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*** Updated 24th June - FINAL version. ***


I've just finished Chapter 82 and have also edited the first half. I'm just waiting for edits on the second half, so there should only be a day or two to wait for the fully edited version.

As before, look out for the *** FINAL *** message at the top of this post when I update it with the final version.

I hope you enjoy it!




1... I got first comment... Woot woot... Something to read on the bus.


Dang, there goes my day.


Woot !!! National holliday in Croatia tomorrow. No worky worky so lots of time to pull a reading marathon over the night😅😅.


well i am no longer going to be productive today

Jim lynch



I'm not done working yet, today! Ah well...

Dark Storymaker

Question for Tefler or anyone who can remember. Didn't John swear to the Ashanath that he wouldn't be giving this tech to the Terran federation? I don't remember them renegotiating that deal after John saved their race from genocide. Anyone have a pointer for me? Thanks!


"while barely made a sound" -> "while barely making a sound" "sparkling metallic ran" -> "sparkling metallic rain" "was quiet obvious" -> "was quite obvious" "it was all relevant" -> "it was all irrelevant"


TEFLER.... Wow! This setup for the next chapter.... awesome. It's going to be yet another EPIC chapter, if I can just survive the wait. : ) Thank you for your excellent work!


Anyone else having trouble downloading? I'm on a Samsung S7 using the Patreon mobile app, and it fails to download every time I try.

Master Laurent

WOW, that was a great read!!!!! I will not give anything away other than it is better and worse than anticipated. All I can say is that I can not wait until chapter 83. !!!! Tefler, BRAVO!!!!!! This is going to go on for 100+ more chapters easily!!!!!


Wow... I made the last post, tried downloading again, and it worked. I guess 52nd try is the charm....lol Guess the app had to do something else before it would download, if anyone else is having issues.


At the beginning: "you might find it helpfully" should be "helpful" from the context. Also "The Asian girl straggled" should be straddled.


Another good chapter Tefler. I do enjoy seeing John interact with the navy. And of course he did promise another interview. Some actions I'm hesitant to see but the bombing of the event I'm sure will change course on some decisions that have been made.

Master Laurent

Tefler, I really like how you are handling Faye, it is really causing me a great deal of angst wondering all of the possibilities you have put on the horizon! Also hoping Dana's enthusiasm will be put to good use before the ceremony. The foreshadowing is epic with so many options. Thanks Again!!!!!


Faye going nutters due to Dissociative personalities is not gonna be sexy at all...


That'll teach me to write when it's this hot... my brain must've been melting! Thanks for letting me know. :-)


another masterfully written chapter.. the future you paint is interesting... to not give away any spoilers i will just say i am desperatly awaiting the next installemnt


I have a feeling that was just a line that John gave Charles as a reason not to trade the tech the first time around. I could be wrong though. :-)

Malthe Mørk Mejlby

I'm on page 40 of 58 (I've reduced line spacing and space after paragraphs) for two lines of dialogue you use asterisks (*) instead of quotation marks (")

Malthe Mørk Mejlby

John grinned at him in return. *Isn’t it just. I’ll see you in a few hours time, Charles.* *I’ll have the whiskey at the ready,* Charles said, before giving him a sharp salute and closing the comm channel


I hope you'll enjoy it. We've been leading up to this for 60+ chapters...


I'm glad you enjoyed it! Chapter 83 should be a fun one. :-)


Thanks Grimlakin, yeah the TF Navy chats are always entertaining to write. I particularly enjoying all the scheming etc.

Malthe Mørk Mejlby

Just finished the chapter... AARRRGGHH!!! The tension is killing me. Faye?!?! What are you doing?!?!! And Devereux and Edwin?! Is he evil becoming a bad guy?!?!? What is he afraid of? John gaining power? something happening at the ceremony?!?! AAARRRGGHHH!!!! MUST HAVE MORE STORY?!?!?! Sorry, I let my crazy get loose

Master Laurent

If things go like last time I just got my 4th ruined. I will be on pins and needles waiting for chapter 83. Thanks Tefler! *Soft Smile*

Master Laurent

OK, This is not really a spoiler because we all knew about the Trade with Charles so I have to wonder where will the "Dana Enhanced" heat syncs go From Smallest to Largest? And with the better power couplings and the better heat syncs I wonder how much more power Dana will be able to drive into the weapons!!!!!! New Drakkar technology weapons / shields Justice Laser Punisher Rifle / Pistol Pulse Cannons Gauss Cannons – (Not Sure if heat is an issue?) Heavy Cannons – (Again, not sure if heat is an issue) Photon Lasers Nova Lasers Quantum Flux Cannon


Better get prepared to update My table again.....LOL

Master Laurent

Looking @ Wookey - No rest for the wicked! Or those with OCD! *Soft Smile*

PLRus--Founding member of the TSM F5 club.

