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Hey guys!

I've just finished the first half of the chapter and handed it over to my editors. 

I really enjoyed writing part 1 and have left my editing team teetering on the edge of no less that four simultaneous cliffhangers! ;-D

I hope they enjoy it too and while they get stuck into the edits, I'll crack on with part 2. I'll aim for the 20th, but the 21st might be more realistic.

Best wishes to everyone dealing with the aftermath of the recent hurricane. I hope you managed to escape unscathed... (ML you have my sympathies for your tales of woe!)





Okay, I'm really looking forward to chapter 90. And no, I do not want part one before part two is done.


I'd take Tefler


Word for ito


I can wait for it. But please go for the 20 th

Master Laurent

LOL. I was just posting on chapter 89 that it is about time for the Chapter 90 status update to show up and it popped up in my email.

Master Laurent

As a side note, Thank you all for your kind words and prayers. The Challenge is that Irma came at the same time as life feeding me a buffet of shit sandwiches with a chaser of sewer water. The only thing that has been giving me any happiness is reading TSM's and being able to interact with this great community. THANK YOU ALL FOR YOUR PATIENCE for my Senior Moments and your amazing ability to contribute to this community that brings all of us so much joy!


Can anyone tell me if the Maliri have ballistic weapons?All we really know about The Maliri fleet is that Battleships are equipped with nova lances and they have turreted beam lasers for all ships,plus pulse cannon defence nets.There was no mention of Drakkar cruisers having,yet we know from the battle of Ashana that Drakkar battleships did,with their heavy cannons.I just wondered,what with John giving the Ashanath ballistic weaponry schematics.

Master Laurent

I do not remember any being discussed. I am sure the community will comment. :-)

Master Laurent

This is a repeat of the comments from Chapter 89, however I feel it would be a good topic of discussion to continue on this chapter. Some how Comcast was able to let me onto a hotspot that only resets the connection every 10 minutes for 30 seconds so all of my connections break and I have to re-login to all of the websites I have open. From Jedi’s comment on the BSP during the upcoming battle. Like I said below, I picture him with a big tub of popcorn and his Thrall by his side hoping to have her progenitor ring her bell over and over like the aftermath of the last battle. With Carala’s new abilities I can picture the Invictus firing several hundred Mass Driver rounds along with even more projectile rounds from a great distance. The great thing about space is without the resistance of Atmosphere or Gravity, projectiles will travel unimpeded. And I would think that Faye could calculate any gravity adjustments. All Carala would have to do is pick the point in space where and when she wants the rounds and let them fly based upon the Calculations. Then jump into FTL and do the same thing and they could create waves of rounds that arrive every minute for 10 minutes because I would think between jumping in FTL, Firing and then going to the next destination would be a little limiting from a maximum time anticipation. The best part is that the Invictus could still sit at the Maximum range for the Nova Lances and the Mass Drivers and fire and jump into FTL over and over again creating a great deal of destruction and chaos while taking out the bulk of the enemy fleet and providing a great distraction for John and the girls / Valkyrie / Raptor to mount a ground assault. OK, Community, let’s get the math debate on velocity, FTL travel and Carala’s new gifts.

Master Laurent

Ok, a discussion on battle field tactics. Just because you can does not mean you should. I think it is best for the Team to rely on conventional weapons verses telekinesis / pyrokinesis / cryokinesis until it is a last resort because of the energy draw and we all know that a battle is never over even when it is over until the solders are home in bed. Especially since Tefler has this amazing ability to through a Major wrinkle in the story line that requires miraculous efforts to overcome adversity at the last moment. I can see the use of non draining gifts during battle a bonus, ie Carala’s prescience and Irilith’s cyberkinesis. And to Borrow JFL’s Suggested name for the new gun, The Shadowmaker – I am assuming that everybody is going to have one? Also, how many rounds of punisher ammo does the Valkyrie carry?


Continuing discussion from last post, I had forgotten that Jessica was a botanist. Maybe she knows bugs too. Might she have created the Kirrix as revenge on humanity. Thrall get very pissed when progen die. Maybe when she returned, her progen was dead and she created the Kirrix using her abilities. She may even be the evil Kirrix queen.


I think she,ll charge straight through the middle of the Kirrix fleet to get them facing the wrong way,then sit at max range using the nova lances to strip shields and the singularity drivers to tear them apart.Waiting until they advance to photon laser range,when she'll give them a salvo from the lasers and cannons then scoot back to max range again and repeat.All the while drawing them further away from the planet.Hopefully far enough away so they could get to the planet and lend a hand with fire support on the exfil!


Maybe the exfil starts to go tits-up,so Malifica takes a bow?


The kirrix have been around causing trouble longer than the events of Jessica, interesting that she may have improved the kirrix to the downed progen ship advantage and she was involved with them somehow.


I wonder if the kirrix watch news from TFNN for intelligence gathering and saw that there are humans looking to garner peace. Its like a herd of cattle greeting a tribe of starving people, not going to end well...


Chapter 6 - mistakenly call Port Heracles as Port Cerberus.


Hey Tefler, I noticed your goal for you to quit your job has long been completed. Are you going to set another goal to help with your writing? Are your editors there on a permanent basis where you pay them or temporary? Maybe that can be something patrons can help with. I think many patrons would be willing to help speed your productivity, less time worrying about editing = more time writing and maybe = more potential holidays rewarding for your efforts. During that time you could have editors scouring your work for errors, etc. Commission detailed empire maps, ship schematics, etc. Just throwing ideas out there for food thought :) One person can do so much, I'm concerned if we are overworking you too much


ML, know all about Senior Moments because I seem to have Senior Seconds myself anymore. Peace be with you and a quick and speeded recover for every trail confronting you this day. May you have your needs met and Internet woe's be corrected.

Jedi Khan

Tef, if your editors are just as much 3SM addicts as the rest of us are, they are probably cursing your name right about now for leaving them hanging like that. Hopefully none of those cliffhangers are as bad as when Jade got skewered, 'cause that'd just be cruel. Might want to hurry up with the rest of the chapter, just to be safe. That's the only way to appease an addict.

Jedi Khan

By the way, a message for those in Florida and the Caribbean: Don't unpack your emergency kits yet. Tropical Storm Maria is gaining strength in the Atlantic and seems to be following the same track as Irma did. Forecasts say it'll reach "major hurricane" status by mid-week as it heads for Puerto Rico, the Dominican Republic, and Haiti.

