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*** EDITED 13th Nov (13:04) - FINAL. ***

Hey everyone!

I've just finished chapter 93, so here it is fresh from the keyboard!

I've only edited the first half so far. I'll make a note here when I've gone through the second.

I hope you enjoy it!








Damn y’all quick.




I cannot open it. It keeps coming up as a Zip file.


Teller, how do we open it if it comes in a Zip file? If I unzip it it doesn't have files that can be opened.


same problem


Change the ending from zip. To Doc. Then download. Mine opened


The file is in docx format, so I've no idea why it's appearing as a zip! :-)


When downloading it in Firefox it says it's a zip file although it has a docx extension but it opens okay in Word, Libre Office Writer and imports into Calibre. Computers, pah!


It downloaded as a docx from the pc


Sane problem here


Thank you! I'll read it in my lunch break!


*hears Road runner notification, sees Tef at start of notification window, hits download.* cant wait for lunch to read it.


I love the rhythm of your writing and how often you release each chapter! Keep up the great work.


It would get done while I'm at work😭😭😭😵😖


I'll admit that I was expecting Henry Voss to be obstructing the Terran fleet build up, even though it made no sense. Glad I was wrong. Great chapter!


Can't open docs file. Any suggestions


File download is a zip file. Opens into nothing and nothing reads it. Redo the link? Please?

Magnus Wittstrom

Amazing chapter. What is the status on the next one. :-)

Master Laurent

Bravo Tefler for another Amazing Chapter. Thank you for the Timing. I am really enjoying how you are weaving the story arc's together. I will not comment on any spoilers other than the Admirals are going to get a beating. And I am really enjoying how you are working with Faye! Bravo, Bravo, Bravo!


I got it open finally. Thanks


Interesting to see what Henry Voss does when he finds the admirals are seeking to hurt his daughter and her friends.

Master Laurent

Magnus, The support group meets nightly to help address the withdrawal, I think Crazy and FuckNuts are scheduled to read the 12 Steps @ tonight's Meeting!:-) and tonight's topic is patience.


Can't find the document in that zip


We might cross the $2500/ch this month!


Don’t have the file. Have logged out and back in restarted device. Not sure what else to do


I reattached the file, but it is a word document, it's not a zip file.

Master Laurent

Angry Daddy's are not fun to deal with. How About What Jade is going to do to them. She can shape shift as one of the admirals, go into the briefing, lock the doors and then pull a "Pulp Fiction" On them. Can you say Tentacles in bad places that expand?


Thanks Roy. I try and get 3k words done a day, which makes three chapters a month pretty easy to achieve.


You're welcome, I'm glad you liked it. :-) It was nice to get everything out in the open this chapter!

Magnus Wittstrom

Try a different browser to download the file. The file is downloaded as a zip but should be converted into a docx by the browser. Many websites does this to to speed up file transfers but Patreon might have messed something up.


Still getting a zip file, even went back to the downloads for 91 and 92 and they worked fine.


If you're having problems downloading it, just send me a message with your email address. I'll mail it to you directly. :-)


Magnus, thank you! I tried that trick earlier but the reup must have fixed it. Now I get to imurse myself again at work!

Master Laurent

Patreon has been having problems lately. I had to put in a support ticket and it took them 3 days to respond and they said that they were overloaded with support tickets - I think they made a change to the back end of the platform and it is causing some problems. :-(


Cheers fella,excellent work as usual.


Wow! Very nice Tefler! I truly enjoyed all the little twists you've managed to put in this chapter. :-)


Okay, my productivity today was not up to my usual, I wonder why... I can see a change of command coming in the not too distant future for TFed. John is only going to be confused for about ten seconds before he sends Irillith to find out what's going on. And I suspect Jade will have a very significant role in this particular shindig, as well. Plus, to paraphrase a movie character, "I do not think that they are going to help you the way you think they will."


TWO!!!! Oh the cliffhanger.


Yep! that cliffhanger left me mad at my race... !! can't wait for that storyline and encounter...

James Glass

Great work! All I have to say about the last part is that John is gonna be sooooo pissed when he finds out.


So it looks like the Terran Admiralty are about to do several very very stupid things at once. I foresee an upcoming change in leadership when they screw up


Well, I'm happy I'm not the only one hoping for that altercation soon... The almiralty are really pissing me off now.


TFED Admiralty needs to be replaced, they are beyond stupid, if I would seen that vid I be making him the best ally ever.


TFED Admiralty - their sad attempts at intrigue are like watching elephants trying to tap-dance. OK, I'm taking bets on how John wises up to them: 2/1 on: Irrilith even more empowered by her union/renewal of bond with Tashana rapidly discovers a smoking gun in her electronic nymph hunt; Evens: The admiralty set up some sort of trap with nymphs as bait. The team rapidly see through it and go on the offensive... 2/1: The admiralty decide to muzzle Jehanna/ take her in for questioning. John finds out and things escalate rather quickly... 5/1 All other ideas...... Cheers Tim


I'm having major issues trying to open the the story up. Tef if you could send it to me I'd really appreciate it. Thanks


Tefler, Great chapter and I enjoyed,


They already screwed up so the only question now is the magnitude of the lions retribution

PLRus--Founding member of the TSM F5 club.

