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*** UPDATED - FINAL version (21st Oct) ***

Hey everyone!

Sorry it's been such a long wait for the next chapter! As I'm sure you're well aware, it's been a busy few weeks preparing the eBook etc.

Anyway, here's chapter 91 fresh off the keyboard. I hope you enjoy it!

A couple of my editors are away at the moment, so edits might take a while to come through. As I've done before, I'll update this post as I make new edited versions.


P.S. I decided to remove Word's extra spacing after experiencing issues with the paperback book. I think it looks better this way, so I'll use this format from now on. :-)



You can find all the chapters here: <a href="https://www.literotica.com/stories/memberpage.php?uid=2967464&amp;page=submissions" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://www.literotica.com/stories/memberpage.php?uid=2967464&amp;page=submissions</a>


Thank you. Sorry for the foul language. I was getting a little frustrated.






Awesome! Thanks!


Dangit.... 2nd again


Grr... 8 more hours of driving before I can read it :'(


Where is it?


Nothing will load!


Thanks Tefler, Two gift in a week. I feel special.


Patreon has a flaw on the app and doesn't show .docx docs. It's been said to show .pdf or .doc. So you'll have to get on the web version to read the chapter.


Worked for me and I will read tomorrow on my 7 hour bus ride from Saigon vietnam to Phnom Penh Cambodia. Can't wait.


Nothing there on mine.


SQUEEEEEE, comment, like, read.


Thanks tefler


Tefler. Page 50.... "minor miracle, the eight girls managed to get dressed an" unless you are counting Faye. There are 7 girls. Jade has not woken up yet to get dressed.


@Nick, Spoilers mate... careful :)


Still reading but came across this: "We accomplished out primary mission, saving Niskera and the diplomats." Out should be our.


Thank you!


Damn that cliffhanger could have been a LOT worse! Still, I hate cliffhangers. Amazing chapter as always!


Very nice chapter. There is a scene that I will make a comment about in a couple of days. Granted that means I will have to remember to do that.


“That’s the best idea of heard all day,” Of should be I've


Genuflect? Genuflect!? Where do these words come from!


I’m super fuzzy on what Jade becoming a redhead was representative of.

Master Laurent

Awesome, and the classic Tefler curve cliffhanger(x10) as in so many cliffhangers!


"probably revere has as" -&gt; "probably revere her as"

Kim Biel-Nielsen

Perfect - really loved the round up of the battle


I'm always wary about doing those as I don't want to bore the reader by going over something you've already read. I'm really glad you enjoyed it. :-)


I am having a very hard time visualizing the trankarans. So they’re big bulky grey skinned humanoids? I pictured them with rock-like edges to their muscles and body lines, like a golem almost.

Jim lynch

Loved every word yet another great chapter tefler. That was a shock at the end I didn’t see that coming at all, however I did see the glowing queen coming but you wrote it much better than my mind did lol.


Maybe like The Thing from Fantastic Four? Or not... We need an artistic rendering lol


It's like payday brokeday. Loved every word and now it's withdrawal till the next chapter.

Master Laurent

BTW, Jedi, White Queen has arrived - *Soft Smile*


I never get tired of fun sex with new aliens! Good stuff Tef!


'She ruffled her hair, then swept it over her shoulders, managing to still look gorgeous despite being in combat for the last three hours.' 'I informed the diplomats that you were weary after fighting for five hours and that you needed a bit of time to recover.' 'We spent about five hours fighting,' Looks like the five hours has it.

Master Laurent

Meeting of the TSM support group is tonight @ 7, and tonight is CosPlay night so we will get a number of the ladies dressed up as the Girls. People are trying to come up with costumes for the White Queen. And I do not know why, I am picturing the Trankaran's as being very Square shaped. Thinking of the robot in the Martian only Rock covered.


Thoughts on Jade: Over the course of the past 300 years since being found by Terrans, we can assume Jade has taken the form of many different women. This means she has the ability to take the shape of any woman she wants, but has been limited by some genetic factor into only transforming into the woman her "Master" most desires. Whatever John did to her removed this limit, and she now has full control of her physic abilities. I think.


Thanks Tefler, another outstanding chapter. Great transition from last chapter to the next one. I wonder what you have in mind for Jade. Could it be that she and her sisters could always transition to anything or is this something John added to her powers.


That's actually correct, but the way it's worded is confusing: John spent 5 hours in combat (fighting the Kirrix in gunfights). Alyssa spent the first 2 aboard the Invictus where she was flying the ship. The next 3 hours were spent doing boarding actions, which is what I was referring to there (working up a sweat). It's probably easier to just combine it all into 5 hours though. :-)


I'm heading off to bed now, so I won't reply to everyone individually. Thanks for leaving the comments, it was great to hear that you enjoyed the chapter! :-)

PLRus--Founding member of the TSM F5 club.

I thought the humor you nudged in from time to time was great! Very well placed and well developed. BTW Tefler, wife gave you the finger about the 'miracle' five-min. dress quip...LOL. And the humor in the shower when Niskera thought Alyssa wanted her to knock herself unconscious brought on a deep belly laugh from her.


oh man, an here i was thinking i was gonna get some housework done tonight...HA!


Tefler you sneaky bugger, that cliffhanger...


I tip my hat to you (paying homage to England, I think)


Spectacular as usual !! :) Figured this chapter would end like that when I saw how close I was to the end of it .... And my vote for next illustration is definitely Niskera :)


Am anticpating that Niskera won't shrink in size but her hair will grow out and her physique will soften to become more feminine while still retaining its immense strength. So essentially Jade is polymorphic now?

