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Chapter Eight:

“Oh, fuck, daddy, please!”

Licoln was bent over Ms. Kim’s desk again, and Ms. Kim was watching. His body rocked from the force of Frances’ deep thrusts. Lincoln did not fight. If anything, he braced against them and moved to meet Frances. He looked like he was in pain, but the stiffness of his dick in Frances’ hand was proof of his pleasure.

“What’s wrong, Lincoln? Not enjoying it?”

Frances stroked Lincoln as he fucked him, and he held Lincoln by the shoulder with his other hand to guide his movements. Lincoln whined as he felt Frances’ balls slapping him on each forward stroke.

“I-I’m liking it, but you filled me with so much last time that I was leaking all day.” He gasped, and a ribbon of drool oozed from his mouth and landed on Ms. Kim’s planner. “Fuck, Ms. Kim, he’s so thick inside of me.”

“He’s about to come,” she told him, and she smiled at Lincoln’s barely restrained delight. “He’s going to come, and he’ll fill you up again. You’ll be leaking all evening. Don’t you want that?”

Lincoln’s jaw hung slack as he slouched on her desk. He was barely there as small firecracker orgasms popped inside of him. He was leaking into Frances’ hands, wetting his fingers with his runny semen. “So much thick cum,” he whispered, and Frances laughed.

“Here, eat,” he told Lincoln, and he removed his hand from Lincoln’s dick and fed him two slick fingers.

“Yes, daddy,” Lincoln slurred.

“You know, Linc, if I had known you needed a big, white cock to fuck your house into happiness, I would’ve done it years ago.”

Lincoln moaned and slobbered on Frances’ fingers. “Would’ve loved it…”

“I bet you would,” Frances laughed, and he grunted and held Lincoln tight. He hooked his fingers inside of Lincoln’s both as he finished inside of the black man, and then he stood there quaking and panting against him as Lincoln’s tight ass flexed around him and milked him. Like mother, like son, he told himself, and he laughed quietly afterward.

They parted after that, and Lincoln nearly fell onto Ms. Kim’s desk calendar, but she caught him. Semen was already gushing out of him, but Frances turned him around by his leash and led him to his knees. Then, he slapped his spent cock down across Lincoln’s pretty, feminine face and stared Lincoln in the eyes.

The magic had finished its work on Lincoln, who looked more like a tall, slender woman than an athlete now. “Master,” Lincoln purred, and he took to licking Frances and even sucking him. Lincoln could taste himself on the other man’s dick, but he didn’t care. If anything, he enjoyed it, because it meant that Frances had enjoyed him.

“God, what a slut,” said Frances, and he dragged Lincoln off of his dick and fed Lincoln his balls. Frances’ heavy shaft rested across Lincoln’s forehead as Lincoln slobbered on him, and Ms. Kim rounded the desk with a smile to see.

“It is good to see you two getting along, though.”

“Of course. He just had to be put in his place, didn’t you, little Linc,” he teased, and he slapped Lincoln gently across the cheek. “Today, at lunch, I want you to speak with Autumn. She’ll look different, but she won’t turn you down, I promise. Ask her to come over, and then be ready to show her the newer, happier you.”

“Mm,” Lincoln purred, and that was all Frances needed to know that Lincoln would do it. Despite his earlier complaints, Lincoln was happy to be one of Frances’ new genie sluts, and he would do anything to keep his daddy happy.

Lincoln spent the day leaking semen again, but he did not complain. At lunch, he spied Frances watching him and felt a flutter in his gut. Frances was not making him wear his cock cage, but Lincoln almost wished he had. He felt self-conscious with his tiny dick tingling and threatening to stiffen. Even if it did, though, no one would notice, and he took comfort in reminding himself of that.

He waited until the lunch room had settled and then crossed it to see Autumn. She was among her group of friends, a collection of nerdy and bookish girls. In middle school, that would have been Lincoln and Frances at her side. In high school, they did not grow apart so much as they forged their own personalities. Only Frances had failed to do so, and now he was Lincoln’s master. It truly was strange how things had turned out for them.

“Oh, look who it is, ladies, the guy who stood me up.” Autumn glared at Lincoln as he approached, and then imperceptibly, she squinted as she looked at him. Only those affected by the magic could see the differences in those genies subjected to the spell. Autumn had her hair burned but did not know that was why her bottom had thickened and her bosom had filled out. In the same way, she could see the changes that Lincoln had and was undergoing but did not know why he was different.