Tefler: I was happy to see how well you incorporated the lifting of the mind shield on Irillith. It just had to happen, and you handled it perfectly. As for Faye: that was a tear jerker. She is going to fry her circuits if she doesn't settle down.....lol. So, the other girls now have a 3rd helix. I suspect John is going to bring them all online. Again, it just makes sense. As for Webber and Caldwell and Buckingham and Lynton, they are just dead men (women) walking. And yes, I see Jade doing an impersonation as a spy in an Admiralty cabinet meeting and getting so pissed she just loses it. I see Mishra and Charles and the Admiral from the Trankaran border being the new High Command cabinet officers. So John and the girls are going to find at least two more Nymphs....and possibly several more. Jade is sooooo going to be bad ass mother hen!


Question for Tefler: How do you pronounce Edraele? Normally I'm good with names but I'm unsure about this one. I've been pronouncing it like it's a Kryptonian name 'eh drau el' or would 'eh dray el' be correct?


Another amazing chapter, Tefler! I can't wait to see how things turn out with Edraele waking up and discovering John's upgraded network with the girls, not to mention finally getting to read about Faye's body. That is of course, if you don't put it off a few chapters and tease us even more with it. I did find one small typo near the end: "I’ve had then sent them to a secure facility," it should say them instead of then. Or maybe take out a couple of words in that line?


The Admiralty is starting to piss me off. It's time he smacked them all down and put Charles in charge. 😡

Steven Allen

I wonder if the fleet admiral is going to be disappointed in the Nymphs they have acquired as they are not enhanced like Jade is. In the next ebook I recommend adding a map. You have John and co. running all over the place a visual aid would be nice for your readers who are not on Patreon. Another recommendation for the next ebook is adding a pronunciation guide. Finally my last suggestion is adding a glossary to the next ebook. I always wondered why only Alyssa had to show ID? Why not Dana or any of the other women? Was John not concerned that Dana was of legal consent or assumed that Alyssa would not lead him astray with some jail bait? I am also sure that with Rachel's wild past there has to be some choice dirt that the admiral can dig up to smear John and the other girl's with. With Irillith's cyber snooping and Calara's prescience I wonder if the ladies will be able to locate the planet that the Nymphs are being held on? So many possibilities.


I was about to say much the same. Looking forward to him sorting out the greedy and scheming cretins


Oh once John has Charles take a peek and alarms go off John is going to tell Charles there is going to be a change in leadership but he doesn't want it to be bloody. He doesn't want to weaken the tfed at a critical time. That's the only reason the change of command won't be bloody. I could see Charles letting jade be him go to a meeting with Alyssa riding along to simply take over psychicly. The tfed in a surprise move has several. Members of the admiralty accept retirement and Charles is promoted to the new head with some key players in the admiralty including John Blake.

Steven Allen

That is a possibility or assassinate the current leadership and have Jade and other Nymphs assume the roles of the tfed leadership. Coups are not always bloodless.


Alyssa gets her wish, spring cleaning!


I hope the fleet admiral isn't thinking of assassinating Jehanna, that will seriously piss off John (might be worse than former-Commander Rupert). The 'tests' they are planning on the Nymphs may cause some unforeseen problems in the future. They will be disappointed out to find they are different to Jade. The Admirals don't know that John is the effective Maliri King, John may use that to great effect.


For the first time in what felt like weeks, Rachel awoke naturally rather with a gentle telepathic prompting from Alyssa. Should have a “than” in there I believe


It was a gorgeous day on Myra’s world and the group laughed and joked under the bright sunshine, while nibbling at their tasty lunch. Extra return in there


Another amazing chapter. I love all foreshadowing you do when you write the chapter. You also given Major Easter egg for main story plot. I am looking forward to Showdown between God vs Admiralty insects.


Yes, another great chapter that answers a bunch of previous questions and brings up a bunch more! Tef: A small part of me will die and you will lose my respect if the situation with Edraelle is not reslolved by the next chapter. Yes you closed a lot of loose ends this chapter (and opened up more) but i was really looking forward to seeing her restored by the end of this chapter! This is not a threat but a protest to end the torture!


Buckingham that son of a bitch!..... tefler you gotta make him pay..... damn that's got my blood boiling

Kim Biel-Nielsen

Beautiful chapter - why am I not surprised. A few thoughts: The term “drydock” does seem a tad to maritime for use on space ships, I dont really have a better term - but maybee just “dock”.

Kim Biel-Nielsen

Avtually the admirals could use Rachels abilities as a “healer” against the team. Whith the right publicity thousands if not millions would line up to be healed. As this is impossible - you could easily spin a negative story line about not caring... bla bla bla.... With the right access to tabloids the could run quickly.


