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Hey everyone,

I've just handed over part 1 of Chapter 93 to my editors and I'll be getting stuck into part 2 over the next few days. I'm still aiming to release the finished chapter here for the 10th November, then I'll edit it over the next few days as usual. :-)

My editors have been doing a great job going through chapters 11-20 for the second eBook and I'm about half way through the edits at the moment. To coincide with wrapping up the eBook text, I've been reaching out to artists to find someone to work on more coverart. I'm looking for someone to do portraits of the girls, so hopefully I'll be able to find someone talented for that!

The first eBook was a great success and it sold over a thousand copies in the initial month of sales! Thanks very much to everyone who bought a copy, I hope you enjoyed the additional scenes. :-)




Woot!!! Hopefully it will be in time for my work trip!


Looking forward to it


Happy days! Im going to sit on the ebooks until atleast 3 or 4 so I have a whole bunch to re-read. Maybe if an artist can be found they could do the before and after images of the girls individually?


thanks Tefler for the update


Congrats on the 1000+!!!!!!! I was wondering how it did :D Looking forward to the next chapter, John and girls getting Edraile back into the fold. :)

Jim lynch

Congrats tefler over a thousand copies in a month is quite an achievement plus it will probably increase with word of mouth too.


And the countdown begins ...


Hey Tefler, I'm currently JC The Continuers social media person. I have a deal with an artist that I think might be a great fit for fit for the portrait part of the art. Hit me up if you are interested.


If you can send me a link, I'd be interested to see their work. :-)

PLRus--Founding member of the TSM F5 club.

Thanks for the update, and congratulations on your book sales! I have a question about the gems, though. Alyssa Calara Jade Dana Rachel Irillith Tashana Edreale Faye Sakura Jehenna Makes 11 girls with only 10 gems for wedding bands. Who is getting left out? I can understand either Jehenna or Edreale, but that is so depressing! I am just surprised John didn't get 11 gems, just to be safe. I guess leaving Jahenna off is the most understandable since she has not 'officially' joined the crew yet. But by the time the weddings role around, she will be....though I can understand you not wanting to give a spoiler with the inclusion of her ring. Unless you are talking Faye...which would be just criminal. Talk about treating her like a second class crew member! She has seen every other girl get proposed to and she doesn't get to join? I feel the heartache already!

Stijn Van Hove

Congrats on the book sales. I have to admit I haven't even started reading mine yet, bought it on release day but still have too much of a backlog.


Well I'm aiming for the 10th, and I've written nearly 18k so far, so that's looking good! :-)


That's an interesting idea with the before/after images. I've seen artists do that with fully armoured/bikini versions of girls, but it gets much trickier when it's more than just a "reskin". For example, Alyssa gets taller, gains a few dozen pounds in weight, her hair gets longer and more lustrous, and her face changes shape too. All those changes would basically require two pictures, rather than one with a quick paint-job to change her outfit. :-(


Thank you! Yeah, I was amazed to see the continuous stream of sales day after day. There was an initial spike on day one, then the sales calmed down to about 30-40 a day without any real dips until the end of the month! :-)


I was really pleased too. :-) I think there'll probably be more sales of the first book as the following ones are released.


I'd like to reply to this... but I can't! It's a spoiler minefield, argh! :-)


Thanks a lot for the support. I hope you do enjoy it when you finally get a chance to read it! :-)

Jedi Khan

Is the artist who did Irillith and Tashana not available to do the other girls, Tefler? That was a pretty good picture that person did.


Tefler, we really need some artist renderings of every single species. You can then add them to the ebook as they get introduced and give the reader a better idea of what they look like. It will give readers a new appreciation if, for instance, they can see the Kintark Royal Guard shrug off bullet wounds and keep going.

Jedi Khan

Agreed, it would also help fill out the deluxe artbook that can go with the box set of the series, all of which we can get Tefler to sign once he starts doing convention tours and whatnot.

Kim Biel-Nielsen

Hi Tef would it be possible to create a “fan-fiction” content/resources section here - link to the timline, wiki and other stuff .... It would be very convenient for reference purposes and much easier to find than bowsing through thousands of comments.