Okay. First, Holy Crap Batman! I have to reread this several times to keep up with all the information in this chapter! LOVED IT!!!!! Second: A few grammar suggestions? I hope you don't mind Tefler. destroyed it with a perfectly primed secondary explosion. Did you mean timed instead of primed? staircase while barely made a sound, Did you intend making instead of made? you might find it helpfully to talk about it.” I am sure your auto-correct changed this from helpfull “Thank you, Lieutenant,” John replied, smiling at the excited you man. ?young? “It’s nice to see you, Edraele,” Luna said with a warm smile. “Is there I can help you with?” Lol...your brain moving too fast for your typing....I know you meant is there anything I can help you with. Third: Spoiler Alert—read on at your own risk! I initially thought, with Faye's plans, that this was the perfect way to have Dana create a purpose driven ship of her own design for the family. However, after reading further I am thinking Tefler has another story arc planned. “Shaking his head, Edwin blurted out, “You don’t understand-“” coupled with this: “Faye Octonary nodded, a mournful expression on her cute purple face. “By stranding them on Terra, we’ll be able to buy ourselves some time. We’ll have a few weeks before the Maliri come to retrieve them, several months before they can build a replacement ship. We’ll be able to use that time to try and come up with a better way of protecting them.” Tells me that Faye's plans will throw the Admiralty's plans for taking over John's ship during the ceremony into a cocked hat. That Faye will redeem herself by successfully fighting off the attack threat to the Invictus and suddenly realize, with the bombing of the award's ceremony, that taking the Invictus would expose them to as much or more harm than being without it. She’d become a legend! The Admiral that heralded a new era of security and enabled a glorious new wave of conquest! No, the Fleet Admiral that ushered in a new golden age for humanity. This one statement caused me to consider something beyond the obvious of it being a good thing that Dana put a failsafe into the power cores...specifically, that my thoughts about Admiral Devereux being killed by a bomb during the ceremony...to the point her brain is basically not even there to reconstruct, was spot on. Athena will have her body. The only question will be if she stays with the Admiralty or joins the crew outright. I am thinking the Admiralty will be mostly killed off and Admiral Harris will be the only one Rachel can save. I am thinking Calara's father will then join the Admiralty...possibly in charge of the Olympus Shipyard as either Athena/Devereux or Charles Harris become the Fleet Admiral...giving Admiral Harris the ability to 'decide where those 'new' fleet assets are assigned'. I also see Faye's conundrum as confirmation that two small AI controlled gunships will be made to help Faye reconcile her needs to protect the family....INSIDE the Invictus...after she confesses to John how she just happened to be in orbit at the right time and place to thwart the Admiralty's attack.


A bunch of nice corrections there, thanks JFL! :-) I'll leave the plot speculations to everyone else!


After reading this chapter I realized how much I missed action in T-Fed space good thing we are back and lets stay here a few weeks :) P.S. If Faye goes with her plan that will be one hell of a twist ^^.


First of all, thanks for another great chapter. Most of the grammar/spelling issues that I noticed have already been addressed but there was one more for me. "She frowned as she realised she was prevaricating again." Did you mean procrastinating? That makes more sense unless you were trying to say that she was lying to herself. I'm not sure that Faye's plan actually makes any logical sense. Unless you weight Jade's death much more heavily than other injuries received (especially the likely fatal ones), it's hard to say that the crew was exposed to more danger or received more casualties aboard than off. Anyway, more to think about.


