one to share that info on Faye??? Did you like how Tefler slipped that in?? Wondering if our little girl had created some type of failsafe that includes getting the Invictus back in space triggering a number of events to happen that will bring her back to our great joy.


Ok folks, I'm still waiting for the complete chapter before reading. It's 4:45 here so it should be 9:45 where Tefler is. He commented last night that he should be posting today but I don't think he has. This is still the incomplete chapter isn't it?


Yes it is. I am waiting to have the completed version before I read it as well.


Thanks for the info Jeff.


I've just updated the post with the new version of the chapter. It includes a number of edits and minor corrections... as well as 7k words in several new scenes. I hope you enjoy it! :-)


To find the new scenes, search for: *Okay get ready, this is the last piece,*


Wow.... that additional scene is WILD

Who Me

Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!


bolt all four corner to -> bolt all four corners to


I'm very saddened because of that last scene, I really don't know what is going to happen now and I eagerly await your next masterful chapter.


I think there should be a comma after "Okay" ;-) Also - djeez, you could have been a /little/ nicer to Tehlariene. Are you going to make a habit of having nasty stuff befalling cute girls? :-\


Also wasn't this exactly what we were trying to avoid?


Oh well one less house / as there is no way that this daughter will be allowed to stay as the matriarch of this house


As if John and the girls did not have enough issues on their plate to deal with - now they have this crazy daughter and potentially all the daughters of every house - except for the ones that were already brought under John’s control


Ooooh my! I thought the old ending to be just good. But this vicious twist? Nice to see how a transition from the old to the new ways is not easy after thousands of years. it feels more realistic tat way!


With the psychic connection that Estelle has the severe distress should have been responded to immediately when the fork incident occurred. Very interesting.


I am hoping she at least has some compassion for her youngest sister. She is no threat to her but I am not holding my breath.


Love the new ending!


Great twist at the end! Really interested in seeing how this plays out. The assimilation of the Maliri seemed to be going a little too peacefully and smoothly lately anyway 😜.


Right, but this might go to show John that he needs to save the youngest from the older ones. I feel sorry for this one though, she seemed sweet.


Oh, that new ending was *fantastic*! Interesting times, oh my yes...


WHOA...the Master Storyteller does it again!!!!!!!!


I love how he slipped the answer into this chapter on how he will bring faye back as well


The twist at the end was to be expected. There were enough hints that something like this was coming. What cannot be guessed at is what John and Edraele will do about it. I do agree with an earlier comment, Edraele should have been alerted sooner and got there before the email notice went out. That was an awful lot of work for a marginal improvement in Invictus speed. 107% means it goes .07 times faster. I’m not sure what was intended but to say 7 times as fast would be 700%.

Kim Biel-Nielsen

It was 1.07 times faster - effectively doubling the speed. That is asignificant improovement. Again prooving that the girls exceed the capabilities of proginator tech.


Well that is now the Macbeth of chapters! Meanwhile, spotted a normal/telepathic speech mismatch, Alyssa winked and turned to face the Invictus. “Dana, can you set up some magnetic fields for me please?* she asked, using the comms interface, so he could overhear their discussion.


Tefler, on the first test, they are using a blue star. As an amateur astronomer, I think the sentence on page 84 that goes "Rocketing away from the fiery golden orb, the shaking began to ease as suddenly as it had started." Would change to "the fiery blue white orb," or just "the fiery blue orb," might be more descriptively accurate.


Ah, well spotted. I decided to change the initial colour to yellow, because there were a couple of blue-eyed girls hard at work on the Bridge (just to use a different colour).

Big Dude

Wouldn't Genna's death be felt by Edraele?


Tefler, I had posted these chapter edits earlier on this year, and I noticed looking back at your final versions that they were missed somehow. A suggested edit for Chapter 121, is as follows: Page 125: Her lip curled in distaste as she picked up Larn’kelnar’s severed hand and (prized or pried) the black rod from his gauntleted fingers.; an edit for Chapter 122, are is follows: Page 31: *I didn’t have time (to make an) or for an exact count. There were dozens...*; and a couple suggested edits for Chapter 123, are as follows: Page 60: *I could made (make) diplomatic overtures to High Command suggesting an alliance?* Edraele quickly suggested. Page 70: “What the fuck was that?!” Dana blurted out, he(y)r eyes wide. Might want to add them to your list to check on before these get published.


