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Hey everyone,

I've made some good progress on chapter 89 so far and I've written:

27k words.

I'll keep updating this post as I add more to the chapter, but I'm aiming roughly for the 11th as a release date. 



Jedi Khan

Countdown clocks, engage.


Dam jedi

Jedi Khan

lol I'm at work with nothing better to do than hit refresh every few minutes.




The admirals won't see it coming :)


Reading 3SM for the third time, I... can't... stop... must... read...


Just need to find somthing good enough to fill the time between chapters


Hey Tefler, got an idea for a fight scene... John uses his crystal alyssium sword to deflect a lazer blast into an incoming fighter or something. Since its deca shaped (i think) its 100% reflective. Super cool and absolutely frightening to his enemies :)


Haha the jedi Valkyrie mech. Sakura probably has the reflexes to do it with her psychic speed. Whether the mech can handle her moving that fast, though...


How about a teaser, so I have something to read during the hurricane? :) Just kidding, Tefler. Take your time and make it another excellent example of your storytelling. Anyone else in Florida, or in the Southeastern US for that matter, stay safe!


Currently in Pompano Beach, but heading out to Orlando tonight and to NYC on Saturday afternoon. I'm working in SE FL today, Orlando tomorrow, and NYC starting on Tuesday morning. Yes, I did have that all planned out ahead of time, but I changed my departure for NY from Monday morning to Saturday afternoon due to Irma. I couldn't afford to get stranded and miss being there to start my class on time. Stay safe, yourself.


Hey Gang, Does the Valkyrie have the inertia damping? Trans Karan engines need Inertia damping?


You raise a very valid point here. The Valkyrie was re-designed to have speed similar to the Raptor, and the Raptor definitely got the central core intertia negation system during the first refit at Genthalas shipyard. What the Valkyrie does have is an antigrav field already in place around the pilot as part of the control system. Perhaps that might serve both functions if tweaked suitably? Failing that, I could see it being not too much work to install an internal negation system, since it would be a very small one, only needing to cover the mech's cockpit, whereas the Raptor's has to cover a lot more volume. I daresay though that Dana is waaayyy ahead of us on this one, just didn't bother mentioning it.

PLRus--Founding member of the TSM F5 club.

BTW: Am I the only one who cannot wait until Calara does tactical during a major battle and blows away both sides of the conflict with her abilities? As a side note: John REALLY needs two more gunners with Calara's shooting skills...why not use Dana and Tashanna as primary with Faye backiing them up when they have to do something else? Tefler: A point of clarification: When Faye said she had all the beam lasers replaced with the upgraded photon lasers Dana exclaimed it would be a 150% increase. By my calculations, that would be just with the heat sink upgrade. Dana has already said the photon lasers themselves are twice as powerful as the current beam lasers. So with the heat sink and photon laser upgrade that would be a 250% upgrade...twice as powerful from the Photon Laser and another half from the heat sinks. So Terran Std. lasers will be twice as powerful (the high end heat sinks are 50% better than the original heat sink upgrades), the Invictus would be twice as powerful from the full heat sink upgrade, another 50% from power allocation with the crystal alyssium barrels, another 50% each from two Maliri upgrades and another 200% increase from the Photon Laser upgrade from the Maliri/original heatsink/power/Crystal Alyssium upgrades...making the Invictus beam lasers 10 times as powerful ( 1 orig x 1.5 1st power/heat sink upg x 1.5 Maliri upg x 1.5 Maliri power distribution upg x 1.5 second heat sink x 2 Photon Laser upg )as the original Terran Beam Lasers and on fast tracking turrets. Not to mention having 24 instead of just 6. This means the Invictus has as much beam laser firepower as 40.5 original Cruiser class vessels or 20.25 of the upgraded Terran Cruiser class vessels.


If you are really addicted, you can try and make yourself useful and contribute to the cause. DarkStorymaster has a timeline chart he updates every chapter and someone else (shame on me) keeps track of all the upgrades the Invictus has and is going through. I've started keeping track of what rooms are in what deck, and someone else has created a wiki for 3SM. And if you can't think of anything ask, as I have a couple ideas.


Somethings is up with the app. It says there's 25 comments before this one, but I only count 11. Anyone else have this issue?


