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Hey everyone,

I published my first eBook yesterday and it went live on the various international amazon sites this morning! :-) (US link below)


It feels really weird (but awesome as well!) to see it on an 'official' site like that!

The book consists of the first ten chapters, that I've edited to improve the punctuation, dialogue structure, and grammar. I also expanded several scenes with more detail and have added some new scenes too. There was about 8k more words added compared to the versions that you've seen on literotica and storiesonline, so you should notice quite a difference! I like to think of it as the "director's cut" of my early work. :-)

I emailed free copies of the word document to everyone that's contributed over $150 on Patreon so far (and to a few who were very close to that amount). There were about 45 patrons that received a copy, on blind cc to protect your email address anonymity. ;-) Just shoot me an email if you think you should have received a copy but didn't.

Anyway, I hope you enjoy it! Once I finish chapter 91 (10k done so far), I plan to go through the next ~10 chapters to make book 2. 




Bought all 3.


I have bought all 4 e books, plus books 1 and 2 in print,.. can't wait to collect them all, but that would mean that TSM has come to it's end,.. sigh,.. woe on us!,.. ;-) TTFN


Oh, there's a paperback available too! Amazon's pricing structure is crazy though, and I actually make more profit from the $3.99 ebook than I would from the $14.99 paperback (because of print costs!). A few people mentioned a physical copy though, so I basically made one for them.

Stijn Van Hove

Grats. I'll be getting the ebook for my kindle library.


Congrats on having your first officially published work. Like the new title you have given it as well.


Thanks very much! Do let me know if you see any kind of formatting type issues. I've looked at it in the kindle preview and it seemed okay, but that's never the same as viewing it in an actual device.


When can we place orders for a printed copy?


Thank you! I actually chose the title before the consensus seemed to shift to "The Invictus Chronicles". I can edit the title though, so it's not set in stone. I doubt there'll be any fallout over the "John Blake" name. Trademarking names is a grey area and everyone knows Robin as "Dick Grayson", based off the old tvseries (at least that's how I know him).


It went from "publishing" status to "live" a few minutes ago, so it should be available now. :-)


I have the paperback on order mainly as i dont own a kindle. Am looking forward to reading on physical pages lol


Thanks John! Please let me know if you see any problems, but I hope you enjoy the read! :-)


Congratulations on another huge milestone. I'll be buying a copy regardless to show the support you deserve for creating an amazing work


Just got myself a copy for my Kindle app, glad that be able to further support your writing. Looking forward to having copies of the whole series. Keep up the good work!


Thanks! I hope you enjoy the new version! The first few eBooks will take me a bit longer, because I wanted to edit the early chapters. By about chapter 30 I'd managed to sort out most of my first mistakes, so I'll probably just bundle up the later books and publish them as they are without any major changes. They should still be better versions than the free sites as I've kept the master copies updated every time anyone pointed out any typos or errors. :-)


Just got myself a Kindle copy as well. Congratulations on this milestone. It's been an incredible journey since I stumbled upon that first chapter on Lit.

Jim lynch

I’ve tried buying it but it won’t allow me to have you any ideas why


What's the working title of the second book and what is the art work going to be? Perhaps a close up shot? Once you have a few under your belt you might want to lower the cost of the first few to hook new people.


I was actually planning to start re-reading the entire series anyway so this timing works out great and I decided to pick up a couple of copies of the paperback. All in all, congratulations Tefler, and I hope we keep getting more of your delicious smut for years to come.


Maybe the next book cover could contain one of the art that you did earlier? Like Jade in tiger form?


Hey Tefler So I need to buy the books to dig into the reworks of the chapters 2-29!? They won't be published elsewhere? Because I loved the rework of ch. 1 :)


Can't wait to dig in on the 'director's cut'


Just checked amazon.co.uk and a search for John Blake pulled up the paperback (ordered) and the kindle version (purchased). The third thing on the list was a Blake's 7 audiobook, now that brings back memories! Any plans for a .epub version? While I have an e-reader it's not a Kindle.


I now have my hot stickies on the Kindle version, thanks to the app for the PC, and I have my fiirst observation. The cover says 'The John Blake Chronicles' but then the first page says 'The Chronicles of John Blake'.


Yeah, it'll probably be just in the eBook. I briefly considered putting it on Patreon, but I didn't want to charge you guys for chapters you'd already read (even though they've been redone). :-) I definitely won't be updating literotica and storiesonline with the new versions, which doesn't really leave me many other options.

Magnus Wittstrom

The international version (on amazon.com) that I can buy is 28% more expensive then the UK version (amazon.co.uk) that I'm not allowed to buy :-( Not your fault Tefler (I hope :-) ) but really annoying.