Master Laurent

OK, So I now have internet, it took 3 Hours, 3 additional 6 inch Trees had to be removed by me with a hand saw because they were in the way of the new drop, New Drop from the street to the house, new line from drop on house into office, new cable modem, cable modem to bridge mode and now I have internet and TV working. Yeah!!! I now have a weeks worth of work to get done today and I am exhausted from the tree removal.


Can anyone remember what happened to Tashanas' compression weave clothing.Would be good fabric to make their uniforms out of.And did Luna have a sword with a folding blade,cause that would be perfect tech to copy for John and Sakuras' concealed carry swords to hide in their new duds


Good idea, they are public figures in the tfed. Having concealed carry other than the obvious massive pistol on their hips will give them options. I think all the girls should get hand to hand training for extra protection. John, Calara, Sakura can't be everywhere. As useful as psychic abilities are, it isn't infinate and would be good to have options


Has anyone else thought that the BSP could've intervened to save Jade at the battle of Regulas.The Kintark destroyer stop firing when Jade lost her shields.Why?Mabe BSP hacked it and took their weapons offline.


Didn't Athena say that if left to develop her psychic abilities,it would be telepathy and elecktrokenisis,with John adding cyberkenisis.Is this her natural ability finally activating?Maybe Alyssa can ask Athena about it?


We have no way of knowing that, maybe their control tower got damaged and couldn't fire?


I don't think shes using any psychic abilities, just her skill with lazer weapons (being maliri) and the power of the combined use of tech gathered. Remember the justice rifle didn't get the new heatsink from Charles and Dana hasn't upgraded it for a while. This is the result... I almost feel sorry for the bugs

Master Laurent

PATREON IS REALLY STARTING TO SUCK BAD!!!! OK, so nobody is happy with the app, I do not use the app so I do know have personal experience, however, from the comments lately it really sucks. The website is also really starting to suck, between loosing comments at an alarming rate, changing the standard display from list to tile on a random basis and the ever present user info tile that will not go away while you are scrolling through the comments trying to click on reply. Patreon is becoming a very poor user experience. No Reflection on Tefler, Just the shitty website and the millennials who are to busy having a safe space with large Latte's to care about user experiences. With all of the boasting that Patreon does about the amount of creators and capital raised I would think this is a no brainier. But Who the Fuck am I ???? Just a Paying Customer!


Yeah, I've only been a patron for a little while and I find using the website a little tedious when doing long comments and how I must scroll to where I'm writing to keep track of spelling, etc. I think Patreon can look at YouTube and get some ideas of how they set theirs up. Could be worse though, just a little outdated.


Thank you Tefler and patrons for the pleasant experience conversing with you about 3SM, I plan to be here as long as Tefler creates phenomenal writing and hope to see his work justly rewarded for outstanding effort.

Master Laurent

With Deepest Respect, Tefer, are we going to get the daily word count update in the comments above like in the past? Some of us that have been paying attention have noticed that you really crank out the words when you are excited during a battle scene or other events so it creates a sense of anticipation when we see a 8k day when we know a battle is on the way. That being said, I am projecting that this battle / rescue will happen over two or three chapters like many of your past epic events. This chapter ending with John and the Girls making it to the delegation and the Invictus still playing cat and mouse with enemy fleet, causing a great many losses and destruction. Given the overwhelming number of ships the Kirrix have, like many have speculated, and Given Carala’s abilities, I can see the being a distance battle where the Singularity Drivers and the Nova Lances and Heavy Cannons are the primary weapons being fired from the Maximum range so as to keep out of the range of the enemy fleet’s beam weapons. The swarms of fighters will be addressed when they come into range by the new defense grid lasers and the smaller projectile weapons. Hell, even the photon lasers can come into play with the fighters because of the distance the will cover. I can see several of the photon shots taking out multiple ships because they initially attack in a formation and are aligned in such a way that the beams travel through many ships with a single shot. The old cowboy saying, one shot, three kills. Keep in mind that if they do a surprise distance attack on the “Carriers” it would be very hard for the fighters to escape the devastation. Having the Invictus destroy the entire Kirrix Armada while it is being recorded for Jehanna and the display of power by the ground assault with the shadowmakers and the punishers combined with the Valkyrie and Raptor providing close air support will send one hell of a message throughout the universe.


ML, Not so sure it would be a good idea for John and company to send that message to universe it could mark them as a target. Not as if they weren't already.


I wonder if Dana will create those 'annoying little shits' to harass enemy lines allowing them to fire with impunity. I would love to see that. Maybe create little pew pew guns that make a noise so bad the kirrix fire at them to shut em up

Jedi Khan

Okay, now that's an idea. For anyone wondering what Liam's talking about, Dana made some target drones way back when that made one hell of annoying racket and danced around in the air, making it real hard to hit them. Think of the training drone used by Luke Skywalker in the first Star Wars movie, just more annoying. They were used on the firing range to test some of Dana's targeting tech. Imagine if Dana made at least half a dozen of those and equipped them with mini lasers that were lower power than the Justice rifle, but still enough to hurt. Add in a rudimentary IFF to spot friends or foes, which can then be updated on the fly from the Paragon armor UI, and you've got something that can provide a decent distraction and limited point defense, as well as possible scouting ability.

Jedi Khan

Are we there yet? No. Are we there yet? No. Are we there yet? No! Are we there yet? NO! ...Hey. Jedi. What? Can we go to the bug planet, please? What the hell are you talking about? What bug planet? You know, the one John's going to right now. I want to meet him there, help kill some bugs. Crazy, it's a fictional place in a fictional story. We couldn't go there even if we had the tech to leave Earth. Awww. Go reread the last chapter or something, just quit bothering me. Okay. ... Are we there yet? AAAHHH!!!

