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Chapter Seven:

Frances sat in Farah’s bed with Farah at his side. She had an arm around his shoulders as she stroked him, and Amina was in bed with them, between his legs and nursing his balls while her mother worked. This was almost normal for them, and it was a good way to start the day.

Now that he had control of the house, Frances didn’t feel the need to punish Abdul or Amina. He liked it better when they were happy and had grown an affinity for this strange little family which he has formed with them. Farah seemed to like it, too, and smiled and rested her head on his shoulder as she stroked him in the morning.

“You’re so hard this morning,” whispered Farah to him as she watched her daughter nursing his balls. She was proud of the genie slut that Amina had turned into. She was proud of Abdul, too, though she no longer thought of him as either her husband or her lover. She didn’t even really think of him as a man anymore. He was a genie, like her.

“How could I not be with you two taking care of me,” said Frances, and he held Amina by the hair and guided her along his balls. Amina mewled, and her eyes twinkled with affection as she slobbered on him.

“That is sweet of you,” said Farah, and she kissed him lightly on the cheek. He throbbed and pulsed in her hand, and she knew that he would fire soon. This morning, like many mornings, she would milk him onto her daughter’s pretty face. Then, she and Amina would share his cum as they cleaned him, and Abdul would drive the two to school while Farah cleaned the house and planned for Frances’ return home. “I had assumed you would be excited about school, though,” she told him.

Frances pulsed. “I am,” he grunted, and he showed his excitement with an orgasm. He grunted and cursed, and he fired across Amina’s face. Amina released his balls and held her mouth open to receive his gift, and she smiled as she ate his cum. She wore it proudly after he finished, and sticky from the neck up, she purred.

“I’m excited, too,” she said, and she let her mother feed her his spent cock and sucked him dutifully to the edge of her throat. She wanted to take him to the root like Ms. Kim did, but she lacked the talent. So, she nursed his crown while her mother carefully stroked any remaining cum into her mouth like the good genie bitch that she was.

“You should be,” Frances told her, and he withdrew his dick to smack Amina across the face with it. Amina giggled and smiled proudly, and he said, “You have the most important part of the plan.”

Amina licked and sucked his balls as she stared him in the eyes, and she said, “And I promise you, master, I won’t fail you.”

Abdul drove Frances and Amina to school and dropped them off. He kissed Frances’ crotch again while Amina held Frances around the waist and laughed. Frances walked Amina into the building, and all eyes were fixed on them as he led her through the halls. She kissed him goodbye and let his hands roam her, and though Frances knew it was foolish to indulge in her like that, he couldn’t see any good reason to stop. Even if someone found out and broke the lamp, which was the worst case scenario, the magic had already taken hold. Amina was his pet genie bitch, just like her mother and her father, and Frances was free to touch her and explore her as he pleased.

Frances waited in class for Ms. Kim to call him. The bell rang, and shortly after his teacher got a call and told him to see the counselor. Frances left the classroom with a smug smirk and sauntered through the halls with a tent in his pants. He didn’t even bring books with him to class. That was how assured he was that Ms. Kim would call on him.

Ms. Kim was waiting patiently in her office with Lincoln, and she smiled when Frances arrived. “Master,” she gushed, and she rose to greet Frances with a hug and a kiss. Frances was surprised by her candor until he sighted the subtle femineity of Lincoln and the collar around his slender black neck.

Lincoln had always been tall and lean, but he looked lithe and graceful now. His appearance, like Abdul’s before him, was quietly, almost imperceptibly more feminine, but Lincoln tried to hide it with swagger and baggy clothes. The latter did more to hide the muscle that remained and only served to make him look more feminine, however, and the look of shock on his face as Frances drooled in Ms. Kim’s mouth was just as delicious as the power Frances now had over them.

“Good morning, Linc,” said Frances, and though he was smiling, his voice was devoid of warmth. “I think it’s time that we had a talk.”

