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I've been working with a patron called Cignal, who has drawn up deck plans for John's old freighter. I think he's done a fantastic job and created a really detailed layout of the Fool's Gold.

Take a look to see where the story all began!




That is awesome, also completely different to how I remembered it. Welp, time to go read from the beginning again!


Looks great. No wings, though :/


Thank you. I am incredibly visual and this helps a lot.


Thank you for all your work . Nice to visualize where it all started . ps you don't need "wings" on a spaceship :-)

Robert Wrigley

Well, you do it if you want to mount sensors or weapons that are "away" from the main body of the ship. Helicopters don't need "wings" either, but often have wing-like attachments... (and yes, I know that some helicopters also have wings; that's not what I'm talking about here :) )


Good insight. Thanks for your effort.


As always, Cignal kicks butt and takes details! :) Well done, and thanks for sharing it Tefler!


The Invictus will be a lot harder and as a result you would have to make a decision as to what time fame and what, as John says, "upgrades" had been done at that point in time. Regardless, my wife still smiles at me when I say that is what I want my space going ship to be. Let her smile, hell I enjoy the fantasy.


This started when Admiral Kester asked me to draw up plans for the Fools Gold. I had just finished them and was on Discord, when Tefler showed up. So I pm'd him the plan for review. He came back with a sketch which he asked me to draw up and the above drawing represents that sketch. Thanks Tefler for sharing.


Gotta admit it's a lot more boxy than the visual I had in mind... was it made by Volvo? 😂😂


I really like how unaerodynamic and functional it is - basically a long-haul lorry/truck in space.


Or a Semi in space. Same thing I guess.


What is the Jan?


Janitor Closet, it hold cleaning supplies, mop bucket, etc. John had a cleaning fetish at that time. Cab, is the Cabinet that John found Alyssa in.

Steve Raulerson

Fun stuff... adds a visual element to the universe you’ve created for us to visit.


Nice!!! I'd love to see this rendered with surfaces and/or in a diorama traveling through space with engines blasting!! Thanks!


I am writing this here even though this comment has nothing to do with the subject above. I got a notice that my pledge had not gone through, I saw it Saturday night. I am new to patreon so I don't know all the steps to go through. I entered a new card number and thought that would take care of it but that didn't work. I kept logging in thinking the system would take care of it but it didn't, I finally figured it out by clicking on different choices on the payment options and realized I had to move the membership to the other card. As someone new here it was frustrating not knowing how to fix the problem. I won't know why the first card didn't work until next week but I got the problem resolved for now. I did not see a way to contact patreon directly and it was aggravating not knowing the steps I needed to take to fix a problem that I still have no idea why or what occurred. I know since the issue is resolved I shouldn't be bothered by it but not knowing how to fix it right away pissed me off. Can someone point out how this issue can be better addressed for other future newbie's. Thank you, I will get off the soapbox now.


Dunno if it helps but I use Paypal instead of card & have had no issues whatsoever...


I am looking at details that might make sense and be fun. Things that help tell a story. For example the master suite Gunlocker could also hold a space suit and be an emergency airlock with a ladder in the back that leads to a topside hatch and escape pod. In emergency you can climb in the Gunlocker and suit up then GTFO.


Swap bathroom and closet to front side of cabins. They provide a buckle shield that can be sealed off against collision and other damage.


It somewhat reminds me of the older small cargo ships from Star Wars without the outriggers. I like your rendering. <a href="http://starwars.wikia.com/wiki/Twilight" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">http://starwars.wikia.com/wiki/Twilight</a>


Put both stairwells in the same corner, so move the gantry to cargo level stairs for quick continuous travel down from the living level stairs. ++ Put a cargo lift dumbwaiter from the Storage Room to Cargo level. Supplies for a two month trip would be a lot of time wasted traveling loads up the stairs. ++ Thank the draftsman from all of us because this type of info multiplies the fun.

Big Dude

I think this Cignal person did a great job!


Thank you but it is really Teflers inspiration. He created a sketch and I finalized it into plans.


