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Chapter Four:

Benjamin woke up hard on Sunday morning and stared at himself in the mirror. He had to admit, he had gotten used to having such a big, thick cock, though he was still struggling to cope with his near constant arousal. His wife never noticed his size, and he didn’t try to draw her attention to it. He still had rings left, even with his two previous mistakes, but giving one to Kayla felt somehow like forgiving her, and he was not ready for that.

He stared at his gargantuan, jutting erection and scratched his belly. “Just one more day, big guy. We just need to make it one day without shooting, and then we can use Sara however he like.”

His resolve was tested and found inadequate by the time breakfast was over. Violet had come downstairs in what would have been a tame outfit prior to their unwilling, unofficial marriage. She wore shorts that barely covered her bottom when she was standing and her new bosom took what was a normal tank top and filled it with cleavage for him to stare at.

Benjamin was already hard before he saw her, and the knowledge that he could have her at any time he pleased was too good for him to ignore. He grimaced, he sighed and then he told himself to pay a visit next door and to bring a ring with him to fix the mistake he had previously made. After all, Sherman was affected now, and while Benjamin didn’t know what that would do to the other man, he figured it would give him some freedom to plant a seed in their home and make Emily blossom like Violet had.

He kept that resolve until he made it to the front door. Then, dick throbbing, he knocked and held his breath as he waited. It would be easiest if Emily answered the door, and he knew that, but Sherman answered, and something strange overtook Benjamin when he saw the other, taller man.

Benjamin was a bit chubby, and he was very well-endowed. Sherman was tall and almost willowy now. What muscle he had seemed to have faded away and in its place was soft, smooth flesh that gave him the appearance of womanhood. Looking at him, Benajmin could see gentle femininity, and he understood then what the ring had done to Sherman without fully understanding it.

“Benjamin?” Sherman smiled as he stood in the open doorway. His voice was higher and softer now, and his cheeks were a bit rosy looking at him. He looked down his body and said, “Oh my gosh, I’m so sorry, I look like a total mess right now, don’t I? You just, you can come on in, and I’ll go get changed and…”

“No,” said Benjamin, and he stared fixedly at Sherman’s pretty face and pink lips. He really looked like a woman close up, save for the slender hips and the flat chest. It made him wonder. “Sherman, do me a favor? Pull your pants down and show me your dick.”

Sherman was smiling and blushing until Benjamin said that, and then the smile left his face. He stared Benjamin in the eyes, and he bit her bottom lip like a woman might. The rings endowed those who wore them. Women were given wide, womanly, child-bearing hips and large breasts to feed with. Benjamin was given a massive dick built for breeding, but what happened to a man who was made a bride? Benjamin had a hunch.

Sherman fiddled with the hem of his pajama pants. His shirt was oversized, but as he tugged on his pants, he flashed Benjamin a hint of pale flesh and hipbone. His cheeks were still rosy red, but his voice was a velvet purr as he lowered his pants. “It’s a little embarrassing, but I guess since it’s you…”

“You’ll do it?”

Sherman nodded and showed more of himself. He lowered his pants to show off his genitals, and in doing so confirmed Benjamin’s suspicions. Sherman had not been made a woman, but he had been made close enough. The sight of his small penis and tiny testicles would have been comical if it didn’t make Benjamin so hard. Benjamin swallowed, and then stared Sherman in the eyes.


“Yes, dear?”

“Why did you show me your dick like that.”

“You asked me to,” he said lightly, and he did not move to hide his body from Benjamin. He was smooth and hairless across his torso, and what hair he had around his dick was soft and thin. He bit his bottom lip again and whispered, “As your wife, I am bound by vows to honor and obey you.”

“And you are my wife?”

“Of course,” said Sherman haughtily, and he proudly displayed the ring Benjamin had left on the front step. “Ever since I put this on, I’ve been married to you.”

“That makes three now,” said Benjamin.


“Never mind.” Benjamin stepped closer and took Sherman by the shoulders. He stood on his tiptoes to touch their lips together. Sherman was surprised at first, but he closed his eyes and leaned into the kiss. As they parted, Sherman smiled and lowered himself to kiss Benjamin again. Their tongues met, and Sherman moaned. As they parted, Benjamin looked between them and laughed. “Your dick is so small.”

