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Chapter Five:

Sara worked her lips down along Benjamin's shaft and choked willingly on him while staring him in the eyes. She had her orange-red hair piled in a glossy, messy bun on her head. Saliva frothed around her lips as she held herself in place on him. Her hands were on his hips, and a smile was in her teary-eyes as she gurgled loudly.

They were alone in her office just before lunch. Benjamin had been working hard at his desk when she came to him and asked him to follow her. Each orgasm he gave her made her more affectionate with him, and now she treated him less like she was his boss and more like a lover. Sometimes, her affection toward him bordered on worship, like how she was willingly and intentionally trying to throat his gargantuan length.

Ben sighed. "I'm getting close," he whisper, and that was the code word that got her red lips off of him. She left a ring of lipstick like a watermark showing how deep she took him and, wiping her chin in an unladylike way, she stroked him and smiled. "Why'd you stop," he asked in a display of almost childlike desperation.

"I'm not wasting a drop of this," she said, and she stood and shimmied her pencil skirt up around her waist. Her lacy pink panties were soaked and, he was surprised to find, opened at the crotch. She peeled the fabric apart along with her folds and eased onto him while he was situated in her desk chair. "Ah! I'm your wife, and it's about time you did your husbandly duty and impregnate me!"

"Oh!" Benjamin stared wide-eyed at her as his hands fell naturally onto her hips and shortly after onto her rear. He was painfully erect inside of her, his massive cock buried into the depths of her and her womanhood clinging to him with wet suction. "You…"

She hooked her fingers with his and wove them together. Palm to palm, Sara began riding him, and her heavy, magic-enhanced bosom bounced, and her stiff nipples showed through her blouse. "I want it," she growled. "I need it! Damn it, Ben, I order you to give it to me! Put a baby into! Put a baby into me!!"

Benjamin grabbed tight to her rear and guided her. He moved with her and against her, but he let her have control. She flexed as she rode him and stroked him with her folds. It was an act of loving want, urging him, milking him with her body. This is what got him. It was that command from his boss that sent him over the edge. It aroused and excited him to be fucking his boss, but to see that bleed over into the real world was more than he could handle. Hands tight around her hips, he rammed into her, and he bellowed.

"No, no, quiet down," she snapped, but as he spewed, she went dumb. Braced against her desk and feeling him surging and erupting inside of her, Sara lost all self-control and fell as far as he did. The ring was warm and thrumming around her finger, and all of the affection she had developed for him as a result of its magic helped to enhance the orgasm and left her amused by his thoughtless, animal grunting.

Both were moaning and whining as Benjamin finished inside of her, and when his big body fell forward onto her, Sara actually smiled. She reached over her shoulder and patted his head, and she laughed. "Good boy," she said. "If that didn't do it…I don't know what will."

"You aren't mad," he panted, and Sara gave him a backward glance of confusion. "That I was yelling."

"Oh. That." She laughed and flexed around him. "I take it as a compliment. Besides, everyone knows I'm your wife, so there's no point in hiding it." She flexed around him again, as if in an effort to milk him, and moaned. "But you did leave me full. I'll be leaking all week from this."

"I don't think I came that much," he said. He was at rest against her back and lying on top of her, and she was doing nothing to stop him.

"I think you did," she said. "And I'm a woman. I would know." She looked at her watch and sighed. "As good as it feels to be so full of you, though, we should at least try and get some work done today."

"Fine, fine," said Benjamin, and he kissed her neck without thinking and slid out of her. Sara smiled at the intimacy of the act and let him withdraw completely before she stepped back into her royal, silky thong and turned to him.

"You're very handsome, you know," she said, and she adjusted the collar of his shirt and his belt. Then, she kissed them on the cheek. "We'll have some very beautiful babies."

Benjamin blushed. "I didn't realize you wanted children so badly," he said.

Sara laughed. "I didn't." She patted his manhood. "Now, get out there and get to work. We can fuck on the clock, mister, but we still have to get out work done."

"Y-Yes, ma'am," he stammered, and he rushed out of her office. On his way to his cubicle, he caught her watching her through the window and felt a mixed pride and embarrassment. She really seemed to like him, and it reminded him of his early days courting Kayla, before everything became so strange and different. He missed those days, and he enjoys the intimacy he was beginning to share with Sara, but he didn't know how to feel about the rings' involvement in it.

