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Chapter Six:

"Oh, God," panted Laurie as she pried her lips from Benjamin's swollen cock. She wiped her wet chin off on the back of her forearm and stroked him as she stared him in the eyes. In all her life, she had never been attracted to a man before, but now she could think of no one better looking.

Laurie knew why she felt so strongly about Benjamin, and she honestly didn't care. Whether by a magic ring or by natural instinct, she loved Benjamin, and she was completely devoted to him. She loved his dick, too, and took special joy in knowing that he was and would forever be the only man worthy of her interest.

Benjamin smiled and moved her along his dick, and she echoed his smile and licked his shaft all the way to his pubic hair. There, she breathed him in before showering him with kisses, and all the while she never stopped stroking him.

Though she had little information for reference, Laurie was educated enough to know that Benjamin was much larger than average. He looked large, too, and she felt as if she had feminine instincts about these things that informed the deserved awe she gave him. Hand gliding, she kissed his pelvis as she panted against him.

"How do I taste," taunted Benjamin. He was still angry at this woman for trying to ruin his marriage, but the ring had taken the edge off. The two were yet to fuck, but she had already apologized to him for her part in his wife's infidelity. He had not yet forgiven her, but her stroking hands and dancing tongue were doing a lot to help that along.

She giggled. "Good," she admitted, and she licking a long, pulsing vein all the way his shaft. She met his precum on the way and got her first taste of it. It was saltier than she expected, but she did not find herself bothered by it. It was all an acquired taste, she was sure, but she had already acquired a taste for him.

Benjamin sighed and eased himself into her mouth. It honestly was very difficult to stay mad at a woman during a blowjob, and the warm suction of her mouth was enough to wash away whatever resentment he might have harbored for her. After all, she was now his wife, too. He wasn't sure if Kayla's continued affair with Laurie would constitute cheating anymore, and if it did, he wasn't sure Laurie would even still go along with it. After all, she was a lesbian, but she was a lesbian who was totally and unashamedly obsessed with his dick.

Head back with pleasure as he sat spread-legged in her desk chair, he rested both hands on her head and set her free to slurp him. He was taking his lunch break here and had been given extended leave to use her he pleased. Sara had showed only minimal jealousy and had been convinced with a kiss and promise of later sex, and the power he had over his young, buxom, redheaded boss served as highly combustible fuel for this encounter with Laurie.

Laurie wrinkled her nose as he spewed fresh precum out onto her tongue. She sat back and rolled the flavor along her tongue as she stroked him. "Mm. Somehow, I thought men would be less…juicy."

Benjamin laughed. "You don't like it?"

She shrugged and licked his cockhead. There was even more precum there, and this time she made a show of smacking her lips. "I am learning," she said. "I don't dislike it, but I'm not used to it." She smiled. "I guess I'll just need more practice, then." Holding his cock to her lips, she kissed him and winked before opening her mouth and sucking him again.

However inexperienced she was, she felt good around his dick and seemed to know how to please him specifically. She moved her mouth with her hands, and though she was clumsy, she understood by programming what Benjamin wanted and how she could provide him with it. The ring drove her to do for him, and she obeyed it eagerly.

Watching Laurie, Benjamin couldn't last long. The difference in their age helped him along, but the sexiest part was knowing that he had successfully taken her from his wife. Taking hold of her by the hair, he held her in place and stroked himself up into her mouth. Laurie seemed surprised at first, but then a cute little blush crept onto her face as she stared up at him and suckled his crown.

Benjamin came, and Laurie choked on his cum. She swallowed though, and it was not the first time since putting on the ring. He came a lot, though, and she was not used to how thick semen was. She was still getting used to the taste and ended up choking on his cum before taking the rest across her face. After he was finished, however, she went right back to sucking him after catching her breath.

Once he was clean, Benjamin sat back against her desk with a sigh. "Fuck," he panted.

Laurie gave a proud little smile. "I'm getting better," she said, and she preened up at him as he stared at her. Her enthusiasm was infectious, and Benjamin's dick did a little pulsing jump as he shared her smile.

"You are," he said, and he chuckled. "I feel like I've been giving you plenty of practice."

She licked some stray cum from her lips. "We could always practice more, if you want."

He chuckled again. "I may have to take you up on that offer."

