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Hey guys,

It's been a slow week, as I've been recovering from a flu bug. I've handed over part 1 of chapter 94 to my editors and I'm making a start on part 2. 

I've spoken to a new artist about working on a picture of Alyssa in the Fool's Gold. What I think I might do is update eBook1 with that as the front cover, then switch the current cover to eBook2. The mix of girls and spaceships gives a better first impression of what the overall story is about. :-)

It'll take the artist a couple of weeks to do that, so I'll try and get the second ebook text completed at around the same sort of time. I've got all the editor feedback in, I just need to go through the second half (chapter 15-20). 




Is it the artist that I told you about, by chance?

CJ Mora

Glad you're feeling better! Can't wait for the next chapter!


Does a slow week mean that you may not get the chapter finished by the 20th? I would rather you take your time getting it right than rushing.


No, I spent a morning searching through Deviantart a few weeks ago and found the artist that way.


I wrote 6k words yesterday, so made up for some lost time. The 20th is... ambitious considering the several days where I wasn't able to write. Maybe the 21st or 22nd will be more realistic!


Are you going to be keepong the cover for the first book the same on the paperback version then?


Yeah... this is where it gets tricky. I might switch the front cover on that too, which clearly highlights the existing book as a proper "first edition" should I ever become insanely famous. :-) For eBook 2, I'll hold off on creating the paperback for a few weeks so I can iron out any mistakes that slipped through the editing process but get reported by Patrons. Once I'm satisfied the copy text is 100% solid, then I'll create the paperback on Amazon.

Viktor Hauge

Would love to see the before and now images of all the girls that they keep showing new girls.....


Just want to say tef its been a wild ride watching you rise from humble beginnings to where you are now, its been a brilliant time keep it up


Get well soon


Be well and your work is unequaled by your peers. Thank You for the wild ride and your though provoking work. Bob


Your story is brilliant (I actually read Chapter 1 when you first published it). Have you ever tried the program (add-in) Grammarly? It is a brilliant in-context grammar-spelling-context-consistency editor. It is not cheap (between $15-$30 per month with the lower prices being for users willing to commit to as many 12 prepaid months). The paid version is a necessity. Your final drafts of TSM always have a few minor errors in them (spelling, omitted words, inconsistent capitalization. If the program works for you it might up the editing one notch and more importantly help you get the editing-proofreading done quite a bit quicker. I am a pretty extreme test of the program in that I have a disease that affects my abiity to write (and speak) with the facility I once had. Grammarly helps me, so I suspect it might help in your book writing efforts. And yes, while ebook 1 is fairly "clean," it would benefit from a run through the program.


This. I think more than anything when it comes to illustrations, i want to see the "before" and "after" of John's crew


I think it’s a fine idea. It sounds like you already have an idea of how you want Alyssa portrayed. Best of luck!


Ah good. I am on an adventure of my own. I’m in Alaska driving down into the Yukon territory, Canada popping out into Haines, Alaska and then ferry to near Bellingham, Washington. I should get there about the time the next chapter appears!


Noticed it's only $13 more to reach the $2500/chapter fingers crossed that will be by the end of the week


Hey Tefler, just out of curiosity, whenever you do rewrites of previous chapters, whether for purposes of editing spelling and punctuation, or for adding additional scenes or dialogue or what have you to better mesh with subsequent chapters in the eBooks, do you also resubmit the newly edited versions on Literotica as well, or do those generally remain as originally published?


Thanks very much Emrys! I hope you continue to enjoy the story(s) to come!


Thanks. I think I'm over the worst of it, just coughing a lot now. :-(


I've seen adverts for Grammarly on youtube, but not actually bothered to pay attention as I was too busy hammering the "skip ad" button! I'll have to check it out. :-)


I've mocked up a picture and sent it to the artist. Hopefully he'll be able to come up with something cool :-)


It must be freezing up there at the moment! Is there snow everywhere? :-)


I used to do rewrites on the earlier chapters, to fix the most glaring errors, but submitting an edited chapter is a real pain on literotica. I've got more editors since those early days, so less mistakes get through now, especially with everyone on Patreon pointing them out too! I'll probably just stick to publishing the new and improved versions as eBooks as eventually I might take the story down from the free sites. (I might have to if I want to sign up for the Kindle Unlimited program).