Emily, like Benjamin's other brides, had changed. She had lost weight where it would have been unwanted, and she had gained it where it would be most beneficial. To him, it looked less like she had lost weight overall and more like the weight had migrated to her hips, thighs, bottom, and bosom. When he had arrived to greet her and introduce her to her new husband, he had not expected to find her so voluptuous and beautiful, but he was not at all disappointed when he did.

When Benjamin arrived at his neighbor's house to meet his newest wife, it was Sherman who met him. Sherman had a pink-painted smile on his face and was wearing a skirt, and his smile grew wider when he saw Benjamin at the door. "Benji!" Sherman threw his arms around the shorter, squatter man, and fell into him like a woman might. Benjamin returned the embrace with a smile on his face. "Did you come to see her," asked Sherman knowingly as he stood back. His top was white and tucked into his skirt, and he wore a black choker around his graceful, slender neck.

"I have."

Sherman beamed. "You'll like what you see, I promise!" He took Benjamin's hand and led him inside. Their fingers laced as they walk. "Em has always been beautiful, but the ring has made her even more so. And her tits have gotten…Well, you'll see." Sherman led Benjamin inside and up the stairs. The interior of their home looked very much like Benjamin's house, and he knew the way to the master bedroom without even being led.

At the door to the master bedroom, Sherman knocked and called out, "Em, dear, are you decent? Our husband is here to see you." He turned and smiled at Benjamin. "Our husband." He gave a girlish giggle. "That is so surreal to say."

"It's surreal to hear, too," admitted Benjamin with a smile as he stood holding hands with his feminized neighbor while waiting on that very neighbor's wife to join them for what he assumed would be sex. All of it was surreal, but Benjamin had fewer and fewer complaints after each orgasm.

"Coming," called Emily's husky voice from the other side, and she stomped over to the door to open it for them.

Benjamin had been expecting beauty, but the ring had really done well. Her breasts were not as large as Sara's were, but they are still considerably large, and her nipples are stiff just by looking at Ben. Her midsection is tapered but her hips wide and womanly, with thick, shapely thighs on her legs and a pretty, round face staring at him in hope. She has lipstick on and is wearing a blue nightgown that is partially transparent.

"Hi, Ben…"

Sherman smiled. "Benjamin, darling, this is your new wife, Emily. Emily, meet your new, and better, husband: Ben."

"Emily," said Benjamin, and he offered her hand. "We've, uh, we've met before."

Emily purred. "Not like this, we haven't," she said, but she shook his hand. She looked him over. "I always thought you were just the old guy next door, but to be honest, you're kind of a DILF, Ben."

"Not kind of," said Sherman as he leaned over to whisper into Ben's ear. "You're definitely a DILF," he purred, and he kissed Ben's neck and ear while allowing his hands to roam down to Benjamin's waist. "He's a hot dad," said Sherman, caressing Benjamin's portly belly.

"He does have two kids," she said, and she found his cock and felt him through his pants. "And, what? Five wives?"

"S-Something like that," gasped Ben as Emily undid his pants with skill and familiarity. Though Ben was the man of the house, as it was, he was being manhandled by the loving couple, and neither seemed jealous of the other's affections and instead were using it to their advantage that they had Ben sandwiched between them. When Benjamin's heavy length fell into view, Emily caught him with both hands and gasped.

"Oh, wow, he is way bigger than you," she said, and she glowered quietly at Sherman as she stroked Ben. It was play, but it also wasn't. Ben's intervention into their marriage had not hurt Emily and Sherman's relationship, but it had altered it. Both of them preferred Ben to the other, and Emily certainly had her understanding of Sherman reframed by Ben's larger-than-life endowment.

Sherman took her criticism in stride and smiled as he approached. He added both of his hands to stroking Ben, and now Ben stood there with his pudgy belly exposed and three soft, dainty hands stroking his mammoth manhood. Emily moved her hand down to weigh Benjamin's heavy ballsac, and Sherman whispered, "Isn't he incredible."