Lincoln stood from his seat and still towered over Frances, but Frances was not afraid of him. There was nothing frightening or aggressive about Lincoln’s movements, though he did try to push past them to leave. “That’s it, I’m gone,” he said, but Frances caught him by the wrist, and Lincoln froze on the spot. “Let go of me,” he said, but his voice was demure and pleading.

“No,” said Frances, and he smiled at Lincoln. “I said we needed to talk, so you’re going to stay and talk.”

Lincoln had been tense in Frances’ grasp, but he eased at the door. He stared at the floor to avoid eye contact with Frances because it made him feel weird and left his crotch tingling in the cage he wore. “I don’t have anything to say to you.”

“Then you’ll listen,” said Frances, and he took the leash that Lincoln had so cleverly tucked into his shirt and pulled it out to lead him back to his chair. Lincoln sat reluctantly with Frances standing over him and Ms. Kim at Frances’ side. Frances held Ms. Kim around the waist, and she hugged him around his midsection and smiled like a proud bride. “Lincoln,” said Frances suddenly and sharply. “Look at me!”

Lincoln obeyed and found himself speechless. In all his life, Lincoln could not remember admiring a man the way he admired Frances. He had, in the past, observed the good fortune and hard work of muscular athletics whom he respected, but for Frances he felt arousal. His skin broke out in subtle goose bumps as his dick pulsed and swelled against the cage at the mere sight of Frances.

Frances grinned when he saw Lincoln’s awe, and he took hold of Lincoln’s head and moved him about by his fade. “There’s a good girl,” Frances teased, and Lincoln had to fight to keep from smiling. “Now, listen here. You owe me for this bruise you left on my cheek.”

“I’m sorry,” whispered Lincoln, and he was genuinely sorry.

“I’m sure you are, but you didn’t mean to. It was the heat of the moment, right?”

Lincoln nodded.

“You were upset because I said I was going to fuck your mom,” said Frances, and Lincoln ached in his cage. Frances struck Lincoln across the cheek, and Lincoln stood still and endured it with Ms. Kim standing nearby smiling at the two of them. “Well, guess what, Lincoln…I did it. I did fuck your mom. Then, I made her go home and put you in a collar and a cage. What do you think about that?”

Lincoln’s cheek stung, but he was still transfixed staring into Frances’ bright, cruel blue eyes. He had never seen Frances like this, and he wanted nothing more than to win his way back into Frances’ good graces. “I know,” whispered Lincoln, and he sighed and slouched in his seat. He stared at his hands while Frances rested a hand in his hair. “I knew you would fuck her when you said it, and I knew that you fucked her when she came home last night. I knew she loved it, too, by the way she was talking about you.”

“That’s very flattering,” teased Frances, and he tugged the leash hard to make Lincoln stand. Even with half a foot between them, Lincoln was smaller than Frances now. Frances stared up into Lincoln’s eyes and grinned, and with his free hand he patted Ms. Kim on her bottom and said, “Open his pants.”

“No, please, don’t…!” Frances silenced Lincoln with another smack across the face, and Ms. Kim obeyed her master with a smile. She quickly undid Lincoln’s baggy jeans and let them fall down his waist, and she lifted his shirt for him to show off her tiny black dick housed in Mr. Abdul’s dirty cock cage. From the looks of it, Lincoln was ready to add to the filth.

Lincoln stared at Frances with tears in his eyes. “Please, Frances, stop…”

Frances tapped the cage and laughed. “Why should I,” he asked with barely disguised cruelty. “You’ve beat me twice, stole Autumn from me.” He glared up at Lincoln and sneered. “All I’m doing it getting my revenge. Besides…” Frances took Lincoln by the hand and guided the bigger man into touching him. Lincoln’s eyes bulged when he felt Frances, and he stammered quietly as Frances said with absolute certainty, “You’ll enjoy it in the end. I promise.”


“Whole lot bigger than that little baby dick you’ve got, huh?”

Lincoln nodded in silence as he sized Frances up. When he spoke, all he said was, “I never knew.”

“You still don’t,” said Frances, and he guided Lincoln’s other hand to his zipper. “So, find out.”