“Save it,” she snapped. “Unless it’s an apology, I don’t want to hear it.”

Lincoln bit back his frustration. He had wanted to see her but couldn’t. His dick was too small and, after that, well, he was busy. He glanced at Frances, blushed, and reminded himself that she would understand soon enough. So, he swallowed his pride and said, “Look, I’m sorry, okay?”

Autumn gave him a reluctant state and said, “That’s a good start.”

“I’ve been…out of my head lately.” He kneeled down beside her. She was so short that he wondered how Frances would fill her, then he remembered Ms. Kim and knew that his master would find a way. “I’d really like a chance to make it up to you.”

“I don’t know,” said Autumn, and she seemed like she wasn’t budging. She glanced at Frances like Lincoln had before, and Lincoln could recognize the confused attraction on her face because he had experienced it himself. “Please,” he said. “I’ll cook you supper at my place.”

“At your place,” she said, and she glanced at Frances one last time as if reminding herself that Lincoln lived right next door. “Okay,” she said. “Fine. Make me supper, but this better be good, or we’re done.”

“Right,” said Lincoln, and he grinned to himself as he stood. His tiny dick was stiff, but his pants were too loose to show it. “I’ll see you tonight, then,” he told her, and on his way away from her, he silently imagined what she would look like being plowed by Frances like he was that very morning.

Lincoln texted Frances during class to inform him of the plans with Autumn and then received a message in return telling him to leave class. Shortly after, Ms. Kim called Lincoln to the office, but Frances stopped him in the halls and led him to the parking lot. “Frances, where we are going? We can’t just leave school.”

“Don’t ever tell me what I can and can’t do, you slut.” Frances emphasized his point but plucking Lincoln’s leash out from his shirt and dragging him out into the sunlight. “I sent Abby ahead of us, but we need to meet him there.”

“Meet him where,” asked Lincoln as he stumbled after Frances. Once he got his footing, he followed closely and without resistance.

“We’re going shopping,” he said, and he smiled back at Lincoln. “We’re going to get you something pretty for me.”

“But, Frances…”

“Lincoln, come here.” Frances pulled Lincoln to him and then dragged him down into a kiss. It was their first kiss, and it was the best kiss of Lincoln’s life. Lincoln moaned into Frances’ mouth and sucked his tongue, and he held Frances gently by the shoulders until they parted. Then, he sat back blinking and stared Frances in the eyes. “You’re my slut now. My bitch. Barely even a person. If you’re good, I give you sweet kisses and fuck you hard and fill you with cum. If you’re bad, I put you back in the cage and make you watch. So, what do you want to be?”

Lincoln, still flushed from the kiss, licked his lips. “Good, daddy. I’ll be good.”

“Then get in the car and stop complaining.”

“Y-Yes, sir.”

Since they already had collars for the two of them, they met Abdul in front of the local shopping mall. Both men provided Frances with their leashes and let him lead them inside, and they even held hands with him. At a glance, it looked to the crowd like Frances had two short-haired women on leashes, and thanks to the magic, no one asked him about it.

“Now, Abby, you’re paying.”

“Of course, master.” Abdul purred the words. He had completely lost control of his home and his family. Now, he was every bit as much as slave to Frances as Frances’ own mother was. He was already wearing panties and had enough clothes to live his life as a woman if it pleased Frances, but Frances had wanted him to pay for Lincoln, too, and Abdul could not say no.

“First, lingerie,” said Frances, and he cupped Lincoln’s ass and led him into a nearby store. There were scantily clad mannequins as far as Lincoln could see, and his eyes stuck to a few numbers which had actually appealed to him. Up until Frances had kissed him, Lincoln had been obedient but unwilling. He still envied Frances’ dick, even if he didn’t believe in himself to use it if he was given the chance. That kiss, though, changed him.

He clung to Frances’ hand and held it to his chest for comfort. “Do you think that any of this will fit me,” he asked.

“We can shop online if it doesn’t,” Frances told him. “This way, we can see what designs and colors we like for you.”

“Of course.”

