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Chapter Ten: A Call to Greatness

Everything happening with Kendall and Paige honestly has Jackson feeling like he is someone else. Whenever he gets a handle on the situation, he finds the rug pulled out from underneath him. The mother-daughter duo are obsessed with him, and his own arousal has him forming misgivings about his already existing misgivings.

Whatever happened with James had changed him, and the change he underwent seems to be the same changes James had undergone before him. Each orgasm is better than the last, and his inhibitions are fading quickly. It is like there is a demon inside of him that is caged by his own soft morality, and the morality is wearing away quickly in the face of the intoxicating pleasures that the demon promises him.

The demon comes out whenever he has an erection, and everything that he is falls to the side as orgasms become his only focus. When Jackson is hard, all he wants is to come, and he knows two women who are almost always willing and even eager to help him achieve that goal.

Judging by how Kendall behaves, she seems to love Jackson’s orgasms almost as much as he does. At this point, he can no longer pretend to himself that her desire to be a slut is fleeting. She is obsessed with his cock and seems more and more determined to make him dominate her. After a certain point, he starts feeling guilty for refusing her and now exists in a place of shifting discomfort as he visits himself upon her. He worries that he is no better than James was, but Kendall doesn’t seem to notice or mind either way.

Jackson wakes in Kendall’s throat and blinks in the early morning darkness. The sky is grey through the window, and the early edges of sunlight can be seen burning the horizon. His vision clears, and he can see his blanket bobbing and hear the wet suction of Kendall’s sloppy lips and arm throat around him. He lifts the blanket to look at her, and he finds her pretty face impaled on his gargantuan dick.

He moans her name. “…Kendall…?”

Kendall can only take him to a third of his full length, but her lips are stretched wide around that third. She smiles around him, or she tries to, and then winks, but she does not surface as she holds him by his thick root. Jackson sighs. “Kendall, what the heck are you doing down there?”

Still smiling, Kendall flattens her hands in Jackson’s pubic hair and holds him in place as she pries herself from his big dick. She does not remove herself completely, however, as her thoughts turn. He thought she was going to speak him and respond, but her actions are obvious to them both, and instead she decides to force herself deeper on him when she goes back down. Precum foams and froths around her lips as she gurgles around him, and tears roll down her cheeks as she holds him by the hips.

It is strange to see someone look so pretty and so ugly at the same time. Kendall coughs and chokes on him, and a small amount of saliva bubbles out of her nose and mixes with the saliva she is leaving on his shaft. She trains to hold him deep in her, but she does not fight him. In fact, she seems to love the way he suffocates her, and it is up to Jackson to take care of her and remove her when she is in danger.

Jackson’s disappointment settles in his loins as his balls tingle and tighten. He glares at her, and Kendall mewls as for the first time he truly sees her for what she is: a slut, a tool, and hardly even a person anymore. He scoffs, “Couldn’t even wait for me to wake up, could you?” Kendall gurgles in delight around him as he slips his fingers into her hair. “Fine. You want me to treat your throat like a pussy? Then I will!”

He removes her from his cock and rubs his spittle slick cock across her rubbery cheek as she catches her breath. She is a sloppy, slimy mess, but her eyes are dancing as she smiles for him. Jackson smacks her across the cheek with his cock, and he smiles, too, to see her so happy. “Get on your back,” he says, and he speaks in growls like the wild animal he is becoming for her.

Kendall does as told and lies on her back. As she moves, Jackson realizes that she is not wearing pants and has been rubbing herself. She lies with her legs parted to show him her wetted, weeping gash. He stands and moves her to where her head is at the edge of the bed, and his gargantuan cock casts a dark shadow over her smiling face. Her heavy breasts jiggle and swing with her movements as her hands drift. She rubs herself, and though she has not come yet, they both know she will once his dick returns to her throat.

Jackson places his cockhead to her lips and lets her kiss him as he strokes himself. He spreads the saliva she left on him along his thick, veiny shaft as a means of preparing for entry. He will take her, but he doesn’t want to hurt her when he does. Kendall, meanwhile, moans. “I just can’t believe you, Kendall,” he says, and he is smiling as he shakes his head. “You’re so horny that you can’t even let me sleep.”