The dedication made me chuckle, "and maybe someday..."


I ran into the same issue. Tried searching for three square meals on the Kindle store which then allowed me to get it. That's assuming you're trying to get the Kindle version.

morris ridgeway

Thanks. Have kindle. will read!


Hah! Yeah the wife got a laugh out of that as well. ;-)


As long as you guys keep enjoying reading it, I'll keep writing it! :-)


In answer to Brad: I'll have to have a think about a working title for the next book. Maybe something like "Reaping the whirlwind" in reference to the pirates, which feature heavily in the next ten chapters. As for artwork, I might commission another artist to do a picture of one of the girls. Maybe a partial nude of Alyssa looking out of the Fool's Gold cockpit, something like that. When someone sees the book cover, I'd like them to have a good idea of what's in store. If I really like the picture, I might switch covers, with that as the first one and make the Invictus leaving Olympus into the second. (It would still fit for chapter... 19?)

Kim Biel-Nielsen

The chapter 5 heading is incorrectly formatted. Love the ebook


Ah, thanks for letting me know! There was a page break missing before and when I added it back in, it must have messed up the title formatting. I'm glad to hear you're enjoying the new versions of those early chapters! :-)


If I may quote Jeff Spicoli - "Awesome, totally Awesome." Love where the sample ended. I'll probably buy just so I can leave a review. Only one minor suggestion on the cover(s) and that's maybe a font or font effect that pops more. I always envision a grey metallic space hull effect. Search Mimic and the Space Engineer or ESS Space Marines and you'll see what I mean from those covers. Haven't read them but nice covers.


Tefler, I just purchased both the book and the eBook, but while the book has not yet arrived, I started looking at the eBook, and the "pale yellow sun" Karron is orbiting is still in the first line of paragraph 3. I know you said that you had or were going to fix that, so I wanted to let you know ASAP. I'm assuming that the print version will be the same, no? Secondarily, is there any chance that the book will be made available on the Apple store? I prefer reading it using iBooks rather than Kindle, in general, on my iPad.


Folks, get a copy of the book and keep it pristine. Get Tefler to sign it when/as possible. First editions (complete with errors) make for great collector's items! ;-)


Grr! I fixed that! That's the problem when you start making multiple copies of a chapter, then edits don't get carried across.... I made a copy of all 10 chapters when I finished them and put them in an eBook folder, which I then merged together to make the contents of the book. I must have just fixed the main copy and not the version I was putting together in the eBook. Oh well, I'll fix it with a second edition.


lol yeah, I'll submit a second edition soon. There were three things I've fixed that need changing.


Loved the first chapter and in the US I will be picking up the Kindle version. However I wanted to make a quick point: the PB version is over 300 pages and that is only chapters 1-10 (reworked). Just pause everyone and Tefler to: 1-10 of 91 'chapters.' ... ... ... With a bit of reworking Tefler has books 1-9 done and many more to go! Great job Tefler, and keep it up!


Actually much more than that! The first ten chapters are only short, ranging from 5k words up to about 10k. In total there's 86k words in those ten chapters. From that point onwards they started ramping up to 15k each by about chapter 20 or so, then they kept increasing in size, with a few monster 60k chapters. All the latest ones are about 30k in size. Going purely by wordcount and splitting the chapters into ~120k word eBooks, I've probably written about 18 so far. :-)


Bought! Keep it coming!


What is the link for the book?


Never mind. I see it now. Oh well, look dumb don't I?


Just a quick message to say thanks very much to everyone who has purchased a copy of my eBook (and the paperback) on the first day of release! I'd also like to thank the guys who left a review. They were much appreciated and my wife was very impressed at the glowing feedback! :-)


Tefler, I have the e-book in Kindle and are half-way through it. Chapter 3 & 4 are big change from original. Love the changes. Keep up the great work.


Did you want us to leave a review for this edition of the Kindle edition, or after the update? Personally, I wanted to leave my review here, first, in case there were any issues such as the one that I found so far. I hope that’s OK.


A few other minor errors. Also picked up the Heading for Ch 5. Do you want them or too late?


Time also to update your Literotica and StoriesOnline biography to make mention of the Ebook

rich ed

congrats telfer! hope you make "millions" mwhahahaha


Congratulation Tefler for publishing your first ebook. Just one question. Are you going to add your ebook in the kindle unlimited scheme?

Troy S. Cash

I recommend it Tefler, I've bought more books using kindle unlimited in last year than I bought in previous 10. Getting to know an author for free gets me to read the rest of their books then buy the set.


