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Hey everyone,

This is the second and final placeholder I ever want to do.

As you know, I've basically been off work for the last 6+ months, dealing with a long-term illness and various other issues.

I've got back into writing full swing now though, so I'm hoping to get the next several chapters finished very quickly. Most of the scenes for 168 + 169 are already sketched out in a rough draft, and I know exactly where the story's going after that.

Anyway, thank you for your continued support.




Your community is here for you Tef - get better, and thanks for sharing your story with us.


Last you want to do but I doubt it’ll be the last you ever do. I’m going to show you more respect than you deserve or show your supporters by letting you know I’m done. I’m sick of the lies and excuses and can no longer read something when I can’t respect the author. I’m actually hoping Gahl kills John and that’s the way the story will end for me in my mind #rootingforgahl


I upped my membership level to help out. Glad to hear you're getting on top of your challenges.


For the past couple of months, you've been pumping out some fine chapters, and working without additional funds too, ... It's okay by me if you do a couple of 'final' placeholders now, I say to go for it, .... ;-) ttfn


We’re glad you’re back n the saddle! Full speed ahead and damn the torpedoes!


I was originally distraught with how placeholders had been the norm lately and criticized you but I'm honestly not bothered in the least by you getting a well deserved pay check after all the work you've put in with these recent chapters and finally catching up. We are glad you are back.

dakota downey

Oof one I would expect but a double placeholder when you have only just now gotten back after telling us be4 your break you were going to stop charging until you were caught up.... and you effectively take a 16grand advance when you are behind already.


Get better bro.


I see 167 published and then placeholders for 169 and 170. Is 168 when you publish it going to be a charged chapter for that to or are the placeholder chapters misnumbered? Thanks


Just keep writing please


I’m in for the haul, please don’t die my friend

Rich C

You gave up your day job to entertain us and then were gut punched a few times. You’ve got bills to pay and a family to support. People whining about essentially fronting you the cost of a cup of coffee probably haven’t had to truly adult yet. I’ve been there and done that and get it.


While I don’t agree about the price of a cup of coffee - I prefer a much higher tier for my donations, or coffee costs a lot more than I think it does for a cup! - I fully agree with Rich C’s other sentiments. So long as this brings to an end this pattern of pre-charging, Tefler, I’m okay with your actions in this regard. You’ve done an admirable job the past couple of months of digging out from under a greater number of pre-charged chapters and the work you’ve produced has been excellent! Keep up the good work, take care of yourself and your family, and this too shall pass.


Sept 1 2023 "I won't be pre-charging chapters any more" 1st Apr 2024 April Fools! Here's 2 more pre charges (except it's not an April Fools Joke) It's not even the cost, is just the principle of the whole thing


I only pay 2$ per chapter since i cant afford any more than that, but someday id like to increase my pledge. Perhaps not to the same degree as our master Tefler has been through the past year. I too have been in some sort of crisis several times. I look at these past few months as an opportunity for kindness without expecting anything in return. Im glad i was able to help no matter how meager and Im proud to declare that I will continue to support my favorite author even its just for the sake of helping someone out.


My math may be wrong, and I am sure if so I will be corrected, but Tef posted 4 uncharged chapters since he returned to writing and by my count that had him fully caught up with his placeholders.


Tef did say no more patreon charges until he was caught up and he seems to have honored that. At his current rate of writing he looks likely to "pay off" these two placeholders in the next month so this is a cash flow helping hand, not an ever deepening debt. So I am happy to continue supporting on that basis.

Reau Reau

Well, chapters are being released. So lets just see how this month goes. Tefler, if you can deliver both 168 and 169 in April, i think you'll have restored almost all the goodwill that was lost prior to September.


Happily increased to the $25 level - hope it helps! Stay well, Tef.

Chris Forbes

I hope you’re feeling better and I have enjoyed so much the latest chapters. Keep up the good work and take care of you and yours.

Jim lynch

You’ve got a point in my opinion not these ass licking cunts

Edward Hernstadt

I'm good with this. You do your best, and supporting the artist is what this is about!

Kenneth Murphy

Upgraded my membership. Thanks for releasing new chapters and promising to continue more. Hope you can get by . The value you provide pales in comparison to my small contribution

Jeremey Bartel

Im a loyal reader . Woo hoo does this mean we're getting 4 chapter in the next few weeks . Would it help to update my patreon account. Because i just checked and the funds were NOT NOT NOT pulled out so please insure you contact patreon to get your funds.


God bless you, Tefler, and thanks for coming back to us! Keep us updated occasionally, and again...thanks!

fay cannon

I’m delighted you started writing again and really enjoyed your latest chapters. I don’t mind the “placeholders”, as far as I’m concerned they are essentially like a publisher’s advance. The only thing wrong with them is they kinda put a drain on your psyche and make writing feel like an obligation which takes some of the fun out of it. For your sake I hope you get caught up soon. In the meantime I’m gonna increase my donations.