Kidnap and hostage scenario is likely, but I also worry about their experimental program. Also, I suspect that John will rather force them to resign than to kill them. A well timed news story may be a powerful tool.


Tef, you could add a sentence that they considered smearing Rachel, but we're worried about her father's anger.


In the next chapter, Calara should call her mom. It was missing from this one. I would think that she would want to show of her ring, and her mom must be worried.


What about Athena? She has been waiting longer than Ed.


I loved the Alyssa and Tashana duel, but you could add Sakura next time. I bet that they may devise a joint atrack that works on Astral monsters.


If Sakura uses the new pistol, does she have the heatsink problem?


So, will Jehanna and the Trankaran queen be excluded from the core group? Where is John's ring? Maybe some further details are forthcoming.


Can someone clarify? Eight are now linked to Alyssa, excluding Faye. Nine have a third helix. Ed, Alyssa and Jade are matriarchs. Ed and Faye are not engaged yet, but may be next chapter once Ed wakes up and Fayes has awesome sex with John.


Obviously, I loved the chapter. I will stop talking now. :)


I imagine a scene where Sakura shows off how she can rapid fire the pistol and Tashana can't. Tashana responds by sending a fire sprite on the bullet obliterating the target.

Jedi Khan

An interesting chapter Tefler. Nice heartfelt moments, also a good deal of setup for the next arc. I hope Edraele is revived in the next chapter or two, as I have a feeling John is going to need her advice in the very near future. To anyone who has been thinking that John’s standing as the Maliri king needs to be put to use against the Admiralty, made public, or acknowledged in any way outside of John’s inner circle, I think doing any of that is effectively giving the admiralty the nuke they're looking for with regards to taking John down. Sure, it's a position of power for John, but it's a position outside the TFed. The admirals already know John is on good terms with the Maliri, but they only know it as a simple trade agreement. If they found out that he effectively controls the Maliri, the admirals can quickly and relatively easily turn that around to paint John as a traitor to the Terran race, making it seem like he's gaining all this popularity so he can overthrow the rightful TFed government and have the Maliri move in to enslave the good people of the Terran Federation. Ostracizing John from the TFed might lead to war with the Maliri and the other races, especially if the Admiralty is aggressive about it, but I think the admirals (specifically Buckingham and his inner circle) will be okay with that as long as it turns the Terran citizens against John. It’s probably a good thing the comm system is down between Trankaran space and the TFed, or else the Trankaran’s new spiritual revolution revolving around the “Great Protector” might catch the admiralty’s attention. Smart as they are, the admirals could probably piece together a timeline, including Niskera’s new look, and figure out that John is this new deity. Painting John as a traitor to the TFed citizenry by selling out to the Trankarans might be a little more difficult since the Trankarans are relatively well known as compared to the enigmatic Maliri, but it could be done. I think what John should probably do, barring a purge of the TFed admiralty, is go public with the alliance he’s building, but keep his role in it as just being the mediator/negotiator for the races, not the guy who’s actually in charge. Maybe have an official ceremony to cement the alliance that’s hosted on the Invictus as neutral ground and invite the press (not just Jehenna). The fact that the Invictus is being used as the host, and not a Terran world, as well as the lack of a presence from the TFed aside from John, would likely raise a lot of questions aimed at the Admiralty. The admirals could respond by saying that John was acting on their behest and that the alliance was their idea, but that could easily be countered by a joint statement from the other races saying that the TFed is in fact not part of the alliance and that they were not asked to join due to a lack of faith in High Command. This should act as a message to the Admiralty, basically saying “Play nice and you get to join the party.” So far, the admiralty has only been seeing John as a rogue element, a possible usurper to their authority. They need to start seeing him as the independent faction that he is, and revealing the alliance that he’s building should help do that, as well as point out some of the benefits of playing nice with him. Although I’m sure that the admirals, being the Negative Nancy’s they are, will only see the implied threat of “Go against John, and you’re up against three other races, not just John.”


I am sooo looking forward to the next battle...


A question if John meets with the Admiralty again will he be able to read their minds , especially if their thinking about harming him or the girls ? Like Alyssa was able to with Seb the mine owner ? Also I'm sure John's code would probably keep him from going after the Admirals but if they attempt to harm Jade or any of the crew or their families/the Nymph's etc accidents can happen , sudden fire , electrical shock , a hull breech causing the to freeze into pop cycles ?? you never know


If that happens, clear browser history and try again.


Yeah, bullshit excuse. They've been fucking things up for months, and it's finally biting them in the ass.


I also just realized that Jade getting telepathic communication could be the set up to make her the best pilot who can listen to Calara’s prescience commands. Alyssa referenced last chapter that Jade was the better pilot but they would have been screwed without instantaneous communication

CJ Mora

The term "dry" should refer to taking out of its medium...in the case of a water vessel, it means pulling it out of the water. For a space vessel, it might mean putting it in a hanger where there's an atmosphere so complicated work can be performed without a spacesuit.