He's really busy at the moment. I think he might be free mid-November.


I've rejigged the post tags, removing the one for the Invictus and swapping it for "Reference document". The timeline and a bunch of other content are listed under that tag. :-)

Steven Allen

An ebook with art depicting John, all of the girls, the alien races, and ships would be something that I would pay a little more for.

Jedi Khan

See Tefler? Art is a good investment for your story. The more you have, the better. And it helps if it's quality art as well. More (and better) art means your books can fetch a higher price. You can sprinkle the art throughout the books at relevant points to help illustrate scenes or characters, and/or you can compile all the art in a deluxe, high quality art book that can be sold separately or as part of a box set, and includes little behind the scenes snippets from you for most if not all the pieces. It's a win-win, Tefler. You get more money from sales, and we get something pretty (other than JFL's wife) to look at while we binge read the story several times over.

Jedi Khan

So, JFL, here's something to tickle your fancy if you haven't seen it yet: Scientists theorize that quark fusion can produce 8 times as much energy as nuclear fusion. Funny thing is, we're still trying to develop nuclear fusion as a viable energy source, so we're a long ways away from being able to develop quark fusion. <a href="http://www.popularmechanics.com/science/energy/news/a28941/scientists-hypothesize-next-gen-quark-fusion-power-source/" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">http://www.popularmechanics.com/science/energy/news/a28941/scientists-hypothesize-next-gen-quark-fusion-power-source/</a> A quick science lesson for anyone who's interested. We are capable of using nuclear power today, however, what we use is called nuclear fission. What scientists are trying to develop is nuclear fusion. The difference? Fission splits the atoms while fusion smashes them together. Fusion is supposedly a safer, cleaner, and much more efficient means of generating power, and scientists believe this is what's happening in the center of our sun. The problem with using fusion is that it takes a hell of a lot of energy and heat just to get started, more than what we can currently get out of it, which is what scientists are trying to fix. Fortunately, they're making progress, so hopefully, we'll have nuclear fusion reactors powering our homes before the end of the century. The difference between nuclear and quark fusion is the size of what's being smashed together. Nuclear fusion uses whole atoms, such as smashing two hydrogen atoms together to create one helium atom. Atoms are made of three particles: a proton, a neutron, and an electron. A hydrogen atom has one of each, so smashing two hydrogen atoms together gives you helium, which has two of each. Quark fusion theoretically uses quarks which are supposedly particles that make up protons and neutrons, making them even smaller than subatomic particles. Quarks are a relatively recent discovery and not a whole lot is known about them. It's been awhile since I've been in a science class, but I doubt a high school textbook will say anything about quarks beyond "they exist," if they're mentioned at all. A good analogy of the difference between nuclear and quark fusion would be a car crash. In nuclear fusion, you're smashing two cars together. In quark fusion, you're smashing the gears together.

Master Laurent

Jedi, I think you have been letting Crazy hang with JFL and it is starting to spill over into your life. *Soft Smile* I can think of worse things to happen to someone. I really like the way you are thinking. I have been looking at your other posts and it seems like the support groups are helping you focus your comments to the razor's edge, you were Samurai perfection before and now you are splitting Red Ones in mid-air length wise. Please keep up the good work. My only challenge is that I have to take FuckNuts to his support group meeting Friday night and we may be out when the next chapter is posted. Something to look forward to when we get home. The Group is for "Hurts, Habits, and Hang-Ups!" The Good thing is that TSM is a Great Habit to have for me, FuckNuts on the other hand has taken it to an obsession / Hang-Up so he is getting some help! *LOL*


I've been re-reading the series for the fourth time, and I have come again upon a teensy pet-peeve. All Thrusters are just Thrusters... Retro-Thrusters are just Thrusters being used to slow a Vehicle for Atmospheric Re-Entry (Retro = Slow. ie., using a reverse vector to reduce speed). Of course, this mis-use of terminology could just be an anachronistic consequence of 27th Century Verbage... but I doubt it. If "Thrusters" are just too plain to use all the time, you could qualify the term with "Attitude-" or "Positional-" or "Vectoring-" or some such. My 2-cents.