Thank you. One nit though. The way the front elevation is drawn makes it difficult to understand what is a measurement and what is the actual outline of the Fool’s Gold.


Also, is there a link to the discord server that I can be pointed towards?


Here: <a href="https://discord.gg/ByA4Xv5" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://discord.gg/ByA4Xv5</a>


I'm sorry guys, but IMHO, the design could be a whole lot better. A lot of stuff left out and overall the exterior view looks like something my 6yr old grandson would make out of Legos.


To be honest, this was the way that the author of the story envisioned it, so even if it doesn't meet a reader's design standards, that isn't the point. The point is to help convey in a visual sense what the author imagined to make it easier for readers. In that regards, Cignal did an excellent job converting the hand-drawn images from Tefler into official drawings.


Puladin, I did post Teflers sketch with the same drawing of the Fools Gold on Discord if you want to see the sketch. It is under TSM-IMAGES / Invictus_Patreon_only


Indeed. Paladin, the parallel to bear in mind in RW would be a no-frills, beat-up semi. I think the drawings are a nicely detailed development of Tef’s original sketches, conveying yer basic freighter. Don’t think Milennium Falcon, in Tef’s world things like this are far more functional, just like RW in fact. Of course, Maliri freighters probably look <i>very</i> different...


The deck plans were the important part. Aesthetically, The Fool's Gold would look more like: <a href="https://www.pinterest.co.uk/pin/501095896023812270/" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://www.pinterest.co.uk/pin/501095896023812270/</a> (Without all the guns!)


In a story the floorplan of a ship/dungeon/ or castle is very important for continuity later on. Also making sure everything fits within the dimensions allowed to (early (Non official..pre disney)floorplans for the Millennium Falcon varied widely) The exterior is less important until a description is needed! having drawn a few Castles, dungeons and ships for my D&amp;D campaign over the years. Sometimes its easy to get carried away on the details...lol


Hmmm I see these Terran ship designs, and they just seem really Chunky,more how I imagined Trankaran ships in the story,

David Shmilowitz

For cargo ships this makes sense though, remember we already know what t-fed military ships look like from the covers of e-book 1 and 3


Hi Lilith, Cignal sent the link to me and I am now on the server. Thanks and apologies for not responding earlier


Yup. Congratulations for noticing that John didn't start out with a cool ride. Beauty is as beauty does. Fools Gold is a utility vehicle and looks like it is.


Thank god Tefler posted a link in this thread for an aesthetic image. The PDF is fun and all but it looks like a NAS drive box - 6 bay model. Unless we're talking garbage scows or the Borg, ships need to not be "cubic" as they need one axis at least which presents a reduced surface towards enemies to present a smaller target and allow tactical design options. The epic battle scenes Tefler writes speaks of inverting to present different armaments and considerable evasive actions. The earlier sketches are preferred IMHO as they posess a bit of grace despite the ships cargo craft origins.

Jedi Khan

Trimtab, keep in mind that the schematic presented here is of John's old freighter, the Fool's Gold. It's not meant for combat, nor was it designed for aesthetics. It was designed for one thing, hauling cargo, and the best shape for carrying stuff is a box. I believe the sketches you're referring to are of the Invictus which was designed to be a warship, not a cargo ship.


@Cignal Very cool, Cignal! Needs an "Alyssa was here" marker, though. :) It's great, that not only do we have a community that supports our author, but that he does it for us, too. Thanks also to you, Tefler!