As Dana would say Amazballs


Would you consider making it available through Kindle Unlimited?


Regarding Kindle unlimited: If I sign up to that, then I'm not allowed to distribute my eBook on any other digital platform. I'd have to take the chapters off literotica/storiesonline and each time I compile the newer chapters into an eBook, I'd probably have to delete them off here. (It specifically states you can't distribute on your own website). I'm not sure if there's a distinction between individual chapters or the compiled eBook, but I don't really want to risk getting into some kind of legal wrangling, especially when my Patreon pledges are basically my salary at the moment. :-)


Yeah, the KDP cover creator is a bit limited. Fortunately creating new covers doesn't seem to be too much of a hassle, so I'll look into improving that.


Thanks, Robert! Chapter 3 in its original format used to pretty much be one long romp with John and Alyssa, starting in the shower, then ending with her blowing him. It's a very important chapter, because it's the point when she becomes his Matriarch, but for a new reader it just seems like a load of sex. The first revision I did added a pillow-talk chat about John's background, which I put up on the free sites about a year ago. One of the editors suggested the idea behind the new scene, so I went with it to add a bit more action. :-)


Sure, let me know. Creating new updated versions seems relatively painless. Version 2 is now live. :-) (That fixed the title, the chapter 5 heading, and the wrong colour sun in the Karron system).


Daft question, is the kindle version going available in the UK?


Hey tef. At the end of chapter 2 location 730 in kindle you have they frieghter at 60 meter long but in chapter 3 location 946 during his space walk its 50


Yep, it should be available: <a href="https://www.amazon.co.uk/John-Blake-Chronicles-Square-Unclaimed-ebook/dp/B076668Z2T/ref=sr_1_3?ie=UTF8&amp;qid=1507276384&amp;sr=8-3&amp;keywords=three+square+meals" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://www.amazon.co.uk/John-Blake-Chronicles-Square-Unclaimed-ebook/dp/B076668Z2T/ref=sr_1_3?ie=UTF8&amp;qid=1507276384&amp;sr=8-3&amp;keywords=three+square+meals</a>


Oh, well spotted! Yeah I fixed that during an edit of chapter 3, but I missed the earlier reference. I've updated the master copy and I'll submit another version at some point. :-)


I see PDF and epub are supported eBook formats on Amazon, as well as a few others. Will Book 1 be available in any of these? <a href="https://kdp.amazon.com/en_US/help/topic/G200634390" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://kdp.amazon.com/en_US/help/topic/G200634390</a>


Any update on sales so far?


Just for finished the EBook, loved the subtle differences in the new version! Now I have to go back and take up with chapter 11 while I wait for 91.


Bought the Kindle version! Awesome!


Am with you AM2, how long till E2 is ready Tefler?


Well, made a run.... I think it hit #2, held at #3, now at #4.... Hopefully others will find it

Jedi Khan

And I was just thinking that now you're publishing for money on Amazon, you may have to take your stuff on Lit and SOL, since other authors who have started on Lit then moved to Amazon did the same. I guess as long as you stay away from the Kindle Unlimited, you should be good. May have to check the terms for Lit and SOL, see if they have anything similar. Last thing we want is you tied up in a legal battle. It'd just get in the way of you writing.

Jedi Khan

Well, it only got those numbers in the very limited Erotica&gt;Sci-Fi section. Now if it could crack the top 10 or 20 of Erotica in general, or even the top 100 of Sci-Fi, then we're talking good things happening. Time for anyone who has social media to start campaigning!


Tefler, I just finished my review of both the first and subsequent Kindle editions, which I have emailed off to you, so that you can make any desired corrections for a subsequent edition. I hope that the format that I used to send it is satisfactory. I was pleased to see that the subsequent edition already included a couple of the items that I found in the initial edition.


Might be a stupid question but can the kindle version be read on something other than a kindle (pc, phone etc.)? Can it be converted to a pdf or something similar?


You can read it using the Kindle app on any device that supports the app, including iPhones &amp; iPads, PCs, Macs, and Android devices.


Htevbdf - kindle app can be downloaded to run on nearly anything, phone, pc, tablet etc


I never noticed how much of the first chapters were filled with sex scenes the first read through.


I have been reading this tale from nearly the beginning. Several months ago I decided that I needed to repay you for the hours of entertainment that you have provided me. I therefore joined you here. When you offered the ebook, I only thought for about 30 seconds before I clicked the link and bought it. I wish you all the success you well deserve.


and you are complaining because.... LOL


Congrats, on being successfully self-published Tef! Looking forward to reading my copy in polished book form. It'll also be interesting to see how long it takes for us to get 3SM to best seller status. Cheers!