Benjamin smiled. “It is,” he said. “It’s more like a clit.” He looked timid as he met Benjamin’s gaze. “Do you…like it?”

“I shouldn’t,” said Benjamin, though he didn’t know why. He wasn’t gay, but he didn’t beleaguer homosexuals. This didn’t feel like a homosexual attraction, though. He didn’t understand it, but he knew it was different. Perhaps it was because Sherman hardly counted as a man anymore. He was a bride, not a groom. They were married a man and wife. It just so happened that this wife was also a man.

Sherman, still blushing and smiling with his tiny dicklet on display, stared Benjamin in the eye and asked, “Can I…see yours?”

Benjamin swallowed. This felt wrong and taboo, but that only made it better. He gave Sherman a playful grin and said, “You want to see mine? What, you want to compare sizes?”

“If you want to,” said Sherman with a grin of his own. He was mirroring Benjamin’s expression in place of having anything in his head but blazing arousal. He lifted his shirt to show off his smooth, hairless torso, and he bit his bottom lip again. “Honestly, I just want to see my husband’s dick. I haven’t gotten to yet, and we’ve been married for a full evening.”

“Marriage isn’t just about sex,” said Benjamin, but he undid the belt on his pants and yanked his pants open to free his turgid cock. He was already leaking precum, and Sherman gasped when he saw him. Sherman’s only tiny dick was hard now, but it was still laughably small. Benjamin stepped forward with supreme confidence and lined his dick up with Sherman’s, and he held them side-by-side for comparison.

“You’re so big,” whispered Sherman with open, animal delight.

“And you’re not,” said Benjamin.

“Why should I be? I’m the wife in our relationship,” teased Sherman, and he released his shirt to take hold of Benjamin by his shaft and stroke the other man’s gargantuan manhood. “And good lord, it’s not fair to compare here,” he said. “I mean, look at you. Even normal men are small compared to you.”

What Sherman said is true, but Benjamin didn’t care. He took hold of Sherman by the hips as Sherman held him and stroked him, and he lined Sherman up against his dick. Sherman was, at most, a fourth of Benjamin in length and maybe half of him in girth, though it was hard to tell. Sherman saw what Benjamin was doing and laughed as he held Benjamin’s larger manhood against his own.

“There,” he said playfully, and his eyes danced as he smiled. “Since you were comparing anyway. Look. You’re bigger.” Sherman rubbed himself against Benjamin’s longer, thicker length and moaned. “Nn. But, I’m just as hard. And look…” Sherman gathered his own precum and smeared it on Benjamin’s dick. Benjamin twitched, and Sherman squealed with delight as how much precum he made. “Oh my God! I was about to say that I’m wet like a woman, but look at how much precum you have. Are you turned on, hubby-dearest?”

Benjamin didn’t feel like himself and growled as he pushed his way into Sherman’s house. He held Sherman tight by the hair and pulled him into a fierce kiss, and then he turned Sherman around and pinned him to the wall. Sherman gasped and squealed, but he did not fight. In fact, he lifted his hips for Benjamin so that his new husband could see his puckered, waiting butthole.

“Take me,” whined Sherman, and he shook his ass at Benjamin. “Consummate our marriage!”

Benjain grunted and lined up. He used one hand to guide his dick and held Sherman in place by the hair with his other. “You ever do this with another man before?”

“I’ve never done this before,” he said, and he kissed Benjamin’s cockhead with his asshole. He looked at Benjamin over his shoulder and smiled. “But you don’t have to worry about being gentle.” The ring on his finger thrummed as he spoke and sent shockwaves of pleasure through him as if in reward for his commitment to Benjamin.

Benjamin thrust, grunted, and filled Sherman with his length. Sherman was taller, and so he had to crouch to take Benjamin. He was braced against the wall and had his face forced forward against it. A low, quiet moan escaped Sherman as Benjamin’s balls came to rest against him. He could feel Benjamin’s pubic hair tickling his ass, and then he flexed and spurted.

Sherman’s tiny little man-clit erupted in a pitiful display of pleasure and stayed hard afterward. He soiled his wall but hardly had a thought or feeling about it. All he knew in that moment was Benjamin’s strong hands around his slender hips and Benjamin’s rigid cock filling his insides. He felt like he couldn’t breathe around Benjamin, but when Benjamin finally moved inside of him, he wanted only for Benjamin to fill him again.

