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*** UPDATED - 16th Sept (00:04) - FINAL version! ***

Hey everyone!

I finished the latest chapter just a few moments ago, so here it is!

I've done a first editing pass of part 1 (the first half).

I've only just given part 2 to my editors, so expect typos!

I'll update the post as I go through editing passes, making a note at the top as I usually do with each new update. For people wanting to read the finished version, just look out for the FINAL note, as with previous chapters.

Hope you enjoy it!






Dangit.... :p lol


Thank you!


Awesome! Thanks for making Mondays better.


My phone isn't showing chapter 89 being attached to this post


Oh good, now I have something to keep me busy while I wait for my power to turn back on.

Master Laurent

100 Foot Oak fell on pine and they both fell on neighbors empty house, have to stop reading to get pictures.


Loving Luna LOL


At the "beach" with Dana and Rachel, somehow Calara got in there for the pussy eating. Calara was lead away by Alyssa.


Found one! On page 2 when Callie says Johnny boy can rely on her he says, "I really do." It should probably be "I 'already' do". Flows better. P.S. Tef I'm pretty good with syntax and flow, word choice and speech patters. I have the time. Hereby officially offering my proof-reading and editorial services, if you'll accept. P.P.S. I always find a lot more but haven't wanted to break the pace of my reading to bring them up, because i visualize and see the movie in my head when i read. Didn't wanna walk outta the theatre to make a post, ya know. I will be remiss no longer.


Actually, Alyssa, John, and Irillith went off to do a "XO Briefing"; Tashana and Calara stayed at the lagoon with the rest of he girls.


That's a good suggestion, I changed the dialogue accordingly. :-)

Anthony Kester

Damn that was a hell of a chapter. Also. Tefler I really do despise you for the Cliffhangers.


It's great to hear you enjoyed it! I hope you liked the leader of the Terran Federation border fleet. ;-) The cliffhanger was too tempting, sorry!


brilliant cant wait for the next battle


I don't think that was a cliffhanger, but I do think that it was an excellent segue. Next chapter: "Progenitors and Thralls go Bug Hunting." After all, the Maliri were engineered to be the soldiers of a Progenitor. And now, they are about to have their chance to do that for which they were created. On the other hand, from the perspective of John and Alyssa, it's like they found a couple of cute young puppies, almost without sight or teeth, then raised them carefully over time, only to realize that they were actually Dire Wolves and they're about to let them attack others for the first time... so what will happen to those happy, friendly, slightly overgrown puppies? This should be interesting.


"We need music" It just occurred to me that Tef is not as musically inclined. The stories are highly visual, tactal, and savory, but the only song's are sung by Faye or ceremonial. Would star wars be the same without music.


Hey Tefler I mean this in the absolute best way possible. FUCK YOU!! LOL What a damn cliffhanger. They know that this is how their elite malari strike force should be equipped. And damn if that isn't bad ass. Now they are going for a bug hunt of a life time. And I have this mental image of a malari in heavily damaged progenitor armor. Body parts exposed, cracked helmet holding a smoldering tri-barrel cannon facing camera with a smoldering gunship she clearly shot down behind her. With the caption... "want to join the alliance?"


I mean you know she has to be firing that on ultra low right now... I bet it is capable of damaging a fighter or gunship.


Tefler, the Galatic League or Council could not have just been the Trankarans and the Terrans. I realize you might not have build up what type of species live outside what you've mapped out, but I'm curious to know what else is out there. We already know the Bolons are somewhere in the mix.


All the other races were present in the Galactic League, but only a few signed up for mutual protection pacts.


Tefler, wasn't Jack heading for the border between the Federation and the Kirrix? How far away would his battle group be?


Music is hard to do in SciFi, there's lot s of horrible 60's and 70's films with terrible Ideas of what popular music is going to be. just general vague descriptions of music much better,


Don't know if this has been addressed before, but when imagining Associate Bhaken, does anyone else see an eight foot tall, stone Associate Bob, from Demolition Man?


Folks, I do believe Irillith has found her calling outside of the cyber realm. Too bad Dana couldn't modify the personal weapons to deal damage like Sakura was doing with the Valkyrie; i.e., Kinetic damage followed by Energy damage. I think we'd see a lot of Kirrix body parts littering the hallways.


I'd have to check Dark storymaker's timeline, but I suspect he's still in transit. It took nearly 2 days for the Invictus to travel to the border from Terra and their FTL drive is 6x faster than the one in the Damocles. I think less than a week has passed, since Jack left after the ceremony so he's still on his way. :-)

Jim lynch

That is one banging chapter I put it in my top ten and I can see the next one being even better tefler your a superstar I can't wait to read the rescue chapter there is going to be some serious kirrix ass kicking ohhh I can't wait I hope your writing super fast with no sleep PLENTY CAFFINE will help lol. Thank you so very much I love chapter day it cheers me up so much thanks.


Tefler, hasn't John learned no matter what reason for leaving the ship, they should be required to carry a belt with a pistol and a crystallized Alyssium knife or dagger?