Nice catch on procrastinating, I had a mental block on that one. Faye's plan isn't about injuries sustained onboard the ship instead of outside it. If she swipes the Invictus, they'll be marooned on Terra. Unless the badguys come to them, they can't go racing around the galaxy getting into trouble. Remember that the Invictus is still twice as fast as every ship in this part of the galaxy (due to the Progenitor FTL drive). If they didn't have it, they would never have been able to even reach the Battle of Ashana in time (and subsequently get hurt trying to protect the Ashanath).

PLRus--Founding member of the TSM F5 club.

Yeah, I saw that as well. Each of Faye's electronic consciousnesses has developed independently...which would be expected given their individualized tasks. So instead of one Faye, there are actually 12 mostly ineipendent personas there...similar to the Ashanath High Council. Very interesting development there. Was that intentional on your part Tefler or did you just kind of stumble into that one? Needless to say, there are unlimited things you can do with that...including the sharing of or expanding on the cyborgs. A hiearchy of Cyborg/maintenance bot/maid bot perhaps....I see Arthur C. Clark influence here with the I robot series....definite hmmmmmmm material.


With the new heat sinks lazer pistols could be done and with the new feild for the punisher rifles, pistols will help save ammo if foe is shielded gauss cannons with that field could be against shielded ships


A potential flaw in Faye's plan: the Maliri twins are unlikely to travel to the award ceremony. A gifted hacker like Irillith might disable a rogue AI like Faye very quickly


Could someone point me to what chapter (and page) the admiralty's conspiracy people are discussing here come from? I can't remember reading anything about anyone planning to bomb the award ceremony, or try to capture the Invictus...


As a sceptic of the Faye plot point, I appreciate the way Tefler has handled it so far. There has been a certain amount of cliche (miscommunication, including failing to talk at key moments, rationality of AI leading to stupid behaviour, whereas there is no reason AI need to be rational), but I did like the idea of dividing Faye into avatars with different views, the relatively sensible nature of the temporary plan, and the hesitation of avatar 3. Faye was one of the most lovable members of the crew, and has now become unhinged. As a character, therefore (rather than as plot development), I don't like that she has become multiple personas, but I trust Tefler to make her lovable again.


Yeah, popping off and leaving them stranded was NOT in the list of possibilities that were imagined. Kinda wondering how Faye(s) plan on getting Irillith and Tashana off the Invictus so they can go hide for a bit... Even as fast as the Invictus is, it would take a long time to get out of comms range. Irlillith can hack in rather quickly I would think. That should be a rather epic battle... I guess Faye can disable the comms portal, but... We'll have to wait and see what Tefler has in mind...


Mikaboshi is the one that's going to attack the award ceremony. It is pure conjecture that Admirals Caldwell and Buckingham have something in mind as well. From this chapter, you can see that Caldwell doesn't want the ceremony to progress and he seemed to have some issues in the last one as well. Jumping from being wary of the seeming popular ascendance of a powerful alien, John, and the subsequent loss of one's own prestige to planning an attack on said alien in view of the entire TFed population seems a bit much for me.


Push comes to shove, they can just cut the hardlines coming out of her server. It's not like the bots can stand up to Irillith's electrokinesis and the knockout gas is only installed in the airlocks IIRC. Then John, Alyssa, and Irillith can spirit walk directly into the server and force a conversation.


Is Edwin Mikaboshi's T-Fed mole? Is it someone else? Stay tuned for another episode in 10 days....


Yeah, I saw several typos. Many have been mentioned. There were a couple that started as "speaking, but ended as thoughts*... I figured the regular editors will get them :D :P


Graphene can be used now to instantly transfer heat, and there is a paper wasp in Japan that makes biological electric/heat conversion blanket/covers for its lava. perhaps Dana can build a central supercharged heat to electricity converter in the ship.


Hey Tef, Really worried about this Faye business. Don't create that huge an internal conflict. This story is more action/adventure genre, not drama. Seriously second guessing your DPD diagnosis for the AI. Don't screw up the cute pixie we fell foe. Will be looking forward to how u resolve it. quickly if possible.


I almost hope Faye fixes it herself. She is conflicted as it is. Maybe she needs some John time in the cyber realm. I know this is your story but also a vote for a quick non earth shattering resolution... unless that what it takes to get Faye in the real world.


