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Chapter Nine:

Rahat Marwan had applied to only a few college, and only one of them was out of state. That was her college. It was her greatest, most secret wish. At the time, she had not even told her parents about it. She had kept this secret not because her parents would not support her. Her parents supported her in everything she did, sometimes even when they shouldn’t. No, she kept this secret because she was afraid to speak it into existence. If she had told them and failed to get in, she wouldn’t have been able to accept a letter from anywhere else.

Then, she got in. When she was accepted, she could hardly believe it. She received the letter and avoided it for days before she read it, and once she had read it, she tucked it into her desk and avoided it again. She had to read it twice more before she believed it was real, and even then it wasn’t until her mother had looked at it that Rahat really, truly let herself be happy.

Her parents were sad, but they were accepting. They wished her goodbye, and they gave her hugs and kisses. They drove her out to move her in, and they told her to right. The first week was hard, and the second week was worse. Gradually, she built a life there, though, in another state, and two years later, she didn’t think that she would move back after graduation. Visiting would be enough.

She flew home over Summer Break to see her family, but she did not plan to stay for long this year. Her friends had invited her to stay with them and work for the summer. Rahat loved her friends, and she loved the life she had away from home. Her parents were good, but she liked the mistakes she could make away from them because, when it turned out well, it meant that she solved the problem on her own.

Rahat felt excited when she pulled up to the house. She had not come home for Spring Break, so this would be the first time she saw her family in person since she had left after Winter Break. Amina would have graduated by now, and though Rahat had not gotten an invitation, she was excited to ask her sister where she would end up.

So, it is needless to say that she was stunned when Amina met her at the door with a pregnant belly showing through her dress. Rahat nearly dropped her things, she was so shocked, and she gasped, “Amina! No, no, no, what happened?!”

Amina had only smiled back at her and said, “Something wonderful,” before she took one of Rahat’s bags and sashayed away.

Unaffected by the magic of the lamp, Rahat could not see the other changes that her sister had undergone. Her sister’s swollen breasts appeared to her to be a product of pregnancy and nothing more, and the same was assumed for Amina’s larger, rounder ass and widened hips. As for Amina’s collar and leash, she had assumed them to be simple jewelry from the way she wore them. Since Amina kept the leash tucked into her blouse, it looked only like a chained accessory and not like the leash that Frances liked to lead her around by.

Rahat went to seek her mother and found Farah in the kitchen. Like Amina, Farah was heavily pregnant and looked close to bursting. Her mother’s already oversized breasts were massive now, and she was wearing her abaya and hijab inside, though she wore them tighter than she used to, and Rahat could tell that her mother was completely naked underneath by the way the fabric fit tight to her form.

“Mom?!” Farah turned to smile at Rahat, and Rahat gazed at her belly. “Wow…!!!”

“Come, my blossom, give your mother a hug and stop standing there staring at her poor, fat belly.”

“Sorry,” said Rahat, and she crossed the room and hugged her mother. Farah smelled different to her. All her life, Farah had smelled to Rahat like spice and flowers, a scent which she had never noticed until she went away to her first year of college and came back for the first time. Now, she smelled raw, almost musky. Rahat stood back and rubbed her mother’s belly. “You, too?”

“Me, too,” repeated Farah, and then she laughed to herself. “Ah, yes, your sister had answered the door, hadn’t she?” She smiled and rubbed her own belly. “Yes, we’ve been very blessed in this house lately, haven’t we?”

“Blessed,” whispered Rahat. She could hardly believe her mother’s excitement considering Amina’s youth, but she told herself that her mother was more traditional than she had expected and left it alone. Rahat looked over Farah’s shoulder at the food she was preparing and said, “I didn’t even know that Amina was dating. You never let me date in high school.”

“She is not dating anyone,” said Farah, and she went back to chopping herbs and added them to a boiling pot on the stove. She stirred it, sipped it, and smiled. “Good.” The doorbell rang, and she smiled toward the living room. “And that would be our guests. Rahat, dear, could you please go see to the door?”

“Sure, mom.”

