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I found this timeline tremendously useful, so I'm going to create a duplicate post here, so that it doesn't get buried in an avalanche of babes on the community tab. :-)

Copied from Dark Storymaker's post:


Hello, all! 

I've been greatly enjoying Tefler's stories, and everyone's comments, speculations, and contributions. I'm a logically minded fellow, and so to keep things straight in my head, I've created a timeline with events, actors, locations, times, and such. Rows are color coded for major actors, or whether it's an event, location, or upgrade. Hopefully, it's fairly self-explanatory. I hope some of you find it useful and enlightening. If you have corrections, additions, or questions, please don't hesitate to comment!

Note: There are MAJOR SPOILERS throughout the document. In some cases, before the event actually occurs in the story, because it occurred or was related earlier, chronologically. Be warned. Also, I'm only up to Chapter 64. Updates as I can get to them. Thank you!




Fantastic work!


Just one note: in line 757, Ch. 79, you wrote "The other Progenitor has a conversation with his matriarch, Ailanthia. She appears to be a Lenarran." I just can't find where that seems to be implied.


In fact it is written "Other than her periodic feedings to maintain her youthful vigour, this was yet another startling first.", which implies Ailanthia is not Lenarran, otherwise periodic feedings would not be necessary for her to stay young.

Bp Hlpt

This timeline is tremendously useful indeed! Many, many kudos to Dark Storymaker! It's a shame that Dark Storymaker's timeline hasn't been updated since chapter 103. Assuming that the link above automatically gets updated whenever Dark Storymaker's timeline gets updated, I'm eagerly awaiting his updates to this absolutely great document!

Arthur Bridges

In two different chapters, Ailanthia is described as having light green skin.


Well done DS. Only 15 chapters to go..... LOL


Sir an amazing job , it's often hard to keep track of all the action & where it falls in the story line but this will be a great help to keep at least me from having any "senior moments" I hope , Many thanks for your hard work & good luck going forth .


Maybe someone could undertake a posting on "TSM Bodycount"? Go through chapters where battles & note number of each species knocked off, along with a running total for each species


just wow...that is a crazy amount of work


DS - this is amazing and useful. Thank you for all your effort.


DS, a suggestion: add in what we know about the original Progenitor from the Ashanath and Maliri records, as well as the information about John's mom and her history (which you may not have gotten to yet.) This would be new rows at the top of the timeline, a kind of prehistory before the story starts.

Big Dude

Excellent Work!! Thorough and Enlightening. Suggestion: For the Reddish orange Events, make them bold lettering to improve readability!


I had started on an Encyclopaedia of Characters, Races, Planets and Organisations but it's been at a stand still for a while since everything else has been hectic. If people would like I'm more than willing to put it up on google docs so that everyone can help pitch in.

Jedi Khan

Um, yeah...I can barely keep track of the number of bodies in an old Clint Eastwood movie or even the Die Hard movies. There is no way I could keep up with John's body count, let alone the body counts of everyone else in the story. lol

Jedi Khan

Good call on salvaging this post from the "avalanche of babes," Tef. This would have been lost so quickly given the penchant of some members of this community. >.>


JK. are you blaming me for the avalanche of babes and the occasional tiger?


wonderfull work thanks it will help me a lot


holy crap this is perfect.. i was literally thinking of doing this earlier this weke cause sometimes you want to go re-read a specific scene.. this is like a index/table of contents to help navigate your way around the TSM universe. now all that is needed is a wiki page for this

Dark Storymaker

Ooh. I like that idea! I might have to do it after I bring the document up to date, though. Thanks!

Dark Storymaker

A few of us are looking into if Patreon will be supporting donation-unlocked wikis in the future. If so, we might wait for that. If not, we have a placeholder already set up!

Dark Storymaker

Update: Finished to Chapter 67.


appreciate you hard work. Only 15 chapters to go (again)


This is some pretty elaborate stuff, thanks DS!


Great stuff getting to Ch 70. At this rate you will definitely be up to date by Ch 86. AND get your Tefler Hall of Fame Gold Star!

Dark Storymaker

Update: Finished to Chapter 70. Also note: More information at the beginning of the document about Mael'nerak and also about Jessica Blake

Dark Storymaker

Update: Finished to Chapter 71.


Your efforts are inspiring. Mine are paltry when compared.


Thanks on ch 74. At this rate you will catch Ziegler before ch 85

Dark Storymaker

Update: Finished to Chapter 73.


With Tefler having slowed his output, DS might get to ch 80 before ch 84 is released....

Dark Storymaker

Update: Complete to Chapter 75.

Dark Storymaker

Update: Complete to Chapter 76

Dark Storymaker

Update: Complete to Chapter 77.

Dark Storymaker

Update: Complete to Chapter 78

Dark Storymaker

Update: Complete to Chapter 79


Well done. You will definitely complete pre - Ch 85


Fantastic effort, well done. Just one thing I noticed reading through, in cell B589 the day counter jumps back from 138 to 128, so everything after is off by 10 days


One thing I saw: Chp. 59: "John makes Faye permission to be the backup Raptor pilot" Should be gives instead of makes, right? or delete 'permission to be'

Dark Storymaker

Holy crap! You're right! Thanks for catching that for me. I'll get that corrected right away.

Dark Storymaker

Update: Complete to Chapter 80.

Dark Storymaker

Update: Complete to Chapter 81

Dark Storymaker

Update: Complete to Chapter 82


Champion performance. Gave you due credit in latest ch 84 blog

Dark Storymaker

Update: Complete to Chapter 83. Document now complete, except for continuing updates. (I use Literotica as my reference material, to ensure I use the most solid edited version. Chapter 84 has not been released to Literotica yet.)


One other thing I noticed. Sylmae was Ceraden's eldest daughter, not mate. Had to check chp. 44 to be sure.


Also at the beginning, you refer to Valada as Valaden. :P


Thanks DS for all your efforts on our collective behalf. Tefler, how about rewarding DS by making a character named DS as Official Chronicler of John Blake's efforts.

Dark Storymaker

I changed my mind, and decided to go with the information on the stories posted here, after the "Final" tag is affixed. Complete to Chapter 84.

Dark Storymaker

Update: complete to chapter 85.

Master Laurent

Sakura's First Feeding Reference is not correct. is shows chapter 15 and I just looked and she was brought onboard chapter 60


Theirs an error at chapter 15, it says thats when John and Sakura first make love but she hasn't been introduced yet.


There isa mistake line 86 you Have Sakura, rather than Spark's I believe


Line 508 you have Sakura third feeding, should be second as Third feeding appears line.