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Hey everyone!

As I mentioned in my status update, I decided to make chapter 121 double sized, so roughly 60k words instead of just 30k!

This installment is the second half of chapter 121 and concludes the events on Larn'kelnar's ship.

I hope you find it interesting!






Go tit!


Yes! I've been waiting for this


Yay, thanks Tefler!


Happy dance!!!


Yay, 3rd!


2nd lol


Thanks Tefler.


And....... reading.....



David Shmilowitz

Greatness!!! Are both parts final versions going to be uploaded at the same time or will part 1 go up first then this one sometime later?


Teller burning the candle at both ends for our delectation, thank you and sleep well, enjoy your weekend as we surely will.


I'll create another post with both parts combined... probably after the editing is done.


Thank you, Tefler!

rich ed

yuss. thank you muchly tefler

Horny Rhino

Must. READ. NOW!!!!


Thank you good sir!


No sleep tonight for me!





Jedi Khan

Yay! Time to dig in.


A welcome surprise on a Friday night. Thanks Tefler.


thank you!


Thanks Tefler... you made my day!


"We just need to sort out the Brimorians and rescue the Abandoned... then we’re done!”


cheers mister


Thanks Tefler. Made my day more interesting.

John P

That's... an interesting direction to go. It's more than a bit strongly reminiscent of Ego meeting Peter Quinn in _Guardians of the Galaxy 2_ , and in fairness that's a great scene. I have to ask: did it really just not occur to Rahn that the changes he made to John might have negative side effects to his plans? Experienced as he was, its a bit weird that he'd deliberately break the mold when creating John and then not think about the fact that John wouldn't be anything like the rest of his species. I also got a distinct vibe of the climactic scene with the Joker in _Batman: Arkham Knight_ - was that what you were going for?


I read that way too fast, and now I need the next part lol.


you bastard! Ugh all the feels. Next one better be up quick ;)


Thanks Tefler. Have a wonderful night. :)


Excellent half chapter! ;) As much as we all hate cliff hangers, they are one of the best literary tools available! I'm holding out hope that John can pull of the impossible and somehow restore Faye. Either way, her death is an integral part of the story. It'll give John a deeply personal and external reason to promulgate war on the other Progenators. If, if course, that's where the story is going.


Holy shit what a bomb drop of revelations. Thanks once again Tef!


This story just gets better and better. Another fantastic chapter, Tefler keep up the great work. I hope to be reading your work for many years to come.


Tefler, I’ve thought of three different ways to full restore Faye within the context of your story, so far. I’m curious as to whether or not your characters will come up with any of them. Fabulous backstory reveal!! I won’t comment on it any further at this point due to not wanting to post spoilers for any who haven’t read it yet.


That was magnificently done. Great work Tefler


Good choice in direction for the story. Not that I wanted characters to die, but the story really needed some loss... For the moment that is.




Tefler... I was just going to sleep having just finished another book when you uploaded. You are able to keep me on my toes and anxiously waiting for your next cliffhanger. I thought this chapter couldn't be as tormenting as the last chapter... But you have proven me wrong again and again. Wonderful chapter! Thank you!

Old Cruiser

Thank you Tefler!


just when you thought things could not get any stranger.....great chapter


Oh fuck that!


So if a horde of Progenitors show up will they all be able to play nice and work together to find John or is all Hell about to break loose? Tune in next time for the Next Installment of the John Blake Chronicles. The Brimorians better play real F'ing nice next time they meet Mr. Blake. He's got a lot of anger pent up!

CJ Mora

This was off the hook! I did not see that one coming. Rahn is about to find out why ALL human men know "if mama ain't happy, nobody's happy!" Not gonna be pretty.


Great post. How come John doesn't load Jade up with cum so she can feed all her kittens?

Horny Rhino

holy shit dude... just wow, i don't even..............


Tefler I been wondering if u play destiny because projenitors feel like the hive gods from the lore. With throne worlds, thrall networks, and them just being tyrants that serve ancient ones/worm gods.


wow. We have background on the progens now and a name for the big baddie. Who does Alyssa remind Rahn of? How will Jades returning memory inform us now? Will John kiss the sleeping Faye and awake her? So so many points to read and reread in this story.... Thank you so much Tefler.


I fucking cried dude...that was....fuck.

Big Orca

The Maliri is about to get a fleet of Thrall ships without having to build a soul forge!

Dennis Banfield

I’m not crying you’re crying


Hey could you be willing to discuss those ways on discord please? I and i am sure many would want to talk on those. If you aren't already a part i could get you the invite to join we have a section to discuss spoilers


Fuck!!!!! Is it to soon to start the F5 thing again

Dennis Banfield

Man. That was a rollercoaster.

Jim lynch

Oh shit shit shit please say that there’s still a way to save Faye that Dana just forgot in her grief please say it’s so Faye was one of my favourite characters she can’t be gone. Other than that this is probably one of your best chapters definitely in my top 3. Please save Faye please.

travis btmb

tefler great story but please tell me they bring back faye


Faye put her memories into little one's programming so that little one could recognise emotions such as love. The vambrace has Faye's personality. Illrith should be able to join the two segments to create a "Little Faye" hybrid. If not, i'm devastated!!


si/fi dave wow and love it more each time i read T.S.M


How is it possible that a little purple skinned robot could bring out such emotions in the reader and characters? Finding out that her server is gone was more than my feelings could take. Got me right in the feelings. Also, Alyssa did more damage/change to Jessica than any of us realize. She is no longer a mindless thrall, her mind is back and Rahn is going to find out what it is like being around a terran woman is really like when she is pissed off. I do not envy Rahn right now. Nope! Nada! I do not want to be him right now. Holy crap what a chapter!


Thank you


WOW...JUST WOW OH WOW!!!!!!!!!!!! So worth the wait! YOU are in a class all by yourself and I thank you for sharing your incredible talent with us.


Apologies for spoilers if you haven't read the chapter yet. Was it well written? Yes Did this chapter open up all kinds of interesting possibilities and directions for the story? Absolutely Did I like this chapter? Nope Sadly a lot of enjoyment was diminished because I couldn't reconcile John's actions with my perception of his personality. After coming off a physically and mentally draining battle with what was my arch nemesis for the last 6-8 months, the last thing I would do is give the most power warship in this section of the galaxy to someone who: 1) I loathed with all of my being, 2) just tried to kill me, and 3) just threatened my women, and the civilization I've sworn to restore and protect, with slavery. I also would in no way give away the ship until I was 100% certain the Invictus could be repaired and used the wormhole drive to bring it back to genthalas. Finally, I would not have imprisoned my guide AGAIN after being betrayed by him again. I'd have snuffed out the SOB to give me that one little bit of peace of mind in the growing cluster fuck that is my life, especially after discovering that the last 8 months were the equivalent of a single snowflake at the tip of an iceberg.


