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Hey everyone!

I've just finished the next chapter. 

I hope you enjoy it!

Please let me know if you spot any typos, and I'll try to fix them immediately.

Best wishes,


Edit: I've fixed a continuity issue about Genthalas having no guns, when it's referenced as being a formidable defensive platform in chapter 75. I've also corrected the errors you notified me about, so thank you for those!



Wow thank you tef for the early surprise!


Wow. Thanks, Tef! Consider this a night made. And I can’t even read it yet!

Nilo Duarte

So glad you are back!


It's like it's Christmas... 😍😍😍


Ty for the chapter Tefler! Glad to see you are well!


Woohoo! Thanks, Tefler!

Old Salt

Thanks, Tef!!

Old Cruiser

Thanks Tefler!

James Straub

You are awesome!!! Getting my fix. Yeahhh

bob lakhanpal

Nice. Good to have you back teller

Silent Count

Can this night get any better?


YYYYAAAAAAAASSSSSSS!!!!!!! SO glad your back!! Hope all is well with you and yours Tef


Thank you Tefler.

David Shmilowitz

2 chapters in a month?! conan was wrong, THIS is what is best in life.

Heinz Molck

Teller, I'm grateful, very grateful - and thankful!!

Julio Mora

Holy shit dude, been having an annoying night and seeing this just made me do a 180. Thank man!


Yoooo! I love the increased turnaround! Keep it up Tefler!


Thanks for the new chapter! I can't wait for the walker story to be over, legal battles are not my thing in the slightest so I've been skipping those sections.

Trevor Simmonds

Thank you much appreciated, all your work!


Goot chapter! But man the ending lines are cynical as hell. Love it.

Who Me

Thank You, sir!

David Luper

Awesome!! Thank you!!

Bp Hlpt

Thanks, Tefler!


Thank you!!

Bill Harris

Fantastic- looking forward to a great read! Thanks!


You rock gonna read now! We all were waiting for you…unfortunately I was pessimistic due to loss in the past. Thank yu for not being gone! All the best bud!

Mike Sarap

Looking forward to more!

Kirby Mccreary

Tefler I love this tale! Now what in the hell are you up to with Tom?!


Walker's lawyer was doing a bang-up job until last-minute evidence and a surprise dead body turned up and he offered no objections or demands for a continuance. Great chapter otherwise. Thanks Tef!


Thank you! Hope you are feeling better!

anand srivastava

A very Good morning. Thanks Tefler

GDay (FMS)

Thank you Tefler, I hope that all is going well in your world.

glenn kellogg

Another great installment, you’re pumping them out now … ready for battle soon! By the time you’re caught up I’ll have re-upped my contribution amount. Thanks

Nirmal Vasani

Loving this new release pacing. Keep it up, Tef!


page 35 of 102, substitute razed for raised

Jedi Khan

Thanks for the chapter! Well, Lynette sure pulled as fast one on the Admiralty. I certainly didn't see that coming. Now the question is, how is she going to make it happen? I can't imagine all of those "pilgrims" that would theoretically want to relocate would be able to, at least without assistance. With regards to Tom, he's certainly screwed. Unless a certain Maliri hacker happens to make a dramatic reveal at the last minute because she just so loves Terran drama, and coming forward with the truth showing that all the evidence against Tom was fabricated would be the peak of drama.


Cheers Mr

Roy Gathercoal

I am thinking Alyssa's ability to demonstrate the innocent and the guilty might be important. Especially if somehow she could channel that through Lynette.

Elijah Capricorn

Soo big wtf with Lynette at the end?? Anyone got a weird vibe off those last 3 pages?

dakota downey

Random question how come gal could suddenly find the Invictus after it had been ambushing his forces over and over again


He tried to object, but the Judge overruled him, and called both lawyers to the bench. The continuance request happened in the hushed conversation, but it was denied... that's why Caspian looked so shaken afterwards. :)


They don't have the cloak turned on at the moment. The plan all along was to lure Gahl'kalgor and the thralls to Kythshara.

dakota downey

Yea but when your buying time why not leave it on so the enemy has to continue being worried about ambushes since they aren't worried about ambushes they don't have to keep shields up and stop every few hours to let them rest. Ect


That's a good point. I'll add in something about it in the next chapter. Thanks. :)


.128: wow, the second chapter in February has dropped, Tef is getting there, ... Yay! ;-) ttfn


Great chapter. Thanks Tef




Insert a Rocky training montage including the victorious theme music!! "Getting stronger!" I'm so excited, i might have to play hookey from work to read this now....

Unresolved Plots

Thanks Tefler. I hope that a second chapter release within this month means you are now in better health, which is all that is really important! Really appreciate the update. I check most days in the hope there has been a further story update and was very pleasantly surprised just now. Time to go and read what I'm sure will be another brilliant chapter.