Jedi Khan

Meh, whatever. I was still right about John not being keen on the idea of giving her a glow job, as well as not finding Trankaran's all that physically appealing. Even though this is meant to be a good thing for the Trankarans and to help unify them, I can see this blowing up in John and Niskera's faces. Remember, they just dealt with a rebellion lead by another Glowing Queen. There might be some hard-headed senators who'll see Niskera as an usurper who wanted the first GQ out of the way so she could take over. I can only imagine how she's going to explain this new development to her people. Given all she said to John about her people's lore, she just might decide to play the religious angle, claiming that John is the second coming of their Great Maker and she has been chosen as his voice to the Trankarans.

Jedi Khan

Very nice chapter, Tef. Shame on you for ending it like you did though. I had a feeling you'd be mean and do that to us. Oh, and by the way, potential spoilers to follow. I'll try to be as vague as possible to avoid them, but no guarantees. For anyone who cares about such stuff, you've been warned. Certainly some interesting developments here. I was fairly certain what happened to Niskera wasn't going to happen, but you did a good job of making it not only seem to be an obvious choice, but also one that conflicted with what John wanted. Considering he had two very hard-headed women pushing for it to happen, it was a given John was going to cave under the pressure. At least he enjoyed the act of it. It was interesting to note that the connection was made after just one dose, rather than the normal three. I wonder why? That scene in the middle of the chapter, with the Terran captains, that was interesting. I can see that turning tragic rather quickly in the coming chapters, or maybe not. Whatever does happen, I bet it'll be epic and at least semi-heroic. For the footage of the battle that Jehenna is going to get, I hope Faye remembers to hide Irillith and Tashana's appearance. I'm willing to bet that the Terran populace at large won't make the connection of blue skin to the Maliri. However, the Admirals might since they know John has been to Maliri space, and since no one knows what the Maliri look like and that there is likely no record of a blue-skinned humanoid race being encountered before, the math won't be hard to do.


I'm kind of intrigued by the similarity between Niskera &amp; Jade's glowing lines . Could it be Jade has actually become Matriarch(Glowing Queen ) of the Lenarrans &amp; no one realized what the power lines meant? Was this why she was such power source for Alyssa &amp; the others? She has already copied John's equipment in entertaining the girls but don't think with her devotion to him she would feel comfortable coping him .


Unlike some erotica, I never feel like the sex scenes in 3SM are very forced, they happen relatively naturally in accordance with the story. This one with Niskera is the first that felt somewhat forced and off. I feel like it was written that way, as it isn't really what John wanted. I liked that, as like John, I felt uncomfortable with that whole sequence. Liked the chapter, and can't wait to hear more about Jade!

Jedi Khan

Jade was polymorphic previously, at least when it came to animal forms. With humanoid shapes, she could only do herself and Alyssa, who happened to be John's ideal woman. Now, apparently, she doesn't have that limit and she can copy the appearance of anyone. Should be interesting to see what else she can do now. As for Niskera, I believe Trankarans as a race are hairless, so it'd be rather odd for her to suddenly grow a full head of flowing locks. No, I think she'll get a really nice, glowing pinstripe pattern across her head and body.


Hah! I thought that miracle quip might ruffle a few feathers. :-) Glad you liked the light-hearted moments I added.


Thanks Derek! Yeah a picture of Niskera might be fun to see!


Hey Hornblower. Yeah, I wrote it that way because John wasn't attracted to Niskera. So the bit about liking her personality was him trying to find something appealing in her, so he could do the deed. Progenitors are rampantly xenophobic (which I've hinted at with BSP's disgust towards the Ashanath, Drakkar, and Trankarans). While John doesn't share the same views, he still finds Mael'nerak's deviations from the standard template to be unsettling.

Jedi Khan

On another note, I hope John checks in with the Ashanath High Council before deciding on what to do with that Maliri fleet. He did tell the Ashanath first that they would be getting help, so he should make sure they're okay with waiting. However, while the Trankarans may be fighting off an active invasion, they may not actually need the reinforcements, since they've got all the ships that the rebels used sitting around with their former crews being locked up. All they would need to do in order to immediately bolster their fighting strength is release those crews and put them back on those ships to help fight the Kirrix. The Ashanath don't have that luxury, as the vast majority of their military might is just a bunch of scrap now.


Very glad that Tashana now know her past again, should add a little more ,,fire'' to her personality. Good chapter overall, good clean up, some Kintark second war foreshadowing and Jade hmm... , I think she now can duplicate anyone but pls not powers that would make her like better than normal Progenitor because they cant shapeshift and really really op.

cittran genericlastname

So two things: 1. You evil, evil, cliffhanger monster. Why u do dis. 2. For quite a while now I've been converting your .docx releases to PDF files by using OpenOffice and Notepad++ through a 3-step conversion process, as it makes them easier to read. (By 'easier to read', I mean 'less blank space and more text visible at the same time'.) Basically it lets me view 2 full pages side-by-side on my screen at once, without having to scroll on each page.


What a lovely observation! She could be the matriarch of her people. The mere sight of her could revert them to cat form, breaking the bonds of their slavery.


