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Hey everyone!

I'm calling it a night as it's getting quite late (1am). 

Despite being distracted by the eBook, I've managed to write 25k words of chapter 91 so far. :-)

All being well, it should be available by the 11th October.





Woot!! Yea baby this means 91 is coming soon!! Oh and FIRST!!


cant wait


Please get some rest


It’s only 8:30! You have plenty of time to keep writing 😜. Also thanks for the book.


You're a machine Tef. Keep up the great work!


You're a machine Tef. Keep up the great work!


Nice, been getting withdrawal symptoms


Looking forward to it!

Old Salt

Your productivity and creativity is as amazing as it is welcome :-)

Old Salt

Oops, I should reread my comments after editing: “is” should be “are”


Thank you for your dedication to your fans . As stated your creativity & productivity are amazing . In the past you've had polls about naming things , I wondered how you'd feel about suggestions for your sub titles . Might be fun for we fans to feel involved .


Can the psi detector or sakura see paths from the bugs and bsp? This might be something to incorporate in the future.


That's a good point Ben, it might be a good idea to try and build some form of psi-detector into the Paragon helmets to help against psychic enemies. Just make sure not to look at Alyssa and get blinded


congrats (and my pleasure, literally) you've out-worded the Bible, by a lot. i'm curious how many people have done that.


Tefler, i dont know if anyone have said it already, but title in ch.5 in your book isent highlightet in blue. i just wanted you to know :)


It's fixed now in the eBook, but I need to update the print copy too. Thanks for the reminder! :-)


There was a bunch of disciples working on that as well... slackers. ;-)


You're welcome! That's a good idea on the subtitles, I'll do another poll before the next one. :-)


Did John ever have anal sex prior to Alyssa? This may be the trigger. It would explain why the Malari consider the practice taboo. Just a fun thought.


I figured that Mael'Nerak probably liked that and women having long hair, which is why both of those things became taboo for the Maliri.

Jedi Khan

A discussion I had with Forbsey awhile ago got me thinking about something that seems to have been omitted from the story thus far: the girl's physical stats without psychic powers, i.e. strength, speed, endurance, etc. We all know that they're stronger and faster than normal Terrans, but by how much? Can they beat a champion arm wrestler, leave Michael Phelps bobbing in the waves, have Usain Bolt choking on their dust, or outpace the best marathon runner? The question came up for me while discussing if the team still needs that little door opening hack box that John used when they rescued Clara. I was wondering, if the girls didn't want to use their powers or waste ammo and John wasn't present, could they kick down a door with brute force? That led to other questions such as if they got stuck on a hostile planet which no possible extraction for awhile, could they keep ahead of the enemy long enough for help to come (think the movie Tears of the Sun)? Or if they found themselves in a Jackie Chan or Die Hard movie, could they come out on top without the use of their powers? Another question is how do the improved stats of the Terran girls compare to the Maliri (excluding Irillith and Tashana)? How do Irillith and Tashana compare to their race's baseline now that John's been working on them? Just a bunch of hypothetical questions that would have no real bearing on the story, but they're there in the back of my mind.


I suspect that the Maliri, because of their progenitor modification has always had the genome to be the fittest and most capable at all times since they are designed to be Maelnerak's soldiers/breeders. Likely encoding in all progenitors to have all their assets in optimal shape for their conquests. Terran modification by John would be similar as he would be making them as capable as the Maliri with some caveat included (i.e intelligence, psychic powers) It seems that John is going overboard with those modification than other known progenitors (making Sakura much stronger, detection abilities) I think Tefler is the best one to estimate how strong the girls are in comparison to their unmodified counterparts. Balancing would be an issue for Tefler as making them even more OP than they already are would be pushing it. Making them marginally stronger than other 'thralls' would be appropriate, while keeping them separate to the thralls entirely by for e.g. making them informal matriarchs in their own right. John and Alyssa would be the powerhouses as progenitors, while the other girls would be specialized matriarchs for cohesion. Maybe matriarch would not be an appropriate term for them, neither thrall either. Maybe a new term? Any ideas? Maybe a XO meeting with the team would be good to clarify the changes better, Rachel would be appraising the massive difference to how they were for a 'pep talk' so to speak


When should Tefler consider translating the book?

Big Dude

I miss the ongoing banter!


if you miss this story, a suitable intermission might be found in PantherParabola's story. at least that is my recommendation.


I'm still on track to finish the chapter late tomorrow evening. :-)

PLRus--Founding member of the TSM F5 club.