Emily, also smiling, nodded as she stared at Ben's big, fat dick. "He is," she said, and she meant it. She was glad that her first husband was not jealous of her second, larger husband, but the rings distorted her understanding of the situation and granted her comprehension beyond herself. She knew that Sherman had no reason to be jealous because he was also one of Benjamin's wives. In a way, the rings had done their work and made it to where she and Sherman were hardly married at all. Instead of husband and wife, they were both wives to Benjamin now.

"Such a big, handsome man," murmured Sherman, and though he was taller than Benjamin, he was not as stout and leaned into Benjamin's body for support. He and Benjamin kissed, and then Benjamin looked at Emily, who stood on her tiptoes to kiss him as she held him by the root for her husband's stroking hands. "Such a big, hard, handsome man," Sherman continued, and Emily could not disagree with any of it.

Benjamin, for his part, was bewildered by their shared affection. He looked between them as they gave him quick, stolen kisses, and held his breath to keep from coming. As Sherman kissed him, Emily lowered herself to examine his cock up close, and she smelled him and kissed the root of him before nuzzling his pubic hair. "My God, you're so big," she whispered, and she looked up at Sherman. "And you've had this inside of you, Sherley?"

Sherman nodded proudly, and Emily bit her bottom lip and stared across Benjamin's hefty length.

"God, he must have stretched you."

"He did," Sherman purred, and Benjamin twitched in his firm grip. "And it felt so good, baby."

"It must have…" Emily kissed Benjamin's cock one last time before releasing him. She stood, and she went to the bed and crawled onto it. Then, lifting her hips and lowering her head, she held her ass cheeks apart and widened her legs so that her glistening pussy opened for him. "On Benji, baby, I think it's time we consummated our marriage."

Benjamin throbbed in Sherman's grasp, and Sherman laughed. "Oh, Emmi, that got him!"

Emily giggled and squealed in response. "Fuck, I'm so wet."

"She is," whispered Sherman into Benjamin's ear, and he led Benjamin over to the bed where his wife was waiting. "She's ready for you, Ben. She's ready for her real husband to open her up like he opened up her other husband." Sherman guided Ben and teased his wife's open, wanting cleft with Benjamin's fat, sticky crown. "God, Ben, she's never been like this for me before. You're going to destroy her. You're going to open her up and ruin her…" He smiled. "And I'm going to be here to see it up close!  Lucky, lucky me!"

"Lucky both of us," whispered Emily quietly, and she wiggled her hips so that her parted pussy lips slapped around Benjamin's waiting, aching crown. Then, without waiting any longer, she moved back on him and swallowed him to his full length. Every inch left her feeling fuller and more stretched than she knew what to do with, and each one that entered her made her feel like she could take no more. Yet, she could, and she did.

The rings abided. Emily was rebuilt for Benjamin and, as a result, was perfectly suited to take him. She wallowed him to his root as Sherman held him in place, and Benjamin and Sherman both watched as Benajmin's impossible length disappeared into Emily's gripping folds. She didn't stop until she took him to the root and her overstretched vulva left a wet kiss against Sherman's fingers.

"Wow," whispered Sherman.

"Yeah," whispered Benjamin.

Emily groaned. Then, braced against the bed, she began moving on him. She shook her hips on him and slowly picked up speed, and soon she was slapping her round bottom against his pelvis with loud, hard smacks as she rocked back against him with increasing, desperate force. "Yes," she hissed, and her fingers curled the blanket around them as she came for him. "Yes, yes, yes! Fuck me, Benjamin! Fuck your wife! Fuck your wife while Sherley watches!"

Benjamin groaned and throbbed inside of her, and Sherman leaned onto his shoulder and stared at his very own wife stroked him with long, loud slaps of her wet pussy against his bristly pubic root. "God, that's so hot," he whispered. "Ben…" He moved his hand down to tease Benjamin's testicles, and he whispered, "I've really never seen her like this before. I've never seen her this wet and ready, and I've definitely never had her fucking like this. It's like she's an entirely new woman." He grinned. "It's like she's finally found the right man for the job, actually."

"The…right…man…" Benjamin could hardly think. He was intoxicated by the way Emily moved on him. Though he had always found her attractive in a simple, conventional way, he was not attracted to her. Up until he found out she was cheating, Benjamin was happily married to Kayla. Now, he had four extra wives and a massive dick. It was all a lot, and he was still struggling to keep up with it.