Oh. My. Goodness. I NEED the next chapter!


Set up for the father son redemption arc? I don’t know I liked it quite a bit, he’s highly emotional where he feels betrayed by both parents. Just my guess.


Faye was not programed to be good...she decided herself to be the wonderful creation she became. She displayed the best in all of us...the depth of feelings unprecidented...creativity unbound...a truly unique individual! She is/was so very special and hopefully has given that to "little one!"


Interesting??? Dear gods. This was the biggest roller coaster of emotions of any of the chapters of this amazing story. I feel like I have been punched in the gut at the loss of a character that everyone loves.


Such a good last few chapters and this one tops it off. The loss is heartbreaking, but it makes it far more real. Brilliant. I think she should remain lost.


Faye still is..............wait for it............................


I need Faye back. I miss her already...


Holy shit we learned alot in this one and I'm sure they will find a way to bring faye back maybe she put part of herself somewhere else anything's possible with the mastermind tefler I dont believe shes dead just yet


Wow... just... wow. Absolutely amazing chapter. I have no idea how im going to wait for the next one. Tefler, don't ever stop writing!

Florida Reader

"Her lip curled in distaste as she picked up Larn’kelnar’s severed hand and prized the black rod from his gauntleted fingers." I believe you meant "pried." Great chapter.


You made me err ahh umm have sinus issues!!! Yeah sinus issues!


Genius... friggin' GENIUS. Your storytelling has developed so much, and it's astounding how you continue to churn out quality plots, arcs, subplots, character developments & yes, even the damn cliffhangers, without sacrificing anything. Incredible. TY Tefler


I'm still holding out hope! little one has a lot of her memories, if not all, they have her personality in the deck, 1 + 1 = FAYE!


problem is John an team have to rebuild the Invictus sans dry dock and a whole heap of engineers of any kind. In the mean time Rahn might want the left overs...


Alyssa knows her way round a progenitors rod so look forward to her experimenting to get more out of it. Will John find his way back to the sub-plane castle and gain access to the library for his pride? How will Johns new insight inform Athena and her domain?


Love the whole story and everything about it and can't wait for more. That said... killing faye? oh Tefler you bastard, wounderful glorius bastard, but a bastard none the less. she was/is the character that has had the most development of all of them and to have her die... gods i almost broke down crying. I really hope that isn't the last we've seen of her.


Also, the progenitor server may have been destroyed, but doesn't it use data crystals to store the data? perhaps they were not destroyed. Tashana recovered some from a damaged server once before. I'm clutching at straws here Tefler, help me out please!!


You turned it to a family drama...!


Evil... simply evil... There best be a hail mary somewhere in the near future... Now where are my damn tissues?!?!


My heart... she weeps...


John should have destroyed Larn' ship. Why give Rahn that weapon? Leave Rahn stranded on Arcadia like he's been for the past ten millennia along with Jessica, safe in the shroud and unable to go after John and the girls.


Alergy attack! Dust in my eyes! These are not man tears, avert your gaze!! (laugh) Another great chapter, as always mmany thanks Tef! And I love the fact that Rahn, for the first time since his creation countless millennia ago, is going to learn the suffering which only the woman you love can inflict when wrathful.... And a mother no less, boy he's sleeping on the sofa from now on.... Unwritten big elephant in the room question: Will Rahn, when he learns of Alyssa's tampering and Johns secrets, a) go full evil progenitor, or b) learn more of love and eventually become an ally? His overall goal after all is aligned with John's...


Ohh, I can't wait to read more! Here's to hoping that we can look forward to many more years of exciting chapters with dozens of progenitor battles, and ultimately this god like evil "astral thing" who has been controlling them all.... Now those puzzling moments in past chapters when John was lifted and inspected by that insanely powerful "eyeball in the sky" make way more sense....


Interesting post. My take on Rahn not foreseeing this outcome is that this is the whole fatal flaw with progenitors: Their godlike powers among mortals make them way too overconfident and egomaniacle. It leaves them so sure of themselves that they are totally naive in the face of anything that doesnt fit their twisted (from our perspective) world view. Like John. But as Tefler is a great author, he's making this conflict quickly more multidimensional and rich. So keep an eye open for looming pitty, as we uncover how the progenitors have been tormented and enslaved by this new astral quasi-god.... The Prog's still all need to be exterminated for sure, but they arent all flat 2D bad guys as we see into their motives. Indeed the tragedy of a whole galaxy (prog's included)being tortured and murdered to feed souls into this astral "satan-esque" entity casts a new and even more sinister light on things....


Faye: I pledge for the „Snow White“ Solution!

Malthe Mørk Mejlby

Goddammit I f***ing hate you right now, you killed Faye, and you ended the chapter way too soon.


Good observation, but the real fun job is to look back through fiction to see the roots that inspired both universes. don't be fooled into thinking that Destiny is that innovative. Starting with Homer and the unknown Beowulf author(s?), and straight through Tolkien, Asimov, Heinlein, Niven, Pohl, Jordan, Martin, Simmons, Card, Reynolds and Hamilton. (I read a lot :) Each of these authors has created whole believable universes and and packed them with heroic drama and intrigue. Tefler in my mind has joind their ranks, taking these classic epic themes and weaving something fresh and compelling from them. Video games offer less in terms of narrative possibilities, as they need to let the player do something (and many players don't care about story). But they can sure bring compelling atwork to life. Just pointing out that they all share common and ancient literary roots.


Having seen the comment here and on Discord, I just might wait a chapter or two before reading H2 121 above or future chapters. If Faye is really gone, the way I feel right now, i’m done. (Deep sigh....)


A few normal / telepathic speech mismatches for you: *This could really blow up in your face...” Dana warned her. “Please promise you’ll be careful.* *What did you find?* Alyssa asked, her curiosity piqued. *I’m struggling to follow your train of thought with all the physics... something about a Jacobian matrix and a determinant...” *Searching where?* John asked in confusion, casting a wary eye out at the darkened plane. “There’s nothing here but a lot of open space and a bunch of hideous monsters...* *I love you too,* he replied, before glancing down at Neysa and Marika who had roused from their daze and were both hugging him tight. *We’ll have a proper reunion later, but I want to check in with Faye first... okay?”


I can’t believe it.

Jedi Khan

Faye deserved better. That's twice now she's been denied what she rightfully deserves. She was the sweetest, most innocent of the girls. Why did she have to be denied like this?


Ah, well spotted! Thanks for letting me know about all those. :)


I was actually waiting for someone to die for a long time now. They've been taking too many risks and has been far too careless in multiple occasions. Though admittedly, I expected it to happen when someone went off mission again. I love the story as a whole but when you get into so many close calls and no one of importance ever dies, it takes some of the realism away from the story. So someone finally dying is great for the story IMO. But then again, the Nymphs can be revived and John has reverted time in the Astral Plane before so I guess someone dying permanently is somewhat mitigated.


