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Hey everyone!

I've just completed the next chapter (166). I really hope you enjoy it!

Please let me know if you spot any typos or continuity errors, and I'll fix them asap.

Best wishes,




Cheers, Tefler! I hope your days are as enjoyable as you’re helping make ours!


Great to have you back! Take your time and continue living while writing. We will wait!


Very very nice that you keep your word. Just upgraded my subscription :)

Nicholas Barrett

Looks like I have plans for the next hour

Silent Count

Man, a post from both creators I follow on the same day with an hour? Brb, gonna buy a lotto ticket.

Pana Napoleon

I can't wait. Thank you for continuing to share John's story with us. You rock!


Thank you!


It's mid-month, and at your current chapter posting rate Tef, you'll be all caught up soon, (by mid to late April? Maybe?) .... that's great for everyone, .... wow, ... but take good care of yourself, no burning yourself out, .... -- I've only just started reading #166, but so far, it's been excellent, even the Valkyrie squatting down in front of the Palace, LOL, ... -- And I don't tend to notice typos on my first read through, unless they are really blatant, ... so far, so good, ... I think, ... ;-) ttfn


Really happy you seem to be back in the groove!


Really love the chapter! My 1 note is that 'As atrociously as she’d treated her mother and father' reads a bit awkward.

Unresolved Plots

Thanks once again Tefler. Time to read!!


Amazing chapter! I’m eagerly awaiting the next chapter!

stephen mincher

excellent, funny and a cliff hanger, outdoing yourself. one typo grew not grow.

Kevin Simon

You are a rockstar! Thank you for keeping the story going. You are amazing!


FANTASTIC chapter, and such a perfect cliffhanger! Glad you're back in the groove.


Great Chapter!!! Wondering if John's mom and pop might show up in their DreadNaught.

Roy Gathercoal

Great recovery, Tefler. One typo "The odds are stacked against us, as they usual are," should be usually. Thank you.


Tefler, that ending was absolutely brilliant! I am so glad you're back, and I sincerely hope you're feeling better. Your writing is inspired.


I hope you enjoy it, and glad you found the comedy moments amusing. :)


That's always a possibility... if Jessica can convince Rahn to go along with it.


I'm good thanks. It's always great to hear that people enjoyed each chapter. :)

James Straub

Thanks Tefler. Was starting to get the itch for TSM.


Love the new chapter, keep up the pace. But by gods sake that was a massive cliff hanger to leave us at. Pound out a new chapter and charge us, I don't care!!!!


Thank you, Tefler! Very Enjoyable!! Our access to that date feed —> Our access to that data feed Did they got lost? —> Did they get lost?


Excellent stuff as always, noticed one telepathic speech mismatch: After smiling at her affectionately, Luna glanced towards the holographic display. *You should finish your briefing as quickly as possible. You need to be fully equipped in Paragon armour before the Galkirans arrive. Calara might be right about them wanting to capture Genthalas intact, but I’m not taking any chances.”



Pat White

Dam you Tefler. Lol. The shit is about to hit the fan

James Glass

Can't wait for the epic showdown. Still curious what's going to happen with the court martial sub plot.

Old Cruiser

Thanks Tefler!


Cheers Mr


yeah, ... the excrement is about to strike the rotating blades, ... and it is just what we've been drooling to see for many months, .... thank you, Tef, ... ;-) ttfn


..... and will John's control of his Rune blade be enough to assure the victory for the 'good guys'? with its power to drain, and to drain Progenitor shields, .... he'll drain Kal's Mojo, .... ;-) ttfn

nig a

I can't seem to be able to view the chapter 😔 will you be adding this to your literotica profile as well? Discovered your story there and enjoy having it all in one place, I also brought the books off kindle as well

Antoine Scrivener

Great way to end this chapter: "I want that bastard’s head on a fucking spike!”


Question about the nymphs during the battle. I know 2 are in ground manning guns. One is piloting the Raptor. Ailita is with Jehenna. And the last one is piloting the Invictus. But then who’s on gunnery duty on the Invictus? Calara is coordinating the attacks so can’t. The pilot needs to focus on flying. Seems like there might be an issue.


Arrrrrgh! Got to wait for the next chapter. Sigh. You’ve got me feeling less patient than Dana in the beginning! Excellent chapter. Thank you!


.132: At 8 hours on. this us a typo that you might have already had pointed out to you: -- "The odds are stacked against us, as they usual are, but I have the utmost confidence in my Lionesses... and my Nymphs... and the Collective,” ... (found approximately on Word page 36 of 51), ... -- usual really should be usually, .... -- Great writing, great chapter, great story, .... thank you, ... ;-) ttfn


Enjoying the chapter so far. One awkward phrase caught my eye: "passed on any instructions " at the bottom of page 15. I would that all of the instructions would be passed on. "passed on the instructions " sounds better to my ear. Again, hugely enjoying the story!

Jedi Khan

Thanks for the chapter, Tefler. Good work as usual! Well, John wanted to piss off Gal. I think he succeeded. Hopefully not to well? It would be unfortunate if Gal's anger came full circle, giving him clarity of mind instead of blind rage.


.139: found one more, small 'tense' typo near the chapters end: -- Baen’thelas broke into a mocking grin. “Pitiful? Really, I seem to recall you started your little invasion with 29 fleets. Where are the rest of them, Gally? Did they got lost” -- should be get lost, not got lost, ... -- thank you for a wonderful story, ... ;-) ttfn


.140: ... the challenge was issued, and 'Gally' really took offense, .... does this mean Kal's Gladitoria will not be joining him in this dual? and that she (Valeria) will become John's newest Matriarch? -- This ASSUMES that Gahl'kalgor is either killed by Baen'thelas, or has all his psychic Mojo drained from him by John's Runesword, .... Tef has me most curious, .... ;-) ttfn

glenn kellogg

Back in full form! Great chapter … obviously can’t wait for the big climax to these last many chapters. Thanks

Tipp McClure

So damn good. Come on Calendar... move faster!


Can't wait. When you started posting again (164), I went back to the start. Currently up to Chap. 128. Such a Gr8 story. Thanks again Tef.


amazing chapter and well thought out. I was so surprised, I cant wait for you to save Tom and how all that falls out. Then the reference to Faye and protecting her... thank you


I'd like to see Valeria get chopped up by Luna defending the Queen on Genthalas


there was a bit in there referring to Sakura as a teenager? I thought she was 21ish (plus a few years!)


.155: .... or perhaps Sakura will get to try out the Gladitoria's fighting skills and techniques, .... but only after Luna throws Valeria in the Brig for a while, to cool off, ... ;-) ttfn


My understanding is Calara will be coordinating with telepathy, so she'll be on gunnery duty for the Invictus.