How would anyone feel (including tefler) to have fan generated stories that complement Teflers. Like a personal character that interacts in the TSM universe but not directly with Teflers? E.g. A lieutenant on border patrol fighting the Kirrix incursions with the Admiral John met on the way to help the Trankarans. Short stories though, how short is up to the writer. The short story must have some limitations though, like 1 or 2 location sets that seem unlikely to throw off the main story, etc.


hope you feel better.


Get well


We miss your regular doses of literary love


Getting very close if $2500/ch and 1500 Patrons!!

PLRus--Founding member of the TSM F5 club.

As for Faye and her new Robotic Body: While this is a wonderful start, I see more in the future. All John needs is for Faye to swallow some stem cells and his cum together. He can create a cyborg first, similar to what Sakura was turned into, just from the opposite perspective; so the biological brain can upload the digital brain. Then John can go full biological like he did with Sakura.


Maybe that was how Jade was created. The crystal could be the residual of her digital self.


Or set within what happened already, showing different povs of existing material.


Since you are going to update the first book.... Somewhere in chapters 8 or 9 you have the time for Calara sleeps after her second feeding as 4 hours rather than 8 hours...

Big Dude

I had it two weeks ago and the cough hangs around for awhile. I understand Tefler. You feel lousy. Godspeed dude! Hopefully by Wednesday for Thanksgiving in the US!


The second feeding they always wake up after 4 hours, still half-full as well. :-)


I'm over the worst of it now, just coughing a lot. :-)

Joel San Buenaventura

Hey tef! Ever thought about creating a fil-am(filipino-american) character? One inspiration would be Liza Soberano. :)

Jedi Khan

And we are now at $2500 per chapter from 1450 patrons, which comes out to about $1.72 per person. So, Tefler, got anything planned for when you reach $3k? We passed that $1500 goal a long while ago, it might be time to come up with a new one.


Any kind of three dimensional map would probably require software to rotate it, so as cool as that would be, it's probably not viable. I'd end up doing something like: <a href="https://vignette.wikia.nocookie.net/starwars/images/d/d6/Miscellaneous_regions.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20110128191929" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://vignette.wikia.nocookie.net/starwars/images/d/d6/Miscellaneous_regions.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20110128191929</a> If I was going to have an artist look at it, I'd probably have to do the galaxy map as perhaps 3 layers to show: 1) Top layer - The Maliri Regency, with the various House territories, and "eastern" border with the Kirrix. 2) Middle layer - The Kintark, Terran Federation, Ashanath, Brimorians, Kirrix Space, Unclaimed Wastes, Drakkar 3) Bottom layer - The Trankaran Republic + border with the Kirrix


There's no shortage of hot babes I'd love to imitate for the crew, unfortunately the cast is pretty big already. If I add many more, pacing will grind to a halt as I deal with all their sub-plots and character development. :-(

Steven Allen

Is this picture going to be Alyssa pre-John upgrade or current look? I still would like to see a glossary, pronunciation guide and an old fashioned 2D map in Ebook2.

Master Laurent

OK, checking in on your Release date, I know you were sick, (Source Natural Wellness formula - Amazon UK has it, so I would think that the local Herb Shop should also carry it in smaller sizes so you can try - Tablets not capsules - and it is a good preventive - and with a little one you will need it all season IMHO) I know you said the original goal was today, however that slipped due to illness then I noticed a couple of posts where you said you had a 6K day so all bets are off. Today, Tomorrow, Wednesday, Next week? Just checking in with the Master.


I've written 24k so far, so tomorrow is a possibility, otherwise it'll be the 22nd. :-)


Afternoon Tefler,


I love how the return key on the iPhone submits the comment instead of insertin a break -.- I have to change credit cards, so I'll lose access, but I'll be back as soon as the next one arrives in the mail :)


Thanks! Yeah I was shocked to see it creep up to that amount. :-)


Thanks, I'm feeling mostly better, just coughing a lot. Guess that means I'm over the worst of it!

PLRus--Founding member of the TSM F5 club.