Noticed a couple of telepathic speech mismatches, She abruptly realised what she’d just said, and quickly stammered, “Not that our situation is hopeless, John. Far from it.* That did come as a relief to John. *Thank you, Edraele, I appreciate you keeping them safe.* Then a sudden worrying thought made his blood freeze. “Wait a second. You said that you’re sending the matriarchs down to the palace. So where are you planning to be when the Galkirans attack?*


Great chapter! Bring on the battle! Great to have you back.👍


Thanks for those. The speech mismatches are always the trickiest to spot in proofreading.

Michael Royle

My TSM fix has been satisfied

Negative Energy

Thanks Tefler. That was a quick turnaround to releasing a new chapter. I hope this means good things for us fans.


The Tom plot line is the one that has me on the edge of my seat the most. The battles…we know John is going to survive and probably win. Tom…I have no idea how it’s going to play out. It seems unlikely that John will be swooping in to uncover the real traitor.


Another excellent chapter in the saga !

Kevin Simon

Thank you so much for the next chapter. You are amazing and I appreciate all the hard work!


towards the the city

Brian Parks

“This is what I’ve been warning all of you about for months!” Caldwell exclaimed, her voice ringing with triumphant vindication. His voice

Jo Davies

Not too may typos. Just the one where I believe you meant 'his' not 'her': ....Caldwell exclaimed, her voice ringing with triumphant vindication.....


I don't know how you can keep it all straight but you certainly know how to build suspense! Ok, you've had a few mins to read people's praise for your most recent work, but I can't see where you're going by splitting those forces and I really really want to know, so back to work you!


I keep wondering if John's dad is going to pop up in one of these battles to help


More story good! But seriously, good to see that you have time to dedicate to writing once again.


Gilkaran -> Galkiran


Unfortunately for the rest of you, this is giving me the itch to write more TSM fanfic. Despite y'all knowing everything I write is crap; your morbid curiosities will demand to open Pandora's box and read it. To every silver cloud, there's a blacklining.


In case anyone else has the same problem, unlike before when I click the link the chapter does not directly open but it DOES go to the download area where it is simple to retrieve with one click. It worked fine once I realized where to look. Probably just some setting update to my PC not affecting anyone else.


Cornish Pasty is an interesting picture, but I think Tef meant pastry?I guess being British affects the "Floridian slips" as my wife calls them.


Excellent chapter. Can't wait to see how everything resolves. Many thanks, Telfer.




Excellent chapter; thank you. You may want to consider posting another free chapter to spur interest. Literotica stops at ch145, back in May of last year.


OK, is my favorite chapter of the entire series, better than any sci fy I have read in a looooooong time. It would be a long list as to why so I will mention only #1 for me: the ending. I grew up in communist Cuba, do I need write anything else? Fine, I think the history of Britain and the (mostly) benevolent way they disengaged from their colonies might have inspired Tefler here. For me though, it is the memories of the day before starting first grade when I was told that I had to play stupid because, if any teacher found out I was gifted; they would do to me what they had done to my cousin Pablo. Forcibly taken to a special boarding school where I could only see my parents on the weekend IF I behaved. Never to leave the Island as property of the state. You see, we must think of the common good, right? Or perhaps of neighbors that disappeared and no one could speak of them ever again. They never existed... Yeah, this is personal to me, very personal. Brilliant, absolutely brilliant ending.


You saved many thousands of lives in the carrier group that was able to escape -> You saved many thousands of lives in the carrier group that were able to escape Caldwell exclaimed, her voice -> Caldwell exclaimed, his voice

Dani Vega

It's almost surreal how everyone here not even a month ago was slowly coming to terms with the fact hat our journey with John and the girls was probably over prematurely. Then out of nothing, life signs appears along with two chapters in short succession, and now everything seems to be back to normal. Thank you for not leaving us hanging after all, Tefler. Here's to hoping that we all live to see the story come to its intended conclusion, and all the stamina and vigor to you Tefler, to keep it up for as long as it takes! Thank you!

Zachary Smith

Congratulations and gratitude for another fantastic chapter. I have my theories for how things will play out, and I love having you eviscerate them so skillfully. I’m once more anticipating the next leg of the journey.

Jeremey Bartel

I don't 2 flying farts about typos. I love the story


I only found a few issues, Tefler, on my (somewhat delayed) read-through, which I’ve already posted. I enjoyed it very much, especially the ‘novel’ implementation of the concept of sending the undesirables to Coventry…


*spoiler alert* . . . . . . The complete turnaround of how Lynette is talking about the the Outer Rim and the joy she showed at calling it a cesspit is VERY uncharacteristic of how she, and the admiralty, has conducted themselves since Buckingham died and Weber was dealt with. Not to mention the horrendous fall into right-wing bullshit.

Keepit simple

Thanks coming back to continue a wonderful story!


