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Hey everyone,

I know there's a lot of well-justified resentment towards placeholders. Unfortunately I need to keep the lights on to be able to continue writing.

I really am sorry for charging in advance. I'll do my best to make a big inroad to the backlog in June. I have already sketched out the scenes for the future chapters, it's just been a case of being well enough to write them.

Best wishes,



Dominic Walker

Just a thought… bring in more guest writers to explore tangents … get more feedback from us… have contests with artwork and theme submissions. But most of all, just do the work! Your writing, with the exception of recent posts has been phenomenal. PLEASE, buckle down, get back to Tefler story mode and deliver the full version of your drafts. You’ve developed phenomenally as a writer. If you simply keep your word, I’m sure you’ll find your patronage return to the levels deserving of this amazing saga.

Unresolved Plots

Cignal, who maintains the fantastic TSM timeline excel spreadsheet on Discord made a excellent point there a few days ago. Since John absorbed his guide in Ch.136 only 9 days have passed in the story...9!! Of those 9 days, the first 2 days afterwards the crew had some much needed downtime to recover from all of the events which had recently happened. So John in reality has had 1 week to train with his abilities unrestricted. A brief synopsis of the major things that have happened in the story from then to current events. They have rediscovered Kythshara, travelled to and back from the Larathyran empire , convinced the Maliri males to reintegrate into Maliri society and fought a guerilla war alone against a Progenitor invasion force which is at least 30x stronger than their own forces (probably more like 100x+)! During these events, John has spent hour upon hour shaping for repairs and new tech and in between these bouts of shaping, commanding the Invictus in fleet battles, to the point that the force attacking Kythshara now is only about 10% of the original Galkiran strength that began the invasion. With all this going on, John has found a little time to train and was still only a fraction of a second from killing Gahl'kalgor, who just about managed to raise a shield in time. From what I am reading, John is performing much better with just Sakura (and now Alyssa) against Gahl than he and his entire group of Wards did at the same time against Larn. So to those who are disappointed in John and his performance I am astonished and wondering what you think he could have done better to this point in the last week of the story?


I agree with everything you've said and while I didn't know it's only been 9 days, I was aware it hadn't been long. I've just checked and as a reader 136 was nearly 4 years ago (HOLY F*** IT'S BEEN 4 YEARS!), I think it understandable people have lost perspective.