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Chapter Five:

It was a wet, foggy morning when Frances stopped Shoshana outside of her car. The lamp had done its work on her. Like his mother, Shoshana had been changed. Her fat body had been made womanly and curvaceous, with medium-sized breasts and a large, round bottom that rivaled Farah’s. She wore a jacket and skirt for work and was outside by her car preparing to leave when Frances approached her.

“Hey, Shoshana,” said Frances, and he slapped the back of her car to alert her to his presence. Shoshana jumped and then stared at him in the darkness. She left for work early, but Frances had been waiting. He had given her a few days to prime her, and he could tell by the look in her eyes that she was confused by her own arousal as she looked at him.


“Yup,” he said, and he stopped in front of her. Her burgundy suit matched the red lipstick she wore. “You’ll want to be on your knees for this,” he told her, and he took her by her dark, kinky hair and forced her to her knees with relative ease. She gasped as she fell, and then stared up at him with her ochre eyes.

“Frances, what are…” Her words died as his pants came open, and his fat cock fell heavy across her face. He was not hard, but he was plump with anticipation as he white shaft came to rest across her black skin. The contrast made him look and feel bigger, and the look of delighted surprise on her face made him swell even larger. “Oh…Oh!!”

“Impressed,” teased Frances, and he pulled out a collar and leash for her to wear. He affixed it around her neck with tease and attached the leash, and Shoshana hardly took notice of it with his shaft against her face.


Frances moved and dragged his dick along her lips, and Shoshana kissed him on instinct. He laughed when he saw a small smudge of lipstick left on his cock, and he forced himself into her mouth while he held her by her head and by her leash. “You’re going to get your lipstick all over my cock, aren’t you, Shoshana?”

Shoshana closed her mind and moaned around him as he filled her mouth. She had not been with a man since Lincoln was a child. When she left Lincoln’s father, she had decided to dedicate herself to her son and to her career, a decision which had paid off. It had gotten her into this neighborhood and gotten her son into a good school. It gave them both a life and opportunities that they wouldn’t otherwise have, and as she slurped Frances in the cool, foggy morning before work, Shoshana realized that it was a decision that led her to this moment, too.

“Fuck,” growled Frances as he watched his former best friend’s mother inhale his dick. Like Abdul, she was desperate for him. A few days did a lot to prepare his genies for him, and while he didn’t understand the hunger that was growing inside of them from the moment their hair was lit, he could take advantage of it and enjoy the results of it.

He tightened her leash in his hand and forced her deeper. Shoshana choked on him, and spittle oozed out of her red lips and ran down her chin into her modest cleavage. Frances worked his hand into her coarse hair and enjoyed the texture of it along his palm and fingers. “I never thought I’d have you on your knees choking on my dick, Shoshana, not in a million years. Then again, I never thought I’d be able to call you Shoshana, either.”

Shoshana mewled around him and listened intently to his words. She had never liked Frances, and she had reviled his mother, who was subtly and quietly racist. As Frances teased her throat, however, it did give her a feeling of affection for him. Though nothing had changed between them, in that moment, everything changed. She could not properly explain it, but she felt right kneeling at his feet and slobbering on his dick like a dog, and she secretly hoped she would get a chance to do it again after they finished.

Frances moved Shoshana and pulled her from his dick. Spittle splattered across her face as she gasped below him. He held his imposing cock over her face, and she stared at him and laughed throatily as he sneered down at her. “Enjoying yourself, Shoshana?”

“Oh God, Frances, if I had known…”

Frances took hold of his cock root and smacked his slick cock down across her pretty black face. Shoshana shivered in climax as a result. “Now you know,” he told her. “Now, you’re a bitch, just like my mom. You going to bark for me, too?”

“Bark…?” Shoshana mewled and kissed the underside of his rigid cock. “I can bark, I can whine, I can even beg, if you want me to. I bet you could make me howl, too.”