Benjamin offered her his hand and helped her stand, and she wiped her face clean with paper towels before dressing. As she was putting clothes on, Benjamin watched her. Her clothes fit her differently now, and he wondered if his wife had noticed. He knew the two had been intimate. Laurie had confessed as much when he first confronted her after she put the ring on. He tucked his dick away. "Has Kayla said anything to you?"

Laurie hesitated as she fastened her belt. "Not really." She tucked her hair back, and then she pulled it into a ponytail. "I've been…avoiding her." She looked at him a bit sadly. "It's hard to explain, but it feels like I'm cheating on both of you when I'm with her, you know?"

Benjamin did have some idea what she was saying, but Laurie didn't give him time to admit as much. She smiled bashfully at him and said, "Of course you don't. You've never cheated." The statement surprised Ben at first, but then he remembered that the rings made anyone who married him his bride. His daughter, boss, and neighbors were not affairs. In Laurie's eyes, it was one big, happy marriage.

Laurie cast her eyes down. "I know I haven't said it yet, but…" She took Benjamin's hands in hers. "I'm sorry." She looked him in the eyes. "I'm sorry if we hurt you. If I had known I would be a part of your marriage…"

"Don't," said Benjamin. He was angry hearing her words, but he was also forgiving. She had not asked for this, and he was using her for his own revenge. A part of him felt justified, but the truth was that Kayla hurt him more than Laurie did. If anything, Laurie was as much as victim as him, even if she participated willingly.

He leaned forward and kissed Laurie, and though he tasted himself on her, he slipped his tongue into her mouth. Laurie moaned and stood on her tiptoes, and when they parted, she was staring at him like a teen with a crush. "Not only do I forgive you, I'm happy with how it is turning out."

Laurie bit her bottom lip and nodded. Her heart was hammering hard in her chest. "M-Me, too."

"But you're my wife now," he said with sudden possession, and he freed his hands to pull him to her by her rear. Laurie squealed as she fell into his dad bod. "And I don't accept cheating."

She giggled. "I would never," she told him, and she kissed him again.

Supper that night was thick with a tension felt by no one but Benjamin. Kayla ate quietly and did not seem to notice, but Violet did, and she watched her father curiously and dragged him upstairs to the privacy of her bedroom as soon as the meal was over. Downstairs, Eleanor could be singing as she washed the dishes.

Violet shoved her father inside while he bumbled. "Okay, okay, I'm going, I'm going," he muttered as she shut the door after her. She locked it, too, for good measure. When Benjamin turned to look at her, he half-expected her top to be off. Instead, he found her watching him with her hands on her wide, womanly, magic-altered hips and a frown on her face. It was that moment that reminded him how much like her mother she looked when she was angry. "W-What did I do?"

"What're you hiding," she said firmly.

"Hiding?" Benjamin's voice cracked. He looked nervous and felt sweaty as he tugged, ineffectually, on the collar of his shirt. "I'm not hiding any…"

"Benjamin Wright," she said with the fury of a wife scorned.

"Now, see here young lady. I'm your father, and you cannot speak to me that way…" His voice altered as her stare grew more intense. She began tapping her foot. It was a trait she got from her mother, and it told him how thin the ice was. He fidgeted with the golden ring around on his right ring finger and thought again how great it was to have so many wives. "What I mean is…"

"What. Are. You. Hiding."

Benjamin stammered. "I might have used one of my rings."

Violet's expression softened. Then, she smiled. "On mom? I didn't know." She began playing with her hair. "I didn't see anything different about her…"

"No, not on her," he said sheepishly, and Violet paused.

"Then, who? Someone I know?"

"You might know her? She works at your mom's school…"

"At mom's…" Violet's eyes widened. "Wait, you mean the woman she's cheating on you with?!"

"Her name's Laurie," Benjamin confessed, and she suddenly felt a stab of guilt and anxiety saying her name aloud in the home. He lowered his voice to a whisper. "I snuck a ring to her while pretending to visit your mother, and then I went back to introduce myself."

Violet stared in quiet disbelief, and Benjamin held his breath. He was afraid she might judge him for what he had done, but when she finally did speak, all she said was, "Oh. Well, that explains why mom didn't look any different."

Benjamin held his breath a moment longer and, as his daughter sauntered past him to the bed to flip through her phone, he said, "You…aren't mad?"

She looked up at him from her phone. "Why would I be?" She was propped against the wall, and he could see down her blouse. Her ring-enhanced breasts were nearly in full view of him, and he could see her nipples poking through her blouse. She still hadn't bought bras to replace her old ones now that her breasts had grown. Benjamin stiffened.