They shopped around and found some things with some help, and then they went to find Lincoln basic panties and a few dresses. Most women’s clothing was simply too small for him, but they made a list of things he would like and on the way out, Frances pulled Lincoln aside into the bathroom with him while Abdul was waiting.

“What are we doing, master?” Lincoln’s whole personality had changed in the parking lot, and Frances almost thought it was cute.

“I have to piss,” he said, and he dragged Lincoln into a stall with him. “And you’re going to hold me.”

“What?!” Lincoln was stunned until he saw Frances’ dick. Then, he wrapped his big hand around the meaty white shaft and marveled at it. Frances began pissing, and Lincoln laughed to himself as he felt the urine rushing out of him. “I can feel it coming out, just like when I can feel you coming.” He chewed his bottom lip with maximum femineity. “God, Frances, you really are so big.”

“And you make a way better slut than an athlete.”

Frances gave Lincoln a crooked grin, and Lincoln laughed. “I agree,” he said, and he shook him off. Their faces were close, and Lincoln took the chance to kiss Frances. Frances kissed him back but stopped Lincoln when Lincoln tried to stroke him. “I’m sorry,” whispered Lincoln, stiff and blushing himself.

“It’s fine,” he said. “Sluts like you can’t control themselves.” He took his dick and put it away, but he was partially erect and showing through his pants. “You ready to play the part of cuckold tonight?”

“Oh, master,” Lincoln purred, and he giggled as Frances led him out to wash his hands. “I’m looking forward to it!”

Autumn spent the day confused. She had been texting Lincoln for a few days now and got nothing but refusal and denial. Then, after a strange conversation with Amina, a girl whom she had never really spoken to at length, and a plucked hair that Amina had somehow thought was loose, Autumn went home and slept all evening only to wake up with swollen breasts and widened hips.

Though she was confused at first, Autumn was grateful for the development of curves that her genetics had so long denied her. She had watched her mother with dread. All her life, she had assumed that she would be flat chested, but now she had a pair of oversized breasts stretching her blouse and bouncing with her movements, and every boy in the grade was staring at them.

At school, Lincoln had finally approached her and only after her breasts had grown, and she did not think it was a coincidence. He looked different, too, though. He looked like he was trying to be a girl. She couldn’t explain why. His cheeks were rounder and his body more slender, sure, but it had more to do with the way he moved and spoke. Everything about him was softer, and though Autumn thought he was pretty in his own way, she was not attracted to him like she used to be.

Instead, she found her eyes drawn to another childhood friend: Frances. The two of them had grown apart as high school went on. The problem was that Frances never really changed or grew up. He remained obnoxious and, if she was honest, a little gross. It also didn’t help that his mother was such a rueful, angry woman. Visiting Frances’ home was always uncomfortable, and unfortunately upbringings like that have a way of following a person wherever they go.

The three of them lived a neighborhood apart, and though Lincoln had offered to drive her, Autumn had decided to walk to his place. The weather was nice, and frankly, she didn’t want to owe him anything. He was making her a bit uncomfortable, and the only reason she was seeing him today was because she had seen him before. She felt like she owed it to him.

She stared at Frances’ house on the way and noticed that it was dark. Frances and his mother Sharon were both homebodies who only left to avoid each other. The family didn’t have many friends and didn’t seem interested in ingratiating itself to anyone anyway. She couldn’t imagine where the two of them would be and knew their home to always have a least one light on. Its darkened windows were like an omen of warning to her, but all she felt was a thrill of arousal as she thought of Frances, so she ignored it.

Autumn made it to Lincoln’s door and hesitated. She felt giddy and strange inside, like she was telling a lie. She lifted her hand to knock and hesitated with her knuckles inches from the door. Then, she took a deep breath and…

What she saw after the door opened astonished her. Lincoln met her in full drag. His lips were painted neon pink, and he wore a pink wig that hung to his chin. He also wore lingerie that hugged his lean body tight. His dark nipples showed through the thin pink fabric and were stiff with arousal. His penis looked noticeably smaller, and he wore heels that made him even taller than he was before, but he looked unsteady on them.

“Autumn,” he said with a light, almost feminine affectation, and he clip-clopped aside to show her in. “Come on in.”

Autumn stared. “Lincoln, what are you…?”