“And I can make you choke,” he told her, and he stuffed himself back into her mouth and into her throat. Shoshana gurgled and stared him in the eyes as he suffocated her, but she did not fight him. The sight of her gagging with spittle gathering around her lips and snot running from her nostril was too much for Frances. He had punished her, and he had tamed her, too. Now, he would flood her belly.

Frances came hard and forced Shoshana onto his dick. He held her there as he spewed, and he released her to stroke onto her face as she sat back gasping and coughing with semen running from her mouth and nose. Once recovered, she took his load and sucked him clean, and she sat bobbing her head as Frances squatted over her. “You’re mine now, bitch.”

“Mm,” Shoshana purred, and when Frances pulled her from his dick, she staring at his swinging, spent shaft and grinned. “Woof, woof,” she gasped.

He laughed and fed her his dick again, and she sucked him with diligent care and sent her chin into his balls on each forward stroke. “Come visit me after you get home from work, slut, and we can talk about what it’s going to be like living as my pet.”

After collaring Shoshana, Frances returned home for a brief rest before convincing Abdul to drive both him and Amina to school. Amina complains on the way about wearing clothes. She nearly naked the rest of the time and has grown to dislike even conventional clothing. Her mother still wears her religious robes but will strip at a word from Frances. Abdul, meanwhile, is caged beneath his trousers.

Frances does not value school and was not there to learn. He was there to spy and gather information. He now had someone inside of Lincoln’s home. His revenge was taking on a new, unexpected shape, and so he was adjusting his plan on the fly. Acquiring Lincoln’s hair would be easy enough for him, and though he had no interest in turning Lincoln into what he made of Farah’s husband, he did want to shrink him and shame him.

It was Autumn’s hair that would be the challenge, and Frances needed to decide which one to take first. He couldn’t decide between them, and so he went to school to change his script. So far, he had not been acting with a clear plan, and it had gotten him everything he wanted from life and more. Planning too far ahead in these strange circumstances seemed almost impossible anyway, so he was determined to go with the flow.

The flow led him through class in a fugue. His teachers inundated him with back homework and reminded him why he was skipping school to begin with. Amina stole smiles at him and winked at him in class, and he enjoyed that deeply. She sat with him at lunch, too, and the student body was aflame with rumors about the two. Frances, still self-conscious despite all of his power, asked Amina if it bothered her, and as a response, she smiled and kissed him in full view of the lunchroom.

Whispers followed Frances to class after lunch, and the classroom he entered was his first time seeing Lincoln all day. Lincoln stopped at the door with his arm around Autumn and an army of basket ball players with him. He caught sight of Frances and gave a big, wide grin. “Frances! My man! Glad to see you back, brother!” Then, he turned to Autumn and said, “Look, big man is back.”

Autumn blushed and smiled and waved at Frances. “Hey, Frances,” she said, and then Lincoln pulled her into a sudden and deep kiss. She did not fight him and actually followed him after the kiss, and as they parted, she laughed and playfully swatted his chest. “Lincoln!”

Lincoln gave Frances a quick glance and smiled down at Autumn. There must have been nearly a foot between the two of them. “Sorry, babe, you just looked too cute.”

“Uh-huh, sure. Give me my books. I’ve got to get to class.”

“Right,” said Lincoln, and he slipped Autumn’s books off of his. As she left, he swatted her ass, and she glared at him but did not speak out against him. “Hey, Franky,” said Lincoln, and he approached Frances across the room. “Sorry about all the PDA. It’s just, sometimes when we’re at school, I think about the things we do when we’re not.” He leaned forward in front of Frances to where their faces were almost touching and said, “You feel me?”

“I felt your mom this morning,” said Frances full of venom and vitriol, and he grinned at Lincoln. “I left a thick load on her face. You should ask her all about how I’m your new daddy, Lincoln, since your real dad was nothing but a dead beat…”

“Shut you fat fucking face,” shouted Lincoln, and he smacked Frances hard across the cheek with an open palm. He was just about to wail on him when two big men came between them as the teacher entered the classroom.

“Yo, man, Lincoln, chill!”