Gonna try and give this 1 - 2 more chapters to see if i can get back into it. If not and after what just happened in 121.2 i'm done with the story. The fact that it always looked like the main cast would get a happy end as a whole was what kept me invested.


I'm not wholly convinced Faye is permanently gone from the story. There's a little unresolved plot thread dangling with her name on it.


If Faye not brought back in I’m opting out in fact I was half way thru rereading the whole story, that won’t happen now either, story gone to shit has far as I’m concerned, won’t be buying anymore of his books either, what a crock of shit.


I hear you, mate. I get enought cr*p in RL that this, for me, is total escape. I don’t want one of the main character’s I’m highly invested in killed off as some sort of device for adding tension to the story. Scr*w that. Though it’s Tef’s story and he is totally free to take it where he wants, in my head, where I live, it feels like some sort of unwritten agreement of trust has been broken. Can I dare to continue to follow it? Who’s next for the chop? I’m going to have to pullback some and watch it via the spoilers. Then we’ll just have to see...


He only saw a scorched corner of the server.... hopefully the other 95% is spinning in orbit around Arcadia and Rohn will bring her back as a peace offering


Easily my least favorite chapter of the series, and not because of Faye. I read the GOT series fof crying out loud. John is many things and has his flaws, but even a moron does not hand the keys to the most powerful dreadnaught in that galaxy to someone who just tried to kill him. You can finish the next chapter by having his father blow up the planet while they're on it and just be done with it. No logical explanation for that decision. Your last couple of chapters were your best. What happened? Consider revisions.

Jedi Khan

Pretty sure the blast that hit it vaporizes rather than shreds and breaks.


Guess I'm gonna be the voice of dissent here. Good job killing off Faye. She was far too much of a deus ex machina. Before she came along they actually had to do stuff on the ship. It'll be god to get back to that. I still would've preferred the Invictus was lost (fingers crossed for 122!), and I agree with Irrilith that they certainly shouldn't leave Rahn with the dreadnought, but overall good progression this chapter. My only real peeve with it is that so much of the word count is dedicated towards going over the characters' feelings. I mean I get that it's important, and we did just have an action-packed first half of the chapter, but I feel like the same things get repeated over and over again; I'm sure if I reread the story to this point I'd find at least twenty or so conversations about john feeling guilty for the Change. It's like the scene in EVERY Batman movie of his parents getting shot in the alley - at a certain point, we all know the story, we don't need to hear it again.

PLRus--Founding member of the TSM F5 club.

While I would not go quite as far, I would say gifting the most powerful ship in the Galaxy to someone who just tried to kill you while you are temporarily marooned on a planet is a bit incongruent.


Some things act as anchors to a story. I agree somewhat and skim some areas of the story, but if he didn’t include them this epic would turn into a shitshow pretty quickly without those tiedowns.


I saw your comment right before I clicked the file. Was a serious spoiler! :(


That was a goddamn glourious chapter. Here's why (and spoilers a head): I don't agree with the critique that John shouldn't have handed over the progenitor ship. A) John and the girls wouldn't want to live in a genocide machine, filled with countless ghost. A big part of the series is that the Invictus feels like home. B) Rahn doesn't want to kill John, and John knows it. Rahn want to know how John got so powerful, and killing him won't accomplish that. Besides Jessica just realized her mistake and Rahn loves her, so she won't let him. With Faye dying, the stakes just got real. The main characters have had plot armor for to damn long, and now the fights might have stakes. Tefler, keep up the good work.


*He’s a Progenitor... It’s what they do best,* tremendous chapter thank you


Well, didn't expect that! Father - Son bonding, yes. Mother - Son relationship healing, yes. Dana learning new tech, yes. Father - Son fighting, nope. Leaving the dreadnought without scuttling it, nope. Then the whole Faye "situation", nope, nope, nope. Damn, the emotion/tears i experienced those last few pages. Phew! I hope Faye is not gone for good, but unlike some other readers, i aint going nowhere. An excellent double chapter. Cheers *Edit. one minor typo (i think) i noticed. p53, "She turned to look at Rachel, no(not) missing the pain in her eyes"


I would like to say that I did not like too much the last chapter (120), not for the story, but for how fast everything happened after 119 chapters... even if the cliffhanger was supremely done, I thought I was reading a short story for awhile. (Neh, pushed the wrong button), this chapter 121, however, its my favourite one in the entire story, both the action in the first half and the revelations and family drama of the second. Simply well done. Poor Faye, though :/


Tefler the Link is broken


No it's not broken. I just tried and it downloads the .docx


Faye can come back to life. The tools are there.


Seek and you shall find.


It's going to hard to continue now. I'll have to see how I feel in a month or so.


Am I the only one using auto refresh???


Hey Tefler, Grand Slam. My only question is where to next? Does the crew find out that "Little One" has a complete download of Faye files or do they repair the ship and return to Genthalas?


Hmm, would the astral leader really send all the progenitors after John? They would all be protected then by the shroud. Another unintended consequence soon to arrive.


Wait. John still has a Mailari fleet nearby doesn’t he? Maybe they can salvage the Invictus bits and pieces. And Dad might still have a chance to learn about love and loyalty.


I guess we're all going to want to review and refresh our memories in regards to what Faye had been up to with Little One. I suspect more of her survives than they think, but without double checking, can't be certain. Dana doesn't know about everything involving Faye's systems.


Once again you have outdone yourself great chapter


Honestly Tef, you can't kill Faye, you just can't. And I do have a feeling (hope?) that you've left her death as a cliffhanger, only for us to discover in the next chapter that she kept a full and totally updated backup of herself somewhere safe, so that they can upload that on the other progenitor server and get her going again... I was an IT-manager for nearly fourteen years, and rule number one is to backup everything constantly, and not keep the backup in the same location as the server - preferably in another building connected with dark fiber, which is what I did. So, Tef dear boy, go and locate that backup, and run a recovery into the other Progenitor server will you? That's a good lad... :)


Great chapter Tefler! Is Faye assumed death a distraction? Did anyone else pickup of the significance of " Tashana watched them, then glanced around the room and strode over to a black object on the floor. Her lip curled in distaste as she picked up Larn’kelnar’s severed hand and prized the black rod from his gauntleted fingers."? And Tefler is Prized a typo or what?


Loved it thanks.


I'm pretty sure my hopes just got beaten bloody, drug out back of the farm and shot a few times for good measure.


Just food for thought : Could it be that android Faye had to die to be reborn as a real person therefore fullfilling her deepest wish. I don't know how but there is just this feeling. Faye is just too important to the story.