.192: ... this installment was very good in that it addressed many of the speculations regarding the needed preperations at Kythshara, ... well done Tef, ... and thank you, ... ;-) ttfn

Dani Vega

Yeah, that bothered me too. Unless the idea is to sell it to the admirality that way, when Lynette in fact has a different agenda. She wouldn't argue this way in front of Alyssa, so I can't believe, she's being fully serious. But there was a talk between the two that I vaguely remember, going into the direction of secession, and that the rim would be better off without the core. It might all be politicking.


Instead of outwardly bombing disloyal citizens we’ll switch to mass deportation of anyone you don’t like to some shit planet with no resources. Feels like Tef ripped that idea from Trump’s playbook - they are planning mass deportation centers now. When you get rid of the civil rights activists you’ll be able to take the vote away from women (not that democracy seems to exist) and bring back slavery. Once the Admiralty regresses civilization back to the 17th century I’m sure their approval rating will be really high.

Viktor Hauge

I can’t see how Tom has been taken in a lie/proven to be a liar only because of a picture. He was challenged to tell what his theory was, and that he did. What the picture does is question his theory. Having a wrong theory isn’t a lie.


Isn't it singular because it's one carrier "group"? (Hence was). The plural would be: "In the carriers that were able to escape."

Florida Reader

I thought so as well. To be mistaken about a theory isn’t a lie. And a picture of the death is not evidence. Where is the body?


Unfortunately I'm a perfectionist, so if I spot any typos it immediately takes me out of the story. :)


It wasn't just about the theory. Tom accused Mason of being the traitor, with his rationale being that he'd gone crazy with grief. To substantiate that, he told a story about Mason repeatedly getting in trouble, and of Mason physically assaulting him and being confined to quarters. So when Mason was then found on the Bridge at his post, and there was no record of disciplinary action, it painted Tom as a liar.

Who Me

What a WONDERFUL chapter. So many things going on! Well Done!


.210: Oh yeah, that Maliri Hacker did a very professional job of painting Tom Walker as the Traitor, ... is our Irilith going to be called in to dig up the truth to free Commander Walker, ... soon? ,,, ;-) ttfn

Viktor Hauge

I still have a problem with it, because Tom was pushed to tell his theory and why he thought so, and in a Cort setting with strict rules, in my opinion, he is still not proven a liar. He argued well why there was no record. I would, as a serving judge myself, say that his testimony as an accused hold no liability due to lack of evidence and should not be considered.


.211: So much TSM stuff for our Tef to get to and resolve: -- I am looking forward to the eventual return of a brand-new Faye (as a living, breathing and loving organic), ... and she will be so proud of her 'little one' (Daphne) who has been doing such an outstanding job guiding the Collective and filling in for digital Faye, ... -- And I am remembering that I once thought that finding Mael's Lab and building Athena an organic (clone of Alyssa) body was what was destined, ... but Tef said that won't work, ... so, does this mean that we will be losing our lovely Athena sometime soon? Or can something in Mael's Lab notes save her? Or possibly something the telepathic Ashanath (Gray's) know might help, ... ? -- Also, just as this chapter showed all the preperation that has gone into the defense of Kythshara, ... Our heros need the time to finally do a number of other things, like Dana and Alyssa finally getting a chance to fix the wormhole generator, ... and what about Dana's Paragon 2.0 armor, ... and the Maliri need to finish the layered defense system to defend Maliri space from more attacks, ... and eventually John and our girls will set out to design and build a better Invictus using all the 'new' technology they have aquired, ... likely using the Trankaran / Mael'nerak Star Forges, and making the new ship's hull and super structure from Mael's White Metal (MWM), a CA variant, ... oh boy, ... -- Also, they must do things like bringing back our sweet Faye, ... and save millions more of the Abandoned, ... -- and Genthalas's fate? all of those station personal and those marines too, ... Will the more Primative Shipyard / space station give the Galkiran Matriarch more trouble than she is expecting? Is there some of that Layered defense protecting Genthalas? and since Valeria has orders to take the station intact, ... will all of those marines (200,000 of them) be an unpleasent surprise, ... so, what happens to them all? and what is needed to fix things? Or will will John put them all on the same side? -- And they really should get around to digging poor Tom Walker out of the hole that the 'not dead' Mason Neumont dropped him into, ... And what is the real traitor, Mason, going to do with his older model of a Brimorian Cruiser? ... Is this more trouble coming, or will he set sail for the unclaimed wastes in his new ship?... And will his need to fill his cruiser with supplies and a crew, cause his 'traitor' secret to leak out? -- Tef sure has a lot more to write about, ... (yay!) ;-) ttfn


It's not your job to find typos. :) But I know a bunch of readers like letting me know if they spot any. I'm glad to hear you're still enjoying it.


My guess is the body is a clone. Given the "coincidence" of the attack on Olympus and the Callopean shoals so close together; I think there's more than one traitor. Perhaps and Admiral not in High Command when Alyssa scanned...like Esposito? Esposito was NOT there when Alyssa scanned and while supposedly she's a Lynette Ally, her involvement fast tracking the trial and suddenly producing a body reeks.