“You keep my mother out your fucking mouth, cracker,” shouted Lincoln, and the two boys had to push him toward the front door and out of the hall. Frances’ cheek hurt, and his lips was bloody, but he was smiling as he watched Lincoln shouting through the door.

The teacher, a balding man with a paunch, a sweater vest and a thick pair of glasses looked at Frances and sighed. “Okay, what the hell happened now?”

Frances did not try to explain. He just let himself be sent to the office, and he was made to wait while they spoke with Lincoln. Then, instead of being sent in to talk to the principal, Frances was sent to talk to the counselor instead. When he found out, he sent a text to his mother for her to come and get him.

The high school guidance counselor was a small, pretty older woman named Ms. Kim. Ms. Kim had dark hair cut to just above her shoulders and pretty dark eyes. She was petite and proud of her Korean decent, and she loved to wear seafoam green. Today, she was in a seafoam green blouse with a pair skinny blue jeans on and a large black belt with a polished buckle. She greeted Frances with a smile but without warmth.

“Mr. O’Conner, have a seat,” she said, and she made notes in his file before looking at him. “I hear you got in a fight today. Would you like to talk to me about what happened between you and Mr. Crum?”

Frances, dejected by her tone, sunk into his chair. He was glad to see Lincoln in trouble and had intended that to be the beginning of his punishment, but he had not wanted to get in trouble himself. “No, I don’t want to,” he said, and he pouted afterward.

“I…see.” Ms. Kim made a few notes in his file again and said, “If I recall, weren’t you two close friends when you started school? What happened?”

“I said I don’t want to talk about it,” he repeated with growing petulance. Days spent dominating others had done something terrible to his patience. Now, all he could think about was dominating Ms. Kim and making her into a genie, too.

“I see, well…” Her phone buzzed, and she answered it. “Yes. Hello?” She looked at Frances. “He’s in my office. Right now? You could send her in, and…She’s insisting?” Ms. Kim sighed. “Fine. I’ll send him out.” Ms. Kim hung up the phone and gave Frances a harsh look. “Your mother is here to get you, it seems.”

“Thanks,” he said, and he stood. Ms. Kim stood, too, and followed him to the door.

“You know, Frances, I’m really just here to help.”

“I know, and I appreciate it,” he said, and he reached out and plucked a hair from her head. She winced, and he said, “Oops. Sorry, I thought it was a stray.”

“Yeah,” she said, rubbing her scalp, and she let him leave and frowned at his back as he left. His mother swarmed him and seemed to hang from him, and Ms. Kim spotted the collar around her neck and grimaced. There was something about that family that bothered her, but she was not sure what.

Frances took his mother’s leash in hand the moment they left the school and led her to her SUV. Then, he made her lift her blouse and drive him home with her breasts out. She obeyed with a smile and didn’t even say a word about having to leave work early. Frances worried that she might get fired but told himself that he could figure it out. His father had more than enough money to support them anyway, and he had ways of dealing with the old man when he came home.

Once home, Frances dragged his mother next door to see Farah. Farah greeted him with a smile in a cream colored abaya and hijab and kissed him as he entered. He cupped her ass and gave her a hair to burn, and she took it and set it up for him while he and his mother settled on the couch.

At this point, Frances sat bare ass on the Mawari furniture without fear of reproachment. He owned their home like he owned their family and could do what he pleased. His mother, already walking with her blouse up, stripped her blouse completely and kneeled to suck him. Once his shaft was wet, he had her lift her breasts and wrap them around his dick so that he could enjoy her.

Farah joined them once the hair was lit and let Frances touch her. She lifted her gown for him as his hands roamed her and purred as he cupped and shook her bottom. She was wearing a thong that was open at the crotch for him, and her thighs were already wet with her arousal as she watched his mother slobbering on him and stroking him. “Mm. How was school, master?”

“Fine,” he said, and his mother slurped off of him.

“My poor baby got hit by another student. By Lincoln! That stupid n…” Frances silenced her before she said more, and she went back to work with her eyes closed and a purr in her throat.