Sushant Bhartiya

Simply awesome! Terrific Tefler Tales!

Sushant Bhartiya

Tales of two mommas gonna unfolding pretty soon! Jessica Vs Delsanra!


.154: yeah, it is most of the other Terrans that are still in their teens, .... but if it counts for anything, Sakura is still under 100, ... that's pretty cool, right? ... ;-) ttfn


.156: ..... in the next chapter, the defense of Genthalas Shipyard (a secondary story) is going to be pretty Awesome, .... ;-) ttfn


While Calara could, it is not something that’s been done by her in a massive battle like this. In my opinion, it would be better to move one of the two gunnery Nymphs on the ground to the ship or and replace them with a white haired Malari or Ailita.

David Shmilowitz

Am very interested in the tom walker storyline. how is the timing going to work out where he/ his lawyer manages to stall the sentence long enough for john and the girls to get back to terra to read his mind and realize that he's innocent? for that matter, what evidence would convince them that things are fishy enough that it's worth a trip back to terra to verify?

Roy Gathercoal

When the girls were transformed, they could pick any age to apppear. i believe she chose her late teenage years because she had lost these years as an assasin being put into cold storage between jobs. Thus she is probably one of the oldest humans in the crew in real years but they all appear to be about the same age. This is all speculation, of course. . .

Roy Gathercoal

yeah. It seems to be true that February issssssssssssssssssssssssppppppppppppppppppppppppppppps[ sk;k[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[dbbb


I feel like playing the Rocky theme when Tefler posts!! Getting strong now, won't be long now!


My pleasure, I admit I cheat slightly as I reformat each chapter into an epub and they tend to mess up the formatting making them stand out!


Another great chapter and so close to the grand battle. Can’t wait.


Yeah, when I read about Jessica, I thought so too that’s how she could redeem herself.

John Doe

Thanks Tef. Can’t wait for the next one!


Awesome as expected. Suspence is getting high. Awaiting next chapter

Ken Moreau

I'm concerned about the Walker storyline as well. Certainly Irillith can uncover the faked evidence, and John etc can uncover the real conspirators, but what would cause them to take time to do it? Even Lynette is convinced of his guilt.

Ken Moreau

On another note, I can't figure out how the stars are "twinking"... :^)

Tefler Fan 007

With the Walker storyline we are all trying to figure out the possible traitor. I just wanted to state some facts that we know from past chapters. 1) a traitor was in Morgan’s Fleet. He was recovered in an escape pod broadcasting a brimonian code. 2) the traitor was upset at Tom and targeted him as the fall guy. Out of over 300,000 troops he was picked and I don’t think that was coincidence. 3) we know the traitor is a male based on the conversation between the Deep Lord and the dock master when the traitor got a cruiser class ship. 4) the traitor or traitors were able to block Toms calls to Anna. This was before the Maliri hackers hacked the system. Whoever Tefler picks as the traitor he will have to make sure the traitor matches the information from previous chapters or he will have to rewrite past chapters already posted. Personally I still think it was Mason and brimorians made a clone to leave behind to cover his tracks. I also think Mason was working with Archie. Archie was in a communication field back on earth and could block Toms calls. If it’s not Mason as the fleet traitor then it’s possibly someone who is related with Archie. Archie hates Tom so the traitor on the fleet picked Tom as a fall guy because of Archie.

Big Dude

Something wonderful has happened Dave!

John the 5th

Another great chapter and a very pleasant welcome surprise. My thoughts are going in several directions now. The mothers entering , re-entering in the story at this time could be very interesting. Plus his father as well possibly, adding another possibility, Then Luna maybe taking on a bigger role in the upcoming battle. Fun stuff and a terrific read,

Jeremey Bartel

I didn't find 1 error . Absolutely fantastic I'm chomping at the but for chapter. 167

donald abbott

Loved it, thanks for sharing.


Man that was one hell of a button to push. I think John successfully aggroed Lord Gally.

fay cannon

Loved it, can’t wait to start contributing to Patreon again, maybe I’ll increase my donation.


Love it! So good to have the story moving along again. All the elements of a grand space opera with great side plots like Gally’s matriarch vs the pseudo mother. Fun!


.196: ... sub-plots: oh yeah, and "Gally's" Matriarch is in for a few surprises when she and just one fleet tries to take Genthalas and not destroy it, ... and maybe there'll be a Valeria vs Luna duel, to match the Gahl'kalgor vs Baen'thelas one, ... yep, next chapter will be a hot one... -- Oh, and will Tom Walker finally make a jailbreak? ... -- My money is on the Maliri Hacker, Shanryl, breaking Tom from T-Fed Jail, ... and getting the Lion involved, ... 'cuz she wants to meet him so bad, ... then, look out Mason Newmont, the true Rat of the Federation, the Lionesses (especially Tom's relative Dana) are all coming for Mace, ... and that Brimorian cruiser won't save him, .... ;-) ttfn


Old friends getting ready to battle again. Good times.


Wow. I'd say Gally is successfully pissed. Didn't even wait to recharge their shields.

stephen mincher

3rd read, so good. dana replid?


I was wandering how Niskera was holding up? Or the rest of the abandoned or the starforge? I'm sure you can postpone the battle for another chapter... Just to let you know, if you do that I won't talk to you for whole month! Glad you're back, btw. ;-)


Glad to have you back . The taunting about his mother was excellent


Another "Floridian slip: as my wife calls them. Jeremy is "...chomping at the but...". Sometime ago I went through the etymology of the Terran names Tefler uses. I doubt Tefler chose the names knowing the history of the words but all of them fit perfectly to the character. I am convinced that "Jungian archetypes" have a deep hold of our subconscious. It is a fact that deep down everyone knows FAR more than they can consciously access. I believe great story tellers like Tefler unknowingly tap into this vast reservoir of collective consciousness. I'm not sure if this is some quasi-spiritual thing like in the Dune universe; or just the massive amount of knowledge proven to reside deep in every human brain. I am certain that we all know FAR more than we think we do, and that unfortunately many of us deny that knowledge because we follow the herd for safety. I am sure Jeremy is, or wants to, be "chomping on the but"! No insult intended. Just this morning I wanted to be "chomping" too but was almost late for work so I left my wife be.

Dark Storymaker

Thanks for the chapter! One thing I noted, at the very end, where John is taunting Gahl'kalgor, we have this line: “You killed your mother, didn’t you?” Baen’thelas asked, all brevity gone from his voice. I think you might have meant the word, "levity" here?