Tefler, I had also posted these suggested edits for Chapter 126, part 1, and was not sure whether you saw them as well; however, they are as follows: Page 35: The air itself felt alive and responsive to Jade's will, then almost impossibly (impossible) for a creature of that gargantuan size, her draconic form was airborne.; Page 38: It also seems quite apparent that the Brimorians are methodically conquering all the systems (enroute) to Kinta rather than rushing to take the homeworld.; Page 50: John nodded, finally get(ting) an idea of the scale of the problem.; Page 55: an instant before a thunderous explosion ripped the black saloon (sedan) apart, hurling chunks of flaming wreckage across the underground carpark.; Page 73: Part of me desperately wants (to) believe(s) you...; Page 74: “He treated me like I (was) a fool!.

thomas rodrian

Thanks Tefler, I am still reading the chapter but just wanted to say thank you and post one comment. I expected you to reveal finding Faye’s data files and it is nice to get that resolved. Unfortunately, there is still confusion between data and code. Code is the application you call Faye that uses data to make decisions. As you imply in the story, data is nothing more than historic information but then you have Rachel refer to the files as code. Just like we use our memories to determine what to do in any given situation, an AI application uses its data files to predict appropriate next steps and then choses the one with the highest probability of success to implement. This just my pet peeve, so please don’t take offence. Almost every internet author confuses code and data, so it is an understandable misconception.


Oh the joys of a misguided youth. I cannot help but think that Tefler is poking at the younger generation with the actions of Sarinia. Another example of decisions being made without understanding the big picture. The potential havoc that she has caused will all but disappear as soon as John does a empire wide broadcast. However I think the Young matriarchs receiving Sarinia's message will all try and do some type of power play. The big question is what is going to happen in the shipyard? do you think she will try and attack any of the young matriarchs, or John's matriarch?


Okay so someone said earlier that Tef slipped in a hint about how Faye is going to be restored... How???


Like I know they have her memories now but do they have the software her personality ran on?


I don't think there is anything to worry about being attacked. They were just starting upgrading House Belora's Fleet. I don't think they have even finished a single ship yet. The first one was to take the sisters back to their home system. All the other fleets in front of hers were John's loyal houses. So the other houses are at a major tech disadvantage. Also, all the other House Fleet Commanders were there for the Demo that John did to avoid the first civil war so I don't think the fleet commanders would follow orders and attack and throw away their lives like that when they know that they will be utterly destroyed. Don't forget that House Baelora's fleet commander recently betray Sarinia when she brought all the daughters to Genthalas Station and informed Gaenna. Also I believe that all the House fleet commanders were told about a future progenitor war, so they are not in the dark like the Matriarch's heirs. That being said, I don't think that she wants to start a war, she was basically tortured for the last 120 years and went over the edge in self preservation. I can understand why she killed Gaenna for the abuse she suffered, and I can see why she killed her sisters to prevent them from trying to kill her and take the throne. I could see John forgiving her for those but I will be surprised if he does for killing her youngest sister. She was a frightened mouse and was terrified of her shadow.

Big Dude

As a part time programmer I have to agree Tefler. Data Files can take many forms, of which some may have a "structure". Code has structure because it's (usually) logical and hopefully rational! Then there is spaghetti code. That was called MS Basic!

Big Dude

The Faye restoration process has to have some semblance of reality! Otherwise the whole Faye "reborn" premise will be waaaaaaaaaaaaaaay out there people!

Big Dude

How will Sarinia get rid of the bodies? Inquiring minds wanna know! Also, doesn't Edraele know of every transmission off of Genthalas since she controls the station?


I know that people will say this is silly, but why would John have to take any time out of his day to teach Alyssa the runes? She is constantly listening to his thoughts, cant she just have him visualize the runes and what they mean and then 'learn' that way? Its all thoughts and willpower anyway


BD, given that she was in teleconference covered in blood, I don't think she was worried about being discovered. Apparently, political and family assassinations were normal behaviour in Maliri society. I really hope the youngest sister survives.


stars change color (blue-golden) at engine test. blood is blue at the end, not red. (unless you want the Maliri blushing dark blue instead of purple)?