That's a bit of an overstatement about graphene. It's true that a monolayer of perfectly aligned crystals can conduct heat at a remarkable rate. It isn't instant and it has not been demonstrated to scale to the macro level needed for the ship. Even one atom out of alignment fucks the whole thing up. If everything we could show at the quantum level scaled to the macro level, physics would have been solved by now. And vice versa.


Awesome progression so far Tefler. I'm really enjoying the culmination of so many plot points :) As for all the speculation I want to put forward an alternative option for Athena that many may have forgot is possibly available. Back in one of the earliest chapters that Athena appeared in she discussed/mentioned an ability that highly advanced psychically beings had and that as the ability to create pocket dimensions in the spirit world. Now I don't think John is there yet myself but if the fear and pain of losing Athena allowed him to create a temporary one, say that lasts only a couple months, than it could buy them enough time for Tashana's abilities to kick in and for her to 'know' the location of a cloning facility.


however Athena is also a part of Alyssa so ripping her out might fracture them. but i guess Maliri hair bleach might do it


1. Faye the Original will overrule her avatars after a discussion with Irillith Other options: 2. Irillith shuts Faye(s) down before problem 3. Fayes have a fight between them 4. Faye locks them out then rides to their rescue 5. Faye(s) is shut down by Irillith after problem 6. John goes digital and solves problem. 7. Athena solves the problem (& goes digital herself) Any others? Suggest Tefler run a poll between now and Friday 30 June. then completes ignores our favourite choice.


Well shit guess the award ceremony is gonna get blown up


And I seriously hoped to read about the award ceremony in this chapter... but no, just more tensions guiding. Good job as always Tefler


Enjoyed well written


Another great chapter Tefler . Just worried for John & Girls. Looking forward to another trip in Trankaran Republic .


well written enjoyed it massivly

Jedi Khan

An excellent tension building chapter, Tef. Going to be interesting to see what happens with Faye, Devereux, the assassin, and the other admirals. I do want to point out something though, something that bugged me: there are several instances where you go from past tense to present in the same sentence, such as the line where Charles wraps his head around the fact that the Maliri have Nova Lances. I believe the exact line is thus: “Wait!” Charles gasped, looking shocked as he suddenly realising the full implications of this revelation. It should be: “Wait!” Charles gasped, looking shocked as he suddenly -realized- the full implications of this revelation. Of course, I used the American spelling of the word with a "z" instead of the British with an "s." As I said, there were several spots in the story where you did this shift in tense. Hopefully your editors or yourself can catch them.


Thanks for pointing that one out JK, I just fixed it. :-)


That's great to hear Hans, hopefully the next chapter should be exciting! :-)


Faye taking ship will slow them down a little but a lot all they do is go to Charles shipyard borrow a updated ship and fly to marlii space station while they doing that marlii will be building the basic frame then john and girls finish it with help so it be under a month before they have a new ship but that mean rota watching the sensors as they fly about and extra girls to man the guns unless they can setup another a.i. hmm i'm sure i missed something