“I see.” Farah touched him lightly on his cheek, and he winced. “That is what that is. I am sorry to see that, master.” She kissed his cheek lightly and then kissed him on the lips. “How is it that I may bring you comfort, then, master?”

Frances yanked her robe up to let her breasts fall free of it, and then he cupped one of her heavy, hanging brown breasts and squeezed it while she mewled. “You could strip naked and join my mom to start.”

“If it would please you,” said Farah, and she moved to remove her hijab, but Frances stopped her. She smiled. “I understand,” she said, and she carefully removed her abaya with the hijab still on before she kneeled at his feet in her lingerie.

Farah’s relationship with her faith was strained by her relationship with Frances. She had come to terms with what has happened to her, and she had come to view it as happening by the guiding hand of Allah, but she could not reconcile why Frances was the one chosen. She was happy for it regardless, but she knew that he did not profess his love for any god, let alone his believe in the one true God that she knew was the creator and animator of all.

Regardless, he enjoyed to make her dress like that and allowed her to practice her faith so long as she remained loyal and willing, which she would and she was. She rested her hands on his thigh while Sharon stroked him and joined the blonde in licking his leaking crown. He would not last much longer, but Farah wanted to enjoy him for as long as she could either way.

Sharon smiled to see Farah there and sat back to allow Farah to kiss him. She kissed Farah’s cheek as the other woman sucked her son and then replaced Farah when given the chance. The two of them danced their tongues along his crown and smiled when they touched. There was no taboo for them in service of their master. That this was technically incest no longer bothered Farah, who only felt grateful to be able to participate in it.

Frances panted and then fired. He came across their faces and between them, and the two women mewled and squealed with delight. His mother stroked him through his climax with a purr and gave him a sultry stare as she cleaned him. Farah grinned and held Sharon’s blond hair back as she watched Frances gasp. “Fuck…!!!”

Farah and Sharon grinned. “Mm. If we are diligent, Sharon, I think we might make him hard again,” whispered Farah as she stared Frances in the eyes.

Sharon let Frances fall from her with a pop and chuckled breathlessly as she stroked him with her sticky cleavage. “What do you think I’m trying to do, Farah?”

“Stop,” gasped Frances, and both women obeyed with a fit of giggles.

“Why,” asked his mother with girlish delight as she removed herself from him and let Farah lick her breasts clean. She lowered herself to sample the semen left on his shaft but made sure to stop once he was clean. She did kiss his balls, though, and say, “You and I both know you have another load in there for us, and we’d be good and share it.”

“Mmhmm,” hummed Farah, and her face was buried into Sharon’s milky-white cleavage.

“Maybe, but I want to save it for Shoshana when she gets home, so no more for you two until later.”

“Fine,” his mother complained, but Farah smiled and kissed his dick. Her face was sticky with semen from his mother’s bosom, but she did not seem to mind.

Frances sent them to shower and change before Shoshana got home. His mother had clothes for when she stayed over, and she and Farah left together holding hands like old friends as they made their way up the stairs to groom for him.

Shoshana had made it to work with Frances’ semen still on her face before she even thought to wash it off. She felt bad cleaning herself without his permission, and then she felt strange for feeling bad about it.

All day, she thought about Frances. She thought about his dick, and she thought about his eyes, and she thought about his rich seed. He came more than her ex ever did, and his dick was significantly larger, too. She knew that she wasn’t, but she felt almost like she was in love with Frances, and she didn’t understand why. His dick was good, and she knew that, but she knew also that there was something more important about it.

As the end of her shift drew closer, Shoshana’s anxiety grew more pronounced. She knew that once work ended, she would have no choice but to go see him, and she started working slower in hopes of staying later and losing his interest. As her work slowed, however, her anxiety spiked further, as she knew that she wouldn’t be able to avoid him at all. His orders were clear. Once her work was over, she would have to go to him.

Her shift ended, and she left with her work unfinished. She might get reprimanded for it the next day, and she made a silent vow not to slow her production again. Obviously, she could not refuse Frances, not even on a loophole. Her body was out the door as quickly as it could be, her new, perkier breasts bouncing and her big, round bottom doing the same.

