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Hey everyone,

As I explained in the previous post, I was out of action for a few weeks last month due to sickness. All the scenes are already sketched out for the next couple of chapters, I just need to be well enough to write them.

I've fully recovered now, so I'm going to blitz through as much as possible. Fingers crossed that I stay healthy for all of May.

Best wishes,




I do wonder how many other Patreons also set the monthly limit to just one chapter's worth until there isn't a backlog. 🤷 Feels like the more productive option instead of complaining so multiple ones in a month don't impact you.


Another.... Again 4and quarter advance place holder.... How can we rely on you bro when you can't keep your own words of completing previous backlogs.

Jim Owens

Glad you are doing better. Can't wait to see what happens next

Sushant Bhartiya

Praying for your good health. Why don’t you try to come India and get everything done at a fraction of cost/ headache/ delay in UK? UK free health is nothing but a sham where who knows when you get your number for anything major!

Benito Cuevas

I just remember that I am a patron of this writer. A patron is a person who sponsors or aids artists, a protector or a benefactor. I do what I can to support the writer in his craft. I want the writer to keep producing works for my enjoyment. The writer is not a machine. He has needs. He needs his health. He needs to rest. He needs to eat, pay his bills, and support his own family so I need to support him as best I can.


All good, please get healthy my friend.

Malcolm Rickarby

We pay a pittance for early access and we get early access. The quality remains high and with great characters and level of adventure. The build up to the return of Faye as an immortal organic is awesome. I will follow regardless of hiccups along the way.🧚🏾‍♀️

GDay (FMS)

We are here to support you with your creative efforts, and I really appreciate the quality work that you produce.


-- Thank you for communicating with us, and stay healthy please, ... ;-) ttfn


And he’s back.


Looking forward to 168's completion, and 169 and 170 done by mid-May, at least. Thanks for letting us know what's up.


Exactly and tef will not fully recover if he presses himself by doing double placeholders


Ive been around for 8yrs now, i stopped to care if you’re charging ahead. Not knowing how this story ends would break me :D so im happy to pay a small contribution to your creative flow :D


Yes I'm a patron and I'm happy to support. I do dislike the "after the fact communication" tendency. It sucks to not be in good health and I wish you a speedy and full recovery. I do ask for MUCH earlier status updates. You've known to be indisposed for a long time, not having a realistic option of completing chapters. Communicate it! I've been in for this ride for close to a decade, and I'm not about to jump off.


Three Square Meals Ch. 170 (Placeholder)1 Apr Hey everyone, This is the second and final placeholder I ever want to do. As you know, I've basically been off work for the last 6+ months, dealing with a long-term illness and various other issues. I've got back into writing full swing now though, so I'm hoping to get the next several chapters finished very quickly. Most of the scenes for 168 + 169 are already sketched out in a rough draft, and I know exactly where the story's going after that. Anyway, thank you for your continued support. Tefler


Aged like milk. And here I am back to downgrading my membership.


Tef is - more often than not - good for one chapter per month when he's not incommunicado. So if you pay a dollar per month, you'll average losing less than a dollar per month to placeholders, and you'll still get every legitimate chapter. With that said: Settings / Memberships / View Details (for Tefler) / Edit / click "Set a monthly limit" and [1] time per month. You're welcome.

PLRus--Founding member of the TSM F5 club.

So little compassion in the world these days. Those who do not have it here seem to not understand the nature of gall bladder issues and how the horrendous Brit healthcare system (doesn't) work and its subsequent rationing of care. There are no free lunches and you get what you pay for (or don't pay for in this case).

Big Dude

Tefler, your writing is on par with many golden globes and academy award recipients. You anchor us to our spot. But, the major complaint here is you go dark and then your after the fact explanations for the darkness cause many to scratch their heads. Did you mention your illness on Discord? If you would check in and alert us to your condition(s), you'd have more stable income and less fee downgrades. Alerting us to your illness would have tempered many minds to your plight and leveled expectations. Now, I can see why certain comments are valid to more people. I too, am disappointed in your deliverables. I hope in the future you choose to temper our expectations with during the month check-ins. For example: Hello chaps, 3rd of the way done on chapter x, planning on a (date) review by my editors, and publishing date of y. People will applaud you and real story comments will abound.

PLRus--Founding member of the TSM F5 club.

It's free healthcare! (Not really--check out their tax rates and tell me that again with a straight face.) It has good doctors (when their pay is regulated you really think the best of the best will choose that profession?) You get the care you need (which is why Tefler has needed a gall bladder removal for over a year now...and this isn't the only situation like this I have heard from Brit friends).


How much it will cost in a premium institution in your country. Along with lodging and others etc in British pounds.


Such a bootlicker mentality…. He has been given plenty of compassion already and used up his allotted amount

Rev. Thwack

"This is the second and final placeholder I ever want to do." --Tefler, Apr 2024 Great job, my man.... After a completely disastrous 2023, where you manage to burn almost all goodwill out of your community, you start 2024 with promise and quickly move to utterly crush what goodwill does remain. You had gotten so close to actually delivering everything you've promised and have been paid for. It's pretty amazing just how quickly you've gone back to the placeholder habit as well, with all four of them coming in back to back months, and no finish chapters delivered between them. Tefler, for your own sake, just stop this. Your growing sense of entitlement, thinking you should be paid for things you haven't done, belittles every one of your supporters who has to work hard for every single dollar they earn. Those of us with jobs get paid for the work we do, not the promises and excuses we invent instead. 2024 so far: - 4.5 chapters posted - 4 placeholders "I won't be pre-charging chapters any more, so you don't need to worry about any Patreon charges until I've caught up on the chapters I owe you." --Tefler, Aug 2023

Sushant Bhartiya

https://www.narayanahealth.org/ Please communicate with them. They are one of the most premier ones and while it’s pretty less - only they can tell you based upon the nature of disease.

