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Hey everyone!

Dave's been honing his skills and decided to do an awesome portrait of Alyssa!

I think he's done a beautiful job... just how I imagined she'd look. :-)


DaveB's site:





Not full frontal nude?




What, no pointed progenitor ears peeking out of the hair? Beautiful, none the less!


She's beautiful. And that hair is gorgeous. You could stare in those eyes... incredible! You can tell DaveB really pushed himself in this one. Wonderful! And yeah, that cutoff right down from her collarbone. The perfect tease hahaha. XD


Great job!


Very nice indeed.


Too bad this is a shot of her before she became a progenitor... Her ears would have looked *awesome*. Everything else looks great.


awesome job DaveB


Nice job!!!!!


Perhaps Alyssa should have a cameo in grrlpower?! ;-) excellent job!


Very, very good. The eyes are amazingly captivating!

Dave Barrack

Hah! I forgot about those. Maybe I'll revisit Progenitor Alyssa after I've had a chance to do some portraits of the other girls.


Excellent work DaveB. She looks like she could reach out a touch you.


pretty as a picture


That’s good work. Her eyes do that follow you where ever you go thing


Eyes look like they are too far apart. Could just be me doe. Looks very nice other then that


I always imagined Alyssa as the stereotypical "American" farm girl that was popular in Ralph Lauren print ads. Or possibly like a blonde SI swimsuit model. This is pretty damn close.


Truly love her eyes. Really a great choice of color and detail, and that includes everything else in the portrait. Would also love to see another as a post Progenitor transformation


That's a great job, Dave, thank you! Those cerulean blue eyes can almost see right through you like Alanis Morissette. Hey, don't worry about the ears, man, you shouldn't even be able to see them under her hair unless they're bigger than Ray Walston's antennas in 'My Favorite Matriarch', erm, 'Martian'.


Yeah, her pointed ears wouldn't be visible with her hair down like that. :-)


We're definitely not dealing with WoW ears/eyebrows (thankfully!) :P


That's excellent!


The way he's lit her it makes the eyes seem further apart due to the lack of shadow.

Jedi Khan

I believe there was a scene described way back when, when John and Athena actually met and had their first conversation, where John does a spirit walk and sees an ethereal tiara upon Alyssa's head. It's basically the female version of the crown John has when Edraele tries breaking in during their first meeting. Think you can add that to this picture?


That was in a spirit walk though, maybe a portrait of the both of them in the astral plane?

rick dienel

It would be nice to see before/after for those harem members who have had extreme makeovers - kind of like the show-and-tell the girls have put together in the past




Good portrait, but it looks like she colors her hair. Dark roots and dark eyebrows. Not what I envisioned with a true blonde.

Dave Barrack

Most blondes I know do have darker roots. The sun lightens their hair over time. (Also I'm still learning how to paint blonde hair. Even blonde ass blondes have darker hair underneath the top layer of hair, just because less light is hitting it. I mean, the hair isn't a lighter color (assuming they never expose it to the sun) I just mean, when picking a color to use in a paint program, there's layers of color, so you start a little darker then lighten up with each layer.) Also also, when googling "blonde" for reference, there's really no way to tell if she's natural or bleached. (Unless it's a really stark dye job) Plus... a BLONDE blonde would also probably have blonde eyebrows, which kind of makes it look like she doesn't have any eyebrows, which is creepy.


I did a quick google search for really blonde blondes and there's very few portraits that don't have dark eyebrows and roots (I'm guessing for the exact reason you describe Dave). Here were a couple I did find which were quite good: https://www.artstation.com/artwork/863JE https://www.deviantart.com/leejun35/art/practice-03-568818529 Even the second one has dark eyebrows. :-)


Yes, the darker eyebrows really allow the eyes to pop, and the darker roots really make the hair that much more voluminous. It's a wonderful piece! Which of course makes waiting for Calara that much harder!


I was wondering if you are still up to commissioning one for Faye. Im very interested how you picture her