Master Laurent

Numpty made a comment above about Tashanas’s compression weave clothing and Even Made the Following respone: Actually, why couldn't Alyssa design and weave Crystal Alyssium into fibers and decorative adornments which she or John could then reshape and use as needed, at least for small items?? And here is my response and I felt it needed to be a major topic of discussion and not lost to those that are using the app and can not see responses: Awesome point Evan about the Crystal Alyssium. They could also be turned into projectiles for defense, have them be 9 shaped so it can be the 10th shaping and make a dagger or even a sword if enough trinkets were on enough of the girls. Or have it woven into the fabric like sequins or diamond shaped beads. Thinking something like the gondola in Black Sunday with a Telekinesis bomb or just using raw Telekinetic force to propel the projectiles. Even the diamond shaped beads, once removed from the garment. It would not be that hard to have a 4Kg Dress / Top Coat. The bigger challenge would be to keep enough of the girls covered after the removal of the Crystal Alyssium. And if it was done right it would also provide protection both from beam and projectile weapons. Thinking of a multi-layered weave where there is no path to the skin that is not blocked by a Crystal Alyssium sequin.

Master Laurent

Thinking that the girls could always ware Camouflage Bikini's / Underwear. Even a Sports Bra and Boy Shorts under their clothing while off the Invictus. That would be hot has hell!!!! The Challenge would be any of the ammo that they are carrying that is made of Crystal Alyssium would need to be shielded.

Master Laurent

Wally World is just around the corner. Yo Crazy, Have you met Laurent's friend Fuck Nuts? The two of you would have a bunch of fun together. However, Fuck Nuts is a little black and blue right now because Laurent has had to Borrow the all powerful Nerf Bat to beat the fuck out of him because - well here is the dialog that has been going on all night long: “I have RAID and it kills bugs dead, Let’s Fucking go and Kick some Bug Ass!” Pausing every couple of rounds with “Fire Nova, Singularity, Heavy, Nova, Singularity, Heavy, Bam Mother Fucker you are D.E.A.D Dead, Rinse and Repeat!” “Sakura, The Blood will come off of your sword, just keep on slicing the bastards” “Die you bastards, Die, Die, Die!!! Faye, The Defense Grid is Awesome! Great Job Honey” “All in one Chapter Please, Once Chapter Please, No Cliffhangers, White Queen, White Queen” “Boys have Red Eyes and Sonic Guns in Hand, they are fine in the Raptors cargo bay, must protect John and the Girls!!!”


I use the app on my IPad ever day to check Tefler's updates and the crew's comments. I also follow a couple of other creators now. I find the app significantly more comfortable for reading. But posting is tough...can't always control where the comment goes and I have only been able to download twice since Tefler started on Patreon. So when it gets serious I held for the desktop.

Master Laurent

DCM, Good Point, I always download the chapters, open them in Word change the font to Palantino because I find it to be a more readable font and switch into focus mode and zoom to 200% on my 27" iMac Retina. As far as reading comments, it really sucks because they just bring you to the chapter post, not the comment that was replied to so you may have to read through 400+ Comments to find the comment. Especially if you can not tell the comment that was remarked about by the content of the remark, a major time suck! And this long comment curse of the diapering text really sucks!

Master Laurent

Just saw this post from Tefler at the bottom of the Chapter 87 Comments, someone needs to move this to the weapons section. All my replies were getting deleted above, so here it is again as a new comment: Beam base damage = 1 Maliri Beam base damage = 1.5 Kintark heatsinks = 50% damage increase (chapter 38) Crystal Alyssium barrel = 50% damage increase (chapter 55) Therefore Maliri Beam boosted damage = 3 Photon Laser damage = 3 Enhanced Kintark heatsinks = +100% damage Crystal Alyssium barrel = +50% damage Damage per Photon Laser after latest refit = 7.5 (chapter 88) The damage formula is: Base damage + (All multipliers added together x base damage) = total damage.


That formula doesn't make sense to me, I read the original post... lol. % increase is multiplicative...


Hey, Jedi. Just to note, it seems like the editors have their fix (Tefler's new first half of story) about two to three days after he releases the final version of the story's previous chapter. Seems like they're doing pretty good to me. Besides, they can't be addicts like the rest of us... They'd be trolling this forum also (that's 'trolling' as in puttering around on, not internet trolls).


And now it's a Cat 4 hurricane... Farking joy. We get to go through all this shit over again.


So in the past, Dana has been able to temporarily increase the FTL drive for like 10 seconds at a time. Could they do this to speed up their arrival?


I wonder if John had considered having Faye send out some of her boys with them to help set a perimeter around the group?


DHC, I think that was only at sub-.light speeds, particularly during battles where they had to get somewhere in a hurry (saving a crew member). I don't think that they'd be able to do it for any sustained period of time without Dana having worked over the engines (maybe go back and make some of the components from CA alloy and incorporate upgraded Kintark heatsinks in order to facilitate this. That's probably a refit-level upgrade, though...


To me, 4 would be the ideal number to let Faye focus on her other tasks aboard the Invictus and the Rapier.


So what's the likelihood that Tefler will wake up, happen to read the recent ideas on the comments and cuss as himself for not thinking of or forgetting something.


Last thing, I swear to Batman that if John and the girls forget to carry a pistol or three each, I'll personally kick their ass (or die trying to at least).


There's no way Tashana would forget hers.One one each leg,and shoulder.John will make her put the rest back and carry ammo instead.lol


Thinking about all the ship upgrades that have been supplied to the TFed. If there is a big fight with the Kirrix coming up, then surely some level of upgrade to infantry armour and weapons would be useful. some of Dana's now obsolete equipment versions should be sent back to TFed command and the two arms companies that they bought their original kit from back in the day , to be supplied as"Lioness signature models" or something. Your ordinary trooper is only going to be even more impressed by the lion if he's personally sent out kit that will help him survive


It didn't occur to me till I read your comment but that is a really good idea. In 89 it already shows someone commenting on upgrades he supplied, giving them infantry equipment as well could only be a good thing. The only bottleneck for the TFed is they couldn't possibly use any of the equipment past the point they started using psychic shaping

Master Laurent

Photon Laser : OK, I have to get to work so I am going to ask someone to go through the comments and document / Confirm the following and then I will copy them tomorrow to the weapons section in the wiki that has been created I am going to duplicate this top part for several different weapons because we are still looking for answers on a couple of items and it will make it easier to follow. Please correct me if I have made any mistakes: The New Photon Lasers are actually three barreled non rotating Weapons with a 7.5 damage factor per shot: 1. Level of Damage compared to Tfed base beam lasers = 7.5 2: What is the rate of fire? I have seen several different posts, Do/can all Three barrels fire at the same time or do they rotate at a rate where there is overlap that make them appear to be a continuous stream? It there is an overlap how long because that is a double shot for x seconds of overlap. 3. Quantity installed on Invictus 4. Quantity installed on Raptor 5. Quantity installed on Valkyrie 6. Standard Usage for the Weapon – Turreted on Invictus and Valkyrie, fixed on Raptor 7. Special Notes on performance

