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Hey everyone!

Here's the latest chapter fresh off the keyboard! There's a long-awaited scene in this chapter that I hope I did justice... I think you'll know which one. I'll look forward to hearing your thoughts!

The same drill as usual with the editing. I've done a quick first pass of Part 1 and I'll go through Part 2 as I get the edits back.



*** FINAL VERSION (12th Dec) - Fixed a bunch of minor errors and reworked a bit of the dialogue. ***



Thanks Tefler


Thanks Tef!! I can see my beauty sleep is going to take a major hit here .... but I’ve been told on numerous occasions that’s a bit of a lost cause, anyway. 😉 [ Dives in with a manic gleam in his eyes.....]


I think we crashed the page, I had to reload to get the story!




And Boom, Another Chapter to start the weekend off right!


Nice just at the start of the WE


Thanks man, after the week I had I really needed this!


Another night without sleep is looming! THX


Happiness. Thanks!


Happy Friday :)


And lo, among the people, there was much wooing and also hooing!


A. Fantastic. Chapter. I have been in turn worried sick, terrified, sad, happy - and that damn onion I peeled earlier tonight must’ve got on my fingers before I rubbed my eyes. And finally, it’s way past my bedtime here in the UK. After this lot, my mind will be going a mile a minute for hours yet. My better half will have words to say 🤔 Tefler - you go from strength to strength. I feel very lucky to have stumbled across this amazing and still evolving saga all those months ago. Well done indeed. Tim

Big Dude

This time I can't download! { "errors": [ { "code": 902, "code_name": "AttachmentNotFound", "detail": "Attachment with id 2934665 was not found.", "id": "29983c8b-f1d4-4cd0-9f80-5ed64463ad7d", "status": "404", "title": "Attachment was not found." } ] }


I uploaded a new version with a few minor typos fixed. Does that work any better?


im having the same problem


Can't wait to get started on this


"Those engineers will transfer back to our fleets when they rendezvous with the Maliri in the invasion corridor" Rendezvous with the Maliri? Wouldn't they transfer back when they rendezvous with Trankaran ships?


“Get over her, gorgeous... under your girlfriend...” HERE not HER. Great chapter!


Rather than feel pleased for him, she felt her heat sink. HEART not HEAT


I believe he was speaking of the ships already downrange. As in, when those ships downrange (we) renedezvous with the maliri


It keeps downloading 113 again


Tried 3 times even deleted all the older chapters I had and it still downloaded 113


Ok finally got it I think it was my phone messing it up


That last scene with Lynette has given us more fodder for the discussion of who might be the traitor . All those Admirals & their underlings out of positions of power & influence might just see removing Lynette as a way back to power . We shall see .


Oops! Thank you, it should be fixed in the latest version. :-)


Tefler, great chapter! Only a few suggested edits for Chapter 114 are as follows: Page 9: “Alyssa made a mistake, you’re not a bad guy (any more).” (one word); Page 27: *No ammo left!* the Latina cried out in war(m)ing.; Page 27: John propped his sword again(st) the wall,; Page 42: “Just a hunch,” he replied, with a(n) self-deprecating smile. Page 44: She acknowledge(d) them with a grateful smile before touching the glowing rune on the wall,; Page 48: all that was left was a hulk torn into two separate pi(e)ces.; Page 53: Next(,) he explained about his idea of tapping Jade directly for energy,; Page 68: Rather than feel pleased for him, she felt her hea(r)t sink...; As always, if you disagree, I completely understand. Oh, by the way, I thought it was a great ending for the Karron legacy, unless of course it gets re-occupied by space pirates or a malevolent star empire as an observation post or secret base. Hopefully, the Federation will move in and do something there. Maybe even convert it to a trading outpost for the Lionesses; putting Fat Tony, Kelli and Perl in charge. LOL! Good luck with the next chapter! Cheers!


yes the plot thickens.... so has the other progenitor gotten to Lina. why is she so effective, what is going on behind the scenes. have the Kitara fleets been refitted and ready to defend their territory from the Fish..... So many unanswered questions. John did not find the ship parts on Karron and how will they find it now that no one lives there... interesting... glad Alyssa got to see her mom and dad.... it will be interesting to see what happens with Fat Tony.. all this taking place in a day to a day and a half and that was one chapter... as the old saying goes.... As the world turns.... lol have a great day... thanks for another great read.


This was one was, or should be, one of the most intense and grabbing chapters with the exception of the battles, that you have done. It grabbed me and kept me to the very end, which just happened to be way past this old man's bedtime. I went to bed with a big smile on my face as my wife asked me "Is Jade taking you out on the Raptor tonight for a practice run at blowing up shit and killing a few bad guys?" I just smiled and went to dream land.


