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Edited 27th April: I've fixed a couple of continuity errors regarding Nova Lance firepower, as well as how tough the weapon turrets should be.

I also added a completely new scene involving Tashana. To jump straight to that scene, search for the # symbol.

Hey everyone!

I've just finished the next chapter. I really hope you enjoy it.

The battle will continue over at least one more chapter after this (168). I've sketched out all the upcoming combat scenes, and there's enough going on for it to probably go on into chapter 169 as well. Just my notes for the battle scenes is currently 4k words. :)

Anyway, let me know if you spot any typos or continuity errors and I'll try to fix them asap.

Best wishes,




How many quantum flux cannons does a dreadnought have? If they are facing the planet so they can shoot the quantum flux cannons on the ground shouldn’t the cannons on the ground be taking out some of the ones on the dreadnought? So far the only damage has been ‘hull breaches and subsystems’. Engines and weapons next round? Also, Calara was concerned the Invictus couldn’t attack while the dreadnought’s shields were up. They are down now and it seems like every weapon on the dreadnought would be vulnerable to getting picked off by someone who never misses in a fully shielded ship nearly impossible to hit.


.144: ,,, there are six (6) forward facing Quantum Flux Cannons on a Dreadnaught, ... -- So, you think Calara might just blast the heck out of Gally's Dreadnaught? -- I can scarcely wait for chapter #168, and more of the battle, ... this one is even better than the Battle for Terra found in chapter #100, ... ;-) ttfn

Walter Davis

Holy crap!! I can’t wait for the next chapter!! Take my money and hurry up!! 🤣🤣🤣🤣. Please take care of yourself and your family!!


.147: hey Tef, here's another oops for you to fix: "Dana waited for a long moment, but there was no reply from Alyssa. She knew the blonde had a lot on her place with Edraele out of action, ..." the word place s/b plate, right, ... this was almost at the chapters end, ... ;-) ttfn


OK, new topic, the blue skinned Maliri meet the traditional Hindu Elanis. First line from John trying to explain why Jehanna is not being abusive nor abused. "We're like your ancient gods and ancient harems."


A question that deserves an answer somewhere down the road in the story. When Gally had the gal to pull out Sakura's ninjatos, his hands didn't burn. Compare to when Larn tried to hold John's blade, his hand burned.Now, I thought these new ninjatos for Sakura were made in the same "power hungry, puts into a trance" mode that has Alyssa so worried. Again, that's not an error, but if theses are indeed Progenitor killing semi-sentient weapons, why is Sakura's not as hostile to being touched by a true Progenitor? Remember, John's no longer a Progenitor (if ever he was), but Kyth'fare reborn as is Alyssa.


Killing Valeria would help kill Galy. While a Progenitor can draw power directly from his network, the Matriarch is more efficient for 3 reasons: 1- Practice improves performance. 2- Multi-tasking, which the female human brain is more capable of than male owing in large part to a 15% bigger corpus callosum; plus a few other harder to explain reasons. 3- Reduced need to multi-task by the Progenitor as he can concentrate on the fight and not monitor what’s going on with the network. Obviously each point reinforces the other two. We saw this last point clearly during the Larn fight where he was not aware of just how destroyed his network was despite being repeatedly warned.


I seem to remember a very early part of the story where they entered the ship when it was near totally non upgraded and they used like handprints or some such to open and close the doors they entered, that he failed to see some shadow or some such after entering the ship. Never read anything else about that "shadow".


-- might that shadow have been 'Mad Jonah' himself or one of his rare surviving Kyth'faren friends? ... will Tef ever tell us? ... ;-) tfn