Master Laurent

Pulse Cannon : OK, I have to get to work so I am going to ask someone to go through the comments and document / Confirm the following and then I will copy them tomorrow to the weapons section in the wiki that has been created I am going to duplicate this top part for several different weapons because we are still looking for answers on a couple of items and it will make it easier to follow. Please correct me if I have made any mistakes: The Pulse Cannons are actually three barreled non rotating Weapons: 1. Level of Damage compared to Tfed base lasers = 2: What is the rate of fire? Memory seem that now all three barrels fire continuously 3. Quantity installed on Invictus 4. Quantity installed on Raptor 5. Quantity installed on Valkyrie 6. Standard Usage for the Weapon – Defense Grid Invictus, Valkyrie, and Raptor 7. Special Notes on performance

Master Laurent

Nova Lances : OK, I have to get to work so I am going to ask someone to go through the comments and document / Confirm the following and then I will copy them tomorrow to the weapons section in the wiki that has been created I am going to duplicate this top part for several different weapons because we are still looking for answers on a couple of items and it will make it easier to follow. Please correct me if I have made any mistakes: 1. Two on the Invictus - the question is what is the strength with the latest upgrades 2. Rate of fire, They got hit by the Nerf Bat somewhere between chapter 30 and 60

Master Laurent

Shadowmaker Rifle : OK, I have to get to work so I am going to ask someone to go through the comments and document / Confirm the following and then I will copy them tomorrow to the weapons section in the wiki that has been created I am going to duplicate this top part for several different weapons because we are still looking for answers on a couple of items and it will make it easier to follow. Please correct me if I have made any mistakes: 1. triple-barreled weapon - Damage Factor? 2. Rate of fire, Do all three barrels fire at the same time? 3. Special Notes

Master Laurent

Quantum Rifle : OK, I have to get to work so I am going to ask someone to go through the comments and document / Confirm the following and then I will copy them tomorrow to the weapons section in the wiki that has been created I am going to duplicate this top part for several different weapons because we are still looking for answers on a couple of items and it will make it easier to follow. Please correct me if I have made any mistakes: 1. Damage Factor? 2. Projectile Size and Magazine Capacity 3. Rate of fire 4. Special Features - Nod To Jedi, Can they fire the Energy Field alone? If so Damage Factor?


photon lasers are triple barreled,sequential firing,turreted laser weapons.Each turret,fires three seporate bolts,once every ten seconds,with each bolt delivering the same damage as 2.5 standard terran beam lasers. There are 24 turrets,with three barrels each,on the Invictus.16 on the top deck and 8 on the belly. The top deck alone delivers the damage of 120 standard terran beam lasers,or 20 standard cruisers. (16 x 3 x 2.5=120) Raptor x 2 Valkyrie x 4 Standard usage,fucking up whatever they hit.They're a direct upgrade for the beams,to be used as such.


Damage, 1 Tfed bolt = 1 Invictus bolt. Rate of fire,Tfed = 1 bolt every 5 seconds,Invictus(with 150% increase)=7.5 bolts per second.Or 37.5 Invtus bolts to 1 Tfed bolt. Quantity, Invictus 62x,Raptor 6x,Valkyrie 2x Standard use, Tfed=medium range offensive weapons,Invitus=medium range defense grid/offensive weapons,Raptor=medium range offensive weapons(it's a gunship/heavy fighter all weapons are for offense),Valkyrie=defense grid. Special notes, Makes unshielded ships look like they've got lergy(that's cooties for everyone over the pond).


Triple barreled, hand held,sequential firing pulse cannon.Damage and fire rate unkown


1. Damage No comparable weapons,but I was thinking Tfed tank,or something just as ridiculous. 2. Ammo/Mag 10mm crystal tipped caseless,(can fire standard Tfed ammo)50 round box magazine(can use Tfed). 3. Rate of fire Unstated but probably around 500-800 rounds per min(like the M16,M4,SA80 ect.) 4. Sp Feat No they can't (but I did suggest that with a new name of Peacekeeper)

Master Laurent

A Bored Faye creation - This is something I think our little Girl might come up with. I can also see her creating a weapons platform that a boy will push that will have 5 or 9 Pulse Cannons that have a 90 Degree circular swing mounted on a telescoping mast that can raise to 2-4M, covering each direction and heads up with one or two turrets and a shield that covers everything including the Boy doing the moving. Hell, they could even be horizontally utilized with anti-grav built in for mobility. Imagine being the enemy and seeing a 4M tower firing in 360 degrees with a Red Eyed Boy pushing it and Whistling "Whistle while you work . . . " OK, so I am killing time until chapter 90 is released. At least I have dropped the 80MM ESP Sniper Rifle for the Valkyrie (For Space Battles Sniping Ships or other Mech's in ground battles). *Sad Face* For NOW! Now that I think about it, the platform could move without a boy and be deployed on land or space. Have multiple of them and just drop them in place and have them fire at will. These could be deployed from the back of the Raptor during battles, they do not need much engine power, basic thrusters would be enough. Could even add 4 or 8 ESP Punisher Gatling Guns. No Crew so All Ammo and Power cores. 10X Shaped CA so they are impervious to beam weapons. Easy to Create Game Changers in large battles.

Master Laurent

Personal Dilemma - And Absolutely no Pressure on Tefler, This is really stupid and funny at the same time. I am hoping for an early release of the chapter tomorrow because Tomorrow night here in the US is the Big Brother Finale @ 8pm EST. I will be torn between reading Chapter 90 and the Finale if this is a late release. And as the release is getting closer, I am getting anxiety over the choice. It is bad enough that Mother Nature Fucked me with Chapter 89 and Irma then no power and Reading @ Bible Study House a Bondage Anal Sex scene (BTW, The Scene Rocked!). Still feel like I am going to hell for that one. So I am hoping for a early in the day release my time or 10:30 Teflers time. Just some more ammo so you all can laugh at me for being such an addicted idiot! I so deserve it. And I can guarantee that Patreon will not loose this post!! LOL


No room to collect them after the battle,Raptor will be full,so you'd have to leave them behind on the battlefield.A big no no.You don't leave your advanced weapons tech for someone to study and copy.If you add engines for orbital insertion/recovery,then we're talking.One or two of the small engines that were originally on the Valkyrie would work.And how would you make this weapon scarier to a terran?Add a holo-projector so they can see it's Faye with her finger on the trigger!