That's actually a good analogy. But all I know is they bout to go "Dynasty Warriors" on the bugs. YEEEEEE-HAAAWWW! Muahahahahaha! Hellz yeah!

Jim lynch

Yep should always be armed with side arm plus blade.


Only problem I saw in the entire chapter was it ending before the massive battle and Faye's new body.




That ending gave me chills! Amazing work tefler!


Is Tashana coming to ground? I think she is, therefore it no longer remains a bug hunting, rather a bug roasting


Ooh and her fire elementals will be turning the spit :)


Bug zapper? The cannon needs a name.


Kirrix likely have drones in a hive hierarchy, so Calara may want focus on the leadership. Also, Laurel may find out how they communicate. If this is psychic, Alyssa may create a null field. If electronic, Dana might jam it.


No mention of runes this chapter. Maybe not needed against kirrix.


Spectacular as always !! :) Of course too short in my opinion (of course I'd probably say that with a 1 MB chapter also) :) :) Found a typo John gave her a playfully smack on her bottom, should be playful.


Well, I can't imagine Irillith holding up the new rifle and yelling,"This is my....LIGHT stick!"


Loved the fact no-one batted an eyelid when Faye performed her own upgrades to the ship.I really believe her Pinochio moment is coming.I mean,isn't Alyssa real life Fairy Godmother?


Hi Tefler, Great chapter as always. I saw an error on the last page, John enter the blue side from deck 2 to go to firing range. Should be red


Loved the mentions of Athena and PJ. Alyssa's descriptions of the girls is always welcome.i want to know what Laurel did for the rock brothers.

rich ed

Seems suspicious that the Trankarans have runes all over the show and that neither John, Calara, Rachel or Alyssa mentioned it. I wonder if Dana had come with them she may have noticed the code (for lack of a better word) behind the runes. Thoughts? Or is this another Telfer foreshadowing and all will be revealed after the rescue operation?


Might Alyssa talk to the Bolon delegation telepathically? This might help with coordination.


We are all curious about these runes. So it was odd that John did not ask about them. Maybe later?


Are all of the other delegations devoid of new tech that Dana could requisition?


Laurel is going to have a great time checking the delegates with complete physicals once on board the Invictus for their own good. I wonder what she will learn medically. Maybe there are other races with progen DNA fingerprints.


Just read all the comments. Ben,,,,,,,if you call Rachel, Laurel one more time my head is going to explode.


Great chapter Tefler. Your story writing, which was already great. Is getting better and better with each chapter.

PLRus--Founding member of the TSM F5 club.

Tefler: I wish to give you my heartfelt thanks for including my father in the story. 'Gator' Lewis was indeed an instructor pilot who sported a mustache...lol. And he was the squadron leader among the Instructor Pilots after Nam. Wife wanted to know if my sinuses were bothering me after I read that passage. Very much appreciated. Thank you.


Looking forward to this one. I have a request Tefler, on behalf of us patient folks who like to wait until the chapter's finished before reading. Could you please put updates in the post itself, rather than (or at least in addition to) putting them in the comments? It can be tough to avoid spoilers when I have to dig through everyone else's comments to find out when changes & edits are expected to happen.

PLRus--Founding member of the TSM F5 club.

“I figured out how to eliminate that signal delay you mentioned, but I’ve so distracted by Faye’s body, I should read but I've been so distracted


Lol. I can never keep that straight. My brain will not except anything other than red for heat and blue for cold. Heat raises, cold sinks. Red should go up and blue should go down. But the Invictus is the other way around. Read this story 4 times over the last 4 months and still can't keep the grav tubes straight.


I really love you right now i reallllllly do!


muah hahh hah hahah hah...... That pulse rifle/cannon.... I can see them all lined up and literally mowing them down like an old hand scythe in a field of hay....... Great chapter and the perfect spot to stop for this chapter.... I don't see this one as a cliff hanger myself..


Another amazing chapter, Tefler! I posted some new artwork in the community channel to celebrate. :)


Omg. Please tell me the next chapter is coming soon!


hmm... the longer they keep their lives on the line, the madder the reader (atleast me ) will be at the politicking admirals... nice chapter Tef, but like every chapter before a battle scene, I hate the wait.

Jedi Khan

He does update the post itself. Right at the top, below the post title.

Jedi Khan

That's basically what the new Quantum weapons do, but in reverse. They encase a solid projectile in a shell of energy. The energy damages the shields, and once the shields are down, the solid projectile adds extra punch to the armor. It would be ideal if the new Quantum rifles could still fire even without the solid projectile rounds, becoming just overpowered laser rifles when the solid ammo runs out.

Jedi Khan

Okay, that was some nice build up. Tefler, I swear, when they roll up in system and/or they reach the (hopefully still alive) Chancellor, and no one says "Someone call for an exterminator?", I will be most disappointed.


I suspect my version is the English equivalent, but I've heard "well enough alone" plenty of times too. I googled it and both are legitimate it seems.


Cheers Jim! I had fun writing this one, and I'm looking forward to getting stuck into chapter 90!


