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Chapter Six:

Alain recognized the boy the moment she saw him. Even in his sleep, she knew him from the dreams which had plagued her the night before. As she slept, he had come to her and infected her with a lust that followed her into that musky, semen-stinking room. The vector of that infection had been her husband's face, but it had been the boy's body, the boy's scent, and the boy's pleasure.

In her dream, her husband had come to her with a waxen smile. His features were not like his own. They were obscured like old memories, but she had recognized him as best she could, and she had welcomed him into her bed. The sex had been the best of her life, better than even the best she had known in person. It had not been for procreation or even divine duty but for pleasure, and that in itself had been a divine experience.

Alain thought she had experienced an orgasm before, and she had reveled in the secret sin of her own enjoyment. When she woke up that morning with memories of a gargantuan cock buried so deep inside of her that she could taste it and smell it on her own breath upon waking, she had known that all other orgasms before that moment had been illusions. They are sad lies she had told herself to justify her own unhappiness.

This hard truth only became more real as she entered the room and saw the sleeping boy for the first time. The smell she smelled here was the very same smell she had found on her breath when she woke, and it was thick enough to taste both on her tongue and on the back of her throat as she gazed at him with unwelcome, animal longing. She covered her nose and grimaced, but inside, her organs ached for him.

"What is that smell," had said Madison, and her own features were twisted into a mask of what Alain had assumed to be arousal but hoped was disgust. Ariana, true to her greater experience, was calm and precise in her approach, but she clutched her star with shaking hands as she regarded the cursed child.

"This is worse than we had feared," she said. "And far, far worse than we had hoped." Ariana looked at Kia with quiet but restrained judgment. "It is no surprise that your healers have fallen sick with malady, but you have been attending to his care in their stead?"

Kia nodded silently. A subtle glow could be seen on her brown cheeks as she stared at her charge.

Ariana followed Kia's gaze to the tell-tale bulge in the sheets and went pale. "And you have not yet succumbed?"

Kia suddenly woke as if from a fugue and looked at Arian now with her cheeks blazing. "O-Of course not," she said defensively, and it was so loud and emphatic that the truth was known to everyone in the room.

Madison quivered, and Alain stepped forward and said, "Perhaps, priestess, you should leave."

Alain nodded her agreement before Kia could argue. "Yes, it would be for the best." She approached closer to the bed and, with a steady hand, felt the boy's forward. Kia barely restrained herself from jealous aggression as she saw it. "He is with fever. We must work fast." She looked firmly at Kia and said, "If we're to save him, we will need the area quarantined."

Kia lingered and then nodded, and she left with Alain's hand guiding her out of the room. Once the door was closed, she stood waiting until her legs would obey her and then left to fetch the guard and Morgan and establish a parameter around the building to protect the populace. She may have sinned, but she told herself that with the Divine's help and the guiding hand of the Seven, she could make it right again.

Madison was young and inexperienced. She had only just taken her vows a short time ago, and she had not favored the Angel of Chastity so highly as she had favored the others. The virtue from which she drew the most strength was humility, and that was in no small part because of her inability to avoid the other sins. By accepting her weakness, she was humble enough to draw succor and power from the Divine and be purged of such unseemly needs.

At least, that was the idea. In practice, however, she has been horny since she has arrived in the town, and the night spent at the church did little to alleviate that. There was a miasma of lust that permeated even the open streets, and the holy house where she should have been most protected was nothing but a thin sheen to veil her from the sinful wants that were haunting her.

Madison had dreamt of sex before. Particularly as she was taking her vows, she had dreamt of sex quite vividly, but she did not have the experience to know. The dreams that haunted her the night before were different. They were not mere dreams or fantasies. They felt like predictions, that it frightened her to think that any of it might have been true. Now, she stood before the sleeping boy and felt a pull to him that was unlike anything she had experienced before.

In her dream the night before, she had seen this very boy at rest. She had seen his sickly thin body and felt pity, and she had seen his gargantuan manhood and felt want. In the dream, she had only washed him with a sponge, but that alone had been enough to wake her in climax. Now, as she looked upon him, she felt the familiar draw of him to her mind and to her heart and struggled to keep it in check.

Alain put a calming hand on Madison's shoulder. "Are you well, Dame?"

Madison stared at the boy a moment longer and then cleared her throat. "Y-Yes."

They both looked at Ariana approaching the boy and drawing a star across his forehead in holy water, and Alain said, "Then gather yourself. We will need all of our strength right now if we are to do what we mean to."

As Alain joined Ariana in the sprinkle of holy water and the drawing of lines in salt and chalk, Madison took a number of ivory white candles from her satchel and began placing and lighting them at strategic points. She also lit incense before drawing her gleaming, polished blade and driving it into the wood.

Madison stood at the end of the bed and at the center of the eight-point star they outlined in chalk and then drawn with salt. The scent and light given off by the incense and candles respectively seemed to draw something out of the air. A sinister red mist permeated the room and filled her with each breath, but she stood steadfast and unaffected as she stared at the sleeping boy with a growing and ready resolve.

"Are we ready now," asked Alain as she poured the last of her salt, and she looked to Ariana for guidance. Ariana, meanwhile, had her gaze fixed on the boy's sleeping form.