Behind Sherman, Benjamin grunted as he fell into a steady, slow rhythm of thrusts and holds. “That’s…tight,” he grunted, and he held Sherman by the hips with one hand and the small of the back with the other. Sherman was adapting and adjusting. He was tight, but he was moving to meet Benjamin’s thrusts. The ring made it to where there was no pain. Every part of the person who wore it was perfectly compatible with Benjamin, and it made him wonder if he should try this with Sara or his daughter.

Sherman drooled. “So big,” he whispered with his face against the cool wall and his hands there to brace and meet the impact of each of Benjamin’s powerful forward strokes. Benjamin was so strong, and it felt good to be moved by him and to absorb his movements. Each stroke made their balls clap, and Sherman loved thew ay that Benjamin’s larger testicles pummeled him. He simply loved how much bigger and better Benjamin was.

Benjamin watched Sherman’s tiny bottom bounce against him and could not help but imagine himself in the same situation with Violet and Sara. He imagined her feminine bodies moving against him, and he felt impowered and emboldened. His dick was hard and throbbing, and he had taken Sherman with force and with ease. If he wanted this from either his daughter or his boss, he could take it, and he knew it.

He took hold of Sherman by the hair and yanked the other man’s head back. Sherman moaned like a woman but did not fight him. Benjamin saw this and smiled as he gave harder, faster thrusts. His orgasm was approaching, and he was about to hose his neighbor’s insides. Benjamin panted as he quickened. “You really like this, don’t you? You really like being taken by another man?”

“Yes,” hissed Sherman with little shame, and he made sure to lift his hips as he arched his back.

“Of course you do,” grunted Benjamin, whose dick was so thick that it hurt. His forehead was beaded with sweat and his cheeks red with exertion. He smacked Sherman’s ass and growled, “You’re my wife. You’re barely even a man anymore, are you?!”

“Your…wife…” murmured Sherman, who bit back a moan to keep from alerting his own wife as he came again. The wall was sticky with his pleasure, and yet it was still less than what Benjamin was about to give him. He moaned. “So good…!!!”

“I’m about to come,” grunted Benjamin, and he leaned against Sherman’s slender, sweaty back for support. He kissed Sherman lightly on the shoulder and whispered, “When I do…When I come in you, you won’t be Sherman to me anymore. You’ll be Sherley instead. Sherley, my wife.”

This announcement brought a smile to Sherman’s face, and Sherman flexed around Benjamin with urgent excitement to earn his new name. Benjamin felt this and bit Sherman’s shoulder hard to keep come yelling, and he rammed into Sherman one last time and moaned into the taller man’s soft flesh as he flooded Sherman’s welcoming, ready bowels.

It was not the biggest orgasm of Benjamin’s life, but it was plenty. He stood behind Sherman and shook as his teeth left bruises in the taller man’s flesh. When his orgasm finally eased, he released his jaw and stared at the mark he left on his new wife. Then, he looked at Sherman’s skinny bottom flattened his pelvis and laughed as he held the other man by the hips. “There, Sherman, our marriage is now consummated.”

“Sherley,” corrected Sherman carefully.

Benjamin looked at him with dizzy confusion. “What…?” Then he smiled and laughed. “Oh, right, right…” He swatted Sherman’s bottom. “Sherley.” Sherman flexed around him with a mewl, and Benjamin grunted. “Shit, you’re tight.”

Sherman giggled in a feminine way and shook his head. “No, no, no, not after that, I’m not.”

“Yeah?” Benjamin grinned and flexed inside of Sherman. “Did you like it, Sherley?”

“I. Loved. It!! I’ve never been fucked by a man before, but if it always feels this good, then I’ve been wasting my life without it.”

“It doesn’t,” growled Benjamin, who suddenly felt possessive, and he pulled Sherman into him. He was going limp, but he still had enough steel to apply pressure to Sherman’s insides. Sherman moaned. “Only I feel this good, Sherley. So, you better keep this asshole of yours for me.”