Could the Raptor tow the Valkyrie in FTL flight.It would solve the problem of dropping them off at the start of the battle.If the Invictus jumped in first,the Kirrix could be drawn away from Khalgron,leaving a clear path for the assault craft.With Alyssa on the Raptor,they could 'micro jump' closer,from a different direction,giving precious extra distance between themselves and the fleet battle.


May I just say a big thank you to JFL.It was very enjoyable watching the blank look wash down my wifes face as she read your comment on light speed.It was so funny,and quite painful when she hit me for giggling at her.


You couldn't wait an hour until it was over and read it then? HA! You are an addict!


It's time to continue: "Let's Name the Next Nymph!" with your host, CRAZY! The following names have been suggested (remember, they have to be a shade of Green): Laurel Phoenix Harlequin aka Harley Hunter Emerald aka Emmy Olive aka Olivia Celadon Fern


SHIT! Dana still needs to rune the Raptor!


Tefler, you might wish to update your Overview. It reads: Chapter 89 is complete (11th Sept) Since you're almost done with 90, I thought you might wish to change that. :-) Of course, no rush. Finish 90 first, then update it for 91 (tomorrow)? ;-)

Jedi Khan

Hey, Tef, I know it's like nearly 5 in the morning for you, but could you possibly, oh I don't know, wake up and post the chapter please? Or if it's not ready, wake up and put some extra time in to make it ready? Crazy's literally chomping at the bit and it's making my teeth hurt just listening to him. *sounds of teeth chomping on metal in the background* Good thing he's a ghost as he'd be gumming that metal bar by now otherwise.


Does anyone know if the gatling lasers on the new Tfed 'Claymore' are turreted?

Jedi Khan

Likely not. I believe they're fixed under-wing mounts. I'll have to look again to make sure.

Jedi Khan

So, who else thinks that the TFed's new Claymore fighters will be one hell of a surprise to the Kintark? If the TFed fighter wing tactical officers are smart, they'll train their pilots to hold back on the Claymore's power and agility, letting the enemy think they're just normal gunships that are easy pickings for fighters. Then once the enemy fighters have committed and taken the bait, open up the throttle and unleash hell. Of course, there's always going to be a few hot-headed jet jockeys who'll have a hard time holding back. Maybe the techs can come up with some sort of software program that acts as a limiter, sealing away a good portion of the Claymore's power until flight control sends a remote unlocking signal.


When we get true Progenitor armour,could we please have a scene where Sakura strolls along the top of a Kintark ship, stands infront of a heavy plasma cannon and 'has a good scrub' with plasma fire.It would effectively win the battle without costing a life.He could enter Kintark space from Maliri space and high command would be none the wiser.


It’s an interesting idea to implement a military communications interface to a fighter craft that is, by design, hackable to limit the craft’s potential! I have advised against this in the past. I haven’t changed my mind, either. It would be like High Command purposely designing and implementing Dana’s cut off switches for the engines and other advanced technology that they’ve been provided.


Put crazy to work. Like that game show I hired him for. Or something similar like the index I'm working on, the time line that dark storymaster does, etc.


Who can see John and the girls boarding hive ships after the rescue,'cause, you know,he found some patches of his armour still didn't have Kirrix blood all over it.A sexy little Brimorian Princess would be a nice find.To aid with introductions,and help in negotiations for Brimorian shield tech.Besides,he needs more girls to crew the destroyer.A wounded little scaled bird could help too.


Yes john needs a few more babes because even with Sakura in the Mech and Fey in the raptor he needs a 1 or 2 fighters especially if the conflict i see coming with Terran High Command happens.

Jedi Khan

*ding*dong*ding*dong* It's 10 am London time on the 20th. Do you know where your 3SM fix is? Damn it Crazy! Where'd you get that bell from? *mad cackle* Ding dong! Ding dong! Hey, get back here! Give me that damn bell! I've already got a headache just from your nonsense alone, I don't need a damn bell adding to it! *mad cackling and tolling bell fades into the distance* Damn it, where'd he go with that thing?


Aren't the Brimorians on the other side of the Terran Federation? So that doesn't seem plausible.


Tefler, when you post Chapter 90 later, can you also post it as a .pdf like you used to? Thanks!