Lincoln wetted his lips and nodded. “Y-Yes,” he whispered, and he looked at Ms. Kim for guidance. She was smiling, too, and she nodded, and Lincoln met Frances’ gaze and said, “Master.”

His hands shook as he undid Frances’ pants, but Lincoln moved quickly and with an urgent desire to see what he was holding before. When Frances’ pants came open, Lincoln forced one hand into Frances’ briefs and wrapped his softened fingers around Frances’ gargantuan girth. He gasped and even smiled as he felt him, and he looked Frances in the eyes as if in disbelief. Frances smiled up at Lincoln and said, “Go ahead. Pull it out.”

Lincoln gave an eager nod and lowered Frances’ briefs as he pulled Frances’ heavy dick into view, and he gasped again when he saw him. “Oh my God,” he whispered, and he moved his hand slowly as if tugging Frances. He flattened Frances’ pubic hair to his pelvis and marveled at the size of his long-time friend. “Frances, it’s…It’s beautiful!”

Frances grinned. “No offense, Linc, but you’re being a total homo right now.” Lincoln’s blushed but did not let go, and Frances took hold of Lincoln’s larger hand and made him stroke. “But that’s fine. It’s no surprise that you’d be impressed considering how small you are.”

“I wasn’t always this small,” said Lincoln defensively, but he moved as Frances moved him.

“Were you ever this big, though,” teased Frances, and Lincoln hung his head.


“So, you were stronger than me, taller than me, but I’ve always had the bigger, better dick, then, huh?” Lincoln nodded and added a second hand to stroke Frances. “You love my big, hard dick, don’t you, Lincoln.” Lincoln gave another nod and chewed his bottom lip as she stared at Frances’ mammoth cock, and Frances laughed. “Wish you had a dick like this?”

To Frances’ surprise, Lincoln shook his head and confessed, “Even if I did, Frances, I wouldn’t know what to do with it…”

Frances laughed and reached his hand into Lincoln’s shirt. He found Lincoln’s tiny chocolate nipples and tugged them, and Lincoln moaned like a woman. “I guess that’s why I’m the master, and you’re my little bitch, huh?”

Lincoln blushed. Those words should have angled him, but holding Frances’ dick and having his nipples toyed with confused him. He smiled at Frances and even laughed as he said, “I guess so…Master.”

Ms. Kim, still holding Lincoln’s shirt, laughed. “You’ve got him, master.”

“Is that true, Lincoln? Do I have you?”

Lincoln felt dizzy. He had never felt this happy in his life, and his heart hammered with giddy excitement as he stroked Frances. It was like his fist kiss only better. It was life affirmation in its truest and purest form. The magic had done its work. It had made him like this, and it had twisted his mind and his hormones toward this. He looked Frances in the eye, and he giggled. He actually giggled as he held Frances firmly by the dick, and he leaned forward to kiss Frances lightly on his poor bruised cheek before whispering to him, “I don’t know, master, I guess it depends on if you’re going to take me.”

“Oh, I’ll take you,” said Frances, he dragged Lincoln back into the chair by the leash and positioned Lincoln so that his big, fat cock loomed over Lincoln’s dark face.

Lincoln stared cross-eyed at the underside of Frances’ thick, white shaft, and he smiled. “Oh, fuck, master, you’re so big!”

“Ms. Kim,” snapped Frances, and the Korean woman looked at him. “Take his shirt off of him and feed me to him.”

“Yes, master,” she sang, and she lifted Lincoln’s shirt off over his head and then moved around to take hold of Frances from the side. She stroked Frances and smiled down at Lincoln. The two made eye contact, and she said, “I hope you’re ready, Lincoln. You have a lot to make up for.”

“I’m ready,” Lincoln said, and he smiled and held his lips parted for Frances to enter him. It was more than Lincoln had expected, and he suddenly felt guilty for all the women he had been rough with before. Frances stretched his lips and his jaw, and though Lincoln took joy in being used by his master, he knew that the women he had loved in the past were not so lucky as to have Frances as their master. Lincoln could never measure up to Frances, whose fat shaft was teasing his throat and choking him so easily.

