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Chapter Six:

Shoshana went home leaking semen and smiled to see her son’s car in the driveway when she arrived. She was still angry with Lincoln for what he had done to her master, but she was glad to have him home regardless. The sooner she got that hair, she told herself, the sooner she could get fucked again.

She entered the house and left her purse by the door as she slipped her shoes off. Shoshana went to change before she sought Lincoln out, and she stopped to examine her modified body in the full-length mirror in her bedroom. She was bottom heavy but beautiful. All of the age was stripped from her skin, and she was beautiful and flawless for her master now. She cupped her breasts and teased them, and she moaned from the contact. Every inch of her burned with life and pleasure, and she closed her eyes and thought of Frances, and she moistened.

It took effort to find some pajamas that fit, but once she did, she dressed and went to seek Lincoln out. She found him in his room playing a basketball video game. He used to play video games with Frances when he was younger. The two would spend hours together, and Lincoln would complain about Frances, but Shoshana would push him to hang out in hopes that the two of them would find a place in their new home and in their new neighborhood. It took a decade, but Shoshana finally found a place here, though it was not how she imagined.

“Hey, ma,” said Lincoln with a quick glance. He paused his game and stammered. “I, uh, I got some bad news.”

“You got in a fight today,” she told him matter-of-factly, and she bit back the seething resentment she felt. Her master had made his desires clear. She was not to punish Lincoln but procure a strand of hair from him, preferably in a way that hurt. “Do you want to tell me what happened?”

Lincoln shied away from her matronly gaze. “No, not really.”

She stood with her hands on her hips and sighed. “Fine,” she said. “I assume you left the paperwork on the table for me to sign?” He nodded silently, and she frowned at him. He was a shameful thing, she decided. She had been so proud, but seeing him cringe like a child, she could not remember why. “Stand up and get your little black ass over here.”

Lincoln rose quietly and did not argue. It surprised him to hear his mother this angry. Normally, she was protective of him, but he didn’t normally get into fights. He wondered if telling her about what Frances said would have saved him, but he could tell by the look on her face that nothing could save him. When a black mother stared their child down, there is nothing in the world that can protect that child from their wrath.

He stopped just shy of her, and though he stood nearly a foot taller than her, he felt like she towered over him. She smacked him gently across the back of the head and said, “Get that big head down here, boy.” He moved as instructed and then winced as she plucked a hair from his scalp.

Lincoln rubbed his scalp. “Ow. Did you just pull my hair out.”

“Count yourself lucky I don’t do more,” she told him. “Now, turn that fool thing off and get yourself a sponge. You’re going to go wash my car to make up for your behavior, and I don’t want to hear nothing like this has happened again at school, you got me?”

“Yes, ma’am,” he said demurely, and he was quick to shut his game off before he excited more ire from her.

“Silly ass getting in fights at school,” she said as she walked away, and she was proud of her performance. She wanted to do even worse to him, but she knew that this would satisfy Frances, and her master’s satisfaction meant more to her than disciplining her son. Still, she leaned into her fury as she said, “Like I worked my ass off getting us here so you can throw it all away on your stupid ass horomones.”

“Yes, ma’am,” said Lincoln as he left the room to prepare the soap and water. He would go on to scrub her car as instructed, and Shoshana hid his hair in her room and kept it safe to deliver to Frances the next time she saw him.

Frances was waiting for Shoshana in the dark the next morning, and she smiled when she saw him. “Did you get it,” he asked, and Shoshana nodded demurely as she stopped in front of him. She handed him the baggy with her son’s hair, and she let him palm her breast as he took it. “Good job!”

“Do I…get fucked now,” she asked, and she chewed her bottom lip afterward.

“Not now,” he said, and he slapped her breast and watched it bounce. He laughed afterward like a child might. “But, you can kiss my cock through my pants before I go.”

“Mm.” Shoshana knelt at his feet and did as she was told. She kissed him across his crotch, and when she found the shape of him through his pants, she sucked along his length. He stiffened in response, and she purred. “Are you sure I can’t help you with that, master,” she asked, and she held her hands flat against his pants to frame him.