CJ Mora

Great chapter, Tefler! I'm hoping the Admiralty keeps up their shenanigans for a couple more chapters, and digs themselves into such a deep hole that their disgrace is complete. Between the diseases they bioengineered, dropping faith on their allies and not honoring their treaty with the Trankarans, kidnapping Tfed citizens to get info on the nymphs, then strong-arming/blackmailing powerful citizens to steal their nymphs, they are dug in pretty deep but not deep enough. When John goes public about the alliance he's building, he needs to be in a position where he's elected Fleet Admiral (or if not FA, at least an unassailable position where the FA follows his lead without question). Right now, there's not enough...they would still want independence, and that's not the power relationship with the other species. Loved the double-cliffhanger!!! Can't wait for the next chapter!

CJ Mora

One more thing...since we're speculating on changes to the admiralty, might be time for separation of military and civilian command, with the Tfed leader being civilian and John leading the military as the new Fleet Admiral....I'm just saying....


Awesome chapter !! Bit of an ominous end there.


Typo : Captain Murphy instead of Captain Lewis "I'm assigning you your own wing, Ryan," Captain Murphy said.

PLRus--Founding member of the TSM F5 club.

Jedi, a laudable train of thought. I am a bit disinclined to agree from personal experience with those who are paranoid. Have you ever tried to tell a true Paranoid that everyone is not out to get them? You instantly find yourself lumped in with everyone else and you are on the outside looking in...like the Admiral on the Trankaran border. In essence, rampant Paranoia manifests its own reality because everyone wants to get involved/help which is seen as justification for the Paranoia. Initial medication is often forced, in combination with deep psychiatric counselling. With time, patients can overcome, but being 'cured' is often an illusion the true Paranoid cannot afford to embrace.


Damn that ending made me so mad, I had to get up and walk it off. The admiralty has gone too far this time. Can't wait for their retribution at the hands of a giant T-Rex/Tiger/Dragon.


I agree Ted good chapter, I’m really enjoying your story.


Tef not Ted hate this phone.


I was just thinking about some “what if’s” and not sure if many of these comments influence your direction but I thought i’d Share anyway.


I love how the arc about the nymphs twists and how high command Digg their grave deeper and deeper. And it is hard to wait chapter for chapter for fayes body :o Thanks for the nice chapter!


It’s all too true that we as a people tend to covet power, money and control. We tent to accept that others are capable of very bad decisions to gain or retain these things. The admiralty are under the impression still that John is a pretty small fry in the universe compared to their sphere of influence. In fact they are likely intimidated by an underling that is clearly outclassing them as people in general.


The High Command is reacting to John as they have probably dealt with any other challenge to their power & position through out their careers . First Control & use to your own advantage ( Devereux ) intimidate , either personally or thru friends & family (1st meeting after Battle of Regulas ) & if you cant use , control , or intimidate destroy . Have you ever though about the term rank ? A position in a hierarchy in military & also a foul smell , the higher the rank...the worse you stink :-) . The Admiral (some worse than others ) are getting desperate to protect their positions & the more desperate one becomes the more risk & worse choices they will make .


When you say Rachels 'abilities' I think you mean her medical prowess not her psychic ability? So they may try to separate Rachel from John, but if push comes to shove Calara, Rachel would leave service to stay with John. Calara's parents would understand why.


I suspect Jehanna will join the main group, she fits in the mix well. If she does, I wonder what ability John would gift her?


JFL must have missed post about your father please share


My main question is, will they get across Terran space to get Edraelle back in working order before they have to deal with the admiralty. If it's first then they don't have to face all the new tech ships, (but also can't turn them off) it'd also mean they'd have to face the TFed short on turrets and guns


JFL must have missed your post about your father you said he was a pilot was he a vet ? if yes thank him for his serf




He needs to bring Alyssa with him in the future and not Calara.


Personally, I think Charles will end up the Fleet Admiral. The others will be removed.


The civilian leader would need to be female like the other races John has a connection with. That way Alyssa can keep track of.


John needs Ed back where she can transfer him energy before he does anything else.


Edraelle needs to be back soon. n reading chapter 59, really sad how Devereux became selfish n an antagonist when she could have been the terran niskera. Just a comment. If you can tef, don't destroy her

Big Dude

I liked the chapter 93 ending. I hope chapter 94 comes November 20th. When Charles accesses the Nymph files and Buckingham notices this then the mess will hit the fan. Nice chapter arcs there Tefler.