I have no problem with John not wanting to keep the dreadnought. I have a problem with John just giving it to Rhan. You mentioned John and the girls having plot armor, and to a certain extent your right. But readers would quickly lose interest if their favorite characters started dying off. I'd also point out that this chapter just gave Rhan some rather blatant plot armor as well. Now I can see all kinds of reasons for keeping Rhan around to advance the story, but simply saying "you are an evil, worthless, asshole not even worth the effort of killing, here have a dreadnought" is too blatant for me to stomach. Tefler has kindly already mentioned John's rationale for his actions will be explained in the next chapter. This chapter evokes a lot of different feelings and reactions, and leaves me anxiously waiting for the next one, which is what all good writers aspire to.


Yea, that is my hope as well. I was all set for John to create some sort of biomechanical construct in his fit of rage and grief at the end of chapter 121. His running around the ship trying to locate items of personal significance for Faye were very similar to his attempts to bring Alyssa's and Sakura's parents back. Combine that with him watching LK summon those Ahrn'Triss (Sp?) constructs during their fight and its plausible John could do it, especially if Faye had developed a soul. Oh well.


Second read through. This changes everything for John Blake, his problems just became extreme to the point of hopelessness. That is unless love can create even more power the the other progenitors which seams likely. Not happy with Faye’s death, but that’s the point and can’t wait to see what you do next for her as this ceremony of life for Faye ain’t over yet. And to sound like a broken record here still a cliffhanger here with Johns parents here and everything else so take your time and keep this sucker rolling.


I mean that’s about when the next chapter usually comes out. See you later space cowboy.


Tefler, another Fantastic Chapter! Lots of questions finally answered; but I was very sad to read of the death of Faye; and I’m still not without hope that some ship redundancies and or obscure situations, as suggested by Beowulf and others can save her. The Invictus is an old ship, heavily upgraded of course, but not truly “invincible.” Faye’s death is a stark realization of this for the crew. I also feel like Faye was the soul of the ship, and it will not be the Invictus without her. She also did so many things in the daily and nightly operation of the ship, which freed up the crew for extracurricular activities, so to speak. Those numerous, mostly mundane tasks will have to be taken care of now, by members of the crew; and perhaps “little one” can take up the load, to some extent. A few suggested edits for Chapter 121, Part 2; are as follows: Page 17: For a (thousand of year) I crushed all before me,; Page 34: They walked along in silence, until Jessica darted a(n) inquisitive glance at the tawny-haired girl beside her.; Page 52: Her lip curled in distaste as she picked up Larn’kelnar’s severed hand and (prized) the black rod from his gauntleted fingers.; Page 53: it’s an extremely complicated process to make those kind(s) of adjustments to a person’s core personality.; Page 69: To think of those thousands (of) years of meticulous research being all for nought,; As always, if you disagree, I completely understand. Good luck with Chapter 122. Thank you and Cheers!


Overall the chapter is great still not happy with the direction the situation with Faye is going .but i am sure there is a good bit of story left .

Tom Vrancken

Quite the emotional chapter, this one. It's high time for some holiday time , back in Maliri space! Get some r&r. If daddy still clings to ending his son's life, all he needs to do is use the planetkiller-gun onboard what now seems to be " his " ship, and -poof!- goes Arcadia! (end of story, time for something new ;) Real shame that Faye is dead. I mean, out of all the women, I think she's the most lovable, innocent, sweet, adorable lioness of the pride! (which of-course is why she bites it, i get it, i do, but man, really?! )


We love you Faye.


I have read every chapter in TSM 3+ times and I have enjoyed them all including this one. It is sad if Faye is truly gone. I truly hope for a Progenitor miracle, spit walk, memory rebuild, time loop, hell I would take all this as a dream sequence; but even if she is gone I would still read the whole story again. I still hold out hope that maybe she downloaded herself into her chassis before the server was destroyed!


my theory, and clues have been mentioned already, Faye uploaded a lot of her memories, if not all, to little one to help her grow, in a previous chapter, in this chapter, they mention the have her personality matrix in her old deck, plus her chassis, to me, they have all they need to bring her back, time will tell I guess


I echo everyone's hopes that Faye returns. Regarding John leaving Rahn and Jessica the ship, I recall Irillith mentioning that the computer system wasn't protected against intrusion from inside the ship. Call it a hunch, but I rather suspect that Rahn's in for a nasty surprise.


I love how you wrapped up this this chapter in the story Tefler! It was a fantastic read. All John needed was information from his father not a happy family reunion. Who knows if that is even possible with the way Progenitor society works. I don't think it's the last time we'll see Rahn and Jessica though, especially with the other progenitors on their way. It's definitely time to open use Rahn's warp gate and put Larn's fleet to good use. Oh and get to work on that soull forge too. Genthalas needs an upgrade. It was cool to see how Irrilith and Tashana are always thinking strategically even in the midst of all the drama. The Maliri are definitely top tier for thrall races! Faye will be back, there's too many avenues available now with all the new tech they've uncovered to reconstruct her. Thanks Tefler, you've really crafted an enthralling (pun intended) masterpiece here. Now I'll start from the beginning again waiting for ch 122.

Darrell Van Ember

The invictus just needs some haywire and duct tape.... Faye is just resting.....ya thats it.....

Hinterlands Man

I really don’t understand why Rahn did not, in the end, blow up the Invictus and try to strand John.. and one worries that with the intel on the ship and a wormhole generator, that he will be able to quickly obtain LK’s derelict fleet. This spells trouble.


Well that happened!!!


Hey everyone, something weird just happened. I typed up some bullet points and my thoughts on the death of Faye and the comment just disappeared when page refreshed and it does not appear in my Patreon account. It was long so I can't be bothered to retype it. Has this happened to anyone else? tl:dr her death follows established themes of growth, maturation, learning, loss, and "otherness" that have been established in 3SM so far. Even her physical appearance is a possible symbol that parallels these themes,


Fantastic as always tefler

David B

Isn’t there a problem with John’s father now in control of a ship that can destroy The planet John and all are on?? Seriously? At least disable the weapons and the worm generator??

David B

Also, the word is Pried - as in to Pry the Staff out of someone’s hand

David B

fantastic chapter as always - still leaves many unanswered questions - how to make a soul forge and a destroyer ship - what’s with the black metal - did Dana unlock all that too? When / how can John get all the thrall ships that are now dead in space and give them all to the Maliri??


as masterful as ever tefler, following authors rule #1) always keep them wanting more.........

rich ed

Tefler, you may want to add Calara to the first paragraph as well? '“As well as Edraele and her Maliri,” John added, stopping outside the interrogation chamber he’d been held in. He frowned as he continued, “Wait a second... what about Dana, Irillith, and Rachel? They must all be exhausted after being healed.” “Dana wanted to find the wormhole generator and the big gun that cut the Invictus in half. She said she’d never be able to sleep without unlocking their blueprints first. Irillith’s gone with Calara to the Bridge; they’re investigating the ship’s computer for information on Larn’kelnar’s empire and Irillith’s there to translate. As for Rachel, she’s gone looking for survivors...”