SP Rupert

Tef, this is one of the best stories I've ever read as an adult and I hope you finish it. I definitely hope bad things stop happening to you. However, I certainly am no fan of the pre-charging. But if you need cash in advance perhaps another method might be better suiting to advance you money. A GoFundMe? A PayPal donation link? Buy you a Kofi? A tip jar somewhere? A subscription podcast? I'm here for you if you'd like to discuss options. Just hit me up in a direct message if you want to talk through some of them. I could help you out with the podcast for sure.


I am happy with the charge. Especially to keep you afloat. Good to have you back.


Happy Easter Tefler. Thanks for another chapter, happy to keep paying since the writing is worth it, and I have no indication you are taking advantage of anyone. Very glad you're healthy again, and inspired to keep writing. I'm loving the story.


I wonder if a substack model (monthly subscription) is better for this sort of thing. Patreon payment is only based on deliverables of equal value (which is an OK but flawed model for something that is not necessarily consistent or equal in value) vs monthly subscription to something like substack. But switching platforms would no doubt incur a big loss during the switchover.

SP Rupert

I believe you could do both. And funny enough I will be exploring Substack as part of my podcast about podcasting in a couple of weeks. We're recording on April 17th. So I'll let you know more about what I think about it after that.

dan davis

Tef, thanks for the story. I’m glad you’re getting better, and please ignore the naysayers. It seems as if we have people who would complain and bitch if you’d given them the keys to the kingdom.

Jim lynch

My apologies I went and looked again it was someone else with an American sounding name hillcountrycowboy I will delete my comments I’m Truely sorry

Jim lynch

Shit I hate crow pie but when I’m wrong I don’t run I stand short and apologies like the man my parents raised. And if your at all wondering why it pissed me off so much my best friend took his own life two months ago and nobody had any clue he was so depressed at all.

Big Orca

Thank you for the new chapters. Increased my comtribution to look forward to the new ones. Take care!


-- Jeremey, these 'just dropped' chapters in Feb and Mar (for #164 thru #167) were paid for last year, ... he is playing catch-up, so no 'new' charges, .... but he has not had any 'new funds' for about 6 months, so he asks us, pretty please, for a couple more Place-holder chapters (#169i and #170), .... to be billed (on 1 April-no Fooling) .... I say he has mostly made good on catching up and with the money he gets for those 2 chapters, he will likely soon be fully caught up, just in need of some quick cash to keep going, ... and we all want him to keep going, ... (Amen brother!) .... ;-) ttfn


Just re read the whole story again after you resumed posting again. So good. Can't wait for Chapter 170. Take care Tef.


.096: me too! ... I miss-judged Tef's timing,. ... and I was reading chapter #161 when he dropped the new chapter (#167), I was close.... if only he'd waited for another week, ...still, congrats are in order, he was just one more placeholder chapter to go, ... this chapter (#167) was the next to the last of the old placeholders, so he's almost caught up with the 2023 ($$$) advances, .... -- I respect this man's talent and his dedication to his craft, getting the last 4 1/2 chapters completed in during February and March, ... remarkable, excellent, and brilliant, ....and I'm just loving it, after the long TSM drought we suffered through, ... this feast after the famine has been wonderful, .... I expect him to go back, eventually, to a once-a-month chapter release format, ... -- It's my hope that he tucks away / routinely writes ahead of his monthly drops, (that is after he finishes getting caught up again, of course) and he stays at least one chapter ahead as a cushion against future problems, .... but who am I to tell him how to work, .... TSM has been a genius work, a bit amateur at times, but very enjoyable throughout, ... thank you Tef, ... you are a treasure, .... ;-) ttfn

Darrell Van Ember

Always glad to help out with a dollar or two while you get your feet back under you..! Just happy your story telling is continuing.

James St. Clair

$16000 dollars, to be fairly precise, fraudulently charged us.


Please no more whimpers. The good man is coming back. Let him get settled in his good life.


Guy, Dude, please wait before badmouthing the golden goose. The previous one is a one of hitch. Don't go over board though we know he is still in thin ice. Please let him come out. He also have family, Man.


To Tefler, Dear sir, everybody is placing trust on you(Say 90%). Please proof yourself and don't go by negativity of PLRus. From the very beginning he is your nemesis.

Unresolved Plots

The last time that Tefler said he had extensively planned out a chapter was at the end of December 2022 and he completed that chapter in one week. Tefler says he has a big chunk of Ch.168 already complete, with the rest of 168 and 169 already planned out. I choose to be positive and have a good feeling that we will get both of these chapters well before the end of this month. Tefler is hoping to average 1 chapter per week this month, which would be amazing, but I hope he doesn't burn himself out if this is his intention! He does seem to have his writing mojo back, so my guess is we will get 170 at the end of the month and the beginning of Ch.171, so that Tefler is able to get paid again for May. If this happens I will be more than happy.