Well I finally finished the chapter I gotta say I hate cliffhangers this was a great chapter otherwise I can see right now that high command is well on the way to being on John's bad side he's going to have to bring the boot down hard I can just imagine that this latest development will not sit well with Jade at all


John has finished the upgrade on Tashana. He needs to focus on Dana as she is on the cusp of ‘remembering ‘ the wormhole drive. If that happened in parallel to fixing Edraele, new possibilities open. Depending on how big a job installing a wormhole drive is -it may be exotic, but if it doesn’t involve pulling invictus to pieces too much, still quick to install- John may have some additional options. For example, when they become aware of the admiralty's latest moves, they will probably be with Edraele in Maliri space. It may make more sense to head to Terra (or wherever the Nymphs are being held) via Genthelas and a wormhole upgrade. Bear in mind, things are going to get hectic very soon, we can expect action from the Kintark with their re-shielded dreadnought anytime now as well. John's not always going to have time for 5 day interludes moving between the various scenes of action...

Jim lynch

Omg I hope the admirals get it soon especially Buckingham and I really hope it’s not pretty too evil bastards. Tefler I hope you’ve got a really nasty streak that you can put on paper (screen) lol. Oh and please give Faye her body in chapter 94 she really deserves it for all the hard work she does. I loved this chapter again I like the slow chapters after the big battle chapters. Keep them coming please.


Hey everyone, Thanks for all the positive feedback, it's great to hear you enjoyed the latest chapter! :-) I've got family visiting this weekend, so haven't been able to be online much to reply. I'll get stuck into the edits when I get the chance, so expect to see an edited version up later today!


Tefler, this chapter was great - compulsive, great character development, yet keeping the whole amazing saga remorselessly moving forward. I've come to the conclusion that the group here fulfills many functions and one of the most important is as a mutual support group for hopeless addicts! Here, we can: *Rage against the plot's villains [TF Admiralty aren't doing too well at the moment :-( ]; *Draw comfort from more upbeat assessments of where the plot is going when we're worrying about how sinister forces are gathering ready to ensnare our hero and heroines; * Immerse ourselves even further into this wonderful universe you have created. When my enemy (the vertical document progress bar on the RHS of the screen) has got to the bottom and refuses to go any further, this is the first place I come, usually reading the first 100 or so comments with as much rapt attention as the story itself. You know how one plot element is the fact that the girls cannot handle/contemplate the concept of John being killed, and go totally irrational if it is raised? I'm suspecting we're the same here when the awful concept of this story eventually ending is raised. We blank out with a pained but vacant expression, there is an awful silence - and then we carry on and usual totally ignoring this disruptive and life-ending-as-we-know-it concept! This is a rare masterpiece of SF you are constructing, you have a great talent. My most sincere congratulations!! Tim p.s. Have a great time with your family!!


I thought that what Dana remembered was the quantum flux cannon?

PLRus--Founding member of the TSM F5 club.

Tefler: There is a point of confusion here: “The anti-grav generators are amazing! These pistols feel much lighter than the ordinary Quantum versions and they’re half the size!” The new pistols are much lighter and half the size? That doesn't quite fit with their earler description. Perhaps it could read either twice the size to follow with the subject being the new pistols or that are twice the size of the ordinary Quantum versions????

Steven Allen

I keep wondering if we will see Tanya (can't remember which chapter, right after John and the girls rescue Tashana) the other pretty blonde again. What would John do with two non-twin blondes in his harem? How would Dana's armor recognize one blonde from the other? I imagine Dana's armor would differentiate between two blondes much the same as the armor does for Irillith and Tashana.

James Glass

I think they mean the ordinary Quantum versions are half the size of the new pistols


and now for the edited Ch 10-18.....


Not sure if anyone is having the same problem but i cant seem to read the downloaded file on my phone. Bummer :( i'll try when i get home. Hopefully that works


Interesting, but doubtful. BSP seems to have stirred up the Kirrix to attack due to his failure with the first glowing queen. BSP is a more likely puppeteer, even though he did not create them. The harder question is whether intelligent life can emerge without outside influence. Kirrix may be the result of a previous progen, with a bug fetish.

Joel San Buenaventura

Ive always visited your site ever since i knew that you had a patreon site. But the problem that i had is payment option as i am outside US and i have no credit card. But i found a way :) Continue to create great long stories. Much love from the Philippines :)

Jedi Khan

I don't think the armor does differentiate between Irillith and Tashana, since it's DNA based, and the twins have identical DNA. The only difference between them is their powers.

Jedi Khan

Welcome to the club, Joel. Glad you could find a way to support your addiction like the rest of us. :-)


The latest development with the Nyphms doesn't sit well with me. I think its about freaking time John does something about high command. But first please Tefler, Bring us back Edraele in the next chapter! Please!


Hey Tefler, just re-read the chapter after edit. On page 45, Dana whispered in an awed voice, how about if it said Dana whispered in a voice full of awe. Does that flow better?

Jedi Khan

Slipped the *FINAL* version past us again, huh Tef? Any major changes or just some grammar/spelling corrections?