“Not right now,” he said, and he dragged her to her feet by her hair. “But later? Later, we can see to you getting yours.”

Shoshana purred in his grasp and ran her hand across his chest. “I look forward to it, master.”

Frances smiled an arrogant smile and grabbed a thick, handful of her ass before he left. He took the hair with him to see Farah and woke her up. Then, sitting on her couch, he stroked himself as she lit the hair, and they burned Lincoln’s hair in his oil while Abdul and Amina suck and lick Frances hard. Farah rode him in reverse while the two of them watched, and he came deep inside of her before making them lick him clean.

An hour later, Abdul drove Frances to school with Amina and dropped him off, and he kissed Frances’ crotch through his open window before Frances went inside to face his destiny.

Lily Kim felt strange when she went home the night before. She slept deeply, and she dreamed of Frances. She was not sure why she dreamt of him, but she woke up changed. She woke up different. Her breasts were tender and swollen, and her bottom was thickened and shapely. Her clothes fit her in strange ways as her waist was shrunken, like the fat there was moved to other parts of her.

When she arrived at work and started her day, she watched attendance closely and moistened when she saw that Frances was there. She remembered him leaving with his mother, and he remembered the collar around his mother’s neck. Subconsciously, she traced her fingers along her own neck and swallowed. Then, she picked up her phone and called Frances to her office.

She felt giddy waiting for him, and when he arrived she held her breath once she saw him. “Mr. O’Conner,” she said, and she stood to meet him, and Frances took hold of her by her breast and gave it a firm squeeze. Ms. Kim shook as she stared at him in shock as she stammered to try and force words into existence. “…Mr. O’Conner?”

“To you, it’s master, actually,” he said, and Frances gave a crooked grin and he shook her tit gently with his hand. Lily Kim was surprised by his familiarity with her but could not move to stop him. In fact, her body leaned into him to give him a better grip, and she gasped as he touched her.

“M-Master…?” She swallowed the growing terror in her gut and pushed it down, which gave her arousal room to blossom in its stead. She moaned. “Master, why are you grabbing my breast like that?”

“Because, it looks like it’s gotten bigger for me. Is that true, Ms. Kim? Have your tits gotten bigger since the last time I’ve seen you?”

She nodded shakily. “Th-They have, and they’re more sensitive than usual, too.” She did not know why she was calling him master, but she believed it had something to do with why she was letting him touch her so brazenly and even why she was enjoying his touch. He took her free hand and guided it to his manhood, and she gasped as she held him. “Master!!”

“I’m pretty big, I know,” he told her, and he moved her by her tit to look at her ass. He swatted her bottom through her dress pants and laughed as she jiggled. All the while, his hand never left her breast. “Wow, looks like your ass has filled out some, too.”

Lily bit her bottom lip and nodded again. Her dark hair was in her face, but she didn’t think to move it. She just kept staring at him and braced against the desk as he bent her forward and touched her. His fingers brushed along the crotch of her pants, and she quivered in primal delight. “Master, please, tell me what’s going on.”

“What’s going on is simple, Ms. Kim. You’re mine now. I own you. I took your hair yesterday and burned it, and now you belong to me.” He swatted her ass again, and she shook in climax for him. It was clear from her expression that she was biting back a moan, and seeing her fighting it made Frances laugh. So far, the majority of his genies had been willing and what resistance he had was short-lived. This felt very raw and fresh to him, and it made him ache with want.

“I…I don’t understand,” she confessed as Frances touched her, and Frances laughed in response.

He had a firm grip on both her ass and her breasts, and he had her bent over on the table in front of him. “You don’t have to understand,” he said, and he moved his right hand to lift her blouse and free her newly swollen, hanging breasts. They had grown so much and so suddenly that she could no longer wear a bra, and he found her pink nipples and teased them relentlessly while she moaned and whined in his grasp. “All you have to do is obey.”


“There, now you’re getting it.” Frances shook her one tit by the nipple and then released her. Taking hold of her by the hair, he dragged her around the desk and shoved her carelessly into her chair. The chair rolled back into the wall behind her while she stared at him, and he let her come to a stop before he straddled her desk with his thighs apart and undid his jeans for her. He whipped out his dick and waved it at her, and she gasped as she stared at him. “So, what do you say, Ms. Kim? Let’s be a good girl and put that mouth of yours to use.”

