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Hey everyone,

I had planned out the rest of the battle, but as I wrote the scenes, I decided to alter how the battle plays out. I rewrote things, and have changed the sequence of the upcoming fight to make it flow better. As I was making such big changes, I decided to hold off releasing the end of chapter 168 until i was happy with 169, just in case I needed to do some extra rewrites.

Here is the completed chapter 168 with the additional scenes added to the end.

I hope you enjoy it!

Best wishes,



Dominic Walker

Hey @Tefler : can you work Nexus back into the story? Not the psycho Terran version, the immaculate AI version Mael’Nerak created? Maybe place it on Kythshara? That would be awesome 🤩!! Also, are we going to get the link between Mael’Nerak, Kythshara and the Kyth’Faren? Asking for a friend 😉


Tefler's Journal: The Ineffable Delays on English Isle May 1: Survival tactic of the day: aggressive napping. Found a soft patch of grass. Napped fiercely, woke up refreshed, and... promptly took another nap. Writing can wait. Tomorrow, I swear. May 2: Attempted to get some writing done, but a sudden downpour interrupted. Built a makeshift shelter out of branches and leaves. It was cozy, so I took another nap. Writing resumes tomorrow. May 3: A wild hedgehog infiltrated the campsite. Named it Ezekiel. Spent the day in a Benny Hill-style chase sequence. Writing? Absolutely not. Tomorrow for sure. May 4: Woke up with an inexplicable rash. Convinced it’s poison ivy. Spent hours applying questionable herbal remedies. Ezekiel unhelpfully watched and ate my notes. Tomorrow, I'm writing. May 5: Discovered the island's birds are adept at imitating '80s music. Spent hours dancing with Ezekiel. Productivity: nil. Tomorrow’s playlist is crucial for writing. May 6: Out of tea. British crisis mode engaged. Prioritized brewing over writing. Tomorrow, with tea in my veins, will be legendary. Or so I hope. May 7: Time warp incident. Lost hours, possibly days, to a particularly engaging patch of clouds. Claimed extensive writing done, but strangely, no words to show. Tomorrow, I’ll conquer time. May 8: Debated best English novels with Ezekiel. Four hours later, still no writing, but Ezekiel agrees "Pride and Prejudice" is top-tier. Victory? Tomorrow, back to writing. May 9: Developed a sudden allergy to productivity. Symptoms include chronic avoidance and sporadic procrastination. Seeking a cure. Slowly. Writing returns tomorrow. May 10: Inspiration struck while foraging. Got back to camp, forgot everything. Spent the day wandering the island, hoping inspiration might return. It didn’t. Tomorrow, I'll remember. May 11: Campfire malfunction. Spent the day battling smoke and embers. Writing mid-crisis: not for the faint of heart. Words tomorrow, assuming fire cooperates. May 12: Discovered a mysterious button on the old lighthouse panel. Spent hours speculating. It controls a light. Enlightening. Not writing. Tomorrow, enlightenment and writing. May 13: Sidetracked by a breathtaking sunset. Took a thousand photos with mental camera. Sorting them ate up the day. Words will follow the mental photo essay. Soon. Tomorrow. May 14: Ezekiel chewed through critical journal pages. Spent day in futile repairs. Writing postponed, hedgehog remains at large, mocking my efforts. Tomorrow, new pages and words. May 15: A minor storm caused chaos at the campsite. Engaged in an epic patch-up job. Writing to commence post-repair celebrations. Tomorrow, with gusto. May 16: Finally sat to write. Realized crucial notes were left on the mainland. Sent Ezekiel on a retrieval mission. Writing delayed. Awaiting hedgehog report. Tomorrow, guaranteed.


Hello Tefler, I normally dont do corrections but something has been bothering me... In 168 Sakura uses water from a broken Fire Hydrant to entomb a transport in Ice, I dislike the Fire Hydrant tremendously, The rest of this planet is golden spires and matriculate architecture and when I read Fire Hydrant I think of those red ones and its such a mismatch in my mind. May I propose changing it to either just a water pipe or perhaps a water fountain, Or go the full length and describe the (Maliri) Fire Hydrant :D And thank you for the years of work and your wonderful product.


-- How was Gah;'kalgor able to remove Sakura's twin ninjato's (rune enhanced by John) without Gally burning his hands? -- (page 30 of 45 in Word): "No longer beset by enemies, Gahl’kalgor took a deep breath, then grasped the hilt of each ninjato in an unbreakable telekinetic grip. He moaned in agony as he tugged at both swords, each blade grating against his breastplate with a squeal of protest, until they finally tore free in a gout of blood. Flinging the weapons aside with an angry snarl, he focused on healing the damage Sakura had inflicted, pouring psychic energy into regenerating the ugly wounds"... -- So, his hands were never burned from touching those blades, like Larn'kelnar's hand was burned when he touched John's Runesword, ... ;-) ttfn


Not all hydrants worldwide are the typical fire plug versions we see in the US and Europe. In some places, the fire hydrant or water supply is in a manhole just below the road surface. I ran into these in several Eastern European countries in the older areas of the major cities.

Andrew Shultes

"an unbreakable TELEKINETIC grip." He used telekinesis. I was confused too but I just re-read the chapter and noticed that detail.