So glad you’re back. Hopefully everything is well on your end. We all love the chapters!


Yep, you're absolutely right. I seem to have a real mental block with brevity -> levity. That's at least the second time I've mixed them up.

Marc-olivier Bergeron

I am curious to see how anna will react when the true will go out. She will have a lot of guilt. More if its happen after he was executed.

Marc-olivier Bergeron

Maybe papa progenitor will intervene either to save the maliri station or help is son.


.221: .... a few freebee thoughts and ideas (and worth every cent), : ... sub-plots: -- oh yeah, and "Gally's" Matriarch is in for a few surprises when she, and just a single fleet tries to take Genthalas and not destroy it, ... and maybe there'll be a Valeria vs Luna duel, to match the Gahl'kalgor vs Baen'thelas one, ... yep, next chapter will be a hot one... -- Oh, and will Tom Walker finally make a jailbreak? ... -- My money is on the Maliri Hacker, Shanryl, breaking Tom from T-Fed Jail, ... and getting the Lion involved, ... 'cuz she wants to meet him so bad, ... then, look out Mason Newmont, the true Rat of the Federation, the Lionesses (especially Tom's relative Dana) are all coming for you Mace, ... and that Brimorian cruiser won't save you, .... ;-) ttfn

Justin Webb

great chapter!!!!!


I’m surprised the cloak breaker system wasn’t a more prominent part of the plot… or even mentioned if only to inform readers that’s how they know exactly where Gally is now. Perhaps it will come up if Gally thinks he’s cloaked but is surprised to find he’s being targeted by every gun.


What are the chances one of those ancient cloaked battlestations is in the middle of the giant circular shipyard? It would be dramatic to have Gally’s matriarch have to launch the assault quickly before all their ships got blown up.

Unresolved Plots

Unlikely for a few reasons I can think of:- The battlestations at the border required extensions to accommodate the males and to hide the original station. When the Invictus first visited Genthalas only a 5th was operational and it is in the middle of Maliri space, so no need to extend it like the border stations was required. The Females have been crewing Genthalas for 10k years since Mael left and have not mentioned anything unusual to John or the girls i.e. doors that will not open, white metal sections etc... Dana visited the power core at the centre of the station and the architecture was golden metal with Maliri crystal. Dana would probably have immediately noticed anything unusual at the stations core imo.

Unresolved Plots

They have cut him from the feed now. Like you say, they should be able to target his Dreadnought even under cloak, which should prove decisive. I expect that they will let him move far enough towards Kythshara that it is not worth retreating before opening fire.


.226: ...slim chances, I would think, ... because of the time it would take for those Maliri vessels tugging the weapons platform around, ... and did they have the time to move a few to support Genthalas? (hours of travel time, at least...) ... and to strategically place them, and to set up fire-control stations for them, .... time was a big factor, ... but if Tef wanted it, it would be done, ... --- Or perhaps they might have already dropped a few of them off at Genthalas days earlier, and had already done the set-up, ... instead of moving them all to the Loralar Nebula, .... things that make you go hum mm already, .... -- oh, and they should leave Marika and Neysa on the Invictus to man (Nymph?) the tactical stations for Calara, .... they should treat a few of the Gunnery Maliiri's to handle the firing of those big honking Flux Cannons, and dozens of Tachyon Lances, ... oh boy, yeah! ... ;-) ttfn


.227: It was nice getting it early on the 17th, a quite Lucky St Patricks' day, ... oh yeah! ;-) ttfn


Hot dog, do you know how to build anticipation. I'm psyched for the battle.


Hmm tefler even put in a little Oedipus Complex.. waiting for the moment until Gal gauges his own eyes out...


.228: so, I think After Baen'thelas drains "Gally" of all his Psychic Mojo, (and not kill him) ... Kal should be sent off with his Fleet Commander / Mommy, Ashryn, and then ole John recruits Valeria as his newest Matriarch, and through her he absorbs all of the Galkarin Empire, Humm, (10K years ago it was his daddy's old Empire), ... John will have 'claimed' them, to make them all 'good girls', .... ;-) ttfn


.229: Not enough Nym[hs: -- "... critically important control interfaces. When they were finished, gunnery teams would be able to aim and fire the orbital defense grid, as well as the Quantum Flux Cannon turrets that Dana had just finished installing around the city"... (I assume that means Maliri gunnery teams) (and not Collective gunners) -- "Unfortunately, the Collective does not have the requisite programming for space combat, so we require a gunnery team to man those weapons.”... -- “You can count on us,” Neysa said solemnly. “If we’re going to be deployed in the bunker, ... " -- ", ... while Neysa and Marika would be stationed inside the command center, manning the Quantum Flux Cannon batteries", ... --- I suspect that Tef thought about it both ways, and ended up writing it both ways, ... but Marika and Neysa really are needed on the Invictus, freeing up Calara, ... ;-) ttfn


Last time we killed a baddie, he was alone, as he had drained all his thralls.. what happens to thalls when their baddie dies? Do they go into a killing frenzy killing all and each other? That would be the hardest to deal with from Johns perspective.


I wonder if Gally will have a brief redemption arc at the end of his life - maybe trying to protect his mother figure this time.

Dani Vega

No, I think they'd just be really confused. A bit like the Larathyrans (is that the right spelling?), because their compelling purpose and infatuation with their former leader is suddenly gone. It could go many different ways, probably individually different. Even Valeria -if she doesn't fall- might have an eye-opening moment and potentially becomes the newest addition to John's inner circle

Unresolved Plots

I expect the opposite. Gahl will blame Ashryn for all of the misfortunes that have happened to him during this war and his imminent death. I suspect he will drain her before he dies.


Nothing showed up on the cloak breaker network... At least nothing said so far!

stephen mincher

When Gally gets gone,would the link Valaria has with the thralls be retained? If so then Valeria would be the obvious next Matriarch, other wise John might have to start afresh.


As unresolved plots noted, it was not only mentioned, but given prominence as part of the way to confuse "Gally".


I think both brevity and levity work here. I took it to mean that John spoke more slowly, letting each word sink in. We slow our cadence when making an important point.