Ok: What is the next chapter going to cover? The end of the mop up from the battle. A period of recuperation for everyone...with the Boys and Faye taking care of the Delegates. A debrief of the Delegates and the Trankarans (possibly separately due to the special issues with the Trankarans) A debrief of the crew. John will be upset when he sees the Valkyrie and Invictus. But, without that happening they were toast in the caverns...so it worked out for the best and John will realize this. Plus, there is no way John is going to be hard on Sakura after she gives her side. As part of the debrief with Calara, John realizes he needs two more gun ships sized to fit in the large hangar as well as incorporating next-gen torpedo launch capability into the Invictus and other gun ships (when they are made). They meet up with the Trankaran Fleet to turn over the diplomats, Niskera, and her honor guard. While the negotiations are finalized Faye and the boys, along with Alyssa, fix the damaged plates of the Invictus and replace the cannon mount. John gets all the materials he needs to build his space stations for free...including quite a bit of base metal for Crystal Alyssium for the two new gun ships. John realizes the gifts he has given the girls is taking up too much energy and he decides to make them full Progens so they have more reserve power of their own. This includes Edraele and possibly the core Family Maliri Matriarchs so she/they can defend herself/themselves better if attacked through John again. Other story arcs The crew goes straight to the Terran Maliri border to heal Edraele. As they arrive just in time to relieve tensions between the Maliri fleet and Terran border patrols. The crew goes to Olympus shipyard to fix the Valkyrie and Invictus. Upon seeing the Valkyrie, the Terran Mech Unit gets wowed. Especially after hearing how Sakura single-handedly took out 20 hive ships by herself along with multiple fighters while in the Valkyrie. Jehennah gets her scoop and implicates the duplicity of the T-Fed who then threaten her. She goes back to becoming a field reporter assigned to the Lion/Invictus/Pride. The crew go see the Brimorians. The crew goes back to Maliri space to make the gun ships and upgrade the Invictus where John or Alissa/Athena also reinstates the crowns of protection on all the girls and Edraele and the core Matriarchs.


JFL, have you ever thought of writing something? Your should do a spin-off of this (run it by Tefler of course), it could be like the star wars universe where different authors add to the lore and story arcs are run through Lucas to get approved for writing


JFL Dude your brainstorm is on fleek.


I don't know why people want to turn everyone into Progenitors or why they think it would be a good idea . When John created Alyssa into a Progen he didn't really know what he was doing & didn't even really know what being one entailed . He really doesn't even know everything about his heritage as of yet .I'm happy with there being only John as a Progenitor ,we don't have any idea how exactly a female Progen would even work / since the base of John's power comes from his Cumm (that's kind of poetic ) ...something the girls don't have & if all his Matriarch's & thralls become Progen's how would he draw power from them? Just seems to be a can of worms John can do without , at least until he defeats BSP. I can see as he increases their powers that they form a sort of collective Progen but remain as his energy source .JMO


Think of them as super thrall. They are liberated, immortal, and can organize the thrall. To be progen, they would need to have nightmares and a quad. John is only half progen.

Jedi Khan

So, the ebook has been keeping me occupied while waiting for chapter 91, and I just got to the point where John confronts the infamous Commander Rupert Grant. Something struck me as a bit odd. John slammed his ID on Rupert's desk, telling him to shut up and scan it. I'm guessing that John's ID not only told Rupert what John's name and rank was, but also how much of a badass he was with all his awards and medals? If that's the case, has John's ID been updated with all his new awards? How about for the girls who have IDs, specifically Alyssa, Rachel, and Clara? Dana doesn't have an ID, Irillith and Tashana are not Terran citizens, and Sakura...well, that'd certainly raise some flags if the ID of someone who has been on the missing persons list for 70 years suddenly popped up, not that she still has it or anything. We know from later chapters that Admiral Deveruex, I believe it was, tried investigating Alyssa, but couldn't tell which one of the hits for Alyssa's name was actually her because none of them looked like Alyssa. My thought is that if Alyssa's ID has been updated to list her awards, like it was for her Navigator First Class certification, then the Admiral should have been able to find her that way, as there's only one Alyssa with a Lion's medal. In fact, if the Admiral had actually been paying attention to details, she might have noticed the one ID for Alyssa Maurent that had a Navigator First Class cert at the age of 18, finding that a bit odd, unless it isn't that uncommon for 18 year olds to have such a high certification.


They could track Johns whereabouts to minimize the search area and figure out the likely candidates. I figure that Deveruex didn't look that hard earlier on as he was an asset to her. Now things have changed, they would be finding any dirt possible to take him down politically as it is apparent they can't with force...

Master Laurent

Hoping for an early release today, I have a meeting to go to @ 6pm EST and I will not be home until 10:30 so It is going to be a very late night for me. Sorry for my absence, Life has turned to shit in a major way and do not have much time or energy for anything. I have really missed everybody comments and the community. I have not even had time to go and read the latest round of events other than JFL's predictions and I just added my 2 cents. May you all have a blessed day / life.


Hope everything turns out okay for you, Laurent. Best of luck.


It's done. I'll post it in a few minutes. :-)


Tefler thanks


Typo on book 1, "Karron look bleak and uninviting" should be looked.