Tefler... in 3 words: Fan. Tas. Tic. ;-)


I'm glad you enjoyed it! Well spotted on the typo, I've corrected that in the new version.


Thank you! There were some really fun scenes to write in this chapter, so I'm really pleased that you liked them!

Brooks Moses

Wow. That final scene gave me shivers too. (I guess by the time they realized Irrilith couldn't talk to the Kirrix ships to infiltrate them, it was too late to grab the radios from a disabled Kirrix ship to use. And, of course, it would probably take her a little while to figure out how to make that work -- at least a minute and a half!)


Great chapter as always Tefler, but "You gave me triple-helix DNA months later" ..... shouldn't it be "months ago"?

Jedi Khan

Nope, it's only been about a month since the Battle of Regulus, which is about the time the girls discovered John gave them triple-helix DNA.


"Dhormun’s eyes lit up with hope for a second, but his expression soon darkened. “I don’t know...” he admitted, his slab-like features set in a bleak mask. “The Kirrix sent in shock troops... creatures we’ve never seen before. They’re nearly impossible to take down!” Hmmmmm.... could these be BSP thralls by any chance?

Jedi Khan

Possibly, but highly doubtful. They are bugs that use other living beings to hatch their larva. That sounds like something any other sentient creature, especially a Progenitor, would find repulsive. Hell, Mael'Nerak found the Drakkar distasteful and he made the damn creatures. Since Irillith isn't able to interface with the Kirrix tech, we can probably guess that the Kirrix are not a Progenitor creation, which would be another reason for a Progenitor to hate them. It might be possible that they are being used by the BSP in some way, but as I said, I highly doubt the BSP is going to want to get intimate with the bugs enough to turn them into thralls.


Read it again ... they are creatures they've never seen before. That means they most likely are not Kirrix. Perhaps some other race that has been 'en-thralled' to BSP, and are working for him as shock troops aiding the Kirrix.

Jedi Khan

Just because they haven't been seen before doesn't mean they aren't still Kirrix. The Terran Federation had never seen the Kinark Royal Guard before, but those were still Kintark. Point is, until Tefler makes an official reveal in story, I'm not making any assumptions. Guesses, definitely. Assumptions, no.


Planetary siege, ground siege, new creatures and swarms of bugs. Can't Wait !!!


Question for Tefler and/or any early patreon supporters, does it take less or more time to write action filled chapters than what you typically write?


"Hate the wait" would be a good slogan for the comments. It is an expression of affection.

Jedi Khan

It usually takes him a little more time to write action chapters because he has to put in a bit more effort to try and keep track of the action, making sure it all stays in proper order. Don't worry, it only takes a few extra days, not too much time. Of course, if this turns out to be a bigger chapter than normal, it could take longer as well.

Jedi Khan

So, who else is looking forward to seeing the TFed's new toy in action? I imagine it's going to be a game changer on the battlefield, but not nearly as much as what John has. I wonder, just how big is that main weapon in terms of diameter and/or caliber, and how many shots can it carry before they have to reload? What sort of damage can it do? Can the thing even handle the recoil of the main gun firing?


Great chapter (and the last one too). One small comment: "I’ve had to make substantial changes to your third helix to grant you this ability" doesn't sound very John-like (especially the word "grant") - unless it is a sign that the power is going to his head...


Jedi, the pilot's description reminded me of something the old F-4 Phantom pilots used to say, "Put wings and a big enough engine on it, and even a brick will fly." Though, in this case, they were smart enough to make it maneuverable, as well.

Master Laurent

not had a chance to read the chapter, got to the first *** when the power went out and it only got worse from there. Many trees down, one across the power line, snapping the lines from the transformer. Some how I found poison ivy this morning with my arm and it looks like I will not be getting power any time soon. Spent the night up every two hours using a bike pump on air stones on my fish tank. at neighbors now using power and internet, will not have a chance to read for a day or two, :-(


Just glad to know that, so far, all you've gotten from this is a case of poison ivy. Hopefully things will be looking better in a few days.


That would be quite a sight! Glad you liked the chapter! :-)


Tefler I think the word years is not needed? : It killed tens-of-millions in the core worlds two centuries years ago; the victims drowned in their own blood.”


Thanks! I liked the picture of Edraele, and the nebula backdrop was cool as well!


I'll take a look at the wording and see if I can make it sound a bit... nicer.


Ah, well spotted. That was left over from an earlier version of that sentence, 90 years became two centuries. :-)


In the near future does anyone foresee Dana experimenting and producing a exo-skeleton or exo-suit, to wear with their Paragon armour, 10 to 15 feet tall. Heavily armed, heavier armour for a exo-suit, heavier shields, and lots of storage for ammo or rescue equipment. Smaller than Valkyrie, to get into areas Valkyrie can't get into. Could be used for boarding, anti-boarding, and heavy ground action like they're about to go into. It could have a few fold down seats or collapsible stokes type stretchers to attach on the outside to evacuate wounded or persons needing to be protected inside the shields and evacuated. It would be flight capable, with anti-grav, like the Paragon armour, but more powerful for more lift capability to carry wounded or heavy loads.