“Fuck,” Frances growled, and he put both hands on Lincoln’s head while still wearing the leash around his wrist. The chain smacked Lincoln across the face as Frances fucked gently into the other man’s overburdened mouth. “Fuck, he’s sucking like he loves it.”

“Of course he is, master.” Ms. Kim stroked Frances from his root to Lincoln’s lips and kissed Frances’ arms and smelled his arm pits. She had never felt for a man the way she felt for Frances, and she was intoxicated by him. “He’s never met a man like you before.”

“He’s known me almost our whole lives,” corrected Frances, and he smiled as he moved Lincoln. Lincoln was looking up at him with his dark eyes, and Frances realized he had never imagined it would go like this. This new Lincoln looked a lot like his friend but more like Shoshana. The subtle softening of his features had really made him better looking, and the wet suction of his lips helped, too. “All I wanted was revenge, and now I got a little slut out of the deal.”

Lincoln purred around Frances when Frances called him a slut, and he closed his eyes to enjoy Frances’ dick. He held Frances by the waist but let Frances move him. This was Lincoln’s first time blowing someone, but it was Frances that he was blowing, so he treated it like an interview. He wanted to earn Frances’ respect, and he hoped to be doing this again on a more regular basis now that Frances had proven to him how inadequate he truly was by comparison.

Saliva ran down Lincoln’s chin as Frances eased himself into the black man’s throat, and Frances crackled. “That’s right, Lincoln. Get me nice and wet. Get sloppy on my cock. You’re such a good little cock sucker. Such a good, nasty little cock sucker.”

“Mm!!” Lincoln gurgled and came as Frances taunted him, and he soiled the sticky cock cage his mother had given him the day before. Ms. Kim noticed and laughed as she held Frances by the root.

“He did it, master, he made a mess of himself from sucking you.”

“Then he’s ready,” Frances aid breathlessly, and he pulled his cock out of Lincoln’s mouth and held his shiny shaft to Lincoln’s soft, black cheek. Lincoln sat there gasping and kissing Frances’ shaft. “How’d you like it, Linc?”

“Master,” Lincoln purred, and he could hardly say or think anything else.

Francs cackled and dragged Lincoln by the hair onto Ms. Kim’s desk. He cleared it with a swipe of his arm and didn’t care where her things fell, then he stroked himself as Ms. Kim scrambled to clean up around him. “Forget that shit,” he told her, and he stared at Lincoln’s waiting, trembling body on her desk. “Remove the cage.”

Ms. Kim, already holding a broken picture frame, dropped what she had gathered and said, “Yes, master.” She went and removed Lincoln’s cock cage, and then she waited on the desk and held his ass cheeks apart as she watched Frances.

Frances grinned. “Good girl.”

Lincoln, dizzied and thoughtless, looked at them over his shoulder and panted. “W-What’re you doing?”

“I fucked your mom’s ass and became your daddy,” said Frances, and he eased himself into Lincoln. It was a tight fit, tighter than Amina even, but the magic was there to help them along. Lincoln grunted and panicked, and then he held the desk as Frances took him to the root and held there for him to adjust. Panting breathlessly behind him, Frances took hold of Lincoln by the hair and said to him, “And now I’m fucking your ass today. Aren’t I so kind?”

Ms. Kim smiled as she watches Lincoln stretch around Frances, and then she leaned forward and whispered to the black youth, “What do you say to him, Lincoln?”

Lincoln, tears of joy in his eye, pulled Frances’ hand around to kiss it and whispered to him, “Thank you, master. Thank you, daddy. I love you. I love your big, white dick, daddy. Fuck me. Fuck me, please!”

Frances, bracing against the desk, moved. He started slow but gave wide, deep strokes as Lincoln whined against him. Frances hooked his fingers in Lincoln’s mouth and let the tall man suck them as they fucked. “Are you going to be my slut now, Lincoln?”

“Yes, daddy! Yes!!”