I think Patreon deleted my post on this earlier, so trying one more time. I think Sakura needs to come up with a special recipe for welcoming back Edraele. I made this one up...what do you all think? Pork Loin 4-8 lb Red Apples 2 cups, pitted and diced Spiced Apple Cider or Apple Juice Stove Top Stuffing Mix for Chicken 6 cups Caramel Sauce 2 cups Chopped onions 1 1/2 cups Butter 8 Tbsp Walnuts Broccoli Salt Heat oven to 375°F. Inject Spiced Apple Cider into Pork Loin. Lightly salt and dust with Cinnamon. Seal Pork Loin in heavy duty aluminum foil, fat side up, and place meat on foil-covered rimmed baking sheet or in shallow foil-lined roasting pan. Bake 45 min. or until done (160°F). Remove from heat and cover with several old towels. Let stand for at least 10 minutes. After 20 minutes of cooking time, set up the Broccoli and steam it. Immediately after taking Pork Loin out of the oven, melt 4 Tbsp butter in medium saucepan on medium heat. Add onions; cook 3 min., stirring occasionally. Add Apple Cider instead of water and add the apples; bring to boil. Stir in stuffing mix; cover. Remove from heat; let stand 5 min. Fluff stuffing with fork and add broken Walnuts. Open the foil when ready to cut and serve. Spoon Caramel over the Pork slices and lightly dust with Cinnamon and serve.


That sounds good i might try it myself.

PLRus--Founding member of the TSM F5 club.

The Caramel is really good on the dressing, too. I made this for my wife as a Birthday dinner. She gave it a thumbs up. She is REALLY picky about her dressing so I was nervous, but she liked it...just asked to put a few less apples in it next time. :-)

Master Laurent

Sounds Good, However, Granny Smith Apples would be a better choice, the sour counteracts the sweet of the Caramel.

Jedi Khan

Well, "tomorrow" is now today, so how we looking, Tef?


Just left a very old friend who did not know what to do for Thanksgiving. I passed along your recipe for John’s pork loin. I didn’t realize how useful this crew can be.

PLRus--Founding member of the TSM F5 club.

Sheesh: wrote a small book and Patreon decided to delete it. Grrrr. Some thoughts about the future in Tefler's Universe: The Maliri need to create a MASSIVE armada, like 5 times their current size if they are going to be the de-facto protectors of the Alliance worlds. At that point, the Terrans will have to join since they will be surrounded by a unified military force greater than their wildest fears. Each ship in that armada needs to have white haired Maliri on the ship to ensure everyone stays on mission and in the fold. Each ship needs a couple of Calaras for tactical and weapons (the number relative to the number of weapons on the ship, a Rachel for healing, a Dana for runes and maintenance, and a Captain capable of telepathic coms ability. Each fleet needs a full contingent of Raptor type transport/gunships with extreme firepower. All ships need to be equipped with Quantum drives, extreme shields, and runed Crystal Alyssium plating; right down to the gunships. Each fleet needs a Marine battalion made up of the Drakkar with an advanced Mech contingent for ground ops (based upon a smaller version of the Valkyrie). John needs to put his sperm into a bottled drink so he can massively and quickly create a huge contingent of white haired Maliri to man this Navy...those with special powers get more drinks so John can empower them. As for the Regency itself, I believe Edraele needs to become a Progen like Alyssa for several reasons: John's offspring will need an extremely powerful mentor to help them mature, especially with their genetic heritage. John is not one to settle down in one place for long, he is a wanderer...and the Maliri Regency will need a strong consort/ruler to maintain order. Especially true given the upcoming population explosion in the next century. Additionally, the 4 Matriarchs need special powers that will help them govern. I eventually see the Regency being consolidated through the 4 of them and Edraele. Luna and Almari and Ilyana all need Sakura's martial arts skills and her super speed, along with Irilith's ability to interface and hack computer systems through spirit walking and telepathy so they can head up the assassin, spy, and Praetorian Guard clans to help them better protect the 5 Matriarchs. Their children can eventually populate these protective clans with said abilities. Makaela needs telepathic skills and her tech subordinates need Dana's skills so they can develop and maintain the ship building program along with enhancing Genthalis Station, and the trading stations' tech and security. Several technicians at Genthalis need a high level of telekenesis so they can, with the help of Ashanath psychic enhancers, make the Crystal Alyssium for the new Armada. The Maliri need to create a diplomatic corps and begin building Embassies on the various race's home worlds. Trade, along with protected shipping lanes needs to increase dramatically. This serves several purposes, prosperity for one, and cultural exchange for another. John needs to create specialized Gia class worlds for farming, education, orphans, and recreation and provide cheap star system mass transportation and minimal costs for the recreation worlds. The farm and rec worlds will create massive income to support the orphanage and education worlds while the latter two will create the opportunity for spreading John's ethos throughout this part of the Galaxy. And when all is set: then comes an invading force of unified Progens who attempt to conquer the Alliance. :-)