I have a question......! If the Shroud keeps the "Monsters" from knowing what is going on in this part of the galaxy, how are they able to pull John into the Astral Plain after his third feeding of each new girl?


Arrowglass, I wondered if that was PJ catching John with his guard down. the first couple of incursions showed John ruling all he surveyed, it didn't get nasty till it was apparent John wasn't going that way.

Randell J Leefoon

Wow I take back all my criticism of the first half of this chapter. I thought Larn to be quite disappointing and that the big show down while a fun read ultimately paled to what I thought the final conclusion to the progenitor threat was going to be. But all that had to happen to lead to this half of the chapter and it was a doozy. I love the reveals in this chapter and how it set ups some amazing things for later in story that I can’t wait to read. I never felt more for John character than in this chapter to finale best the shadowy threat that been plaguing him and his love ones for so long only to realize this victory wasn’t even a victory at all and to suffer true loss like he has never really experienced before. It is really sad too, Faye was in my top 5 of the girls and while it is truly tragic to see her go it really couldn’t be anyone else in my opinion if someone had to go. I truly look forward to the next chapter more so than any chapter before.


I think the shroud doesn't completely screen the Astral plane , only fogs it up , hiding the other Progenitors . John & his deeper connection after the third feeding must stand out like a deacon on the physic scale allowing the mist monsters to find him . Larn hadn't converted any thralls since arriving so was completely invisible to them .




Nearly broke down..... i was reading the last few pages through a downpour.

Hinterlands Man

Chapter 121 demonstrated that love can create more power (or quality) than evil progenitor style high-quantity thrall accumulation. In half a year, John created a cadre capable of defeating a fairly average ancient progenitor with hundreds of times as many thralls. They were also able to do so without "wearing him down" -- in theory, they could have launched a multi-pronged attack that would have killed him. I can make my peace regarding Faye, but it would be nice if what you suggest happens. Also, Jessica needs rescued, she was a victim.


I very much agree. Parts 1 and 2 compliment each other extraordinarily well.


Another excellent chapter Tefler, the story improves every month. It will leave a big hole in a lot of people's lives when you finish the story although 20 odd books when you have released them all will give us an annual read I suppose. I know I can certainly re read the story.


Eh, only problem I see with that thought is blake was supposed to make a soul forge himself. Rahn's reaction was to her ears and powers. He thought she was just a matriarch


Maybe due to the extreme eldritch power needed it typically takes “souls” to power the forge but John gets so much power from his enhanced thrills they will be able to power it without draining thrills as a typically progenitor would. I still think the star forge that the Trankarans have is Mael’nerak’s soul forge it just doesn’t work the same without eldritch power. Also, I’m hoping once they restore power to certain parts of the Invictus faye will have somehow saved herself in the main server - fingers crossed.


The significance of " Tashana watched them, then glanced around the room and strode over to a black object on the floor. Her lip curled in distaste as she picked up Larn’kelnar’s severed hand and prized the black rod from his gauntleted fingers."? (Rod/Staff) The staff that Larn’ channeled his powers thru, what else does it do? And why did Tefler add her taking it to his tale?: 1. Is it to just channel his powers as a weapon? 2. A control rod for his power and ship? 3. Control rod for his whole fleet? Anyone else have any good ideas?


Remaining hopeful that Faye comes back somehow. She was my favorite


Contrary opinion: As the saga has progressed, my opinion of the fayebot has declined considerably. She was a neurotic tool. That funeral was a waste of time. Far better to have had a ceremony over the ashes of a husked thrall, representing the vast hordes of thralls slain in their recent conflict. And during the ceremony someone would realize that this could be me: If John’s mind ever was changed, or if PJ took full control, he might choose to husk them just as quickly, either for needed energy or annoyance, or plan. Anyway, people do not have an unlimited amount of affection; the affection expended by the crew onto the fayebot would much better be expended on each other. And being present at such a mass extermination of their thrall-ish sisters should at least make them wonder if there is any way a thrall might have survived because the energy link to her matriarch was temporarily disconnected for the duration of the battle? If so, wouldn’t the crew want to find her and give any survivors the opportunity to join them?


I don't care where you live or how you live, "If Momma ain't happy, nobody's gonna have any rest or peace." Ya know what I'm sayin?


Excellent as always Tef. After Rahn's big reveal about his plan to end the other Progenitors and revealing the location of that fortress as well as origins of the Progenitors i cant help but come to the conclusion that John is a hybrid of sorts. The fact that everything is white rather than black implies (at least to me after the last chapter) that John is the living embodiment of what the Progenitor were originally. Add to that his sword is an ancient design confirmed by both Progenitors. Yet he still has a matriarch and operates on the same principles of energy transfer as the current Progenitors. I think Rahns plan to create an entity to defeat the Progenitors worked but he was unable to see it as he was unable to view a world he'd never known. To see protection and liberation rather than subjugation and enthralment. Just my thoughts


I agree with a wide smile on my face. Great work Tef, keep if rollin' !

John Doe

Was this the same / similar staff Tashana was asked to retrieve before she was rescued by John? Even if she doesn’t know the origin or exact use she probably knows/senses the significance. This is probably another one of the plot crumbs Tef has left us that will link to the next storyline one this series ends.


I'm still hoping that there's a way to bring back the last member of the crew that is still... missing. I know that Tefler had talked about this plot mechanic after what had happened to Jade in chapter 60 or so, but to have something like this happen truly changes the entire dynamic of the story and the characters. Back when we had that vote, Faye got mine for favorite, because of her innocence and selflessness with the rest of the crew. I don't know how John and the rest of the girls will go on without her. Tefler, this was a wonderfully written, if heart-wrenchingly depressing, chapter. Keep up the good work. I'm looking forward to the resolution of the crew's current situation, and definitely hoping that there will be a way to recover Faye.


Personally while I liked Faye’s character she was going to end up unhappy with her life as a synthetic life form that would never be able to have children with John so I believe her death will be the catalyst which will keep the crew from retiring as planned and they will now build up their offenses for the inevitable war with the rest of the progenitor race that they now know is coming. I have to admit I had no clue where you were going with her “little one” at first but now I get that he will end up as the new AI protector of the Invictus and being a male will hopefully end up looking to John as a father figure.


Keep up the good work Tefler I really hope I am still reading new chapters and books in this universe you have created for years to come.


Here's hoping we see more of Faye in all the bots ...especially "little one!"