"The demon's hold is strong," she said, and she looked nervous and perhaps even impatient as she clutched the star at her breast. "We must act quickly, for I already fear that it may be too late."

The two other women nodded, and together the three women began to pray. Through ritual and through magic, they called out to their god. Madison, not knowing what to expect, watched Alain and Ariana both for any guidance, but they gave her nothing. So, she merely recited the scriptures as instructed and hoped that would be enough to show and prove her devotion to the Divine so that no one could mistake her as being unwilling to act.

The air grew tense and cold as they spoke, but Madison could not feel the presence of the Divine inside of the room. She knew that she should, and she lamented and feared what it meant. All her life, she had been seeking the presence of the Divine in all she did and all she read. Briefly, when she took her vows, she thought she might have felt it's cleansing inspiration, but looking back she thought it must have been an agent of its ineffable guidance and not the Divine itself.

From the moment she had entered the town, she had not felt even that much. It was like the Divine and the Seven could not reach this town, and that feeling of loneliness and abandonment was all the stronger within this room. The sickly stench of sex was strong here. It was wanton and thoughtless, and it set a fire in her even as the empty air around her chilled her skin. She recited her scriptures, and she broke out in a sweat as her words floated impotently in the air.

This continued for what felt like hours. All three of them whispered their magic spells, but there was nothing behind it. The fervor which Madison had expected was missing, and feeling powerless and self-conscious, she opened her eyes to see if the others were still praying. What she found took the breath from her. She dropped her eight-point star and whispered her elder's name when she found Ariana on the bed, kissing the boy's unsightly bulge between words.


Alain was drawn from her devout recitation and opened her eyes, too. "Ariana!"

Ariana looked at the two of them and whispered, "This is all in His name. The only way to purge this poor boy is by action, not by word. And if you don't believe me…Look." She smiled and looked up the boy's body, and the two followed her gaze and found two eyes staring back: one brown and one a sinister, gleaming red.

In that moment, all three women went weak as the biggest, greatest orgasms of their lives swallowed them.

Ariana Heather was a good woman. She was devout happily married. She had two children and a deep faith that moved her and healed her and carried her through her darkest times. She lived a modest life and led prayers, and she watched as new clerics joined her congregation and then left. They went on to the capital or to other greater, larger churches. They had adventures that took them across the known world, and some of them disappeared completely.

Her children were grown now. They were adults and were pursuing their own things. Her husband was older but still handsome. She enjoyed a great love with him in a quiet home, in a quiet city. Over two, nearly three decades, she watched new clerics take their vows and even led them in the process, and then they would go. She never left, though. She never could.

When word came of a city under siege from a demon, she was nervous, but she felt convicted. She was chosen by the Divine for this act. That was why she had stayed in place so long. Her children were grown, and her husband quietly committed. She was insistent that she be sent, and she was respected enough to get her way. She set out with Alain and Madison with a single goal in mind: she would be the hero these people needed.

She weathered a storm to arrive and was giddy and anxious when the town came into view. There was something wrong. The moment their horses' hooves hit the thick, dark mud there, she knew that the city was cursed. She could feel it and taste in the air. The scent of sex clung tightly to the people of the city, but the women seemed distant and dissatisfied, and the men timid.

When she met the priestess, Kia, she had her suspicions confirmed. This was a demon of lust, and it held the town within its grasps already. As they unpacked and slept, she dreamed just as assuredly at Madison and Alain dreamt, but her dreams were different. She didn't see her husband. She saw a young man, slight of build but well-endowed, and she saw two eyes of different colors gazing at her and into her, and she saw her own desperate submission to the pleasure it promised.

There was only one way to cure this poison. Prayer would not suffice. It would be ritual, and it would be tempting, but so long as she acted in accordance to the Divine's edicts, she would remain clean. As the others recited their prayers and stood with their eyes closed, she moved with divine lust and mounted the boy on the bed, and she showered him with kisses through his sheets and showed the Divine her commitment to Him. For him, she would deface herself and betray her vows. For Him, she would tarnish her marriage and betray everything she had ever known.

When the others opened their eyes and found her, the illusion shattered. Then, all three turned their gaze on him and found his eyes opened. They had broken the spell that had rendered him indolent, and as a reward, he had given them a pleasure unlike any other. Now, Ariana, still on the bed as she wetted herself with feminine pleasure, gazed at him with stupid, animal longing. Her vows were forgotten and surrendered. Divine forsaken, she gave herself over to this boy.

With shaking hands, she exposed him, and both women beside her gasped as another wave of pleasure washed over all three. They came again and, holding him, Ariana moaned and pleaded. "P-Please…?"

The boy nodded and, lips wetted and puckered, she kissed him and gave herself over to the rolling, swirling, spiraling, cycling pleasure that seemed to hit her like the steady, ebbing flow of the tide. Then, lips parting, she sucked him into her mouth and indulged a new pleasure that even her husband wasn't allowed to know. She surrendered to him and, not long after, the other two joined her in this worship.

Together, the three of them coaxed him and sucked him. They performed another form of cleansing on him as they sucked Kia's flavor from him, and he rewarded them again. Not long after, all three were naked as Ariana was the first to mount him and milk him into her womb, her faith forgotten.


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