It was actually Alyssa's idea, which made Alyssa sad in a previous chapter because it was a form of betrayal to the Outer Rim. Or at least, involved maligning the character of the colonists in the Outer Rim. Almost like bad mouthing her own parents. However, it is cleaning up a mess that she was partially responsible for. So she kind of owed it to Lynette who certainly felt betrayed by Alyssa with good reason. The character development in these stories is great, and very congruent with sexual norms.


"Right wing bullshit" comment from the tolerant people, like always. Because communism works so very well. Ah, the political games have begun. They ought be even more disruptive than the Tribe Wars.


Agreed, but people aren't often rational. Even though he did not lie, Kincaid warned him repeatedly NOT to speculate or bad mouth Mason. This is why lawyers hate their client on the stand. For most people, the best option in front of the law is to shut their mouth. I routinely ignore that but, I grew up in communist Cuba hiding my intelligence as a child. I've had better than a legal education. I've had communism hunting me from first through fourth grade. Which of course, makes me utterly contra woke.

Viktor Hauge

Well, what i react to the most is Kincaids reaction, he should know what might come out of it and should have had a defense ready.


.212: Oh, ... I know Alyssa, Dana, Helene, Jehanna and Ailita staying on the surface, ... (and perhaps I missed a few more, like Tashana and Rachel?) they will miss out on their share of John's prebattle psychic cum load, .... but how about their receiving a refreshing Nymph's kiss? maybe? ;-) ttfn


I still think M56Smith is Tefler in disguise. He remembers too much stuff unless he's keeping it in a spreadsheet. 😁😁


Thank you for this installment - sooooo sooooo much. I wonder how much input Alyssa had to Lynettes plan? How is Tom's story linked? How will Genthalas survive (for they must)? Will Luna and Valeria battle? Looking forward to seeing where we go next.


.219: Hey there Bill, thanks but I am no Tefler, ... while we were in that six-months long, no TSM limbo, I tried to flesh out some version of the TSM tale to continue the story, but in just his completion of chapter #164, Tef totally eclipsed anything I came up with, ... he is that good, ... And yes, I have loads of the story's facts and tidbits written down in a couple of notebooks, ... and I am constantly refering to them, ... just the spelling alone is enough to make me look things up constantly... -- Oh yeah, I wanted to ask Tef if the "cut off the Snakes head" game plan of Sakura's was now what John was going with, ... I thought that they were concerned about Xar'aziuth finding out too much info from dead Progenitors sent to the hell of his creation, and that it was better to keep the big evil Devour guessing, and not really knowing what is going on under the shroud, ... I figured that John would dual his Progenitor enemy, and he would use his mighty Runeblade, Kyth'vindathlys, to drain all of Gahl'kalgor's psychic Mojo, leaving him neutered, but alive, with his head still on, but him not tattling anything to Xar'aziuth, ... Also, it should transfer the entire Galkiran Empire over to Baen'thelas, adding millions of Thralls into his psychic network, ... it could happen, ... ;-) ttfn

Viktor Hauge

I am very happy with you being back again. I was afraid you were gone for good. The universe you have created is, in my opinion, listed among top three cifi universes ever written! Thank you and hope it will go on and on and on and…..


.222: Yay, verily Yay! .... I totally agree with you Viktor, TSM is so good, it should go on forever, ... or at least until the 28th century, ... ;-) ttfn


.223: ... but, yeah, Kincaid did, quite strongly, try to warn Tom, however the innocent young man went ahead, onto the witness stand, anyway, ... now he is sorry, ... and his lawyer is left sighing and shaking his head, ... ;-) ttfn


.224: "Contra Woke", .... it's no wonder why I like you, ... -- You sir, are wearing no blinders, you have your goofy noggin on straight, and you are fully aware that you live in the land of the free and the home of the brave, ... thank you sir, .... '-) ttfn


When does Tom ask for the court to wait and for him to be judged by the Lioness???


.225: From prison, in the TSM sequel, maybe? the new book to be titled " the Rat of the Federation" or "the Rat on the Run", ... ;-) ttfn


Thanks Tefler. I am happy to read more great storytelling, but far more happy that you are publishing and hopefully in better health. Cheers!


I'm posting what jdg45 posted about this topic in discord. jdg45 — Today at 10:06 PM Lynette's plan for the Outer Rim [Ch 165] came from Alyssa... Ch 158 I agree, the Outer Rim is a lost cause, but you still have a huge influence over the Admiralty, Alyssa patiently explained. You’re no stranger to public relations and putting a positive spin on a story; breaking this news to High Command isn’t any different. Lynette was about to take a sip from her glass, but she paused, an incredulous look on her face. What can I say that’s positive about sixty systems declaring their independence?! It’s simple, Lynette. You just need to appeal to the admirals’ sense of self-interest, and convince them that this is actually the best result for the Terran Federation. The older brunette shook her head in disbelief. *I just might be able to persuade them that this isn’t a total disaster, but despite what you may think, those admirals are not stupid. What could they possibly gain from us losing that many systems?* Well, if I was in your position, this is what I’d say to them... As Alyssa elaborated on her audacious plan, Lynette’s scowl faded away, to be replaced by a look of incredulity. The Fleet Admiral placed her wine glass on the coffee table, having lost any interest in getting drunk, and listened intently as the young woman spun a captivating narrative. By the time Alyssa had finished describing how she would break the news to High Command, Lynette was actually feeling cautiously optimistic herself.