This doesn't feel like she's rebelling against John/Edraele. More like she's using her last chance to depose her mother and become Matriarch herself. Before her mother will gain eternal youth and stick around forever. Her last chance at revenge too.


I had a feeling Sarinia was up to something.... wow what an ending and the Invictus the fastest ship in the galaxy... let papa Rahn catch up to him now.... wow


So I know it is supposed to have been a few days maybe a week at most, but we still have not covered the whole Tash picking up Larn's Staff.


Well, John has his sword, so he doesn't need it, but Alyssa?


Great chapter Tefler! Looks like that problem John was vexed over of the current matriarchs getting away with centuries of murder and cruelty will take care of itself. Can't wait to get back to Maliri space. What will the consequences of this new speed boost be? Maybe a shockwave that damages nearby ships?


Blue blood makes little sense. Blood is red because of its properties, it's pretty much red across the board. Humans have been genetically engineered and altered here and are "somewhat" related to Thrall species. Having such a big difference in blood colour seems odd. It also never came up before I think.


That is an interesting thought. Also they have not talked about braking. It was mentioned that they were flying faster than their brand new sensors could deal with. So they are kind of flying blind and can run into things like other ships, asteroids or planets.


Also didn't he learn a lot of them from Athena or Dana? His knowledge of the Rune Sword came out of nowhere.


Just thinking about the future when John can go on the offensive after he deals this never ending to do list. If they are going hunting for Progenitors in their home empires or on their dreadnoughts and based on the battle with Larn, what could they do to improve their effectiveness and save the thrall population form being sucked dry? Rahn told Jessica in 126.1 that Larn let his powers declined while he had been away from his empire and they barely defeated him. The others will be much worse. One though I had was all the girls that have offensive psychic abilities should have some kind of runed weapons that amplify their powers at a reduced cost of the pool of power. For example, Sukura’s blades should have the same runes as John's sword. That thing craves killing evil Progenitors and I don’t think we know all the secrets of that yet. I'm betting there is something that he has yet to discover that will eliminate their shields from being an issue anymore. Alyssa, Dana and Rachel (maybe Helene) could have runed Staff’s. There was no mentioned of Helene in the battle against Larn, but what if she could learn to use her powers in the negative like fear or depression similar to what happens on the Astral Plane? This could cause thralls to run for their lives instead of fighting and thereby saving their lives if they could kill the progenitor before he sucks their life out. Carlara, Dana, Tashana and Irillith used guns against Larn, but what if the guns were runed like a staff so they could be using their psychic powers at the same time as they were shooting? Tashana already adds explosive fire to her bullets, could Irillith add electricity? Perhaps as Dana is shooting she could focus while holding the runed rifle and create black holes above a target or Irillith a pylon that shoot electricity like the disintegration pylons? Let’s not forget runed penetrators on all the ammo, could they bypass spinning progenitor shields? Lastly there is Jade and her sisters, what about some psychic jewelry that makes their shapeshifted form more powerful, perhaps runed armored and draw less power from their pools?


So, just speculating here, but when Rahn & John next meet, I'm guessing they realize that they're better together and John will learn lots from their collaboration. Also, remember Larn's matriarch asking him if he was going to fill the tanks? I don't think they've discovered how much of his jizz juice is needed to keep their pool of girls going. Larn seemed to lose interest in all that and may have sucked them dry over time. So I think there is going to be many answers addressing your thoughts in the next several chapters. Finally, I thought it curious that they didn't grab Larn's staff. Seems like it could be useful.

Big Dude

wclark57, Actually, Sakura grabbed Larn's staff before they left.

Big Dude

Paul Smith, How do you suggest the rune application to occur?


Posted previously: who needed to bolt all four corner to the Invictus -> who needed to bolt all four corners to the Invictus


Sorry Big Dude, it was Tashana on page 102 of Chapter 121. Tashana watched them, then glanced around the room and strode over to a black object on the floor. Her lip curled in distaste as she picked up Larn'kelnar's severed hand and prized the black rod from his gauntleted fingers. She tossed aside the bloody hand, before running to catch up with the girls waiting patiently by the door.