Master Laurent

Spoiler alert- Do not read below if you have not already read the chapter. Okay I have a number of thoughts. Faye - I am having a hard time getting my head around her choice of actions. I understand that all the avatars have been analyzing many different options. That being said, How can the Nexus attack on Terra Not come into the equation? If John and the girls were on Terra they would’ve been killed by the Nexus. Also with Faye monitoring all the conversations that happen on the ship, She must be aware of the BSP and the concerns that John and the crew have about his plans. Again, another point of consideration in the compute stream. I can offer up several more examples, however I think I’ve made my point here. With all of the foreshadowing of the couple of avatars that are hesitant, I can see Tefler pulling one of his great plot twists. First, Something happens at the awards ceremony and demonstrates to Faye that the only truly safe place is on board the Invictus. Assuming that this will occur before she tries to leave. Second, The idiot Admirals try to ambush the Invictus which causes Faye To demonstrate why you never fuck with a woman in love! Again another teaching moment for Faye! Irillith Has demonstrated that she can connect to a ship remotely. For as powerful as Faye is, She is insignificant in comparison to the powers that Irillith could bring to the table with Alyssa Feeding her power. Once Irillith was on board the Invictus computers I doubt that Faye would do anything to harm her. Again more foreshadowing, With Alyssa working on repairing the Raptor and replating the Valkyrie, they may be back in working order by the time of the ceremony. In the event of an ambush and Faye alone on the ship I can see her using an avatar in each. Imagine their surprise when the Raptor opens up with its lasers and starts tearing holes through the battleships. In a way I hope the ambush on the Invictus or the ambush at the award ceremony happens before Faye has a chance to leave. Then this could be a big learning situation for Faye and John And the girls would never even have to know about this. After everything has calmed down Faye has her body I feel that she will come clean. Also hoping when they find the cloning facility they are able to give Faye a body like Jade. One of the other commenters made the point about Jade’s Crystal Heart and I can see that being what holds Faye’s AI intelligence. And for best results Athena would be a clone of Alyssa! Yay more twins! Subject change - Dana and the upgrades! I am really hoping that when Dana ran back to the ship with the knowledge of the heatsinks She put it to good use. With the robots upgrading the power couplings, And the new barrels have already been made for the photon lasers, I am hoping that they time an Olympus gave them the opportunity to upgrade at least some if not all of the photon lasers. I would like to see Charles catch a ride with John and the girls to the ceremony, To me it makes sense they’re both going to the same place. That would provide some more male bonding time. Plus if the attempted ambush happens on the way to the ceremony, Charles will get to witness firsthand the power that John has at his disposal! It would also provide an opportunity for Irillith to end it via a cyber attack with minimal loss of life. Also, I find it hard to believe with all of John’s fans in the military there would not be some form of mutiny amongst the lower ranks. Enough for now, And I’m going to be traveling for the next three days with limited access.

Master Laurent

Sorry if some of this was redundant, I just read through all the comments and I know some people have brought up similar remarks. And I'm glad one of the other commenters brought up the point that shields are no ineffective given the technology that they have obtained from the Drakkar Progen upgraded weapons. Cannot wait to see if Dana is able to come up with a way to utilize this with the singularity driver. I have to go and do battle in the real world, have a blessed day!


No don't do it Faye you're too cute!


Well this chapter has thrown some cats among the pigeons, upset apple carts, tweaked a few noses, and upset a few pundits. So on that note Tefler much kudos. However, I do need Chapter 83 please. and that would be NOW if possible


Please dont... i mean, if she did do any calculations she would easily find out what a collosally bad idea it would be to strand them on terra....


Another good chapter Tefler! I'm really enjoying seeing John building his galactic alliance. Is Nasarine in Maliri space? What species make up its population? I can see Edraele's invasion causing a diplomatic row. Looking forward to seeing the new Grey/Drakkar alliance too, they can be monsters for the good guys now. Part of Alyssa's new trade network can be supplying tons of meat to Ashana. I'm definitely in the camp that thinks Faye will rescue them from the ceremony, and realize that they are safest together on the Invictus. Hopefully she gets an organic body out of the deal too.


"the Drakkar make excellent marines...” John finds yet another piece on the floor, "Hmm, where to put this one now"

CJ Mora

Nice chapter! Lots of setup, I'm already dying for the next one! Bummer about Faye losing it like that....I wonder if that's what Nexus meant by 'Unity', that he was separated from some of his personalities. One possible outcome of an attack on the award ceremony...what if all the other admirals are killed except for John and they make him the Fleet Admiral? Or, what if all the senior admirals besides Caldwell are offed, and he starts a campaign against John that results in a civil war? That would play into the hands of the evil Progenitor quite nicely!


Let's say things turn sideways for the crew. Fae steals the ship. Tricks the sisters to disembarking. They go to the ceremony and are ambushed. We don't get it but Jon is separated and captured by the head assassin. He is locked up thought harmless. Instead of breaking out John decides now might be the best time to break in. He tells the girls to stay back let's Alyssa know his plans and proceeds to unlock PJ. Through the internal struggle. PJ of. Course fights the assassin and kills a bunch of would be assassins. John wrests control. Finally defeating PJ. Is fully aware now and psychically builds his damn ship from his own mind drawing on the girls. He keeps it small enough to park in the Invictus but it is several times more potent of course. Then they go after fae only to find her in a dark corner of space in a fight with herself.


The describtion "Its gleaming golden spires shone brightly in those early morning rays, the lofty towers reaching towards the heavens" indicate that Nasarine is in Maliri space.