.217: yeah, exactly, .... stay healthy, we love your work, and we want you and your family to be both healthy and happy, .... this is because your story has touched us and continues to make us happy, thank you so much for sharing, ... ;-) ttfn

Jacques Van Zyl

Thank you Tefler, really enjoyed the chapter

Who Me

Very well done with the question about the guns on Genthalas!

Richard Skinner

Reference the orbital turrets, can the milari ships not assist with relocating them? There are Milari battleships there with tractor beams!!

stephen mincher

Thanks Tefler for the chapter. Couple of typos? chap 164: fleet commander Lyshalla became Keylessae when Gahl’kalgor was reviewing the logs, Othorion said will be a fortune man indeed ( fortunate?). chap 165:Calwell says you’ve planning to give away(your’re). thanks again loving it 😍


Well spotted, thanks for letting me know! It's great to hear you're enjoying the story. :)

Vizth Hal

Did you miss the actual last sentence of that chapter? It's pretty obvious that she's just playing into it to sell it to the admiralty. Right wingers are always going to exist no matter how annoying it is, and they're easy to manipulate by stroking their egos. I'm pretty sure Tef isn't even from the US so let's not bother dumping our politics on him.

Matthew Marrinan

Thanks. Great to see your story unfolding! Look forward to more to come.


Only 3 more to get caught up. Awesome.

Jose Bueno

I am glad you left all your woes behind and started up again. Looking forward to the following chapters. Thanks!


The way in which you addressed the continuity issue with the defensive capabilities of Genthalas was well done, Tefler. It’s the old situation, “I’ve got formidable armor and shields that will completely block your swords and spears.” “I’ve got attack helicopters and tanks.” “Oh.” —- Hard to overcome significant technological advantages especially in combination with numerical advantages. Not impossible, but time isn’t on their side.


Hey-yo Tefler, just wanted to say thank you for this story. Keep up the great work!


No he's from the UK Vizith but it's not like they don't have their own Crazy Right Wingers too. Look at Boris Johnson

Pat White

The next 2 chapters are going to be absolutely amazing. But I wonder if Tefler is going to do something to change the whole plot.. thanks Tefler


Im enjoying the build-up to the battle more than i would have expected. The details and their execution. General Jehanna. It's am so done and


Im enjoying the build-up to the battle more than i would have expected. The details and their execution. General Jehanna. It's all well done and adds depth to the story. This is a great story and also a great look at the reality of being an author.


.246: ... humm, like a Tom Walker jail break? 'the fugitive of the federation' ... ;-) ttfn

John the 5th

Another great chapter in a terrific story. Yeah, a few small errors have been pointed out , but with all the different things going on in the story it's fascinating how you keep it together and continuing on. I love it. This story has the possibility of outliving many of it's readers.


Yes! I hope I get to read the final chapter of TSM. The sequel[s] - maybe not :)

Who Me

Just hope I can hang on long enough to read the end of TSM a long time from now!!!

Joseph Kelly

The “build up” to the battle? He’s been building up to this battle for 30 chapters. This story could be great if Tefler didn’t get so bogged down by the minutia and wander off into multi chapter distraction. We get a few paragraphs of action and then we get chapters of learning and discussion and planning and conversation. Blah, blah, blah. I keep getting sucked back into this story about once a year and then i remember why I keep leaving. It’s sooo dry. I come back after a year and there’s only a handful of chapters and the story hasn’t really progressed or changed. I could just read the most recent chapter and I probably wouldn’t be lost. There’s so much that needs to be cut.


The good wine just keeps coming.... There is another story with a refined bouquet.. thanks Tefler

Tefler Fan 007

Tefler, We found a plot hole and have been discussing it on discord. In chapter 158 you had Emalyne discover multiple thrall fleets (hundreds of ships) and the way it’s written it makes it sound like the 6 fleets at the border. However the partial fleet that John found was much closer and would have been the first fleet to return to Kyth’shara. However in 165 you have Emalyne already at Kyth’shara with Lilyannas Maliri fleet. The easiest fix would be to change the fleet commander in 165 from Emalyne to someone else and have Emalyne be the second fleet they are still waiting for to arrive before the battle starts. Cignal said to place it here so you can see it. Hope this helps. TF007


I mean an admiral conflating civil right activists with scum and free-thought with a cesspool aside 😂, I LOVED how Devereux handled the Outer Rim secession. I shall watch her career with great interest! It's an objectively amazing, political master-stroke and amazing how you can even think of this narrative.