Dana said that the Mk1 photon lasers were twice the power of their Maliri beam lasers and the Mk2 photon lasers with new heat sinks were double the power of the Mk1's. With each Mk2 photon laser being 12 more powerful than original Terran beams and 6 times the power of the upgraded ones, giving them the power of 48 standard or 24 upgraded cruisers,with armour the equivelant of a dozen or so feet of titanium.Surely it can't be that long till a Terran admiral whispers the words Pocket Dreadnaught whilst trembling in fear.(I can hope can't I!!)


Am waiting on the tfnn news report after the fight with the bugs dana recorded the fight they ship blows up upto 12 bug ships in 1 battle and the gunship and mech take out a few more plus dropships i wonder how the tf admirity do take that ?


So,not a big fight then.In the last battle the Invictus destroyed 18 black battleships,12 black cruisers,lots and lots of dropships,and who knows how many standard ships.Plus on top of all that Dana and Jade took out at least 2 battleships and a dozen cruisers.It would be rather amusing to see High Commands reaction to that,Drakar might have two of everything but I bet the smell would be comparable!!!Who knows the Ashanath might slip Jehana a clip or two,along with a declaration of becoming the Ashanath Protectorate,alongside the Maliri Prtectorate within The Kingdom of Blake.How long before the Terran public demand High Command to seek entry into the Kingdom.On a side note,how do you think the admiralty will react when they see the Maliri fleet of say around 200 ships of the line plus accompanying picket ships and strike craft heading towards the Ashanath only to realise it's reinforcements sent at Johns request.Do you think they'll understand how truly fucked they are if they try to go against him.


Another of my comments seems to have disappeared where I talked about the new Photon Laser damage after the refit. Rather than risk it being deleted again, I've updated the Beam Laser damage post: <a href="https://www.patreon.com/posts/9668723">https://www.patreon.com/posts/9668723</a> The Invictus is now doing thirty times as much beam laser damage compared to when they first acquired it!


Is it not 30 times as much (24 x 7.5 = 180 damage compared to the initial 6 damage)?


you`ve lost me with the math . but I love your story TY Tefler and CONGRATS FOR YOUR WEE


"CONGRATS FOR YOUR WEE" Thanks! We potty trained my son about six months ago, I guess this is how he must have felt! ;-D


Could be an opportunity to revisit that character (and also perhaps for many of the current crew to "see where it all began".


TEFLER FATHER OF TWO the joys ahead are wonderful


As Dana's use of runes improves, is it possible for her to use more than one rune on a weapon, piece of equipment, or whatever she is working on? On a beam weapon could she use the psychic protection rune, along with power, focus, range, or whatever wording for the rune she deemed necessary to make it more powerful, focused and accurate out to a greater distance.


Continuation - Dana, could use the runes on other things? Shield, as in putting runes on the shield emitters, engines, power cores and couplings, clothing, armour, computers, any type of weapons, of course Tefler would have to decide the benefit of runes used this way and may even consider many other uses I have only touched upon.


Doesn't placing runes Dana has them in a mind compartment like Alyssa does? It may put her in significant danger if stress to those runes causes her to tire from maintaining those psychic runes?


She may be limited to how many runes she can create at a time too


FYI- I posted a very basic work-in-progress image on the community section for Jade. Features are not final and I know she has no stripes, but I'm more looking for feedback on if I am capturing the right skin tone. Thanks to anyone who wants to share their thoughts.


Who remembers what Dana did before putting on the runes?? Remember that all Progenitors use runes but what they may not do, is what Dana did before she added the runes; which might make a great deal of difference in a strait up battle between them and another Progenitor.


Does anybody else think the Invictus should design its own transponder codes of the Blake Alliance


Possibly but why let slip that there IS a Blake alliance? Unless there is something to be gained from that.


Tefler,I know the photon laser fires each barrel independently,but are they rotary fired or sequenced?


I thought with them being installed on the Raptor that they migh be rotary


Jack, John has placed runes on his Astral plane shields so I think its possible that Dana could use them on ship shields.


Man, I'm jonesin for ch 89


Just a question to shoot out there, we haven't heard from Athena for a while. Is she up to something? Or is she unable to converse easily to the group? It would be awesome if she found a way to converse with progenitor John and have the guide have change of heart like Maelnerak did. Would be really interesting if Athena and Pro John teamed up and started dealing with the Eldritch monsters. Maybe it would become a conventional fight with Pro John and John defeating him. It would be cool if Pro John (as a good guy) taught John and Alyssa with Athena in a meditative state proper psychic training. I find the group woefully grasping at straws with the aspects of it.