“Of course, sweetie. Of course.” Sherman reached back and pulled Benjamin into a kiss. This brought them closer and kept Benjamin inside of him. As they parted, Sherman sighed. “Oh, fuck, I think I could do this all day and never get tired of it. Nn.” He flexed again, and he swore that he felt Benjamin twitch inside of him.

“But I can’t,” said Benjamin, and he eased out of Sherman with a wet suck. Semen followed his dick out, and he stared at the other man’s stretched, leaking asshole with mixed pride and shock. “Wow, I really did a number on you, huh?”

“I’ll go back to normal, I promise, don’t you worry.” Sherman turned to face Benjamin and smiled at his husband’s large, hanging cock. “Want me to clean it for you?”

Benjamin looked down and shook his head. “No,” he said, and he began tugging his pants back on. His briefs got tangled, and Sherman came over to stop him and help him sort it out. Benjamin stared Sherman in the eyes as the other man handled his privates. “I, um, should be getting back.”

“I fully understand,” said Sherman. He still had his pants down, and his tiny dick was still hard. He leaned forward and kissed Benjamin lightly on the lips. “Come over whenever you want. I’m always ready for you.”

Benjamin blushed. “W-What about your wife?”

Sherman laughed quietly. “She can learn to share.”

Sherman had been a pleasant surprise, but he had not been enough to keep Benjamin satisfied through the whole weekend. Sunday night, before work, Benjamin woke up hard and could not resist. He snuck down to Violet’s room, and she welcomed him into her bed with a sleepy smile. They fucked until he fell asleep in her arms, and Benjamin was just sneaking out of his daughter’s bedroom when his wife caught him.

Benjamin had expected World War III. Instead, he got a withering glare as Kayla said, “Could you two keep it down next time?”

His cheeks went crimson red. “Y-You heard?”

“The whole neighborhood heard.” Kayla rolled her eyes. “I know it’s the honeymoon period, but you’re a grown man. Take responsibility next time, will you?”

“Erp,” said Benjamin, and he nodded, and Kayla rolled her eyes again and stormed past him down the hall.

After that, Benjamin avoided Violet for the morning. He left early for work and spent his commute considering what his wife had said. She clearly knew what he was doing with Violet, and she was clearly upset by the noise it made and not by the act itself. That told him two things: firstly, he was not being nearly as discreet as he had thought he was. Secondly, his wife’s concern about the noise they were making and not the sin they were committing informed him that the ring’s magic affected even her perception of him and his daughter.

Kayla clearly viewed Violet as Benjamin’s wife and daughter, and she was not confused, frustrated or alarmed by this. That meant that the rings changed how people unaffected by the rings saw those who were wearing them, too. By following that line of logic, everyone Benjamin worked with saw Sara as his boss and his wife, and Sherman’s wife saw Sherman as Benjamin’s wife, too.

The power and freedom this gave him was intoxicating to Benjamin and had him plump by the time he made it to work. He entered with a bulge in his pants and a grin on his face. Things with Violet were out of control, but he did not have to worry so much about being caught as he previously already was. If they slipped up and were caught, his wife would find it distasteful but not immoral, and that was a huge relief from his shoulders.

It was also a distraction at work, and Benjamin was completely unable to get anything done. He kept staring at his computer screen with blank disinterest as he imagined all the ways he could fuck his daughter. He could visit her in the day and ram her hard so long as he stuffed her mouth first. It was wrong, but made things easier for him, and that made him hard in the moment.

He was so distracted that he hadn’t noticed Sara’s approach until her heavy breasts were at rest against his back and her velvet voice was purring into his ear. “Oh Benjamin, dear?” She kissed him lightly on the cheek as he jerked, and smiled at him through his blank, darkened monitor which he was staring at. “Are you okay, Ben? You seem a little…distracted.” Her hands found him through his pants as she spoke, and her ruby red lips were curved into a knowing and eager smile.

“Sara,” he croaked.

“I can’t keep you around if you’re not even going to pretend to work,” she said firmly, though she had a playfulness in her eyes and in her smile. She licked his earlobe and moaned. “People will start whispering about how I play favorites with my husband and his big, hard dick at work.” Sara took hold of him with both hands through his pants and gave him a firm squeeze as he thickened for her. “Do you need help focusing, Ben?”

“Yes,” he gasped, and she undid his pants for him. His hard dick jumped out of his open pants, and they both stared at the majesty of it.