After reading all comments, I have four. First, John thinks of himself as half progen. Second, Ranagon the Despoiler (RD) may be BSP. Third, Jade may have gained the ability to read minds and become any humanoid that a person can imagine at will. She can not be identified, directly. Fourth, Niskera is a matriach and John can tap into Trankaran energy with jade's help by creating a white court to aid the queen (sound familiar). Lastly, i would like a nonhuman orgy with John, Ed, Jade, and Niskera. So, cool!


I am not convinced that Jade is capable of shape shifting into anyone all we have read is her taking Dana's form. Its possible that it may be the case we will find that out next chapter but I remember the strong connection between the girls and John during their session before the battle. It could be limited to each of the girls where she may have some imitating power to each of their abilities, further enhancing their capabilities e.g. Alyssa reshaping all those armor plates, etc. I believe Jade would definitely serve as a psychic battery as well as a versatile psychic support to ease the psychic burden on the others. I like Ben's thought on a white court to further expand their psychic capacity it is a good one. Jade as a pseudo-matriarch (not in Alyssa's capacity) would be suitable as she was a leader to her people before where I suspect conflict between her an the other Lenarrans in the future over their abduction. Also when Jade mentioned that "he did it" may prelude much more info about her people that she remembers which may have been blocked like her shifting forms with the girls. This leaves Tefler a lot of leeway to think about how to proceed on this particular revelation as he is publishing the 2nd eBook to give him time. Those eBooks by the way I intend to buy soon.


Dang it I wanted to use Paypal to get the eBook... Amazon is useless... I don't want to add my debit card...


I've been giving it some thought, myself, and I wonder if what John did is to allow for Jade to psychically connect to her sisters, pushing (from the top, rather than from the bottom as has always been the case up to this point) psychic links through Jade to all of her sisters (living and 'dead' ?), thus enabling her to draw upon their energies, and enhancing her own power in the process? If so, does this mean that Jade can now locate her sisters, or is there no sense of location? BTW, Jade was not previously the leader of her people on Lenarra. Per the information recorded from Mael'nerak, Jade was one of a group of such. So, she was a leader, but not the leader, especially considering that she was towards the back of that group, as I recall.

Raymond Jeffries

As usual, another great chapter! Really enjoyed the conclusion of the battle with the Kirrix and the addition of the Trankarans to the alliance. ;) Also, even though Alyssa is one of my favorite characters, it was nice to see her get the rather gentle rebuke she received from John. While it is understandable that she comes across as a bit of a know-it-all these days due to her telepathy, she does come off as manipulative at times, so that scene was a nice way of balancing the partnership again.


Another awesome chapter Tefler. I think it is perfect time for bonding between Alyssa and Tashana. As one heavy canon is destroyed Dana can come with new updated designs for ordnance based weaponry. And question of ages who is Johns dad The great maker or The Despoiler or someone other.


Tef, on Tuesday night Amazon showed you had sold 5016 books and ranked 7th. When I looked a few minutes ago the number was 4245 and ranked 5th with saes


sales in Literature &amp; Fiction &gt; Erotica &gt; Science Fiction. What gives our friend? I was cheering you on to reach 10,000 by Friday.

rich ed

maybe john got jade pregnant?


lol I wish! :-) Amazon Best Sellers Rank: #4,245 Paid in Kindle Store (See Top 100 Paid in Kindle Store) #5 in Books &gt; Literature &amp; Fiction &gt; Erotica &gt; Science Fiction #36 in Kindle Store &gt; Kindle eBooks &gt; Literature &amp; Fiction &gt; Erotica #893 in Kindle Store &gt; Kindle eBooks &gt; Literature &amp; Fiction &gt; Genre Fiction That means I'm at rank number 4245 in paid eBook sales. I've actually sold 424 eBooks, but I like your optimism. :-)


About faye's body...are we considering all available tech? Are we going for Pinocchio or replicant or ghost in the shell? Sex with a terminator is more gross than satisfying. I like replicants, but this would be more Rachel than Dana. Who would you want in bed?


Tefler - Thanks for another great chapter but you are evil! I should have known you would end it on a cliff hanger. I go into the chapter wanting to know what you did to jade and you leave me like that. Evil evil I say! Please please don't make us wait long for the next chapter and as always keep up the great work!


Musing on Jade . As I wondered earlier about the glowing lines on Niskera &amp; Jade I got to thinking about Jade . If she has become The Matriarch/Glowing queen to the Lennarans it would make sense she would establish physic connection to her/John's thralls . Also we have the question off how a single sex species reproduces . When the Terrans found them it seems that there were no infants / young ones , since all where quickly snatched up . Jade made the discovery that she was compatible to reproduce with John &amp; she was over 10,000 yrs old . Could all the Nymphs be children of Mael ? created to facilitate raising his thrall army &amp; why he agreed to free them once he decided to stop conquering ? Could Jade be John's older sister , will any stories with her &amp; John be needed to be listed in Incest on Lit?? LOL!!! The question of the one dose hook up to Alyssa ,it might be a question of sub-matriarchs being made of the other races Mael &amp; Nexus made in his cloning chambers &amp; The Malari who were already Mael's Matriarch &amp; thralls when we see the birth of Nexus in Valada's recordings . Alyssa being the first &amp; now a Progenitor in her own right can have sub matriarch answerable to her ....Maybe , but only Tefler knows &amp; he's not sharing yet .


Jade might be pregnant. Now wouldn’t that be a fantastic bit of news.


so who's for drowning in 'kittens'? upside is they would be insanely cute, though.