Jackson laughs and smacks his cock across her nose and forehead. Kendall quivers and fresh juices gush out of her. She is not coming, but her entire body is buzzing with want. This is the cruelty she wants from Jackson. There is affection in his movements, but there is also revulsion and superiority. He is finally using her as he pleases, and he finally sees her for what she is. He glares down at her again, but there is affection in his eyes as he strokes himself from root to crown. “You’re shameless and thoughtless, but you don’t care. All you want from me is for me to use you, isn’t it?”

“Yes, she whines, and she rubs herself harder. Her fingers aren’t enough, though. Lips parted, she kisses his leaking crown, and she drinks his precum. “Please, Jackson! Please! Use me! Fuck my throat! Make me your slut!”

“Fine,” Jackson says, and he rubs his full length along her face. Kendall kisses and moans into his balls as she breathes him in. Then, he drags his cock back and presses it against her lips. Leaning forward, he braces with his hands beside her on the bed, and he enters her with a hard, deep thrust.

Kendall chokes loudly and proudly, and she cups his ass with both hands and holds him inside of her. Jackson gasps in surprise. He knew she was hungry for him, but he did not expect her to be this dedicated. She has half of him in her throat and seems eager to take him even deeper. Jackson, meanwhile, his painfully swollen and breathing slowly to keep from coming too early as he prepares to make his next few movements.

Jackson watches and reels as Kendall fucks her throat with him. Reaching forward, he pins himself deeper inside of her and cups her rear. Kendall lifts her hips for him and allows him to find and tease her open, weeping folds. He pries her lips apart and eases two fingers into her, and he drives those finger in to the knuckle so that her pussy is kissing his palm.

Kendall gurgles loudly with him deep in her throat. His balls swing as he picks up speed, and her heavy breasts bounce. She holds him by the hips and urges him into action, consumed by an almost crippling desire for his heavy, swinging testicles to slap her across the forehead. Lower, between her legs, Jackson’s working fingers tease the plug in her rear, and she squeals around him and holds him tight by the hips to keep him inside of her.

Jackson slows and pants as her throat tightens around him. “Fuck, Kendall, what is that?” Removing his fingers, Jackson clutches the plug by the base and tugs it carefully out of her. Kendall’s flexing rectum struggles to hold it, and Jackson stops with half the length still worked in her. He is mesmerized by her anal muscles flexing and trying to pull it back in, and his balls ache like he is about to explode.

“Is this…a dildo in your ass?”

Kendall, groans around him and moves him by the hips against her with increasing force as the realization of why she has been tugging at her shorts so much stirs him. He grunts and, without thinking, gives a hard thrust forward before erupting down her throat. He chokes her with his thick, syrupy semen and warms her belly as she fires directly down her hungering gullet.

On her back and pinned beneath him, Kendall doesn’t fight Jackson. If anything, she seems to enjoy the feel of his thick, spewing cock warping and stuffing her throat and warming her belly. The heat of his semen soothes any discomfort she might feel, and she hugs him around the waist to force him deeper so that she can give even more of herself to him.

Jackson groans and loses balance. He moves his hands to support himself around her waist while watching the dildo dancing halfway outside of her seizing asshole. Still hugged by the waist, he holds himself in place and holds himself buried halfway down her throat. He wants to ask her about the dildo but cannot formulate words. She can’t answer, anyway, but he can see her in the throes of an orgasm as her pussy gushes and dribbles her pleasure.

When Jackson finally withdraws, he comes out of Kendall’s sucking lips with a wet pop and a web-like streams of semen and saliva stretching the distance between them. He had a real fear of Kendall choking, but she smiles up at him with teary blue eyes and stretched, puffy lips. Kendall is a mess, but she almost looks more beautiful for it. Her nostrils flare as she catches her breath, and Jackson stands over her breathlessly and slaps his slick cock against her cheek as he stares at her breasts bouncing with the rise and fall of her chest.