Is anybody but me having trouble with the phone app? I tap on 89 but the doc. Doesn't show up.

Big Dude

Let's see here. "and the twins were depicted by a couple of intertwined roses." So at the end of the chapter we see Irillith in "grim reaper" mode! Soooo, can this be the inherent "thrall storm trooper" Maliri Mael'Nerak created? The gun housing was progenitor created psychically shaped and the weapon designed by Dana's progenitor technology mind; hence Irillith's gun skills are intertwined with Tashana's in Alyssa's mind! BLAM! Just a thought!


I think it has more to do with John/ a Progenitor reacting to the sight of a Maliri thrall in action .It's such a deep desire/need for a Progenitor that it takes both John & Alyssa by surprise at their visceral reaction .At the same time it must be pretty scary for them , John has had some twinges of this both in his early Astral dreams & at times when with his Maliri Matriarch & thralls .

Big Dude

That's almost my point bigdawg. They react to Irillith in action. But Irillith didn't have the big bad gun skills until she and Tashana telepathically merged. This is another of Tefler's items no one saw coming! Think about the Trankaran battle where Irillith was injured. Great job Tefler!


I was thinking her electrical powers were amplifying the gun's performance. Eventually she will need to cast good old chain lightning...

Jedi Khan

So basically like a variation of Iron Man's Hulk Buster armor, right?


Depends on if they are a minor race, or are a major race located on the other side of the systems we know of.


Question, can you tell me how many days have passed since the beginning of the story?

Big Dude

BradD, While we are abusing the term "storm trooper" everyone forgot what Tefler wrote on Page 88... “The Kirrix sent in shock troops... creatures we’ve never seen before. They’re nearly impossible to take down!” Shock troops is the original term for "storm trooper". <a href="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stormtrooper" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stormtrooper</a> I didn't want to shoot my wad in the opening paragraph above. I was hoping someone else would pick up on Tefler's great story telling and prose style! Always intriguing and he makes you think! My two pennies!

Big Dude

Another thought... So with this realization, does John send Irillith (and Tashana) as his point attack into the Kirrix hive? Imagine Irillith and Tashana delivering suppression fire while they board the enemy flagship? If that's what Tefler has in store, that will be an EPIC battle. And then John uses Tehanna to confront the admiralty for their ignorant and stupid decision for not helping the Trankarans as John kicks Kirrix ASS all over the Alpha Tauri system, captured by Faye on digital Super 4K HD!


The whole Jehanna confronting the admiralty about the current situation sounds like something Tefler would do. It wouldn't put them in their place completely but is a good start. The admirals fear him partly because of his popularity, John can use the event to great effect if he does it properly. Completely reform the system if you will. However there may be a time where he would have to display his full power to the admirals (and Charles too as a bystander maybe a contender to replace as fleet admiral). John using his power in a way which would command respect instead of fear, saving people (maybe the admirals too) in order to have those admirals on his side (probably not all though)


As much as I love, love love, the ship battles (one of my favorite parts of the story). Tefler has been working hard at sharing Dana's tech to beef up the ships of John's budding alliance. I am glad to see some more squad type ground combat coming. This particular encounter will be the first chance that the crew will get a chance to coordinate tactics with another race. I can imagine a entirely new avenue opening up for Dana's tech advancements for body armor and weapons. Can anyone else picture an enraged 8 foot tall Trankaran wielding the new pulse cannon? The possibilities of Dana upgrading equipment for the Trankarans is endless. I can certainly see in future chapters when everyone meets back up on Trankaran that Dana will spend some time with the forge masters developing a "hardening" process for the new alloys she has been thinking about. Not sure if they will get all the way to the hardened alloy armor of the BSP but nevertheless a big step in that direction. Body armor made from the new alloy will be impervious to any type of hand held weapons. Let's not forget about those 10,000 Drakar troops that the Ashanath were holding onto, More upgrades for Dana.


Another Outstanding Chapter! Looking forward to kicking some Kirrix Ass! With the new Laser Cannon, we're talking lots of scorched bugs! Keep up the great work Tefler!

Daniel Sifrit

er, the original term is German and can be translated several ways. The German "Sturm" is the source of the English "storm" but it also means "assault." (the original "assault rifle" was a Sturmgewehr) Sturmmann/ Sturmtruppen literally means assault trooper/troops -- heavily armed infiltrators.


Tef, expectation is particularly high for the next chapter. You may want to make it a big one instead of expediting the delivery. Personally, I would rather have a nice long fight than an interruption. We can wait.


Iam a little curious, can Dana make trinkets out of allysium with her power to the team ? like maybe an defencive aura or something?

PLRus--Founding member of the TSM F5 club.

Tefler: The engineering have been incarcerated until their fate is determined, Should read the Engeneers have been. And: knowing she was listening to her thoughts, and awaited her unparalleled Navigational advice. Should read knowing she was listening to his thoughts.