This discussion brings to mind two very important questions. What's the gestation period of a Nymph? What's the maturation period of a Nymph? Pregnant to Pregnant (next generation)... Hours? Days? Weeks? Months? Years? Decades? Centuries? Millenia? We don't have to wonder as to whether or not they have an incest taboo, since they're not human, and there's only one male known to exist that they can breed with... it's an Adam and Eve situation. It's either breed or never increase in population. Although as has been said, that brings to mind what method of propagation Mael'nerak used with them in the first place.


I think that this series has introduced the concept of single sex races, who proliferate by mating with others or using their bodies to incubate their young. There are no Lenaran male, few malari male, few bolian females, kirrix? Greys? Why should there be progen females


Tefler i'm wondering at what point will you start removing chapters from the free sites like SO and Lit now that your selling the ebook? Are you planning to finish the whole thing first? Or as another lit author JazCullen did, remove the specific ones once you've you polished and published them in book form?


There are still new people finding the story on both of those sites, so I'll leave them up there for the time being. I might remove it once the entire story is complete, I'll see how things pan out when I get to that point. :-)


Great chapter once again Tefler. Glad to see the signature cliffhanger making a return. Once everything is compiled and published I will somewhat miss the suspense. Not too much though : )


On a story note it seems like we might be seeing the first full "extended family" reunion pretty soon, with Edraele and company at the Maliri border and Jehanna on the route there from Trankaran space. Not to mention Faye. Regardless, lots happening in the next few chapters I would imagine


Which comes first: Chapter 92 or Book 2? Might you post an update for the next installment?


Tefler in re-reading a few chapters I came across something that was tickling my brain after the fight with the Kirrix near the Lave lake/river . I wondered why John didn't use a force field /wall to just push them into it . This is what Pro-John did to the Tarkanians rebels , sweeping them off the stairs to their deaths once Alyssa &amp; Rachel went back with the wounded Irillith . Did he not remember having this ability ? Or didn't want to use too much power . It just bugged (pun) me at the time &amp; I couldn't think of why ..Thanks


If he was still connected to Edraele, that's what he would have done, but he was out of gas. :-) That's why he says in the debrief that he could have cleared the tunnel single handed if he had enough energy.


I'm working on eBook 2 at the moment, then I'll start chapter 92. :-)


Hmm what happened to jade ? I think jades limits just got removed both kinds from her mind and body

PLRus--Founding member of the TSM F5 club.

Sorry if already posted...but found two corrections: the taller Trankaran finger with a finger. um...beckoning with a finger? into a Glowing Queen?” Rachel in fascination. um...asked in fascination?


That is what I think, maybe her limitation of not carrying weapons is removed too? Yes its her thing to turn into a creature (still waiting for her to turn into more mythical creatures) but what if she can turn into a T Rex with laser cannons on her back?


Yeah Alyssa was only interested in Niskera's finger... :-) Thanks for those, I've fixed them and updated the word document!


1301 patrons now

PLRus--Founding member of the TSM F5 club.

Tefler, not sure if you had the idea before I mentioned it but liquifying the eggs was a great call imho. Of course you did it with greater flair than my suggestion of a genetic based poison. Your take was much more elegant and immediate. I was happy to see it. Ummmm....might we see the addition of some Graphene in the upgrades? Would greatly reduce heat damage and projectile penetration. Along with Dana's runes, they would be able to take 5 times as many hits AFTER the shields go out. And breaching charges, conventional torpedoes, mass weapons (with the possible exception of a singularigy slug) would have little to no effect. It would be like a Kevlar skrim for the ships as far as mass rounds and a hellava heat sink (moving the heat out in waves around the ship rather than being absorbed by it--look up two dimensional objects and how they deal with heat energy like propigating waves in water). I know the U.S. military is working on this as a response to energy weapons against missiles and planes. Currently the thinking is having layers of scrim and substrate so the layers have to be peeled away like the layers of an onion by an energy weapon. Giving the missile/plane greatly extended survivability. This concept has been very successful at reducing the heat signatures of the leading edges of wings and the fuselage in high velocity aircraft as well.

PLRus--Founding member of the TSM F5 club.

Also, I noted a small inconsistency: When Calara was seeing the future concerning Sakura she saw Sakura get hit by a Neutron beam, taking out one of the Valkyrie's legs and slamming the Mech into a building. It goes on further to say Sakura was knocked a bit sensless and was only able to watch the incoming, killing, volley. I am sure you just forgot to include the Valkyrie's anti-grav system was also compromised...since Sakura would not have been dazed otherwise??????


I am still very worried about emp attacks. Might the Brimorians have a shield? Worm hole attacks are less likely, but still possible.

PLRus--Founding member of the TSM F5 club.

And, I have thought of another weapon. Set up a rapid firing Gauss Cannon on a fast tracking gimbal to fire specialized shells with the new shield draining tech...only have it continually powered by a mini Progen power core. Have the shell actively interact with the ship energy shield and basically 'stick' to the shield upon impact like a suction cup on a plastic dart gun. The Progen power core keeping the tachyon field around the projectile actively sucking up shield energy until the shields fail. This would allow the other batteries of the Invictus, Valkyrie, and Raptor to focus on disabling the ships without having to take out shields first. It would also allow other ships in the armada to have access to the unshielded ships.


John, why do you persist in suggesting disposable miniature Progenitor power cores? We’ve seen nothing to indicate that they exist, and we know that John does not want that technology to be made available to others. To clarify, yes, there are the Progenitor miniature power cores that Dana has built and put into some of the weapons and armour, but nothing that is ever stated to be disposable.