Master Laurent

MUST READ - ON MY SOAP BOX - PATREON BECOMING EVIL - IF THIS KEEPS UP, I HAVE TO LEAVE. Greetings Community. By Trade I am a Computer Data Scientist. However, I am one of the good guys, I believe in privacy. Patreon has crossed the line last night. It appears that they have implemented new website tracking that analyzes all of our reading habits and comments and builds a profile. They are utilizing an outside service to do this and that service is selling your information to other people. Why do You care, Pretty soon Employers, Insurance Companies, Banks, Landlords, Credit Card Companies, Divorce Attorneys will all be utilizing this data to set your premiums / Approval for a Job, Child Custody, etc. How many of you have family members come to your house and use your internet? Or are a public friend on Facebook. Your association with them and their association with you will be linked and you and they will be judged. I use several programs to block ads and tracking information and as of this morning I had to disable several of them to be able to login to Patreon. Several New Trackers also showed up. Do you know that every email from Patreon you get with a link goes through a mail tracking program verses a direct link to the comment? How many of you have been frustrated by the fact that it is nearly impossible to find a buried comment in a list of 400+ comments when you have NO IDEA which comment the response was offer on? This is in no means a reflection on The GREAT Tefler! This is an example of Good Geeks doing Bad and Marketing Pukes trying to squeeze every last dollar out of you because they can sell your profile info because you have to give your real information in order for payment. And just so you know, All of you are now associated with each other and My Comments about Bible Study and Anal Sex Bondage are now associated with you in some data farm somewhere. And they already were because of the TSM's documents that you download. Think about that. And what am I posting on other Patreon’s comments sections that you can not see? How about other websites that use the same trackers? (FYI, nothing, I have a zero footprint in social media, the only place I post online is right here.) What about your family members that use the same computer? Or the same internet? All are traceable. The thing that bothers me the most is not what they are tracking, it is how bad they are when they make a mistake and combine records with people that have nothing to do with each other. My Ex Wife had the same first and last name, different middle initial, and lived 50 miles apart from another with the same name. Some Debt Collector tagged my wife as the other person and we started to get debt collection letters. We called BoA, FYI, my wife never had an account with BoA, spent 10 hours dealing with them to prove she was not the person they were looking for even though somehow they were able to get it on her credit report. 6 months later it started again because the Debt Collection Company never fixed their bad data. This went on for 7 years until we got an attorney, spent $8KUS over 2 years and 3 years later we got a letter on the same debt. This is what is the real problem, data never dies and Geeks have no incentive to clean up dirty data, they just want to sell it and smear your name. I am waiting for my Blockers to have an update, if they do not come through shortly, Respectfully I have to leave and find another way to support Tefler, Maybe a Go Fund Me page. And FYI, those of you that use a mobile device are tracked with your every movement, contact, email. Don’t get me started on the Voice activated devices for the home now, or how amazon tracks how you read your books and makes many assumptions. 30 years from now when we look back at this time in the history of technology after so many lives will be ruined over the next 10 years because of data leaks and misinformation, people will be astonished at the naïveté we all demonstrated. Sorry if I have offended anybody, Deepest Apologies to Tefler for doing this on his platform. However, as a paying user of Patreon and a Supporter of Tefer and his works I felt I needed to be understood and that the others in this great community needed to be aware. Take 4 minutes and look at this. <a href="https://youtu.be/AqFxCf_0sW4" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://youtu.be/AqFxCf_0sW4</a> With deepest apologies if I have ruined anybody experience with this great author, It is Greed that is so rampant today that is the root cause. We as a society have lost our moral compass. IMHO, that is why 3SM’s has such a appeal, John has a strong moral compass and we all empathize with his trials of moral right and wrong in the grey areas of life had his Conviction to do what is right. Just because you can, does not mean you should. With a heavy heart, I will leave you all on that comment and wish you the best. ML


Well, i guess you should blame your local laws then... sadly not everyone lives in country that values the right of its private citizens...


They're supposed to be building a custom destroyer, designed by the Grand Engineering Overlord built by the Maliri for the primary hanger.John already nixed the idea of fighters.But the destroyer needs more crew.It's only got Tashana so far.


Any ideas on the size of Maliri carriers?All we know is that they're 'massive' and have a crew of 14,000.With the Zeus only having a crew of 10,000 and being over 3.5km with a compliment of 140 fighters.How many has a Maliri carrier got?


Do you think the Kintark Emperors position is decided by a 'right to challenge','trial by combat' type of thing.If it is,I can see challenge in the offing.Balrac would be an excellent President/Prime minster.The small glimpse we got of him,he seemed ashamed of what his people had become.

Master Laurent

I really enjoy how you have these facts and ask such great questions. Also, Wondering if Edraele was awake if she would not be moving the heavens to get to John and support him with this Battle Really enjoying how Tefler has his story arc's planed for many chapters in advance. Bravo!


I can just see the introduction of a terran,in his mech feeling invincible,right upto the moment Sakura lands the Valkyrie infront of him,takes a knee and says, "Oh look!you've got small ones.How cute".All the while tickling it under the chin!


yea my days productivity has gone to hell

Master Laurent

Body Slamming Fuck Nuts on the back patio. "Shut up, it will be here soon, Crazy is Crazy, break the link!"

Master Laurent

Holding the All Powerful Nerf Bat behind my back looking for Fuck Nuts who is running round my back yard yelling, "RAID, Kills Bugs DEAD!!!!!, Let me Go, Crazy wants to go with me, I can hear him in my head!!!"


Can anyone explain what a neutron gun does? Is it an energy or projectile weapon? Kirrix use it.

PLRus--Founding member of the TSM F5 club.

Ben, it is an energy gun that uses neutron energy, supposedly from atomic distruction of nuclei similar to the Neutron Bombs of the U.S. It has massive heat, as a fission reaction would have, but nothing has been made of the subsequent radiation which is deadly and penetrates much more than traditional radiation. In Tefler's universe it acts like a hyped up laser.


Hey everyone! I've written 30k so far, but I think I might make this chapter bigger to conclude the battle, then just do a shorter one at the end of the month. I'll put another couple of hours in tonight, but realistically I probably won't finish it until tomorrow. Here's a quick preview: <a href="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J13QjLpGImY" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J13QjLpGImY</a> ;-)


That's one of my favorite movies, and I suspect this is going to be one of my favorites chapters. :)


My feeling is you shouldn't break a battle into more than one chapter, unless it like WWII with battles in different countries and places. Go far it Tefler and thanks for the info and all you do for us readers.

Master Laurent

Fuck Nuts moved from "Ground Hog Day" to "Pump Up The Volume" as a form of self flagellation!

Master Laurent

"David Deever runs a comprehensive American Values Program"! can someone help me understand what is a comprehensive American Values Program, LOL I have only lived in America for 49+ Years and I have seen the loss of Values and a Moral Compass over the last 30 years that rivals Caligula.


After thinking more on the Quantum Rifle power,would I sound stupid if I suggested it would be like a real world sabot round from a main battle tank such as the Challenger/Abrams/Leopard/T whatever number it is these days??From a 10mm assault rifle.


T minus 21 hours 30 minutes


My guess is he'll write in the same style as Mateos' rescue.And quite an excellent piece that was from our favourite wordsmith!!


I just corrected the cover note from Faye on the wiki page.It said, 'TFNS INVICTUS'. But she's been decommissioned,so I changed it to 'TFS INVITUS',"Cause,you know,"She's a privately owned cargo ship.With a cargo bay.All 'weapons usage' has been the result of unprovoked aggression.".Do you think Jehanna could sell it??

Jedi Khan

Only problem with that, numpty, is that Balrac is about the same size as a Terran, whereas the Kintark Emperor is the size of a very large house. Plus, the Emperor has rapid healing like Kindralax did, so unless Balrac can dish out the same amount of damage as John and the girls, he's got no chance.