Spotted this, John leaned up and glanced to his right over Tashana’s shoulder, seeing the real smile on the blonde teenager’s face matching the one that had just flashed through his mind. *Sorry for waking you up, beautiful. I’ll try and be more thoughtless tomorrow morning.” Starts off as telepathic and ends as normal speech, I think it should be telepathic.

PLRus--Founding member of the TSM F5 club.

Concerning the Shinto Gods and their powers: John, when speaking to the gift(s) he gave Sakura, mentions there was more than just Ice. I am thinking it also the gift of fire from the Sun Goddess Amaterasu and Lightning which was forged by ISHI NO KORE. The fire makes for a good Yen and Yang combination with the ice and the lightening makes for a great weapon against tech based weaponry.

PLRus--Founding member of the TSM F5 club.

OHMYGOSH! I just thought of something. It has been bugging me that Mael taught the Ashanath how to make an Astral Plane...it was mentioned last chapter. I think I know why! Mael was looking for Astral Plane warriors to help him clear out the Astral Plane demons!!!!!!!!!!!


I just thought, well Mikaboshi named her after a wind goddess. So John will have given her ice and wind control.


I was thinking the Ashenath were meant to be a command and control network over great distances. I can easily see them being integrated into the Maliri crews heading their way.


Is there a single reader that thinks "stranded on Terra" is a good idea?


I think this chapter reveals that John needs to integrate the Ashanath, Miliri, Drakkar, Terrans, and possibly Brimorians across his forces. The Ashanath as the communications network, Drakkar as shock Marines, Terran and Miliri for fire support, and support troops (mopping up) and fleet crew, and Brimorians for shielding and engineering support (possible heavy weapon support?). If John can achieve this then BSP can be defeated.


I don't see how Faye can believe that abandoning the crew on terra with only the weapons they bring to an award ceremony could ever be reconciled. They could never trust her again. Hopefully she realizes this before she acts. Or John could see her conflicted and confront her before the ceremony, he has already noticed her brooding and asked her about it. I just can't see Faye ever returning to the crew after leaving them vulnerable, John would be derelict if he allowed it.


I've received the rest of my editors feedback and I'll go through that tomorrow morning and finish off chapter 82. I've made a good start on chapter 83 today and I'm up to 7k words so far. :-)


Sounds great, Tefler. I can actually speak for everyone else when I say that we're all eagerly looking forward to it!


I was more than a little critical in an earlier comment I posted on this chapter. While I still do not understand Faye's reasoning behind her actions. I certainly understand her motives. I would like to take a moment and apologies for my negativity. If Tefler has shown us anything by now at this point in the story it is that very little is as it appears at first glance. I will set aside doubt and criticism and put faith in Tefler that he has a plan. To continue this masterpiece story that he has developed. Tefler has not let us or his characters down yet.

Jedi Khan

True, John has noticed her being down, but I doubt he's going to force the issue. It's just not his style. At no point in the past has he ever forced one of his girls to talk about something they weren't ready to talk about. He's always waited for them. He'll do the same for Faye, and that seems like it'll be a mistake, unless Faye Tertiary breaks rank and talks to him first.


Kintark too, they got quite the opposition ( civil war ? ) against their Emperor.