Maybe John drawing all the girls into a psychic session with Athena and Pro John via Astral Plane? If Pro john becomes good, would he decide a new name for himself?


It looks like Tampa is the new home for Irma. Wish us luck. It just start to rain and I have never seen the tide this low.


Yeah, my house is on an island in the bay (At least for now). We evacuated to an apartment on mainland. We are safe, but I am worried about the aftermath.

PLRus--Founding member of the TSM F5 club.

Jack L Veach : after taking some time to think about your nanite proposal I think you have something there. And if you are going that far, just make the nanites out of deca shaped Crystal Alysium hexagons with articulating, interactive, interconnecting edges (Irillith is already using the crystal as a medium for digital hardware circuits) like hexegons that interlock and stack/move/add length, subtract length in real time so there are no joints. It would just be nanites adding to the matrix to lengthen or subtract from the matrix to shorten length for joint articulation. Heck, with that you could have 360 degree vision and still keep your eye recognition for activation of target reticles, flight mode, etc. It could also be self-repairing. Additionally, it could easily morph into clothing or back into a light armor as a way to protect them during outings. Also they could be colored differently on each side to provide for environmentally sensitive camoflage coloration. With 15 layers of ultra thin, ultra light nanite cloth, you could have infinite color variations (combining colors next to each other to create any color like yellow and blue dots next to each other on a screen is seen as green) including clear for helmets/etc. While still maintaining a comfortable, skin tight, responsive, and elastic piece of clothing. Put several layers of Graphene Skrim between the halves of the top and bottom of the hexagons and you have added both heat dissipation as well as extreme penetration resistance into a dress or suit of clothes that wears/reacts like silk or cotton but is really light battle armor disguised as clothing and can morph very quickly into full coverage when/if necessary...or even become a javalin or sword or shield...the list is endless. Just incorporate a few packets of LOX or rebreathing filters for extended breathing time to protect against air borne pathogens, smoke inhalation, or times when being sucked into a vaccume. And make the shoes and shirt cuffs into miniature thrusters/antigrav units and you even have limited flight mode! Have the nanites capable of forming their own psychic runes as well and enable each of the girls to be able to create psychic compartments to maintain them.


Thank you. You have expressed my basic thoughts in a more articulate manner.


So... Tef, you releasing it tonight or tomorrow?


He thinks he'll have it out on the 11th (in the UK) likely between 5pm to 12pm there.


John F Lewis your comments made me wonder, what if. What if, on the way to meet the Trankarans John lets Sakura use the Valkyrie to target practice on some gigantic ice asteroids. When she fires on the first one repeatedly and splits it open her beams reflect back to her, she investigates and finds a damaged destroyer sized ship. Dana wants to bring it into the main cargo hold after investigating and believes it to be an ancient, but technologically advanced. After some hesitation, because of safety concerns John agrees to bring it aboard. The alien ship is destroyer sized on the outside, but inside it's larger than a dreadnaught. Dana believes the ship uses dimension technology and is eager to activate the damaged ship to learn all she can from the ships systems. Dana gets the ships AI up and running and with Fayes help they learn it's over half a billion years old and considers it's creators gone, so it has no loyality issues. The ship has an advanced sleep learning system that can teach Dana anything she doesn't learn on her own. The ship and med bay make use of highly advanced nanites. The med bay uses the nanites to change DNA down to the molecular level, can repair a aging person back to their youth, manipulate a persons brain to increase the percentage of use, increase a persons IQ, and psychic abilities. Dana learns about using the psychic runes and power runes, which use power from the power core. Power runes can be used on many items that can take a power charge. Shields and weapons for example, for a 25% increase in runed weapons or shield the output is a 3 to 1 increase. Increase the power 25% to runed shields and increase their power 3 times. A 50% increase of power to runed shields and they are 6 times more powerful. The power increase can continue as long as the power cables or the shields can withstand the extra power. The psychic runes are charged psychically, as such they're not in widespread use. This is just some of the possible technological finds on this alien relic.


