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Hey everyone!

I've completed the first half of chapter 114 and handed it over to my editors. I'm planning to finish the chapter by the end of the month, so not too long a wait for that!

December always upends my writing schedule, with Christmas obviously having an impact. I will probably aim to get one chapter out next month and focus on getting eBook 4 done before the holidays. 

My New Year's resolution will be to catch up on the commissioned artwork and I'll definitely need lots more pictures for the rest of the eBooks as I work my way through them!

Anyway, back to the keyboard to wrap up events on Karron... :-)




Thanks for the update.


Thanks for the update O Great Creator. Looking forward to seeing the Chapter as soon as it is ready to be seen. Go well.


Still on pins and needles..... maybe I need to reread the searies..... I think this will make......5? Lol


Thanks for the info...it is going to be a fantastic Friday!!!!!


Thank you for the update Tefler, as always it's a great story and hope for many more chapters.


Thank'ee kindly for the update!


Thanks mate.


Get those Christmas funds a flowin' my good sir! May your pen strike true! Huzzah!

Anthony Kester

Thanks for the update Tefler!!!


Taco1085 - not long and we will see just how the potential Achonin artifact on Karron comes into the paws of the Lion and his pride. I suspect you are right the bit Fat Tony and the girls found is but the tip of an iceberg. I wonder what order things will get done - Alyssa's parents and then the artifact or the artifact and then the parents? I also wonder if Calara doesn't find something more for Dana. Hopefully Friday(ish) some will be revealed.....


Thanks for the update, hope your family and you are well. Enjoy the Holidays and have a glorious new year.


I looked back at the first three books last week. You might considering putting in a "catch up" preface with the title "The Story So Far." I'd keep it short, no more than 1-2 pages. It would help remember key story elements from the previous book as well as key characters. Ir would also tend to drive purchasing the earlier volumes.

PLRus--Founding member of the TSM F5 club.

Um...I just realized something: Rachel, Dana, and Irillith just spoke directly to each other telepathically in the scene where they were comforting Faye. That is a first!


that has been fixed in the latest update: They were using Alyssa as a relay ;-)


No problem Tef. December upends everyone's schedule.


Merry Christmas and thanks for the hard work. amazing story written by an amazing writer and author.



Big Dude

As Spock would say..."Impressive"!


We love you Tefler... Now where's that dang chapter!!! ;)


no countdown, but assuming two more sleeps...


Thanks yet again for putting another chapter together!

rich ed

As Telfer is the master of foreshadowing what does everyone think about Jades predisposition towards Maliri cuisine (and now the new nymphs) "It was obvious that Jade’s sisters shared her preference for Maliri cuisine"? There must have been at least 10 references to it over the chapters.


Ed, no problem there, they were part of MN's Group 10,000 years ago, they would have been eating Maliri cuisine then. they don't recall their life from that period, but their tastebuds would remember.


(Looks @ calendar) uhm... F5?


OK, I’m just floating something here that I’m not very convinced of, but thought I’d share for comment. There seems to be s bit of a ‘pulled in all directions’ situation developing for John in the next few chapters (like that’s anything new, I hear you say 🙂 ). * They need to chase down the ‘traitor’ Kirrix who are running away with the colonists of a number of worlds. At present, this is not possible for them to reach all the scattering ships in time. * The fertiliser is about to hit the fan for Lord A and Deep Pool (soon to be renamed Deep Sh*t?). They will have a critical part to play in sorting the fish out before they overwhelm Olympus or whatever.. So, how can all this happen? The ‘normal’ range of solutions has Alyssa wreaking terrible havoc on the Kirrix, until they come back tail between legs to drop the colonists off. Also the actual events just far enough apart in time for Invictus to get to both of them. The abnormal solution might just lie in that buried artefact on Karron. Is there a credible way this might be a wormhole generator, just waiting to be requisitioned? I can’t see how it would be, but events could be lining up that way... Any thoughts, folks?


Hmm...wait a sec here...Karon was described as a system containing only asteroids & debris, right? What if it is actually a DESTROYED system from thd earlier progenitor (or even Achonin) war(s)? That metal box mentioned in passing previously could be very significant indeed.


Mmmm - I haven’t gone back and found the text, but if it is a large ‘box’ then maybe its some sort of technology depository. When things started to look grim maybe examples of key technology were buried there so that they could be retrieved in future to rebuild after the war was over and the invader repulsed. Sadly, the Invader probably had a Quantum Annihalator or something like it.... So in this postulated precious archive, might there be an example of a wormhole generator??


Dana has a habit of taking tech that is inferior on it's own and making it part of a tech solution that is superior to tech from any single source. So long as it isn't Achonin laser tech, which Dana already said is inferior, it could be very useful. I think, however, it's more likely to be a time capsule of sorts. Perhaps a historical database of the war or even the entire historical record of the Achonin civilization. On the other hand it could just be a cargo container from a destroyed ship.

bob lakhanpal

It’s almost the first of December in my part of the world... isn’t tefler required to post his chapter a lil before midnight for it to be counted against this month’s quota??


Tefler is likely to publish 114 in December, have a holiday and then get back to work. Probably another work by end of January or beginning of February. So it is a story every month. Just my thoughts. Would have loved to read story this weekend. 😢


I do plan on posting chapter 114 today. I've got about 1500 words to go, so maybe 3 hours time? :-)


Well done Tef! I will try my da*dest to stay awake, but have visions of me falling asleep on my keyboard and being dragged off to bed. The large glass of red wine I’ve jsut poured for myself will NOT help matters.... If that happens I’ll be taking my IPad with me so I have it to wake up to in the morning!


now I can start to get eager. Thanks for the early warning...

David Shmilowitz

I wonder what will keep me up more, pressing F5 for the first posting of 114, or pressing F5 for the final edit posting of 113? TSM problems...


It's done! I'll post it in a few minutes once I paste the two halves together. :-)


Whoo - hoo!!!!


Praise the... whatever you're into... the great holy lasagna or something. Hurray!


To Tefler or anyone, I have a notice that my pledge didn't go through so I put in another card number. How long will it take for the system to try the new card?


In reference to my previous post it's 7:15 pm EST here.