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Hey everyone,

Here's the first part of Chapter 169.

As I mentioned in the previous update, I decided to reorganise the battle and change the sequence of scenes so that it flowed better. As this is such an important chapter, I wanted the battle to feel suitably epic.

I'll work through the rest of the scenes, editing them so they all make sense with the new version, then paste them onto the end of this chapter.

I'm sorry that I wasn't able to completely finish it before the end of the month. I've been suffering some nasty health complications recently, all related to the ongoing gallstone saga.

Best wishes,



Walter Henderson

Hope interim posting occur on at least a weekly basis


-- Hey Tef, you got any hints to share as to when a completed chapter #169 might present itself? ... Thank you for your work, and I really hope that those pesky gallstones give you a break, ... ;-) ttfn


Personally, I’m hoping he’ll upload each work as he finishes it. However, he might continue holding everything until the end of the month. That seems to be his practice. I know I’d prefer something every two weeks until he catches up.

Dominic Walker

So there’s a week left in the month… and we’re still 5-1/2+ chapters behind… How long will it take to get caught up? Will that ever happen at this point? And what happens if Tefler keeps posting placeholders? Can Patreon shut this account down for mismanagement or fraud? God forbid! I love the story and want it to keep going. I just hope Tefler doesn’t ruin his Patreon account by not delivering what’s promised.

Duncan Smith

aye up Tefler any movement or is every one froze in a stasis field, hope your health issues are getting resolved