“Daddy is waiting,” he said, and he took Autumn by the hand and dragged her after him. Autumn did not fight him and followed in confusion until she saw Frances waiting in the living room with Shoshana at his side. Shoshana was rubbing him through his pants and kissing him lightly on the chin and neck while she whispered to him. When Autumn entered, she lifted her head to smile at her.

“Well, hello, dear, don’t you look beautiful?”

“Uh, thanks, Ms. Jefferson?” Autumn could see the changes in Shoshana and recognized them as being similar to her own, but she barely had time to process any of it before a collar came clattering to a stop at her feet. It had been thrown by Frances, who was grinning at her while he sat with an arm around Shoshana’s waist and his hand cupping one of Shoshana’s prodigious ass cheeks.

“Put it on,” he told her, and he sat there wearing that crooked grin as he stared a hole through her.

“What…?” Autumn had just looked down at the collar when Lincoln bent over to grab it for her. He lifted it and opened it, and then he fixed it around her neck while she stood rooted and stared.

“Here, I’ll help,” he told her a honeyed tone, and he was smiling. In fact, he had been smiling since the moment she arrived. Autumn had never seen Lincoln so happy, nor had she ever seen his dick so hard or so small before. She almost laughed to see him, but she was too confused and aroused to do much but stare. She looked at Lincoln and stammered.

“…Lincoln, what is going on here…?”

“Frances wanted you,” he told her. “He was angry with me for taking you, so he punished me first, and now he’s taking you back.”

“But, he never had me…”

“Well, he does now,” said Lincoln. It felt like a confession, but he was still smiling like he was happy about it. Autumn didn’t understand it, but she felt giddy and excited by the things he said. Like him, she was happy, too.

“There, all done,” said Lincoln, and he stood straight and turned that big, pink smile on Frances. “She’s ready for you, master.”

“Is that true,” asked Frances without moving. “Are you ready, Autumn?”

Autumn, still dizzy with excitement, looked at Frances as she fingered the soft, silken collar around her throat. She swallowed the buzzing anxiety growing in her belly and buried it down onto the arousal that was boiling and bubbling beneath it. “I guess,” she said, and Frances stood.

“Then let’s begin,” he said, and he crossed the room with a chain leash in his hand and fastened the leash to her collar. “You’re my pet now, Autumn. My bitch.” He tugged her leash and said, “Bark for me.”

“Woof, woof?” The words were immediate but confused. He tugged her leash down again, and she moved for him. She kneeled at his feet and sat staring up at him and Lincoln. Lincoln towered over both of them in heels, but he gave Frances a leash, too, and then Lincoln kneeled down beside her. He smiled warmly at Autumn.

“Just wait til you see his dick, Autumn. It’s incredible.” He looked up at Frances with a smile and caressed Frances’ protruding belly with affection. “He’s incredible.”

Autumn believed him and stared up at Frances waiting for permission to confirm what she believed. Frances looked unbelievably large by the size of his bulge, and though Autumn had never taken an interest in size before, it seemed important when it came to Frances. She wanted to touch him, to feel him, to praise him like Lincoln had, but Lincoln moved faster and soon was holding Frances through his pants while he caressed Fraces’ belly.

“Don’t just tell her about it,” said Frances, and he fed one of his thumbs to Lincoln, who was quick to start moaning and sucking his master’s flesh. “Show her, you slut.”

“Yes, daddy,” Lincoln crooned, and he undid Frances’ pants. He yanked Frances’ briefs down as he got his pants open, and Frances’ rigid dick came tumbling out for them. Lincoln caught it deftly and stroked him from crown to root in an effort to display him. Each downward stroke flattened Frances’ red-orange pubic hair and gave his mammoth dick room to shine. “Look at him, Autumn, isn’t he just incredible?”

“He is,” whispered Autumn, who was dumb-struck by Frances’ size. Lincoln then reached into Frances’ pants and withdrew his heavy ball sack, which he then leaned forward to pepper with neon pink kisses. Each kiss left lipstick where he touched, and Autumn privately wished that she had worn her own lipstick to add to the collage. She reached her hand out to touch Frances but then stopped, and she looked him in his blue eyes and asked, “May I?”

“Bark again,” he told her, and the response was immediate.

“Woof! Woof!”

Frances broke out into laughter. Then, he reached out and ran his fingers through her hair. When he touched her scalp, she sighed as pure contentment and pleasure washed over her. He yanked her hair afterward and said, “Now, call me master.”

