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Wookey has been busy keeping track of the different upgrades I keep casually throwing into the story during the various refits. :-)

He also lists the various rifle and body armour upgrades that Dana has completed during the different chapters. 

I know I'll be using it as a useful reference document, so thanks for your hard work Wookey!




Dark Storymaker

Good stuff, Wookey! Love seeing it all in one place!

Master Laurent

Wookey Your Rock!! this is a great document


Glad you found a way to put some of the time between chapter releases to good use!


Thanks Guys, Am sure there mistakes. Please advise and will update. One of the troubles I have is where to draw the line between refits. Dana does sooo many upgrades that I have had to arbitrarily draw the lines somewhere. The parts in red are forthcoming changes, not yet implemented. As the work is merely a derivation of Tefler's, please feel free to upgrade, find a better format or even Wiki it (as per ML's suggestion). I renounce any pretence of copyright, other than to acknowledge Tefler as the original creator.

David Shmilowitz

Great document wookey. quick question though, under the first refit sections, I'm seeing upgrades from both the first ashanath upgrade, (FTL, grav tube elevator, etc) and the first maliri upgrade, (nova lances, beam lasers) along with some scattered ship upgrades like the trankaran engines. given the large amount of time and chapters over witch all these occurred maybe split the ashanath upgrade and the maliri upgrade into separate refits, especially since they took place at different shipyards.


I did that to fit in with a chapter Tefler broke upgrades into


Thank you Wookey, a truly outstanding document!


Outstanding work Wookey ,only one thing jumped out to me ,4) second refit , Officers mess till Sakura blew it up , Shinatobe did it ,don't want Sakura to feel guilty again .(just messing with you ) excellent work & thanks for the time & effort


Thanks that's handy


Hey Tefler, somewhat strange question for you, does it ever freak you out that something you created is so amazingly good that so many people follow it and create stuff like this great upgrade guide, or the seriously technicolour timeline guide?


Wookey, that's an amazing reference. Thank you.

PLRus--Founding member of the TSM F5 club.

There have actually been 4 refits. First was with the Ashanath....armor, ftl drive Second with the Trankarans...thrusters and engines Third was with the Maliri...laser weapons and Crystal Alyssium Fourth was with the Maliri...extending the ship, Gauss cannons, heavy cannons, upgraded ftl drives and power cores, 2 more engines, etc. Fifth (sixth and possibly seventh): updated explosive for shells, upgraded Progen shielding tiles, Brimorian energy shields, Worm Hole drive, more focused Nova Lances, Dual acting projectiles (first detonation to shatter shielding tiles and then second detonation to penetrate), Next gen torpedoes, Quantum flux cannons, Progen capacitors, Progen power couplings, Photon laser upgrades on Invictus, 2 purpose built destroyer gunships piloted by Faye that can fit into the large cargo bay. Valkyrie upgrades (to include a point defense system, power shielding, engines, control console, gyper reactive hydraulics, powered sword, and Gatling gun). While Nova Lances can fire every 30 seconds, Tefler has said they fire as a pair. So they can actually only fire once every minute.


Try that math again, believe the 30 second time was accounting for the paired shots together. Making for 2 double shots a minute. If this is incorrect then I will stand by corrected.


As previously admitted, I took my timelines from Tefler's posts of 10 April and 15 April "I sketched this out when I was planning the second Invictus refit at Genthalas." In 10 April posting attached word document had: - shipyard refit - Olympus - first weapons refit - Maliri (includes Trankarans and Asahanath updates) - second weapon refit - Maliri Very happy for someone to take what I have done and recast. Just trying to keep it consistent with Tefler's own stuff.


I must admit it does feel a bit surreal sometimes! That someone would dedicate some of their time to meticulously review my story for this level of detail is quite awe-inspiring (same with the timeline guide).


Wookey, great job with this. Noticed a couple of minor errors in the Raptor Guns section, under last column. Second line reads "Psrt 2, change all Bean fr" Just for you to fix whenever. Thanks for compiling this for us. :)


John and Sakura's swords were shaped 8 times


So is the consensus I redo table to reflect drydock visits or stick to Tefler's refit schedule,


More Blackadder for those that are slightly interested “If Baldrick served a meal at HQ he would be arrested for the biggest mass poisoning since Lucretia Borgia invited 500 friends for a Wine and Anthrax Party.” "I will return before you can say 'antidisestablishmentarianism'." “Worst idea since someone said ‘yeah let’s take this suspiciously large wooden horse into Troy, statues are all the rage this season’.” "I'm sorry I'm late." "No, don't bother apologising. I'm sorry you're alive." "Baldrick, you wouldn't recognise a subtle plan if it painted itself purple and danced naked on a harpsicord singing 'subtle plans are here again'." "A man may fight for many things. His country, his principles, his friends. The glistening tear on the cheek of a golden child. But personally, I'd mud-wrestle my own mother for a ton of cash, an amusing clock and a sack of French porn." "Baldrick, I want you to take this and go out and buy a turkey so large, you'd think its mother had been rogered by an omnibus. I'm going to have a party, and no one's invited but me!" "This place stinks like a pair of armoured trousers after the Hundred Years War. Baldrick, have you been eating dung again?" "I don't take kindly to insults." "Funny, with a face like yours, I'd have thought you'd be used to it by now." "I'm as poor as a church mouse, that's just had an enormous tax bill on the very day his wife ran off with another mouse, taking all the cheese." "I think I'll write my tombstone - 'Here lies Edmund Blackadder, and he's bloody annoyed'." Have a good weekend everyone.


OK JFL, might be a bit slower for next update. And it will have to be in A3 rather than A4