Ms. Kim stared at Frances’ dick in awed lust. She had never seen someone so big before, and more than that, she had never hungered for someone so much. Every part of her was screaming for this, and she stammered and shook as she reached for him but stopped just short of touching him. She took the chance to look him in the eyes, and she quivered as she spoke. “Y-Yes, m-master. A-Anything you want.”

Frances nearly burst out laughing at the absurdity of her, and reached out to take her by the hair as he guided her onto his dick. He was already stiff and was soon leaking precum onto her tongue as she welcomed him with a warm suckle. Neither of them were used to such things, though Frances was quickly becoming accustomed. As a result, he was now taking the role of instructor as he taught her how to please him.

Lily Kim was eager as she took Frances, and she was surprised at how well he filled her mouth and how good he tasted to her. His size was intimidating, and her being a small, slender lady before the magic took hold made her more trepidatious as a result. She was not used to wrestling with something so large and would have hesitated before. Now, she scrambled to take him and pulled him into her mouth with urgency even as she choked on him.

Even with the magic, she was slender. What little fat she had accrued as she aged was migrated, but she was not made tall and statuesque like Farah or shapely and womanly like Sharon. Her breasts were swollen larger, and so was her rear, but she remained lithe and limber. His entry into her throat was a task, but it was one she was willing to undertake. She held him by the root and inched herself toward her slender, pale fingers as she choked and gurgled on him.

To his credit, Frances was patient with her. He enjoyed the way his genie struggled with him. Even with their bodies being modified to suit him, it felt empowering for him to strain them. Each forward movement of Ms. Kim was deeper but still careful, and he held her pretty black hair out of her face and pulled her back to keep her breathing because she did not seem nearly so concerned for her safety as he was.

“That’s right, Ms. Kim. You’re being a good girl,” he told her. His voice was singsong, and he teased her shaking breasts as she moved on him. She had grown a bosom that was roughly the same size as Amina or Shoshana, but her nipples were longer and her areola puffier. Her cheeks were collapsed around him on each movement backward, like she as trying to suck him deeper, and on each forward stroke she took him another inch deeper as she worked herself carefully and diligently to his root.

In due time, through sheer diligence and will, Ms. Kim seemed to do the impossible and took him to his root. When her pink lips touched the hair of his base, Frances gasped and quivered as he held her in there and choked her. It was not his intent to hurt her at all, but he had been taken by surprise by her skill and had somehow forced himself to where his balls were against her chin as she patted his thighs gently for reprieve.

Frances let her rise just as he was about to fire and found himself gasping at the edge of her lips. He stared at her in shock, and she stared back and panted against him. “Master,” she croaked, and that word alone spoke to him her need and her devotion. So, he fed her his dick again, and he choked her on him, forcing her back to the root again and then using her throat like a toy to stroke himself as he fucked hard into her mouth now that he knew that she could take it.

In this way, Frances opened Ms. Kim up to him. He held her by the face with one hand on her head and the other on her chin, and he pulled her along his dick and met each movement with a forward thrust of his own. Against all odds, Ms. Kim endured it. Her throated stretched around him, but she was made for him, and soon the gentle pats on his thighs turned to gripping hands on his hips as she urged him into it.

Both of them forgot themselves to the pleasure that flowed between them. Long strips of spittle and precum flowed from her mouth. It ran down her chin and gathered on her blouse and on the floor between them as Frances grew manic with his movements. He stood above her, gasping and grunting, speechless save for a repeated mantra. “Fuck. Fuck! Fuck!! Fuck!!! FUCK!!!” Finally, with a wordless, animal bellow, Frances came and poured every drop of himself into Ms. Kim’s willing throat and ready belly.