"I don't know, I just thought…" He sighed. "It felt like cheating somehow."

"Mom was the one cheating on you," said Violet, and she shrugged. Her breasts moved when she did. They swung lightly as she shifted in bed. "Besides, you already have four other wives. Why would one more make a difference?"


Violet flashed him a grin. "Have you…consummated the marriage yet?"


She tossed her phone to the side and shimmied to the edge of the bed. There, she felt him through his pants. "Who am I kidding? My dad? Of course you did." She rubbed him swelling manhood with a purr. "God, daddy, you're such a man-slut, you know that?"

Benjamin moaned. "Violet, that is no way to talk to your father."

She giggled and kissed him through his tented pants. "It is when it's true," she said. She planted a few more kisses and mewled. "When are you going to introduce us to each other," she asked. "Us being all your wives."

"Oh God," he groaned. "I don't think I'd survive the encounter."

"Why? Afraid we'd get jealous," she asked as she found his zipper and clutched it with her teeth. She undid his zipper with a smooth movement of her head and then kissed him through his exposed briefs.

"No," he croaked, watching his daughter and her swinging bosom. She parted her lips and danced her tongue along the fabric of his underwear, and he could feel the heat and wet of her mouth through his briefs. "I think you'd all suck me dry."

"Suck you dry?" She purred again and wrapped her hot mouth around his cockhead through his briefs. "Mm. Come now, daddy. We're your wives, not vampires." With a careful tug, she brought his briefs and his pants down enough to free his dick. He slapped her on the chin, and she laughed before taking hold of him by the root and stroking him. "Besides, I don't need help sucking you dry." She looked him in the eyes and pursed her lips. "Do I, daddy?"

Staring at his daughter as she kissed his cockhead and licking around his glans, Benjamin groaned, "Oh God." Then, as her warm mouth engulfed him, he wondered briefly what he had done and who he had done it to for him to be cursed with so much good in his life.

The weekend came, and Benjamin was finding it difficult to make time for all of his wives. Violet and Sara got to see him regularly due to schedules, but he was leveraging his relationship with his boss to get extended lunch breaks to see Laurie and break her in. The level of understanding he was getting from his harem was astonishing considering how little support he felt like his wife, Kayla, gave him on a day-to-day basis.

Benjamin was careful not to talk about Kayla with Laurie, and she showed him equal care in not bringing her up. Though Benjamin had become content with having multiples wives and a gargantuan cock, he was still bitter after finding out his wife of two decades was cheating on him. He did not say as much, and in fact he buried it down deep inside of himself to keep from bringing it up anywhere.

Meanwhile, at work, Sara seemed obsessed with having a child and made it clear that he could go fuck Laurie only so long as he bred his buxom, redheaded boss at a later date. This was an agreement that he made with little thought and struggled with depending on his mood. When horny, the idea of impregnating Sara's pretty young body was thrilling like nothing else and often infiltrated his other fantasies when aroused. Sometimes, he even thought about breeding his own daughter, a thought he had never even considering thinking until he thought it.

When limp, the idea of having a child with Sara opened up a pandora's box of worry that he found difficult to close even on good days. The problem was not with impregnating her or any of his wives but in raising the child that were the result of such impregnation. Benjamin already had six wives if he included Kayla, and he already had two daughters. If he got each of his new wives pregnant, that would be seven children at the minimum, and he was already closer to middle aged than not.

Saturday evening, he had to escape his responsibilities and snuck next door to see Sherley and Emily. They met him with smiles. Both were wearing dresses, though only Sherman was wearing panties. He had taken to wearing lingerie, panties, dresses, and skirts even when Benjamin wasn't there. At first, he excused his own behavior as wanting to be ready for Benjamin, but at this point it seemed he just liked it.

Benjamin was treated like a king whenever he visited his neighbors, and Sherman soon had him seated on the couch with his pants off and his cock hard. Sherman slobbered on Benjamin and throated him smoothly with increasing skill and open affection, and he held Benjamin by the root to appreciate him on each upward stroke.

Emily brought Benjamin a beer and sat beside him with a smile on her face as she watched her husband suck her other husband. She rested her head on Benjamin's shoulder as Sherman gurgled around him. "So, five wives now," asked Emily.