Rev. Thwack

Yet a writer should also be open and communicative with those who support him in his craft. A writer should be honest and hold to the word they give to their supporters. A writer shouldn't hold to the agreement they made to their supporters, not a sense of entitlement to change and modify it unilaterally, whenever they desire.


It is not really fair to call it early access anymore as he has LONG since stopped posting it elsewhere. I Think SOL is back on Ch 145? and that was last posted a year ago this month. He does not get paid to post on anywhere else but here, where nearly everyone gets their fix from. I have not ordered anything from AMAZON about this story as I pay for the story here, just like I don't buy CD music and then pay for the digital version. I should have gone with the Star Wars trilogies with all the different versions and needing to pay for the same thing just with boosted color or an extra 12 seconds added. This site has EVERYTHING needed to keep people updated, all these "post on Discord" messages are laughable, no one needs to post on discord to reach their customers, posting here is the fastest and easiest way to reach them all. Discord is fine for people who want to discuss things about the story, but in no way should be the way to inform your customers what is happening with the funds you are paying. I reduced my contribution to the lowest amount to get the chapters when they came out as honestly, I have not seen ANYTHING of the specials you get with the higher tiers. A lot of promises, but nothing really ever came through for ages. I will increase my level of support when the support we receive is back to what it was when I joined. Stories on time for the most part and NO MORE charges for the future.


Seriously, no one is forcing anyone to be a Patron. If you're upset with the placeholders, then leave. Quite subscribing. It's that easy. We don't want you


No one is asking you to open your big ass mouth.

Big Dude

Yes. I have a close friend who just had his removed within two days from diagnosis until removal. People complain about American healthcare 🐛 but don't realize the upside. Fast reaction times.

John Doe

No worries and as long as you keep writing we will support you.


We are not upset with the placeholders or with the speed of the new chapters. We are upset with the communication and the broken promises. Which btw. No one forced tefler to make in the first place.


Tefler you don’t even have to give dates. Just a short update in case your life goes sideways and we have to wait longer.


We tried this, some of theese people has made this their life focus and identity. Please just block them I have 10-12 people blocked and I see 99% encouragement It is a VERY small VERY vocal minority who has nothing better to do.


I was so pleased that we were going to be done with placeholders which in my humble opinion is an exploitive abuse of Patreon systems and a form of minor theft. Simply because you found a way to push the 'magic' button when things are bad to give you a free 'advance' void of common risks like interest rates etc. There are so many polite ways you can 'ask' for $ instead of just taking when you want/need. I would really like this practice to stop soon please. I make no request or complaint regarding speed or quantity of posts. Times are bad for a lot of people... many are sick, have been laid off or worse and none of them have magic advance pay buttons.

Unresolved Plots

Thanks for the chapter update Tefler. I found it very well paced and am looking forward to the conclusion of the war and what happens in the aftermath. Glad you are feeling better.


I don't understand the comments about the horrible NHS system. My wife went into A&E on Christmas Day 2023 with acute pancreatitis due to gallstones. Yes it took several hours before all tests were done and she got a hospital bed, but her operation for the gall bladder removal was done on the 28th. It was planned even for the 27th, but there were some emergencies and it had to be postponed. That is three days from first seeing a doctor to finished operation.


I honestly laughed out loud when I got the notification. Summary of the last 2.5 years: I have a big favour to ask … I'd like to create a second paid post at the end of this month, then finish chapter 143 and 144 for you in October.  Please let me know your thoughts. - September 2021 After lengthy consideration, I've decided to charge for this month's release, simply because of the sheer effort it took to complete. I'm conscious of the fact that I still owe you the next chapter ... I should be able to get through the next few chapters at a much faster pace now - October 2021 I hate to have to do this again, but I'm going to forward charge chapter 146 … This will be the last time that I do this, and I sincerely apologise if it causes offence. - November 2021 I really hate having to ask this again, but would you guys mind me billing for chapter 149 at the end of this month instead of February … Anyway, sincere apologies again. I absolutely would not propose doing this if it wasn't a real emergency, but I promise you will get the completed chapters in February - January 2022 This is a placeholder for chapter 149. I'll wrap this up as quickly as I can in February - Jan 2022 … which I'll charge for to get paid this month - feb 2022 To avoid publishing only 1 chapter in April and 3 in May, I'll charge for this chapter now - April 2022 It seems my early optimism for May tempted fate. - May 2022 I hope you guys don't mind if I charge for this one in advance … it should be much more manageable in June - may 2022 I'll post a preview for chapter 155 to spread out the billing more evenly between this month and the next - July 2022 I'll post this placeholder post here to spread out the monthly payments - August 2022 I'm really sorry for the advanced billing, but I promise I will get everything all caught up this month. - August 2022 I'll be able to catch up now that the prep work is done for the Galkiran fights, so I'll charge for this chapter in September and wrap up the Progenitor invasion in October. - September 2022 I'll do my best to get caught up this month, so there won't be any more back-dated posts. - November 2022 I will do my best to catch up with extra chapters this month - November 2022 I ask you to bear with me in January to finally get caught up. - December 2022 I'll aim to finish this second chapter by the third week of January - January 2023 I should be able to do some solid writing in April. I'm sick and tired of being behind on the releases, so I want to get caught up as quickly as possible. - March 2023 Apologies for the placeholder … The next couple of chapters are all planned out, it's just a matter of writing them. Which I'll do my best to finish this month. - April 2023 Apologies again for the second placeholder this month … I should have several clear weeks to wrap up the outstanding storylines. Everything's all planned out … - April 2023 I should finally be able to catch up on these chapters I owe you. - June 2023 this will finally be "Catch up August" … I promise I will keep striving to catch up on the chapters I owe you … - July 2023 I won't be pre-charging chapters any more, so you don't need to worry about any Patreon charges until I've caught up on the chapters I owe you. - August 2023 I hate to have to charge in advance … I'm hoping we'll be fully caught up in April … Anyway apologies for the placeholder - march 2024 This is the second and final placeholder I ever want to do - April 1 2024 I was really hoping to get caught up last month … Apologies for the placeholder, but I'll keep plugging away at the chapters until I'm up to date. Lmao


I'm not upset with the placeholders for 2 reasons. I cancel my membership until I see a new chapter has really dropped and when I do subscribe I make sure it is set to only 1 payment per month. So I will cancel my current membership a couple days before the end of the month. I didn't pay for a placeholder this month because I didn't have a membership. So I'm only upset a full chapter wasn't dropped. I won't purchase until he drops the full chapter of 168


This is probably the most strategic workaround for blocking the exploitable Patreon billing and I have to give props to Bill for sharing his solution. I kindly ask that the placeholder behavior stops as it just shouldn't be necessary to go through this kind of effort to return to 'billing for content' as the sales model.


