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Hey everyone,

Sean Garrison contacted me about his own version of the story that he's been working on. Here's his summary of the rewrite:

Hello, TSM fans. I have been so inspired by Tefler's work, I've started writing a fanfiction of John and the girls. It differs from the original (genius) premise in two ways. 

1. John confronted his Guide before he met Alyssa, so he knew about Progenitors right off the bat. 

2. John is bisexual, so expect Charles, Ceraden, and other men to join the fun.  

His story can be found here:




Or possibly the difference between being not too worried about it, or being happy there is no secret agenda behind it. Maybe "overtly" adds more depth?


Yeah I dunno about the bisexual angle of the story, I might give it a go after ch94 release


Yeah new to the group. But I don't know about bisexual with john.


It's not my thing either, which is why John is 100% straight in my story. For anyone not as rigid as me in their sexual preferences, the links up if they're interested in taking a look. :-)


Yup, I'm not too comfortable with that angle either, I'm afraid. Nevertheless, kudos to Sean for having a go, and its great to see the emergence of fanfic - the 3SQM canon certainly is worthy of it!


Premise 1 would profoundly change the entire story, as John successfully confronting his Progenitor Guide would have some... dramatic consequences. I won't go into details because of spoilers, but it's an interesting idea!


Whilst not my cup of tea, I feel the bisexual angle of John may actually make sense. As a progenitor his ancestors 'made' whole species if they desired only female genders surely he could just create worlds of only females e.g the lenarrans. With this possability in mind, to make men could suggest an interest in them?


Were it me, I would tell Mr Garrison to stop now because he violating your copyright, greatly distorting the story in a way that will confuse your readers (customers), and frankly the premise of a bisexual John Blake is simply ridiculous if one has read and understands the first 93 chapters. For 93 chapters Tefler has shown how a character can overcome the hetero male cave man tendencies and build a place that is better for everyone. However, what annoys me most is that Mr Garrison is ignoring the fact that the general John Blake story is your intellectual property and that you work on this full-time to support your family through your current and forthcoming ebook sales and Patreon contributors.


continued ... The section of Mr Garrison's work you sent out is clearly a copyright violation. If he will not agree in writing to immediately stop producing this, I would have an attorney contact him immediately.


It's only a violation if he does it without permission right? This seems like permission to me. And Fan-fics are all about changing things in the universe and characters to tell a different story.

Steve Raulerson

Nope, won’t be checking that one out at all...


1) I don't see a permission here or in the story online. 2) Also when you are a little guy dependent upon your writing for your income, something like that Mr Garrison presents can affect your income. 3) If someone can make a creative contribution, they should do so by writing an original story rather than just playing "what if" with someone else's intellectual property.

David Shmilowitz

The first line of this post is "Sean Garrison contacted me..." and Tefler is actively promoting it on his own patreon page via this post. To me, this clearly implies consent on teflers part to the rewrite, though I would obviously assume that they came to some agreement as to how it could be published and on which sites, if any.


In response to Mapper: I advise you to check out fanfiction.net, archiveofourown.org, or any number of other fanfiction sites. There is a strong community of writers who put their own spin on original material for the entertainment and consideration of others in their fandom. My work is something I write for fun, not profit, and I contacted Tefler to gain his EXPLICIT CONSENT to post this story in a way he was comfortable with. He was kind enough to allow it. I'm not trying to muscle in on his turf, just want to see if anyone likes my little daydream version of his story, of which I am a patron. Also, for the record, I fail to see how one random Google doc, the link for which can only be found on this page if one is a patron, in any way threatens the livelihood of an author whose work can be found on Amazon. I hope you do not take offense to this, I just felt the need to speak in my own defense. Good day.


Premise 1 had me interested but premise 2 wiped all that out in short order. I don't care what others do in the privacy of their own minds but guys with guys in any sort of sexual encounter does nothing positive for me in the least. I'll pass.


Fan fiction is going to be a thing. I read down to the part that says John is bisexual and decided this alternate telling is not for me — but some might be intrigued! I’m just happy it’s an inspiration to other writers. I myself was inspired to write a series, 11 chapters so far. Of course, it’s not nearly as good...


I'll check it out. Being here, it OBVIOUSLY has Tefler's permission.


I also in not in favor of this kind changes to what is a great story. I will not encourage anyone along these lines.


I find that I am not able to read or download. Hmm..


As stated by others, there is no copyright violation here, as Mr Garrison clearly has Tefler's consent by virtue of the fact that Tefler has stated that he was contacted and asked for permission, and he was thereafter even willing to post a link to the rewrite on his own patreon page. That said, I do not feel that either of the stated departures from the original premise offers any improvement over the original. This story has always been as much about John's own voyage of self discovery as it has been about his quest to collect a "harem", if you will, of gorgeous crew members. Giving him a rather complete foreknowledge of his Progenitor background would strip away most if not all of the motivation that has thus far led to some of the most powerful moments in the story. As for the other alteration, I cannot help but feel that making John bisexual would make him less interesting as a character, not just because I'm not particularly interested in reading guy on guy scenes (which I'm not), but also because John's loyalty is a fundamental part of what makes him such a great character. He is ultimately and inextricably devoted to every woman that he has had sex with, they become his family, either individually, as with the girls on the ship, or collectively as with the Malari, and even the latter only came to pass through Alyssa and Edraele. I just couldn't see him believably developing the same kind of bond with Charles, Ceraden, et al. His relationships with those characters is just a different sort of relationship. That's my $0.02 anyway but, of course, that's just one mans opinion and YMMV.


I agree with Moon Dragon!!!!!!


Completely new characters in a new time and place would work better. No fun reading another version of a story that doesn't need another version. Tefler's version is going to be better, partly because it is original.


For those that wanted to join the crew this presents an opportunity, but The John in my head isn’t ready to share. And I’m not ready for the interview or entrance exam! I read, enjoyed, and decided I prefer the original.


The side story idea, where events are taking place that fill out the history of John’s universe seem like an opportunity for some fun literature. They could range though a whole range of emotions. Every event in John’s story are serious and hard work. I look forward to the John’s visits with his guy friends as he and we get to relax a bit. I use to feel that way about the admiralty, but they have become another source of stress.


I could imagine Jonah helping out in the nymph search or the trader that is a mostly regular guy and picks up a couple of stowaways in a similar but with very different discussions. Takes if running Alyssa’s foundation, her investment portfolio, the architect designing the perfect trading post for a new female client.


Probably should have posted this in the other thread.

William Wallace

Is this a one of 2chapters or are you trying to write the same story in another dimension?


I think ultimately it will depend where "Wolves" goes with the story, and it could make for an interesting "What If" narrative if executed well. The changes are so fundamental to the plot progression that despite starting in the same place, I think this version will necessarily end up progressing in a dramatically different direction, which could be interesting.

Steven Allen

“I don’t believe there’s anything to be overtly concerned about. I’m sure they’ll be quite amenable to the decision,” Edraele said, reaching across the table to clasp his hand. “They were already well aware of the shift in the status quo; their agreement to see you instated as our... Protector... essentially confirmed that.” Shouldn't that read 'overly' instead? Overtly is possibly correct, but most people when speaking say 'overly.'