“Please, master,” she said, and she stared him firmly in the eyes. “Please!”

Frances smacked Lincoln’s hand off of his balls without looking at him, and he stared Autumn in the eyes and said, “Suck them.”

“Thank God,” she gasped, and she fell into him with her hands on his thighs as she wrapped her lips tight around his balls and took to slurping him. Meanwhile, Lincoln held him and stroked him while he watched their mutual friend, and his former girlfriend, slobbering on Frances’ big, white balls.

“Look at her go,” whispered Lincoln, and he smiled when he felt Frances’ hand rested on his head. He looked up at Frances and said, “She’s all yours now, daddy!”

“Aren’t you jealous,” asked Frances, and he took hold of Lincoln’s hand and moved it for him. Lincoln kissed Frances’ cock root and moaned.

“No, master…!” He panted into Frances’ pubic hair and left his root wet with saliva as he did. “I’m nothing but a slut for you, after all. Your bitch. Your slave. I’m just like momma and just like Autumn, so I’m happy for both of you that it ended like this. I’m happy for all three of us.”

“You’re too sweet, Lincoln.” Frances tugged Lincoln up onto his feet and pulled him into a kiss. Their tongues danced as Lincoln stroked Frances, and his dark fingers brushed Autumn’s forehead as she gargled Frances’ balls. Autumn watched them kiss, and though she did not understand what was going on, she was turned on by all of it. This felt right in the most confusing way possible. Frances owned them, and he could use them however he saw fit.

“You’ve become such a good little slut for me,” Frances told Lincoln, and he flicked Lincoln’s dick. Lincoln moaned in response and leaned into his master as he clung to Frances’ broad, thick shoulder.

“Master…” Lincoln sniffed Frances’ hair and gasped. “Daddy!”

“It’s time.” Frances lifted Autumn by the hair and dragged her up beside Lincoln. He kissed her, too, and then made the two of them kiss in front of him while he laughed. They obeyed, but they preferred the taste of Frances to each other. Either way, Lincoln left them both smeared with lipstick as Frances held them apart. “Autumn, strip naked and join Ms. Jefferson on the couch. It’s time that I took you for real.”

Autumn was shaking with excitement as she stared at Frances’ thick white cock with Lincoln’s long, dark fingers clutching it. She swallowed and nodded. “Y-Yes, master. Right away!” Frances released her leash and smacked her on her round ass as she passed him, and she barked in response. “Woof!”

She stripped at the couch and then waited as Frances approached her. She watched his big dick swaying and smiled when his fat shaft slapped her across the midsection as he reached her. “Wow, Frances, you could really wreck a woman with that thing.”

“Trust me,” he said as he slapped his dick purposefully against her stomach, and he took her hand and made her stroke him as he cupped her newly grown breasts and bounced them. “I’ve wrecked a few people with it already.”

“Well, I’m flattered that I get to be next.” She chewed her bottom lip and held him by the root to get a good idea of his size. Even before Lincoln shrank, he was nowhere close to being as big as Frances. She returned to stroking him and looked around. “Do you have any condoms around here? You’ll need an extra large one, I imagine.”

“No condoms,” Frances told her, and when she looked at him in horrified shock, he said, “Bulls don’t wear condoms when they fuck heifers, bitch, now bend over and lift your ass for me.”

Autumn did not hesitate. Her body moved on instinct as she assumed the position, and her new breasts hung heavy below her as she lifted her hips. Frances held her by her ass cheeks and lined up with her, and he let Shoshana guide him into Autumn’s wet, pink gash. His crown opened her further, and she gasped as he burrowed into her with a long, smooth stroke. “Fuuuuuck,” she groaned as she felt his pubic hair tickling her vulva.

She came while he held himself buried in her, and then rested against the couch as he had Shoshana hand her leash to him. Frances yanked Autumn up as he began fucking her, and though it choked her, his smooth, rocking strokes offset the discomfort she felt with smashing waves of pleasure that crumbled at the shore of her mind.

Autumn came again, and she found that each climax reminded her of how she belonged to him now. She did not know why she belonged to him, but she did know that she was remade for him and that her new body was his to use for his own pleasure. She panted and drooled as he rammed her, and she held the collar to keep from choking as he yanked her up and reached around and under her to cup one of her breasts and crush it in his strong hand.