Nothing major, a few new paragraphs and a bunch of minor changes to word usage etc. :-)

Clifford Solonas

i just bought book 1 for my kindle, is there a book 2 somewhere?


not yet, we're all waiting for it with baited breath. Hopefully sometime soon


Tefler, please update your overview and let us know your current status? What's happening with the next ebook (and book)? What's happening with the next chapter? Updated overview requested, please, since you're not just finished with Chapter 92! :-)


I love how Tefler has scripted it to this point that they don't truly know what they are all capable of. Has Devereaux even mentioned the telekenisis stuff she saw? Even if she did I feel some kind of Alyssa/storm from X-Men moment where her eyes glow white, she levetates and taps a fresh keg of the finest vintage of whupass ever brewed.


If John wants to throw a wrench into their plans all he would have to do is take control of the TFNN broadcast for a bit and let humanity know what's up. How happy will the population be if they know what's going on? Not to mention I would think every ship in the fleet is running a TV set to TFNN 24x7 in their lounge. 30 seconds of air before getting cut off and you start the rumors onboard the ships. Good luck trying to convince your fleet to ambush the Lion then.


I know twins generally have the same DNA but I don’t think it has been explaned with the third helix where Tashana and Irillith’s powers differ. I’m not sure if it’s too minor a detail but the way in which double helix DNA bonds together is that with the four nucleobases-cytosine(C), guanine(G), adenine(A), and thymine(T)- only C and G bond together and A and T bond. The effect of this is that as the 4 nucleotides are sequenced down 1 strand of DNA the other strand has the matching pairs reversed thereby giving an extra backup against mutation of a single base because it would no longer bond with its opposite base pair. In this scenario I’m not sure how a third helix would bond with the other 2 strands because it would no longer be about matching pairs and the third helix would have to be made of completely different chemical structures that alter the original double helix completely. RNA transcription (the method by which DNA is replicated for new cells) would now need to copy 2 strands instead of the original 1 making the whole process vastly more complicated. Although tefler’s way of doing it would effectively double genetic information and I will just say I’m not looking for an in-depth explanation of any sort(it would require far to much theoretical chemistry which I’m not sure is a thing) and I wouldn’t understand it. I think if Rachel needed a bit of a scene sometime she could give a little bit of a fantasy lecture to the crew and it could help explain the twins lions having a blue and red streak respectively in the lions white mane. My 2 cents and since I live in Canada and we got rid of pennies that rounds down to nothing. Cheers

PLRus--Founding member of the TSM F5 club.

Ok....here is the story. It took Dad many years to get to where he would share it. All we knew was he got a medal for it. Dad was a hellava pilot, what is called having a 'hot stick' before all the computer controlled avionics packages you have nowadays. Back then, the best of the best were either hot shot fighter pilots or Recon pilots. Dad was Recon, in a modified Phantom 4 that just had cameras, no external tanks or even guns. Well, there was a paticular SAM sight (Surface to Air Missles) that was shooting down every airplane that got into their dome of coverage and 4 other Recon pilots had been killed trying to get pictures so the high-altitude B-52's could bomb them and take out the threat. They asked for a volunteer, and Dad did so out of a sense of honor...he had lost a friend to that site a week previous. Well, Dad had a fighter escort for that sortie because of all the migs in the area. The Fighter had fuel tanks and missiles mounted externally on the wings so it was not as maneuverable or as fast as the RF-4 Dad was flying. Dad told the Fighter pilot that he tended to get 'heavy on the stick' (a euphamism for running like a bat out of hell) when he was being fired at and he told the escort to let him know if he started to leave him. The Fighter pilot affirmed he would. Well, when Dad hit the SAM sight his whole threat board lit up all at once with multiple radars, multiple radar locks, multiple missles fired. He radioed to the Fighter to hold back as he jumped into the fray at near tree top level. The Fighter Pilot said, "Yeah, I see it, keep on running." Again, this was all without ground evasive radar, etc. Well, Dad continuously changed his altitude, bearing, and speed, weaving through the SAM sight. The Fighter radioed back, "Keep running Gator! It is all behind you!" So he did...he came out of the fire zone and as is protocol, hit a few minor sights in the area and went back in from a different bearing. Same thing happened, threat board lit up 'like a Christmas Tree' and the Fighter said again, "It is all behind you, keep running!" When dad pulled up the second time, he could not see the Fighter escort and he called back to him telling him he should have told him to slow down if he was leaving him. The Fighter Pilot said: "Gator, I have you, will meet up with you in a minute. But you didn't want to slow down. When I said that shit was all behind you, I meant it was RIGHT behind you! I could have walked on the shit that was coming out of your tailpipe!" Supposidly it was impossible to outrun the cameras on the RF-4. Dad was the first to do it and his pictures were fuzzy as a result. So, they sent in another Recon...who was shot down in the first pass. They had to go with Dad's pictures for the B-52's. Dad was also the only known Recon pilot to take out a fighter in a dogfight...but that is a different story.