Jedi Khan

So, is chapter 90 done yet? Crazy, it's only been two days since he posted 89. Yeah, and? So give him some time. He said earlier it would take him about 10 days to finish the next chapter. Ten days?!? But that's too long! No it's not. It's about how long we normally wait between chapters. I know, but it's still too long! Geez, what's got you so worked up this time? Didn't you read the chapter?!? We're about to see the team do some Duke Nukem, Halo Master Chief, Call of Duty shit on a crap load of bugs! How are you not just as worked up as I am? You're worked up enough for the both of us as is. I'm going to leave you to continue bouncing off the walls. Just keep it to a dull roar, okay? I've got some work to try focusing on.


Uh oh, Jedi found the keys to the liquor cabinet again.


Must be good liqueur


Anyone wanna vote on whether John will make Niskera glow after saving her? Yes or No? Not saying he'll force her, just circumstantial or an idea from Alyssa to solve the Trankaran political disparity

Jedi Khan

Yes, but only if she's found fatally wounded and beyond Rachel's ability to fully heal. Of course, administering his special medicine on the battlefield is going to be a bit awkward for all involved. Otherwise, I'm going to go with no.


Am I remembering correct that Crazy is actually someone else and not your other personality? I thought there was someone on Lit by that name.


I've done another editing pass, finishing off part 1 and going through part 2. One of my editors is away at the moment, so I'll probably have the completed chapter up by Saturday. :-)

Jedi Khan

Hopefully you're making progress on chapter 90 while you wait, Tefler, for Crazy's sake. He's bouncing off the walls in anticipation, and giving me a headache.


Not to take attention from the upcoming battle, and I know this has been touched upon... But, I keep getting drawn back to the fact that Buckingham specifically drew Weber's attention the request John made about the Nymph's, and Weber's reaction, without being specifically told what to do. My wild speculation is that the admiralty have not one, but several Nymph's locked up somewhere for experimentation. There are several things things I can think of offhand that they'd be interested in.


Hey Tefler, just wondering where you got the idea for the name from your $25 patrons (deity) and if it has some relevance to 3SM.

Viktor Hauge

I have been reading through the entire story again and made some reflektions; if the BSP is not Johns father then there is a third progenitor around too and that is not very likely, that makes it easy to asume that the BSP is his father. Progenitors tend to want women both as trals and as children to Get Even more trals, they can also decide if a child becomes girl or boy, so Johns father has deliberatly created a progenitorson. Why? The only known progenitor showing a hint of consern for other lifeforms is malnerak, and by doing so he challanged the entity enough that there was sent another progenitor to take him out.

Viktor Hauge

I believe Malnerak created John with his consern for Those close to him, and left him alone with his grandparents to make sure This value had a chance to develop and be strong. Why? To create a strong Ally to be Able to defeat the entity. He keeps stirring up trouble in increasing volume to train John and develop his skills and power beyond what is normal for a progenitor


Hey Tef. Just a heads up from part one:


Alyssa stepped closer and placed a soft kiss on her shoulder. “You were the first Maliri girl in history to be stuck with two Progenitor watching over you and we’ve both been in awe of the incredible woman you’ve become.” Shouldn't it be Progenitors?


Interesting questions , did Jessica abandon her baby in a rush to return to her Progenitor or did Mael want/order her to do it . On one hand we've seen Matriarch' &amp; thralls are devoted to their Progenitors but would one leave his child &amp; heir behind without an order , or would the fear of being recaptured over rule the instinct of a mother to protect her baby . Did Mael plan for her to be recaptured or was he unable to stop it ? After she was taken could he contact her mentally like John &amp; Alyssa ? I do not think Mael &amp; BSP are the same so BSP's actions &amp; reactions are still up for discussion . Mael did seem to be a changed man with care &amp; love for those around him &amp; maybe thought his heir would be better off growing up in a natural environment with loving grandparents (info that he would have gotten from Jessica ) &amp; not isolated on a planet with just him &amp; his mother . He did implant his guide in his DNA , why would he do that if he planned to raise John himself :-) ? Interesting ideas , hopefully Tefler will let us know before this story is done.


John IMO the idea that BSP is the progenitor that confronted Mael , while possible , is kind of hard to except . An explosion that tore Mael's ship in two &amp; flung the pieces across space &amp; destroyed all the plants in the area with residual time/radiation affects 10,000 yrs later would have been hard to survive . Not sure how the time travel would work if he(BSP) jumped ahead to present time but we do have the seemingly unusual way he is going about his conquest . It might be we've have wrongly assuming Maelnerak's &amp; his "brother" destruction was the way all Progenitors work while maybe they all have different strategies . So far we've only seen his Black ship &amp; we don't know if he has any more thralls besides the ones manning(womaning just sounds wrong some how ) his ship. I think this is one reason I love this story so much , so many things to think about &amp; discuss as it comes rolling out of Tefler amazing mind .Tefler...thank again for such an interesting tale .


In honor of the great scene at the lagoon in this chapter, I posted some pictures of Calara in a red bikini at the beach. Enjoy!