One of the traitors is Admiral Esposito. I was midway through a long explanation in a Word document of the traitor situation when sudden business at work. We know that everyone in high command either resigned (Petran) or was removed at the time Alyssa scanned BUT because of insubordination (not heinous crimes) the head of internal security was removed and Esposito replaced him. She was never Alyssa scanned. Just like Mad Jonah is a secret surviving Kyth'faren (oh no, not THAT again); Esposito probably has a clone or something like it of Mason. Remember that in TSM you can clone bodies, but you need "the spark of life" to animate them. There's at least one other traitor, a male, who Helene felt at the station. There may even be more, but only Esposito in High Command. She did not join in with the Petran cabal, or was not detected. One of the big mistakes John made was killing the Khatri guy out of rage before Alyssa could read his mind and also finding out why Ailita said "You're the one (or something similar). I was trying to post a smooth coherent document a chapter or so ago, but betwixt work and the rapid pace of chapter posting I am unable to. I also cannot find the time to write about the contributions of Jonah and his little group of "Dark Kyth'faren" that have spent millions of years mastering the art of not being noticed; often by being very noticeable.


The real surprise will be when both Luna and Edraele who have been unintentionally training to combine their powers to give the illusion of a fully powered Progenitor for John/Sakura to spar with. All those thralls and Valeria are now going up against what is effectively a fully powered Progenitor telepathically leading a squad of highly motivated Maliri. In addition, these Maliri are likely to respond with vicious hatred as John hasn't modified them to accept Galkirans. Oh, this is going to be a huge surprise to team Gally on both ends!


.230: ... oh yeah, .... I agree. the next chapter(s) will be so HOT! ... -- You are correct, the battle at Genthalas will be every bit as absorbing as the main fight at Kythshera, .... fun uh? -- and we all quickly picked up on calling Gahl'kalgor by John's little nickname for him, "Gally", .... instead of what his mother called him, "Kal" ... ;-) ttfn


.231: ... will John/Tef actually 'Kill' Gahl'Kalgor? or will they decide not to give Xar'aziuth any free info of what's happening under the shroud, ... -- As any fallen Progenitor is an open-book for Xar to read, ... So, will they choose to keep the evil Devourer in the dark as much as possible? .... -- due to Valeria's environment, she is a killer and a stone-cold bitch, ... much like Edaele was, .... so John can fix her up, no sweat, ... making her both good and happy, ... -- just imagine all the cool sparring matches with Sakara and with Luna, ... wow! ... ;-) ttfn


DO NOT READ IF EASILY TRIGGERED: Another contra-woke chapter, which means that once again I love it. "*But Luna isn’t preparing for a leadership role,* Auralei gently reminded her fellow matriarch. *It’s her nature to fade into the background and carefully watch from the shadows. I’m sure John could easily bolster her confidence if you asked him to, but for what purpose? In my limited experience, every relationship has one partner who is naturally stronger than the other. You lead and Luna follows, just as John leads and we all follow him.* Much more I can write in praise of this chapter for several reasons. So I chose the one thing most likely to irritate gynocentric misandrists. STOP READING IF YOUR HAIR IS BLUE: Now, if I can only convince Tef that CO2 is plant food and we need far more of this rare gas (0.04% of dry air, which when water vapor which is the actual greehouse gas on Earth, is closer to 0.02%....burn more fossil fuels, free the dinosaurs and bring back the ancient forests!


.232: a possibility: Luna might just kill the Galkarin Gladitoria, .... but maybe Valeria is just badly wounded, however. I expect that Maliri medicine at Genthalas is good enough to keep her from death until Rachel can fix her up, ... --- yeah, interesting times they live in, ... ;-) ttfn

Tefler Fan 007

She was scanned after she was appointed to High Command. Along with the guy who killed his wife. Now Kester has never been scanned because he has never been in contact with John and Alyssa. The closest they got was when John and crew went to rescue Niskera from kirrix and Kester hailed the Invictus while they passed.

Green Seadragon

I think Jessica is going to execute Rahn. She wants a relationship. Then she gives the ship to calara while she goes through matriarch withdrawal. Calara may end gally when he goes to the planet in a dropship.


Two more chapters and we are up to date 😊


Doubt it. I think she and rahn will notice the attack on valaden/the station and rescue them (since a progenitor ship is stronger than a fleet) to try and show John that they want to redeem themselves. (At least Jessica, and rahn wants Jessica back so he plays along)


.233: ... well maybe, but I don't think Tef's story-mind works that way, I think poor Jessica is stuck with Rahn, .... ;-) ttfn


,234: Interesting thought James, but would Rahn take his new and working dreadnaught into that big leap towards the great unknown? ... also, when it comes to taking onboard tens of thousands of Johns' Maliri, many of which that would hate him on sight, and onto his somewhat damaged vessel (crew quarters were incinerated), this is probably not a good idea, ... -- John once called Rahn a coward, and it might be unfairly true, .... -- and could Jessica get Rahn to act quickly enough? And would their actions be more of an interference to Edraele and company? Oh well, mistakes can happen, ... ;-) ttfn


.235: yeah, It seems that Tef is in a hurry to get those placeholders absolved, just #167 and #168 remaining, .... atta-boy Tef! ;-) ttfm

Tefler Fan 007

Should get one at end of the month at this rate.


I meant one of the original unmodified battle stations floating in the middle of the giant circular station, cloaked. Genthalas is like 30km diameter if I recall correctly - you can fit a pretty big thing in a 30km hole. I was trying to bait an enemy I’d put a cloaked battlestation capable of destroying nearly anything next to a very attractive target like a modestly defended massive shipyard. That being said, I can’t imagine a cloaked battlestation hiding near a busy shipyard without someone bumping into it. Traffic control would have to know it’s there and route traffic around it… and there’s no way that news would not have reached John. An automated battlestation laying waste to the fleet attacking Genthalas, as dropships try to launch, would be dramatic. But it wouldn’t fit into theme of saving as many thralls and their ships as possible.

John Fryar

I am so glad you are back.


They turned off the sensor data that tracked all non-cloaked ships throughout Maliri space. The cloak breaker network is an additional sensor net design to track cloaked ships. They wouldn’t have piped the cloak breaking data into the general sensor data they were giving away to Gahl’s forces because A. then the enemy would know exactly where the cloaked Invictus was at all times (like right before an ambush) and B. because the element of surprise would be lost if Gahl’ was effectively told his dreadnought could be tracked while cloaked. The cloak breaker network didn’t seem to work the entire distance Gahl’ traveled through Maliri space because of the outages caused by the last great war. But it’s working somewhere because they were able to see Rahn’s cloaked dreadnought on the sensors from a few weeks ago. Hopefully it’s working around Kythshara since that area was not obliterated in the last great war.


When PJ severed his connection with Alyssa to take Edraele as his Matriarch, Alyssa still had the links to all the girls. So that would remain with the Matriarch, in this case Valeria if Gahl’kalgor dies. We know that John can hack into a psychic network as he did against the Hive Queen, but we don't know whether he can sever it yet and I think it is a bit early for that to happen. I suspect Gahl’kalgor will be visiting Xar'aziuth for permanent habitation in the Astral Plane.