Moving along her cheek, Jackson feeds Kendall his balls. She sucks them willfully, and he laughs. “What’s with the dildo?”

Kendall purrs around his testicles before answering. “Mom gave it to me,” she says, and she sounds almost like a proud child to him. “She said that I could open my ass up for you. She said you would want that.”

Jackson’s eyes go wide as she speaks, and despite his horror, he throbs against her cheek. Kendall feels his response and showers him with kisses as she giggles into his crotch. Hand now limp in her hair, Jackson asks, “And…do you want that?”

“I want whatever you want,” she says, and she purrs into his pubic hair as she kisses him there. “Mm. Use me, Jackson. Use me however you like.”

Jackson’s world spins. A part of him already knew how far Kendall has gone from herself, but he did not realize what that truly meant for him or for her. He still loves her, but he is coming to realize that the love she needs is not the gentle love that he is predisposed for. It upsets him, but if he truly wants to make her happy, then he knows the type of abuse he will have to subject to her.

He tightens his grip in her hair and drags her along his cock, and as he does, he sneers and growls, “You fucking slut.” Kendall’s smile brightens as he moves her along his dick. He smacks her across the cheek with his thick shaft, and then he moves her back onto the bed and squats above her with his balls in her mouth. Kendall slurps him accordingly with her fingers buried inside of her weeping snatch.

“From now on, you ask me permission before you go jamming things into your body, do you understand?” He punctuates the statement with a light smack across the cheek and moans something like understanding around him while he straddles her. Jackson smiles and says, “Good girl.”

Reaching down, he teases her again and replaces her fingers with his own. Her insides are warm and clingy, and he stiffens in response. She releases his balls and, resting a wet hand on one of his thighs, she moves him on her face. His heavy balls drag across her chin, and she guides him over her with a smile on her face. Jackson follows her aimlessly and ends up sitting on her face without intending to, and his fright and worry is immediately replaced by a strange, wet tickling in his rear.

Jackson gasps and jumps off of her, and Kendall holds him tight by the hips as she tongues his asshole. It feels good, though alien to him, and Jackson reaches a full erection against her body before he can escape her grasp. He removes himself forcibly from her and stands beside the bed gasping for air as he stares at her. His dick is massive and gleaming as Kendall smiles back at him.

“Did you just lick my asshole?”

Kendall licks her lips and then wipes her chin on the back of her hand, and Jackson groans.

“Fucking gross, Kendall…”

“Not gross,” she purrs, and she lies back and holds her legs and vulva parted for him. Rubbing herself, she moans, “Fuck me, master!!”

Jackson watches her rubbing her wet folds and gapes. She is so much farther gone than he thought possible, but his dick hurts, he is so hard. “You expect me to fuck you after you tongued my ass?” Kendall whines as she stares at his swinging log. Stroking himself, Jackson sighs. “Fine,” he says, and he mounts and enters her with a smooth stroke. She takes him past her cervix and moans when his balls kiss her taint. “But we’re not kissing until you brush your teeth and scrub your tongue, thoroughly, got it?”

Kendall mounts him with a smile and wails, “Yes, master!!” Honestly, at this point, him revoking kisses only turns her on even more.

Later that day…

Fucking Kendall’s throat had freed Jackson. It helped him to not only understand her desire but to accept it, and seeing the plug in her rear communicated to him the importance of her submission to her. No woman, no matter how slutty, would so readily sacrifice this part of herself unless she meant it. Kendall loved Jackson, but she needed him to own her. Jackson loved her, too, but he was now convinced that the her which he loved so much was forever changed by his big, new cock.

Knowing what he does now, Jackson is clever enough to realize that he had saved Kendall from James only to be unable to save her from himself. By intervening, Jackson had not so much protected Kendall from degradation as he had changed the vector by which she was degraded. Fate had ordained that Kendall would become a slut one way or another, and he realized at he unloaded into her throat that morning that the safest option was to embrace what she had become and accept her for who she was. James would not show her mercy, and she did not want mercy. All Jackson’s kindness would do was leave both of them unsatisfied.