"My 2 cents and since I live in Canada and we got rid of pennies that rounds down to nothing." From one Canadian to another, that was a good one. LOL


Can't wait to see Buckingham gutted trying to stuff his insides back on the inside...

Raymond Jeffries

Totally with you on that, when the crew finds out what Buckingham has going on it's going to be epic!


Are we due a Ch update Mr Tefler


Various unknowns may be resolved shortly: 1. Will John get a ring? 2. What happens when Ed wakes up and John gets a surge? 3. Will the Malari princesses and assassins link to Ed forming a second crew? 4. Will Faye react in some unpredictable way to John's cum (Pinocchio)?


Like many, I am curious about Jehanna's power. First, I think she may be hyper charismatic, a real charmer. All of the girls are gorgeous, none specialize in public speaking. Jehanna will be John's spokesperson. Second, she may develop the ability to sense danger (reporters instinct), which could be different from Calara's predictive powers. Third, we don't have a sonic power. She could have keen hearing and the ability to manipulate sound waves. Soldier could simply pass out from her sonic attacks. Lastly, she could have the ability to hear or jam psychic communication between people. While Alyssa can read minds and create a null field, this ability would go further. Jehanna might even be able to send false messages, like telling Alyssa to make dinner as if the psychic message came from John. She could order the kirrix ships to attack themselves. Such a power of psychic disinformation could be used to great effect. Any other ideas?

Jedi Khan

Ben, in response to #3, they already were linked. A chapter or two before Edraele got knocked out, she formed bonds to the Young Matriarchs and her bodyguards/assassins just like Alyssa did with the girls on the Invictus.

Jedi Khan

Interesting ideas. However, I doubt we'll be seeing Jehanna's powers anytime soon, if she even develops any. John has different plans for her rather than to join the crew aboard ship. Who knows what exactly he has in mind? We might not see her do much of anything beyond what she's doing now until Tefler starts the sequel he has in mind.


I think that Admirals Weber and Buckingham may not be redeemable in the time that they have before John ascertains the status of the remaining Nymphs, but I think that Edwin Caldwell, Lynette Devereux and Jayanti Mishra may be. They both legitimately have no knowledge of the Nymphs nor what is being done with them, and they recognize that despite John's potential for being problematic to the Admiralty, he's done nothing but help them up to this point. So, unlike Carl Weber and Vincent Buckingham, they are not actively working against him so much as trying to restrict his ability to be a threat to them. That makes them cautious and perhaps a bit parochial and fear-driven, but not necessarily irredeemably bad people to be eliminated. Thoughts?


Caldwell I don't think is redeemable, he has too much fear of John, especially after the battle at Regulus. Devereax, is too power mad to be brought back. Mishra has always seemed to be on Johns side. Does anyone else think that Buckinghams female assistant is another Nymph? she will have had medical checks, but as a senior admiral (And earlier as ships captain) these could have been faked


if a nymph turned up today would you keep her? me in general; yes.


Ok, when's the ch2-16 re-write complete Tefler?


I've written 10k of chapter 94 so far and I'm running a bit behind schedule. I had guests visiting last weekend and they kindly left me a flu bug as a parting gift... :-(


Assuming that John will get a flood of energy once Ed awakes to whom should he transfer it ? Evenly across the girls? Just Dana? Use it to fight progen John?

Jedi Khan

I don't think John's going to get flooded with energy after reconnecting with Edraele. There wasn't a flood each time he reconnected with Alyssa, or after he reconnected with Edraele after freeing her of the compulsion to obey. He is going to have access to a whole lot more energy than he has now, but he's not going to get flooded by it.

PLRus--Founding member of the TSM F5 club.

I wonder how Luna and the Maliri Fleet are doing. They are on the border with Terran space, most likely in the middle of the trade route. Which would put all the traders on notice that something big was in the works. With all the trebidation with the Maliri I would think that such a move would scare the crap out of everyone...especially Terran High Command. And it isn't like the traders would not notice and pass that information on.

Jedi Khan

Well, I doubt that they'd park a fleet within sensor range of other races, since the Maliri have better sensor range. I also doubt that they're parked anywhere close to the border, likely being well inside, beyond the trade stations. I also doubt that TFed High Command cares much about what's going on outside their borders, and that's if they're even paying attention. If they did, they'd be in a near panic over what happened to the Ashanath, but instead, they're more worried about what John's having for breakfast. Consider that the Ashanath put up a big ass statue in John's honor in the middle of their trade plaza months ago, a trade plaza that is frequented by foreign traders, including Terrans, but yet we've seen no evidence that High Command even knows that John has any kind of relationship with the Greys.


Until now all the girls in his crew have received special new psychic abilities from John. Except Tashana. She hasnt been with them for long yet and is still powering up her natural pyrokinesis, but im still hoping that at some point she will receive either a special pyrokintic trait (like sentient fire or be able to become fire herself) or a new psychic affinity that complements her existing one (maybe light manipulation or something). Would just feel unfair for all the other to get something new and her just to keep her already existig powers.