Converted to a survival Journal: September 2021 I have a big favour to ask of myself… I’ve decided to explore the eastern shore by the end of this month, then navigate through the dense forest in October. Will I make it? October 2021 After lengthy contemplation, I rationed more today—purely due to the effort it took to gather food. I’m aware of my promise to map the southern ridge… I should move quicker now that the rains have lessened. November 2021 I regret to mark another day with scant progress. I will ration my food more strictly… This is the last time I delay; I apologize to my future self for these hardships. January 2022 Again, I must delay my journey north until the end of this month instead of starting today… My apologies, but it’s a real emergency with the approaching storm. I promise, the detailed mapping will be done. February 2022 Today, a placeholder for the north journey. I will accomplish it soon. Charging myself with the task of setting more traps this month to ensure survival. April 2022 To avoid exploring only the western edge in April and not addressing the rocky cliffs in May, I will commit to this task now. May 2022 My early optimism for May was misplaced. The cliffs are steeper than anticipated. July 2022 to August 2023 These months are filled with placeholders in my journal—marking attempts to fish, gather, explore, and build. Each entry, a promise to do more the next day. March 2024 I hate to admit this, but I'm setting up another placeholder... Hoping that by next April, I will have fully explored the island. Apologies to myself for these repeated delays. April 1, 2024 This is the second and final placeholder I intend to make. I had hoped to be fully self-sustaining by now… Apologies for yet another delay, but I continue to strive for a full mapping and understanding of this island. Conclusion Today, I write not to delay but to reflect. The placeholders in this journal are many, each a symbol of unmet goals and the stark reality of survival. Yet, they are also markers of hope, of plans laid and perhaps one day completed. This island, my unintended home, continues to teach me about resilience and the human spirit.

Ray Priebe

How do you quit this thing? This is a graft at this point.. paid for 172 and still haven't seen 167.

Unresolved Plots

Tefler posted 3/4 of 168 today. 167 was posted a month ago, with a small additional update a few days ago. Scroll down to April 1st and you should be able to download and read it.


Placeholders don’t bother me for a few simple reasons. 1. I didn’t pay for the first 160 chapters, I assume that most people here read at least a few dozen chapters for free. 2. I view the placeholders as paying for future writing. It’s similar to pre-ordering a book. 3. Tefler has published 167.75 chapters in 8.5 years, and I expect at least 30 more chapters (about 2.5 years of writing) are necessary to close out the story. 4 chapters / 4 months don’t really change that much in the grand scheme of things. 4. The chapters are getting written. The quality is good. I care far more about quality than deadlines. 5. I wasn’t surprised. Not getting paid for 6 months, and then working for 4 months without getting paid didn’t seem reasonable to me. I expected more placeholders when Tefler picked up again, because that seemed like a reasonable way to ensure he could continue writing the chapters that he promised. All that being said, I don’t want the placeholders to outpace the delivered chapters. Adding placeholders as chapters are delivered seems perfectly reasonable to me. I want Tefler focused on writing, not worrying about finances.

Son of Lan Mandragoran

Tefler, thanks for 168 ;) I look forward to the rest but I'm more concerned about your health. Please take care of yourself.


168 is really good! Thanks! Trying to be patient for the completion!

Keepit simple

Evil this is brilliantly written! Love your conclusion! This should be on a poster in Tef's office.

Jim Stinnett

Tefler, you told your patrons in your post of August 31 that you would NO LONGER charge for placeholders. Additionally, my membership is shown to be a charge for each chapter. Is there a way to change my membership to only charge me for each completed chapter? I am sympathetic of your health issues but expect you to keep your word on no further placeholders.

Jedi Khan

You can change your membership to limit the number of charges placed per month, but there is no way for Patreon to determine that a chapter is "complete," only that Tefler has made a post that he has marked as billable.


Great, epic story but the constant lies and excuses just wear me out. Be a man of your word Tefler. I would think your character would be more important to you than it seems to be. It's really simple, when you say you're going to do something do it. When you say you're not going to do something again, don't do it again. And above all stop charging over and over and over for work you haven't produced. When I joined this site you were making about $700 per chapter and working full time. You were often producing 2-3 chapters per month.


con't. Now... 4-5 chapters a year? I can understand writers block and a busy life and that's fine. Just don't charge us for it.


. I cancel my membership until I see a new chapter has really dropped and when I do subscribe I make sure it is set to only 1 payment per month. So I will cancel my current membership a couple days before the end of the month. I didn't pay for a placeholder this month because I didn't have a membership. So I'm only upset a full chapter wasn't dropped. I won't purchase until he drops the full chapter of 168

Kevin Alderman

My opinion - I could care less about a few dollars. I have read many chapters before ever joining. So why cry about a placeholder? I spend more on a cup of coffee. Either support him or not, it's your choice, but please quit crying over the money and just try helping out the guy who has given us a great story. I'll wait patiently.

stephen mincher

Just noticed Tefler responded to chap 167 questions on the 20th April, up until them I’m guessing he wasn’t able to concentrate on TSM due to health. My creativity goes out the window when I worry( money, health or family). I will admit I was only expecting 1 placeholder.So all you pin stickers(never paid upfront for ebay?) put your pins away because We are enjoying this growing bubble.