“Are you going to give me Autumn, too?”

Lincoln grunted and drooled around Frances’ fingers but could hardly think of an answer. A part of him, a desperate part of him still clinging to self-hood, rebelled against the thought, but the waves of pleasure insinuating themselves through him scrambled that as he sobbed.

“Will you,” snapped Frances, and he drove hard and picked up speed.

“Yes,” hissed Lincoln, and he held Frances tight by the wrist as his childhood friend hammered him hard to climax. Lincoln left a mess across Ms. Kim’s desk, but Ms. Kim no longer cared as she watched Frances plowing the other man. When Frances finished, all three of them were left breathless, and Frances fell onto Lincoln’s back and rested on him while Lincoln lay breathlessly beneath him.

“Good load,” whispered Frances, and he slid out of Lincoln and stared at his friend’s muscular black butthole leaking white cum. “Look at this slut,” said Frances, and he slapped his spent cock down across Lincoln’s ass.

“He did well,” said Ms. Kim with a hint of pride in her voice.

“He did.” Frances kissed Ms. Kim and pulled his pants up. “I need a shower,” he said. “You take care of this mess. I’m calling Mrs. M to come and get me.”

“Okay, master, have fun,” said Ms. Kim, and she waved at him as he left. She looked at Lincoln afterward and clicked her tongue. “Tsk, tsk, look at the mess you made in here with master.” She swatted his ass gently, and he moaned as semen oozed down his slender, sinewy legs. “I’ll expect you to clean all of this up before you leave my office. Do you hear me, young man?

Lincoln could only moan in response.

Lincoln returned to class with semen in his bowels after he helped Ms. Kim clean her office. Frances had left a few of her appliances and personal knickknacks broken, but she did not seem at all upset by his aggressive, destructive behavior, and Lincoln understood why. He wasn’t upset, either, not even when he had semen running down his pant leg all day.

He did sober as the day went on, and though he had enjoyed his time with Frances, he did not enjoy wearing the cock cage, and he didn’t like what submitting to Frances had done to him. Every time he used the bathroom to wipe himself and caught sight of himself in the mirror, he felt wrong. He didn’t look like the Lincoln that he knew, and he couldn’t imagine bedding women anymore.

It wasn’t that he didn’t want to, but Lincoln didn’t feel worthy anymore. Frances had taken his manhood and given him a bottom full of semen instead. Lincoln had enjoyed it at the time. A part of him still enjoyed it on his drive home, but the problem was that he didn’t want to enjoy it. No one asked him if he consented to becoming Frances’ slut. They just stripped him, caged him, and fucked him. His enjoyment didn’t matter to him, and he didn’t feel like it excused Frances’ behavior.

He grew surly on the way home and was ready to go inside and confront his mother, but once he got inside he found Shoshana waiting on Frances’ dick. Frances was seated in his living room, on his couch, with his mother naked and riding him. Lincoln had never seen his mother naked before. When he was a kid, he used to try and steal peeks down her blouse, but she had gotten older and fatter, and he had lost interest and grew ashamed of the figure she had developed while taking care of him.

Her body was different now. Like his, she was changed by Frances, and she was remade for Frances. Lincoln’s dick ached again inside of the sticky cage that they kept forcing him back into, and he stared at his mother’s beautiful, voluptuous body rolling and writhing on Frances, and he hurt.

“Oh, welcome home little Linc! I was just telling your mother about the nice, long talk we had at school this morning, and I was bragging to her about what a good little slut you were for me!”

“Oh, Linc, baby, I’m so proud of you,” Shoshana crooned as her breasts bounced and her thighs jiggled while she rode Frances. She had her ass to Frances and was faced to Lincoln so that she could smile at him when he arrived. The stupid joy on her face must have mirrored his own that morning, and it made Lincoln hurt even more in his loins to see her so satisfied on the very same dick that had rammed him into oblivion that morning.

The sight of Frances’ heavy balls slapping up into his mother was particularly attractive to him, though he couldn’t really fathom why.