Jack the problem with a find that good is that it's means it be a solo end game ship but i think telfer wants this to be a team effort even if john ship will be the best in the galaxy he will still need some help with big fleets


Schedules, commitments, responsibilities and time frames are beginning to get a bit much for the crew to meet. Things are getting very busy for the crew. So many places to be and things to do. Rescue chancellor Niskera, heal Edraele, coordinate and transport materials for the starbase, acquired Brimorions shield, visit and feed Jehanna, as well as several other things. What I am trying to get at is. Even as fat as the Invictus is, it is getting harder and harder for John and the girls to be everywhere they need to be. I think we can all agree, Tefler sees the wormhole generator as the wholly grail of technology (deservingly so) and is not going to give that up until the very last. So until then. The crew, not necessarily John, but a member of the crew, needs to be in too many places at the same time. A single ship cannot keep up. I see this as another reason fo Dana to design and build a second ship. The destroyer that has been mentions for the last several chapters would fit perfectly. It can fit inside the Invictus when the whole crew needs to be together but with Dana's uber enhancements is can totally defend itself against any threat. It would make a perfect shuttle one of the crew to use when they needed to break of and take care of something. Case in point, if we had the destroyer/shuttle now, Rachel could head towards Edraele to heal her. While John saves Niskera. That would not restore the connection between Edraele and John but would at least get her out of danger and back in charge of the Malari. When the space station construction begins, let a lone begins operating there will be ample occasions for Dana or Alyssa's presence to be needed there. John cannot very well put the rest of the galaxy on hold for a couple of days to attend these other matters. No it is only practical and logical that as the crews responsibilities grows the need to split up those responsibilities grows as well. I vote build the dam ship.


Thank you. Andya for your comment. At times I get restless and carried away with my ramblings, as I wait for a new chapter. But, if there is a small, useful crumb or two to be found in my frivolous droppings perhaps it may be recycled.

Jedi Khan

Or John could, you know, recruit some more girls and put them in charge of the stations, and with them being linked to Alyssa and/or Edraele, there'd be no need for the girls to bunny rabbit back and forth. That'd leave John free to continue gallivanting across the galaxy in the Invictus with his core crew. This also could open up the possibility of each of the core crew becoming a Matriarch for their respective fields, with dozens if not hundreds of thralls under them to provide coverage across John's budding empire. Alyssa - Grand Matriarch Dana - Matriarch of Engineering and Material Clara - Matriarch of War and Tactics Jade - Matriarch of Nymphs, Pilots, and the Nursery Rachel - Matriarch of Medicine and Biological Science Irillith - Matriarch of Information and Technology Faye - Matriarch of the Cyber Realm Sakura - Matriarch of Security and Combat Tashana - Matriarch of History and Lore Jehenna - Matriarch of Public Media Edraele - Matriarch of People and Supplies


27k! I wonder if he'll finish on the 11th as he said. I believe :) no problem if an extra day is needed


Really my thoughts on the above mentioned What if, finding the damaged alien spaceship, Since the spaceship is damaged Tefler could pluck as much or more probably as little as needed to fit his storyline. He likely already has an outline of the direction he wants to go as he writes, to keep himself from drifting to far off track. He may get ideas that he considers occasionally, from the people who leave comments. Even some of the far out comments such as my own, he may not use or consider, but may cause him to have other ideas or thoughts he may not have considered. I accidentally cut myself off on that earlier comment when I hit the enter button. One thing I meant to mention when I explained the ship was larger on the inside than outside and the use of dimension technology. The aliens knew how to open a door or window to another dimension and travel through that dimension as a short cut to their destination. They thought of it as dimension jumping or being a dimension jumper. Humans think of it as opening and traveling through a wormhole, but the alien dimension jumping uses less power and is more efficient. The wormhole use requires brute force, in the form of energy to power from point to point. That, is one form of dimension technology, another is having a small room or ship, yet when you open the door and enter, the space inside can be vast, but it's adjustable because you're now in another dimension. The pilot area of Valkyrie, could now be huge and a small ammunition holding area could be vast or the fuel storage area could be immense. If, vital components are built into these dimensional storage areas, they are immune to battle damage because they're in another dimension. The Invictus could have a number of small rooms built on all sides with a huge weapon or weapons ready to fire when the armour slides back. Hidden cargo holds could be huge, or huge hidden ammunition magazines, and large fuel storage spaces. High technology items could be built into dimensional storage rooms and spaces, hidden from view. Older components could be left out in view, it would confuse visitors or custom inspectors. The nanite technology leaves the doors entering dimensional storage looking like a solid wall when they close.