Semen spilled out around Frances’ shaft as Ms. Kim struggled to choke him down. She showed incredible resilience, though, as he unloaded into her, and she sat there welcoming his seed with her hands tight against his hips. When finally freed, she sat back and left a foamy film of saliva and semen on his cock that stretched like a sheet between them. She was breathless and gasping with tears in her eyes, but Frances could see the simple-minded delight she had taken in being given a full belly of his jizz.

Frances fell back onto her desk with a gasp. “Fuck, Ms. Kim. That was…intense.”

Lily moaned. “My God, master…I’ve never…”

Rising from her desk, Frances smacked his slimy cock down across her face and laughed. She looked prettier and younger today. Just like with his mother and Shoshanna, Ms. Kim was remade for him. From his understanding, it was only Farah who had went unchanged, and he was beginning to wonder if the lamp had already done its magic to her while she was still young.

He forced himself back into her mouth. “Well, I hope you’re used to it, because this is what you live for now.”

Lily was too dick-drunk to think much of anything. She took him with a purr and stared him in the eyes as she slurped him. Her mascara had run, but she didn’t know, and she wouldn’t care later when she found out. All that mattered to her was that Frances was satisfied. He held her by the hair and gave her a few pumps before releasing her.

“What’s your number,” asked Frances, and he pulled out his cellphone and typed in the number she told him. His heavy cock hung in full view of her while he typed. He sent her a text with his address and said to her, “I expect you to come see me after work, since you’re my slut now and all.”

Ms. Kim’s throat was still sticky with his semen, but she swallowed and nodded. “Yes, master. I’ll be there.”

“Good,” said Frances, and he left her there to return to class.

Ms. Kim sat in his semen and her own saliva and considered the outcome. She had no formal plan when she had called him, and yet this had turned out exactly as she had hoped and better. Looking back, she was privately lusting after Frances from the moment she woke up dreaming about him. This completion was more than satisfactory. It was destiny.

The moment he got home from school, Frances told Farah to prepare her house and told her that she would have guests. As a result, Farah prepared accordingly. She forewent her usual robes and wore blue lingerie that showed off her figure and a faded pink hijab around her head with Frances’ permission. For all of his lusts and needs, he seemed to respect her faith enough to provide her chances to practice it.

Shoshanna was the first to arrive and had been the one to drive Frances home, in fact. Since she got out of work so early, she was lucky enough to be given permission to come and pick him up. They had stopped by the sex shop on the way home and procured a number more collar and leashes, and Shoshanna wore her own proudly as she walked Farah’s home in the nude.

“So, this is the lamp,” Shoshanna said as she regarded the lamp on the Miwari mantle. Farah stopped beside her with a smile.

“It is, and if you look closely, you can see our master’s seed still housed inside.”

“I don’t need to look,” said Shoshanna with warmth and arousal. “I can smell it from here.”

“Of course you can,” said Farah with open pride. “Our master is quite virile.”

“He is at that,” laughed Shoshanna, and she smiled at Farah. “It’s a wonder we’re not all pregnant.”

“Give him time.”

“Oh God,” moaned Shoshanna, who held her belly in contemplation. “Why does that turn me on so much?”

“Because you belong to him,” said Farah matter-of-factly, and she left to meet Abdul and Amina at the door as they arrived home. Not long after their arrival, Sharon showed up and stripped at the door as she entered. Lily Kim was the only one that they were waiting on, and she arrived shortly, just as she instructed to. She stood at the door blushing as she saw Frances’ collected harem waiting on her. Farah met her at the door with curves on display, and Lily blushed to see her.

“Mrs. Miwari?”

“Ms. Kim,” Farah said in a sultry, Libyan purr. She smoothed the Korean woman’s hair. “You look lovely. I can see why master took you. Now then, come inside and strip naked. You will not need clothes for what our master has in mind.”

“Y-Yes, of course,” said Ms. Kim with a shaky nod, and she entered and stripped in the doorway as instructed.

Farah closed the door behind Lily and led her by the hand into the living room where everyone waited. Frances was naked on the couch with a massive erection. Amina was stroking him into Shoshana’s hungry, black lips while Sharon nursed his balls. Abdul was busy in the corner applying makeup with a small compact mirror. Every day, he looked more feminine, and he had started growing his hair out to complete the illusion.