Benjamin sipped his beer and gave a dizzy nod. "Yup." He took a deep breath, held it, and sighed. "I think I'm in over my head."

Emily giggled. "You've got more than enough down there to keep us all satisfied." She squeezed his root with her fingers wrapped around Sherman's, and Sherman mewled his agreement and winked before taking Benjamin deep again. "And your newest wife…"

"…Laurie…," gasped Benjamin.

"Yes. She's the woman Kayla is cheating with?"

Benjamin gave a shaky nod and whispered, "But I don't really like to talk about it."

"Of course." Emily stared at his dick and stroked him up into her husband's mouth. Sherman left little rings of lipstick as he sucked Benjamin. "Have you ever thought of giving Kayla a ring, though? It might reinvigorate your marriage."

"It might," he winced. "Though, with five wives already, I'm struggling to keep up."

"Oh, sweetie." Emily gave him a smile and kissed his neck lightly. He throbbed in response, and she squeeze his veiny shaft again and chewed her bottom lip. "You're keeping us more than satisfied, I promise you."

Benjamin gave her a timid, searching look and put his arm around her. He rested his hand on her bottom and gave it a hearty squeeze. "You sure?"

"Mmhmm," she said. "With Sherley's dick so small now, you're all I want, and while I can't really speak for the others, I do know I'm happy."

Benjamin sighed. "Thanks," he said, and he let her kiss him. He rested his head back after that and let the tension leave his body. Whether by magic or by effort, he did seem to be keeping his wives happy, and a silver bride ring might be an elegant and simple solution to his marital woes. He pulsed in Sherman's mouth and said, "Sara, my boss and also my wife, wants a kid. She's insistent."

"A kid?" Emily stroked Benjamin and purred. "Mm. That might not be so bad, now that you mention it," she growled. Benjamin throbbed at her excitement. When she felt it, she smiled and kissed his shoulder. "How would you like that, Ben? Putting a baby in me since Sherley can't?"

"Oh, God," Benjamin moaned, and he looked down to check on Sherman. Unsurprisingly, his other wife was busy sucking him and slurping him and hardly seemed to care that he was the focus of their mockery. If anything, it seemed to turn him on more, as his tiny man-clit was spewing precum as she choked himself on Benjamin's larger, more significant offering.

Emily followed his gaze and laughed in his ear. "Oh, don't worry what he thinks," she purred. "If you haven't noticed yet, Sherley loves to watch you fuck me. He'd let you impregnate me, too, I think." She smiled at Sherman and said, "Wouldn't you, Sherley?"

Sherman had his eyes closed to this point but opened them to look both Benjamin and Emily in the eye. Then, with his lips stretched thin around Benjamin's girthy manhood, he moaned both his pleasure and his approval. "Mmhmm," he gurgled, and he held Benjamin to the edge of his throat to announce it.

Benjamin felt Sherman moaning and stiffened in response. Emily felt him stiffen, too, and laughed. "I think he likes the idea, too, Sherley," she chuckled, and she stroked Benjamin up into Sherman's sloppy, wet mouth until Benjamin fired. Then, she held him by the root and mewled. "But I think he's going to impregnate your throat first, baby."

"Mm," moaned Sherman, and he held his lips tight around Benjamin's spewing shaft as Benjamin unloaded in his throat. Sherman swallowed with considerable skill, and Emily stroked Benjamin with a firm grip, in effect milking him into her first husband's hungry belly. By the end, Sherman had his pretty face tilted back as Emily stroked the rest of Benjamin's thick cum onto the other man's feminine face and lips.

When finished, Sherman planted a single, sticky kiss on the very tip of Benjamin's face before leaning back to let his wife lick him clean. "Come here, you," she purred, and she tongued Sherman's face sensually before dipping her tongue into his mouth to taste what Benjamin left there.

Watching them together nearly had Benjamin hard again, and when the couple saw him in such a state, they shared a smile and started licking and kissing him again. This prompted Benjamin to groan again and the other two to laugh.

"You'd really let me knock Em up," asked Benjamin as Emily took to throating him.

Sherman sat back with a sticky, proud smile as he watched his wife going. "Let you? I'd be grateful, honestly." He smiled. "With my tiny dick, I'd be lucky to even get her to fuck me again. No. She's your wife now, Benjamin, so it's not only your right, it's your job." He flashed his husband a smile and said, "And it's my job to help raise the beautiful child you two make together."