Rahat left the kitchen feeling strange. She had not expected there to be a supper and was not informed of it before she got home. Her parents were kind, good people, but they were also boring, and unplanned house parties were not their thing. Neither were surprise pregnancies. She crossed the house to the front door and opened it, and it wasn’t until she saw the guests that she realized she hadn’t seen her father anywhere yet.

“Hello,” she greeted everyone, and they entered with familial comfort and quick greetings. Shoshana, Autumn, and Lily Kim were all pregnant, and Lincoln was with them in a dress and heels. All four of them looked beautiful and had painted themselves precisely with careful makeup meant to accentuate their beauty and not reduce them. To Rahat’s untrained gaze, she saw three pregnant women and a fourth tall, slender woman who was not yet pregnant.

She stood in the doorway as the four passed her, and stared at their retreating form. She recognized Shoshana but only just barely. The other three were complete strangers to her, but the bigger mystery were their bellies. All three of them appeared to be in the same stage of pregnancy as Amina, and Amina was only a few weeks at most behind her mother. Rahat closed the door after them and whispered to herself, “What in the world is going on right now?”

Dinner started shortly, and everyone gathered at the table. One more person showed up, but Amina met them. Rahat didn’t see who it was until she joined them at the table and had spent her time seeking out her father, who had seemed to disappear from the home. She was on her way back downstairs to ask her mother where he was when dinner was announced, and she figured she would see him at the table but didn’t.

The most recent guest was the blond-headed Sharon who would’ve looked completely different to Rahat were it not for her pregnant belly. At first, she had assumed Sharon was just as fat as she used to be, but when she went to greet her, she realized that the belly was too rounded to be fat and that she, like Amina and the others, was pregnant and showing.

“Welcome, everyone. We have seats for you at the table,” said Farah, and she gestured for everyone to sit. Shoshana sat beside the tall black woman who looked almost like her son, Lincoln, and Autumn sat with them, too. Sharon sat with Amina and the Korean woman that Rahat barely recognized to be the old school counselor. She had never gotten a chance to speak much with Ms. Kim and was surprised to see her there.

Rahat went to sit beside the space where her father would normally be, and her mother sat on the other side and smiled at Autumn beside her. “Looks like he’s a bit late.”

Autumn gave a playful laugh. “Well, we can wait.”

They did not have to wait long before two more people entered the room. One was what appeared to be a pretty Libyan woman with ruby red lips and wearing an abaya and hijab like Farah’s. She was slender and lacked the curves that everyone else at the table had. The other guest was someone Rahat recognized from living next door to him for years. It was Frances O’Conner, and he appeared to her to be the only one among them who had not changed dramatically since she last saw him.

Rahat watched in silence as Frances approached and joined them at the table. Meanwhile, the woman at his side went and sat at the far end of the table where her mother normally sat. “Frances…?!” Rahat tried to keep herself quiet when she saw him, but she had trouble hiding her incredulity as he took the place at the head of the table where her father went. “Mom…Amina?!” She looked around the table and then her eyes settled on the woman she didn’t recognize, and suddenly she recognized him. “…Dad…?!”

“Hey, Rahat. It’s been a while,” said Frances. He spoke amicably and with unwelcome familiarity, and he patted her on the back like they were old friends. Rahat gave him a distant, distracted smile and felt lightheaded in his presence, and she noticed for the first time that the lamp on the mantle above the fireplace was burning.

“…When did we start burning incense,” she asked, and everyone at the table laughed.

“Oh, my darling little blossom,” said her mother, and Farah took her hand and gave it a squeeze. “That is no incense,” she told her, and then she cast a big, almost loving smile toward Frances and said, “Dinner is ready, dear. Let’s eat.”

“Let’s,” said Frances, and everyone began preparing their food. Frances was fed first and got the largest portions. Everyone else around him ate ravenously to feed the babies growing in their bellies, except the woman who looked like Lincoln and the woman who looked like Rahat’s father, who nibbled carefully at their food and stayed polite and quiet while everyone else at the meal spoke.