What form of government does the Terran Federation have and who is in charge? It appears to belead by a military Junta? Who was going promote Lynette Devereaux?


@Dave2282 *Stares at you like you have a second head while pointed at the front part of the chapter list*

Jedi Khan

How go the edits, Tefler, both for this chapter and for book 2? Got an estimate for when we can see chapter 92? Crazy wants to know when we can get the full reveal of what happened to Jade.


I'm just starting to edit chapter 14 at the moment. I'll aim to finish chapter 92 by the end of the month. :-)


Since we have a couple of weeks to wait for 92 (I shutter to think ) &amp; to maybe occupy Crazy &amp; save Jedi's shoes I have a observation on the Astral Beings . In a more relaxed &amp; focused re-read of Ch. 55 the first refit of the Invictus at Genthalas shipyard . When John &amp; Alyssa have their post new girl dream on the Astral plain as written by Tefler john at first felt a sense of greeting , like a favored pet , but when John challenges it ,it turns hostile &amp; starts to attack . Once awake as they try &amp; describe what happened to them to Edraele , they realize John didn't have the dream when Irillith had her 3rd feeding . Aylssa remarked that Pro-John had taken over that night . What to make of this . The Astral Being was happy at first to see who he thought was Pro-John (his pet? subject? Son?? )but when he realized John was back in control it attacked he &amp; Alyssa . I think this is pretty reveling info about their relationship , &amp; that Progenitors are creations of the Astral beings &amp; they ae expected to destroy &amp; conquer at their behest . Just my interpretation of events love to know what you all think.

PLRus--Founding member of the TSM F5 club.

Yeah, the EMP attack in this battle scene was unexpected yet interesting. As for worm-hole projectiles, I am thinking Tefler may be leaning towards Dana manipulating the properties of the BSP's ship armor so it can be penetrated (there were no runes on the Legacy to prevent this so that assumption at least has some merit). The question remains though, since the runes are powerd by their maker, with the possible death or near death of Ma'el would the possible runes dissappear or just not be there anymore because he could not or could not justify the energy to maintain them? Lots of questions. I also think that Dana will not just re-create the Legacy's metallurgy. I am thinking she will learn from it and apply what she has learned to the current Crystal Alyssium matrix to make it better than the Legacy material...hence my suggestions on that topic.


How long have the Progenitors been around? The Astral Plane... connected to this Universe or many? Powerful beings in the Astral Plane can create their own extrusions of the Astral Plane to create their own realities (or universes?)... so is this such a place? If so, who created it? Who is maintaining it? Is it 'god' for lack of a better term? Is that the Astral being that first welcomed and then chastised John for not behaving in the desired fashion? Is that a different Astral being who wants to gain access to this realm? Are the Progenitors a mechanism for this to happen? Are the Progenitors agents of the Creator? And yes, I do note the similarities between the two designations. So many questions... so many possible answers... so much to look forward to!

PLRus--Founding member of the TSM F5 club.

Evan and Bigdawg: I noticed these things as well. And after the Astral assault at the lake, I am thinking the Leviathan is desperately wanting to gain a physical presence in John's reality. Which also begs the question why? And are all those lesser beings on the Astral Plane expired Progens who were conqured? As you say: still lots of questions.


I wonder if Mael means prince? But, prince of What? Nerak? As a guess, I would say the nether world, like the astral plane. As a direct translation, prince of hell. Does this resonate with you?


Ranagon is more straightforward, because rana signifies absolute monarch. Paragon is a person viewed as the model of excellence. Ranagon may be a mixture of the names.


When it comes to names ,especially of an enemy it's a So Deus sabe (crap shoot) . Between different languages , propaganda , etc . Like Mael' it was more a title than a name . So I wouldn't put to much into trying figure this out .


I earlier proposed that the Astral beings created the Progenitors as a way to access this reality . Although powerful on their plain they need the Progens , I think , to deliver power/souls ?? to them .At the Lake it had to wait till John opened a portal &amp; then they were able to stop him &amp; close it . I think it wants to destroy John because he threatens their plans for conquest .


Another thing that is puzzling is why has not Progenitor tech seemed to have advanced in thousands of years? One reason could be that Progenitors, like the Brunnen-G in the Canadian/German tv Sci-fi series Lexx (Kai - last of the Brunnen-G was one of main characters) stopped advancing and became a decadent, declining species once they achieved immortality ( like progenitors could still die violent deaths). Once immortal they descended into paranoia and only the last born still we’re interested in taking risks.

PLRus--Founding member of the TSM F5 club.

Dave: I thought I was the only one that watched that show. I have thought the reason Progneitors have not advanced in tech is they had no need to. They are the Alpha race and no one can match their destructive power. So there is no need for tech advancement. Enter John and the crew stage left: They actually do have a need to improve their tech...and have done so at least somewhat independantly from Progen tech (mass drivers, singularity drivers, and Crystal Alyssium...even the heat sinks.

Master Laurent

Quick Question / Clarification. I thought that the Photon Lasers on the Valkyrie were the same as the Photon Lasers on the Invictus. However, I reread the story Saturday night and the passage made me wonder. Can I get some Clarity? Calara grinned, an excited gleam in her eyes. “With no cooldowns on those quad guns, the Valkyrie must have rivalled the damage output of the Invictus’ Photon Laser batteries!”