The lagoon barbecue scene was inspired by JFL's suggestion about the girls celebrating Calara gaining her new ability, so thank you for that one! The Irillith scene I'd been planning for quite a while, so the lagoon romp provided a nice lead-in to that. ;-)


It's been enjoyable reading everyone's plot speculation about the BSP. I'd love to weigh-in, but as I've mentioned before, it's extremely difficult to say anything in those kind of discussions without accidentally revealing spoilers. When the story finishes, I'll do some kind of lengthy Q&amp;A session, so you can ask me to clarify anything about the plot that might still be unclear. :-)


You know, thats nice, but don't rush to the end, we can wait for that Q&amp;A a long time if need be ;p


Good catch. Deity is so BSP. John is more of a paladin.


When will John venture into kirrix space to find his mother. According to Tashana kirrix can become allies. Maybe if John kills their "glowing queen" the species will revert to a less hostile form.


Is there anyone else that didn't get the attachment on the iPad app?


I like the clue from the Nexus, which suggests that Mael created life out of boredom. BSP seems to be causing trouble because he is bored. John is good entertainment. As a father, you can enjoy watching your kids play sports, living vicariously through them. Also, John's drive to be a father may be a progenitor trait. If so, why aren't there many? Will John be allowed to have progenitor babies? Is he breaking a rule or setting a new standard? Children may be the best cure for boredom.


Is John gonna have an ability to create clones of himself in the future to help be in more than one place or one lady at a time?

Jim lynch

I've never gotten one I have to open Safari then go to patreon website and log in there to read it.


Maybe its like the sith,1 master 1 student.But with the Progenitors,it's more like they can have as many daughters as they like,but only one son.Who must conquer the territory they're born into,then defend it to prove themselves worthy.Who knows?


Doesn't seem to fit with the narrative, once they have the wormhole generator they'll be able to react quickly. You sell John short on the lady department kakaroto :P


Finally got my electric back, Great chapter Tefler and yes every sci-fi book should have a bug hunt. lol


Tefler,could we have an update on Ch90 please


I've just finished chapter 89 and uploaded the FINAL version. There's a new scene I added which starts: "Alyssa kept a watchful eye" Let me know if you spot any typos. :-)


Fantastic, per usual


Good for you Tefler, recognizing the good doctor's benevolent contribution to the Trankarans.

Master Laurent

OK, So I am going to hell after the last chapter. Let me explain. I have an old mac laptop that the battery is non functioning due to age. The power had been out for two days, no internet access in my area. Major Tree across the road to get into my sub-division, still could to exit via a dirt road through a neighbors lot. Had several trees fall in my yard, by the grace of God an 80 foot pine got hung up in another tree that was to be taken down next week and was stopped from crashing into the new addition my neighbor has just completed. Lost 3 more major trees in the neighborhood, all of them across driveways, barely missing cars and such. All and all no fun. Now back as to why I am going to hell. I am good friends with a neighbor, he is the opposite of me in many ways. He is an Ultra Conservative, Right Winger that is married to an amazing women who is also very active in the church. They both go weekly and do prison ministry, youth ministry, and have bible study meeting in their home regularly. With the power and internet out at my house and only having to read the first page of chapter 89 before the trees started to fall and the power went out, the Addict in me was in a very bad way. I was walking over to my neighbors house several times a day to use the internet because he only lost power during the storm for 8 hours. So I was catching up on emails and communicating with the world. My neighbor said I could hang out at his place because I had no power and basically nothing to do in a warm house because of no AC. So I sat on the couch in the living room with my laptop on a TV Tray - My neighbor in his easy chair and his wife on the loveseat across from me and could not resist my addiction of TSM’s. The entire time I was hoping for a more action and less sex chapter. As they say, want to make God Laugh, Tell her your plans!!! And with a handle like Master Laurent, A Bondage Scene with collars and cuffs was like honey to a bear. So I am trying to just skim through the scenes that were “Naughty” because I was just wearing a pair of gym shorts that would do little to hide any “Emotions” on my part. Ohh, did I forget to mention that my Neighbors wife is a stunning early 40’s blond bombshell skinny everywhere accept for her Dolly Parton’s that is difficult to be around under normal circumstances. And I am having many memories of the bible studies I have attended while sitting in the same place and I was waiting for the bolt of lightning to come down and strike me dead. Let’s just say that was one of the toughest chapters of TSM’s I have ever read for many reasons outside of the Brilliance of Tefler’s work. I got power two and a half days later and I was able to take some time and truly enjoy the chapter and I just did the document compare and I am grateful to the Nod to Rachael in the infirmary. I felt it was missing from the story and I am glad that Tefler was able to add it as a part of his editing process. I have not reviewed any of the comments and do not have time to read them. I still have limited internet, I hate Comcast. If you want to understand why, go to youtube and look up Funny or Die Comcast and you will understand.

Master Laurent

Bravo Tefler, Thank you for the Great Easter Eggs!!!! The ESP Upgrades in the works for the projectile weapons!!! Wondering why Dana would not have time to do an ESP Upgrade to the punisher Gatling Gun for the Valkyrie? Unless she was so focused on the new Justice Lasers. I still see a surprise for that option sooner than later. Also Dana, As Mentioned before, should be able to walk up to a ammo store, ID the projectiles in her mind and do her metallurgic magic to the entire store in a single pass provided that John filled her up before hand and Alyssa was providing some support. I would think that Progenitor Runes and hardened projectiles would be a major upgrade that would be easy to accomplish.