Time for my two cents worth for what I think will happen in the next couple of chapters. 1: The Dragon March based communications units will have picked up on a series of encrypted messages and upon decryption of said messages it flies up the ranks until it reaches Admiral Caldwell, who on seeing the messages desperately contacts Devereux to warn her of the impending danger. Danger which she promptly ignores being caught up in her own thoughts of grandeur. Then when the awards ceremony is part way through its completion, the attack commences. The perpetrator behind it all is Mikaboshi with assistance from ex-Commader Rupert Grant. Admiral Devereux is killed in the initial attack while casualties are strewn across the room. When Mikaboshi appears and goes after John, John fights back with the assistance of Sakura. Dana and Irillith scan the room and debris to acertain the cause and epicentre of the attack (basically they CSI the business out of the awards ceremony). Jade, Alyssa and Rachel set up and run a triage ward in a nearby room to treat those injured in the attack. Calara and Tashana work with Charles to coordinate the Terran Federation forces present in sweeping the surrounding area to make sure that their are no traps or other insurgents present. Calara and Tashana nearly finish their sweep when they happen across ex-Commander Rupert Grant who attempts to attack the two supposedly armed ladies only to be eviscerated by a hail of fire from the heavy pistols the ladies had concealed. 2: Faye Tertiary cheers up and teams up with Faye Primary and they make their way around to the other avatars and convince that while the Invictus is linked to all their problems (injuries, etc) it has also been a solution for so many others (Dragon March POWs, Pirate hostages, ending the Tranakaran civil war, saving the Ashanath). This will ultimately to showdown between Faye Primary and Faye Tertiary with their allied avatars and Faye Octonary, Faye Nonary and Faye Denary with their allied avatars. It will then boil down to such a point that two side will consolidate into separate avatars being Faye Primary and Faye Secondary the two avatars with opposite views will then agree that each has a valid point and for the time being the best course of action will be to assist the crew of the Invictus as much as possible. Part of this will include helping Rachel splice together a desirable DNA sequence from that of Terrans (for the base template), the Drakkar (for their dual cardio-vascular system and their muscular strength), the Trankarans (for their more resilient skin) and the Ashanath and Maliri for purely cosmetic reasons (The Ashanath for their larger than normal eyes and the Maliri for the ears and their tinted skin with hers being lavender in place of the usual Maliri Blue). Working with John, Calara, Sakura and Tashana on her hand to hand combat as well as weapon handling skills. Dana with any ongoing projects that she might need a hand with. Irillith with coming and going into and out of the cyber realm and any fun little tips and tricks that could be used. Alyssa with becoming part of the crew since she has only part of the ship until that point (Pirates of The Caribbean reference).


It's pretty weird, going form bingereading ~80 chapters in a week or so to waiting patiently for 1 chapter every ten days. That gets worse when you realise that plot archs take longer than one chapter to complete. A story arch is like building a bridge from how things are to how things will be, and right now we are suspended on a halfbuilt bridge. hope that analogy made sense :P


The tech swap that was done for the improved heatsinks, the trankaran engines were among them but the force negation device was not explicitly mentioned, think tefler is trying to turn the TFeds into paste. Also, out of all the tech they have been gifted, bought or requisitioned, am I correct in thinking that only the Trankaran engines have not been massively improved by Dana (yet) - because unless there are some improvements in the near future, the invictus will loose it's speed advantage should it ever be needed against the TFed & others they have given the tech to.


John only gave the other races the basic Trankaran engines 2x speed, so the Inertia Negation device was unnecessary. The Invictus is equipped with the state-of-the-art version which is 4x speed.


Hi Tefler just wondering when the final version of 82 will be available


Thats going to be a while. One week atleast Edit: Ah, my bad. I misread it and thought you were asking about Ch 83

PLRus--Founding member of the TSM F5 club.

I see the Faye issue being a small diversion just like the Shinatobe attack. Takeing at most, an hour to work out. I am thinking the bombing and/or multi assassin attack at the award's ceremony will show Faye the error of her logic.


I've uploaded the final version to the post. To everyone who was waiting for the finished version, I hope you enjoy it! :-)


A few minor lines here and there but nothing significant. :-)


(John said, nodding thoughtfully as she considered her idea. He paused for a moment then added) Shouldn't that be ( thoughtfully as he considered her idea.) ?


Page 79 ? Edraele talks to luna "speak then think-talk ends*


Edwin may not be fearful of john the most he may think the awards would be a good place a trap for TF bosses get all or most in one go ?


Sakura nodded, then asked curiously.*Why did the ice form into hexagons? I wasn’t telling it to do that.* *Our abilities all come from John. His species seem to be obsessed with that shape, but I’ve no idea why – perhaps it’s something to do with the way their minds work?* Interestingly, the Kirrix are also obsessed with hexagons. Originally I had thought that the prevalence of hexagons in this story was a reflection of Tefler having watched too much anime. After all, regular hexagons tessellate in a plane, not a curved surface (just look at a soccer ball) like a hemispherical shield. Now that the characters, themselves, are pointing out how weird it is, we have to wonder what it means. Why hexagons? Why do the Kirrix fall back on that shape as well? Is this evidence that the Kirrix were shaped by a Progenitor? Is there a fundamental truth that has been independently discovered by both the Kirrix and the race that created the Progenitors? Does Tef just like the number 6? Inquiring minds want to know.