No one cares about the money. It’s being told you’re getting something super exciting the last day of the month and then getting nothing. Or half a thing. And a bunch more promises you eventually learn are worthless. If Tef stated he delivers one chapter every two months and the minimum pledge is $5 per chapter he would make more money, keep writing at his current sustainable pace, and no one would be complaining.


You should change your setup. Small chapter bites m-f and a monthly fixed billing. Works great for all other authors I sub to.

Stephen hallgath

Do your best. That’s all I can ask. I really do enjoy your story and want it to continue. Thanks


With exception to California, if you walk into a convenience store and simply take an item worth a dollar or two and walk out saying "Don't worry, I'll get you later", more often than not they call the cops. Most states still consider it a petty theft with penalties. It saddens me to see theft supported on the basis of quantity... "it's okay because it's a small amount" just isn't a viable argument IMO because it does not apply in any other situations, so what makes it okay here? In all this time has 'the guy' offered any other means to 'help him out' beyond his ability to just 'take' it as he needs? Not once have I seen a donation link/address of any kind...


I agree with Michael, with a modification. Just post whatever you've got on whatever (same) day you choose and charge monthly. Hold the charges until you've posted the first 5 and call them chapters 68-72. Hopefully, less pressure on you and less frustration for us.

Big Dude

Wonder when will the rest of 168 appear, now, with these comments?

Jolly Giant

Glad you are recovered and can’t wait to see new content. You are doing and amazing job with the story and keeping up with what you can. Thank you for all the amazing hard work.

Ron Harvey

Totally agree. The few bucks each of us gives the author for this work is a pittance and if we want the story to continue we should be prepared to pay for it. Additionally as I get older I find that health issues come up more often with less warning and take longer to deal with. I am not worried about it.

Martin Edmonds

Sorry to sound like an idiot, But what exactly is a 'Placeholder'

Sushant Bhartiya

People who are cribbing every now and then for placeholders- have all of you paid for all the chapters? I myself have joined only after first 80 or so, and I am pretty satisfied. I don’t care if Tef places 80 more placeholders! You get well soon buddy and keep on writing!


Yes I have. And I don't mind not receiving a chapter now and then, and I don't mind prepaying either. What I do mind is the absolute lack of communication - BEFORE - the precharge. It must have been 8+ years of supporting, most of it in the higher tiers. And I remember the incredible output of the first years, the struggle getting free of the job and making the transfer to fulltime writing. Tefler certainly didn't have an easy time with the various health scares in his immediate family. Would he have kept everyone in the loop I'm sure he wouldn't have to face all the moaning. People would either have left, or they would have stuck with him - like everyone initially did when he kept the communication open before it went off the rails. I've moaned for the first time, and I will continue to support. However, I do understand the grievances other people have voiced. Unfortunately, what Tefler is doing currently is at best disingenuous.

Jim Stinnett

I love this story. I have re-read the entire thing 3 times. I've even bought some of "the Blake chronicles from Amazon. I'm telling this to say that I have an emotional connection to the story. When we didn't hear ANYTHING from Tefler for 6 months, I went through the various stages of grief, and finally accepted that the story was over, if not completed. I was elated the Tefler was back. And then back to placeholders again the next month. I have complained In the comments about the placeholders. I also wonder if we are going to have to wait ANOTHER 6 months for a chapter. I love the story, but I'm tired of the emotional ups and downs. Can anyone tell me if I suspend my membership, will I still receive notice of the chapters that have been prepaid??


Okay I have all ways given the man a break like someone just posted, we got all of the free stuff on lit then on SOL then all of the past ones here on Patreon for the price of what we pay each time he posts. Do I like the placeholders not really but I will stick by and let the man do his thing hopefully with out the stress of worrying to get them out. Just my thoughts on this.


Once you discontinue your membership you will not receive any of the chapters you paid for. That sounds unfair to you, but anyone can join with a $1 pledge and pick up all chapters and leave before paying the $1. That addresses getting your chapters but seems unfair to Tefler. Not the best system for anyone.


I would be ok just paying on a monthly basis. I’m also ok supporting someone through health issues. But what I’m not ok with is the flat out lies. To say no more placeholders and then right away do two shows something. At this point why should we even believe he has health issues or any of the other excuses he’s used over the years? He’s lied about the placeholders so much isn’t the more likely reason that he sucks with money, can’t keep up creatively, and can get away with it so he does it?

Keepit simple

So basically most here should agree Tef is great author and horrible businessman. Authors like Kaizerwolf and Antiproton successfully have content monthly subscription patrons due to meeting their stated release schedule. Both of these authors release their stories on free sites and simply allow patrons to early chapter releases and opportunities to interact with questions on story plot etc for a small charge....good business! Kaizerwolf states he will do weekly release by end of Sunday and more often releases early Saturday morning....like this morning. Exceeding expectations is good business and comments from patrons are all about story and plot.

John the 5th

I Enjoyed reading this chapter, as all the others. I think a lot of the commenters think you are a machine and can type out lengthy well thought out chapters at will. Then some just like to whine and snivel, no matter what and try to ruin the enjoyment for everyone else and discourage you from continuing this great story. There are shorter stories on Amazon and elsewhere for more than the cost of a chapter of yours, not to mention the hundred plus free ones on literotica and stories on line. So screw them and please continue. Looking forward to the next .


I don't think the issue is that people want Tefler to be a machine... they just don't want him to keep saying one thing and then doing another.

John the 5th

Even when he does a chapter people bitch. I think it's far more than any of the whiners could ever do themselves, but all they gotta do is unsubscribe.


Some people bitch because the sky is sometimes blue and somebody made heaven and earth and that generally that was recognized as a bad idea. Most people here just bitch when somebody forces an involuntary pre-pay from the subscribers. Want them to bitch less then he can ask for donations. If you need an advance, use the bank.


Why? The story is really fun. I'd just rather Tefler said "you'll get chapters when they're done" and charge a monthly fee, than keep doing placeholders. It feels like he's setting himself up for failure and his readers for disappointment.