It could be good for Sakura's speed to pass over to Luna and the assassins, but then again all three assassins and Sakura (and probably Calara too) need to learn each others martial arts. after all they are bound to have their own, not just some knock off system they've gained from seeing Bruce Lee on terran tv channels beamed out into space

Master Laurent

feeling it, hoping for 94 tonight!


Nothing yet

Master Laurent

Scanning the room for Wookey . . .




Soooo...another 100 chapters?


That was for JFL

Master Laurent

Easy, if the average chapter covers 2 days unless we are talking about battles then they are a day - 180 Days until Alyssa's so 100 Chapters would be a safe bet.


I've written 29.5k so far, but I've got one last scene I want to write. I'll definitely be done by tomorrow. :-)

PLRus--Founding member of the TSM F5 club.

Groomsmen Fleet Warden Thandrun of the Trankarans Sub-Warden Dhormun of the Trankarans Ceraden of the Maliri Charles of the Terrans Ularean of the Ashanath Talari of the Ashanath Mateo Calara's Brother Dylan Calara's Brother Eduardo Calara's Brother Henry Voss Rachel's Father Bridesmaids Rachel Alyssa Jade Dana Faye Irillith Tashana Edreale Jehenna Niskera

Jedi Khan

Being awfully insensitive to the non-Trankarans, JFL. You give the ranks/titles of the Trankarans but not the others. Probably best you avoid planning any formal functions for awhile. :p

Raymond Jeffries

The one thing I'm kind of hoping for the wedding scene is that the crew has a last minute change of heart and let's everyone know that all the girls are marrying John as opposed to just Calara. It seems false to go that route, especially since the only race that might take offense would be the Terrans. I doubt that anyone from the other races would even bat an eye, and while I get that they are trying to be sensitive to Calara's father but it feels like overkill with the crew trying to present themselves as normal. At this point, just about everyone in the galaxy knows they're not normal! Either way, Tefler's the man, I know it'll be awesome, this was just a random thought I had while reading the chapter.

PLRus--Founding member of the TSM F5 club.

Raymond, I agree and disagree. The problem is, at his core, John is a traditionalist and an idealist. He really does care about how the girl's parents feel about his relationship with their daughters. While part of me wishes he would marry them all publicly, I can see the other argument as well. However, polygamy is nothing new even in our day and time. Many cultures embrace multiple wives, some through subjegation yes...but others with more cultural maturity, even see it as confirmation of male 'verility'. I wonder if a talk with Calara's mother might help? She knows the truth of it, recognizes that John is not Terran, and seems to have embraced it. I bet she could set the stage for the men in her family...not like dad has much he can really say, having had a few wild oats sewn himself.

PLRus--Founding member of the TSM F5 club.

I can just see the conversation between Calara's parents. "Sweet heart? We need to sit down and have a long talk with the boys about this upcoming wedding." "Oh? What is on your mind."......."But she is my daughter!"....."yes, I suppose it is a bit hypocritical."...."are you sure she is happy?"...."live forever you say?"....."Sighs: yes, I can see your point. So how do we talk to the boys about this? Don't want them getting their asses handed to them over this."

PLRus--Founding member of the TSM F5 club.

On another note: Can you imagine being invited to the wedding ceremony of your god and his goddess(es)? Talk about political clout back home!