Unresolved Plots

168 is likely to be the end of the fleet battle at Kythshara and the ground battles on the planet and Genthalas. Tefler indicates that the war is going to run over into 169, so I expect a cliffhanger ending to 168, with Gahl'kalgor's death early in 169. The rest of 169 should then be the aftermath of this war arc: The fate of the Galkiran's, all of the logistical tasks will need to be assigned e.g. Relocating the rest of the Maliri males, finding and occupying the rest of Mael'nerak's Battlestation's and bringing them all online, saving all of the stranded Galkiran's etc... I also expect 169 will have scenes with Tom Walker, Lynette, Rahn/Jessica, possibly Niskera and maybe even Athgiloi (setting up for an upcoming conflict with the Brimorians). There is easily enough material there to finish 169. Then we have the small matter of Faye's resurrection and a visit to the Star Forges too, which could both encompass the majority of or even whole chapters each on their own. Tom Walker is probably going to have to be saved from a firing squad very soon too. I'm sure Tefler will also introduce John's next Progenitor adversary at some point in the next few chapters. Perhaps we will get the first extended scene with Xar'aziuth too? Whether you agree with my guesses of where the story is headed or not, I think we can all agree that all the things I list and more mean Tefler has plenty more material left to continue to weave his amazing story. So there is plenty to be positive about. I'm really looking forward to what Tefler writes in the next few months!


the question is, ... will Xar'aziuth send in a really strong Progenitor to face the unknown threat under the shroud, or will he sacrifice a weaker one, ... If his sends a weak one, he might get killed off quickly, and Xar'aziuth might then get some useful intel, ... He would be willing to risk it, ... what's one more Progenitor to him, .., ;-) ttfn

Unresolved Plots

Question. Where do Larn'kelnar and Gahl'kalgor rank wrt Progenitor strength? Are/were they weak, average or among the strongest. My guess is they are both towards the weaker end of the scale, with the strongest ones being much longer lived.


-- two new chapters per month is an awesome pace for this series, ... So. I think chapters #168 and #169 in April, and chapters #170 and #171 in May, ... he'll get paid on 1 June for the new chapter #171, ... after that he could cut back to one new chapter per month, and not risk a burnout, ... this could be why he posted two placeholders instead of just one, this month, to get him through to a steady income stream this summer, ... anyway, that's my thoughts on it, ... ;-) ttfn

Son of Lan Mandragoran

I think we can see one very PO'd Malari Matriarch who is running really high against an invading Matriarch who is being removed... maybe becoming another Lady Progenator... she already has the pointy ears...


I for one am happy to see another installment of The Tribe Wars.


All good, cheers Tef.

George Dennison

Ch 166, Pg 14, Para 1, Last Sentence: "To all intents...", should be "For all intents..." Glad to see you're on the mend. I saw my liver onco last week for my 6 months post radiation scan & much to the doc's surprise, my liver tumor is completely gone. He was not expecting it to be gone so soon. So, I guess I'm going to live for a few more yrs. Now, if I could only have a healing breakthrough w/ my saliva glands, I could get rid of the feeding tube stuck thru a hole in my abdomen, (3 yrs, 6 mos), & eat again. Then, I could really feel like I'm recovering. Not likely to happen; I kill for a slice of pizza, a good chicken parmagiana, some Chinese food. The last time my wife was feeling carnivorous, my culinary highlight of 2023 was cheeing a morsel of steak so I could enjoy the juices; couldn't swallow it, fed the chewed wad to our dog. Take care, Tef, GeoD


.108: Hey George, I'd given up and largely ignore small 'errors' like that, ... his using 'in' when I'd use 'on' gets to me as well, .... I blame the differences in the American vs the British English usage, .... hang in there, it seems that most of us silly Americans are rapidly getting dumbed down, soon we won't be reading anything at all, ... just watching Chinese propaganda on Tik Tok, ... :-( ttfn


Carry on as you are friend and do what you need to

Michael56Smith (edited)

Comment edits

2024-04-08 14:34:12 .105: It's great to have you back and writing again, ... I would just like to ask when you might begin to drop older chapters to the free sites again, .... the last were chapters #144 and #145 back in April-May of 2023, .... that is over 20 chapters ago (22 actually), and those two were the only two chapters dropped there in all of 2023, .... And if you could see your way to dropping just one or two chapters each month, that would be great, ... and you would still keep a quite large cushion for the Petreon members, .... Perhaps you could start this again, after you have gotten all caught up, ... I just thought I'd do the ole hint-hint, nudge-nudge bit, ... so, now that that's over, you have a nice day! ... ;-) ttfn
2024-04-08 14:34:12 .110: It's great to have you back and writing again, ... I would just like to ask when you might begin to drop older chapters to the free sites again, .... the last were chapters #144 and #145 back in April-May of 2023, .... that is over 20 chapters ago (22 actually), and those two were the only two chapters dropped there in all of 2023, .... And if you could see your way to dropping just one or two chapters each month, that would be great, ... and you would still keep a quite large cushion for the Petreon members, .... Perhaps you could start this again, after you have gotten all caught up, ... I just thought I'd do the ole hint-hint, nudge-nudge bit, ... so, now that that's over, you have a nice day! ... ;-) ttfn
2024-04-05 15:38:52 .110: Tef, ... It's great to have you back and writing again, ... I would just like to ask when you might begin to drop some of the older chapters to the free sites again, .... the last were chapters #144 and #145 back in April-May of 2023, .... that is over 20 chapters ago (22 actually), and those two were the only two chapters dropped there in all of 2023, .... And if you could see your way clear to dropping just one or two chapters each month, that would be great, ... and you would still keep a quite large cushion for the Petreon members, .... -- Perhaps you could start the free chapters again, after you have gotten all caught up in Petreon, ... I just thought I'd do the ole hint-hint, nudge-nudge bit, ... so, now that that's over, you have a nice day! ... ;-) ttfn