Emily did not struggle. It was like her body was made for him, and despite his size, she glided on him with relentless motion. Her ass clapped hard against him with wet smacks against his pelvis, and she flexed around him as repeated orgasms tightened her core. With Sherman behind him, Benjamin began moving, and Emily squealed in delight as his massive length drilled into the deepest parts of her.

"Sherley!" Emily panted and drooled into the blanket as she buried her face into it. With her voice muffled, she moaned, "He's fucking me! He's fucking me, Sherley! He's fucking me, and it's so good!"

"I'm jealous," purred Sherman, but he was smiling as he leaned into Benjamin. "Look at her, stretched around you. I wish I was the one you started fucking."

"You had him first," whined Emily, and she sat up so that her face was free. She was on her hands now, and she bounced back against him on each of his hard strokes. "God, it's great!"

Sherman bit his bottom lip and whispered, "Just wait until you take him up your ass." He smacked her bottom as it jiggled in front of him, and he laughed. "God, she's got such a big, round bottom now. And you deserve it, Ben. You get the best versions of us both, and you deserve it!"

"He fucks so good," crooned Emily, and she was drooling from the pleasure.

Sherman grinned. "Better than me, honey?"

"So. Much. Better!"

"I would be hurt, if I wasn't so proud of you, baby," he said, and he kissed Benjamin lightly on the cheek to show his pride. Still kissing Benjamin, and ignoring the bouncing of his wife's bottom on the bigger man's cock, Sherman whispered to his husband, "Fuck her, Benjamin. Fuck our wife. Fill her. Give her the fucking that I have never been able to give her. Make her forget me and become you wife only."

"Oh, God," groaned Benjamin, and he moved without thinking and took hold of Emily's wide hips. With Sherman cooing and laughing and kissing his neck, shoulder and back, Benjamin did as told and fucked Emily hard. He took all of his frustration and confusion out on her, and he hammered the deepest parts of her with rough, careless forward strokes while she clawed at the bed and wailed.

"Yes, yes, yes," she screamed, and she collapsed onto her breasts again and held her hips up for him. Emily stopped moving and instead positioned herself to absorb Ben's aimless strokes. Behind them both, Sherman cheered Ben on while kissing his shoulder.

"Oh, Em, he's fucking you so hard, baby!"

"He is," she hissed, and she did not speak after that as the words were forced from her. Benjamin, driven to madness by his lust, rammed her until he could not move, and then he finally pulsed and fired into her depths and hosed her womb with more semen than Sherman had given her across multiple years of marriage. Immediately, she was grateful to the both of them for giving her a ring, and Emily pushed back to meet him so that her pussy lips were wrapped firmly around his root so that she could milk of him everything he had.

Sherman, pinned against Benjamin's big, sweaty back and hugging him, chuckled quietly into his husband's ear. "You're pumping her full, aren’t you, Benji? You're pumping our wife full."

"My wife," rasped Benjamin with sudden but meaningful emphasis. It caught Sherman by surprise, but it did not upset him.

"Yes," he said. "You're wife. We're both your wives. You made me your woman, and then you made her your woman, too. You've made us both yours. You own us."

"Yes," hissed Emily with open affection and want, and she continued to flex around Benjamin as her pussy melted around him. "His," she said.

"Both mine," said Benjamin as he came out of his stupor, and he cupped Sherman's head and pulled him into a deep kiss. It was punctuation and a promise, and it Sherman into a stupid, appreciative silence as this new Benjamin took charge of them both. He hugged Benjamin and caressed his big belly, and he drank his husband's saliva. As they parted, Benjamin stared Sherman in his glittering eyes and said, "Help her clean me."

"O-Of course," said Sherman, and his voice was light and feminine. He moved around Benjamin with his own pathetic, meager hard-on, and he helped guide Emily off of him. Then, together, the former couple moved and settled onto the edge of the bed so that they could share Benjamin's oversized, half-erect shaft.

Benjamin rested a hand on each of them and let them lick him on each side. Their tongues met around him, and they kissed, but Benjamin did not find jealousy in that. At this point, it was clear to him that their marriage revolved around him. He was what held them together, and it made him smile to see them kiss as they shared him. "You two look so good together," he said as their lips smeared across his shaft. "You look good with my dick between you."

"We love your dick," whispered Sherman, and Emily moaned in agreement.