Master Laurent

OK, So How F***ed up is this. I have been going to a support group for the last 4 months to deal with my Abandonment and Self Worth issues that manifest in destructive ways and I have been having great success. My Life has been a shit sandwich for the last two years and my health is an even bigger challenge at the moment. Enough on this. The Theme of the Group is Hurts, Hangups and Habits and it is a faith based group that is internationally recognized. One of the Hangups that people go to this group for are addictions to Pornography. I do not feel that I have an issue with this. Here is the F****ed up part, I have a customer meeting shortly and then I have to get ready for the meeting and I am debating not going to the Support Group meeting tonight because I have a bunch of work to get done and I want to read the chapter. With T-Day tomorrow here in the states and I am working all day, I really do not want to be around people. Am I Crazy?? *Stern Look @ Crazy behind Jedi”

Master Laurent

I Humbly Disagree, I think that he is doing a reread and adding 2K more characters to give us a great chapter. Tefler is not a Sadist, Do you really think he enjoys watching us all squirm over the cliff hangers? Wondering who the BSP is going to be? Taking breaks to work on his e-books keeping us waiting an extra 10-15 days between chapters? *Soft Smile as my Sarcasm!*

PLRus--Founding member of the TSM F5 club.

If Tefler posts it has been a slow week another 300 times I am going to scream! Oh, wait, that is just the refresh button...sighs....never mind.

Master Laurent

LOL, Yeah, Like I have said as a computer geek in the past, I would love the see the web stats for Teflers page on the days that he is to be releasing a chapter, I would think the page views are through the roof.

Master Laurent

Story Viewing Habits - Tells us yours. I will go first, 1. download the word document. 2. Select All and Change the Font to Arial 48 3. Save as a Web Page 4. Open up the web page in FireFox Full Screen and Zoom to 300%. Why - I have a 27” iMac Retina with a 5K Display so small fonts are a pain with my older eyes. In doing research and then personal Experience Arial is a Great Font to Read because it does not cause eye strain and the lack of Serifs helps with retaining the content. Scrolling text in Firefox is much more enjoyable for long reads. And from a psychological standpoint, the progress bar on the right hand side moves a lot slower while I am reading my text helping with my anxiety that I will be soon done with this serving of this great work. Any other Weirdness out in the TSM Viewing world???


I generally read on my (jailbroken) iPhone. The iPhone displays DOCX documents natively in Safari, but if you try to save the page you get the HTML version that it's rendering instead of the original. This is actually a good thing, because I cooked up a shell script that cleans up the HTML and slaps a custom head section at the top with some CSS and the magic meta tags that make it display right on a phone. Said script was originally developed for Word HTML filtered input, but it now works on both. I find that Georgia works best, and as I usually read at night I use cream-colored text on a deep charcoal background.


I've finished the chapter, I'm just wrapping up some edits and I'll post it soon. :-)




Sweet. Happy Thanksgiving, all!

Master Laurent

anybody want to bet on if Edraele is awake by the end of the chapter?


Carly Simon is on my mind.

Master Laurent

LOL, Making me wait . . . . Fuck, now that song will be going though my pea brain for the next 4 hours.


Wonder how many times this page has been refreshed since Tef said he will be posting soon

Master Laurent

According to Firefox developer console performance monitor it takes approximately 7 Seconds to reload this page.


who else refreshing like a mofo?


This is the biggest comment thread on a status post since chapt 90 so I take it you all are a little excited?


For me, it's just that I had a half day at work so I have the time to be looking and reading. Also, I had surgery on my wrist a month ago and I've just gotten to the point where I can almost type comfortably, again.

Master Laurent

Laughing - OK So Tefler's Soon = equal to the amount of time it takes a woman to get ready to go out for an event. = A Moving target sometime between now and when I am god damn good and ready. *Deepest respects to all of the ladies in the community*

Master Laurent

The Sugar Buzz is kicking in from the Jelly Beans - Apologies to Tefler for my humor.

Master Laurent

News Flash, Patreon Site Crashes due to an hour of heavy activity - Anonymous sources are pointing to the release of the next chapter of an intergalactic love story by a famous author.

Master Laurent

BTW, I think that those using the website - clicking on the all posts button on the top left side does a reload in under 2 seconds.


Nah, they probably have better servers than Eve Online. At least we don't have to worry about response times slowing to 10% of real time with 3000 players in the same system.


Very thankful for this timely release!