The thrusters to which you refer seem to me, as I recall, to be multi-directional thrusters that can be used for multiple purposes. As such, they're used for acceleration and deceleration in multiple vectors relative to their position, depending upon which way they're pointed at the time and the current movement of the object to which they're attached. They could be used for hovering, flight, descent, or just cooking whomever they're aimed at... So, what do you call thrusters of the nature described above?


T minus 2 days 18 hours

Master Laurent

Bravo Tefler, *Questioning Look at Crazy, PRL, JFL, and a couple of others!” OK, If this has already been pointed out please forgive me, If Not, Shame on Us and a Big Bravo to Tefler for either the Obvious or an Even Bigger Bravo for the Curve Ball that is on the way via Left Field. 1. John Upgraded Alyssa to a Progenitor 2. John’s Upgrade included a Progenitor Guide 3. The Progenitor Guide AUTOMATICALLY MERGED with Alyssa once Alyssa reached a certain level of Progenitor Development. With the logic Above in Consideration: 1. John’s Progenitor Guide will AUTOMATICALLY MERGE with John once John get’s to a certain level of achievement. 2. Speculating that either the Psychic Prison will either be empty or as soon as it is opened up “Evil John” will merge with John in a blink of an eye. The second option creates a number of interesting conundrums . John has a great moral compass, what will the Merge do to this Compass? If Anything?? Will it just be like a background voice the John will always have to just Ignore because he knows better than to listen to his old guide for any moral input? as a side note, we do not hear much from Alyssa guide now a days, I kind of miss the Lass! Just my thoughts for the moment.


It was always my assumption that with John being a divided personality and working against himself. This limited him in accessing and developing his powers. So the argument can be made that John on his own, will never reach a power level that always for the unification merger to occur.

Steven Allen

My assumption was the opposite that eventually John would become more powerful than his Progenitor guide and will either merge with or destroy it.


It has been sporting many times throughout the story that Joan is not divided into two different personalities. But refused to go along with his progenitor guide down the evil path.

Master Laurent

Steve. Alyssa's guide is still communicating with her, she is just a voice that she now hears. My point is that John will be more powerful than his guide and will have him merge and be a voice that John can either listen to or Ignore. Once it merges with John it should have no ability to control John unless Tefler is planning on a curve ball, however that is something that a Discussion with Alyssa and her guide could easily determine IMHO.


Do you know how destructive 'destroying' his guide would be? Right now my impression is that as John gets stronger, he is managing to apply more pressure subconsciously to his 'dark side', forcing it to consolidate his defences, and 'let go' what he doesn't consider as important (tech upgrades, etc). Can you imagine if John destroys his guide, and with it the schematics to the wormhole Drive? Not to mention part of his brain is dedicated to 'sustaining' this dark side of his, I think that destroying it would permanently lock those abilities away.

Master Laurent

Hoping for an update from Tefler about the chapter like the last update, He has it completed tonight, going to reread it in the morning and then post is mid morning. Even better. He has it done tonight and is going to let if fly as a nice treat!