Master Laurent

Apologies if any of these topics have been covered in previous comments, I many not have the ability to look at the comments for a week or at all depending upon life. Hoping that Tefler will get chapter 90 out by the 22nd given the shit in my life with a major battle scene. I do not know If I can take or have time for another 2 chapter battle, however, I can see it being three and the world does not evolve around me so I can go and fuck myself.

Master Laurent

Anybody still wish to debate the value of a White Queen as suggested in many of my previous comments. I am sure that Jade could help be a great delivery tool, or John could fill up a Very Large Glass with help and let the Chancellor Drink it down like a good girl. My money is that John finds out that she can give great head.

Master Laurent

I really enjoy how Faye is taking more initiative and the way Tefler is adding life to her and her boys. “The boys waving” LOL

Master Laurent

And my 2 Cents on the BSP, This is high school for John and the BSP is the Guidance Counselor for now. It is a very big universe and John needs to learn how to be a diplomat and also develop combat skills so he can survive in the bigger universe with the other Progenitors. Many more adventures for John and the Girls for many more years of enjoyment by the Addicts.

Master Laurent

And I forgot to mention that while out in the fallen trees I got poison IVY on my forearm. Treating it with a daily wash of TSP (Not a normal Tree hugger chemical), Calamine lotion with MSM Powder on top of the Calamine - high maintenance, however, I do not have healthcare so having this get out of hand and require medical treatment is not an option. Just another shitty thing in life to add to the pile of shit sandwiches that I am being forced to eat on a daily basis. Sorry to complain to this great community, please ignore if this offends you.


ML this is the greatest story/rant I've seen in a comments section in a while. I hope your doing ok with everything and good luck with the future


My wife says i'm a TSM addict with a problem. So I would like to take this opportunity to state that I am not a TSM addict with a problem.My internet's working just fine thanks.


You just know it's going to fuck up now.


"I'm not an addict" - every addict ever


This is like crack but worse. Serious withdrawal issues

Master Laurent

Thanks, Just had to deal with a dishonorable person on craigslist and health and life are sucking. As far as cragislist, I am selling my 37 Gallon Nano Shrimp tank, I put it on Craigs List last Friday before the storm. had several people interested in it. The storm fucked everything up, from me being up all night with a bike pump every 2-3 hours doing 100 pumps to oxygenate the tank to keep the critter alive to this bozo telling me that he wants my tank, I texted with him 20+ times and today @ 1pm EST I confirmed with him that he will pick up the tank Saturday Morning @ 10am. I take the ad off of craigslist and have turned down several others that wanted to come immediately because I liked this guy. @ 5:00 EST he text's me and tells me that he can not make any money from, the red shrimp I have and backs out of the deal. I point out his lack of honor because he confirmed the deal earlier that day after a week of back and forward and he tells me he is in the business selling black shrimp and I then point out his laziness for not thinking about the market before confirming the order. He keeps telling me I'm sorry and I keep pointing out that he cost me money / time because of his carelessness and his lack of honor. He even had me take new pictures today (so he could post them on a different site for sale,) saying that he wanted to confirm that everything made it through the storm so I pointed out that he was also a liar. After many years I have learned that Karma is a viscous Bitch and I wished that his customers would treat him better than he treated me. I wished him a good nights sleep!

Master Laurent

you had to say that, I sent my buddy home Wednesday night after he dropped off a small generator for me to use telling him I can start a generator. Me and my big fucking mouth. an hour and a half later of fucking around no generator. Buddy comes over the next day, one shot of starter fluid and two pulls on the cord and it starts right up. 5 hours later the power is back on. Hopefully you do not have comcast, they always fuck up. They can Fuck Up a Wet Dream!

Master Laurent

FYI Patreon ate your posts on Faye and the Boys, I will repost in the morning if they are not back.


Never said I wasn't an addict,Iam,I just don't have a problem.My internet's working fine.I can re-read to my hearts content


ML, people like that definitely won't understand the glory that is 3SM. You are wise not to read those scenes, although it would have been funny to see the wife's reaction.


Well John won't take shit and may just be a wreaking ball through Kirrix forces.


I think doing it with a Trankaran may relate to mating with a statue...


Doesn't kill you though


No but his wife will if he calls her Alyssa.

Master Laurent

Numpty Post patreon Ate - I think her real body will be created when she swallows a nice big load.Her android avatar will go to sleep and 14 hours later Faye,first of the Fae folk will awaken.Remember,John always does better when acting on instinct.He wont even realise he's doing it.