This sad realization was freeing for Jackson. It stripped away the unmet expectations he had and allowed him to see honestly how things could be, and once he did that, an intoxicating new world opened up to him. With this new found freedom, and his hefty equipment that came before it, he had the power to provide not only for her but for a harem of loyal sluts and slaves who would do anything for him and for his cum.

That his the how and why he ended up at Paige’s doorstep around lunch time. He knocked, and he waited nervously as old habits died, but he put on as arrogant a smile as he could once Paige answered the door. She was earing blue jeans and a loose, flowing top that hung from her heavy bosom. She smiled when she saw him, and she took note of his dimples and how they softened his appearance. He was trying to be domineering like James, but he couldn’t quite do it. Still, he was much better looking even without the confidence.

“Jackson,” she cooed in smiling excitement, and she stepped aside to show him in. “To what do I owe this wonderful yet unexpected pleasure?”

As she moved, Jackson followed the movement of her flesh. He watched the subtle shake of her bosom and the revelation of her supple curves as she held the door for him. He felt bold as he entered, and he grabbed at her right teat on the landing and crushed it carefully to her chest. His hands were smaller than James’, but they were stronger, too, and Paige moaned in delight as he touched her.

“I came to take what’s mine,” he said, and he issued the statement in a low, careful growl. This was not anger but a loving attempt at control. He was learning, and his failures only made him more endearing to her.

After speaking, Jackson moved closer. With his hand to her chest, he pushed her lightly into the wall behind the door and then pressed his lips to hers. It was a gentle kiss, and Paige welcomed it with a smile. Their lips touched, and then her lips parted to accept his tongue. With her hand still on the door, Paige let Jackson pin her to the wall and squeeze her breast as he tasted her mouth, and she sucked his tongue in response with an animal hunger all its own.

She was breathless as they parted, and she gave him a smile as she gasped and tucked her hair back. “You can have whatever you want from me,” she told him, and she shut the door after him while he reached around to swat her on the ass. Paige turned and stuck her ass out for him, and she mewled at his harsh contact.

“Take me downstairs,” he said, and he yanked her hair carefully. Paige whimpered. “Last time, you earned your fucking, and today, I’ll deliver.”

Paige nearly leaps down the stairs in her excitement. Her legs do not carry her, and she nearly tumbles but stumbles to a stop at the base of the stairs and looks back up at him like an excited dog waiting on their master. The truth of that statement was not far off, however. Her nipples were stiff as she watched Jackson’s slow descent, and then she took him by the hand and led him to her room, where she stripped without ceremony for him. “I’m ready whenever you are,” she told him as she kicked her panties off to the side.

“Lay back,” says Jackson as he undoes his pants. He is frowning as he steps out of his pants, but his enormous dick is hard and swinging with his movements. Paige is awed to see him so hard and scrambles to obey. Her body jiggles as she positions herself on her back, and he heavy breasts fall sideways across her chest as she reaches forward to take hold of her thighs and holds her legs open for him. Her pussy glistens with her arousal. Short hairs have grown back since James lost his dominion. She does not yet know what Jackson wants from her, but he does not seem appalled.

He stares at her, at her soft belly and wide hips. He stares at her pussy and strokes himself as he approaches. “Your pussy belongs to me,” he says, and his crown is shiny with his excitement.

Paige regards him with excitement as she strokes himself. “Of course, Jackson. It is all yours!” She groans as he shuffles onto the bed. Situated on his knees, he teases her parted folds with his leaking crown.

“Your whole body belongs to me.”

He tells her this, and she nods. Jackson moves one hand to replace her hand, and she rubs herself and holds herself open for him. These movements force her shifting, swaying breasts together for him to see. Her pink nipples are stiff on puffy areola that look almost exactly like Kendall’s only slightly darker.

Paige gasps as Jackson rubs his rigid length along her peach. “My whole body,” she whines.

Jackson lowers herself and then, with a single, smooth stroke, Paige’s voice leaves her. Staring at the ceiling, she wonders briefly if James made this easier for her. He fills her beyond capacity and hits her in the deepest parts of her body. His cockhead passes her cervix and kisses her depths, and she quivers in response.