.110: Tef, ... It's great to have you back and writing again, ... I would just like to ask when you might begin to drop some of the older chapters to the free sites again, .... the last were chapters #144 and #145 back in April-May of 2023, .... that is over 20 chapters ago (22 actually), and those two were the only two chapters dropped there in all of 2023, .... And if you could see your way clear to dropping just one or two chapters each month, that would be great, ... and you would still keep a quite large cushion for the Petreon members, .... -- Perhaps you could start the free chapters again, after you have gotten all caught up in Petreon, ... I just thought I'd do the ole hint-hint, nudge-nudge bit, ... so, now that that's over, you have a nice day! ... ;-) ttfn

James St. Clair

In this forum, I will say what I wish to whomever I wish, especially when it involves fraud, like charging $16k for nothing. Like it or not, this is all subscribers issue.


Just out of curiosity what is the people count here on this account

Eden Sarfaty

“The idle unemployed!” …“Liberal agitators!” “Civil rights activists!” .“Ladies and gentlemen, I give you the Outer Rim! The cesspit of humanity!” Spoken by the unelected admiral just after she asserts her idealism, and her sympathetic description of the cynically exploited state of the outer rim colonies. And none of those brilliant bozos get how cynically clever her joke is?

Eden Sarfaty

And one more thing. With so many varied young Lionesses why is there not ONE African Lioness? Feels to me like a glaring hole in the lineup. Still, love the story!


Poor James, issues that don't really matter to anyone but him, ... smh, sigh, .... ;-) ttfn


.117: I believe Tef already addressed the idea of Multiple Progenitors already, ... I believe he wrote that Progenitors would not be able to trust each other, and so, they wouldn't be able to cooperate with each other worth a darn, ... and the girls would just get them to fire on each other anyway, ... ;-) ttfn


.118: Yeah, the darkest skinned Lioness is the lovely media darling, Jehanna Elani, but I agree, there is a shortage of African descended babes on the crew and/or in the greater supporting cast, ... -- Perhaps in the many (TSM) centuries until 2770, did the majority of African descended folks choose to move to their own colony world(s)? Leaving the rest of the T-Fed without their obvious benefits, ... ;-) ttfn

Ray Priebe

You already did

dan davis

Jimmy Boy, if the placeholder charge upsets you so much I have a suggestion for you. Unsubscribe and go away, we’re tired of the petty gripes. It’s issues like this that can discourage someone. SO SHUT UP AND GO AWAY.


Last time John killed a progenitor, Xar was able to pinpoint the location of the death and immediately send another progenitor to attack. But that was some unimportant remote planet. This time if John kills Gahl on Kythshara, the next progenitor (or more then 1) will be able to hit Kythshara directly, and John obviously can't abandon Kythshara the way he did the other planet - if he does, the next progenitor can take his time to completely wipe out everything on Kythshara.

ThunderBird Two

I was thinking the same... Maybe they will warp straight in (they all seem incredibly arrogant) to the middle of the existing trap, and get wiped out. Then X might be taking his time about sending the next one


I don't think it would be a good idea for Xar to send a progenitor directly to Kythshara. From Xar’s perspective, John managed to take out 30 fleets and a cloaked dreadnought. Sending a single dreadnought and stranding it there for 12 hours probably wouldn't be a good idea. Anyone he sends is likely to get killed. If they don't get killed they're likely to slip out of Xar's control due to the shroud, just like the last four (Mal, Rhan, Larn, and Ghal).


get well and stay healthy please tefler, i really wanna see TSM future chapters and the (un-named as yet) seaqual.


If John takes out Ghal then Xar is running low on options. He would have to assume sending another would result in a similar loss. It will take days at most for all of Larns fleets to be in Maliri space. Maybe a few weeks to build 10,000 spider mines. At that point the next 30 fleets won’t get as far as Ghal’s did unless they are allowed to. Still, it would be better to not give Xar anything. I hope that they don’t kill Ghal but just knock him out and then put a mind shield in place to block all psychic powers and memories beyond his childhood. Let Ghal return to being a simple fisherman and live with his pho mother. Keeping him alive in this way may be the best strategic move for the broader war. I feel like Tef has developed Ghal’s character with his mother and fishing background, and his feelings of remorse about many things, to allow for a redemption story of sorts. In the end the progenitors are pawns the same as thralls so some mercy could be justified.

Greg Hill

That's been a prickly point for me for a couple of years now too...and when he offered to change Jehanna's skin complexion during one of their moments, that really cast me for a loop. I actually messaged him about that on the free site, and he responded back to me with his thoughts on it, but it didn't really ease my concerns...but I am glad someone else thought it a little concerning also...


Dear Tefler, can we expect Chapter 168 soon as per your plan.