I think Tefler has put the hints into the story. Jessica is going to find out that John is being attacked by another Progenitor and confronts Rahn’hagon to help him. The only way Rahn’hagon would agree is if John asked him. He initially refuses telling her that John told him he would kill him if he saw him again. She convinces him to allow her to contact John via comms to see if he needs help. You need to remember that Alyssa wants to see John and Jessica get back together, so when Jessica contacts the Invictus Alyssa convinces John to let Rahn’hagon help. I am conflicted if Tefler sends Rahn’hagon to Genthalas or Kythshara. Rahn’hagon has the coordinates for Kythshara but he doesn't even know about Genthalas so he would have to get the coordinates to Genthalas from either John or the girls. Either way it helps John.


What an awesome chapter ending! Thank you Tefler. You are my favorite SciFi writer. I look forward to every new chapter.


Gally. Heh.


“…or will they decide not to give Xar’aziuth any free info…” Good point!

mouadh housseini

Last thing gahl'kalgor hearw before dying: Tell xar'aziuth kith'vindatis sends his regards. I'm coming for you!!


Whatever drug you're on, you should take more or less, i don't think you got the right dosage yet.


.240: and IF John and Tef must kill Gahl'kalgor, then as per 3/21/24 by Mouadyn Houseini who writes: "The last thing Gahl'kalgor hears before dying: is to tell Xar'aziuth that Kyth'vindahys sends his regards, ... and that I'm coming for him, ... soon! " --- Now that should really get the devourer worried, even more, about what's going on under the shroud, ... strategy, ... ;-) ttfn


241: Okay, ... when a Progenitor suddenly stops being a Progenitor to his girls, whether it is due death, or a heavy draining of his Mojo and a cut psychic connection, then all his Thralls would be aware of the changes, ... and in Baen'thelas's case, his heart-warming feelings accompanying his intimate connection to his new girls will make a huge difference (confusion too), and perhaps a happy one? -- and a new master named the Righter of Wrongs (is so much better than Whomp' on da head-bad guy name) will make so many of the Thralls (now Wards), and a fair number of those not yet brought into the psychic network as well, to be more hopeful about their lives, ... a win-win ... ;-) ttfn


.242: -- an assumption of mine: that there is a rather lot of Terran foods available to the Matriarchs at Genthalas, ... I can picture the Young Matriarch in particular devoting time to making meals John might like, ... plus they'd need Terran foods there, not ordered but still coming in the pipeline, for John and company on their visits, ... also a little at the Palace. Saelihm Immanthe, on Valaden for the Palace staff the use and learn on, ... -- So, if John sends Jessica and Rahn to Genthalas for some Dreadnaught repairs, ... and some remodeling, ... there will be Terran foods, as well as tons of Maliri foods to restock the Good Ship Lollipop (Jessica will love the name), .... and then some paint and lighting to make areas of it a bit more livable for Jessica, and they'd include a few Maliri recipe books too, ... (she loves to cook, and Rahn appreciates eating, ... they'd especially need to include drinks, with some teas and wines, and Terran style Whiskey too, ... and maybe fix them up with a few dozen cleaning 'bots too, .... Happy Birthday Jessica! ... ;-) ttfn


I am not convinced they do not go into a murderous rage, I mean we saw how one of the twins reacted when she saw one in real life, and last time the only living thrall he had left was his matriarch whom he also killed. The encounter with the Larathyrans was an encounter who a whole part of civilization that was NOT connected to a Progenitor.

Who Me

Hey Mr.Smith - PLEASE get back on the Discord. Some of your ideas are absolutely AMAZING. My mind gets blown when I read some of the things you have typed up! Seriously!

Hugh Peeble

But who will save Tom?!? That guy has gotten screwed so hard at this point he should be a hidden lioness.


For a plot twist


.243: sorry. Who Me, but I gave up on Discord a few years ago, ... too much personality conflicts and some really bossy types, ... plus too much time lost to Discord, ... just my opinion, ... ;-) ttfn


.244: I am trying to think way outside the box, ... plot twist, ...and I say it's Shanryl, the Maliri Hacker that set Tom up, she breaks him out of jail, ... and this gets the Lion involved, (and she really wants to meet Baen'thelas), ... it could happen, ... ;-) ttfn

Greg Hill

That's possible...I had forgotten about her character, but but I can absolutely see your scenario. It could start with her capture, during the fighting in and around Genthalas, and lead to the offering of some special "Terran/Brimorian Information" to help mitigate her 'Maliri' crimes. Adraele would buzz Baenthal'as immediately on any TF news she receives...hmmm, but there wouldn't actually need to be a deal because Adraele could just rip the info straight out of her mind, Kirrix style!... But this character could indeed play a role. Additionally, they still need to travel to Brimor, to free the Nymph there...check on the Spider Queen, travel to see the Dragon Lioness, and take care of the Leena recruitment situation...wow, there are a lot of little threads still, trailing off the main plotline, that are open and waiting for resolutions.


That's a plausible outcome. Edraele/Luna wipe the floor with Valeria and her troops, while Rahn wipes out the ships and paves the way for reconciliation, Then Rahn gets to show how proud he is of John not only for his power, but having multiple matriarchs and the foresight to spread his abilities, as well as having wards that love him wo compulsion. Typical Space Opera, where the hero just gets everything in the end (I love Space Operas because they are my life). What, you thought I was going to post and not mention my greatness?

mouadh housseini

The surviving larathyrans were never connected to larn'kelnar psychic network. So they didn't feel anything when he died. What we know however is that the original progenitor link makes thralls incapable of imaginig their progenitor dying. Maybe the aftershock of a progenitor dying is a wave that kills all thralls connected to him (wouldn't put it past xar'aziuth to add a little insurance policy so he can gorge himself on souls) and maybe Kith'vindatis/John can somehow see it in gahl'kalgor link and hijack it to save the thralls and add the entire network to his in one stroke.

mouadh housseini

I agree about the cloning. It is also a nice tribute (at least I think it is) to the movie "swordfish" with John travolta and halle berry 😀 And Mason is the only logical culprit

mouadh housseini

The logical (and obvious) person to see that something is fishy (pun intended) with the brimorian attack would be Calara. Maybe, after vanquishing (and annexing) the galkiran empire, she asks lynette for all data on the attack in order to prepare the "punishment" of the brimorian (I can't wait for the asskicking Athgiloi would get almost as as much as for the enshunus - those evil bastards need to be at the wrong end of a Quantum Annihilator)


.243: Oh yeah, Greg, I agree, there a many loose threads dangling in this story, ... one of my favorites (which I have been informed will not be resolved in the TSM storyline) is the Unclaimed wastes, the Sarkhon refinery, and the Enshunu, .... and maybe on the origins of the Shroud, .... lots to dig into, that may need to await a sequel. ... ;-) ttfn

20 ton

The Fleet Admiral has been getting premonitions/ hunches. She’ll get one and notice the coronas on Toms eyes. Admiral Walker will have to come clean on Tom’s parentage so Dana will have ansewers and family. Mace showed signs of this obsessive behaviors that came from this experiment. Were he and his sister part of this project too?