Before they begin their assault on the Hive Queen, do you guys think that if they destroy the transmission/receiving antenna's on their Kirrix dreadnought that it will reduce or eliminate the Hive Queen from receiving her collectives powers?


What form of message should John and Alyssa send to the Kirrix collective that believes that its ok to continue these incursions? A hive queen that is a mental vegetable? Perhaps that is dismembered as well? Perhaps with single surviving broodmother to tell them the story? Or Perhaps Alyssa and John can drop into their new mental onclave and deliver it personally?


Paul, I think the antennas(ae?) need to be intact to ensure that the message gets back to the Kirrix Homeworld. The message needs to be as bloody as possible to let the remaining Hive Queens know what they are up against if they do not stop harvesting. And if Alysssa can get a glimpse of the Abandoned being infested. Look out Deep Lord!

Big Dude

I think John and Alyssa are way more powerful now and that hive queen will be instant toast when they get close to her! Their last encounter was before his Larn and Rahn experiences and now he has 5 nymphs!

Big Dude

Question for everyone, if Rahn gave John's guide the knowledge of his 10,000 year study of Progenitors, then doesn't the John PG possess all knowledge to fully understand and remove the PG threat?

Big Dude

So for every sun they slingshot around does their speed continue to increase? Do red giants give them more speed than blue ones? Astrophysicists want to know.


I think John's guide fully understands but is bound by Xar'aziuth way of doing things. If he tried doing that here it would be him against all of John's allies not to mention John's girls and he does not stand a chance in hell against them. John's rune sword would probably burn him like it did Rahn and Larn if the guide was in control of John's body. So that leave his only option to go find a seeded thrall race and take over.


I agree. John went solo and took down three Hive Queens plus that ancient Matriarch. He was not able to create spinning shields then either. She is a dead Hive Queen walking and does not even know it. I wonder what the onlookers will think when his invisible ship starts to dismantle the fleet? Maybe a black hole appear out of know where and start gobbling up Kirrix ships and crews? The Invictus has had a few more upgrades since that last time the Trankaran's and the Maliri have seen it in action. Might be quite eye opening.

thomas rodrian

@Big Dude Each type of star will have different levels of effect because of gravimetric forces. Speed will increase with each star, but with diminishing returns as the ship approaches the speed of light. Go back to the Riemann sum for E = mc**2, and you can easily see why he will have diminishing returns.


Does hyperdrive far exceed the speed of light or does it warp and/or fold space to traverse the distances they cover? Are they inside a hyperwarp bubble negating the effects of normal space? Why doesn't Einstein's Theory seem to apply when using Alyssa's techniques to sling shot around stars ?


Am I the only one who has a feeling that time travel is going to make an appearance. With so many deaths and tragic events haunting John. Now Alyssa has this new tunneling technique. I don't think it will be anytime soon but I feel like this is setting up the possibility.

PLRus--Founding member of the TSM F5 club.

The Invictus is stationary within a Tachyon bubble. This has been verified within the story because they have to start up the main engines every time they collapse the tachyon bubble and have to get moving in non-relativistic speeds again. That bubble moves at speeds beyond speed of light and indeed, cannot cross over that threshold into our speed zone. The amount of time the Invictus is travelling at faster than light speeds is relatively short (pun intended) and while time dilation does exist it really is not noticeable in real time. For instance: A call from Olympus to John who is in Maliri space would happen day one...the Invictus takes 4 days to get there per their sense of time but it has taken 3.5 days per Olympus sense of time....there is no conflict in that respect with Einstein's theory because causality is not an issue there.


Damn! I was sure that Tehlariene was going to end up being one of Queen Edraele's adopted daughters like Kali. Alyssa needs to deal with Sarinia, what a bitch.


in my opinion this makes the situation with the old matriarchs much more interesting.


As long as the new Holaris matriarch maintains opening of the wine trade let the bodies hit the floor.