I believe that Calara was comparing the total damage output of the Valkyrie's Photon Lasers vs. the total damage output from the Invictus's Photon Laser batteries. The thing to remember is that the Invictus has a lot more Photon Lasers, in fact, batteries of them!


Tefler, are you going to update your Overview? It currently reads: Chapter 90 is complete. (26th Sept)


any ch 92 update yet?


Tefler said by the end of the month. He’s currently working on the second e-book, and I think, yesterday, he was up to chapter 14.


I haven't started it yet! :-) I'm half way through the next eBook at the moment, having just finished editing chapter 15. I'm planning to try and wrap that up by about the 20th, then I'll make a start on chapter 92. I just planned out the rest of the eBooks. I'll be aiming for about 120k words a book, although several of them are a bit bigger (139k) because of the 50k monster-sized chapters. There's 16 of them so far, ending at chapter 91. There's a couple of ominous cliffhangers at the end of several books! :-)


Book 3 should be relatively quick to edit as well, with a lot of the punctuation issues fixed by about chapter 28 or so. I think for eBook 4 onwards I'll be able to just bundle them up and publish.


Hey Tefler, how big are those Rapier fighters in the drawing there? It might just be me but they look pretty big compared to the other ships, and I'm trying to reconcile how hundreds of those could fit in a carrier about the size of the Artemis. Or are carriers just that much bigger? Ch. 91 was great as always, I liked how Jon actually showed Alyssa and Sakura where they went wrong instead of just spanking them or something. Now they understand why he gave those orders. Also am looking forward to having Jade, Edraele, and Niskera all together for the first 3 species matriarch council.

Jedi Khan

Tefler has some helpful reference posts buried around here, but you can find them by looking for the "Reference document" tag. There's one for ship sizes in particular, and it gives the sizes of craft ranging from strike craft like the Rapier fighters all the way up to the Terran's massive fleet carrier. <a href="https://www.patreon.com/posts/terran-ship-9693911">https://www.patreon.com/posts/terran-ship-9693911</a>

Jedi Khan

Just finished the ebook (good job, btw Tef) and something occurred to me. When John and Alyssa went to visit Sparks, the gangers and Sparks herself didn't seem all that surprised to have out-of-town-ers coming to check out her wares. Granted, John and Alyssa (mostly Alyssa) drew enough attention just by being there, but still, no one asked these people who are obviously not from Karron how they knew about Sparks and her work. So that got me to thinking, just how well known was Sparks? I imagine Karron would be a rather limited market, all things considered, so it's likely most people on Karron knew about her, even if they weren't carrying one of her weapons. But what about outside of Karron? Like I said, Sparks didn't seem all that surprised when Alyssa showed up, aside from the initial hope-filled reaction, and pointed at the rack of weapons for sale as if it were routine. This suggests that she had customers fairly regularly, even some of off world. Was Sparks only known well enough for half-ass mercs who worked at Karron to come looking for her, or is she known well enough that perhaps the name "Sparks of Karron" would be recognized by some of the major weapons dealers and gunsmiths of the Federation? It'd be interesting if her name and work was well known, as it could open up the possibility of her building her own brand, with the Lion as her biggest customer. Even if her name isn't known, just advertising the fact that the Lion uses her gear would be enough to launch her career.


Jedi Khan, I agree with you as to the fact that knowing more about Sparks and her history and 'fame' would be interesting. However, if they got in 2-20 merchant vessels a month, and some of them had guards of some time aboard, it would not be unreasonable that some of them would take note of well-designed weapons such as were seen in her workshop, seek out the source, and purchase some of them. Word could get around, and she might have a dozen customers a year or more looking to purchase, but nothing that would have entailed a major weapons dealer dealing with volumes greater than she would have made in a lifetime becoming overly interested. Remember, she was making them from basically scrap that she and Alyssa found around Karron. They were impressive, certainly, but not anything that could not be found for sufficient a price in the core worlds, as I read it. On the other hand, what she is doing now is quite simply beyond Terran Federation technology, and not anything that John (or Dana) would want to become available to others who might use it against them, as I read it.


Defense against sonic weapons? I mean Dana has utilized the tech for their own use, but have they engineered defensive means against sonic attacks on the paragon armor? I don't remember that happening during the time, there could be an enemy that uses those sonic weapons (those guys activating the ancient mining station after saving Tashana). They should prepare for that.

Jedi Khan

Forbsey, I believe it was a hotly debated topic around the time those sonic weapons were first introduced on how effective they would be against Crystal Alyssium. JFL and I went back and forth for a spell talking about it. In the end, I think we just dropped it. I forget exactly what his argument was, but I believe it was something along the lines of the Crystal Alyssium will project against the sonic weapons just like it does laser weapons. My argument was that the sonic weapons won't do anything to the Crystal Alyssium itself, but the person inside is still in for a world of hurt. You see, metal is a horrible sound insulator. Divide a room in half with a sheet of metal and put a person on either side; although they might have to talk a little louder than normal, they can still have a conversation through the metal. Ever see the movie "Rocket Man" ( <a href="http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0120029/?ref_=fn_al_tt_1" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0120029/?ref_=fn_al_tt_1</a> )? There's a scene in that movie where they put the main character and another person in a divided isolation chamber for a day or two. Well, the main character starts singing and does not stop, driving the other guy insane even though they are in separate sections because he can still hear the main character. Hell, even the people outside the chamber can hear him singing and the other guy screaming. It's one of the best scenes of the movie, in my opinion. Anyways, where I'm going with that is that although the sonic weapons won't damage the armor itself, the effects of the weapon could potentially pass through the metal armor and into the soft body inside, albeit slightly reduced in power as some of the sonic waves will be deflected by the armor, so a shot meant to kill might only incapacitate instead. So unless Dana has put in a layer of some sort of sound absorbing material or even noise cancelling tech, the Paragon armor would likely not provide the best protection against sonic weapons.