Dads Gonna Kill Me

Luna's time to shine... Soon very Soon, She (luna) will save them all... I assume at some point during the battle for Genthalas Luna will have to face the Gladiatora..

Dads Gonna Kill Me

John and Sakura Quickly and shockingly defeat Gahl’kalgor fairly easily, but his mind is a shambles and he wont drain the life force from all his thralls because he doesn't want to Kill his mother... So the Gladiatora becomes the matriarch of the Empire and Chaalanges Johns champion to a duel to the death... JohnsChampion(?) luna of Course, the Greatest Swordsman (male or Female) in the Universe... After a long lengthy Battle, which john Just gets to see as he Warped in... Luna Wins !!! yeah and SHE Claims the Gahl’kalgorians as her own...


A kill order, hmm I like it, but I am still holding my breath to see if it will be a deathrage kinda senario :D

Who Me

Luna? A Matriarch? No way - Chapter 166 - She couldn't even console the 18 Maliri Matriarchs in the bunker. She prefers to hide on the backround and not be noticed. She could never be the boss of a whole empire.

Michael carney

Oh but John has consciously or sub consciously tweaked her so she can reach her full potential

Vizth Hal

I swear both wingers have gotten as annoying as each other. This is a story about an alt universe commander Shepard with magic space jizz, leave your politics out of it both of you.

20 ton

I use to expect a Luna Valeria duel but Eradel would never let her get close to her love. Should Valeria get within range , the matriarch’s enhanced powers will pop her head like a pimple.


Hi 2ndAndrocentric, Some of your statements appear to be not quite right. * Ch 104 Esposito joined High Command to replace the Admirals who resigned. THEN Alyssa scanned them all. I'm [Admiral Maybridge] recommending that the most experienced admirals in the Admiralty who are not already in High Command fill their positions. That would be Admirals Ramos, Dubois, Wu, Schmidt, and Esposito... [further on] Glancing at John and Alyssa, she [Fleet Admiral Lynette] continued, "Lion, would you conclude the grim business you started yesterday? As Fleet Admiral, I grant you authority to scour this office of corruption." * Also Khatri. Ch 131 "Now, let's see what you've been up to..." Alyssa murmured, her eyes glowing with a fierce inner light. [before Jade rescued Ailita and the clan were eliminated].


So good but we need to see some battle

Dani Vega

Can someone refresh my memory, how Tom's fate is relevant to John, apart from him being wrongfully convicted, which speaks against John's idea of justice? Did he get saved when John first saved Rachel or was that the other guy with the mech on Terra? Like is there a chance that John gets personally involved for a possible plot hook that I can't remember? Like I get the entire Mason/Tom storyline, but I see it more as a spin-off, because I forgot the direct connection to the main story if there's any. And yet that story went on for longer than I thought, which makes me think there's some significance I'm missing

Tefler Fan 007

I think that Tom will be given a chance to make a statement and he will say something like he’s innocent and wishes there was a way to see in his head. Lynette will hear this and think about Alyssa. Lynette will think of it as a PR opportunity and market it as the Lion will handle the judgment.

Dani Vega

I doubt it. What case could Tom make that Lynette sees herself obligated to be involved or even interfere? Unless she can be 100% certain that she will clear all of Tom's accusations, it's a high risk to her position as supreme leader... sorry... fleet admiral, and could strengthen the voice of her political opponents. With the Rim being on the table, I don't think, Lynette will expose herself so much, unless there's something else going on that's not yet said or I simply forgot. Besides, Tom doesn't seem very eager to prove his innocence. He seems defeated. And with his fiancée turning on him, I don't think there's much fight left in him. But I'd love to be surprised


And Rahns wormhole generator is probably charged so he can go anywhere lickity split.


IMO, not part of the story so far: Esposito is now the traitor in High Command.. She was not scanned by Alyssa. She replaced the previous head of security who was not evil, just insubordinate. She probably has a clone of Mace, but cannot bring it to life (I realize the science on this is wonky). As a result what will save Tom is when the remaining traitors get caught.


Luna facing the Gladiatora should be a no contest scenario. Luna has "psychic alacrity". It has been a nigh incomprehensible shock to every Progenitor, and even Athena, how generously John distributes his gifts. As pointed out, John acts as a symbiont, not a parasite, and that is the most important reason for Team Blake being successful.


Nope, Luna is not tweaked with telepathy and that is THE defining need of a matriarch.


I agree that 007's solution is VERY likely and will be opposed by Esposito whom I think is a traitor.


Bet you that Rachel figured out the mother killing thing. Never let a well trained physician get into your head unless you want the furniture re arranged.


.258: Yeah, the Lion has to get involved sometime, somehow, .... just when and how are up to Tef, .... ;-) ttfn


Hehe...what's worse...letting a well trained in or a mediocre...

Fred Hunter

My real worry is when Gally first came to the shroud, he jumped to the spot LarnKelnar was killed. Does that mean the next progenitor will jump directly to Kythshara and start orbital bombardment.... :-(


if Xar sends another one, probably yes. But he already lost 2 Progs against John. Another direct attack would fail again, Xar knows that. Sending more then one at a time is also out of the question, as they can´t cooporate with each other. He will probably try to hit him through the Astral or try an ambush outside the shroud.


It's possible Lawrence will reveal to Lynnette that Walker is part of the same eugenics program that birthed Dana. That in the case of Walker, it made him unable to betray, therefore that he can not be guilty. Given that, Lynnette will stop the execution and bring in John and his girls to uncover even more of the corruption of the Terran federation's past.