If, you throw enough stuff against that wall, something is bound to stick.

PLRus--Founding member of the TSM F5 club.

Jack, those are exceptional ideas. Not sure if Tefler will use them as he pretty much has his story line already developed and he just fleshes out each chapter as they come up. Perhaps in one of the sequels or when we revisit them 5000 years from now?


Constructive Criticism: Tefler i really like this story. You have a great imagination and writing style. However I believe you are starting to fill the story with too much descriptions of fixing up the ship. It was great in the beginning, but every other chapter has it now. I just think it detracts from the overall building of action and drama. If you want to stretch out the story, maybe individual past recollections or memories might be a better way to go. I don't know. Anyway, thought i might put my 2 cents in. Keep up the great work. I'll be reading. Have a nice day.


Patreon's losing or deleting comments is very tiresome.

PLRus--Founding member of the TSM F5 club.

Okay: With Faye getting her body. I can see Dana and Irilith working to set it up so the body has digitally based orgasms: with muscle spasms, heat waves, pleasurable electrical discharges, and feelings of euphoria...perhaps even temporary weakness and rubbery legs. LOTS of digital sensory receptors in her breasts, clit, anal passage, and vagina including pressure, temperature, and texture. The physical aspects of desire and lust as well such as nipple swelling, vaginal heat, vaginal swelling, lubricity, umm....maybe a built in vibrator in her oral, anal, and vaginal passages? Oh! and throat, vaginal, and anal passage articulation to drive John crazy. With that being said, I can see Faye going offline after the first massive orgasm and causing a bit of a panic with the crew trying to see if she is okay.

Master Laurent

Waiting for the storm to hit Atlanta in Full Strength, Nothing like Florida, however the wind and falling tree damage is certain to take out the power and internet. So my only pleading request is that we have an early in the day release like last chapter so I can maybe get a chance to read it before everything goes dark in my neck of the woods. Thanks and praying for all of those that have had the devastation come knocking at the front door. Reports for South Florida show 60% of critical electrical infrastructure destroyed, many WEEKS until service is restored.


don't use lubricity like that i p*sses me off, it's supposed to be 'lubricating'. by the by, she can already cum they just need to synchronise the body to the digital construct and add resolution. your list is admirable, i agree. it will be funny when she first pops, she's adorable.


You posted this a few mins ago: On the topic of dimensional folding (including for both storage and travel), please note that the Progenitors already practice this. John is just too much of an infant to be able to do it, so far. In addition to wormhole travel (a.k.a. Dimensional travel), John has already been told that the truly powerful Progenitors can create 'pocket' spaces from the Astral Plane wherein they have control. Since we already know that they can move things to and from the Astral Plane, such spaces could be used for storage. No machinery is required, nor any discoveries of ancient ships. Furthermore, it is distinctly possible that a Progenitor in full command of their capabilities could personally travel via that same innate ability from one location to another, so long as they are connected via the Astral Plane... and since that connects to multiple dimensions, that could mean literally that they are capable of both intra-universal and interuniversal travel without any technology. Yes, it might be dangerous to do so, and it might require skills well beyond that of Mael'nerak, much less John, but we have no idea how powerful Mael'nerak was in Progenitor terms. And that brings up the second topic. The Progenitors 'science' is heavily focused on Psionics, and while they do have very advanced material science capabilities, their real focus clearly appears to be on advanced psionic abilities. So, while they can create an AI, such as Faye, they apparently focus on creating lifeforms that are capable of psychic abilities. So, Faye is not a 'superior' lifeform, but rather, one that has different limitations. It is worth pointing out, however, that John - once he matures as a Progenitor, could grow her a body, which could be carbon-based, or not, and could then help her to transition into it, much as he has enabled Irrilith and Alyssa to enter the Cyberrealm within which Faye exists. Conceivably, he could even enable her to exist in both at the same time, with both online (connected) and offline (standalone) capabilities.

PLRus--Founding member of the TSM F5 club.