PLRus--Founding member of the TSM F5 club.

In a nutshell John has to entreat or defeat the BSP. Even though we see some signs of change in the BSP, particularly with his relationship with Ailiantha, I just don't see him changing to the point he takes on Johns ethos that quickly. Even Mael seemed to take several thousand years for that to occur. So that means he must defeat the BSP. Now, in defeat the BSP may be converted to John's ethos because he can either do so or die. So EVENTUAL entreating may still occur. However: Defeating the BSP seems the most logical route at this time. I see defeat happening through a few different routes and may well be a combination of them. First: John and BSP are going to have to duke it out on the psychic power level in the end. But, how that comes about eventually is open for speculation. Second: There is no way the girls are going to stand by and watch from the sidelines...in fact, Alyssa/Athena have already said it is going to take all of them to defeat the BSP. And it seems rather obvious that John is making the girls stronger and with specialized powers that are beyond Progenitor capabilities for this reason (specifically Irillith, Rachel and Calara so far with Jade as an honorable mention). Third: Sakura being able to see psychic connections seems like a power without a purpose...unless she is going to use it in the fight against the BSP. And we know that a third party can block said psychic connections due to the Astral Plane Leviathan doing so with John and Athena. Seems like an awfully good purpose to me. Which means Sakura has some more growing to do so she can realize her potential. Fourth: I see the Invictus eventually being as powerful or even more powerful than the BSP's ship. And just as impenetrable. So the ability of Dana to alter the attributes of metals by psychic manipulation and to prevent said manipulation through runes (something I am not convinced the other Progenitors have done due to there being no perceived need) seems to indicate that the BSP's ship will be compromised at some level to allow John and the crew to do a boarding action with the Raptor. Fifth: I do not see any evidence of an artificial intelligence in the small glimpses of the BSP and his ship so far. I am thinking this might have been another of Mael's specific inventions. Which means Faye and Irillith could be very effective in their cyber attacks on the BSP ship. Sixth: The BSP is not going to expect Alyssa attacking him as a Progenitor. And if the BSP is separated from his power source (thralls) by Sakura while being attacked by both John and Alyssa...and possibly Irillith and Sakura and Tashana...I just don't see him being able to overcome them all...especially being surprised by their abilities/attacks. Seventh: Which brings up the need for John to re-create the crowns of protection on all his girls to protect them from being poached like they were with the last confrontation with the Leviathan.


I agree with all of your points aside from you mentioning that the girls abilities are beyond progenitor abilities. John only has half his capacity and isn't really utilizing it well as his personality restricts him further. John after dealing with his guide would put him at a different level than at the moment. Maybe he keeps his guide like Athena and has his guide become the conduit for his psychic abilities so he is able to use is to full potential. The guide may become an asset instead. P.S. he entreats to his ideology too.


Jedi...interesting ideas especially the second part . We know from Ailanthia speaking after the Battle of Khalgron that BSP was planning to "go home &amp; expand his legions " after this little conquest . I have wondered why he didn't follow what we have come to expect from a Progenitor conquest , arrive with his thrall army &amp; laying waste to the weaker civilizations , maybe instead this was a recruiting visit , testing if any of the races in this sector of space would be fit for thralldom . Maybe he isn't interested in section of the galaxy since it has already been trashed by two other Progens . So many questions , so many possibilities

Jedi Khan

Well, this video is kinda interesting: <a href="https://youtu.be/Z-ouLX8Q9UM" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://youtu.be/Z-ouLX8Q9UM</a> I wonder how long until we see the Valkyrie in real life?

Jedi Khan

Or perhaps he was weakening the empires in the region so his thrall armies could roll through and conquer more easily. Basic rule of warfare is when your target's dug in, weaken them as much as possible before moving in for the kill, that way you take fewer losses and your chance of success goes up. What better way to weaken the empires than to get them to fight each other? Once they're done beating the snot out of each other, they'll be too weak to fend off any kind of invasion.


I've just uploaded a new edited version of chapter 91. I made a few minor tweaks and added a new scene. Rather than reading through the whole chapter again, you can find it be searching for: "Tashana stretched like a cat"


Is this the final version or are you still waiting on some feedback?


Oh god, how didn't I think of this before. Those hints of other people in different chapters like the sergeant on Terra assigned to the mech company and the interested commander. These events may hint towards a Terran civil war that John has inadvertently created by shielding himself against the admiralty. Forcing him to choose whether to become the leader of the Terran federation. Alternately this could be a setup of the new cast of characters for the sequel and their inspirations towards the lions of the federation. Wheras they find out things about John that conflict with their view of him in misinterpreting what he is or does.


Hi Tefler, been so busy to comment, but I really loved the last two chapters. I wasn't sure how you were going to continue to escalate the challenges with the crew becoming so super-human but you did in a very believable way. Additionally, I think your balance between the action and bedroom scenes is getting more sophisticated the blending is better and better. My favourite part of the last two chapters was when Sakura was following orders only to snap into the role of vengeful guardian angel of the children, with the resulting "O shit..." on Alyssa's end. Sublime.