Master Laurent

Numpty post Patreon Ate - Has anyone else noticed,that John seems to understand the robots onboard the Invictus.A bit like the 'ghost in the machine' theory.Maybe Fayes 'boys' and the rest of the bots are in cahoots with each other

Jedi Khan

So, anyone want to speculate on the possibility that the BSP will be in attendance for John's upcoming assault on the Kirrix? How about on the possibility that instead of being a silent, stealthy observer like in the past, the BSP is going to provide John with fire support because he finds the Kirrix to be just as abhorrent as John does?


Well I hope for one that BSP didn't ,,inspire'' Kirrix into this attack only they saw weakness and used it. Don't forget there is a big possibility that the Progenitor ship that crshed on Arcadia ( which is a Kirrix territory for some time ) is still there, perhaps with alive Progenitor and Jessica Blake. I written a theory recently that the Kirrix somehow captured this Progenitor put him in cryostasis and are blackmailing Jessica that if she doesn't work with them they kill him. I'm assuming here that since she became his thrall her intellect shot up and if I remember correctly her specialization was biology, hence why Kirrix got this new creatures mentioned in the last chapter. Either way if that ship is still there it will play a part in this story for sure. As for BSP helping John now hmm not likely.


Did anyone else take note of the fact that the Kirrix ships have a lot of hexagons in them? Coincidence?


Perhaps they spend too much time with the Progenitor ship on Arcadia :P


hang tough my friend. IRMA was a nasty bitch she just wanted to give you a temporary reminder.


Wow that was a really great chapter! There are so many important story lines developing right now. I too like to think that the other progenitor is helping John mature to take part in the wider universe. I think ultimately the astral monsters are the real threat. So the twins are starting to realize their full thrall potential. I think it's meant to be, but this time they won't just be expendable tools. I wonder if all progenitors create a version of the Maliri for themselves? That could be why the feelings are so deeply ingrained. I hope John needs to reach out to his guide for the upcoming battle. The stakes are sky high and he's at 1/2 strength. This would be the perfect time for their confrontation. It seems like Niskera is already being influenced by John, even in their short conversation she was deferring to him. She'll be glowing within two chapters. Very excited to see where this new minor empire alliance goes. Do the Bract have any relationship to the Kirrix considering they are both insectoid species? I'm seeing no real way forward for the admiralty, especially when they start hampering the Nymph search. They'll need to be replaced. Maybe by a civilian counsel arranged by the Voss family? Very proud of Luna this chapter, she is learning how to rule. If Edraele doesn't make it she'll be invaluable. I wish she would just brazenly fly through Terran space to help the Trankarans. It would give notice to all of the new order rising. Thanks again Tefler, can't wait for 90!


I sometimes wonder. if Tefler places a comment or draws our attention to something to see if we notice or make a comment. Others have mentioned , and I've noticed, he sometimes seems to place teasers in the story. I've noticed a few comments, by John during the story, that I thought would tie into the story, but have not been mentioned, of course it could be a red herring to have readers thinking one direction and Tefler taking another. The one I remember best, is during martial arts training by himself, with Calara, and then Sakura, John mentions centering himself and meditation. I thought, this was a lead in for his psionic ability or powers and chi to interact, during meditation. I could foresee, the chi being able to enhance John's and the girls abilities, or at least the girls taking Tai Chi and working out with John. The big advantage to this other, than waking and enhancing the dormant abilities John has given the girls, would be a secret backdoor conduit to draw chi energy power from the universe. This may be something mentioned in the future, just a normal part of the story, but could have been a diversion because it's so obvious a connection.


Jack....Interesting idea to ponder . In Sci-Fi I think we look for things that our active imaginations tell us should be there or at least possible . A connection to a "higher power" , a purpose beyond our daily rat race . Something we fell makes us different from the other creatures on this world . Some look to religion , or magic , or just "something" that makes sense . In "Star Wars" it's called the "Force" a life creating &amp; enhancing power source . The Jedi Knights are trained to tap into this to enhance their power &amp; control to the benefit of society , while others turn to the dark &amp; destructive side . In this tale of "TSM" we have a hero that can seeming tap into this physic power from his Matriarch &amp; thralls thru the physical changes he makes in their bodies connecting them to him ,pulling what he needs from them . He then can use this physic power in this realm/world to create , alter or destroy .It's been my idea/guess that the Astral beings somehow created the Progenitors to channel this physic power to them , drawing on this" force "of life in this reality to feed &amp; strength themselves on the Astral plane. They don't seem to be able to directly cross the veil between worlds on their own (on beach needed John to open a portal ) So need the Progenitors to do it for them . Much to their chagrin John , who wasn't created by them , instead being born of his father doesn't feel under any duty or compulsion to send souls over in the numbers they want . They welcomed him in his first visits to the Astral plane until it became obvious that he wasn't going along with he program &amp; want desperately to kill him . One might wonder if John is able to tap into this force like you mentioned with his meditation into Chi he might be much more powerful than BSP or any other Progenitor .Having an endless source not limited to the power available from his thralls , he wouldn't endanger them either . Which he would love . As I said an interesting question to ponder . A fleeting idea , which Tefler seems delighted to draw from his readers .


I think it is a way for them to evolve. The "lesser races" and their empires are the background upon which a new immortal learns and grows.