I’m disappointed that I foresaw a scenario like this when Faye was transferred from the hacking deck to the server. The irreversible process was ‘scary’ and the lack of backup or redundancy at a second location on the ship seemed a flagrant disregard for Faye’s safety. I can’t help but scrutinize the sequence of events looking for a loophole that will bring back the Faye we know and love. Sequence of events: 1. First shot: Invictus is cut in half 2. Faye exclaims, “Oh God…” 3. Fay replies to Calara’s request to raise the shields 4. Second shot: Power in rear half of Invictus is disable and Faye’s server is destroyed 5. Fay calls John’s name before her body ceases to function upon loss of server connection 6. Little One executes a detailed, application-specific routine to save the Invictus Assumptions: 1. Faye’s exclamation of, “Oh God…” was her reaction to the first shot and the catalyst for her to do what she could to save the ship and crew 2. Faye generated the “Save Invictus” routine and sent it to Little One before her server was destroyed 3. Faye, as the bots knew her is gone (as far as they know) Questions: 1. What else (in addition to putting Little One in place to save the ship) might Faye’s avatars have done in the brief moments between the first shot and destruction of her/their server? 2. Were Faye’s instructions to Little One simply practical to save the ship or did she foresee her own (potential) destruction? 3. Were the instructions to Little One driven by “maternal” instinct? 4. What was Fay going to say when she called John’s name before here server was destroyed? 5. Was her last gasp a reaction to the beginning of the destruction of the server? 6. Who/what has been instructing the bots as they began making repairs? 7. Where did the idea for their ceremony come from? 8. What is the purpose of the ceremony? Anything is possible in sci-fi. I look forward to Faye singing the crew awake again while exacting her own form of revenge on the remaining progenitors.


A lot of good points , to we humans there was only seconds to react to the attack , but to Faye in her cyber world she had much more time to plan & react . Who knows what she came up with in the micro seconds to preserve herself ?Myself , I'm hoping it was enough .


Well, I am of the option that Faye will resurrect as a „real“ girl (her fondest wish). John will move the heavens to make it possible and already having godlike powers this doesn’t seem impossible. Remember that he actually raised the dead ( temporarily) just to give some of his lioness closure. But to be reborn, you first have to die. Little One is already in place to fill the gap of day to day operations of the Invictus. As an „organic“ surely with vastly improved abilities to live in the electronic realm (similar , but surpassing the abilities of her creator) she will be an impressive lioness.

rich ed

is no one going to talk about how John grew so big he was able to physically lift up half of his ship? the faye story line may have obscured that fact.


What a f*ckwit of a father R is. Reminds me of my own. Makes you do all the work without telling you why, then blames you for not doing stuff that was not told about.


each thrall race seems to have some sort of built in hatred for other thralls. Even if they can find someone(s), can the Maliri live with them. Jades got some explaining to do....


As much as we all loved Faye, someone need to die (actually dead, not a fake death like Jade) to make it 'realistic' for a story about going into battle after battle after battle.


If I want reality I don’t read erotic sf. This is a trip into an escapistic dream explicitly without the hard reality. If I want one of those, I’ll read Hamlet!


Hey Tefler, I'm curious about the original scope and scale of the story. Did you plan from the very beginning to go the direction chapter 121 seems to imply, or have you revised the story based on the enthusiastic reader response?


The Progenitor causing all the mayhem (Larn'kelnar) was always just the first Progenitor that they'd face. In the Nexus files, Mael'nerak talks about one of his brothers being sent to kill him. I just didn't realise it would take 120 chapters to get here! :-)


Faye's death was terrible, no doubt. She did leave a technological legacy that was sufficient to save the ship, nymphs and each other. My guess is that her children will follow her footsteps and make the transition rather smooth in an operational way. She was unique and irreplaceable, but her duties will be filled due to her accomplishments. I would rather see her legacy thrive than a gimmick that allows her return.


One can always hope.....!!!!!!!


Regardless of whether or not Faye is dead right now I am mourning her loss. She has suck


She has such a beautiful soul. I I won't comment on that possible freudian slip and chalk it up to autocorrect. I believe the John is powerful enough to give her an actual physical body if that's what is meant to be. I'm now going to Google Faye fanfiction in the hopes that somebody more talented at writing than I has written about her. With any luck I'll find an autobiography that she manage to post in the last days of her life


When was Larn'K sent by the astral monsters? His ship wasn't sighted until day 29, but his mischief presumably started before that in order to recruit Norwood and Lynton. Was the trigger Alyssa's third feeding, or maybe Dana's first?


John, I think it's more likely that Rahn was detected traipsing through the astral plane, and the astral powers realised that one of the progenitors that they thought were dead was not. They sent LK to investigate, but once he got to the TSM region of space, he realised that something (the shroud) reduced their control, and he decided to have fun with the locals before dealing with Rahn. Then John appears on his radar, and he's waiting for John to set his empire up before wiping him out. LK must have realised that John was the son of the survivor, since no other progenitor had been sent. That's my take on it anyway, no doubt Tefler has a much better explanation!!! LOL


And now the wait for the next chapter.... this is torture, I want to know what happens so badly!


I'm sure I'm in the minority , but I think John needs to cool off & have another sit down with his parents . Now ,with Alyssa's help getting free from Rahn influence , Jessica deserves a chance to apologize & build a relationship with him & his woman . I think Rahn over reacted to the news that his plans had failed & struck out in fear & survival instinct , believing PJ that John had ruined his plans & was to weak to help him survive . Once cooler heads have a chance to review the situation I think they can see a way to move forward . I doubt John & Rahn will ever see eye to eye , their natures are to different , but they might realize , for now , they need each other . John is still the only way Rahn can survive & John still has too many questions he needs answered , also Rahn has a lot of questions too . just my 2 cents


Actually, I’m not disagreeing with a number of your points. Also, I do think that Rahn’agan experienced genuine feelings for John, but he is the product of his environment to a great degree and reacted accordingly to the terrible news that his failure to properly set John up brought to him. The real question is whether or not he will realize that the failure was his and not John’s, and then try to recover and restore that which his actions may have lost and broken.


I suspect that Faye's story line is about to shed some light on the origins of Jade and her kind(or the reverse, after a fashion--that Jade reflecting/recalling more about the origins of her kind will lead to a means to save Faye).


Well played, well played indeed. Yes, there is a little anomaly that Faye kept meaning to ask about but kept putting off that is one heck of a dangling unresolved plot thread if she's really gone and unable to bring it up.