Benjamin gulped but did not stop Emily as she throated him back to an erection. He already had two children, but at this rate, if his many wives had their way, then his family would be growing rapidly in the future.

A few days passed, and Eleanor's graduation was getting closer and closer as the school year's end was fast approaching. Benjamin's many wives kept him busy with promises of sex and demands for children. Emily, previously teasing him about the idea of getting pregnant, had become far more insistent, and Sara was uncompromising. Violet, too, seemed quite keen to have raw sex with him, though she never articulated her desire to be bred by him with words. She did, however, articulate something else one night after supper.

She was seated on his lap with his hard dick pressed against her wetted cleft at the root and against her navel at the crown. Stroking him, and grinding him, she smiled and moaned. "God, daddy, your dick is so big, I honestly don't know how you fit it into me." She looked him in the eyes, and he could see mixed delight and affection behind her gaze. Her beauty reminded him of her mother sometimes, though not often. There was enough of him in there that it somehow made this less awkward for him.

Holding him by the crown and grinding him, she bit her bottom lip and moaned, "Mm. Did you always have a big dick like this, daddy? Or did you grow it when you put the ring on, like my breasts grew when I put mine on?"

Benjamin watched his daughter's naturally, magically enhanced bosom bounce and swing with the movements of her hips and croaked, "I…I grew it."

"Nn," she murmured, and she lifted herself and eased herself onto him. Her body was remade for him, but it was still a tight fit. It took her a few movements to take him to his root, and she came the moment she felt his pubic hair kissing her smoothly shaven pussy. She rested her hands on her father's chest and shook around him. "Fuck! So you grew it for me, then. You grew your big, hard dick for your daughter."

Benjamin groaned, too. "D-Don't say it like that," he rasped, and he took her by the breasts and teased her nipples as she rode him.

"Sorry, daddy," she whispered, and she leaned down to kiss him. He kissed her back before lifting himself up to suck her nipples for her. She gasped with delight and smiled as she held him by the head to her left breast. "Oh, daddy," she whined, and she was quite vocal. No one in the house cared anymore. As far as her mother or sister were concerned, she was married to him anyway, and they had every right to be intimate in this way.

They continued together and finished shortly afterward. Benjamin pumped his daughter full of semen while she squealed for him, and then she tiptoed across the room to pull her panties on before very much of his thick, sticky semen could get out of her. She was on her bed, on her phone, while he slowly recovered. When he climbed from her bed to dress, she watched his wet, swinging cock with a smile on her face.

"It really is huge," she said conversationally. She was on her belly and kicking her feet as she tapped away on her cell phone. Other than her panties, she was still naked.

Benjamin gave her a glance. "You're making me feel self-conscious," she said.

"Don't be," she said, and she reached forward and pulled him to her by his hand. She nuzzled his wet cock and smelled herself on him before she took him into her mouth with an affectionate mewl. "Mm," she purred, and as she slurped off of him, she breathed, "Does mom know your dick is this big now?"

"She's seen it," admitted Benjamin. "Once." He stepped into his briefs. "She didn't seem all that interested."

Violet shook her head. Her father looked just as good in briefs as he did out of them. Even his big dad belly was attractive to her. She knew it was the ring doing that for her, but she didn't care. "That's crazy. Especially since you're fucking her little girlfriend."

"Violet Wright! Language!"

"Sorry," she purred, and she had a naughty look on her face. "Daddy, I think I got an idea," she told him, and she stood from the bed. He watched her perky breasts bounce and sway with her steps, and when she got to him, she stood on her tiptoes to whisper into his ear. By the time she was finished speaking, Benjamin was wide-eyed and halfway to another erection.

Laurie was still trying to figure out her relationship with Kayla. She was married to Kayla's husband, and while she still had a strong attraction toward and a strong affection for her, she could not deny or ignore her commitment to Benjamin, either. At this point, wearing the magical bride's ring that bound her to him, she could not discern which of them she cared for more. Her feelings for Kayla were organic, but that didn't really matter to her since the ring made her feel so strongly about Benjamin anyway.

During school, she avoided Kayla, and it seemed to her that Kayla also avoided her. It was making her feel a bit melancholy, which was why it warmed her heart so much to see a text from Benjamin asking to see her after school. She quickly agreed, and once school let out, she waited anxiously in her classroom for him to arrive. When he did, she went down to meet him at the door on the first floor of the building. They agreed to use a back door that Kayla would not see them through, and she normally led him through the far stairwells to her classroom.