.261: Yeah, the Shroud has long been giving Xar'aziuth fits, ... I recall us discussing whether or not the Achonin were the Shrouds creators, and it surely does fuck up the Devourer's view of that part of the galaxy, that is if they (the Achonin) ever knew about the Big Bad Astral Asshat, that sent Mael'nerak their way, .... I am left wondering what powerful tricks that Cosmic Asshat might still have up his astral sleeve, ... but then, John is rapidly getting stronger, so there is that .... Heck, this series still has miles to go before it sleeps, ... -- Oh, and good point Fred, from what little Tef has told us, that's a fair worry, ... but how much do we really know? ... shoot, Mael' might have proofed Kythshara against wormholes, ... with such blocking or interference, that may be why his Hyper-Warp Gate was found a distance away from the planetary system that his throne world of Kythshara was located in, .... ;-) ttfn

Unresolved Plots

That was a question I asked on Discord a long time ago. The consensus on there was that the reason Xar'aziuth was able to zero in on Arcadia through the Shroud was due to the vast amounts of psychic energy he received from that one spot in a very short period of time (Larn'kelnar burnt through his entire Thrall reserves in one psychic battle). While this is just a guess, I found it to be the most likely answer for how he zeroed in on Arcadia. If this is correct and they are able to kill Gahl'kalgor whilst at the same time preventing him from sacrificing a large number of Thralls, then they should be able to keep Kythshara's location hidden from Xar'aziuth. If this solution is not the case, then I agree with your question about the next Progenitor. I also agree that Xar deciding to hold back on sending another Progenitor could be how Tefler intends Kythshara not being overrun with Progenitors (assuming it is not his intention that this happens in the story...yet).


.262: Okay, I guess that Discord isn't a total waste of time, .... the extreme usage of psychic powers in that battle, highlighting the location for the Devourer to send ole Gally, was a good answer, I like it too, .... ;-) ttfn


.259: Okay, ... will Tom Walker finally make a jailbreak? ... I have been predicting this for quite some time, .... there are a number of ways this might happen; ,,, -- and My money is on the Maliri Hacker, Shanryl, for breaking Tom from T-Fed Jail, ... and getting the Lion involved, ... 'cuz she wants to meet Baen'thelas so bad, ... then, look out Mason Newmont, the true Rat of the Federation, the Lionesses (especially Tom's relative Dana) are all coming for you, Mace, ... and that pitiful Brimorian cruiser won't save you, .... ;-) ttfn


My funny bone is tingling ! This can only mean one thing!

Dani Vega

@2ndAndrocentric: I'm not sure about 007's solution, but I agree regarding Esposito. There's something strange with her


.260: Could it mean ... that you bumped your elbow? ;-) ttfn


Re Tom Walker, who I' fairly certain will walk away when it is discovered that he is blood related to Dana, either half or full brother, and his special talents are revealed as an excellent tactician, strategist with the inability to ever betray (fixation on people as a mirror to Dana's original fixation on situation preventing "situational awareness" for her). Tom has those same golden eyes.


WARNING: utterly bombastic, useless autobiographical crap follows: Or Hereditary neuropathy with pressure palsies (HNPP), of which I was fortunate enough to see 2 cases in adulthood; being the person to diagnose both when referred to me because "send the fat man with suspenders whatever is weird and see what bounces off the wall; but warn the patient he will be seeing a madman who is going to insult everyone and their mother in some long ass run on sentence because he is a legend in his own mind". "Yeah, bounce that crazy crap off crazy!" I am so enraptured with my own brilliance I can barely see the fall that comes after pride.


,261: ... Agreed, but how will Tef play it? We will just have to wait and see, ... at least the Tom Walker trail is over, and his side story is no longer a boring, but a well written piece of TSM for us to slog through, ...Yay! a jailbreak is coming! ... ;-) ttfn


My sis in laws internal medicine doctor wears golashes every day, can't dress herself but has saved her life twice.


My dad was a brilliant mechanical engineering professor, went to work in a shirt and tie and pj bottoms. Until she retired his admin Judy kept extra clothes for him


What chapter said Tom was related to Dana - I missed that??


.263: ... Hi Bill, why that was in chapter # ???, .... oops, I forget, .... but it was only implied a couple of times, never outright said as much, .... -- once it was Tom's eyes that were described as having that 'Dana' like golden corona, and another was in reference to Tom's famous Commadore uncle, Daniel Walker, also with golden Corona's, .... -- so, our story's author has implied that they were a part of that same genetics program that Tartarus was involved with, and very likely also produced Dana, .... Tef is dangling a few tidbits here and there, ... -- will we find out soon, maybe, now that Tom's trail is over with, that information might come out, .... especially if a certain Maliri hacker gets involved, ... -- Oh, and will Tom Walker finally make a jailbreak? ... -- My money is on the Maliri Hacker, Shanryl, for breaking Tom from T-Fed Jail, ... and getting the Lion involved, ... 'cuz she wants to meet Baen'thelas so bad, ... then, look out Mason Newmont, the true Rat of the Federation, the Lionesses (especially Tom's and Mason's relative Dana) are all coming for you, Mace, ... and that Brimorian cruiser won't save you, .... ;-) ttfn ;-l


Michael has my thoughts exactly right about Tom; only hints about him related to Dana and the secret eugenics program. There was also a portion speculating on how mysterious past of Admiral Walker's career. I do thank Michael for bringing up Shanryl. How the Terran Federation will handle how easily their banking can be hacked is also interesting.

Unresolved Plots

Wouldn't be surprised if Dana is Tom's sister and was supposed to be Mason's future partner, as Anna was until recently with Tom!


Possibly also Admiral Walker is the father of both Tom and Dana, then Mad Jonah managed to get Dana our of Tartarus but left Tom behind . Yes, I still think Mad Jonah is a leftover original Kyth'faren practiced in the arts of hiding. There's a theme about "coincidences" in TSM and what a coincidence for John to show up at Tartarus not just at the perfect time for the one person who could "turn him on" by evoking his protective impulses by her desperate need; but back again for Sparks. Plus 2 loads of Tyrennium when the market was peak so he could get and go looking upgrade the Invictus. That's too many coincidences.

Dads Gonna Kill Me

As per Who/whom is up next? I think John and crew go on the offensive quickly. They will have Gahls maps, etc... So they Attack, Not in force, but by stealth. Zip in, kill Claim, leave... do it 3 or 4 times quickly.. gaining whole NEW Thrall Networks and VAST suppliues of energy... Thus he will force Zar to face him...


This sounds like something John would never do, 3 or 4 new thrall networks placed in hostile territory that John now is responsible for? No chance imo, unless they bring every single person to our cornor of the galaxie.