There are similarities between the two, but there are stark differences. Jackson is longer and, programmed as she is, he is better, too. However she came to be able to accommodate Jackson, she is glad to have him, and as he falls into her view, she smiles to see his dark eyes watching her with warmth and care. His body is smaller, but that makes it easier for her to embrace him. Moving on instinct, she slides her arms up around his torso and holds him to her body, crushing her breasts beneath his flexing, tugging body.

His heavy balls slam hard against her plump bottom. Paige wheezes beneath him as he hammers her insides. Her legs wrap around him, too, and her toes curl in climax as he gives her pleasure upon pleasure. She had thought James was the new standard for climaxes, but Jackson out does him on the first stroke. With him inside of her, beyond her cervix, she finds even greater happiness in her newfound submission to him.

They stay like this, and he holds himself inside of her. His expression was tight before, but now he has softened. Slowly, he peppers her body with careful, loving kisses across the valley of her breasts and across her stiff nipples. He kisses her chin and her lips, too, and stares her in her blue eyes. She looks like Kendall, but there ware small differences for him to appreciate, too.

Jackson stops deep inside of her. Hugging her around her midsection, he buries his face into her hair and pants. “You’re going to be my slut.”

“Yes,” Paige husses, and she drags her fingers along his back. He moves inside of her, and her smile broadens. Stupid satisfaction fills her head with fluff. She had an itch inside of her that her fingers couldn’t scratch. It had been there ever since James first took her. Now, Jackson is scratching it in the best way possible.

An even greater joy floods through her as Jackson picks up speed. His heavy balls slap her bottom on each stroke, and Paige realizes that while Jackson is kinder than her previous master, he will be no less demanding. In fact, the turmoil he feels with Kendall seems to be fueling his desires and forcing him harder and faster. For Jackson, Paige might be a sexual punching back to help him through his frustration with his future bride.

She stares him in his dark eyes and his dimpled smile as he rams her. He pants against her in response, gasping and clinging to her like a virgin. Paige smooths his hair and smiles and enjoys the difference between him and James. There is no sneering dominion and no stink of alcohol. There is just hard thrusts and doe-eyed stares.

Feeling her clinging and tugging at him and knowing that it isn’t Kendall, Jackson cannot last much longer. He grunts and thickens inside of her, and he reaches down to cup her big, round rear and holds her tight as he slams his hips forward into her, stabbing her depths. Gasping for air, Jackson comes and thrusts through his orgasm as he pours his thick seed deep into Paige’s grasping, hungry womb.


Paige squeals in delight and holds him tighter as Jackson’s hard, quick thrusts slow and stop with him buried in her depths. His balls kiss her taint, and his cock throbs and floods her with a familiar warmth. She hugs him, and she kisses his chin, his neck and his collar bone. His orgasm triggers an orgasm for her, and it is so powerful that it leaves her dizzy on her back as she struggles for air with his body above her.

They stay like this for some time, and Paige passes the time kissing Jackson’s shoulder and arms while she waits for him to recover. When he does, she sits up to smile down at her. He is bashful, but his dark eyes smolder. He still holds her by the ass and has himself buried into her depths. They share a smile, and then he falls forward onto her with his head in her hair again.

“Oomph,” Paige gasps, and then she laughs afterward while running her fingers through his dark hair. The longer he is on her, the bigger Paige’s smile becomes until she is finally giggling beneath him until he sits up to smile at her. Then, remembering himself, he rolls off of her, and his fat cock slips from her, freeing the deluge of semen he was holding back to rush from her parted folds.

“Paige! I’m so sorry, I didn’t…”

Still laughing, Paige sits up and silences him with a kiss. It is an act of transgression. Jackson’s lips are not meant for her. They still belong to Kendall, but he does not punish her for the action. Instead, he kisses her back, and when they part, he stares at her like a lost puppy. “It’s fine, Jackson. You’re fine.” She smiles and takes hold of his half-erect, slick cock. “I promise, you didn’t hurt me, and you didn’t hurt my feelings by treating me like a slut.”