To her surprise, Benjamin brought his daughter, Violet, with him. Laurie was at first uncomfortable with the idea of it. After all, she had not met Violet yet, though she had heard about her a few times from Kayla as they basked in the afterglow of their intimacy. Laurie's initial discomfort faded instantly when Violet introduced herself not only as Benjamin's daughter but as his first wife. They shook hands, and she saw a silver wedding band around Violet's right ring finger.

"Well, not his first," Violet corrected herself, and she gave a grin and nudged her father, who seemed to be standing rigid and embarrassed as the two women interacted. "But close enough, right, daddy?"

"Erm. Let's just…go."

The two women giggled, and Laurie led them to her classroom. In the classroom, Violet wasted no time in guiding her father to Laurie's desk chair and seated him there. Then, on her knees, she waved Laurie over. "Come here," she said, and she pulled Benjamin out of his pants and gaped at his martially erect manhood. Within the space of a few strokes, she had him fully erect and throbbing with Laurie beside her. She giggled. "Daddy's never had me share him like this before. I think he likes it."

"He does seem very excited," admitted Laurie, and she followed Violet's lead as the younger woman leaned in to kiss his shaft and trace her tongue along the veins she found there. Laurie was embarrassed at first and knew so very little about how to share a man like this, but she learned quickly and was soon salivating on him in the same way his daughter was.

Benjamin watched in silent awe as Laurie swept her hair back and leaned in beside his daughter to suck him. She took to sucking his cockhead first while Violet focused on his shaft, and both women were quiet save for the sloppy slurping of their mouths as they shared him. Though both clearly enjoyed what they were doing, they treated him with clear distinction. Laurie was careful and was experimenting as she worked him. She teased him and watched him for reaction.

Violet knew very well what her father liked and threw herself into the task. Her efforts were sloppy and without shame as she sucked and kissed her way down his shaft to his pubic hair and moaned loudly as she breathed him in. She sucked his heavy testicles into her mouth after pulling them from his briefs, and he could see Laurie watching the younger woman and learning from, too.

"Oh, Vi," Benjamin gasped, and he rested a hand on Laurie's head as she sucked him and gripped the arm rest of her desk chair tightly with the other. He was leaking precum across Laurie's eager, writhing tongue, and he could tell by the ginger look in her eye that she was both grateful for it and enjoying it. He knew very little of her history or age save for the fact that she was younger than him and that she had been sleeping with his wife, but she seemed eager to learn and deeply amused by Violet's efforts.

Violet was eager and amused, too, and smiled up at her father past his large, veiny shaft as she suckled his balls. She pried herself from his testicles and licked up his shaft to his slick cockhead, and there she giggled. "Daddy," she purred, and she kissed him in a way that melded her lips against Laurie's. Laurie seemed surprised but not at all upset by this, and soon the two of them were kissing around him, their tongues meeting around his cockhead and smearing his precum around his flesh as they mewled like kittens.

"Oh, God," Benjamin rasped, and he closed his eyes tight and tried to think of something, anything, to make him last. Their dancing tongues were too much, though, and he fired between them before Violet moved quickly to intercept his cum. Laurie gasped and squealed before falling into a fit of giggles, and after Benjamin finished, she replaced his daughter and took her turn sucking him as Violet wore his load across her face and choked it down her throat.

Laurie and Violet kissed after Benjamin was cleaned, and he stared at them and remained stiff. Laurie had a way of sweeping her hair about that made her look so sexy, and he understood then why his wife was so taken with her. Watching her make out with his daughter was more erotic than he was comfortable with. She tongued Violet deeply, and Benjamin felt briefly worried that she might steal his daughter, too, until he found both women watching him with ready smiles and giddy eyes.

Violet asked, "Are you okay, daddy? You look a bit…confused." Laurie, meanwhile, was flushed faced and still giggling as she leaned forward to chew Violet's bottom lip. All the while, as she held his beautiful daughter close, she had her eyes fixed on Benjamin's, though, and it was clear that the ring had made is so. They were both his wives, and their first priority would always be him.

Benjamin eased his half-erect cock between them and took pleasure in the sight and feel of them mewling and moaning around him. "Not confused," he said, and he reached into his pocket and pulled out a silver ring. He stared at it, and he thought of his wife and said, "Honestly, at this point, I think I'm seeing clearly for the first time in a long time.


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