John the 5th

Why?, totally up to him. As long as chapters keep appearing, nothing to whine about.

Bill Phillips

I seem to be missing Chapter 165. how do I get it back?

John the 5th



Hope tefler doesn’t lie/break promises to his kids like he does to his supporters …


-- So Ralf, you look upon Tef as a parental figure, and not just as an author of a really awesome work of fiction, .... interesting, ... l-) ttfn

Martin Edmonds

I spent New Year in the PRUE and so glad to get released to my sisters, Love the NHS and glad your feeling better now..


Lame response, Michael. He is looking upon Tefler as a serial promise breaker. I still think he would be better off releasing whatever he's got on the same day every week and charging us monthly.


-- Alright, let's all tell Tef how to do his job (and while he is suffering from Gallstones too), .,. ;-) ttfn


When you borrow money from financial institutions and don't meet your promises there are generally penalties involved. Whereas here where as a tef supporter 'you' are being utilized as his personal bank and the best part for him is that he's under no obligation to meet any promises he makes for fear of penalties and what's even more disturbing is how many people here are endorsing tef for this practice.


I have a suggestion. Rather than placeholders why doesn't Tefler start a "Go Fund Me" account. Then all the patrons that want to gift him money can do so and there would not be any further arguments here??????


That sir is a great suggestion and is a much more adult way of asking instead of taking. Two Thumbs Up!


I love this idea also, or a perhaps a paypal we can send money to. I've got no problem supporting Tefler in his time of need, but it grates on me the way he's been doing it.

Greg Hill

Why would it be unfair for Tefler?...those chapters are already paid for.

Son of Lan Mandragoran

Bill, do you know the definition of a "Patron"? Maybe cutting back on StarBucks? or waiting for the books on Amazon? Might be a better idea for you guys who are uptight about the placeholders... I'm good with it

Son of Lan Mandragoran

Hey Tefler, having a good Mother's day? do they celebrate that in the UK?


Sonny Boy - I offered a solution to end the bickering. If you don't like it "TS". You're one of these people who just loves to stir a pot of Sh-- for the smell. Crawl back under your rock.


And this is what people want to implement here in the US. Single payer health care is rarely the best answer, especially in developed countries. SPHC, works in small developing areas where the funding entity (the state or whomever is doing the nation building) and there's a lack of qualified HCPs on the economy.


So you are essentially being exploited as a no risk advance loan and piggie bank system and somehow you are giving yourself the 'good deed warm and fuzzy' because you can afford it and it doesn't bother you? Just trying to understand the mentality here that makes it okay. Can you name one other system like this where you can simply take the money you need when you want to without risk or repercussion? You mention the definition of patron as if that means something but I'm pretty sure the intention of Patron billing here is payment for content. Personally if it were me and I had the option to just take it and say I feel bad about it or offer people a way to donate I would go option B because the first would make me feel like a scoundrel... think about it. Your going to just take that money because it's to your benefit now and it's okay because why... you'll get around to the content part of it?

Philip Lemon

Hmmmm, 1. How about Venture Capital investors. Set the terms, front the money, with low probability of success. AND when success does happen - reap the plentiful rewards.


hmmm, not bad Philip! Only problem with comparing to VC investments is the other parts of that investment that don't compare here Equity Stake: VCs receive shares in the company, which means part ownership. This is different from a loan, where money is simply borrowed and needs to be paid back with interest. Control and Voting Rights: Venture capitalists often require some level of control over company decisions. This could include seats on the board of directors or voting rights on significant business decisions. Exit Strategy: VCs usually have a clear exit strategy, expecting to make a profit through a future event like an Initial Public Offering (IPO) or sale of the company. This expectation influences how they manage and make decisions about the company. Anti-Dilution Provisions: If the company issues more shares in the future, VCs might have protections in place to prevent the dilution of their equity stake. Totally agree though that VC's are essentially gambling for rewards though.


Bewarned Patrons of Tefler, I see sick and bile being spread here on new accounts, previously the dead and vile creatures were confined to my BEAUTIFUL BLOCK LIST, but new vile creatures have emerged, Commence the blocking! Good Day and may your block click be true.

Ian Kennedy

Found an error in Chapter 164 ... “I believe you told us that Rahn’hagon was outraged that Larn’kelnar attacked him directly?” ... Wasn't he talking about Mael'nerak's attack in the Niryan Rift??? The only time Larn'kelnar and Rahn'hagon interacted was when Rahn was captured and questioned.

Big Dude

Been gone a few days. Any peep from Admiral Tefler?


F5, F5, F5…

Roy Gathercoal

I really must apolgize. I am an old guy with Parkinsons' which means I often don't understand where I should press and then presss it's neighbor instead. And my background is black and apparently many of the directions are alao in black." "Pay per chapter" is an appeal to the second line of thinking, but the math is crazy-- if I pledged the $4a story with 100 chapters would cost me