In the search on this page I typed in Discord Link. Here is the page https://www.patreon.com/user/posts?u=3814558 Here is the link to the Discord Server. https://discord.gg/ByA4Xv5 Once there you will want to join the server by posting your membership level screen shot from Patreon into the new arrival coordination channel. A mod will set you up so you have access to the Patreon only channels which is where Tefler hangs out when he is on Discord.


Hey, do you think we might start to get EOM TSM Status Updates again, .... pretty please? ... ;-) ttfn

Holly Lowery

I am hoping Tom does not get convicted of treason. With the info that is damning him being implanted by Milari hiding for some reason in the Enclave, it should be very easy for Illirith to find evidence of that. I assume that all of this will tie in nicely, Teller has some great skill at binding all the lil strings together to make a tidy chain of events that are important to the overall story.


Welcome back Tefler. I hope all is well with you and yours.


I've written in a new Fleet Admiral (Tineshea from House Ghilwen) to replace Emalyne. The House Loraleth Fleet Admiral will be the first to arrive of the next six fleets.


I honestly gave up on checking for new chapters, but now the addiction is back to checking everyday.


So happy your back. Hope all is well too.

William Koch

I'm very glad you're doing better.


I bet that Ryan is in malari space and will help against the fleet heading towards them


.267: Ryan? I don't recall a Ryan in this story, .... where was Ryan mentioned, .... ;-) ttfn


Tefler, Cignal was adding chapter 164 into the timeline and came across a potential plot hole in reference the discussion in chapter 164 regarding cloaked ships, specifically a Progenitor dreadnought being cloaked and not able to be seen until ?????? is ?????. (trying not to give away trade secrets) He asked me to post this to you. Suggested Fix: The Invictus was equipped with a Progenitor sensor array also displaying the added Lianelis Saevath network data, allowing it to see the cloaked I’ve sent a full description on the problem directly to you through Patreon. Please disregard anything from me prior to today, 030324. Thanks for a great story.


Tefler the line in chapter 164 reads The Invictus was equipped with a Progenitor sensor array, allowing it to see the cloaked starbase, whereas the Galkirans had no idea it was even there. With the other part of chapter 164 stating that a progenitor needs to take out the soul forge to find the progenitor dreadnought indicates that Progenitors can't see other cloaked Progenitor ships, which is the way it has been in the rest of the story, so we thought if you added the Lianelis Saevath network to the line it would work.


Glad to see you back, Tef. Going six months MIA...well, I hope whatever the cause was is fixed or at least improving. Really looking forward to reading more of your stuff.


.268: Yay! our favorite author of our favorite erotic Sci-Fi Epic is back! -- double Yay! -- In February we saw the completion of chapter #164, .... and also, Tef dropped chapter#165 (all new) and it was fully completed (no partial chapter) in February as well, ... So, I am guessing that a chapter #166 perhaps around mid-March might just be possible, ... wow, Tef is so back! Yay! -- Oh, and didn't Tef write that the cloaking system of the multi-millennial old weapons platforms was good, but not as good as a Dreadnaught's stealth system, ...? Or something like that, ...? And yet, the Invictus's sensor array could not find those cloaked platforms and they had to calcuate where they'd be from past trajectories, ... or not easily found, or not too easily anyway, ... was distance a factor? ;-) ttfn

John the 5th

Some folks have some good ideas. I wonder why they don't write their own stories.

Dani Vega

@sceptre: That makes more sense. I vaguely remembered Alyssa talking to Lynette on that topic, but couldn't recall the gist of the conversation. With this in mind, it makes more sense now

Who Me

Cause they don't have Tefler's writing ability or talent?


I've got wonderful ideas but no writing talent.

Benito Cuevas

I hear ya, I've tried some creative writing and I struggle with it. My wife writes fan fac and it seems so easy for her but I know in reality it's not. It's just a gift I guess.

Big Dude

Great to stop by and visit to see the great one in the saddle again.


.275: ... oh, ... I'm back in the saddle again, ... going where I've never been, ... riding the range once more, ... tot'n my old 44, ... yeah, it's great to have our Tef back! ... -- I wonder if Gene Autry would have loved reading Three Square Meals too? ... I bet he'd have loved it, .... ;-) ttfn


