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The polls for the literotica 2016 awards have come to a close and I won each of the four categories I was nominated for!

They were:

Most Influential writer

Best Sci-fi story (Chapter 60 - Wounded little birds)

Sexiest female character (Alyssa)

Sexiest male character (John)  

I wanted to thank everyone who voted for me in this competition! You guys are awesome and I really appreciated your support! :-D

(I was checking regularly, but stayed quiet as I didn't want to jinx it by seeming too overconfident - even though we had an overpowering lead right out of the gate!)

Anyway, I'm not going to spend too much time basking in glory, chapter 89 won't write itself!




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Told ya! Congrats



CJ Mora

Well deserved!












Good work!


Congrats Tefler .... much deserved ;)


Thanks everyone! Now I'm intrigued what the prizes are! :-)


Congratulations Tefler, you most certainly deserve the recognition


Congratulations Tefler. Well deserved.


Congratulations , well deserved recognition .Now go for a repeat next year. Hurrah!!!


Bragging rights of course


Great writing inspires passion. The strength of the community you have built is evidenced in the support you have received in voting. As s number of recent elections have shown, passionate supporters will always beat their well meaning but disorganised opponents. Whilst awards are important it is the wonderful story telling that is worthy of the plaudits.

rich ed

looks like we have more company here on Patreon soon. Great work Telfer you are rightly deserved of all the awards that come your way!


Well deserved and rightly won. Tefler Your last line in the above comment is why we will always support you. You see the award as it's for your followers not about you. Thanks and I'll be waiting for 89.


Congratulations Tefler! Without a doubt you deserve the awards. You're a brilliant writer! It's great to be part of the community that recognises your talent. Wishing you all the best. Looking forward to chapter 89. I think Chewie's award is hidden under all that fur.


I am happy for you well met and played Congratulations!! All glory is flitting especially between chapters, until we read again, Good job of story telling and Aloha!


Congratulations. The appeal is real and exceptional. It is amusing if frustrating to see the criticism laid against the story.


Congrats definitely well deserved

Jim lynch

You deserve each victory . 3sm is such a brilliant story I feel it would win any category it was entered in.

Master Laurent

You are getting the acknowledgement that you so deserve! Bravo!


Congratulations Tefler




Etaski, the people have spoken. And Tefler won. Be humble in your concession speech.

cittran genericlastname

Honestly, I really feel like the Sci-Fi and Fantasy categories should be two separate categories at this point. I mean, I get why they've been a combined category for so long, but there are just SO many stories that are one or the other. It's a rare story that crosses between the two, like Dream Drive. The only reason I bring this up is because there is another writer whom I feel has done a far better Fantasy story (series, really) than most any other at this point -- Etaski -- and the way the stupid voting was set up I couldn't vote for both of you in your respective categories. =/


Let's recognize Tefler's high achievement; and not compare his apples to Etaski's peaches. They both are very talented within their own genre.

PLRus--Founding member of the TSM F5 club.

I agree that those who are victorious should be humble and gracious. Well done Tefler. Your success is well deserved but in no way diminishes the accomplishments of other good writers. I am very happy for you and your accomplishments and it is my hope you will continue to find fullfillment in your writing. We obviously love your work.


Congrats Tef! A richly deserved recognition of your talent. Now back to work ;-)


You earned it Tefler. As you can see with all of us supporting you and the votes you got your works put smiles and uplift lots of folks in more ways than one! Take these awards for what they are: A vote of confidence in your ever developing writing and plot skills :)


I'm awaiting them to update the home page to say he's win


Congrats Tefler


Well done Tefler. Well deserved

Jedi Khan

Cash, most likely. I believe Lit hands out cash prizes for the other contests, might be the same for this one.

Jedi Khan

Congrats, and let's do this again next year!



Big Dude

As they say... "U DA MAN!"


great job,congrats;your one of the best writer's i read so far,,,,,,,,,,,,,


Congratulations, and very well-deserved! I know I voted for you. :)


Congratulation, and well earned. Chapter 88 with final edits still showing as unsafe by Windows Defender to download at this time, could it be something happening at the Patreon systems? Anyone else having the problem or just me, bigdawguw65, and Andrew?

Jedi Khan

It's likely a false-positive when using Windows Defender. Try a different browser that doesn't rely on Windows Defender. Most third-part antivirus programs are better than what comes with Windows. I personally recommend Avast. They have a free version that's better than most paid programs.



Jedi Khan

And it's official! Tefler has won all categories! Tefler, there's a link on the announcement page for you to use to claim your prizes. <a href="https://www.literotica.com/s/2016-literotica-readers-choice-awards-winners" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://www.literotica.com/s/2016-literotica-readers-choice-awards-winners</a>


Congrats mate.


Why isn't it announced on the home page like every other award is?

Jedi Khan

If you're talking about the Lit front page, it kinda does. It just says "Congrats winners." There's too many winners to list like it does for the other contests.