Tefler, Let me start off by saying that I am absolutely addicted to your story and that I have been following it since the first chapter was released. I have seen your writing skills grow, and as such, what I personally have come to expect from a writer has also increased. I have quit a many a story midway though if the writing is basically crap (aka far below what I'm used to when I read your new chapters). I know that what I am about to say will not be easy for you to take, and many of you will disagree with me, but please take it to heart that this is meant as constructive criticism rather than just hate. It was always widely agreed amongst us addicts that the first ten chapters of the series absolutely sucked. I mean, we addicts loved them, but the majority of the people I've referred to the story can't get past them. When you stated you would be releasing your first ten chapters, I expected that you would be rewriting them, not just adding in some extra scenes and details. I cannot believe you actually published them without a complete rehaul. In the hope that you'll listen, I am going to list some of the problems as I see them. Obviously, there is some overlap. 1) The story is written like a serial format rather that as book. I would have expected you break the original ten chapters in to smaller, more book oriented sections. Also, beware of over using cliffhangers. 2) Nowadays you are amazing in writing scenes from different character perspectives. But back then you were literally addicted to John (ha!). Chapter 6 is the first time we see a different POV. It would be great to see more from the perspective of Alyssa, Calara, Dana, Charles Harris, or others. Also by adding more scenes from the views of the girls prior to the change or anyone else, will help show character growth that the early characters are severely lacking. 3) You have Alyssa and Calara explain their past to John rather than take the time and actually show us, the reader, what happened from their point of view. A great opening prologue would be seeing Alyssa (or Al) defending herself, talking to Sparks and sneaking aboard the Fools' Gold. Or scenes from Calara while she is putting off the advances of the Rupert Grant, requesting the transfer, and fighting off the Pirates. Or a scene with Grant mysterious talking to the Pirates. It would help us hate him even more in the long run, and help cement his name so when he pops up much later in the story, we know who the hell he is. 4) Not to insult your four current editors, but I think you should recruit some of your more prolific readers to proof and make suggestions to the ebooks before you post them. It's taken me well over three weeks to write this. While I could continue to drag my feet, I think it is imperative that I post this before you release the second book. I will understand if Tefler wishes to ban me or ask me to leave Patreon.


DemonHunterCole, personally, I think you raise some interesting and valid points, but I do have one that I wish to take issue with. I do not agree that we should have any scenes with Alyssa prior to the finding of her aboard ship, because that finding is itself something that shouldn't be known to the reader prior to its happening. On the other hand, it would not be inappropriate to have a scene of her past from her perspective written out, akin to: "Let me explain! I was running..." [Flashback scene] Now, having said that, I do want to state that I've categorically enjoyed each chapter as it was written, both initially and subsequently, and I don't feel that Tefler *has* to change anything, but I do agree that the earlier chapters could be even better than they were.


Well, I think its time to start hitting refresh every few minutes ...


T minus 12 hours


RE: DemonHunterCole: Interesting feedback, thanks! There are a number of reasons that I didn't do a complete rewrite: 1) It would have taken me at least a month to basically write ~90k words from scratch. That would have meant a month without any new chapters for you guys, and a month's lost revenue for me (which would dwarf the first eBook revenue). 2) It would have been a very painful and tedious experience to rewrite it on that scale. Reworking earlier chapters is extremely limiting creatively, because I can't just introduce a bunch of new things, then never refer to them again in 90+ chapters. I'd also have to be extremely careful about accidentally spoiling later reveals, so it's like writing with one hand tied behind my back. 3) One of the objectives in publishing the eBook was to get the story out there in an official format to head off plagiarism. I didn't need to rewrite it to accomplish that. Now, I agree that the earlier chapters are still weaker than the later ones, with too much emphasis on sex. However the story would never be "mainstream" without a massive rewrite to eliminate all references to the quad and cum inflation, as well as chopping out or neutering 90% of the sex scenes. Such an undertaking would be very time consuming, and wouldn't be any fun at all creatively, so I'd much rather simply write a fresh story instead. Even if I did rewrite the early chapters, I definitely wouldn't start throwing in PoVs of the other characters -particularly from the girls- because doing so ruins any surprises when they do eventually join the crew! If I did a PoV of Alyssa sneaking aboard, then it would ruin the surprise that there's a stowaway aboard the Fool's Gold, as well as the fact that she's a girl, and that she becomes a major cast member. One of the problems I often see with other stories is a writer throwing a whole slew of characters at the reader in the first few scenes, so I deliberately avoided that to focus more attention on John and Alyssa at the start. The story is written from John's perspective and basically follows his growth as a progenitor. The other characters aren't "important" until he's brushed through their lives. Calara initially just seems like a crewwoman they rescue, until Alyssa befriends and recruits her, so doing PoVs with her and Grant before that would spoil the surprise. I follow the same pattern throughout the rest of the story, so changing that style so early on would make the rest feel jarring. Chapter 1-5 are 34k words, so that's basically only one normal-sized chapter before they encounter Calara and the pirates. I still would have kept the beginning focused on John and Alyssa, because it covers the changes to both of them, as she awakens his abilities and Alyssa becomes his Matriarch. I might look at breaking up the much bigger later chapters into smaller ones, but I'm not sure there's a lot of point to it. When I'm reading a book I just bookmark the page I'm on, I don't usually pay any attention to the chapters (or chapternames). Someday I might go back and relook at the first eBook, which existing eBook owners would get for free with the update system. However, it won't be for a long time I'd imagine as I've got the other eBooks to work on as well as finish the rest of the story, and I'm excited about starting on the sequel! I think my current editors do an amazing job and I'm not really looking for more at the moment. There's a time overhead for me in reading through and filtering suggestions, so adding more people to the team isn't necessarily helpful. For example, it's taken me about an hour to read through, reply, and essentially reject each of the changes you suggested. I don't mean that in an unkind way, your suggestions were good, but not something I can easily integrate into the story. "I will understand if Tefler wishes to ban me or ask me to leave Patreon." Hah! I'm not that draconian in my moderating. :-) Not that I need to be on the Patreon site, you guys are great!