Jedi Khan

"Unprovoked aggression" by who? John or someone attacking John? There have been very few engagements so far in this story where John didn't fire first, although he supposedly had "good cause" to do so. I believe there are only two occasions where John and crew were attacked first without provocation: the first encounter with the Drakkar in Ashanath space, and then the first run-in with an AI ship in Terran space. I'm not counting the times where fighting had already begun before John arrived, like the Battles of Terra, Regulus, and Ashana, as John was not one of the initially involved parties. Given the reputation John and the Invictus has built up, it's going to be a very hard sell calling him an independent trader and the Invictus a cargo ship, especially to the Brimorians who are not on good terms with the TFed. Would probably be easier to go with John being a privateer operating under a letter of marque and reprisal, or just go with John being what he really is, the leader of an alliance of independent galactic powers.


Crazy is really going to ring his bell loud tonight, sorry jedi

Jedi Khan

Crazy broke the damn thing. Now he's sitting in a corner sobbing, his hopes and dreams crushed after Tefler announced the chapter wouldn't be out today.


Dear JFL/ML I've figured out why both of you are,shall we say,'testy',over Teflers use of the 'All Conquering Nerf Bat' on your beautiful beloved math.One of you sees things in X's and Y's,the other 1's and 0's.Which means that one day, people like you will make it possible for someone like me,! to get their chin tickled!!


And no,Tashans' pistol doesn't scare him.He scrambles out of his power armour,(like in Avatar),rushes over to her and says,"where can I get one of them," pointing at the pistol,"THAT big!?!",pointing at his autocannon,with a big 'kid on christmas morning' look.


Just wondering if the Valkyie cockpit has enough room for a couple of grav field alcoves for emergencies.


My son was sick last night and I only got a few hours sleep. Unfortunately the nanny can't take him today, so I won't be able to start writing until this afternoon. I should finish the chapter by late tonight. :-)

Florida Reader

Your son is, of course, much more important. I hope he gets better soon and you get the necessary sleep.


Hope the young chap is feeling better. No rush on the chapter he is of course the priority


I agree with FR your son is by far the only concern you should take care of, we can wait as long as needed for you to see to his wellness.


Tefler, I hope he's feeling better by the time you get this. I hate feeling helpless when my kids or wife are sick. Get better, Tefler Jr.


Family is always first and work second, please contact Rachel for psychic healing :)


Hehehe, it's almost 5am and I haven't slept yet either. And not because I've been staying up waiting like some of these addicts. No, I've been dealing with crazy woman who make assumptions. Wtf can't they be more like John's crew? Lol.


Hope your son is feeling a lot better today. The good thing about this, is that you don't have to miss a day of work to take care of him. Your only job right now, is him; and, I'm pretty certain that your boss will understand. :)

Master Laurent

DHC, We all know that Assumptions are the Mother of all Fuck Ups, sorry that you are dealing with a Crazy Woman, however I find that the Term Crazy Woman is often Redundant. *Soft Smile to the ladies of the Community.*

Master Laurent

Greetings Numpty / Community in response to one of your comments above about numbers please see my response below. Let me take a moment and explain my motivations so you and the community will understand / No, not understand, I do not understand, I just try to go with my OCD and hope I can get though it daily. I am Dudly DoRight with OCD!!! I had an old friend/Boss ask me to lie about some software we were selling to a customer because he told me we will make it work once we got the sale. I was demonstrating the critical part, Manufacturing. Our software was designed to process builds exactly the opposite of the way this customer managed their process. After informing my Boss and the Software Sales rep of this they told me to push it anyway. 30 minutes later I was in the hospital with symptoms of a heart attack - (I was 23 years old) 6 hours later and thousands of dollars of tests later it was determined that I was having a panic attack because I was asked to lie. This little psychological feature has become a permanent part of my awareness because if I have to lie about anything other than spilling the bean about a surprise party I start to break out in a sweat and I can feel a panic attach coming on. Part II, I am a Data Scientist (New Term, I have always said I was a logistical engineer) With OCD and a passion for making sure that anytime something has fucked me in the past and I can prevent it from fucking others in the future, that is my priority. (See my Comment above about my Ex-Wife and Bank of America (BoA). As a computer dude that has worked as the liaison between the customer and programmers / product development I have experienced a great deal. One of the things that I have become obsessed with is “Clean Data” and “Data Normalcy / Consistency” otherwise it is very hard to audit your work or the work of others. This in turn makes it very hard for others to have faith in the work you have produced. As far as the Math that Tefler uses, I could really give a fuck as long as I know the rules of how to apply it. Consistency is the key. Those of you that are Familiar with McDonalds will understand the following comment. McDonalds became a world Icon not because they serve the best hamburger in the world, They became great because they server an Average hamburger CONSISTENTLY around the world. A Quarter Pounder with Cheese and an order of Fries tastes the same regardless if you are in Detroit, London, Sydney, Tokyo, or Moscow. The Beverages and sides may be different, but the burger and fries are the same. (Fun Fact, did you know that McDonalds spent two years growing potatoes in Russia before they ever opened a restaurant to get the growing process right?) So why does this rant belong here? Numpty talked about My and Jedi’s obsession with Numbers! *With a Soft Smile, I will also add JFL to the list* Simple, The Amazing Tefler has created a masterpiece that is rivaled by very few. His story telling ability is so captivating it has ruined me for many of the others I have so enjoyed in the past for they are now like reading picture books for toddlers. Yes, Many Great Authors do exist in this world, however, my listing of them has significantly narrowed now that I have been exposed to this amazing body of work Tefler has created. Why has Tefler been so successful at his creation? Great Premise that provides great opportunity for story arcs. This is a given for so many authors. What Sets Tefler apart: His ability to develop characters that create empathy by espousing the readers to the many moral dilemmas that tests one’s Moral Compass. Many of which have similarities to the dilemmas that we all face daily, just with a different environment. His ability to be CONSTANT with the events and numbers in his story. It is quite obvious that Tefler goes to great lengths to maintain consistency and continuity throughout his character development and chapters. This allows the reader to have an anchor and creates a believability that transverses many chapters. IMHO, this is the reason many of us are obsessed with numbers, It would be very difficult to have a 300M ship fit in a 200M hanger and if Tefler was sloppy about his work and missed this between the 10 - 15 chapters where he would address this it would cause continuity issues for the OCD reader. Also making bold claims like the Invictus is more powerful that then TFED Fleet needs supporting material from both an Emotional and Logistical stand point for some of us OCD driven readers to verify this statement and maintain believability. (BTW The Great Tefler has Consistently Delivered this over and over again!) And the facts, as we here in the community so often debate / flush out, create a great anticipation to see the results of those calculations / debates. I am willing to bet that most of the OCD Driven readers will be thinking of the 7.5X damage with every shot of the new Photon Lasers or the fact that the Pulse Cannon upgrades have created a medium range defense grid and a kick ass offense grid in close quarter combat. Imagine the Invictus flying through the main armada with the big guns going after the big ships and the captains of the small ships assuming they are safe and once they get in range of the defense grid they get torn to bits. A path of destruction a 100KM wide. Tefler’s ability to Create Fun and believable characters that we get to see evolve in so many amazing ways. Many of which I am sure we would have had the opportunity when we were younger to experience. How many of us wish for the ability to go back in time and whisper just one sentence to our past self? And “Buy Apple Stock” Is not a good answer! On a personal note, I have a horrible disease, Ulcerative Colitis / IBS. I developed it when I was 17 Years old and it has been a major part of my life every since. When I was 18 I was told by a good friend / Doctor to enjoy my life because I would probably be dead by the time I was 35 due to colon cancer. I am 49 now and the Doctors can all go and Fuck themselves. That being said, I have lived my live like a Rock Star and by Oscar Wilde’s quote: “Moderation is a fatal thing. Nothing succeeds like excess.” I have found this Quote by Hunter S. Thompson that seems to be more fitting at this stage of my life and I have a cloud of smoke around me, and not the fun kind of smoke any more. “Life should not be a journey to the grave with the intention of arriving safely in a pretty and well preserved body, but rather to skid in broadside in a cloud of smoke, thoroughly used up, totally worn out, and loudly proclaiming "Wow! What a Ride!” So my complaints about life being a Shit Sandwich followed by Prison Sewer water should tell you all you need to know about the doctor’s predictions. 3SM’s is one of the only bright spots left in my life and I am going to defend / participate will my last dying breath - hopefully many more of them, hopefully. Check out the movie “Meet Joe Black”, it is way to long, however, it has a story to tell about doing the right thing and the rewards in life from those actions. With deepest respect to those that took the time to read my post and apologies to those that I have offended. My intention was to point out how AWESOME Tefler is with his ability to Create such a Magical realm both on “Paper” and in Community. Thank you! ML