Sara bit her bottom lip as she took hold of him with both hands, and she stroked him slowly from crown to root. “Then you need to get your computer on, mister.”

Benjamin moved quickly and with force. He jabbed his thumb into the power button of his computer tower and then sat back into Sara’s hanging bosom. She smiled as the screen blurred to life and stroked him with a slow, firm grip on him. Benjamin shook and panted in her gasp. “W-What if someone sees us?”

“Then we tell them the truth: I’m just motivating my lazy husband in a way that only a wife can.”

Benjamin groaned. “You’d tell them that you’re my wife?”

“Why not,” laughed Sara, and she twisted her hands on him lightly. Precum oozed and gathered on his crown, and she wet her palms with it and used it to stroke him. “They already know. You aren’t nearly as slick as you think you are, my handsome man.” She kissed him on the cheek again, and Benjamin became aware of how her lipstick left a trail of kisses along his cheek and neck as she tended to him. “Then again, neither am I.”

“W-What do you mean?”

“Your dick is so nice and big,” whispered Sara, and she held him by the root so that she could examine him. She sighed afterward. “I really am a very lucky woman to have such a handsome husband with such a nice, big, handsome dick, aren’t I?” As she spoke, Sara reached into Benjamin’s pants and gently cupped his heavy, sperm-laden testicles. “So nice and big…”

“M-My screen is on,” he whispered, and Sara laughed beside him.

“So it is,” she said. “But, you’re still not focused, are you?” She sighed again, but he could hear the mirth in her tone. Sara released his dick and pulled his chair back. “I’ll have to stay and keep you on task then, won’t I,” she purred, and she lifted her pencil skirt just enough to yank her panties down before she took hold of him again. Sarah, with her wide hips and round bottom sticking out at him, guided Benjamin into her, and Benjamin stared wide-eyed as she round bottom slowly and methodically swallowed his shaft.

This was not the first time they had fucked, but it was the first time they had done it outside of her office. To this point, Sara had been careful to keep their time together private from the others. Even now, she did not seem like she was flaunting it so much as she was too horny to think straight. Benjamin had noticed how the ring had distorted people’s perception. It had made Violet almost mindlessly horny, and it had definitely twisted Sherman and lowered his inhibitions.

Sarah was ready and willing, and she took him to the root smoothly and braced against the desk for support as she took to riding him. Benjamin held her by the hips and moved with her. He guided her on his dick, and she bit back her moans to keep from announcing their union to the office, but the shaking of Benjamin’s cubicle was enough to announce it anyway, as was the way her head bobbed and bounced into view or how anyone could walk by and peek in to find them like this.

Even as he bounced her on his cock, Benjamin kept glancing around the office certain that they would get caught. “S-Sara,” he whispered through heavy panting as the warm, wet vice of her pussy massaged him with each movement of her body.

“Y-Yes, dear?” She had her back arched and her skirt up to show her pale bottom as it jiggled against him on each downstroke. Benjamin cupped the supple, undulating flesh as she moved on him and stared at the cleft of her pale bottom.

“S-Shouldn’t we do this in your office? A-Aren’t afraid we’ll be caught.”

“That’s a good idea,” she sighed, but she did not stop moving on him. He could see her bosom shaking as she leaned forward on her hands. She had sweat on her pretty forehead, and she rode him with her eyes closed like she was focusing on the pleasure of him. A shiver moved through her, and she flexed around him and grew wetter. “Nn. B-But it’s too late that for that, isn’t it? You’re already too hard to hide it. The only thing we can do now is…finish!” She slammed her hips down on him again and shook as another orgasm seized her. This one was larger than the last, and she had to work hard to swallow the moan that was reverberating through her.

“Oh God…,” panted Benjamin, and her heard her laugh in response.

“My thoughts exactly,” she whispered. “I-I’m sorry. After a weekend apart, I just…”

This time, Benjamin smiled. It flattered him to realize that his work wife was thinking about him and that their relationship was not so one-sided. To this point, she had been with him as a matter of pragmatism. She needed a good work performance from him, and so she satisfied him as a way of keeping him on task. This confirmed to him that she wanted him as badly as he wanted her if not more, and hearing that emboldened him.