The drive home left her horny as she remembered the blowjob. She could still taste and smell Frances, and though both the flavor and scent had grown stale as the day grew long, she knew that seeing him would give her the opportunity to resupply, and she looked forward to it. In fact, she thought to herself that seeing Frances wouldn’t be so bad if she got to blow him again.

She parked and went straight to his front door, and when she knocked, Sharon answered wearing nothing but a pair of lacy panties that were wet at the crotch. Sharon smiled when she saw Shoshana, and she stepped aside as Shoshana marveled at her supple, womanly curves. “…Sharon…?”

“Hello, Shoshana. Master is waiting for you in bed.”

“…In bed?”

“I’ll show you the way,” said Sharon, and she closed the door after Shoshana entered. Shoshana followed Sharon’s bouncing bottom through the house and up the stairs to the master bedroom. There, Frances waited in bed naked with a massive hard-on at rest against his big, round belly. Lincoln’s father was a fit man, and he was the last man Shoshana had seen naked or had sex with before Frances. Normally, athletic men were Shoshana’s type, but Frances’ big body was the most beautiful thing she had ever seen in her life.

Frances met her with a smile as she entered the room and said, “What the fuck are you doing?” He was stroking himself, and it delayed Shoshana’s response as her eyes settled on his larger-than-life prick.

“I’m sorry,” she murmured, and she met his eyes and moistened further. “What do you mean?”

“Why are you still dressed,” he asked, and he laughed as Shoshana rushed to undress. Once her black body was displayed to him in its completion, he gave her a crooked, wry smile. “I’m always impressed by how the lamp changes you ladies, you know that, mother?”

His mother gave him a small smile and said, “Woof, master.”

“Exactly,” he grinned, and he wagged his dick at Shoshana. “Remember this morning, Shoshana?”

Shoshana licked her lips while staring at him. “Y-Yes, I do.” She glanced at Sharon, who was smiling, and added, “M-Master.”

“Good. Then, get to work.”

“O-Okay,” said Shoshana, and she nearly leapt onto the bed as her misgivings were forgotten. However she felt about Frances before meant nothing to her now. Now, she saw his dick, and she needed to suck it again because that was what he wanted from her. Her body needed him, and she could not refuse the needs of her body.

Shoshana smiled as Frances watched her. She removed her jacket and undid her blouse, and she left both on the floor. Her breasts were not as large as Sharon’s and had not grown as much, but they strained against her bra all the same, and she felt relief as she released them to Frances’ view. Her dark nipples were stiff and swollen, and the fresh air was a relief to her.

She was still smiling as she shimmied out of her skirt and revealed her neatly trimmed bush. Shoshana was nothing if not particular about how she looked. She had gained weight in the years since she had moved into the neighborhood, but she still shaved and groomed herself precisely. Her pussy had a neat landing strip and nothing else save for the moisture that had gathered there.

Frances groaned as she approached him. “Fuck, mom, look at that ass.”

Shoshana chuckled and turned sideways to show off her large, round rear. She even smacked her ass cheek for him and said, “Do you like it, master?”

“I love it,” he said, and Shoshana crawled onto the bed and lowered herself to show off her ass to him again as she approached him.

“Well,” she said, kissing his thighs on her way to his large, swollen member. “It’s all yours, now,” she said, and she stared at him. He was holding himself by the root to show off her full length and massive girth, and Shoshana could barely handle it. She kissed his balls and his fingers, and she moaned. “I’m all yours now!”

A part of Shoshana still hated Frances, but the sweaty, heavy beauty of his dick against her forehead was too great and all-consuming for her to deny. Her instincts were at odds with the mental rewrite that the lamp had done, and the truth was that the lamp was winning. The sweaty, saltiness of his balls was better to her than the finest chocolates or the riches creams, and the rigid heat of his shaft in her hand was absolute rapture.