After all the assumptions made about The Mystery Artefact, nothing happened! (Did I hear a chuckling sound from somewhere, Tefler??). But it’s just got to, surely. Question for me is whether it’s in the next couple of chapters. Maybe the girls and / or Fat Tony are debriefed, or just chattering about their incredible journey - maybe to Faye - and mention this weird item very much in passing. At some point this apparently unimportant fact is brought to the attention of someone who understands its significance, Tashana maybe? Then back to Karron they go....


Maybe Alyssa will ask to look through Tony's mind to see how much he helped Kelli & Perl, & in doing so she might stumble on the artefact memory


I think only Tony saw it & felt the runes , maybe he will see runes on the Invictus & ask what they are & then tell them about the machine he saw on Karron that had them . Remember it had fallen through the floor from above & there might be a lot more to find , like a secret lad of some sort


My favorite scene in this was the first one: it is refreshing to see the crew from an outside point of view (here Kelli).


Now if only John can figure out how to direct the rift that opens from the astral plane maybe he can direct it into a sun, or better still into a black hole. That would really suck out all the creatures and maybe even big baddie himself. Now there's a thought, maybe Dana was given the power to create a gravity vortex for a reason. Perhaps they can plan to create a rift opening and Dana can create a massive gravity vortex to suck everything out into space.


There is no guarantee that would have any effect. These things had no reaction to a beam laser. It has not been talked about in the story, but lasers of that power level and that put out waste energy in the visual spectrum are most likely hotter than the surface of Sol. Plasma weapons would actually have nothing on beam lasers except that they have actual mass providing that corrosive effect. It's possible that they could be effected by gravity, but there is no guarantee of that.


Black holes sound like a more certain bet - but if John has to be at the end of the rift to create it, there might be a small practical problem...

Big Dude

I'd like to see him direct the astral plane rift inside Larn'Kelnar's ship when he meets him!

Big Dude

The download succeeded when I closed the Chrome browser and reopened it back to Patreon. I think the way the system makes the file call by reference fails at times!


Finished 114 this morning. The Alyssa and Marants sequence was a nice payoff. I think it was good for her psyche that she was not abandoned but was orphaned due to unfortunate circumstances. It was never really a likely possibility but confirmation will do well for her character. I wonder if similar sequences will be in store for the twins and Dana. I wonder about Dana's parentage and if any revelations will affect her negatively (the Ganymede eugenics experiments). The scientist are all dead but would she even really want to know if given the chance. The Kelli/Perl/Tony subplot still has yet to be resolved and I think it might be important for character development. Otherwise, I can not think of a reason why so much time has been devoted to it. The Kirrix civil war is another development I did not see coming. It changes their dynamic as villains as they were previously viewed as a monolithic society that had a solid top down organisation. Are all Kirrix still to be viewed as singularly malevolent?


What a wild ride! I really thought we were going to lose someone in the battle on the astral plane there. That's just great writing to cause such suspense. By the way why wasn't Irrilith using her lightning powers like she did before? Maybe the new thrall firearms are just more potent? Congratulations to Jade for getting another upgrade. Does that portend an increase in the girls she is taking care of, how many more Nymphs are out there? I'm really looking forward to more scenes between the Karronites or Karronians, maybe Karronis? I think Tony and the girls could shed some light on Spark's parents. I still think that relic in the tunnel was their lab or something. It was touching to see how much John has changed Maliri society in the scene with Lilyana. John needs to accompany the combined Maliri fleets on their next expedition to thank everyone for their service. Have a good December Tefler, no worries if your writing takes a back seat to family. I can just start reading from the beginning to keep me occupied.


My question on the Kelli and Tony and Perl subplot is Tony going to be the one to say something about the progenitor space ship on Karron. The Brimorian war is about to explode and wondering about that and the traitor and also the Kintark fleet has been refitted and be prepared to beat the Brimorian invasion. The Next question is anyone going to find out about Lynnette and her new make over? Will the fleet be prepared to deal with the Brimorian invasion and the traitor... Then there is the question about the Spy who owes the Brimorian a favor to wipe the slate clean. What about building of the space trade station that the TFEDS and Marli will share.... When does that start to get being built and will it be invaded. Then you have the Underworld and all that is happening. How are they going to throw their 2 cents in somehow...


I've been thinking about the subplot with Mason, Tom, Archie Davenport and Anna. Tom was reminiscing last chapter, about how he and the Buckingham kids grew up together on a military base near the Citadel. It's not a long stretch to assume Archie grew up there also, since he has apparently been lusting after Anna for years. Extrapolating from that, is it possible that Archie also joined the military, and perhaps ended up in that now defunct spy department? And that in the course of his information gathering, he found incriminating evidence on Anna's father, brother and/or boyfriend?. Or that he is using this to blackmail her? By the way, his pursuit of Anna is also demonstrating the same tunnel vision/target fixation that Rachel describes as a typical effect of the genetic manipulation process, a trait exhibited by both Mason and Tom. As to Buckingham only finding out about the experiments 10 years ago, I am assuming that the genetic manipulation would occur to the baby in the womb, or shortly after birth, with or without the consent and involvement of the mother. The father was probably out on patrols and not around much. Stressed hormonal mothers to be would be easily convinced to take a course of "vitamins" or some other medication to increase her child's future potential. Any thoughts/ideas out there?

rich ed

Hey Telfer I think that when the Karon threesome get on the Inviticus one should comment on how amazing the air is as they have grown up on that asteroid and never breathed such fresh air in their life. Just a thought.