“In that case,” he said, and he stood from his chair and buried himself into her depths. Her bottom flattened against him as he took her by the shoulder with one hand and held her hips steady with the other so that he could fuck her properly.

Sara fell forward onto her breasts and stared back at him in mixed fright and arousal. “Benjamin, what are you doing?!”

“My husbandly duty,” he said, and he gave a hard thrust into her that made a wet smacking sound as his balls slapped against her slick, sloppy flesh. Her bottom flattened against him and bounced as he moved her against him, and she braced against his cubicle with a gasp as her head lulled and bobbed.

“No,” she rasped, but her voice was quiet to keep from drawing attention. Saliva ran from her ruby red lips and gathered on his desk and on his keyboard. She groaned. “People will see.”

“Then let them see,” he said, and he took her by her red hair and jerked her head up. “I’m not breaking any laws right now,” he told her. “I’m just fucking my wife.”

“Yes,” she hissed, and the ring hijacked her. She was bound to him, forced by the magic of the ring to honor him and obey him. This meant that she not only had to do what he wanted, but she had to take pleasure in it, too. Her heavy bosom swung with the movements of her body, and she reached back to press her hand against his chest as he hit her insides with increasingly forceful strokes. “Oh, God, yes, Ben!!”

Benjamin grinned as she used his name. It felt intimate and right. He knew that they shouldn’t be doing this. He knew it was wrong to abuse his power over her like this. It was nepotism but on steroids, but he could not resist. The sight of her body jiggling and molding against him, reacting to his efforts. It was intoxicating in a way that he couldn’t fully understand. He thickened inside of her and gasped. “Do you like that, Sara? Do you like how hard I’m fucking you right now?”

“Yes,” she groaned, and she panted as her pale bottom clapped against him. She was so young but so voluptuous. All his life, Benjamin had wanted to be with a woman who looked like her. He was happy with Kayla, but this opportunity was like a dream come true as he thickened inside of her. Sara felt it, and she moaned. “Oh, you’re close,” she whined.

“Want me to pull out,” he gasped, and she shook her head. “You want me to finish inside of you?” She nodded, and he twitched. “But I could get you pregnant,” he warned, but he had a response he desperately wanted to hear, and he spewed when she gave it.

“Then I get pregnant,” she panted, and then she bit her other hand hard enough to draw blood just to keep from screaming. She came just as hard as he did, and she curled up in front of him and wept with pleasure as he flooded her insides with his scalding hot seed. As he finished, she opened her mouth and stared at the small bite marks she left in her hand, and she was flattered as Benjamin reached over her for the tissue box on his desk and provided her with tissues.

“Are you okay,” he gasped behind her, and he took her hand and attended to it.

“Oh, Ben,” she said softly, and she pulled his hand to her lips and gave him a tender kiss on the palm. He was still thick inside of her, and the gentleness of the kiss had him twitching inside of her again, too. She felt it, and she cooed. “You could go again, couldn’t you, you stud?”

“If you helped me,” he said, but he flexed inside of her. He felt like a stud.

“Maybe over lunch,” she asked, and she flexed, too. “But we should at least pretend like we’re getting some work done before we get fired.” She sighed wistfully. “Especially if I do end up pregnant.” She gave a subtle grin as he twitched again, and she knew exactly what he wanted from her now and was determined to give it.

The rest of the day was a distracting blur for Benjamin, who did manage to leave another load in Sara over his lunch break. At home, Violet took notice of the stench of stale pussy on his dick the moment she dragged him into her bedroom and shoved him back on her bed. He was nearly full erect as she yanked his pants down and was too dizzy with sex to think to stop his daughter before she had her lips against the underside of his shaft.

“Daddy, your dick tastes different,” she said with a smile. “Have you been getting laid at work again?”

“Vi,” he sighed, but he did not fight her. His daughter licked and kissed her way down his shaft to his pubic hair and there made a show of sucking and slurping him. She slobbered all over his balls while caressing his thighs and generally moved with more affection than he had ever seen from his wife. Benjamin saw the silver ring on his right ring finger and thought to remove it but could not bring himself to.

Instead, he cupped her head and crooned. “God, your mouth feels so good.” He could feel her smile around him, and then he felt small kisses tickling his thighs as she took to stroking him with her right hand.