,265: ... well Dana has so much she needs to do to the Invictus, lots more upgrades, .... And she really needs to get around to fixing that screwed up, nausea inducing wormhole generator, ... --- And they need to return to Kythshara and Mael's lab, revive Faye, and celebrate for days! ... I know I will, ... I've really missed our perky Faye, but Daphne is quite nice, .... ;-) ttfn


,266: Oh my, ... Mad Jonah taking baby Dana away from Tartarus to dump her in a Karron orphanage, .... to perhaps eventually become a worm-girl working at a high-end Cathouse, like Madame Trixie's ... is that really why Jonah keeps going back to them? Trying to find Dana again? -- Too bad he didn't know he only needed to go to the Diablos to buy a gun to find her, ... ;-) ttfn


,267: ... and just how many Hyper-Gate coordinates are available for John to get his hands on? From Rahn's memory, ... and his ship is completely gone now, (So, how about the one he left behind 10K years ago, the Gate on the far side of Vulkat space -- think Rahn, think), ... -- And then on Larn's old ship, now Rahn's, Irillith was searching for any good stuff that she could find, and she did find the code for Larn's own Gate, ... So, are there other codes still hidden in that ship's electronics? (Hey Papa Rahn!) -- And how many, if any, codes are to be found on Gally's vessel? Gally's own is likely (which may be Rahn's old one?), and perhaps one for that weaker Progenitor that Gahl'kalgor keeps attacking (Wael'rakash), ... any others? ... that number may not be many for a bunch of lightning raids, .... -- And if John was able to lightning quick do the Kill, Claim, then leave routine on several empires, ... would it help if he could leave a 'Shroud' behind to mask his new acquisition, or might that instead of hiding it, draw Xar'aziuth's attention? ... So, is it time to have a talk with the Enshunu? -- humm, alternate storylines maybe, .... ;-) ttfn


.268: -- HEY TEFLER! ... When, not if, ... they revive our sweet and perky Faye, I wonder if she'll have cyber abilities, like her original creator, ... and then could she connect into a Nexus level server and be everywhere again? At a minimum she'll be able to astrally go places in the cyber realm, so Irillith won't need to go alone, ... the cyber-buddy system, John will like that, ... -- And with her super-fast, computer-like mind, she could possibly search the Astral Shallows for indications of the Shroud, help to find it, ... --- at least that's safer than searching the deep Astral for another Kyth'faren, Citadel of Knowledge, ... less Monsters lurking in the Shallows, ... ;-) ttfn

Who Me

The problem is - Tefler has said that Faye will not be revived until the end of TSM. SO - Therefore in a way I can't wait until our wonderful little purple fairy is brought back again. But I also don't want her brought back because that would mean the end of TSM. AND I LOVE the story too much to see it end!

Tefler Fan 007

Stop stirring the pot. Faye will be back by chapter 170. Then she will become and cum addicted good girl. She will become a lioness and help John crush the other progenitors. TSM won’t end until chapters 250-300 at the current rate. We will have plenty of time with Faye.

Dads Gonna Kill Me

" how many Hyper-Gate coordinates are available for John to get his hands on? From Rahn's memory, " Assuming he Kills Gahlly, He will Have his Complete Map System, Much More up to date than Rahns... Plus I assume they can just hack into it at some point and start to identify his Neighbors...


,269: ... Yay! that's, what I wanted to hear, .... atta-boy! I'd love to see our perky. pretty, purple, cyber former-fairy and all her interactions with the crew and with the collective too, .... hello Daphne, (hug!), .... ;-) ttfn


IGNORE THE FOLLOWING AUTOBIOGRAPHICAL CRAP. IF YOU READ FURTHER DO NOT BLAME ME FOR BEING OFF TOPIC OR WHATEVER: Before I began bleeding inside both my eyeballs AND got a vitreal detachment because my 2yo grandson playfully smacked my face (no malice AT ALL, and I roughouse a lot with them), I would wrtie fan fic. I am obsessed with Mad Jonah, though my favorite character is Alyssa as my wife of 38 years is a similar personality as well as some backstory (she was sexually abused by both a family friend and a lesbian cousin when a child). bOTHE SHE AND i HAVE ACTUAL "SUPERPOWERS"; BUT YOU WOULDN'T BELIEVE ME IF i SAID WHAT. BTW my wife recently corrected me that it is 38 years of happy marriage, not 36. Anyway I can't find the story were I tied together Coral Castle, the Fernandez family, and a meeting of the few remaining "dark" (but not evil) Kyth'faren on Karron. My eyesight is slowly improving and I can even drive myself these days. I am very myopic so I can do close up work well, plus these days I basically get paid to sign off on a bunch of places, so there's been no real interference with my work.


If this is the csse, I desperately need multiple checking on the family after the war is over. I nearly dropped the series due to her death, and if she’s revived for a last-page reveal it would drive me nuts. We must see Jon and family get many, many chapters devoted to them settling down and acting as demigods to make the world a better place.


I would humbly request that the artistry previously done be put on displate to buy for a physical copy :)


.272: I've been re-reading the Three Square Meals series again, .... for the umpteenth time, ... an in chapter #161, Dana is discussing the new schematics for the Valkyrie with Sakura and John, .... and when she was describing the new (sort-of like) gatling weapon with a scaled down Quantum Flux design, .... powerful, but much less than the big guns, (it hits with 20 times the power of the old punisher cannon) .... It got me to thinking about how they couldn't come up with a good 'new' set of main guns for the new Raptor and had to temporarily stick a couple of Tachyon Lances back into her, .... I had thought that a couple of slightly larger than the Valkyrie's Quantum Vulcan guns, (except for its ammo feed, it all fits into the Valkyrie's right arm, so less than 10m), and for the Raptor they would have more room to fit this dedicated weapon into a 10 meters long space and might be a really nice weapon system to have onboard, .... that is if this scaled down weapon would be more powerful than the Tachyon Lances? if not, then that's why Dana and Tef didn't go for it, and not that Dana ran short on time. Anyway, a couple of sweet mini–Quantum Flux Cannons on the Raptor, that could be Awesome! ... ;-) ttfn

Michael56Smith (edited)

Comment edits

2024-04-08 14:34:12 .276: , .... and when are things going to slow down enough for Dana to get through the first twenty or thirty of the priority items on her To-Do List? ... ;-) ttfn
2024-04-02 19:26:21 .276: , .... and just when are things going to slow down enough for Dana to get through the first twenty or thirty of the high-priority items on her To-Do List? ... ;-) ttfn

.276: , .... and just when are things going to slow down enough for Dana to get through the first twenty or thirty of the high-priority items on her To-Do List? ... ;-) ttfn


Dana wanted to build an amazing gun for the new Raptor but their forge isn’t big enough to build that gun. The Tachyon Lances were a temporary compromise and easier to make because they don’t require their small soul forge, which has been in very high demand for other things. I’m hoping for a Quantum Gatling the full length of the Raptor plus a couple meters. It would be cool if a couple meters of the barrel projected forward of the bow.