Dominic Walker

So we’re technically 5 chapters behind at this point? I’m personally Hoping Tefler does a major drop again and delivers multiple chapters like last time. That would be amazing! So much can happen in the next few chapters, especially if the Star Forge can convert the Thrall ships and the dreadnoughts into White Metal ships with all the psychic, Nexus and weapons upgrades Dana has been able to map out! Baen’Thelas would end up with what?… 60+ fleets to start with, potentially with Raptors and Mechs as part of his arsenal? If Calara gets upgraded to a Progenitor Matriarch like Alyssa and is put in charge of all the Red Fleet commanders and Captains, (with telepathic connections) no invading fleet would stand a chance. Just a thought, but given how much Space battle is in the future, Calara could definitely get the ultimate upgrade package and take over as Fleet Commander of all the Thrall ships. Just a thought. Still can’t wait to see if Faye comes back in a body AND the AI Version on an upgraded, quantum-entangled Nexus Server that allows the collective to exist in the Kythshara home world AND the upgraded Invictus created with Mael’nerak’s white metal from the Star Forge. I’d personally like to see AI Faye Merge with the original Nexus platform and have her personality take over all of its capabilities and possibilities. There’s no telling what she, Irillith and Dana could come up with together… How Tefler is going to imagine the rehab of the Red Thralls - and future thrall species- is going to be interesting. They are all itching for the approval of their Progenitor. Perhaps the Nymph’s Kiss will come into play again now that they’re all stronger. Either way, running 3 Thrall empires, adding an additional Matriarch and series of relationships will get complicated fast unless there’s a way to use Helene to act as a way to SUPER CHARGE John’s Psychic catalyst effect on new networks. But theres bound to be plenty of orgies involved lol. Too bad he can’t integrate an Agatha from Recurve33’s story - instant solution! Plus theres no telling what kind of an upgrade she’d get from merging with John. Also, will the Tom Walker/Maddox situation get settled soon? It’s such a relatively insignificant side story, but it is a dangling loose end that deserves to be tied back in - especially given Tom and Maddox’s glaring ties to Dana’s mysterious parentage. Anyway, sorry for rambling… I’m off on several tangents because I’m bored and hoping this story continues with all the excitement and surprises we’ve come to expect from Tefler and the TSM Crew!

Unresolved Plots

All of John's ships are following her plan and following all of her orders so isn't Calara already the Thrall Fleet Commander?

Dominic Walker

True… but Calara doesn’t have telepathic interaction with any of the fleet commanders or captains directly. With the addition of 29 new fleets - considering the last 3 aren’t deleted at the end of chapter 168 - there will need to be a new commander of the 26+ fleets from Ghal’kagor and 25+ fleets from Larn’kelnar. Adding Calara to the conversation under Alyssa in the way Edraele speaks to her Maliri would be a MASSIVE advantage. The Fleet commander already referred to Calara as a progenitor because of her tactical prowess. Because she’s Terran, she’d be an ideal matriarch for the 26-29 new fleet commanders. John & Alyssa already said she’d be the ideal matriarch if Alyssa hadn’t been first, so why not create Alyssa 2.0 with Calara - plus they’re intimately connected, so you get a compounded effect rather than a detraction. Seems like an awesome reality bend to me. John’s already breaking all the progenitor rules… why not one more?

Dominic Walker

If Calara bonds with the Green Matriarch (sorry forgot her name atm) from Larn’Kelnar’s empire the war Alyssa did with Edraelle, she could effectively be the co-Matriarch of both empires the way Alyssa is over John’s crew and the Maliri who are under Edraelle.


Can’t see them trying to turn the black ships white. The black ship designs have been disparaged as being too scary on both the outside and inside (doors that look like they are going to cut you in half). Dana will eventually design a completely new set of ships that are better in every way than the black ships. Once the new fleets start rolling out of the Star Forge the black fleets will retired or used in supportive rolls such as decoys or in sacrificial ways (like the robotic ground troops). Perhaps ground up as material, but I’m guessing once they figure out how to make Mael’s white metal the Trankarans will be able to find the ores they need.


The red thrall rehab seems problematic at first, but it’s probably going to follow the template. Tef is doing a lot of positive character development on fleet commander Keylessae which probably signals she will be the new matriarch. I doubt Valeria will survive since she is evil. After John claims the red thralls they will be hard coded to obey him. If he says to not kill anyone they won’t, even the ones whose souls have turned black. That solves the immediate problems. Of course they won’t leave it at that. There will be a lot of nymph kisses as they rescue fleets marooned all over Maliri space. Nymph kisses will bond everyone to John so he can fix the rest of the problems, like the desire to kill other thralls on sight. The really bad girls will get the Emandra Holaris treatment.

Dominic Walker

Possibly true… although i believe the plan all along was to bring all the black ships online as replacements for the Maliri fleets. If Dana and Alyssa are able to design and Star Forge upgraded white ships for the Maliri, the newly loyal Red Thralls would then have their fleets to use in defense if their empire. An odd twist is that they are from Rahn’Hagon’s old empire. I wonder if Tefler will be tempted to see Rahn return to the throne as John’s father and ally? He already has the dreadnought. If the ships cant be reforged into white ships - even the red thralls dont like the black metal any more - someone will have to command them… perhaps they can occupy the fish-people worlds and help liberate the Abandoned? Either way, I’m anxious to see how they manage to have enough time to actually reactivate the Star Forge to make White Metal ships and Start Gates etc and see if the Star Forge can use the black ships as raw materials since the black metal was made to only be forged once.

Dominic Walker

I like your solution, but it’s so simple and effective it takes all the drama and chaos out of it 😂😅. I too thought of Keylessae as the new Matriarch as she was Ghal’s mother and would be a prize from battle akin to Larn’Kelnar’s daughter becoming his matriarch. There’s still the home world, soul forge, hyper warp gate to deal with and integrate… and potentially a new progenitor showing up at Kythshara as soon as Gahl’Kagor is eliminated. Tefler sure can spin a sordid tale!!! And lets not forget to rescue Tom Walker and blow the lid off those paternity tests!


If the past proves it then we will see a completed Chapter 168 around the end of May taking two months to get one chapter.


Know it's not much, decided to up my level to Cyborg Assassin, hoping every little bit helps.


I really enjoy reading TSM along with Tefler's story telling style and imagination and I have consequently been diligently maintaining my patronage at Progenitor level but I sure hope Tefler catches up on all the placeholder chapters real soon.


Keylessae is in charge of the three remaining Gahl’kirian fleets, she’s not the mother stand in. Keylessae’s character has been probably developed the furthest in a positive light so she is a candidate for matriarch. I’m pretty sure there’s a lot of drama to how his choice of matriarch comes about. I suspect John will not kill Gahl but mentally wipe his mind back to the fisherman he once was and let his mother replacement take care of him on some isolated water planet. That solves the problem of Xar’ knowing where to wormhole a progenitor too as soon as Gahl’ dies.