Jedi Khan

Hey, ML, I just have to point out one thing: I'm not obsessed with numbers! I can't stand the damn things; couldn't pass Calculus to save my life. It's JFL who's the math freak around here, what with him being a mathology professor and all. What I am obsessed with is facts and getting them right. Oh, and making sure things are done right the first time, because as someone once said "If you don't have the time to do something right the first time, when will you have the time to do it over?" And I'm rather fond of straight answers. Those are always good. As my dad used to say, "If I ask you what time it is, I want to know the time, not how to build a watch." Oh, and you can probably add 3SM to my obsession list too. Yeah, that should definitely be on there.


so, no chapter today?


screen refresh #125 and counting

Master Laurent

FYI, Patreon is having problems with notification emails. I have not received any email to the comment responses, three so far by my count are MIA and not in spam.


Wouldn't know,used the wifes account.lol


Thanks for answering my question guys. "The dog ate it" made me chuckle.


Hrm... After 0000 GMT, I think. Chapter 90, anyone?


I wonder how many times this page is going to be refreshed in the next 23 minutes.


Sounds about right.But we're waiting for a battle,So i'm going with 0000 Hours ZULU.


A few thoughts / questions: Make it clear there were two bridges.  I read it as they ruined the only bridge. Have you considered having them use a tractor beam to pull a ship along with them as cover? Didn't the hive ships smash back to earth when the engines were shot out? 


Whers the second bridge,I there was one rail bridge and a pedestrian/vehicle gantry?


Yep it's official, there's a new best battle chapter. Each one gets successively better at building the odds against the heroes, and having them undertake more and more epic actions to overcome them. It was satisfying to see Calara's new powers at work, and sobering to know they would have lost this fight without them. Just wondering if you are a 40k fan Tefler? I couldn't help noticing the Kirrix similarities to the Tyranids with the Hive Mind and the giant boss bugs in charge of fodder bugs and all that. Of course there are numerous other Sci-Fi xenomorph examples to draw inspiration from. I'm betting there will still be one more crisis in the wrap up of this battle where everyone is exhausted and Jade wakes up to replenish everyone with all the power she is cultivating during her nap. I hope she and Ailanthia get to meet soon too. Even more intrigued to learn BSP's true motivation. It seems like he knows they'll be enemies eventually, but for now he's just using John as a version of Progenitor reality TV. The new galactic counsel meeting will be fun to see, especially if the Maliri reveal themselves in good faith. A certain Bolon may have a lot to answer for too. I hope John can persuade the Brimorians and Kintark into a non aggression pact at the least. I don't want to see any Maliri ships limping into Ganthalas with plasma damage. My thanks to you as always Tefler, and I hope your son is doing better. Remember beer before liquor, never been sicker.


I'm delighted to hear you thought this was the best battle chapter! Yeah I like 40k, and I wish games workshop would stop giving the license to all these crap software development houses and actually try and get a decent game done. :-( I was always an Eldar player with the tabletop game, and I actually worked for Games Workshop for a couple of years. It always amused me when other gamers would come in and start talking smack about Eldar and how gay they were, then challenge me to a game. As a staff member I could buy miniatures for a fraction of the price, so I could face any enemy and field a highly specialised army that was specifically designed to kill them . It was hilarious absolutely crushing them as a result... ;-)

PLRus--Founding member of the TSM F5 club.

Tefler: "“Then you have nothing to worry about.” Tashana gave him a gentle smile, pressing herself against him and leaning in for a loving kiss." when read feels like it kind of hangs there....did he kiss her?


I always love your battle scenes, Sparks was awesome, i just love her for some reason. Great Chapter.