“Not now, baby,” panted Shoshana, who had leaned forward to support her weight on Frances’ thighs while she bounced her big booty on him.

Frances laughed behind her. He rested one hand on her ass to feel her cheeks jiggle on each downward stroke. “Sorry, nasty little Lincoln, but your mother is busy. You two can talk later after she’s milked my dick like you did earlier.”

“O-Okay, m-master,” he whispered, and Frances laughed again and took hold of his mother by her shoulders.

Frances yanked Shoshana back and planted his feet to rise up into her, and Shoshana went wide-eyed and breathless as his balls slapped on her each upward stroke. “I liked it better when you called me daddy earlier, actually.”

Lincoln, stiff and in pain, watched with Frances’ big white balls with delight. “Y-Yes, d-daddy, I’m sorry.”

“Such a good boy, Shoshana! Seems like you raised him right!”

“Thank you, master! Thank you! AH!” Shoshana fell on Frances, and he pulled her down onto him by her shoulders as he lifted himself up into her. His massive dick hit her in the deepest parts of her and opened her to the point of near pain as she sat on him quivering, but the calming, soothing warm of his semen filled her with her son watching, and the delight and pride she felt was unlike anything she had ever known.

Lincoln and Shoshana belonged to him. In that moment, it became real for both of them. The magic of the lamp had changed them, but it took this shared experience between the three of them to really break them both. It became more real to them because it was shared with them. Like everything else in their lives, this was something else they did together.

Frances lay gasping beneath Shoshana, who was still shaking as Lincoln watched her. She cupped her hands to her pelvis and smiled. “He filled me so full, Linc. Your big dicked daddy has filled me right up. It’s so good.” She flexed on him. “Nn…”

“Lincoln knows just how it is,” said Frances, and Shoshana chuckled while staring at her son.

“He does, doesn’t he?” She lifted herself off of Frances and settled on the couch beside him. Semen gushed out of her and stained the fabric below her, but she held herself open for Lincoln to see and said, “What do you think, Linc? You ever filled a woman this full before, baby?”

Lincoln shook his head and stammered. “N-No, momma.”

“No?” Shoshana purred and eased two fingered into her stretched pussy. “Mm. You telling me that your daddy comes more than you do, then, baby?”

Lincoln eyed Frances’ limp, gleaming dick, and swallowed. “Y-Yes, momma. Way, way more.”

“Then come get a taste, baby.”

Lincoln balked and nearly came on the spot. “Momma?!”

“I didn’t stutter, you skinny ass. Get your ass over here and eat me, and make sure you thank your daddy for the meal before you do.”

Lincoln looked at Frances again. “Th-Thank you, daddy,” he whispered, and he joined them at the couch. He kneeled and let his mother guide him into her pussy, and though he had reservations about what he was doing, the moment Frances warm, sticky semen touched his face, he began eating with enthusiasm. Shoshana groaned and said, “Fuck, boy loves your cum, Frances.”

“Can you say you’re any different, Ms. Jefferson?” He wagged his dick at her, and she laughed with delight.

“I guess I really can’t,” she purred, and she leaned over onto him to suck him clean while her son ate her.

This continued until the doorbell rang, at which point Frances lifted Shoshana off of his dick and said, “I’ve got it.” He went to the door without his pants on and showed Amina in with a kiss on the cheek and a smile. “I got it,” she said the moment she entered, and she looked over to find Shoshana sucking Frances’ cum off of Lincoln’s face and from his extended tongue. “Wow, okay, that’s a lot,” she said.

“Things have gotten weird around here, huh,” he said, and he cupped her ass.

Amina smiled. “I like weird,” she told him.

“I’m sure you do,” he said, and he kissed her deeply. As they parted, he held her by the cheeks and said, “Did you give it to your mom to burn?”

“Of course,” she squeaked, and she kneeled at Frances’ guidance and took hold of him by the root. She sucked him briefly and then held his limp dick to her cheek as she smiled up at him. “By this time tomorrow, Frances, Autumn should be your newest little genie slut!”


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