Jedi Khan

Quick question, Tef. Any idea on if there's a delay on how long it takes for an updated version of the ebook to go live? The reason why I ask is because I just got to Chapter 5 and the heading is still not highlighted like the others. I've checked by settings and I'm pretty sure I'm set up to automatically get updates if there's any changes made, but it doesn't look like the changes you've made since you first released the ebook have gone through.


Well my paperback version turned up yesterday. Have to say its thicker and heavier than i was expecting. Loved the acknowledgements and the contents with page numbers. All that's missing is pages number lol


It seems to take about a day for changes to be pushed through. They're shown as "in review" while that's happening, then in changes to "publishing" and now its "live". The version of the eBook should definitely be updated with the new Chapter 5 title and a few other fixes, but I'm not sure how you can update your copy.


Hey Evan. I didn't get your email. Could you try resending it please? :-)


Thanks very much! I really appreciate your support. :-) I hope you enjoyed the new versions of the early chapters.


It does feel weird having an actual book out there! If you google John Blake or Three Square Meals, the amazon search optimisation is picking them both up now. :-)


I've just published a new version of the paperback with updated page numbers and less line spacing. It should go live in a day or so, but I can't change the version number due to amazon limitations on their editing interface for published books - it works fine for eBooks. I'll just add a note when the new version is live.


Yes! That means I have the first edition! :-) Tefler, did my edit list generated from the kindle edition work for you?

Raymond Jeffries

Hey Tefler, just found out about your writing about two weeks ago and I wanted to say thanks for writing the coolest sci-fi story I've ever read. Happy to be a new Patreon supporter of your work, and looking forward to more great adventures with the crew of the Invictus. Keep up the great work!


The new version of the book has gone live (Now with added page numbers!). :-)


Hey Raymond, welcome to my Patreon site! I'm really glad to hear you've enjoyed the story so far. :-)


I just became a Patreon and I've already bought the first ebook. Sorry if it has been said already but I would like to know if you plan to release the next ebooks soon ( &lt; month ). I started re-reading the story from the beginning and it would be nice to have all chapters on my kindle (I travel a lot).


Hey Andre, thanks for joining the Patreon site! My current plan is to finish chapter 91 by tomorrow. Then I'll spend the next week working on eBook 2. In my opinion, the first ~30 chapters need work on their punctuation and grammar, because I was still learning the ropes back then. I plan to go through them and fix all that, as well as make a few minor changes and add a bit more detail here and there to scenes. I won't do as much on the following eBooks as I did with the first, because that needed more non-sex scenes to break up all the sex! So I think the first few books (maybe 3 or 4?) might take a little while to sort out, but once I've sorted them out, I can just publish the later chapters as they are. I could spend months editing all the later chapters too, even up to about chapter 60 or so, but most of the changes wouldn't be noticeable to the majority of readers, so it's probably not worth the time.


The later sBooks I should be able to publish very quickly if I'm not having to edit them first. Book covers are an issue as I don't have enough art commissioned yet. I might just use the initial coverart as placeholder until I get more. So my rough schedule would be: eBook 2 -&gt; 2 weeks eBook 3 -&gt; next month eBook 4 -&gt; maybe next month as well eBook 5+ -&gt; I'll try and get them all done by January


Can you share how many have been purchased so far? Would be an interesting update.

Jedi Khan

Just had a brain wave. Anyone know of any YouTubers who do book reviews and aren't squeamish when it comes to adult material? Maybe someone can send them a copy of the ebook and/or point them to it? That should drum up some business if we can get a YouTuber or two hooked.


Just received my "1st Edition" paperback too. That'll make lunchtimes in the works canteen somewhat more interesting! I do like the "Maybe one day i'll write a story you can tell your parents about". Thanks T


Where is the paperback link?


<a href="https://smile.amazon.com/John-Blake-Chronicles-Square-Unclaimed/dp/1549902911/" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://smile.amazon.com/John-Blake-Chronicles-Square-Unclaimed/dp/1549902911/</a> It's also on sale now! $13.02 List Price: $14.99 Save: $1.97 (13%)


In answer to Evan, I sold 16 printed books before I updated the template and my wife bought one of them. So there's 15 of you with the exclusive first edition. If I ever do any sci-fi conventions, bring them along, I'll be happy to sign them for you. :-)


I'll hold you to that. I'm already on page, errr page..... \ (•◡•) /

Jedi Khan

I'll bring the complete box set as well as the deluxe art book.