Bad Tefler BAD! Go and create while I punish DHC for distracting you with this. =}


I don't think that PJ is going to just merge with John. There's going to be a (hopefully epic) battle of wills there to see which one survives. Remember, that PJ's stated desire was to take over John, because he was weak and a goody-goody (yeah, Tefler probably said that better, but hey, I just woke up). To an earlier comment, no, I don't believe that John defeating PJ will result in lost knowledge, but more likely in the freezing up of currently wasted resources, in the form of both whatever John is spending on imprisoning PJ, and also whatever PJ is actively working to hold back from him. Think about it as John being cured of a really bad case of schizophrenia no longer having to take anti-psychotics in order to keep his schizophrenic side in check: Not only will he get rid of his evil alter ego, but he will function better normally because of being relieved of the influence and hindrance of PJ.

Master Laurent

FYI, Chapter 92 is on Literotica

Master Laurent

Not sure on Today, Have a gut feeling, Tefler has been very quiet on his status updates and being distracted by other things. :-(


John destroying his guide would not also destroy information like the schematics. The guide is not the sole keeper of the information, as the information is actually hardwired into John's DNA. Right now the guide is just preventing John from accessing that information, while also requiring a significant portion of John's mental energy to keep him "caged." Destroying the guide shouldn't have any of the side effects that you mentioned, that I can think of. ~Morningfrost

Master Laurent

Almost Evening Tefler Time! Hoping to get lucky and have it be released today.


As one who pushed for the ebook I feel a little touch of responsibility for my push. It seems like one of my colleagues here mentioned that other author’s stories were being stolen from one site and posted or sold on others. I was concerned that such a great story as this one could be a target. I remember reading about John’s power increasing and becoming a target and writing that Teflers’ writing was becoming more powerful and this story could be a target for appropriation by others. I felt time was of the essence. I confess I didn’t even think about a rewrite. I just wanted out there. Since reading Demon...’s thoughtful comments I have been reflecting on this. What would I have done? What would my readers have done in the time taken for a re-write? What would crazy do given too much time on his, uh, hands? I would have done as Tefler did because re-working the story would not be as exciting as planning my next one.


Tefler, I reloaded from the email and was able (again) to download the file but can't open the file. My email is subman571@hotmail.com. I am sure it is the Patreon site issue and not yours. Will

CJ Mora

I just wanted to say that I'm really grateful you're making these available in printed book format too. I like reading stories electronically, but I treasure my actual "book" books forever! If you include additional artwork in future ebooks, please be sure its in the physical books as well, even if only as black &amp; white.

Raymond Jeffries

I totally agree! Don't get me wrong, I love my kindle, but there's just something about a physical copy to put on the shelf.