“Ms. Kim,” Frances shouted over the bodies, and he waved to her. Lily Kim waved back demurely, and Farah laughed as she led the smaller woman inside.

“I think that she is still feeling self-conscious.”

“Makes sense,” said Frances noncommittally, and he pulled Shoshana from his dick. The black woman rose gasping with saliva running from her chin and lips. “She’s new, too,” he said, and she shoved Shoshana toward Lily. “Maybe you two could bond over that.”

“Ms. Jefferson,” Lily gasped, and she caught Shoshana as she fell. She was surprised to see Shoshanna laughing between her gasping coughs. As Shoshana stood, Lily felt very out of place among these Amazonian beauties.

“Hi, Ms. Kim,” said Shoshana breathlessly, and she wiped her chin. “I got your call about Lincoln, and as you can tell, our master is already handling it.”

“He’s…handling it?”

“Ask him about it some time,” said Shoshana, and she nodded toward the lamp on the mantle. “I’m sure he’ll be happy to explain.”

Lily did not understand the words, but she could see the simple, animal delight Shoshana took in Frances, and she did understand that. From across the room, Farah had left and now entered wearing a large, purple strap-on dildo which she was applying a liberal amount of lubricant to. In her free hand, she held up another dildo, this one long and black with a strap at the end, and shook it. “Oh, Amina, my flower, come here, please.”

Amina looked to Frances, who nodded and smiled. “Go see what your mom wants.”

“Thank you, master,” she said quickly, and she kissed Frances on the cheek before turning to wag his dick at Shoshana. “Ms. Jefferson, take over.”

“Yes, dear,” said Shoshana, and she took Amina’s place holding Frances’ dick, except she was between Frances’ legs. She kissed his root tenderly before looking back at Lily and said, “Would you care to join me, Ms. Kim?”

Lily looked at Frances, who nodded. “Go ahead,” he said. “Show her what you can do with my dick.”

Lily allowed a brief smile before joining Shoshana on the floor at Frances’ feet. Shoshana scooted to the side and smiled at Lily, and then she held Frances’ dick steady for the smaller woman. “Go on,” said Shoshana, and she stroked Frances slowly from root to crown like she was milking him. “Show me what you can do, girl.”

Lily gave a vigorous nod and a grin, and she whispered to Shoshana, “I will try.” Then, lips parted, she kissed Frances’ crown before making a show of her deep-throating skills. She took him to the root again, though it required more effort from her this time than it did before. Her throat was still raw and swollen from being used before, but it was also stretched. More importantly, she knew that she could do it from before, and that helped her push through this time, too.

When Lily’s lips touched Shoshana’s fingers, the women in the room collectively gasped. “Holy shit, look at her go,” shouted Shoshana, who lowered her hand to show off how deep Lily had Frances.

Farah and Amina smiled and stared as they fastened the dildo around Amina’s waist and applied lubricant. Sharon cheered loudly as she watched. “That little bitch loves that big white dick, doesn’t she?!”

Shoshana gave a laugh. “Who can blame her? We all love it!”

Lily’s ears burned to hear their words. It did not sounded like praise when Shoshana spoke, but it sounded like condemnation when Sharon did. None of that really mattered, though, because she could see Frances smiling through her tear-blurred eyes. She held at his root for a moment as she breathed through her nose, and then she let Frances lift her from his dick by the hair.

“Good fucking job,” he told her, and he slapped her face with his slimy cock while she smiled. “I asked, and you definitely delivered.”

“Th-thank you, master,” said Lily, and she had eyes only for him. She knew the others were there, and she had soaked up their praises and adulation, but Frances’ pride was all she really cared about.

“Now, come here,” said Frances, and he dragged Lily by the hair onto the couch and laid her onto her back. Holding her legs parted with his chubby, ginger hands, he eased himself into her with a single stroked. He was not fast, but he was not as careful as she had expected him to be. Lily Kim remained a small woman, but her pussy opened for Frances’ meaty shaft just as easily as her throat had. It was like her body knew him and was welcoming him home.