I read this as soon as it was posted. I even told work I was sick. Ironically I wound being sick when I found out Faye was no more 😢. After this I had to reassess the order of the girls I liked. I found that Faye while at the middle of the pack to begin with, hit me much harder than I thought it would. Going forward I wonder how this will affect the running of the ship. She was such an integral part of the crew doing more than anyone. Is Little One going to fill in that gap now? While I morn Faye’s passing (hope she still continues comes back somehow) I know this will drastically change the crew dynamic and I’m eager to see how it pans out. Tefler your only the fourth author (behind only Jim Butcher, Terry Goodkind & Robert Jordon) to make me upset over a character being killed off. You officially rank up there with some of my all time favorite authors. Keep up the awesome story telling. After how much you made me care about her you now rank as one of my favorite authors of all time.

Who Me

I'm very, very sad. First the Invictus then Faye. How could you? And you didn't even let Faye have her third date with John! How could you?


No third date, and you know you can't let her go as a virgin...


I have a question about John's guide. Does John retain any of his guides knowledge (at least nothing he didn't already know) now that he has put him in a sensory deprivation sphere. Or has he lost all the knowledge from both fights?

Big Dude

I just got back into the game Sunday through Tuesday.


I was wondering the same thing would her memory actios and even video be in different system around the ship.

Big Dude

Getting back into the swing. If I say something previously commented on sorry... I believe the wand Sakura retrieved before leaving is very important to Faye's "resurrection". The way Larn'Kelnar used it to direct his attacks will become apparent when Dana and John touch it. I don't think the black metal is bad per se. Remember, the ship is made in a soul forge. So I think that the echoes Alyssa sees in her mind's eye is part of that process of when the thralls die, their dying soul departures are trapped in the metal.

Big Dude

One other thing, I think one of the "dead thralls" on Rahn's crashed ship or Rahn will eject the "dead thralls" on Larn's ship and "she" will be used to "resurrect" Faye. When Tefler says it will become apparent in the next chapter... Come on dude!

Hinterlands Man

Seems kinda limiting to have just one Faye-in-the-Flesh. What about Secondary thru Duodenary? Come on John, you got some saving to do homie. Make it happen properly.

Big Dude

Two other things... 1) Rahn felt John with 5 Lenarrans at partial strength was a Progenitor at full strength. 2) Now John knows the name of the astral baddie and next time with the power glyphs he will defeat him.


so they can re creat fayes personality but not memories... but do all off the matience bots have parts of her memories?


ok i am late in asking this and it may have been asked already. What about the "baby" Faye created and had downloading the contents of the server? it was in the Tactical Simulator room, not the server room. Faye redux??


You are talking about little one it saved the ship and the Kittens

Jedi Khan

The tactical simulator room is next to Faye's server room. Hopefully it survived the blast that destroyed Faye's server, but we don't know. Little One is still operational, obviously, but I think that's because its programming is hosted on the bot not on the server like Faye was. Little One's server was more to start up the program and provide additional processing power if needed.


As I see it he retains the knowledge that was already granted to him but the guide still has the rest simply because he still exists. John has control of his mind and has placed the guide into a prison from where he can not influence or hinder John. But for John to gain the knowledge he will still need to defeat his guide at some point.


Was wondering about Mal's task for the Ashanath - the result being the subplane their net works from. What did he have in mind? Any connection to Rahns revelations to John about the astral plane?


Bravo Tefler absolutely aweso e chapter. Its a measure of how much people are into the story that this chapt has elicted such strong responses. Looking forward to an organic faye!

Jedi Khan

We're not sure on how the timing but it could be that the creation of the Ashanath subplane coincides with the creation of the Shroud, i.e. the Ashanath subplane is the Shroud. We do know that Mael had to have been in the area for sometime prior to the appearance of the Shroud because he was had nearly driven the Kirrix to extinction by then before backing off and leaving them be.


Faye is fine, she copied herself to the gateway server, its the same progenitor server as her's. The crew will find out once they repair and restore power to network. -Tefler, you better do this, im counting on you


What a great story, love to see Faye’s return made real with baby, that will be a story in itself.


God damnit telfer, I did not need to be a blubering wreck reading this at work! I cant wait for the next chapter, and the guys to stop making fun of me...


I doubt she had the time to copy herself, the assault and bisecting of their ship happened way too fast. That and they already have power and been in both sections of the ship, so if she had a backup there, they would have already seen it by now


Why would he leave a functioning ship in the hands of his father? They even questioned how sound that decision was within the chapter.


Help! I think I missed something somewhere concerning the white hair The Maliri all changed after one "meal" from John, be it a mouthful or a full load. Ailanthia was with Larn for 4 thousand years and her hair didn't change until she was impregnated?? On another subject! If what Rahn said about all of these other progeniters now coming after both him and John is correct, it would seem that cooperation might be a good idea. Who knows, maybe when Jessica gets through with him he'll have a change of attitude about what's important.

Jedi Khan

There is obviously some sort of significance to the white hair that we don't know yet. Larn apparently didn't know about it and was shocked when he saw it on his Matriarch, whereas John has taken it for granted because of the Maliri. It could have something to do with the presence of the Shroud. We don't know for sure.


John has been discovering the true power of the psychic ability. As he shares it grows and redoubles. Sure he isn't as powerful in comparison to someone without abilities but his power keeps increasing. Note the multiple matriarchs. And also notice that for another classically powered progenitor to even keep up he has to drain and kill his thralls. John needs to realize he's gone beyond being a progenitor to becoming the source race. Same as Alyssa. Soon enough and I really think the end of this arch will see. John and a few others leave behind the physical to do battle in the etherial plane.


Of course that also means that he's been growing in power as he has defeated his enemies. Their power in some way becoming his own because he never made the bargain.


So when is the new chapter coming? I am going to post some negative feelings on story, be kind. Was not really happy with this chapter.. it was different though.. I really would love to have another Faye or Faye-2 or Angel back among crew. I hope all of you would like that. Now why did they have to bury the body? Couldn't it be recycled? Faye being a robot and that body being special customisation with Maliri supplied body parts and all..It felt in description of funeral Faye was physically intact so....okay next one. Decisions and actions of John, his girls and antagonists all appeared different from earlier chapters. As a reader I saw the difference and don't feel that should not have been the behavior.As a reader my expectation was set up in earlier chapters and now it looks as if difference in decisions made in this chapter have to be explained. May be it is just how it is... meeting long lost parents who wants to kill you, don't care about you would mess up even a demi-god. Identifying a weapon, extend of its lethality, possibilities and then leaving it with someone who really thinks you should be killed is crazy. Probably John knew more than we know as reader but not seen in this chapter.. I was not okay with how Johns split personality was handled. I got the impression bad guy is locked again in a crystal dome. If so, does good John have all the knowledge and information bad guy carried? Is the new John a merged revived personality? Doesn't appear so.. The Astral plane true master knew of John for some time now. He knew Larn was here. He has dead Larn's essence. So he know John and his dad is here. Why is John's dad mad at John? Explanation of travel through Astral plane shows you have to invite creatures of ether to physical plane through portals as John did coupe of times or else they are safe. If they are safe in Astral plane why not in space? How will their location be traced?