PLR, I’ve read a lot of your posts on both here and Literotica from the beginning of this story. Your post to me seems to be a bit of “the pot calling the kettle black” as the old saying goes. I knew it would ruffle some feathers that is why I apologized at the start of the post. But as my father used to say” opinions are like assholes, everybody has one and some just stink more than others”. Anthony, Your post is about what I would expect from a Brownie! No disrespect but I live near Cincinnati and while not a Bengal fan, we in SW Ohio can not pass up a chance for a dig on a Browns fan. Early in the saga I drew up plans for the Invictus and even wrote up a walk-thru to help Tefler. But it seems after a while I got the cold shoulder so why would I waste my time now. Cignal, Your experience seems to be more architectural then engineering. Wardrobe does not always mean a closet. A wardrobe can mean an oversized locker. The walk-in wardrobes you drew in are a bit overkill IMO. Most women would think they are required though. I would think they are as large as junior officer quarters would be on TFN capital ships. On current naval ships your limited to pretty much a duffel bag and another like a garment bag (like a B-4) and you would use a locker. No valet service, so you have to carry what you bring thru the ship. And on a large ship like an aircraft carrier you could be in for a hike up and down stairs and thru narrow passageways. Then where is the locker in the living area for the space suits? As far as the rec room/kitchen (galley), way too big. The smallest US Navy ship I have been on is a tug. And its rec room, mess (dining area), and galley was easily half the size and that was for a crew of 12. In the bathroom you show a tank type toilet, really! Then the entry to the bathroom is in the closet, where did you learn that? The bathrooms and galley sinks/dishwasher should be closer together to minimize piping runs from supply and then to a central waste water collection point for recycling. Coming up with the plan was a challenge to start with as Tef has a slight problem with continuity not to mention technical issues. But you have to go by what was written in the book. For example, when John went on the search for Alyssa in chapter 1 (Ebook version) when he stepped thru the door at the aft of the living area, he was standing on the gantry in the cargo bay. Then when he went on the EVA to repair the FTL it was written that the airlock was positioned half-way down the length of the hull. Then it was written that the outer airlock hatch spun (spiraled in other mentions) open. Which makes since to have a spiral iris (like a camera or stage light or even like the shield on the stargate in SG-1) to deal with the docking ring in the design. So the outer airlock hatch would be round instead of rectangular. Yes the Fools Gold, being a former TFN axillary ship, was more than likely a parts/supply hauler servicing the fleet, shifting freight from planet side, space stations, and to or between larger ships. Angular lines/shape would be cheaper to make and easier to repair then curved hull sections. One of the things they like to teach is form follows function. A more of a wedge forward section would give the pilot/copilot better visibility along the sides which would be a plus for close maneuvering and docking in crowded space. As far as crew when it was with the TFN, I would think 1 or 2 pilots plus 3 or 4 enlisted which would be one machinist mate/engineering guy and the rest cargo handler types. You could say that when in TFN service the smaller bedroom was the quarters for the 2 officers and the larger room for the 4 enlisted. The exterior size dimensions I would have to pretty much agree with. But to get maximum interior in the length why not move the main engines from the rear to the sides? That would free up the rear for a huge cargo hatch/ramp. It would also allow access to the engines from the inside if needed (remember John changed the filters without going outside). The engine room is way too big. You figure a power core that would be maybe 200cu/ft in size, a smaller back-up core, some power distribution hardware, then maybe the FTL drive (John had to do an EVA to repair the FTL and the components were on top of the ship). Then there are other things like environmental support, water storage (which would have to be inside the pressure hull), heat exchangers, I see no mention of a escape/survival pod. Extra air (oxygen and nitrogen) and fuel (hydrogen or more exact, deuterium) would be carried cryogenically (as liquid) to reduce space needed. One cubic foot of liquid oxygen becomes over 800 cu/ft of gas. You have to remember storing cryogenic fluids inside the pressure hull would be a big safety hazard. A few years back there was an accident at Texas A&amp;M involving the failure of a container of liquid nitrogen that basically blew the lab building up. It all comes down to what is believable. A good sci-fi story is one you can believe. You can play a bit with physics, but tech facts still need to be believable. Like I’m still trying to fathom how you put a rocket engine in reverse. Another example would be when John got all messy cleaning the engine filters, if Tef would have said he got so dirty cleaning the carbon from the CO2 scrubbers that would have been 100% easier to believe. Diehard sci-fi fans are techies at heart, and when tech facts do not add up the story becomes less. But then how many readers are here for the sci-fi more than the erotica?

Bp Hlpt

I'd love to see something similar for the Invictus, the Raptor, the Valkyrie, the Shuttle, etc...