.276: Lyrics: (a real oldie) I'm back in the saddle again Out where a friend is a friend Where the longhorn cattle feed On the lowly gypsum weed Back in the saddle again Ridin' the range once more Totin' my old .44 Where you sleep out every night And the only law is right Back in the saddle again Whoopi-ty-aye-oh Rockin' to and fro Back in the saddle again Whoopi-ty-aye-yay I go my way Back in the saddle again I'm back in the saddle again Out where a friend is a friend Where the longhorn cattle feed On the lowly gypsum weed Back in the saddle again Ridin' the range once more Totin' my old .44 Where you sleep out every night And the only law is right Back in the saddle again Whoopi-ty-aye-oh Rockin' to and fro Back in the saddle again Whoopi-ty-aye-yay I go my way Back in the saddle againI'm back in the saddle again Out where a friend is a friend Where the longhorn cattle feed On the lowly gypsum weed Back in the saddle again Ridin' the range once more Totin' my old .44 Where you sleep out every night And the only law is right Back in the saddle again Whoopi-ty-aye-oh Rockin' to and fro Back in the saddle again Whoopi-ty-aye-yay I go my way Back in the saddle again I'm back in the saddle again Out where a friend is a friend Where the longhorn cattle feed On the lowly gypsum weed Back in the saddle again Ridin' the range once more Totin' my old .44 Where you sleep out every night And the only law is right Back in the saddle again Whoopi-ty-aye-oh Rockin' to and fro Back in the saddle again Whoopi-ty-aye-yay I go my way Back in the saddle again -- ;-) ttfn

Walter Davis

I am so happy that you are back!


Tefler, Rus & I had a fun, spirited discussion between the distinctions of a null-zone and dampening field from 3:28 PM through 4:30PM today, Sun, March 10th in Spoilers-Predictions-Ideas. His take is “It is a mechanical replication of the psychic ability. They are the same thing...and that relates to the whole section of space they are in as well as what was on Kythshara, in the crypt at the summer house, and projected by the spider bot in the pyramid trap. That the terms are interchangeable. Same effect, same properties.....same thing. Larn also stated one's psychic strength was what could overcome those null zones. Though the story states “It's simply a matter of possessing sufficient psychic strength to overcome an Eldritch Inhibitor." Hopefully I’m not putting in or leaving out words of his position. My final take is that Ok, I could see different levels of amplification, thanks Cignal. Shroud being the least interference, (unknown intent of its creator taken into consideration. Just strong enough block Xar would be my guess) then a mechanical dampening field of whatever level the user wants, such as Baledranax’s maxed out dampening field or Mael’s ziggurat’s spiders field which can be overcome if you’re strong enough. But I still see a distinction between those and a full-on Psychic Null-zone and it being an absolute blockage for all contained. No one able to access their psychic abilities and or psychic network couldn’t be overcome from within the NZ. One would have to leave the area of the NZ to access or use abilities. Such as Alyssa did to block the visions when in Kirzuxa’s hive. Alyssa, John & Rachel were cut-off, incommunicado from the rest for a period of time. (Untill Alyssa either released or they cleared the area of the NZ)? If my take is reasonable it could be used against other Progens. Just an idea.


.279: .... "they are the same thing." ... really, .... say you sit down to dinner one night and it's a delicious pasta dish, both filling and tasty, ... then the next night's dinner is another pasta dish, also tasty and filling, but is a largely different set of ingredients, ... this is, I think, your Null Zone versus Eldritch Inhibitor comparison, close but not the same, ... or perhaps it's more like a car versus a truck, .... (you've made an interesting comparison, but is it the same?), ... and if it is the same, or at least it's very close, like a pick-up truck versus a SUV, ... then wouldn't an experienced Progenitor know how to combat it? ... Just my idea, .... '-) ttfn


The null-zone was described as a sphere of approximately 2000 meters wide, app 1.25 miles. That was created by Alyssa very early in the story and based on her power at the time... What do you think that area would be now? 10x, 50x, more? I accept that someone created a mechanical device (Eldritch inhibitor) to imitate a psychic null-zone (absence of eldritch energy). Why, best guess, 1st because a null-zone cuts off the originator as well as all inside the effected area. 2nd Power amplification of a device, its power level can be ramped up to just below the users level of ability, thereby effecting everyone else except the user in the effected area, at last hopefully in the users mind. We have evidence in the story that an eldritch inhibitor can be overcome. We have no such evidence that a null-zone can be from the three instances that one was used. We do have evidence that a null-zone can be centered on a person or a place. So not the same. The inhibitor a pale and controllable imitation of the other. My original thought was what would happen to a progen and maybe his Matriarch if Alyssa created a large Null-zone near the hull of his dreadnought.


.281: Ahh humm, ... You might ASSUME a similarity between an Eldritch Inhibiter and the Psychic Null Zone, as created by the Ashanath (smal scale, of course) and the Null Zone that Queen Edraele can generate (how big now?) and the much bigger and greatly more powerful Null Zone that Alyssa is able to generate, ... And this might make a useful weapon to use against a Progenitor, maybe or maybe not... -- If this works well against an enemy Progenitor, wouldn't the other Progenitors learning of it, and then develop a statagy or a defense to counter it? -- I wonder if Tef has anything like that in mind for the story, ... or did Tef write himself into a corner? ... Perhaps John needs to send his Matriarch (witch) up against Gahl'kalgor, and then let Sakura lop off Kal's head, or other critical parts, ... ;-) ttfn


The next chapter, Luna is gonna slice and dice her way to being the top killer in all of John domain :D cant wait!