Michael56Smith (edited)

Comment edits

2024-04-12 08:28:40 .125: Gally gets his eldritch Mojo drained, ... his former Matriarch (Valeria) to become John's new Matriarch of the Galkarin Empire, .... and Gahl'kalgor gets his Dreadnaught Captain and pseudo-Mother (Ashlyn) as his ex-progenitor companion, ... :-) ttfn
2024-04-12 04:09:06 .125: Gally gets his eldritch Mojo drained, ... his former Matriarch (Valeria) then become John's new Matriarch of the Galkarin Empire, .... and Gahl'kalgor gets his Dreadnaught's Captain, and pseudo-Mother, (Ashlyn) as his ex-progenitor companion, ... -- And Xar'aziuth gets No new information (under the Shroud), ... :-) ttfn

.125: Gally gets his eldritch Mojo drained, ... his former Matriarch (Valeria) then become John's new Matriarch of the Galkarin Empire, .... and Gahl'kalgor gets his Dreadnaught's Captain, and pseudo-Mother, (Ashlyn) as his ex-progenitor companion, ... -- And Xar'aziuth gets No new information (under the Shroud), ... :-) ttfn


126: Dear Tef, ... Hey there big guy! When might we expect new chapters for the free sites, .... only two chapters dropped last year (#144 and #145), you really should drop a few more this year, .... thank you, ... ;-) ttfn


Neutralizing Gahl without killing him would be ideal. But is it possible to sever his psychic link with his thralls by force without killing him? The only instances of such severing happening while both the thrall and the progenitor are alive is when it is done voluntarily (Mal and John did that)

Kent voegele

I have really been enjoying this, just want let you know i so looking forward to next release. 😊


I thought of this years ago and thought of possibly the best reason why not. Tefler did not want to be seen as someone writing about a white guy owning a black female as a slave. Now I understand that the story has come a long way from that point of view, however, this might be the reason why not in the first 180 chapters.

Keepit simple

Sounds to me like another attempt to put race into conversation where it doesn't belong. Don't you get enough of that nonsense in real world to not want to spoil an awesome fantasy series? Personally I want a certain pink fairy back! ffs there are blue, green, and red skinned fantasy babes and you babble this nonsense.....?


.127: -- Can John's Runesword let him do the deed? Severing the Eldritch connection without killing the Progenitor, ... ;-) ttfn


While thinking about the consequences of killing Gahl on Kythshara, something occurred to me - Rahn said that because of all his thralls getting wiped out and him being stuck under the shroud, Xar would think he is dead. But we know that when a progenitor dies even within the shroud, Xar can pinpoint the location of death. Then how would Xar have thought Rahn was dead if he never got his location of death? Are we missing some additional details about the nature of a Progenitor's death that tefler is yet to reveal to us? This may even uncover new things about what happened to Mal after his death too.

Florida Reader

That is a good point -- although how long has Xar had this ability? My guess is that it must be circumventable.

Florida Reader

According to "About": Total members 5,839 Paid members 4,481 Amt per chapter: $7,583 (although does not take into account member monthly limits)


.130: .... guessing, ... humm, ... Tef and his storyline choices are not all that predictable, ... Either he has made some errors in his story's continuity, or he is going to quickly glance over it somewhere down the line, and we may never get an answer, ... Or perhaps he has a really good explanation for the mysteries involving Xar'aziuth and the Shroud, ... maybe, .... with our Tef, you can never really know, ... ;-) ttfn


Every day after mid month without a chapter makes it increasingly impossible to write a second one (at least a complete one). Hoping Tef can stay on pace for 2 chapters this month. And then charge for one. That would bring us down to only two pre-charged chapters!


I’m absolutely looking forward to Faye’s return. Next to that, I’m looking forward to John rescuing the last known Nymph from the Brimorians.

ThunderBird Two

Maybe X could trace where his psychic dinner was coming from, rather than where they were under the shroud? Therefore, no giant pile of dead thralls = no idea where the Progenitor is?


Xar can pinpoint the use of massive psychic energy. Rahn used up all his Thralls to avoid being killed. He lost his claim on the Rendarai with that, indicating his death. Also Mael cut his connection to the Maliri and lost his claim on them. Xar had all reason to assume their death. The battle between John and Larn was also a massive psychic light show. If John can stop GK from draining his Thralls, i doubt Xar can pinpoint the location of the battle.


https://graphtreon.com/creator/user?u=3814558 Just found this yesterday

stephen mincher

Xar knows Rahn isn’t dead as he’s not part of Xar’s army on the astral plain.


-- well, Xar'aziuth is still trying to figure out what's been going on under the Shroud, ... plus with all that is surely been happening with all the other Progenitor Empires, Xar (the Evil Devourer) may have just lost track of ole Rahn, ... ;-) ttfn

Keepit simple

Could easily make 3 or 4 chapters out of Faye return and rescue of Nymph from Brimorians. Maybe Faye learns something from process that helps her locate more Nymphs.