Jackson sits up on his elbows and stares at her. He sees Kendall in her eyes and in her smile, and that almost makes it worse. Over and over again, he tells himself to harden his heart and be the master they need. Now, he shakes his head and sighs. “I don’t think I’m cut out for this.”

“For what,” asks Paige with a teasing smile.

“For…being a master? For you two being my slut.” He slouches and shrugs. “I don’t know.”

Paige, holding him, giggles again as she stares at his shrinking cock. Even limp, he remains impressively long and thick. “You seem like you’re more than up to the challenge to me.”

Jackson follows her gaze to his dick and grins despite himself. “Thanks, I guess.”

After that, Jackson slips from the bed and goes to his clothes. He feels Paige watching him as he dresses and finds her on the bed curled up and hugging her legs to her chest. He can see hints of her curves, and he can see his pleasure oozing out of her still wetted gash. She is thicker than Kendall, but she is equally beautiful. The knowledge that he has the attention and interest of not one beautiful woman but two leaves him quietly awed.

He does up his pants and looks her in the eyes. “Do you really like being called a slut?”

Paige shuffles forward to the edge of the bed. Her legs hang off the edge of the bed, and she sweeps her hair back as her feet touch the cluttered carpet. Reaching forward, she drags Jackson to her by his pants and kisses his belly lightly. “I don’t know if I like it,” she says, and she stares up into his dark eyes. “I don’t take offense to it.” She shrugs. “It’s what Kendall and I are. She knows it. I know it. I think you know it, too.”

Jackson is still shirtless as he stares down at her. He usually feels self-conscious with his shirt off, but the way that Paige is looking at him makes him feel almost confident. He steps away from her before his dick stiffens again and yanks his shirt on, and then he pauses thoughtfully as he adjusts his clothes. “It just feels degrading, I guess.”

“It’s only degrading if you mean to degrade us,” she says, and she watches him as he thinks. He is listening, and he is processing what she says. That is more than she would normally expect out of a man, and that Jackson is even willing to do it at all considering the leverage he has, she is impressed. Jackson glances at her, and she grins. “Do you mean to degrade us, master?”

“N-no, of course not,” he stammers. “I love Kendall, and I…” He stares at her and at her body, and he blushes. “…And I respect you.”

Paige stretches overhead and smiles as he watches her body move. “I wouldn’t mind it if you didn’t respect me, you know.” She purrs throatily and climbs from the bed to embrace him from behind. His semen still sloshes inside of her and leaves her thighs sticky as she moves. Head on his shoulder, she whispers to him, “But I think it’s sweet that you do.”

She steps away from Jackson and turns him to face her. Holding him by the shoulders, she stares him in his dark eyes and smooths his hair. It feels almost affectionate, and her heart flutters as he gives her a bashful, dimpled smile. She kisses him and finds that he tastes different from any man she has ever tasted before. Their tongues touch lightly, and she moans into her mouth. He is a better kisser than James, and she is grateful for that as they parted.

“Master,” she says, and she sees his discomfort. “Jackson. Kendall and I are happy like this. Happy as your sluts. So, let us be your sluts, and then all three of us can be happy together.”

Jackson stares back at her with forlorn uncertainty, and then he sighs. “…Are you sure?” She can see that he wants to believe her, but his upbringing and his entire disposition are challenging him.

Paige gives him a light, playful slap on the cheek and says, “You are too fucking cute.” Then, she kisses him again and smiles. “Yes. I’m sure. You need to be more confident and take charge of us. I think it’d make us all the happiest we could be together.”

Jackson nods and sighs. “I’ll try.”

“Good,” says Paige, and she fastens his belt for him. She feels smitten standing so close to him and smelling him. He is different from James, but he is also different from any other man she has ever met, too. Beyond size, he is gentle, and he is caring, and though she could stand to have him be rougher with her, she is immensely grateful that he is not one to abuse his power, even if she wishes he might abuse her with it.

She kisses him lightly on the cheek and feels him through the pants. “Take all the time you need to figure it out, because as it stands right now, I already think you’re pretty fucking great.”

Intervention Vol. 1 End


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