I just wanted to say thanks very much to everyone that left me such wonderful reviews on Amazon! Positive feedback makes such a big difference, so I really appreciate you taking the time and effort to do that! :-)


My book (REAL PAPER) is due to arrive 10/14! Can't wait.


Hi Tef, I put a note in on this, but then realised I’d buried it and you probably wouldn’t see it. It’s just a quickie regarding a spellcheck/typo that is fairly common in the original SOL version. A quick word search on my reader shows around 12 instances of ”peaked” where it should be “Piqued”. Usually in the phrase “ XXX’s curiosity was peaked” or similar. There rather more instances of the correct usage of the spelling, usually associated with headgear! I thought it might be something you would want to keep a sharp eye out for as you upgrade to E Book. Its most common in the first half of the series. Regarding the series itself, I cannot overstate the pleasure it gives me reading it, and the pain of waiting for the next instalment. When you put one up, my world stops and I HAVE to read it, work, commitments, life etc notwithstanding. A truly remarkable series, and (not that I would have thought this possible) getting better all the time. I’m curious, as well, as to what this has done to your world. You started back in 2015 IIRC as a hobby, no doubt, and soon found both appreciation from you audience and, I assume, real pleasure in doing it. Now, your world has been turned upside down, your hobby has become your job, and IMHO greatness is about to be thrust upon you. It’s going to become a wild ride - how do you feel about it and are you enjoying yourself at the moment? Very best wishes Tim


Hey Tim, I did see your original message, but I couldn't find it to reply. As you say, it was nested in other comments and when the comment threads get long its really hard to locate buried comments. I've fixed about four of the "peaked" offenders so far, so there shouldn't be any in the first eBook! :-) It's really great to hear that you've been enjoying the story so much! Going back to the beginning to edit the early chapters has been an interesting experience, seeing how much my writing style has evolved and improved as the story progressed. The primary difference since I started writing full time is that I'm not so tired all the time! Previously I was working a full time job from 8am-4pm, plus an hour each way commuting, then in the evenings I'd start writing... I managed to maintain that for over a year, but it was draining! I've loved writing though and getting all the positive feedback from the fans has been amazing. Right at this moment I'm working through edits of the early chapters for the second eBook which is a bit of a hard slog. Extensive editing actually feels like work, unlike writing a new chapter which is just great fun. I loved getting stuck into chapter 91 again after the first eBook was finished! After the initial 3 or 4 eBooks I'll reach a point where the chapters are in a reasonable state (around chapter 30 or so), so I'll be able to just bundle them up and publish the eBooks much faster. I'm really looking forward to writing the next dozen or so chapters as there's a lot of good stuff coming up. When I finally finish this story, I'm looking forward to starting on the sequel and I've already started planning the characters and the story arc. I'd like to just jump right into it, but the longer I have to plan, the more cohesive the plot should be, so I suppose it's no bad thing to wait. When I finish that one (Maybe a year's time?), then I might try writing a fantasy epic instead. I've got a bunch of ideas for that too, so that should be a fun one to get stuck into as well! :-)


How many sold now Tefler?


Tefler, could we have an option of ordering the physical book through you but have it signed? I would spend a few extra bucks for that... Imagine if your work takes off... That would be truly awesome to have.


I’m really enjoying the E-book, now my third time going through this part of the story. It certainly evokes strong nostalgia as the way John and Alyssa met is an unforgettable part of this saga.


Loved the e book Tefler keep up the great work. I am now comparing you to Peter f Hamilton for the depth of your story.


I'd be happy to do that, but I'm not sure of a practical way to arrange it!


Yeah, it was fun for me to go back and read those chapters again too. It's the first time I've done so in over a year, so it was fascinating to see how the story evolved from that point! :-)


Thanks Mick! I haven't heard of Peter f Hamilton before, so I hope that's a favourable comparison! :-)


I was just curious about something: did you guys notice much difference between the eBook and the literotica chapters? There were the obvious changes, like the debris impact scene, the TFNN interview, and references to some of the alien races. I just wondered if the changes to sentence structure and slightly rewritten dialogue were noticeable too?


He us in the top echelons of SF writers


Without reading them side by side it's hard to spot the individual changes, but the overall result is a significant improvement. I re-read the original version from the start a month or two ago and there were some noticeable rough edges compared to the later chapters. The e-book version is a good overhaul for sure. I appreciated the early appearance by Jehenna, that was a nice touch. The debris scene was a good moment of deep space peril, failed FTL way out in the black is every spacer's nightmare.


Bought the the Book 1. You certainly come a long way from your beginnings.