Ed, with all that has happened to them since they were rescued, healing, showers, food, soft bed etc., I don't think they will notice the air until they leave the Invictus.


I think Archie is likely to be connected to whomever the T-Fed traitor is that is now working with the Birmorians, not sure how Mason, Tom, and Anna are going to fit into all of that just yet. Although I'm sure the traitors were connected to Buckingham in some significant way. I also think Archie's "problem" has little to do with a "Target Fixation" problem and much more to do with him simply being a higher-functioning piece of pond scum with connections enabling him to essentially position himself as he pleases.


An observation that might mean nothing but thought it might be a little clue . We've seen the importance of color of metal/gear so far in the story Terran gray , Maliri gold , Enshunu silver , Progenitor black , Kintark green , Achonin Tan , could the tan object Tony saw be Achonin & is there any deeper meaning to the Trankaran also being "sand " colored & the Kirrix being Ochre ? Might the Trankarans , who were MN first created race be based on the defeated Achonin & the Kirrix a very ancient race be an Achonin creation or adaptation ? Or that the Maliri & Enshunu ancient enemies it seems have shiny precious metal armor ? Just some things running through my head to distract me while I wait for next Ch.


Bigdawg, your theory has merit. Each progenitor has had his own coloured thralls, (we have seen blue, green and red so far), so having different coloured gear would be useful on the battlefield. That has applied to all armies down through the ages.

Jedi Khan

Been on vacation the last week and a half, so couldn't comment till now. Let's see...umm...hm. That's odd. Nothing really sticks out to me as needing further discussion. Let's run down the events of the chapter, see if anything comes to mind. John created a fortress on the Astral Plane - that was neat. He used six access points to try and hack whatever it is that allows him to bring back ghosts - that was smart. He could have tried alternating them, so that when the beast goes after another one after the first was turned off, John turns it back on again as he turns off the other. That would frustrate the hell out of the monster. Alyssa got her face time with mom and dad - good for her. Next up Rachel's Mom the Redux or The Valaden Father? Baby Bucky is getting all pissy and lashing out, and Commander Cuckold has gone MIA, probably took his ass beating stick with him. Lynette is making sure she gets plenty of protein and vitamin C, so she can deal with old codgers who don't like not having anything do to. Just because John's been handing out highly advanced tech doesn't mean it's understood. Why not set the R&D division figuring out how that tech works and developing it for other purposes than from the original schematics? Who knows, maybe they can adapt the new tech to an existing project that would benefit immensely, or even come up with new innovative projects that will help the Federation as a whole? Can reduce the budget quite a bit, but no need to close up the entire R&D division. There's still plenty of science stuff they can do. Tony and the girls have a...bright?...future ahead of them, provided Tony doesn't get himself killed first. The Kirrix are fighting themselves. I doubt they'll be a problem for the empires for a good long while, provided of course they don't go extinct in the mean time. Um...that seems to be about it. Yeah...so which is next, chapter 115 or ebook 4?

Jedi Khan

Just out of curiosity, Tefler, what role did Lynette start out in when she signed up with the military?


Welcome back Jedi, I hope you enjoyed the break. Regarding John's fortress, he apparently built it using the same black material that progenitors ships are made from. I wonder how he knew that? Thoughts anyone?

Jedi Khan

He didn't know what he was making out of at the time. He's just "Make it strong," and his mind plus a little Astral Plane mojo made it happen. Besides, he does know what the Progenitor black metal is made from, since it's encoded in his DNA, he just doesn't consciously know it.


Very astute observation on the role for R&D boys. Priority is to adapt all of this new tech, so we have Starbases and planetary shields. High speed scout ships with extended range sensors. Etc. Stop the tunnel vision and use the important information available.


Even though my name is not Tefler. I would assume she went to some kind of Naval College to become an officer and worked her way up from there. I think she started in PR and Media as it was her idea to milk the fuck outta the Lion of the Federation for morale.


She had a background in Games and Theory,the PR and media were tools in her political campaign to become Fleet Admiral


Jedi, yes, that makes sense, hopefully Alyssa can look at his memories of construction and pass them on to Dana.