-- oh yeah, ... Super-Cyber Pixie Faye, the freshly minted, Organic prototype, the wonderful, formerly digital darling, ... with amazing powers and abilities far beyond those of the average Lioness, ... wow, do I ever miss my pretty purple pixie, ... ;-) ttfn


.133: (0n 16 April, 2024), ... way back at end of March, our heroic Author wrote "... I'm hoping we'll be fully caught up in April. I've written a big chunk of 168 already and the rest of the battle scenes have all been planned out, I just need to flesh the rest of them out." ... --- So, ... we're waiting, ... And now that Tef has a little money back in his pocket, ... he might have filled his auto's fuel tank, ... gone grocery shopping, ... paid a few bills, ... and performed a few other time-consuming tasks, ... --- However, it is now past time to get the ole nose back on the grindstone, ... we need chapter #168, .... A few more battle scenes, a few additional sex scenes, and likely have Dana leave the Valkyrie in a compromised position again, .... you know, fun stuff, .... -- Hey this nagging worked with another of my favorite authors, .... he dropped his latest (slightly overdo) chapter a few hours after my little nudging, .... here's hoping it works with our Tef, .... -- February and March were awesome months for catching up, ... fingers crossed to hope for more of the same, ... ;-) ttfn

Greg Hill

I still think those figures are the floor, and not the ceiling...but even so that's almost $100,000 annually....good money, if you are willing to do whatever needs to be done to get it.


Jim Owens

I hope you are recovering well from your surgery and illness. We all can't wait for more chapters. Especially given we're at the apex of the battle.


Three days into the second half of the month. If delivered today it means the first chapter took 18 days and the second one would have to be written in 12. This is not good. Probably on the cusp of what’s possible.

Big Dude

Let's wait until fully baked? Tefler back in the saddle and the "crybabies" are back at it. Please everyone... just some patience!!!


.134: ... yeah just some patience, ..... but I'm drooling awaiting the next chapter, ... hurry, please! ... ;-) ttfn

Florida Reader

Michael -- I am shocked by your impatience. You had been a voice of calm and reason in the past. Now, I fear, you are becoming a drama queen. Drama gratis dramais. Drama for drama's sake, brother.

Unresolved Plots

Yes its looking more and more unlikely we will get 2 chapters by the end of the month. If he was waiting to complete 169 before publishing 168, this would cause a delay, but I think this is very unlikely, so not holding out much hope for that one!

Keepit simple

Patience will come with credibility. Sadly Tef couldn't wait to charge again until caught up....I think that would probably been best case for not having more posts of complaints. Doubt anyone coming here wants anything other than more of Tef story to read...but there are definitely those out there that just want to see world burn too sadly. Thinking positive would mean Tef going to catch up on placeholders plus another chapter to charge for to get some income before month end. Again doubtful that can happen unless Tef now has help with editing etc. And plotted map for 4 chapters. There have been some great posts by readers here that really put some great plot points out there for a lot more than 4 chapters and those are just suggestions as Tef has his on vision on what story he wants to tell. For me, glad he is back, probably healthy, and back to sharing his story with us! Just hope he doesn't over promise and fall under pressure from it.


--- yeah, but after many months without any new TSM, I'd quickly gotten used to the rapid, catch-up pace that we got during February and March, ... now I am truly 'Jonesing' for the next chapter, .... -- But Tef is back, TSM is continuing and the year is so much better than last year, .... so far, .... I apologize for my drama, ... but sometimes it just slips out, ... ;-) ttfn

Sushant Bhartiya

I have been copy pasting his stories paragraphs one by one in Co pilot AI image creator and getting wonderful results!

Florida Reader

You are forgiven, Michael. But as a consequence of your lapse in patience, you opened the door for "Keepit Simple" to dump on our man Tefler. @Keepit wrote "Patience will come with credibility. Sadly Tef couldn't wait [blah, blah, bitch, moan, pontificate]." You and I worked hard crushing the last peasant revolt. Let us not forget those dark days, buddy.

Dominic Walker

I forget what chapter exactly,y, but this was addressed by Rahn being considered to have abandoned his empire after having husked his entire network to heal himself after the battle with Mael’Nerak, thereby severing his link to Xar, without having a death signature. I wonder if John or any of the more astute Lionesses have figured this out yet… and is anyone planning to figure out how to keep Kythshara from being the jump-in spot for all the other progenitors after Ghal’Kalgore if he’s killed there? Interesting foreshadowing…

Keepit simple

Without peasants there would be no "kings". Sad that you could not understand my earlier post as being meant as sympathetic for Tef and his business situation.

Florida Reader

@Keepit Simple: I was using you as a means to scold Michael56Smith -- who formerly held the position as Tefler's #1 cheerleader on these posts. He unfortunately suffered STWS (Severe Tefler Withdrawal Syndrome) and lapsed into being a whiny bitch. I am assisting in both bringing him back to the fold, and helping to prevent his further sliding. Thank you for playing the part of a foil to wake up the former Mighty Michael56Smith. Your post contains many thoughtful statements -- I concede the majority of it was actually quite good. Your sacrifice is for a good cause. IOTA (International Order of Tefler Apologists) thanks you.