Really, this was inevitable. Unless John were to exert direct and all-consuming control, the daughters of the Maliri Matriarchs would absolutely revolt against the idea that their mothers who had terrorized and tormented them all their lives, and who only allowed them to live so that they could take over *at such time* as they passed away, that these conditions would potentially continue forever into the future... and that where the previous Matriarchs had been eliminated by the new regime, all but the youngest of the daughters were eliminated with them, well, really, it was too predictable. Of course the eldest daughters of the existing Maliri Matriarchs - especially those who had not yet met John, which would be ALL of them outside of his own girls - would take action to prevent this from happening. I'm only surprised that none of John's Maliri brought this point up to him. Perhaps, though, they didn't want to point out the inevitable consequences of John's interference in the normal course of affairs amongst the Maliri in the hopes of sparing him pain? We'll have to wait and see what's next...


As a fan of a well handled Chekhov's gun, I'm still trying to figure out what Faye was seeing on the security cams before she passed away. (ch 120, just before they spotted the wrecks of the dead civilization) Has anyone got a theory? My one theory has probably been rendered moot (that it was a time traveling John slipping in to make a copy of Faye) with this chapter.


She may have noticed the tracking device that LN had placed. The storyline tells us that it was on one of the security cameras, but not whether it was internal or external. OTK!


I think she would have said something if it was serious like a tracking device or similar activity


In the paragraph she first mentions the internal security cameras & then says she wanted to discuss something she saw on the security cameras . Since she had wanted to tell him all evening it must not struck her as urgent , but a strange device or signal might be something that concerned her . I had thought maybe she picked up on an anomaly she couldn't classify & it was the shielded Black ship .

Jedi Khan

I doubt it's the tracking device. That is likely not something that was put on the Invictus recently. I'm thinking it was placed prior to the Battle of Regulus. If the device was something that could be seen on the cameras, Faye would have noticed it long ago.


Jedi, on reflection that's probably right. especially if it was something she noticed on the internal cameras.


The tracking device would have to be after the battle of Terra. The Invictus had gone through many refits since the Battle of Regulus but where in the story I’m not sure. Learn or one of his Thralls never left any of his ships.

David Shmilowitz

Is this the finished version or will more scenes be added to either half of 126 when both are combined together?


the crew did some major repair work at Olympus after the battle of Terra, and the rescue of Jehanna and the Nymphs. And they completely replated the exterior while on holiday before the Battle of Regulus. Did the Drakkar board the Invictus during the Battle for the Ashanath Homeworld? I know they boarded the Legacy. The Drakkar were following the instructions of LN in the invasion, one of them may have left something small and unobtrusive inside the ship. I'll have to go back and reread - again!


Just curious what everyone thinks would be the appropriate punishment for John to administer to the Brimorians for everything that they have done ?

Who Me

Remove ALL space capabilities? Genocide? Make The Abandoned rulers over the Brimorians?


Give them to the Kirrix? Turn them into fish cakes for the Ashanath to feed their pet Drakkar? Find some way to use them to restore the Vulkat? Give them to the Kintark as slaves to help rebuild - after giving a good chunk of the Brimorian territory to the Kintark ?


Does anyone think that the tan colored metallic object buried on Karron (in chapter 109) will come into play in book 1? I'm thinking that it is probably a tie in to book 2. I based on the color, it sounds like it is tied to the Achonin and the Enshunu seem to fascinated with their civilization based on their acquiring Underworld/Sarkhon Refinery and activating it's defenses. Tefler has said book 2 is about the Enshunu. What does everyone think?


I dont think the Abandoned have the intelligence to rule the Brimorians with all the genetic engineering and behavioral modification to them . I think like you do that their space fleets will probably be destroyed. I don't see John as genocidal to the whole species unless they knew what was being done to civilians colonists in the rape and bio-engineering and then disposing of the abandoned they didn't want to the Kirrix and didn't care, then the gloves will come off. He knew what the Kintark had planned for the Terran's and he didn't go and start doing genocide to them so I don't think that is an option. Do you think all trading with them should cease from all major and minor allies to restrict their resources and income for the atrocities have done? Perhaps confine them to one planet per system with defense to keep them from leaving and destroy their communications systems in space so they can't coordinate across systems? Give the Abandoned the planets they they depopulated until they can get their birth control program in place?


I wonder if Allyssa will use the bow wave to wipe out a fleet of ships?


