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Chapter Seven:

Kayla found the ring on her bedside table when she woke up and put it on without thinking. She knew it was not her wedding ring, but she had not worn a wedding ring for some time. At least, she had not worn one out of the house in some time. She put it onto her left ring finger before putting her engagement and wedding rings on her right. When she left for work that morning, she kept all three rings on, even after she arrived at work.

At work, she thought about Benjamin. She was already married to him, but the bride's ring had made their vows suddenly far more important to her. She did not have a good reason, but she felt very committed and very affection toward him. It had been some time, in fact, since she had felt so connected to Ben.

As a result of the rings magic, things began to clarify for her in surprising and confusing ways. Firstly, she took note of Violet's changed body and behavior. She had known for some time that Violet belonged to Benjamin, but she had not seen the harm in it. Though they were daughter and father, they were also betrothed. Kayla was suddenly aware of the taboo in a way which she had been oblivious to before, but she could no more correct it now than she previously could.

She was also aware of Benjamin's many other wives, though she was not sure how. She could intuit the nature of their relationship even without speaking to them about it. In the same way, she became suddenly aware of Benjamin's very changed and absolutely enthralling endowment, and she felt an unfamiliar arousal settling within her that mingled also with a sudden and powerful desire to please him. Both were initially unwelcome, though by the time she was on her way home, she felt excited to be intimate with her husband again for the first time in years.

On her way out of the building, she spied Laurie and smiled at the younger woman. Kayla still harbored feelings for Laurie, but those feelings were confused and wrapped up in a new-found guilt. She had betrayed Benjamin, and though she could find argument that Laurie and Benjamin both had betrayed her, Kayla knew that her sin was both the original and the more egregious. Wearing the king's ring as he was, Benjamin had the right to keep many brides, and Kayla knew that she had no right to be jealous of Laurie if she was not jealous of Violet or the others.

When she got home, she found Ellie and Violet in the living room. They were painting each other's toenails like they did when they were children and were giggling and chatting. Their conversation stopped abruptly when Kayla entered the house. She could feel their eyes on her. Violet was appraising her, but Eleanor just smiled.

"Hey, mom," she said with a grin, and she removed her foot from Violet's lap and wiggled her toes at Kayla. "Would you like to join us?"

"Yeah, mom, join the party," said Vi with some knowing intent. Kayla felt herself flush.

"No, no, I'm fine." She hung her coat up by the door. "Do you happen to know where your father is?"

Eleanor shrugged. "I haven't seen him since this morning."

"I think he's busy at work," said Violet with a big smile on her face, and Kayla remembered Sara, his boss, and knew her to be one of his many brides.

"Oh," she said with no small amount of hurt. "Okay. Well, I'm going to go for a shower."

"Have fun," sang Violet as her mother climbed the stairs, and she and Eleanor continued their conversation.

Upstairs, in their bedroom, Kayla stripped for her shower. She looked at herself in the mirror and took in the changes the ring had put her body through. Her breasts were larger and her puffy nipples brighter in color. Her stretch marks were all but gone, and though she was more slender, she still wore some weight along her hips and rear. All in all, she looked almost a decade younger, but she knew that she would still be much smaller in the bust than Sara, and she felt confused by that. She loved Benjamin again, and she was happy that he would have a beauty like Sara, but she didn't want to compete with such a beauty for his affection.


KotoChaos here to interrupt: here is what I had planned for the rest of Draupnir.  It was meant to be a shorter, self-contained story. 

Happy Fapping!


Chapter Seven:

-Kayla transformation and attraction to Benjamin; Benjamin refuses her advances.

-Eleanor acknowledges Violet's marriage to Benjamin; Violet gets an idea.

-Benjamin/Sara. Sara is briefly jealous of Kayla; Ben promises to breed her.

-Kayla goes to break up with Laurie only to find Laurie and Violet with Benjamin. Kayla is briefly jealous before joining them.

Chapter Eight:

-Benjamin/Kayla. Morning blowjob.

-Sara. Reveals her pregnancy.

-Sherley/Emily. Reveal their pregnancies.

-Kayla/Violet. Benjamin reveals the multiple pregnancies he has caused; both women want to be bred now.

Chapter Nine:

-Benjamin visits Laurie over lunch; she asks him to impregnate her, too. He sees Kayla on his way out, and she kisses him goodbye in front of Laurie, who also kisses him afterward.

-Sara. At work, Benjamin notices one of his rings is missing and grows frantic. Sara comforts him with her body.

-Kayla greets Benjamin with her mouth and asks him not to be mad; Violet brings Ellie into the room and reveals that she stole the missing ring and gave it to her. Ellie rides Ben for the first time, and Violet confesses her pregnancy as he finishes inside of his youngest.

Chapter Ten:

-Benjamin wakes up in a full bed with Sara, Violet, and Kayla with him. The three share him in the morning, and Kayla reminds Benjamin that his mother is visiting for Eleanor's graduation and to put his ring away.

-The family gathers for Ellie's graduation, including Sara, Emily, and Sherman. Laurie is there with Kayla and holding her hand in public. Benjamin excuses himself to go see Ellie, and she shows him that she is naked under her gown. Benjamin fucks her and seeds her, and she begs him for a baby before walking across the stage with his semen still inside of her.

-At home afterward, Benjamin stares at his small harem gathered around him and drags Sara and Laurie upstairs, but not before leaving his last ring on the door step for his mother to find before she enters the house.


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