David Kepler

For those of us that have been around for a long time, and stuck with and supported Tefler through thick and thin, I think the one thing we'd all like is just a little more communication. A status update every couple of weeks, or even just some proof of life, would be nice.


---- I have often thought that what our Tef needs is an Assistant / Intern to send out a news update every couple of weeks, and to forward an older chapter or two to the 'free' sites each month, .... -- It should be a fan of Tefler's work and someone who would only need to work for maybe a half day, two or three times a week, ... without pay, or very little (cab fare and lunch money?) ... if Tef could tolerate such help, ... -- And you are so correct, ... some extra communication would go a long way to making his fans happy, ... -- and if Tef could get a good, and hungry, book editor as his intern, then he might be able to produce more, John Blake Chronicles, books, ... at least another dozen or so more, ... ;-) ttfn

Nathan Pigeon-Blais

does anyone know why there is no more than 4 books. I am genuinely curious


-- I had just assumed it was because of all the extra work (editing) a book requires from its author, .... Poor talented Tef (amateur author) just found he couldn't do it, not while continuing to write new chapters anyway, ... ;-) ttfn


Funny. I just looked. I purchased the 1st one in October of 2017 and the last in February of 2019. It gives one a sense of how long this story has been going. To answer your question, Tefler added additional material to the books that was not included in the posted chapters as well as editing the material, so it was a lot of work. He stated (5 years ago?!) that he would probably finish up the story and then go back and release the rest in book form. What his current plans are, I don’t pretend to know.


.137: With all of the lost TSM time / chapters from last year, ... recall that it was chapter #162 that was completed 30 April of 2023, ... about one year ago, ... as we are now awaiting chapter #168, .... finally catching up on all those past placeholders, ..... Tef is back, and he is producing / writing more outstanding TSM installments once again, .... we have so much to be thankful for, .... -- and it looks as though we will be getting chapter #168 on / about 30 April of 2024 (happy anniversary!), .... once again, we are catching up, .... -- And poor twisted Progenitor 'Gally' is going to wish he had never invaded Maliri Space, and also, that he had not ever heard of Baen'thelas, ... the Righter of Wrongs, .... ;-) ttfn


And that would earn some more for Tef... May be some kin or retired friend...


22 days and counting for one chapter isn’t a pace that allows for a second one this month. The catching up phase is over. The only way Tef can catch up now is to deliver one chapter but not charge for it.


.... Oh, we're Tef-ler-man -i-acs, .... --- and we're Zany to the Max, .... ----so, sit back and relax, ... -- you'll press F5 'til you collapse, ... We're Tef-ler-man-i-acs! ;-) ttfn


F5 F5 F5 F5 F5 F5 F5 F5 F5 F5 F5 ,,,,,,, ;-) TTFN

Tefler Fan 007

So any day now……between today and May 1st😁

Big Dude

I am hoping he releases 168 and 169 together. Tefler mentioned half of 168 was written earlier so that is my wish by April 30th.

Unresolved Plots

His actual statement was a big chunk of 168 was completed. That could be much less than a half, or even more than half! I hope you are correct and Tefler does release multiple chapters together, though this would be far from the norm, so is unlikely.


... yeah, multiple chapters dropping at EOM is unlikely, but wouldn't that be wonderful, ... !! ;-) ttfn


I really do love this story, which makes the status quo frustrating. But I plan to stick it out because the story is just too good to give up on. I've limited my contribution and will continue to cap my monthly until such time as Tefler catches up. When he catches up, I will bump my subscription accordingly in gratitude. Hope that's soon for everyone's sake


I’m with Big Dude hoping for 168 and 169, but am sending Tef all the positive thoughts to help write whatever he can this month.

Green Seadragon

Alot of these chapters are "continuity sensitive" so they have to be written in parallel, so it may be possible that we may get 2 chapters at the end of the month. The battle is several stories all going on at once.

Tefler Fan 007

Think positive thoughts…..F5,F5,F5….Think positive thoughts…..F5,F5,F5….

Tefler Fan 007

I’m one with the force and the force is with me. I’m one with the force and the force is with me. I’m one with the force and the force is with me.

Thomas McGrath

He should consider making an abridged PG-13/R version suitable for "mainstream" and/or slightly younger audiences. The combat stands on its own and TBH i actually skip the naughty bits to "get back to the action" so to speak. a wider audience means the ability to sell to libraries, bookstores etc. Would love to see as a TV series or movie.


Last year I decided to restart the story from page one. I was at Chapter 157 when 167 dropped. Maybe I should start over again?

Tefler Fan 007

Unfortunately I don’t know how you would take out the cum inflation and blowjobs to make it mainstream.

Thomas McGrath

Dance around it. Kind of like with explaining to charles and lina. Some amount of sex is still within mainstream limits.


Huh… I was certain we’d have 168 by now based on his update super earlier today. Well, we know we will have it soon.

Vizth Hal

My money is on it either being longer than normal or him wanting to put some extra polish on it due to it probably being the last part of the battle.