Being a robot she could also have super speed. And have the agility and data from watching all the sparing to be a martial arts expert in hand to hand and swordplay (both with Odachi and the short sword Sakura uses). This way she can fulfill her need to protect the family on outings as well as be a partner with Sakura...making them a team and/or allowing for three strike teams with a high speed protector. She would also be immune to the Psychic attacks of another Progenitor. But she will also need to be well shielded from electrical attacks. Her vision could include X-ray, infrared, and optical zoom and video capture capabilities. And, sorry Dana, Laser capability. Her eyes could also include the psyonic detector so she can see the psychic flows between all the girls like Sakura can. Her ears have extended sound wave reception to include wavelengths well beyond normal hearing as well as sensitivity (with filters so it isn't like tennitus and drive her crazy). She could be a sharpshooter with all the portable weapons at their disposal. And Faye can coordinate the Raptor, Invictus, Valkyrie, with any strike team/shore excursion when necessary. Oh: and built in Antigrav cyclics so she can fly on her gossamer wings.


I disagree,would you like some change

Master Laurent

I would not think that Faye would be fully transferred to her body, however it would be like a portable sensor array that provides Faye with the Greatest Feedback and mobility.

PLRus--Founding member of the TSM F5 club.

Hmmm....would John be willing to make a downgraded version for Charles? Or perhaps sell them as courtesans with VI's instead of AI's? Would be a great way to keep in touch with the power brokers in a society as well as protect their patrons.

Master Laurent

Big Smiles to Jack and John. Wow that sounds like a title to a bad 70's porn movie.


Evan, I'm on Storiesonline and about a year ago I clicked on Arlene and Jeff, but I never made it past the first chapter. At, the time it seemed a little boring to me, but with you mentioning the ship, I might have to revisit the story and give it a better chance to make a good impression on myself. I have read stories or books before with parts of my description in them, but am a little surprised they matched my description so closely. I'll, have to read past the first chapter now. I had no idea there was a spaceship involved, although the description mentioned a smoking fetish, after reading chapter one I thought it might be about cigarettes or cigars. This, was a time the first impression wasn't good, but I'm easily bored, which is why Three Square Meals impressed me so much.


The main problem with Arlene and Jeff is that it does offer everything in their life. It takes weeks for any advancement of the plot because you read about the regular parts of their life or they repeat the same thing. It is a great example of a bad editor not removing the junk.


Some thoughts here. If Dana can do the hardening to her "shell" that would make her immune to direct tk manipulation. She could be a target selector in sync with any of the vehicles to allow pinpoint firing. Small servers built into the chassis to allow "disconnected" use and full high speed autonomy are required. And all should be doable in this case.


I've finished! I'll do a quick edit of part 1 to fix the spelling mistakes my editors have highlighted, then I'll post the new chapter. It's 8:45 pm GMT, and I should be done in about an hour. :-)

Master Laurent

Looking forward to the weapons tests for the Valkyrie, Invictus, and Raptor. Hoping for a good battle scene in this chapter. Faye's body should be fun, especially with what Dana learned on the Valkyrie Upgrades. Super Strength, Ultra Fast, Progenitor Power core, Ninja Sex Bot with a heart of Gold. Wondering if Dana is gong to embed any weapons like pop out arm photon lasers. The could be the size of a pencil because the power core is in her core and with the Progenitor Power couplings the power feeder wires could be a couple of MM. The don't even have to pop up, The could be the center of her humerus bone and fire out of the elbows. She could also have smaller versions in her head behind her eyes. Winds from Irma gusting to 40 MPH here in Atlanta.


thank you Tefler you're the man


Stop making suggestions for the next 30 minutes, my friend. You don't want to do anything which might delay the release of the chapter until after your power is restored, do you? :-) Besides, why would it be made out of Gold when there are much better materials available... and what, pray tell, is Jade's 'heart' made out of, I wonder... crystal, yes, but what kind?


Tefler! You. Are. Fucking. AWSOME!

PLRus--Founding member of the TSM F5 club.

Tefler: I wish to give you my heartfelt thanks for including my father in the story. 'Gator' Lewis was indeed an instructor pilot who sported a mustache...lol. And he was the squadron leader among the Instructor Pilots after Nam. Wife wanted to know if my sinuses were bothering me after I read that passage. Very much appreciated. Thank you.