“Oh, Frances! Oh, master!” Autumn’s head and body shook from the force of Frances’ thrusts. Weeks of regular fucking had increased Frances’ stamina and taught him actual skill. He didn’t just have a big dick anymore. Now, he knew how to move, and Autumn was benefiting from all of that practice he had gotten. Her big, round bottom shook and clapped on him as she moved to meet his thrusts. She was the inexperienced one between the two of them, but the magic guided her through instinct to maximize his pleasure.

“I’ve wanted this for so long,” Frances told her, and he knotted her leash around his hand before grabbing her by her thick blond hair. He yanked her head back, and she gasped and then smiled. “I used to beat off to the thought of fucking you!”

“Fuck, Frances, that’s so hot. I’m so flattered. I…Ah! I don’t deserve that!”

“You really don’t,” he growled, and he rammed hard into her and held her impaled around her while she spasmed. She came on him and went limp in his grasp while he tugged her left nipple. Frances was not gentle with her, but like his other genies, her body was programmed to enjoy him anyway. “You and Lincoln ever fuck before, Autumn?”

“A few times,” she confessed, and Frances began moving again, so she did, too.

“And who is better?”

“You!!!” She groaned and laughed, and she braced against the couch and picked up speed. Frances could feel her tighten around him in an effort to help him along. He had given her so many orgasms already, and she was desperate to return the favor to him. She was so desperate, in fact, that she began to whine. “You are so much better than him, Frances! That is why you own him now! It’s why you own his mom!! It’s why you own me!!! We’re not even people anymore! We’re your property! We’re your slaves!!!”

Frances laughed breathlessly. He was barely holding on. Autumn had been his goal from the very start, and now he finally had her and was making her say these depraved, deranged things by fucking her. He looked at Shoshana, who was watching from the side with Lincoln. Both were masturbating, and Lincoln’s hands were already sticky with semen. Frances took hold of Shoshana by the hair and dragged her over to kiss and lick Autumn’s back and bouncing butt cheeks as he thrust.

“That’s true, Shoshana? You and Lincoln my slaves, too?”

“Yes, master, of course we are,” Shoshana purred, and she licked her way across Autumn’s back, across her ass crack, and took to kissing Frances’ exposed, sweaty belly as it slapped her in the face. “We love our big, strong, white master!”

“Fuck! I’m coming!”

“Do it,” Shoshana said, and she caressed his flexing thighs as he moved. “Mm. Seed this little bitch! Fill her full like my son never could!”

“Fuck,” Frances growled, and he went to the root inside of Autumn and fired. Autumn allowed it and held the couch with white knuckled hands as she gasped and moaned like an animal. He flooded her, and she could feel his warmth spreading through her and triggering explosive orgasms in long, mind-numbing strings. By the time Frances was finished, she couldn’t even feel his hand in her hair anymore. All she felt was full and, for the first time in her life, truly happy.

Frances withdrew his dick and fed it to Shoshana, who still had her face at rest across Autumn’s sweaty backside. He gestured to Lincoln without a word, and when Lincoln came to him, he moved the tall, lanky black man into position to eat the fresh, hot cum straight from Autumn’s pussy. Autumn, still sensitive from being fucked as she recovered, moaned as Lincoln’s big, strong hands cupped her round ass cheeks and held her in place.

“You two can keep dating for all I care,” said Frances, and he withdrew his dick to slap it down across Autumn’s butt and then Lincoln’s forehead. “So long as you two remember who owns you, it doesn’t really matter.”

“Yes, master. Thank you, master,” they purred together, and he fed himself back to Shoshana and let her finish cleaning him before he dressed and left.

Frances crossed the street to Farah’s house and entered without knocking. In the space of a word, he had a bath drawn by Abdul and had Farah in it with him. They were soaking in the tub with Farah stroking his spent cock clean. She was seated beside him, and their wet skin touched. She looked beautiful with water beaded across his skin. Frances enjoyed each and everyone one of his genies for something special about them, but Farah would always remain his favorite.

“Are you happy that you have her,” asked Farah as she rested her head on Frances’ sweaty shoulder.

“Who? Autumn?”

Farah was holding his dick in the water and watching the way the murky, steamy water distorted his shape. Even without the water, he would be quite large, and thanks to the lamp’s magic, she was now built to fit him perfectly. She chewed her bottom lip and stroked him slowly from root to crown as she said, “Yes. Her.”