I like the ideas, and I like that Tef is prepping TSM2, with a new super villain. I nonetheless feel that it has been rushed, it does not follow the tempo the rest of the story had.


Here is my thoughts on our beloved Faye. :-) the current iteration of Faye is gone :-( but the bots are very specifically morning 'meta_faye'. That is the combination of all the streams of Faye combined. Maybe they were able to save Faye primary at the cost of the other streams. I imagine that Faye would have attempted to save herself, if possible, in some form. So much of the ship goes unused and she has had plenty of time for her own personal side projects that any number of possible outcomes are feasible.


LK was only a minor baddy in the grand scheme of things, I believe there is a lot more of TSM left before the sequel starts.


I, like most people, would love to see Faye return. She was an integral member of the crew, friend to all, and in some respects the little sister of the crew. We got to witness her grow, albeit accelerated, from a juvenile mind to a level I'd put around 16 or 17. She was able to make rational and informed decisions even if they were emotional at times. We will have to see what path Tefler decides to take with reviving or mourning Faye and letting her remain as a lost, remembered, and avenged member of the crew. I think TSM has grown beyond the erotic literature it started as. Yes it was and is housed at literotica, and sex is still definitely a part of the story (a good part). But I believe it has grown beyond that, and was never really full erotic literature, it's literature with erotic elements. So experiencing loss doesn't take away from the story. It should have tugged at your heart a bit to read Faye dying and the aftermath of that realization. Bravo Tefler. Keep up the amazing work and I look forward to many many more chapters.


Considering Faye's misinformed attempt to steal the Invictus to "save" the girls and John, and also the contingency plan that she had in place with Little One, she most likely planned for a number of "the fecal matter has hit the rotating oscillator" situations. Whether or not the plan assumes or takes into account her own death is the question. Just hoping for no "deus ex machina", but my thoughts are that Tef would not opt for such a cheap, convenient plot device.


Faye as we have known her is gone for good. But the little robot her child now can occupy her server space so to speak and reboot/take on what she did with his expanded capacity and established personality. I also see it being a male aligned personality at this point. Would be very interesting to see how it grows as a member of the crew, and really in effect the first child of the crew.


I'm still hung up at the fact that they left a fully functioning Progenitor warship with a fully functioning Progenitor and his matriarch on board. Why not bring Rahn and John's mother back to the Arcadian surface, have Dana and Irillith mine the ship for all the tech and info they can 'requisition' and find a way to remote pilot the ship into a sun? That takes care of Rahn, the warship and all the information it contains that could and likely will come back to bite them in the ass. At the very least, Dana should be studying the ship to look for weaknesses in Progenitor tech in the likely event they run into another Progenitor at some point in the next 50,000 years. This is their best shot at learning how to defeat Progentor tech and they are not taking advantage of it.


People Fans


remember it's surprising what you can do when the script writer is on your side. nil desperandum


I suspect that Faye’s digital self is still around, her physical body death showed her the downside of being a real live girl. I believe she will live in the ship’s systems no longer pining for humanhood. John will visit her in the network.


A thought, ship effectively was running on AI commands of Faye. Ship is still functional or an AI is still functional and capable to manage the ship. Faye as we knew might have perished but we probably might get John and families first baby. Why does it matter it is synthetic?


I think a lot of us have thought of her as going past the synthetic. She had hopes and dreams. Displayed love for her shipmates including the Bots. Then there is Little one!


I found myself truly disappointed at some of the comments from peeps stating they were done because one character died. Every story needs its ups and downs, and this is simply one of the downs. Do you throw away the entire pizza because there's an accidental mushroom on one slice? Lol


By the way, Ximm, I liked your comment. Mine was in agreement with yours, but I'm on lunch, reading, typing and listening to a book all at once. Lol


DCM, there's a scene in the second half of 121 where Little One talks/thinks about Faye disappearing from the network. There may be some of her core files somewhere, but if so, nobody knows about it. Dana and Irillith are both convinced that she's dead, as apparently are the Invictus_Node_Collective convinced. I have a feeling John's going to figure out a way to bring her back, but it may be a couple of chapters in the works. I wish she didn't get vaporized, but her server was sagged, and in chapter 75 or so, Dana talked about the hacking deck being fairly useless for anything other than some storage.


Damn. I just tried, as I've done before, to re-read a few chapters - and I can't anymore, knowing what is coming. Every wistful smile, every cheerful squeak, I miss Faye and her heartbreaking dreams of love, of belonging. She never realised, as I do only now, how in her psychic isolation, with all her questions and uncertainties driving her to /try/, she already was a complete human. Tefler, you bastard...


"I wish I was a real girl... I wish I was a real girl..." she repeated, her dream so close it seemed within touching distance. Kneeling beside her, Faye Secondary reached out to place her hand on Primary's arm. "It's been 67 minutes since we received the infusion of John's cum. All internal systems are functioning perfectly. There's been no changes of any kind... no biomechanical metamorphosis, no symbiosis reaction." Faye's chant came to a stuttering halt and she let out a broken sob. "But why? I've been a good girl..." "I'm so sorry," Secondary whimpered, throwing her arms around Primary. Faye began to weep, her tiny synthetic heart breaking as she realised her fondest wish would never come true.


Rat I'm sorry but I think I hate you for bringing that up!


It's not so much the death of one character as it is a major change to the type of story. As a few others have mentioned some stories are more true to life (type "B"). In these kind of stories I would be saddened by the death of a well loved character but it would be consistent with the type of story. This has always been a type "A" story in which the main characters always survive no matter what kind of situation they get into. The anticipation for me is not ever WILL they survive but rather HOW will they get out of it (whatever it is). Both types make for excellent reading but to change the flavor of the story after 120 chapters is jarring. Maybe to much so. Believe me when I say that I have NEVER given up on a well written story in all of my 53 years (I read a LOT) and this might be in my top ten favorite stories EVER. That I would be even considering not continuing with this story just shows how much this bothers me and apparently I'm not alone. I still think/hope Tef is just laughing at all the ruckus because he knows that Faye will be back. I guess we'll see.


The aspect she was not alive came back always when Alyssa was sharing her feelings . I so wished John would play God and make his first life form changing Faye. Would have been fun.


Is there an ETA on the next chapter? If so I'm guessing end of the month?


Is it the end of the month yet?


Unless the wish did (kind of) come true, and she isn't just a bunch of computer parts anymore. John and company just have to notice what happened. It could be what Faye was seeing on the security camera was a psychic manifestation of herself.

John P

Except she did become a real girl - real girls can die.


Holy crap this is so good.