Once he was clean, Benjamin dressed and let them dress. They walked him to the front door and told him not to be a stranger, and each of them planted a wanton, willing kiss on his lips. At this point, Benjamin would normally sober on his way back to his home, but he didn't this time. Instead, he only grew more self-righteous as he returned home to his cheating wife and his ring-bearing daughter, and as his indignation grew, so, too, did his rage.

Benjamin came home to his family and went about his evening like he normally would, but he was changed, and he knew it. Taking Emily in front of Sherman had been both exhilarating and eye-opening in the same way that being begged to be bred by Sara had been. His timidity was fading, and nothing proved that to him more than the way he openly lusted after Violet over dinner.

For her part, Violet enjoyed the attention. Kayla seemed to notice his lingering gaze on Violet but did not seem to care, and Ellie was oblivious. The latter was a blessing, while the former was a frustration. Ben knew that his relationship with his wife was damaged, but he did not realize how hurt he was by her infidelity until he was longing for her jealous as he stared brazenly at his daughter's magic-enhanced bosom.

This left him horny and vengeful by the end of supper, and it found him in his daughter's room, standing over her bed with both hands on her head as he fucked her mouth with firm but gentle thrusts. Violet held him by the wrist and mewled as saliva spilled out around her stretched lips, and she watched him with familial affection as he teased her throat with his fat, sticky cock crown.

"Oh, daddy," Violet purred when he allowed her space to breath. She withdrew from his cock but held his saliva-slick length to her pretty face and nuzzled him with affection. "Mm. I can taste someone else on you." He grinned at him. "One of your other wives? You have so many now."

"Stop talking," grunted Benjamin, and he moved her to feed her his oversized testicles. He was not meaning to be short with her, and Violet did not seem at all offended. If anything, she was happy, and she smiled as she stared up at him with half her face eclipsed by his gargantuan, magic-enhanced manhood.

To his shame, Violet had gotten used to cleaning him. He would come home after a long day of work and let Violet throat Sara's pussy juices straight from his cock. She knew about Sherman already, and he knew that the magic would silence any questions she had about Emily before they even had time or space to form in her pretty head

Benjamin moaned at his daughter slurped his balls, and then freed her so that she could lick her way up his shaft. She appeared with a smile again, and she tongued his crown and urethra while holding him with both hands. "You're so hard for me, daddy. I love it!"

Increasing, Benjamin loved it, too. He was not fully ready to admit it yet, but he had come to find something erotic about having his daughter as his wife. He did not like the taboo necessarily, though that had diminished greatly as his powerful, potent orgasms eased his guilty conscious with promises of pleasure. It was the daily blowjobs that had warmed him to her. Wife or not, convenience was difficult to forego. In short, Violet wanted cum, and Benjamin was not unwilling to provide it for her.

Leaned into her, he groaned and whispered without thinking. "Fuck, your mother never did me like that," he said, and he balked once the words registered after saying them. Violet seemed unperturbed and was simply busy tonguing his dick and stroking him. He guided himself back into her mouth, Violet took him with smooth familiarity and began throating him. Rather than stop her, Benjamin moved with her, fucking his precious daughter's throat with animal abandon.

Violet loved it, and long ribbons of sloppy saliva ran from her chin and dripped onto her blouse. Her breasts swung, and her hair was a mess as Benjamin curled his fingers in it. He did not relent until he came, and he held her in place as he thickened her throat with his offering. She choked him down until she could not choke anymore, and then withdrew at his urging to take the rest across the face.

When finished, Benjamin fell breathlessly onto her bed and panted as she cleaned him. Violet was a mess. Her cheeks were red with exertion and her eyes were glassy and distance. Her face was coated with a thick layer of semen, and her lips were slightly swollen. She lolled her tongue out as she licked him with long, eager swipes, and she mewled like the animal he abused her as she cleaned him.

Benjamin regarded his daughter with dismay and loss. His wife had never treated him with such affection and care, and he had never abused her like he abused Violet. With his cock still partially erect against his daughter's sticky cheek, Benjamin began to weep. He wept loud and hard at the loss of his wife, and he wept long and hard at the transformation of his daughter.