The words she gave before were her own, but they were filtered and altered by the magic. She wanted to be owned by him, but she rebelled against the idea of being owned. Her own relationship with her ex had fallen apart because of his controlling and insistent behavior. He had been fit and strong, and sometimes he had turned that strength on her. Sometimes, she saw that same violent strength in Lincoln, though it was never aimed at her. She hated it, but she did not know how to restrain it.

Frances could visit violence on her, though, and she would thank him for it. It made her manic to think of the things she would let him do for her, and she shook her ass for him while she slurped his balls, and she hoped that he appreciated the rippling dark flesh of her body. In this moment, his dick was all that mattered. She sucked him, and she found satisfaction in being a slut for him.

“Mom,” Frances called, and he leaned forward and grabbed hold of Shoshana’s ass with a hand on each big, brown cheek, and he held them apart. “Eat,” he told her, and his mother stared for a moment in absolute disbelief before moving to obey.

Shoshana had expected to feel Sharon’s tongue inside of her wetted cleft and was shocked to have it tickling her puckered bud. She jumped into Frances’ ball sack and then stared up at Frances, her master, with a look of satisfied awe. Sharon had always harbored secret racist impulses, and Shoshana had to deal with her backhanded compliments and quiet micro-aggressions for over a decade. Having the prim, self-serious woman on her knees eating her ass was a joy unlike any other she had ever known.

Sharon worked diligently but with a look of disgusted reluctance. This was not the first asshole she had been made to eat, and though it was no less attractive than the last, she was displeased by how often she had to do it and to the targets of her tongue wagging. She would happily eat Frances if that is what he wanted, but that he kept on making her clean the bowels of those she was better than upset her.

Still, she held Shoshana’s ass cheeks apart and put her tongue to the task because her master had commanded it, and there was nothing in this world she would not do for her master. Shoshana was similarly committed and took to sucking Frances’ cock root before licking her way up his cock. Frances held himself steady for her as she moved on him, and he took her by her kinky hair and forced himself between her pretty brown lips.

“All those years at your house, Ms. Jefferson, and I never knew how bad you wanted white cock.”

Shoshana choked on him with some enthusiasm and stared him in his blue eyes. She had not known it either, and she did not know if it was whatever strange magic was making her do it or her own loneliness, but she felt like she had wasted years not offering herself to Frances sooner. His dick was so long and so thick that she knew she would have had a good time if she had given herself over to him sooner.

In her mind, there was nothing left for her besides submission. Though the word slave had horrible connotations for someone of her skin color, she could think of herself as nothing more than a slave to Frances. She was owned by him, and as she tasted him for the second time, she felt proud to serve him. Of her own desire, she slaved on him with her mouth and her dancing tongue, and she stroked him and used her nimble hands to spread saliva along his rigid white shaft.

“Ah, good girl,” Frances said, and he smiled as he found his mother staring with open, animal jealousy. He forced himself deeper into Shoshana’s throat to lean forward and grab her ass cheeks, and he shook them against Sharon’s face, making the fat cheeks slap against Sharon’s skinny white face. “You’re a good girl, too, mother,” he said, and he saw her envy and displeasure transform as her face brightened in a smile.

Frances sat back and let his turgid shaft slip free from Shoshana’s throat. Shoshana breathed around him and smiled before throwing herself deep on him again. She choked herself while he gasped, and she smiled up at him while he sat there gasping. Frances smiled back at her and peeled her off of his dick. Then, slapping his slimy white shaft against her rosy black cheek, he said, “Are you ready to go for a ride, Ms. Jefferson?”

Shoshana panted against Frances’ dick. He looked so long and thick from where she was, and she could barely handle it. She kissed his shaft and shook with growing excitement. “Yes, please,” she whispered, and she felt almost dainty as he dragged her out of her his mother’s grasp and lined her up with his dick.

She mounted him carefully with her breasts in his face. Her brown nipples tickled his cheeks as she straddled him, and she kissed his cockhead with her parted, weeping pussy. “Frances,” she whispered, and she moaned as his crown eased her open. “Master!!”