-- I still like the Big Dudes idea, that Tef is going to drop both #168 and #169 at the end of the month, ... tying up the big battle and the fates of Gally and Valeria, ... Then with #170 we FINALLY can get on with reviving / restoring our sweet Faye (yay!) ... ;-) ttfn


-- ... No, no, no, you should not trust any media executives, .... they have proven that they do not understand Sci-Fi, and besides that, good erotica would be wasted on them, .... sorry Charlie, .... ;-) ttfn

Who Me

Tefler has said he won't revive her until the end of TSM!!! Boo - That means this is the end of the story! Me VERY Sad

Tefler Fan 007

Tefler So random thought, assuming Mason is the traitor and he was in the escape pod that was broadcasting the brimorian code, I wonder if there might have been a second person in that pod. We know the escape pods hold two people from Zeligs escape pod. What if Mason kidnapped Beth to make her pay for turning her back on him. What if he is forcing her to watch Toms trial and him losing everything. Mason might be trying to show Beth he was the better man. With Anna dumping Tom’s and probably sleeping with Archie, if Beth is somehow still alive might give Tom a future happy ending. Just a random thought.

Keepit simple

That makes no sense as Faye could fill a valuable role along with adding so much more storyline. Keeping her on sidelines seems cruel.


Tefler madoff


.149: yeah, he did once say that he would complete TSM after he brought her back / revived Faye, ... but, .... how many more chapters will Tef take to wind down this story, and to set up the sequel? ...He wrote from start (Dec 2015) to the possible finish / completion of TSM, over 170 installments (so later in 2024?), .... plus, some pictures and diagrams, ... this body of work is quite huge, .... -- And I think it will be good to go on to the sequel, ... fresh start, and new chapter numbers.... ;-) ttfn


-- F5 F5 F5 F5 F5 F5 F5 F5 F5 F5 F5 F5 F5 F5 F5 F5 F5 F5 F5 F5 F5 F5 F5 F5 F5 F5 F5 F5 F5 F5 F5 F5 F5 F5 F5 F5 F5 F5 F5 F5 F5 F5 F5 F5 F5 F5 F5 F5 F5 F5 F5 F5, .... just a couple more days, woohoo! ... ;-) ttfn

Jim lynch

Exactly it only took a couple of chapters to end his promise to stop the theft of money from his patron victims.


This does not look good at all


Two chapters by midnight tonight


Tefler, have you considered publishing your older chapters (1-60) that are not on Patreon?


He published four books, still available on amazon under M Tefler, that cover the first 30+ chapters, with additional content.


.151: hey TR, Tef has published chapters 1 thru 20 in soft paperback (see Amazon) found in volumes #1 and #2, under M. Tefler, ... He also has published volumes #1, #2 and volumes #3 and #4 as digital only books (also see Amazon), these volumes also have a few added scenes, ... but nothing new there for years, ... Tef says he'll knock out all the rest when TSM is completed, ... hope this was helped, ... ;-) ttfn


-- Patreon is located in San Francisco, ... so two chapters by 9 pm (PDT)? .... ;-) ttfn


It probably goes without saying but the early chapters are all on Literotica.com. Hard to imagine someone not knowing that and starting with what was on Patreon, but weirder things have happened.


I didn’t see additional content in book 1 so I didn’t bother with the others. Did I miss something worthwhile?


F5 F5 and F5 from me too.


Book 1 has the most additional content compared to the other 3 books. The initial chapters were very short and posted on Literotica. My memory says that Tefler at least doubled the size of the chapters, but possibly more.

Big Dude

It's only 6PM Pacific. Six more hours.


You are definitely getting a story in an hour or two. Might be about why he only had time to write that extra scene in 167 and a couple more placeholders are necessary. Honestly for such a great writer those excuse stories could be written more creatively. I think we’d all rather have 168 and 169.


It’s 2 AM London time. While technically he has until 8AM London he usually doesn’t make it till then… understandably.

Florida Reader

I couldn't disagree more. Tefler delivered an outstanding last "scene" in Chapter 167, which was damned near an entire chapter itself. Having read both this amended chapter and the partial delivery of 168, I am amazed at the quality of the chapters and the effort he put into making the battle as exciting as it has been.

Florida Reader

Wow, Tefler, your extra scene was almost the equivalent of an entire chapter. What a great addition to the story. Thank you!


TSM is great. It’s the stories about why he can only write part of one chapter but needs to charge for two that are lame. How he’s going to finish the chapter ‘tomorrow’. How this is the last precharge. How this month he’s going to catch up. Every month we get these fantasy stories. These are poorly written.


-- remember chapter #100, with the battle for Terra against the Kintark, .... that was one of the most awesome chapters ever, .... and now he's doing it again with the battle with the Galkirans, .... Tef's story writing is pretty much amazing, ... ;-) ttfn

Florida Reader

@AzureReader Maybe we should help Tefler write his excuses. That could be entertaining.

Kent voegele

Thank you this has been great reading Thank Yoy!


-- May 31, 2024, ... first part of #169 dropped, at 11 Word pages, so about 25%, ,,, with more expected by EOM, .... so maybe Part or a complete #170 by end of June too, ... maybe, .... fingers and eyes are crossed, ... ;-) ttfn