This has been discussed months ago. I don't know what Tefler has in mind but I have a strong expectation.


I just thought of this, we know the admirals are looking for dirt on John, what about the miner Jeb he got the Tyrenium from? Maybe they spin it to be John ripping him off?


John could probably re-spin that to show the troubles he has undertaken to help support the Terran Federation with their ship building Possibly going so far as to say that without him they wouldnt have the metal to build the singularity driver on the thor (?).


About 7-8 months ago I raised the potential that Jade might become a matriarch. She didn’t. With a John seeking to find the lenarrans that may change. One matriarch for each species. Might be another few chapters but will Edraele become a “Progenitor Lite” similar to Alyssa?

PLRus--Founding member of the TSM F5 club.

I like your idea Wookey: Jade and Edraele as Projens of their races. Niskera for the Trankarans, and Alyssa takes the Terrans. Who gets the Greys and kintark, Drakkar, and Brimorians?

Raymond Jeffries

Another great chapter Tefler! Can't wait for the next one!


Damn. Now I want to re-read the part in Kintari space where they met the female dragon. But I promised myself, "No re-reads until the ebooks!". Difficult promise to keep but the first one was worth it.


Great chapter Tefler! I really enjoyed seeing Henry Voss doing the right thing for the right reason! I think he would definitely take the lead on the construction of the border trading stations for his daughter and her friends, if asked. Cheers!


It seems Mishra is very interested in the full body makeover. I'm wondering if she is going to approach John about it in the near future.


Maybe she would give him a heads up on the lenarrans in return


Folks keep mentioning the Progenitor Guides (Progenitor John and Athena) as having "full knowledge" of what a Progenitor can do. That is, to me, blatantly false. We know from the stories that Progenitors - at least Mael'nerak, for certain, and apparently others, too - continue to grow and learn and acquire new capabilities over time. Mael'nerak continued to experiment for the duration of his time in this sector, for which we have records, and we have no idea how many eons he did the same before coming to this sector. He certainly wasn't a new Progenitor, since the first thing he did upon arriving was exterminate the powerful Achonin (sp?) empire, destroying all of their life-bearing planets. Not all Progenitors are equal, as apparently only one of Mael'nerak's 'stronger' brothers came to end his dominion over this region of space. If all Progenitors were equal in power and knowledge, from their absorption of their Progenitor Guides, then there would be no experimentation, nor experiential improvements, and that is simply patently false, based upon everything Tefler has written on the subject. Which means, in turn, that John has no idea of his own capabilities, and his biggest obstacle to improving them remains, to date, his own disbelief in what he can do. He - and the other Progenitors - may well be near omnipotent, at least in comparison to the mortals that dwell in this sector of space, but his own inability to surmount his opinions of what he is capable of continue to prevent his realizing his own potential, far more so, in my opinion, than Progenitor John. Anyone have any thoughts that they wish to share on this?


Nice chapter Tefler. It was good to see Irrilith regain her memories and have some healing between the sisters. They'll both be stronger now. I wonder how Edraele will react when she remembers? Although she is a completely different personality now so maybe it won't matter as much. I think John is pushing his luck trying to reunite everyone with their dead parents. There will probably be serious consequences when he tries it with the twins' dad. Nymph's are on a comeback and Jehanna is going to blow the lid on the Admiralty's corruption. I don't think John should take leadership of the Tfed though. It should be a lowly human like Harris or an upgraded Devraux. He doesn't need to be king of the galaxy, just the Maliri. Maybe Jade will be able to sense and communicate with her sisters when they are on the same planet? Oh and a very happy birthday to Rachel.


Its possible that any newborn progenitor gets a kind of base template similar to how the Maliri has their physical traits. The difference is that John has a much wider scope of potential and he has copied that same potential to Alyssa and possibly the other girls in similar ways according to their abilities.


Hey Tefler, it might just be me but I'm having trouble unpacking the zip file. It comes out gibberish - I'm using WinRAR. Can you please upload as a Word file - assuming you can still do that and not face bandwidth issues. Or, if not that, then re-pack and upload a new zip file please. Thanks


It's a word doc rather than a zip file. Something weird is happening with Patreon when the file is downloaded. If you message me your email address, I'll email you a copy of the story. :-)


I wonder if Alyssa has invested in Voss industries.


Anyone found a fool proof method to get at the files with an iPad? I thought I had it work out, but nothing seems to open anymore.

Master Laurent

Try using chrome on the ipad and logging into the patreon site and then saving the file.


Master L. I have to admit I panicked. I have found the app great for reading comments, but mostly impossible for opening any file. When I gathered that 94 might appear so I was setting up to get the file before losing cell coverage...just in case. Nothing was working. After your reply I realized my stupid and tried browsers. I got Safari to work, Chrome unable to open so far, but I’ll have it ready! Thank you.