“Yes,” he asked, and he grinned and teased her opening with his cockhead. He held himself by the root and moved himself along her parted cleft. Slipping his crown out of her, he brought it back and smacked her pussy with it. “Did you have something to say, Ms. Jefferson?”

“Mm.” She licked her lips and purred as she stared down at him. His chubby face was rosy red with exertion and excitement, and though he was not traditionally handsome, she could see how someone might be attracted to him. She knew that she was. She kissed his forehead and whispered, “I’ve never been with someone as big as you before. Please, be gentle.”

“Gentle,” whispered Frances as he took hold of her by her soft, womanly hips. He guided her down on him slowly and watched her face scrunch as she moaned on him. “I don’t know how gentle I can be with you,” he told her. “I’m inexperienced, but I suppose you are, too. How about we learn together?”

“Yeah,” she wheezed, and she slid smoothly down him to the root. She was surprised by how easy he fit. He was large, and he filled her, but it felt to her like her body was meant for this. It made sense to her. She belonged to him and was built for him. He rested his hand on her big, round bottom as she positioned her thighs. Then, with his dick filling her belly, Shoshana smiled at Frances and cupped her hands on her head to lift her breasts before she started bouncing.

Her breasts bounced with her. They were comparatively smaller than Sharon’s, though Shoshana felt like everyone’s were smaller than Sharon’s. She figured her own bosom to be a C cup or possibly a D cup, and they were perky and full. They moved with her, and her brown nipples blurred as she picked up speed.

Each stroke touched her clit as her pussy molded around him. He was thick and applying pressure to all of her, and Shoshana came quickly on him. They were big climaxes, some of the biggest of her life, and they went off like fireworks. She couldn’t stop moving, though she felt the pleasure overwhelming her. She was dizzy on his dick, but she was also determined. Not only did she have to move on him, but she wanted to. She wanted to please Frances. In that moment, with his cock filling her insides, she felt like that was what her life was for.

“How is it, master? How does it feel to fuck your best friend’s mom?”

“Lincoln and I aren’t friends anymore,” said Frances, and he laughed at Shoshana’s shock. “But it feels good,” he told her. “This is the perfect revenge against the man who left a bruise on my face.”

Shoshana frowned and cupped Frances’ face gently in her hands. She examined the bruise as she rode him, and she felt her affection for her son fading. From the moment Lincoln was born, he was all Shoshana lived for. She left his father to keep Lincoln safe. She worked extra hours to keep him fed. She moved to get him into a better school and a better city. Everything she did was to give him a better life than the one she had. At a certain point, he became all that mattered to her.

None of that mattered anymore, though, because Frances was more important. When she learned that Lincoln, the child she had given everything up for, had struck her master, Shoshana felt the deepest regret. She genuine felt that she should have left him with his father to suffer however he would have suffered. That would have been better to her than to have seen the day where he left a bruise on the face of her master.

She wept as she rode Frances, and she kissed his cheek lightly and whispered him apologies. “I’m so sorry, master. I am so sorry! I’ll talk to him! I’ll scream at him! I’ll punish him! I’ll sell everything he owns! He’ll regret it, master! He’ll regret it! And he’ll know it is because of what he did! I’ll tell him that you own me now, and I’ll kick him out of the house, and…”

Frances laughed and swatted her big, bouncing ass, and Shoshana mewled on him. He tugged her head back to look her in the eyes, and he found her staring at him with animal affection. It was thoughtless and it was deep, and he knew that she meant every word. “That’s kind of you,” he said, and he kissed her, and she drank his spit like it was the nectar of the gods. She moaned into his mouth, and as they parted, he told her, “But fucking you is enough for now. So, just make me cum and milk me into you.”

“That’s all,” she whined, and she kept kissing his face and his neck and his jaw as she rode him.

“For now,” he told her calmly as he bit back his own moan. He wanted to keep in control, though he felt certain that if he were to break down gasping, she would fawn over that, too. “For now, I don’t even want to think about him. All I want to do is blow inside of you and send you home with my cum.”