They are definitely open to using the black ships as long as they have to. But as soon as practical will want to unforge the black metal to release the tortured souls of thralls buried within. My guess is that when they do start using the Star Forge to build white ships they will note only have armor, weapons and speed advantages over black ships, they will all have wormhole generators. A wormhole generator that doesn’t make everyone sick… and perhaps recharges much faster. If you had 1000 ships like that you could wormhole all of them to anywhere in the galaxy all at once and take on any Progenitor.

Dominic Walker

That is ultimately true… but there is a decided advantage John and the crew have while fighting under the Shroud. Although the wormhole generator advantage is still absolutely there given how absolutely massive this quadrant of the galaxy is. Ghal’Kagor almost took out the Invictus using it. Imagine an entire fleet with the tech advantages you outlined, plus the ability to drop in anywhere John decided to place legions of black ships like a special forces space Cavalry. That would be like having a portable hyper warp gate! My hat’s off to you for this proposal! I’m sure they’d only be manned by the Maliri special forces… eventually all getting ‘enhancement’ from John to make them truly unstoppable. Ironically, Progenitors under Car’s control would have to begin working together purely for survival - which would only hasten Xar’s starvation. This could get VERY interesting and accelerate rapidly.

Dominic Walker

I’m not sure John is powerful enough yet to mentally break Ghal’s mind to that level. Ghal is a powerful progenitor, with dozens of progenitor killed under his belt. Although his direct combat style favors melee weapons over psychic attacks, his mental capabilities are still quite powerful. It will be interesting to see how Tefler handles the battle’s conclusion. . .if he ever decides to finish the chapter and put us poor patrons out of our suspense misery.


Hope you're healthy and get caught up soon.

Brian Dobben

Agreed! I enjoy the imagination and expanse of the TSM series, and hope you find solid health and life stability to continue growing your fanbase. Thanks, Tefler!

Jeff Combes

Tefler, though I love reading what you have been writing, I’m concerned with the amount of placeholder pre charges that keep coming regardless of apologizing each time. So with the recent pre charges current money from subscribers is above $29,000.00 and will probably climb again when the next one starts. You quit you regular job to write full time. I hope you are getting well but I’m now 66 and not getting any younger. For all of us old farts who enjoy your writings please either join team procrastination and pay the correct dues, which requires you to catch up on current pre charges and continue but not precharging for future chapter.


-- So, you seem think Tef has made too much money for him to get sick again, ... ? ... ;-) ttfn

Jeff Combes

I think that if he is sick then he should have health insurance that helps him cover income and medical.

Jeff Combes

seems to me that we are a cash cow right now and as his employer I want to see results, not promises that he will produce.

Jeff Combes

Although, I guess that with the other 4489 paid members we could all stop paying until new chapters come out as some have already done.

Jeff Combes

Then the job becomes a must produce to earn cash, instead of I can get prepaid month after month.


I understand the frustration in waiting for new chapters. In fact, I died before the last Harry Potter book (Deathly Hallows) was released. Man, I would have loved to have read that...


--- 'Great Caeser's' Ghost!' ... gulp and shudder, ... dead man talking, .... -- I recall when I purchased HP#7, the Deathly Hallows, picked up from Walmart off of a large pallet of the books (rolled out after midnight), ... I remember that I read it more rapidly than I really wanted to, I wanted it to last, as I knew it was the final volume in the series, ... but I couldn't help myself, I just keep turning the pages too fast, ... -- So yeah Bigfoot, 'the Deathly Hallows' was good, and you would've loved it, (too bad you died), ... but you would also have hated that J.K. Rowling was done with the series, ...;-) ttfn


FYI You can now block users by clicking on their icon and selecting "... More" and then "Block" in their profile. So far I've got PLRus, Florida Reader, TeflerFan007 and I'm sure a few more self-righteous, deluded brigaders will follow. Keep up the rhetoric guys, avoid all critical thought and common sense! Post below for easier identification, thank you kindly.

Robert Hibbs

I do not read each chapter as it is released - I wait and do a marathon catch up. I just finished chapters 160-168. Great story. However, I have got to say I'm really disgusted with John's compulsion to save the enemy thralls at the expense of added danger to his own people. It doesn't even make sense from story mechanic perspective. Trying to wound somebody that is trying to kill you is like asking for suicide. And, just because you disable the vehicle does not mean the passengers quit fighting. As long as they are alive, you cannot turn your back on them. How could you move forward in a battle? The result is that John's concern makes it safer for the enemy than for his troops. Totally unbelievable.


He did try to save the drakkar, so he is consistent. If he can save them, he has a chance of adding millions to his network with less work. The 38 chapter fan fiction from idaho2014 (sp?) covers the possibility.


Thoughts… Humans. Basically a mostly “non-color coded” “Maliri” with progenitor alterations removed. The Ashanath. An experiment in collective consciousness by Mael’nerak. He wanted to learn something that wasn’t encoded in his DNA. Therefore, no other Progenitor would have experience or knowledge about them. The Drakkar. A “new” or “non-standard” creation as an emergency response in the “War of the Heavens”. The Trankarans. Hmmm. Their origins aren’t as clear. Yes, Mael’nerak created them, but… did he do so “from scratch”? After all, Larn’kelnar knew he could turn one into a “Glowing Queen”. How did he know that? The Lenarrans. “Still functioning after all these years…” (The Deep Lords nymph) The implication is they may be standard practice amongst progenitors to spy on other civilizations. Nexus He, too, may be a Mael’nerak original. Faye once wondered about the possibility of machine civilizations. They would be of no use to the astral monsters, but they would want progenitors to have a quick way to eliminate machine civilizations as a distraction. That brings up another point. Do all species with a soul feed the astral monsters? Or, more likely, only those with a link to a progenitor?


More thoughts… Faye. This is something Tefler has almost assuredly thought of, and maybe he’s even written outlines of her abilities for future chapters. Once John starts filling her up with cum, what will her specialty be? My thoughts are something paralleling Irillith, allowing her access to the cyber realm. Irillith once said "Faye would be the most sensible choice to accompany me, but I'm using psychic abilities to remotely hack these networks; I'm not sure how she'd be able to join me."