“Fuck, that’s tight,” groaned Frances as his balls touched her bottom. Lily agreed, and she held herself by the thighs as she stared up at him. Frances smiled at her, and she smiled back. “How is it for you?”

“Good, master,” she moaned. “It’s so good!”

“Of course it is,” shouted Sharon from her place across the room, and Frances glared at her.


“Yes, master,” his mother said, and she perked up at the sound of his voice.

“Put that loud mouth of yours to good use and come eat Shoshana’s asshole for me.”

The distaste Sharon felt was clear from the way her face faulted, but she did not refuse or even argue. She merely said, “Yes, master. Your wish is my command,” and then she crossed the room to lick and slobber on Shoshana’s asshole as her son had instructed her to. In truth, Lily was grateful for it. All of it was too much for her, but Sharon in particular made her uncomfortable.

“Now that we have that taken care of, let’s have some fun,” said Frances, and he grinned at Lily and hooked her legs before he started fucking her.

Frances was getting good at sex. He had gotten enough experience lately to have learned how to move and to have developed the muscles to help him do it. He was no longer getting winded so quickly, nor was he coming so fast. His stamina had improved alongside his talent, and that made it even better for his harem, who were already programmed to enjoy him anyway.

Across the room, against a wall, Farah, Amina, and Abdul had formed a train as their family found love in each other. Abdul was pinned against the wall with his mascara running as he cried with pleasure. His tiny dick was stiff and leaking as his daughter hammered into him from behind and moved him by the hips. She held him by the hair and pinned his slender face to the wall, and he panted and drooled there as she rammed him.

Behind her, Farah did the same to Amina but with greater care. She fucked her daughter into Abdul, adding force to her daughter’s thrusts. The strap-on Amina wore was open in the back to allow for penetration, and Amina was taking Farah’s dildo up the ass as she gave her own dildo to her father.

None of this was a desire that Frances had expressed to them, but it was a joy for him to see anyhow. He was not a cruel man by nature, but he did enjoy seeing the ways in which his influence had corrupted others. Farah would never have done something like this a month ago, and now she did it with a smile on her face. Similarly, his mother would never had buried her face into Shoshana’s black ass for anything. It was his command that made her do it, and soon it would be his command that would guide Lincoln, too.

Ms. Kim winced beneath him as she came, and Frances slowed to a stop inside of her. “Master, I’m sorry,” she sighed, and Frances laughed. “It is fine,” he told her. “I wanted you to come.”

She smiled. “Thank you, master.”

Frances gave only a curt nod and then withdrew from her. His dick was gleaming wet and dripping with her pleasure, and he climbed from the couch and lined up behind Shoshana. Taking his mother by the hair, he yanked her out of Shoshana’s ass and then took hold of Shoshana by the hips with one hand while stroking his sloppy dick with the other. “Hold your ass cheeks apart, Ms. Jefferson.”

“Yes, master,” Shoshana purred, and she smiled at Lily on the couch with the expectation that her pussy would open for him. Instead, she felt him press against her asshole and winced before releasing the breath she just held and making sure to relax for him to ease his entry into her. To her shock and delight, the feeling of Frances filling her asshole was even better than the joy she took in having his mother lick her there. It was not like vaginal penetration, but it was a rapture all of its own and one which she would never refuse him in the future.

Frances seemed to enjoy it, too, judging by the sounds he made and the tight grip he kept on her hips. He took hold of her by the shoulder with one hand once he was buried to the root, and then he stood there panting behind her as he gave both of them time to adjust. “Shit, that’s tight.”

“I think you mean, that’s a tight shitter,” his mother said from behind him, and she cupped his balls and kissed his ass cheeks as she laughed. Now freed from her authority, his mother had become quite lewd and crass. Frances did not like her for it, but he did like what he had done to her. All his life, he had resented his mother for her constant need for attention and affluence. Now, she was barely a person anymore for him, and it delighted him.

Still, despite the joy he took in her degradation, Frances glowered at his mother and shoved her away with one hand before he took to humping into Shoshana with slow, shallow strokes. “Shut up,” he said, and he swatted Shoshana’s big, black ass and watched the meat bounce. Shoshana, braced on the couch, moved with him, and soon they were enjoying each other vigor as her black ass shook as she bounced on him. “Fuck!”