Shoshana, still riding him, moaned and flexed around him. “Yes,” she hissed, and she hung from his fat body as her perky breasts slapped against him. “Of course, master. Of course. Seed me. Shoot it all into me. Leave me full of you.” She laughed against Frances as she rode him and squealed with delight as he took her by the hips and met her movements. He was close, and they both knew it. “Mm. Send me home to my bastard son all full of your cum. That will show him who he’s messing with.”

“Exactly,” growled Frances, and he gave a final thrust and held her on him as he finished. Shoshana cooed into his ear and held him to her bosom as he filled her. His semen was thick and plentiful, and she squeezed him for dear life and moaned on him as he fired. When he was finished, she sat back to admire his blue eyes while he stared sheepishly up at her. His dick was still twitching inside of her as he settled breathlessly below her.

“Finished,” he croaked, and she kissed him again.

“I can feel it,” she told him, and she rubbed her nose against his before pressing her forehead to his. “My god, master, you gave me so much. It feels almost like you’re about to drown me from the inside. It’s insane. Do you always come like this?”

“Just about,” he said sheepishly with a small, crooked little grin.

“Such a fucking study,” she said.

“That’s right,” said Sharon from behind her, and she climbed from the bed and hugged Frances from the side. Her big bosom bounced into his face as she clutched him. “My baby is all man.”

Shoshana want to glare at Sharon, but she was too endeared to the woman for the tongue bath her anus had gotten earlier. Besides, she could not put down her master. So, she smiled at the other woman and said, “He definitely has gotten some good jeans from somewhere.”

“And you’re his slut now,” said Sharon firmly, and Shoshana met her gaze again. She could feel the power struggle taking place, but when she looked at Frances, she didn’t care. Sharon had no more authority and power in this house than Shoshana did. It was Frances’ opinion that mattered most. The other two were simply there to serve him. So, Shoshana didn’t argue. She merely smiled, nodded and kissed Frances again.

“Oh, I’m definitely his slut. For as long as he’ll have me,” she purred, and Frances smiled at her in a way that made Sharon both hornier and jealous.

“Go ahead and climb off,” said Frances, and he swatted Shoshana on the ass before she moved. She did climb from him, and he wagged his wet cock at her. “Now, show me what a slut you are and clean me.”

“Gladly,” she said, and she fell onto him with equal enthusiasm as she had before. Shoshana sucked Frances’ spent cock readily and cleaned him of the mess she made on him. Sharon watched jealously from beside him until Frances took her by the hair and dragged her down to join Shoshana.

“I was talking to you, too, ma.”


Sharon joined Shoshana with equal enthusiasm, and soon their tongues were touching as they slurped Frances clean. Frances let them nurse his balls for a moment longer while his shaft rested against their faces, and when he pulled them both back, he found them smiling.

“You’ll need a collar and leash like mom’s,” said Frances as Shoshana dressed. His semen was oozing out of her and gathering on her dark, thick thighs.

“Of course,” she said as she adjusted her panties. She smiled at him. “I can get a dog tag, too, so everyone will know who my master is. So Lincoln can know.”

“That’s fine,” he said, and he was smiling at the power he had over her. “Speaking of Lincoln, here’s the next step in his punishment.”

Shoshana gave him a cruel smile as she pulled her shirt on and began doing up the button. “Oh, I’m all ears, master.”

“All I need from you is a single hair. One of his. Pluck it straight from his head, and make it hurt if you can, then bring it to Mrs. M next door. If you do that, I’ll make sure to fuck you again.”

“A hair,” repeated Shoshana, though it was clear from how she spoke that she did not understand the importance of it. She shrugged. “If you asked for it, master, I’d hold him down and shave him bald for you. One hair will be easy.”

“Thank you,” he told her, and he let her dress. Then, Frances had Sharon walk Shoshana out as he lounged in the bed. He would go see Farah soon and fuck her, too. He spent most nights at their home with Sharon at his side, but he liked having two homes to bounce between. In fact, he liked it almost as much as he liked the small army of genies he was gathering. He still didn’t have a real plan yet, but he had the beginnings of one, and he was excited to see how it played out.


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