“Hmm. I am,” he said, and he laughed to himself as he looked at her. She met his gaze, and her brown eyes danced with delight and joy. She mirrored his happiness, and she took it into herself. It was magic. All of it was magic. His life was magical, and he loved it all. “It’s funny, though. I had wanted to date her for so long. I think I wanted to date anyone. Now, I’m dating no one, but I’m happy.”

“You don’t need to date anyway,” Farah told him. “You are our master.”

“And I could have more, couldn’t I,” he asked, and he squeezed her breast under her arm as he pulled her to him. They kissed, and Farah moaned into his mouth. As they parted, he was stiffening in her hand. They watched her moving on him together, and he asked, “You would help me collect more genies, wouldn’t you?”

“Of course, master.”

“Even if it meant I fucked you less?”

Farah bit her bottom lip. “If it pleased you, master, I’d help you collect the entire world.”

“Fuck, that’s so hot,” said Frances, and he stood from the water and hung his stiff cock in her face. Farah held him by the hips and then move her wet hands to cup his rear as she choked herself on him. She was not as good as Ms. Kim, yet, but she was getting better. Frances held her wet hair out of her face as she gagged on him, and he watched her with a stupid, crooked smile as he delighted in her mouth.

“I don’t want the world,” Frances told her, and he forced her deeper. “Fuck! I’m happy with what I have now!”

Farah fell off of him when allowed to, and she stroked him while gathering her breath. “I am happy, too, master.” They shared a smile, and she kissed his cockhead before telling him, “I’m pregnant.”

Frances pulsed in her hand but did not fire. His entire body went rigid as he stared at her. “You’re…Is it mine?”

Farah gave him a mirthful laugh and licked his crown. She could taste his precum, and she loved it. “Of course it is, master. My body has been yours for weeks now. No other man has enjoyed me, and I have enjoyed no other man in years.”

“I…see…” Frances backed up and settled himself on the edge of the tub. Farah waded over after him and took to sucking his balls as she stroked him.

“Mm. Are you unhappy, master?”

“No.” Frances shook his head. “No, no, I’m happy. I’m just…I’m surprised.” He looked at her. “You’re happy?”

Farah smiled. “I am honored,” she told him. “The magic lamp makes it so that genies can only produce the offspring of their masters if their masters desire it. My body would not have conceived without your heart’s permission.”

Frances pulsed in her hand. “Really?”

Farah nodded slowly with a big smile on her face. “Absolutely,” she said.

“And so, I can breed you whenever I want, so long as I want it.”

“As long and as often as you want. The magic will make sure I am ready for you.”

“Same for the others, too?”

“Of course, master. Their wicks have burned in your oil. They are all your genies now.”

Frances lifted Farah by her hair and said, “Stand up.” When she stood, he held her by the hips and kissed her soft belly. She was surprised by the gentle gesture, but she smiled. “I’m going to keep fucking you, Ms. M. I will keep you pregnant all the time. I promise.”

“I look forward to it, master,” she whispered to him.

He looked up at her, and he ran his hands up her sides and lowered his head to kiss her vulva. She parted her legs for him and smiled. “I want to move in with you for real. I want to live here, and I want to own this home.”

“Then you will have it,” she told him, and she gasped as he tongued her folds. “Everything I own is yours now, master. All you have to do is ask.”

“Divorce your husband,” he told her. “Marry me instead.”

“Of course, master, your wish is my command,” she whined, and she ground herself against him. “But, might I make one request, master?”

“Anything, Ms. M.”

“Call me Farah,” she whispered to him, and she stared him in his handsome blue eyes and said, “If I am to be your genie and your bride, then I do not want to be associated with that slut you’ve made. I will be your woman only.”

Frances stood and his cock slipped into position between her thighs. It rested against her wetted cleft, and she slid along it as he held her close. They kissed, and he whispered to her, “Farah?”

She bit her bottom lip and blushed. “Y-Yes, master?”

“Let’s go to bed,” he told her. “I want to fuck my wife.”

Farah moaned and slid along him as they parted. Taking him by the hand, she led him out of the water. “Yes, master,” she purred, and they left a trail of wet foot prints behind them on the way to bed.


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