Jedi Khan

Tefler, please tell us you have actually been working on chapter 92 this whole time and that you're almost done. I am so gorram bored right now. Normally, I'd be playing some video games when there isn't a new chapter to read, but I'm at work and it is absolutely dead here. The shift has just been dragging on and on. Good thing it's my Friday; don't think I could last another day of this boredom. I just have to endure another three hours of doing absolutely nothing.


Thanks for the feedback on the balancing Ben, that's great to hear! I'm really pleased you enjoyed the last two chapters. They were fun to write, particularly all the combat in chapter 90. As you say, it's an interesting exercise coming up with ways to challenge the crew without it feeling convoluted, so I'm glad you liked the fights! (and the Sakura vengeance scene!)


Sorry, I haven't even started it yet! :-) Alright, that's not strictly true. I've jotted down notes of the things I need to cover in the chapter, and sketched out a few scenes in my head. I'm just going through chapters for the second eBook at the moment, which I hope to finish in a couple of days. Once that's done, I'll dive into chapter 92!


Tefler, I have a suggestion on a word usage in chapter 91. The paragraph is the following: ( Alyssa withdraw her slippery fingers from the Trankaran’s pussy and carefully cupped her grey throat, feeling the steady throb as John pumped his load into her. That set Alyssa off again and she slumped against Niskera’s back with a moan, a giddy smile on her face). Instead of (withdraw), you might find the past tense use of (withdrew) to fit better. Just IMO love the new scene.


just spotted on page 34 "“one hell of shitstorm.” Should be “ one hell of a shitstorm.”


An offhand comment during the debrief about how it would have been impossible to carry a wounded Trankaran got me thinking about tech for a moment. I'm wondering how plausible it might be to make some sort of handheld (or armour-mounted) antigrav/tractor beam generator to allow non-telekinetic crew to move heavy objects. Would make a good utility item, could be used for casualties but also for cargo handling and the like (and also maybe to pick an enemy up and repeatedly bounce them off solid objects, but that's not the focus here). It's not as flashy an idea as some of the wild suggestions others have made for new weapons and things, but it's a fairly logical combination of a few bits of existing tech. I suspect the reason it hasn't been done before is the power requirement, but our heroes have a ready solution to that.


I just re-read chapter 91 again and it struck me odd that the Invictus has a lifesupport capable of handling 11'000 people. What was the standard crew of the Invictus, before the rebuild?

Jedi Khan

When the Invictus was still a ship of the fleet, it had a crew of 40 Navy personnel and 300 Marines. Of course, it was a lot smaller then and didn't have the nifty upgrades that Dana has put in, such as the Maliri air filters they acquired from Geniya station.


Thanks John....that's a few images I could have lived without...hehehe. I know it's not something we think about a lot in Sci-Fi stories but since the start we haven't had any reference to the subject . With John &amp; the girls maybe the advances John has made in their bodies allows them to adsorb all intake &amp; there is nothing left to evacuate , but it's something I wouldn't lose a lot of sleep over.


Thank you for the additional scene, Tefler! I enjoyed reading it.


Good additional scene and, as ever, it's very interesting watching the rest of the editing process. If you're feeling generous another nice addition would be Faye's call to Fleet Warden Thandrun, it would be entertaining to hear the Anvil's bridge crew's reaction to this purple girl telling them that Niskera had been rescued along with the ambassadors and they destroyed 25 drone carriers and disabled 30 hive ships then rescued the captured Trankarans then destroyed the hive ships and were able to successfully treat all the infested citizens speaking of which there are eleven thousand of your rock brothers and sisters now on the Invictus &lt;big smile=""&gt;. &lt;/big&gt;


That would really be a nice addition to the chapter


Great idea! Oh <i> please </i> Tef....


I've always enjoyed the wow factor that our heroes tend to have on others


Oh just realised, how do you lot think Maria would react to the footage of the bug zapping? The space and ground portion? I surmise that she would be horrified, awed and proud of their achievement. Can't wait for all the other characters reactions especially Charles and the other admirals


T minus 1 day till e-book 2comes out. Yippee


Unfortunately it'll be a little bit longer than that. :-) I've nearly finished editing chapter 20, but my editors are going through chapter 11-20 and I'll have to work on their edits too. I'm hoping end of the month.

Jedi Khan

Oh, and by the way for those who were waiting, looks like Tefler snuck the final version of chapter 91 in without telling us.


"Come on, let’s head back,” John said, hauling the huge Broodmother head behind him....very punny


Something that puzzles me , with 1,352 paying Patreon members , why only 73 likes for this chapter ? Did the other 1,2 79 not like it? just didn't feel like voting ? I can't imagine everyone didn't love it &amp; all the other chapters . I know it might be trivial , but I think the likes should be up there in hundreds if not over a thousand . Come on people , let Tefler know how much you appreciate his hard work , if you don't like commenting &amp; the good natured banter back &amp; forth that's cool , but let the Man see proof he's not wasting his time . JMHO thanks

Jedi Khan

The proof is in the $2,362 Tefler is getting per chapter. Don't know about you, but I'd think a nice fat check at the end of the month does a better job of proving that his time isn't wasted than a few clicks of a heart button.

Dark Storymaker

Chapter 91 added to Timeline. Apologies for the delay.