“Yes,” hissed Shoshana, a look of wild, animal delight in her eyes. She was smiling as Lily, who was in front of her on the couch and still recovering. Lily looked worried, but Shoshana laughed in response and gloated as she told her, “He’s in my ass, Ms. Kim. Our master is fucking my ass, and he’s fucking it good, too.”

“In your ass…?” Lily could hardly comprehend. Though she could take Frances to the root in her throat, she could not imagine his big cock filling her bowels anytime soon. Vaginal had been good, but she tentatively touched her butthole out of mixed fear and anticipation. “Is he really…?”

“Come look,” said Sharon from the floor where she watched with a smile, and she waved Lily over. “My boy has his big, thick cock spearing those dancing black cheeks. It’s incredible.”

Lily looked to Frances for guidance, and Frances laughed and nodded. “Go ahead, Ms. Kim. It’s fine.”

“Y-Yes, master,” she said, and she rose slowly. She still felt dizzy, and she held to the couch and took in the room. The Miwari family were still a train of bodies all colliding with Farah at the end and Abdul taking the brunt of it. Lily slid from their couch and laid herself beneath Shoshana to watch the other woman take Frances, and true to what was told to her, she could see how Frances was in her bowels, though she was more fascinated by the pendulous swinging of his massive testicles than anything else.

“W-Wow,” Lily stammered as she watched his heavy balls swing.

Shoshana laughed above her. Her thighs were shaking with effort and flexing as she moved against Frances. He held her with one hand on her hip and the other still on her shoulder, though he switched hands and taken the opportunity to spank her, too. She was drooling, she was so delirious at this point. “It feels even better than it looks,” she moaned, and she pushed up to lean back for Frances as he rammed her. “Oh, master!”

“Better than your ex?”

“Yes,” Shoshana hissed, and she pulled Frances into a kiss over her shoulder as he held himself buried into her ass. As they parted, she groaned, “Bigger, thicker, harder. All man. All master. Ah!”

Frances swatted her ass again and picked up speed. He was swelling inside of her, and she knew that he would burst soon. “Glad I took you, then?”

“From the moment I first saw your dick,” Shoshana crooned, and then she gasped as Lily lifted herself to taste her. It was tentative, but soon Lily had her face and tongue working at Shoshana’s parted, dripping pussy, and Shoshana was overwhelmed. She whined, “She’s eating me! Master! She’s eating me!!”

“She’s what?” Frances stole a glance down below Shoshana and grinned. “Fuck, that’s hot,” he said, and he couldn’t hold back anymore. He looked around at the debauchery around him and realized that he was the origin of it all. Overcome by his own power, Frances thickened and pulsed. He gave Shoana a single ribbon of his jism in her ass before withdrawing to stroke onto her ass cheeks and lower back so that he could paint her. “Fuck,” he growled as he fired, and Shoshana lay breathless with her body hanging from the couch as Lily held to her hips for balance and ate her.

When finished, Frances sat breathless behind Shoshana and held his dick. He had sprayed across her big, black bottom and her slender back. Her skin was glossy and shiny with sweat, and it made the contrast between the two colors more pronounced. He slapped his spent cock against her ass cheek and enjoyed her body, and Shoshana smiled back at him over her shoulder and purred.

“Master…That was incredible!”

“I agree,” he laughed, and he held her hips to keep from falling. He felt dizzy after his climax, and he looked around the room to see how everyone was doing. Farah had finished with Amina, who had likewise finished with her father. Abdul was still made-up, though his mascara had run and his lipstick was smeared. Semen dribbled out of his cock cage, and Frances couldn’t even begin to imagine the discomfort he fell.

Frances used his mother’s shoulder for support to stand and left Shoshana seated on Ms. Kim’s face. He dragged his mother over to the duo and said, “Clean her.” Sharon did not like it, but she lifted Shoshana carefully and took to eating the cum from her ass cheeks while Frances crossed the room with his cock slapping between his thighs. He greeted Farah with a tired smile. “Looks like you three were having fun. Should I be jealous?”