Tefler, dropped word here: Memories of the fierce women sparring each other in close-fought battles immediately sprang to mind, as did the image of their nubile, athletic bodies clad in figure-hugging training gear. -should be- Memories of the fierce women sparring with each other in close-fought battles immediately sprang to mind, as did the image of their nubile, athletic bodies clad in figure-hugging training gear.


Agreed. Nothing in what we've seen indicates that Caldwell is worried about John or his growing fame. Edwin even seems to like John. However, gathering all of the Terran leadership in one place is an irresistible target. That is something that any officer with any sense would try to avoid. Isn't there a TV show called Designated Survivor based on this sort of incident? [honestly not sure, I don't have cable] We know that Mikaboshi has plans for the ceremony but the Admiralty knows that Norwood is still out there and wants to kill them all. They've got legit reasons for wanting to lower the profile of this event.


Why would they need to splice together a new race? You basically just set them back to the status quo.


Tefler, sorry about the late correction. "That sound very sensible" - 'sound' -> 'sounds' -- No? Amusing in context, as it's being said to a telepath who doesn't speak... If I find others, I'll pass them along when I get a chance to do a proper second read through. Unfortunately, I'm swamped for the next 36 hours or so.


Ah great, I've just fixed that in my master document. :-)


Is Jehanna Elani (the attractive dusky hued reporter from Terran Federation Network News) going to be at the awards ceremony? Will she be injured if there is an attack? Will her body become available? Would she make a better option for Athena than a Terran Admiral?

Jedi Khan

Ha. Just had a funny thought, Tefler. Even though you've got your official editors doing their thing, you've also got us pitching in too, and we're paying you for it!


So Tef, have you laid the keel on Chapter 83 yet?


Was there anything in the final version changed that demands a reread right now, or was it just good polishing of the good silver?


Tefler said in comment 3 or 4 days ago that he had 7k done on 83, it getting about when he starts give us status updates.


So John and Alyssa are telekinetic, right? Maybe Faye taking the ship let's them learn they are also able to teleport? And maybe them learning to teleport means Dana no longer has to worry about a wormhole generator...just a thought!


Then why does the BSP's ship need a wormhole generator? He's had thousands of years to practice the things they're just now figuring out.


Short answer, no. Pretty much just cleaned up the things that we and, presumably, the editors had pointed out. No significant changes.


I'm certain she'll be there. She's John's favorite reporter, after all. That being said, John just said that Athena isn't going to get a body donor. Any body that could be used for that is a person that Rachel can just heal. Tefler would have to tie himself in knots to make it morally justifiable to John after his reaction when Rachel proposed such a thing.


Tef, **DAGNABBIT!! The comments in the next few posts are for Chapter *83* and I errantly posted them to this chapter 82 comments thread. Wish I could move them appropriately, but...alas. ** Page 1... dropped word "“You have the voice of an angel, honey. That lament was one of the saddest things I’ve ever heard.” He smiled at her and added, “Maybe sing something a little more upbeat tomorrow? Unless you want to see me start every day in [a] floods of tears!”" One could also argue for "...every day with a flood of tears.", but that may be more of an Americanistic turn of phrase (it's a bit hard for me to see all the linguistic "separated by a common language" dividing lines from this western side of the pond).


On a different point, related to the very next section from what I pointed out above, I don't recall where/when in the actual story, John promised to make Faye a body of her own - especially as a priority item (as opposed to an "eventually" sort of thing). I may be confusing/conflating the various commentators and talk in this forum (and others) outside the story with in-story words, promises and actions here, but I'm looking back and not coming up with the exact place in the story where John did this as a specific point in the story - especially when in the company of the girls in discussing how this can be done, and when. I recall explicitly the discussions concerning a body for Aurora *as an urgent priority*, but not so for Faye, specifically.


Also, "Smiling at her, John replied, “I expect you’ll react the way you normally do when I’m helping you grown stronger, but...” s/b "grow stronger"


Think you mean Athena & she's in imminent danger of being absorbed by Alyssa's personality so a little more urgent than Faye right now .


Yes, of course I meant Athena...(where the heck did Aurora come from?)