Rahat sat in silence and picked at her own food. She felt dizzy and unwell, but she liked to listen to her mother and Frances speak. It was comforting to her to see them together, though she could not fully understand why. Periodically, she glances at the burning lamp and watched the smoke. The wick had been fed in the oil that was found inside. The smoke seemed to sparkle, and as she watched it, she began to recognize how different everyone around her really was.

Supper finished, and Farah asked Rahat to help her clean up. Frances offered, but Farah kissed him lightly on the forehead and assured him that she had it. “Besides, I think my daughter and I deserve some time together, don’t you?”

“Fine,” said Frances, and he kissed her mother’s pregnant belly before she left the table. Rahat followed her mother’s swinging hips in a daze. It was wrong. All of it was wrong, but she could not quite understand why. She glanced back at Frances at the table talking and laughing with the others, and she wanted him to kiss her belly, too, but she would have to get pregnant first.

Farah and Rahat worked in silence in the kitchen as they portioned out the left over and began washing dishes. After a long silence, Farah finally said, “I’m sure you have questions. So, ask.”

Rahat stayed quiet as she considered what questions to ask, because she assumed she was only going to get so many answers. She scrubbed a plate and handed it to her mother to rinse and set to dry. “That woman in there, in the abaya, that’s father, isn’t it?”

Farah gave a small smile. “Very astute, my little blossom. Yes, that is your father, though I doubt he would want you to call him that. No, he goes by Abby now.”

“And that’s not his baby, is it,” asked Rahat, and she glanced at her mother’s swollen belly.

Farah gave a deep, loving laugh that made Rahat smile despite her confusion and discomfort. “No, dear. Not at all. We have not made love in years.”

“I didn’t think so,” said Rahat, and she found herself distracted by the sound of Frances’ voice carrying through the house. Every word he said made her moisten, and for some reason her breasts were beginning to hurt. She dried her hands and rubbed her eyes. “Mother, I am tired.”

Farah leaned forward to kiss Rahat on the forehead, and Rahat could smell that strong, spicy scent on her. It smelled to her like Frances smelled, and she found that she was beginning to like it. “You must go rest,” Farah told her. “You have a long visit ahead of you.”

“Yes, mama,” said Rahat, who felt suddenly very small and very naïve. She rubbed her eyes again and whispered, “Goodnight,” and then she roamed upstairs to her bedroom to sleep.

Rahat fell asleep almost instantly, and then she dreamt strange dreams of Frances on a throne and herself wrapped in a golden, mesh shawl. Her dark nipples showed through the thin fabric, as did the hair of her vagina. In the dream, she sat at Frances’ feet and sucked his toes, and in the dream, she worshipped him with her mouth before worshipping him with her body.

She woke up wet and touched herself lightly to check her own arousal. Her fingers were beaded with want when she pulled them from her pants, and she almost feared that she had peed herself. Rahat rose from the bed then, grabbed a new pair of panties and pajama pants, and went to the bathroom to wash and change. She was partway there when she noticed her Amina’s bedroom door open and stopped to peek inside.

Rahat did not know why she was looking. Everything had been so strange since she got home that she was curious. Inside, Amina’s room was dark. Amina was not in bed and the blankets were pulled to the side, but the bed was not empty without Amina in it. Amina’s father was in bed with a collar and leash on, and it looked to Rahat like he was wearing panties, too.

A hand touched Rahat’s shoulder, and Rahat gasped. She turned to find the very pregnant Amina standing before her topless. “Rahat, is everything okay?”

“Everything is…” Rahat eyed Amina’s changed figure. Her bosom was enhanced by magic and by pregnancy, and her breasts had swelled close to their mother’s natural size. Rahat did not know that women could have breasts like that, but looking down her own body, she realized that her own curves had significantly increased as well. She looked Amina in the eyes again and asked, “Amina, be honest, what is going on here?”

Amina gave a small smile and took Rahat by the hand. “It’s too hard to explain in words,” she said. “Let me show you.”

They walked the dark halls together to their parents’ bedroom, and they could hear moaning inside. Rahat looked at Amina, who only smiled in response. “Go on,” she said, and Amina pushed her sister forward toward the open door.