“Of course not, master,” Farah purred, and she pulled him into a hug. Her dildo was large, even by comparison to Frances, but it was not quite as large as him. Amina’s was roughly the same size and still gleaming as she kneeled to clean Frances.

Frances waved Abdul over. “Come here, Abby,” he said, and he undid the cage that he wore and let his tiny dick free. It was sticky with his semen. He had come multiple times, but he still hadn’t produced anything close to what Frances could produce. “No more cage for him,” said Frances. “It seems cruel.”

“Of course, master, I apologize,” whispered Farah, and she embraced him again. Abdul, meanwhile, kneeled to join his daughter in cleaning Frances. Meanwhile, Lily and Sharon were busy cleaning Shoshana’s ass with their tongues. Frances pulled away from Farah and surveyed his harem. He had gotten so much without a plan, and he was glad for it, but he still had so far to go.

Lincoln was glad that his mother was out when he came home. It made it easier for him to hide in his bedroom and avoid her. He hadn’t seen Frances all day, and he was grateful for it. He was supposed to take Autumn to a movie after school, but he had cancelled via text message and spent the evening avoiding calls and texts from her.

Lincoln was not irrefutable proof that black men were better in bed. He was not necessarily well-endowed, but he was slightly above average in length and of average girth. That is, he was before today. Today changed him, and it seemed to suck all of his confidence out of him. He was still tall, and he was still lean. He had full lips and a strong jawline, but whenever he looked in the mirror, he felt like his features were softer than before. He swore that his eyelashes were longer, that his skin was smoother and his hips wider.

His dick was smaller, too. In fact, it was almost laughably small, and he couldn’t seem to get an erection no matter how hard or long he stroked himself. He just didn’t seem capable of getting hard anymore, except when he thought about Frances. For some reason, that made him so stiff it hurt.

His mother came home after dark and called him out into the living room. He wanted to hide from her, but it felt important for him to go. He met her in the living room and found that she reeked of sex. She looked different, though he had not seen it before. Her breasts were larger, and so was her butt, but her waist was more slender. Somehow, Lincoln realized that Frances was not merely taunting him. Frances had fucked her, and that realization made Lincoln even harder.

Shoshana regarded Lincoln with a cruel grin. “Look at you,” she said, and she scoffed. “Pathetic.”


“Are you hard right now?” She laughed. “It’s hard to tell, but…” She glared at him. “Go ahead. Show me your dick, Linc. Show mommy your tiny, inadequate little pecker.”

“Mom, I don’t…”

Shoshana smacked Lincoln. For the first time in her life, she struck her son across the face. It was open-handed and lightning fast, and she glared at him afterward. “I didn’t ask you what you wanted, you little shit. I told you to do it. So, do it!”

“Y-Yes, momma,” he whispered, and he had reverted almost to a child in his own mind as he lowered his shorts to show his mother his tiny hard-on. He was half of what he was, perhaps even less, and his mother’s cold, seething laughter that followed the reveal made him even harder than before. He liked it when she slapped him, and he liked it even more that she was laughing at him, but deep down, he hated how much he liked both. “M-Momma?”

“Oh, Lincoln, baby, I know you’ve wanted a daddy all your life. A real man to take care of both of us and, well, it looks like we’ve had one right next door all along.”

“Momma, what are you…?”

“Shut up,” she snapped, and Shoshana produced a collar and fastened it around his neck. “You’ll understand tomorrow. For now, we need to shave you smooth and put you in this,” she said, and she held up a semen-sticky cock cage for him to wear.

“But, momma…”

“But nothing,” she said. “You’ve done a lot of damage, young man, and you have a lot to make up for.” She fastened a leash to Lincoln’s collar and dragged him forcefully down the hall and to the bathroom. There, she stripped him naked and grabbed a razor and shaving cream, and she cackled with delight as she looked at his long, slender body. Once, he had looked so strong to her, but now she knew better. She shook the shaving cream and said, “But don’t worry, sweetie, mommy will take care of you and get you ready. You’re not in this alone. In fact, you have a whole harem ready to help you.”


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