The Deep Pool and anyone else the knew what was being done to the Abandoned certainly could be given to the Kirrix. That would be a fitting punishment. Perhaps for the Kintark too as we dont yet know what they have done to the civilian populations that invaded. If the Vulkat wanted to be restored John would have done that but Nkkrrit just wanted to live what she had left of her life. Nkkrrit just didn't want the grave robbing done to what was left of their civilization by the Brimorians. I could see giving some planets to the Kintark as recompense but I think the Abandoned are owed far more that the Kintark. After all, the Kintark took the Male and old prisoners from the Callopean Shoals colonists and woked them to death and gave the Brimorians the ability to bio engineer them so I would not give them much if any for that.


With how fragile the Brimorian ships are, that could be a useful weapon.


Paul; Where was the reference to that? I can't remember!


Could totally see them just whipping a slingshot through the fish fleet, watch the fishies scatter like ashes 😂

Jedi Khan

Tefler has confirmed that the artifact, the Enshunu, and the Shroud are all things that will be dealt with in the sequel. The sequel is actually going to follow a new set of characters, supposedly unrelated to John and the girls.

Jedi Khan

I don't think Tefler is going to add any more scenes to this portion. The only changes will be edits. However, Tefler has mentioned on Discord that he's thinking about making this chapter a 3-parter just to finish up the current story arc. Don't know if he's actually going to do that though. We'll see.


>The sequel is actually going to follow a new set of characters, supposedly unrelated to John and the girls. And there died me looking forward to it. It's just not the same with new characters. : (


Dean it is Ch. 109. I was kind of expecting book 2 to be about all his kids. Nest Gen vs the Enshunu.


Although it may be saved for book 2, What if--The brown object led to discovering that Jade was of Achonin origin. When Mael was conquering worlds he stumbled upon Jade, was intrigued with her and built the Lenaran species in her likeness.


Steve, according to the Nexus files, there was a Mael' controlled planet in that area before Ranagon the Despoiler invaded and started destroying worlds. Karron was an asteroid, so perhaps a remnant of that planet. It's just a long way from the only known Achonin facility. BTW I wonder what happened to his planet killer?


I wonder if the bow wave would make them detectable even if they were in stealth mode?


I would say no, but the phenomenon would be detectable.


Yeah, it was the bow wave that I was thinking about. Since they are the only know ship that can travel at that speed and it was detectable, then where would be no use for stealth unless they can stop on a dime and let the bow wave continue.

Author W

So just to be sure. This is the final version? Tefler wrote that he would make a new post with the finished product so I have been waiting for that. Is it safe to assume there will be no more content or rewrites on this chapter and read it. I'm dying over here :P


I have not read anything saying part 2 was going to be revised more but some said in a prior post the next chapter might be part 3 of 126.

Jedi Khan

Tefler has mentioned that he's considering making a part 3 of chapter 126 so he can finish off the current story arc, but I don't know if that is in fact what he's doing. We'll find out eventually.


Isn't Calara's dad and brother waiting for them to show up and give them a ride to Terra?

Jedi Khan

Possibly. We don't know if Jack has decided to take the position in the Core Worlds yet.


The Brimorians knew that was said before. There's no way they had tens possibly hundreds of billions of slaves across their worlds. Slaves who have been pointed out they happily victimized, so they had to hide the women when Brimorians came around and weren't aware of and didn't know what was done to them. The Brimorians are so far the evilest species we've met outside of maybe the Progenitors. More so than the Kintark, even more than the Kirrix. The Kintark don't need new planets nor do they frankly deserve them, being saved is more than they're owed. Most of the Brimorian stuff, including possibly the Callopean Shoals, should go to the Abandoned. The Brimorians can be fed to the Kirrix for all I care. Maybe turn the Brimorian kids and teenagers into Drakkar feed.


The Kintark leadership had plans, plans they were never able to put into place. We've also seen Kintark who didn't quite agree with this and became victims (such as being send to the mines) themselves. The Brimorians are on a whole other level. Mass rapes to breed a slave race, slavery for the last few (hundred?) years, Abandoned having to hide the women because Brimorian men liked to help themselves to them, large scale slavery the population was aware of, profiting from, and supporting. Then selling millions possibly billions to the Kirrix.

Michael carney

And there is still a nymph to be rescued from the bossman where Helena was rescued.


I don't think we can really consider them " the Kirrix" anymore. There is no central government or organization just a bunch of Hive Queens in every man for himself mode.