“Thanks, daddy,” she whispered in a purr, and she licked his balls. “Mm. I’m so lucky I get to be the one blowing you at night.” She sniffed him again and licked her way up his cock to his crown. There, she worked her tongue along his glans and cackled. “Oh, daddy, your dick is so dirty today. It tastes like you put it to good use!”


She laughed harder and then lowered her mouth back onto him. With a smooth movement, she took to throating him as only she could. She had a particular skill for it, it seemed. It also helped that she had more experience with him so far than either Sherman or Sara did, but he didn’t like to think about that.

Benjamin had somehow assumed that having three wives would make him less likely to use his daughter's mouth, but it had not. Instead, he found himself coming home hard to Violet with two loads left with his boss and daydreaming about giving a fourth to his neighbor while his daughter diligently milked the third from him with her tight little throat.

The problem was the intoxication of the rings. The power it gave him over his wives was like a drug to him. A week ago, he would never have been so bold as to fuck Sara at his cubicle like that, and neither would he be brave enough to enjoy his daughter's throat so brazenly when his wife could be home any minute. The rings absolved him, though, and his wife was proof enough of that. No one would interfere if they found him with one of his wives, and he knew that from experience.

Without society there to keep him honest, Benjamin found his morals slipping as the allure of Violet's skilled throat and eager lips worked him to a climax. She stroked him, too, and milked him into her belly before she had to come up for air and coax the rest of his climax out across her pretty face while she smiled up at him. As he finished, she slurped him one more time with a pop of and giggled up at him. "That was a good one, daddy! Nice and thick!"

Benjamin sighed. "Thanks, Vi," he said, but he only said it because he didn't have the energy to argue. He fed her his spent cock, and Violet sucked him dutifully and with a hum on her lips before skipping to the bathroom to rinse off while he went to change after work.

Supper was quiet, and Violet was giddy. She watched Benjamin with a knowing, affectionate smile, and he found himself smiling back at her as she fawned over him. If Kayla noticed, she said nothing, and Ellie seemed equally oblivious and/or indifferent. After supper, Benjamin went to visit his third wife, Sherman, who greeted him with a loving kiss before sucking him hard and milking him with his rear.

As they cleaned up, Sherman did up his pants with a flushed face and kissed Benjamin lightly on the cheek. They were in his garage, where he had insisted on taking Benjamin, and Benjamin was leaned against his tool bench and toweling off his forehead.

"Sorry about the heat out here," said Sherman. His pretty, feminized face had an elegant sheen of sweat that made him only prettier in Benjamin's eyes. "I would have invited you in, but Em had asked me to keep it down after the last time."

Benjamin looked up from the rag he was using and asked, "So, she knows?"

Sherman gave a dainty, dimpled grin. "Was it a secret?"

Benjamin shook his head. "No, no, not really," he said. "And she asked you to keep it down?" He stood from the bench and offered Sherman the hand towel. "Was she…jealous?"

"No, no, no," assured Sherman emphatically, and he took Benjamin's left hand in his hand and kissed his fingers lightly. "No, she's not the jealous type. Besides, our relationship is different. I'm her husband, but…"

"You're my wife," Benjamin said, and Sherman bit his bottom lip and nodded. Benjamin reached his right hand into his pocket and felt around for his rings. "Sherman…"

"Sherley," corrected Sherman.

"Right. Sherley," said Benjamin. "Hey, do you trust me?"

"Of course, I do," said Sherman, and he kissed Benjamin lightly on the lips. "I love you."

Benjamin felt a shiver pass through him as he was flattered by Sherman's commitment. "Do you? Do you love me and trust me enough to do whatever I ask?"

"Of course," said Sherman with equal emphasis as before. "As your wife, I must honor and obey you."

"If that's the case, then…" Benjamin pulls a silver ring from his right pocket and offers it to Sherman. "Give this to your wife. If you do, I promise you, she won't complain about us being too loud ever again."

Sherman stared in delight as the ring before taking it carefully in his fingers. "Another bride's ring," he said with automatic understanding, and he added, "We'll be one big, happy marriage, then."

Benjamin nodded. "We will," he said, and a new form of excitement took root in him as Sherman took the ring, intent on fulfilling his mission.


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