Rahat looked inside and froze. Frances was in bed with Farah. He was on his back while Farah leaned over him, and he was nursing one of her large, dark nipples while she stroked his big, thick cock. Watching her mother’s hand glide along his pale shaft was a thing of beauty. It was a rare and unspeakable pleasure that Rahat barely understood.

“Aren’t they beautiful together,” whispered Amina from behind Rahat, and Rahat swallowed her surprise.

“But, dad…”

“Frances is our dad now,” Amina told Rahat, and Rahat looked at her in shock. Amina laughed quietly. “He and mom are officially married now. Mom divorced dad, and the two of them gave Frances everything.” Amina looked around the dark hall and said, “This is his house, now.” Then, she rubbed his belly and said, “And this is his child.”

“And mom, too…?”

Amina nodded with a big, proud smile. “Frances owns us,” she said, and she looked her sister firmly in the eyes. “All of us.”

“…All…of us…?”

“Come with me. He has something for you.” Amina took Rahat’s hand again and led her into the bedroom. As the door came open, Frances smiled when he saw them.

“Amina! Rahat!”

“Master,” Amina purred, and Farah did not stop stroking him when she saw her daughters. She only smiled at the two of them as they stopped at the foot of the bed. “As you can see, Rahat is ready.” Amina cupped her sister’s swollen breasts as she spoke, and then she said, “I think she needs a collar, now.”

“We have one over on that night stand,” said Frances, and he nodded to the right of him, where Farah said. Then, he smiled at Rahat. “I’ve been waiting for you to join us.”

Rahat licked her lips but did not speak. Frances’ dick was the first dick she had ever seen, and it was a thing of beauty to her.

Farah seemed to understand her daughter’s awe and moved her hand to hold him by the root. “Impressive, isn’t he, blossom?” Rahat nodded, and Farah chuckled. “Do not fret, my dear. Soon, you will be just as full and swollen and familiar, too.”


Frances grinned. “Of course,” he said, and he caressed her mother’s belly. “I’ve got to complete my collection, don’t I?

As Rahat stood staring and processing his words, Amina returned with a collar and leash and fastened them about Rahat’s neck. Rahat had a delayed reaction to them and felt them moments after Amina had attached them. When she looked at Frances and her mother together, she felt a smile tugging at her lips, but she could not understand why.

“So, what kind of genie are you,” Frances asked. “Are you a slut? Are you a bitch? Why don’t you go ahead and try barking for me?”


Frances laughed and shook his head. “No. No, no, you and your family are too classy for that. No…” He caressed Farah’s hair as Farah lowered herself to suck him, and he moaned. “Fuck. You two take after your beautiful mother too much to be bitches for me. No, you’re family for me, aren’t you?”

Rahat nodded.

“And do you want my child, then?”

Rahat looked at Amina, who nodded, and then she nodded, too. “Yes,” she said, and as she said it, she truly meant it. She shouldn’t, but she wanted to be like her mother and sister and all of the other women he owned. “Yes, Frances. I want your child. I want to be bred by you. I…I want it so much!”

Farah pulled herself off of Frances’ dick with a pop and smiled. “Then you know what to do, dear,” she told her daughter, and she held Frances by the root.

Rahat stared at his dick and nodded. “Yes, momma.”

She was naked shortly after, and soon she was on him. Farah and Amina guided her and told her how to move, and she took him with relative ease thanks to the magic. Rahat rode him with her big, bouncing bosom in his face and let him nurse her breasts. She kissed him, and she smiled as he kissed her mother, and she preened as he praised her bosom and butt.

“Quit college,” Frances told her. “Or go online.”

“What…? Ah!”

Frances pulled her down on him and came, and she wailed loud enough to wake the house and all of their neighbors. Luckily, Frances owned three of the houses around them, so the damage was minimal. When finished, she sat on him panting and staring him in the eyes, and Frances chewed her nipples while staring back at her. “You’re not leaving again,” he told her. “You’re staying with us. With your family. Besides, you’re going to have a baby to raise by next year.”

Rahat, impaled on Frances and full of his seed, looked to her mother for help and then to Amina. Then, she smiled at Frances, and she pressed her forehead to him and whispered, “Yes, master, whatever you say. Your wish is my command.”


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