Violet saw him crying and regarded him with worry. Removing herself from his cock, she frowned. "Daddy," she whispered, and she released his dick and crawled up to him. Taking care not to touch him with her sticky hands, she tried to comfort him, and she found words were all that was adequate to do so. "Daddy? Daddy, what's wrong?"

Hearing those gentle words from a voice he recognized, Benjamin opened his eyes to find Violet staring at him with genuine concern. It was not the simple-minded fawning induced by the ring, but actual, sincere love and care for him, and that made the tears flow even more freely. He realized, with his limp cock at rest on her bed and the magical ring affixed to her finger, he could not lie to her anymore.

Benjamin told Violet everything. He told her about the rings, which she already knew about, and he told her about Kayla's affair. Violet listened without judgment, and she stood to towel herself off. She left only briefly to watch herself, and she came back with a cup of water and some tissues for her father. Then, she patted and rubbed his back while he recovered. When finished, Benjamin gave her a forlorn look and asked, "Are you upset with me?"

"For what? For the ring?" Violet looked at the ring and shrugged, and then she leaned over to kiss her father squarely on the mouth. Benjamin was surprised, but he did not remove himself. He merely stared at his daughter, who kept her eyes closed, and he parted his lips when he felt her tongue probing. As they parted, she smiled. "No, daddy, I'm not mad about that. I love you, and I don't care where that love comes from."


"About mom, though." She frowned and crossed her arms over her chest. She reminded him briefly of how she used to look as a child doing that, but that image was quickly overtaken by her newly swollen bosom. Their relationship was complicated, but he figured time would smooth it out. "Mom bothers me." She looked at Benjamin. "You should, like, get revenge or something. Or use one of your rings to take her back? I don't know."

"Use one of my rings…" Benjamin stared at the golden ring on his finger. Whenever he wasn't looking at it, he swore he saw words moving across it. Whenever he looked, however….His eyes opened wide. "Vi, dear, you're a genius."

"I know," she said. "But what did I say?"

"I could kill two birds with one stone," he said, and he clutched her by the shoulders and pulled her into another kiss. Violet kissed him back and then fell into him, and for the first time since she found the ring, Benjamin did not leave his daughter's room before sunrise.

Laurie had never intended to steal Kayla away from anyone, but she did know that Kayla was married. It had started as an innocent crush. Kayla was a beautiful woman, but she was also smart and kind. When Laurie first started teaching, Kayla was her mentor, and Laurie learned so much from her. Over time, she came to depend on her, and after that, she came to love her.

Their affair had started as an accident. Late one evening after school, they had stayed to get some grading done. They had ordered in supper while Kayla's husband was at home with her daughters. They were not drinking, but Laurie had gotten giddy and slaphappy. It felt like a date, and she had confessed her attraction to Kayla.

Kayla was vanilla. She had only ever dated men, though she admitted to finding Laurie very pretty. They kissed, and then they didn't talk about it for weeks afterward. Laurie had thought it was a mistake. She was horrified, and she told herself that Kayla was just using her to experiment. Then, Kayla had come back and apologized. She had broken down sobbing, and Laurie had comforted her. They kissed again, and it was the second of many to come.

Neither of them liked the affair, but they didn't know another way to make it work. Benjamin was a nice guy, and he deserved honesty. Laurie wished that Kayla would have at least been honest with him, even if she understood why they couldn't divorce. Eleanor would be graduating soon, though, and then Laurie could have the relationship she had spent nearly two years dreaming about.

A part of her was afraid that Kayla was being dishonest. Sometimes, especially when they first started seeing each other, Laurie would stay up all night anxious that it was a trick. Gradually, she came to accept the situation, and over time, she even stopped feeling guilty. At least, she stopped feeling guilty most of the time, but sometimes Benjamin would visit Kayla at work, and it would remind her of everything she wanted and everything he had.

Laurie hated Benjamin, but she had no reason to. She knew she was wrong, but she resented the things he had and did not appreciate.  Kayla was always polite and diplomatic. She did not hold hands with Benjamin or kiss him. In fact, she did not allow any PDA of any sort. On the most recent visit, after Benjamin left, Laurie found a strange, silver ring on her desk. It was polished and almost shining, and whenever she looked at it, she thought she saw moving script across the interior, though further investigation betrayed nothing.

She put the ring on without thinking, and after that, everything changed.


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