Jedi Khan

Beowulf, she doesn't need to do that. Dana already has that info as well, but it's still locked away just like it is for John. Dana does know the atomic composition of the metal after having a look at the Legacy's armor, but she has no idea how it was made. She said it would take her weeks of R&D to figure that out, although if John can top her off a few more times, the knowledge just might unlock for her.


When should we start looking for the next chapter?


When you receive the email indicating that Tefler has posted would be an appropriate time to look for the new chapter, or at least an indication as to when the new chapter will be posted.


Tef nearly always puts out a note when he’s sent H1 of a chapter to the proof readers, with an estimate of when he will have H2 finished, usually 5-7 days on from that note. That lead time works on 3000 words/day, his normally output rate (shakes head in admiration and disbelief), but if he’s being multi-tasked by the pre-Christmas run up, the ‘H2 period’ may be different. Also, he’s said he’s going to have a go at Amazon book 4. With luck that might come out just before Christmas so he might get a sales lift from that as well, I suppose. As far as I know, Tef prefers not to mix the two writing activities, he finishes one, then does the other. So Book 4 could affect when the ‘Gone to Reviewers’ note posts, but probably not affect the ‘H2 countdown to release’ that then follows. Cheers Tim


I know all that just hoping for a maybe an update from Tefler. He said he was going to try and put out one chapter and book 4 before a break for the Holidays.


So wait for him to do it. The boy is so busy these days that if he answered all our ‘are we there yet?’ Queries it would disrupt what he is trying to do, as well as put unnecessary pressure on him. A while ago we all agreed on here to hold this kind of query down - the next chapter comes when it comes.... Tim


What happened to part two? Was it finished?


for those reading on cell phones what apps are you using...?

Jedi Khan

What's posted here is the full chapter, part 1 + part 2.

Jedi Khan

Something just occurred to me that has me wondering. Perl and Kelli both recognized Rachel as the Angel of Terra, even referring to her by that title. How did they learn that title? Did the Kirrix invade Karron before or after the Battle of Terra? It seems to me that the Kirrix invasion was happening at the same time as the battle, so there shouldn't have been a way for Perl and Kelli to know of Rachel's new title.


Good point! I removed the reference to that when Perl meets John and the Lionesses.


I've updated the post with the FINAL VERSION. No major changes, just a lot of typos and slight tweaks to dialogue.

Jedi Khan

Just to make sure, how about when they rescue and treat the colonists from the other worlds? I don't remember if any of them referred to Rachel as the Angel of Terra, but it wouldn't hurt to check.

Roy Benavides

I think that the Shroud IS the being attacking on the Astral Plane - I just thought of a crazy ass theory....what if a very powerful Progenitor got banished or trapped in the Astral Plane. Like physically not just their mind? That would explain why it/they can't escape on their own. That's my inner writer speaking...I love Sci-Fi wayyyyy too much. I also have a theory that their current Progenitor adversary created the Nymphs or at least was around for their creation. I also think Jade was the original/first created Nymph. Thus why she can remember everything & why she's different.

Roy Benavides

OH and if my theory about the Astral beast isn't the case. I bet Helene would wreck it with so much good feelings it'd explode I bet. At least that's what it feels like could possibly happen. Since it didn't like John sending it good feeling vibes lol...

Roy Benavides

That is a thought, but I highly doubt Lina is Larn'Kelnar's Thrall. Larn'Kelnar to me seems like he is done with Terra for now. He likes to create chaos & see what John will do. Like he wants to conquer but he was bored of the usual way of sheer just destroy everything. We've been told he's had Ailanthia as his Matriarch for at least 4,000 years. Remember that one time when he said to Ailanthia "What IS he doing!?" bit. There's also the whole, it was the first time in a long time he called her by her name. Then all the "love" he's been giving her. He /might/ be thinking he needs to show her compassion for strength? Not sure though. That does remind me during the Battle of Terra & him watching from afar. I can only assume he has literally no idea that John's "Thralls" possess abilities. Larn'Kelnar just assumed everything that transpired in that fight came from him. He did say something like, "Zoom in on John, I don't care about his thralls." I only theorize that since I highly doubt Larn'Kelnar watches TFNN for his information. Back to the 4000 years thing...that makes me wonder if Larn'Kelnar has been alive that long. Why choose now to start stirring up trouble....because as Leeroy Jethro Gibbs says, there's no such thing as a coincidence. I wonder if Larn'Kelnar can feel John's presence which is what drew his attention in the first place. It did seem Larn'Kelnar was just trying to be inventive with his way of taking claim of territory before John did anything though. So many theories >_<


I like the way you think, all excellent thoughts and thanks for the info on the other Progenitor and not knowing the girls have powers... yes all excellent thoughts...


I know I'm coming into this super late but I hope Tom isn't the traitor. He may be a minor character but he got shit on with the cheating fiance thing. Hope he ends up with Beth. Would rather have Mace be the traitor if it's a choice between the two.