Tefler, I recently saw an anime where a crew of "kidnappers" steal wounded on the battlefield and run them back to healers, that could be the Transformed kidnappers :p


I fixed it with this: "The Invictus was receiving sensor data from the Lianelis Saevath network, allowing it to see the cloaked starbase, whereas the Galkirans had no idea it was even there."

Michael56Smith (edited)

Comment edits

2024-03-24 17:48:14 .221: Ideas for free (and totally worth it) for Tef to use: ... Sub-Plots: -- oh yeah, and "Gally's" Matriarch is in for a few surprises when she and just one fleet tries to take Genthalas and not destroy it, ... and maybe there'll be a Valeria vs Luna duel, to match the Gahl'kalgor vs Baen'thelas one, ... yep, next chapter will be a hot one... -- Oh, and will Tom Walker finally make a jailbreak? ... -- and My money is on the Maliri Hacker, Shanryl, for breaking Tom from T-Fed Jail, ... and getting the Lion involved, ... 'cuz she wants to meet Baen'thelas so bad, ... then, look out Mason Newmont, the true Rat of the Federation, the Lionesses (especially Tom's relative Dana) are all coming for you, Mace, ... and that Brimorian cruiser won't save you, .... ;-) ttfn
2024-03-24 17:48:14 .221: Ideas for free (and totally worth it) for Tef to use: ... Sub-Plots: -- oh yeah, and "Gally's" Matriarch is in for a few surprises when she and just one fleet tries to take Genthalas and not destroy it, ... and maybe there'll be a Valeria vs Luna duel, to match the Gahl'kalgor vs Baen'thelas one, ... yep, next chapter will be a hot one... -- Oh, and will Tom Walker finally make a jailbreak? ... -- and My money is on the Maliri Hacker, Shanryl, breaking Tom from T-Fed Jail, ... and getting the Lion involved, ... 'cuz she wants to meet him so bad, ... then, look out Mason Newmont, the true Rat of the Federation, the Lionesses (especially Tom's relative Dana) are all coming for you, Mace, ... and that Brimorian cruiser won't save you, .... ;-) ttfn
2024-03-19 03:03:38 .221: Ideas for free (and totally worth it) for Tef to use: ... Sub-Plots: -- oh yeah, and "Gally's" Matriarch is in for a few surprises when she and just one fleet tries to take Genthalas and not destroy it, ... and maybe there'll be a Valeria vs Luna duel, to match the Gahl'kalgor vs Baen'thelas one, ... yep, next chapters will be a hot ones... -- Oh, and will Tom Walker finally make a jailbreak? ... -- and My money is on the Maliri Hacker, Shanryl, for breaking Tom from T-Fed Jail, ... and getting the Lion involved, ... 'cuz she wants to meet Baen'thelas so bad, ... then, look out Mason Newmont, (the true Rat of the Federation), all the Lionesses (especially Tom's relative Dana) are all coming for you, Mace, ... and that Brimorian cruiser won't save you, .... ;-) ttfn

.221: Ideas for free (and totally worth it) for Tef to use: ... Sub-Plots: -- oh yeah, and "Gally's" Matriarch is in for a few surprises when she and just one fleet tries to take Genthalas and not destroy it, ... and maybe there'll be a Valeria vs Luna duel, to match the Gahl'kalgor vs Baen'thelas one, ... yep, next chapters will be a hot ones... -- Oh, and will Tom Walker finally make a jailbreak? ... -- and My money is on the Maliri Hacker, Shanryl, for breaking Tom from T-Fed Jail, ... and getting the Lion involved, ... 'cuz she wants to meet Baen'thelas so bad, ... then, look out Mason Newmont, (the true Rat of the Federation), all the Lionesses (especially Tom's relative Dana) are all coming for you, Mace, ... and that Brimorian cruiser won't save you, .... ;-) ttfn


He’s not breaking out of jail. The Tom Walker story needs to end, not get dragged out as another 50 chapters with him on the lam. Something is going to come together and it will have to be soon, before the execution. It seems like the Invictus will wormhole to Terra and save the day. The question is why would they go there? Tom Walker isn’t on their radar, no one is attacking Terra, and they aren’t going to be taking leisure trips to see friends in the middle of the Progenitor wars. The one of the original Maliri hackers working for the Brimorians, who perhaps has white hair now, could confess to John because of… guilty feelings? Seems a bit thin, but it would work. The other option is that they have to urgently wormhole to Brimor to save the Abandoned, or stop some other Brimorian douche move. When they are there it would be par for the course to have Irilith rip open the most classified Brimorian systems and learn everything terrible they have done, including the Mason/Walker plot.

K Allen

Wow, with Mason dead, I can only assume Beth is the traitor.... never saw that coming.....