-- more thoughts that I liked: > great thought about how Larn'kelnar knew how to make a Glowing Queen > Lanerrans / Nymphs might very well be fairly commonplace> among the various Progenitors, .... perhaps Mael's versions were merely slightly modified by him, but not his creations, ... and this was millennia before he got really good with making his own species, i.e. the Ashanath and Trankarans, ... then making the Terrans just to see what might happen, .... the Drakkar don't really count as they were a last minute / emergency creation, ... but my thinking is that he might not have been up to creating the Nymphs way back then, ... 72,000 years ago > Machine civilizations vs the Progenitors, ... Mael had built himself a definite edge on almost all the other Progenitors with his AI's (Nexus class) > Ashanath / Astral experiments, ... and did he ever find a Kyth'feran 'Citidel of knowledge' and possibly save / store one in a sub-plane using a sacrifice to maintain it (like the Library makers did), ... and was the necessary sacrifice to claim his pre–Valada Matriarch? We never found out what happened to her, and there really was no real wars going on (circa about 50,000 years ago), ... no 'real' wars until Rahn'hagon showed up, ... so, what happened to cause his need to replace his Matriarch? A need for a Citadel's sub-plane guardian? ;-) ttfn


-- I refer you to the UK's universal Healthcare system, that sort of works, ... mostly, ... sometimes, .... ;-( ttfn


-- yeah, DuncanIdaho2014, had several wonderful Fanfiction stabs at AUs for our Tef's TSM series, ... but no completions, only partial works from 7 chapters to that 38-chapter AU tale that Johnkr mentioned, ... and he totally ignored the Star Forges, ... he had the good with the bad, but it was Fanfiction worth reading, and it does help while we wait for Tef, .... ;-) ttfn


-- And hey, what are you thinking about the Trankaran Star Forges? The Rock-Brothers rebuilding Mael's improved Soul Forge, this was accomplished by the Trankarans over several centuries, ... after it was destroyed / blasted during the War of the Heavens, ... the Miners finally did get it to work again, (but I suspect that some key programming guidelines were lost), ... I betcha that Dana can get it working up to Mael's standard's again, ... What do you think? ;-) ttfn


-- and one of my 'what if' thoughts was did Mael'nerak ever put his mind to investigating the Shroud? Is there buried information concerning it in the massive Nexus data? And did he reach a dead-end that Dana could overcome? ;-) ttfn


Agreed, but I also see every enemy thrall left alive as life force to power the enemy progenitor.

stephen mincher

I was under the impression that the Lenarrens were used to help defeat the Achonin 70,000 years before.


Yes. But if Larn’kelnar(sp) knows of them, it implies all progenitors use them. They weren’t just a custom creation. The alternative explanation is he was able to figure out they were a creation of another progenitor just by examining the mind of the Brimorian deep lord’s nymph.


Will tefler address his blatant lies and broken promises today ? Doubt it


WOW, The world is filled with so many critics and so few creators. Tefler, you are on a path, and no one can begin to understand the twists and turns both scene and unseen. Thank you for sharing the wonders of your mind, knowing that when the time is right the universe will deliver. * Thinking of all the times the Grand Engineering Overlord "Had a Moment of Greatness!" * Bravo

Hendrix Morton

Actually, he posts before the 1st of the month, normally an hour or less before so that any paid-posts or pre-charges can be made before the 1st of the month Patreon end-of-month cut-off...


really hate authors that do placeholder posts. Just change to a monthly subscription only and those that like and enjoy the work will keep paying and those that seem to think they have to get a chapter every month or the world will end won't have to be disappointed if a chapter misses a week / month / whatever

Unresolved Plots

Wrong Hendrix. A simple check below looking at the recent post dates. It isn't hard!!! Ch. 172 Placeholder posted May 1st Ch. 171 Placeholder posted May 1st Ch. 168 3/4 posted on May 1st Ch. 170 Placeholder posted on April 1st etc...


Patreon charges at 1am PST on the first of the month. The date may be the 1st, but he posts just before the deadline which is just after midnight on the last day of the month, so late tonight, not tomorrow.


so it took over a month to write like 20 paragraphs to finish the chapter? it was a 10 minute read, you came back firing 2 fantastic chapters every other week and i was more than happy to prepay for placeholders, but now you're going back to your original M-O, c'mon man. We love your story, we love you, we're not going anywhere but you need to step up, do your job, and be better. Looking forward to the next chapter, hopefully not another month away!

Unresolved Plots

Some people seem incapable of understanding nuance in writing and reading between the lines. Tefler in his updated Ch.168 post today has pretty much stated that he has 169 ready to go. Just have a bit more patience and I'm sure it will be published soon.

Tefler fan

I don't know if it is possible to change the billing method on Patreon. If not, I wish he'd setup an account with a competitor to Patreon and charged $2/month. With some guaranteed monthly income he wouldn't need to borrow money from future paychecks to pay this month's bills.

Tefler fan

My biggest problem with placeholders is that you are only getting paid by stealing money from future months. I want to pay $2-4 this month and every month. I wish that you chose the other payment model when setting up your Patreon account.


We know that Xar'aziuth has to have a contract with the Progenitor for him to be able to be fed, so all of the above don't have a link to Xar'aziuth. We also know that the Astral Monsters are Progenitors that failed somewhere along the way.

Hendrix Morton

It was so ready to go he only posted part of it, and betting that the rest wont be here till end of June, with another 2 placeholders to boot....At least he didn't say the rest of 169 will be out tomorrow...


I went back and read this again. "Such an innovative solution," he murmured, the admiration quite apparent in his voice. He slowly withdrew his fingers, then turned to give the Brimorian leader a sly look. Soooo, it seems they ARE an original creation of Mael’nerak, and not a standard staple of progenitor conquest.